FOCUS Spring 2012

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alumni magazine


spring 2012

Naifeh Garden Heralds Spring page 9

Oklahoma City University Societies


of Excellence

Top row, from left to right: Christy and Charlie Holland; Connell Sullivan Branan, Norick-Hulsey Gallery Society honoree, Tricia Everest, recipient of the Distinguished Philanthropist Award, Jane Thompson, Kirkpatrick-Petree Music and Performing Arts Society honoree, Linda Rodgers, Dulaney-Browne Library Society honoree; Martha Williams and Lil Ross. Middle row: reception before the ceremony at the Oklahoma City Golf and Country Club; President Robert Henry with Tricia Everest. Bottom row: Henry, John Riesenberg, Jessi Pingel, Mitch and Michelle Hale, Lori Harless, and Tree Currier; Cathy Leichter, president of OCU Societies.

spring 2012




departments 2 President’s Message President, Oklahoma City University.....................................Robert Henry

4 Epistles and Ruminations

Vice President of University Advancement...................................John Hillis


Director of Alumni Relations .........................Cary Pirrong, BS ’87, JD ’90

16 focus on people

Director of Annual Giving.......................................Mandy Heaps, BA ’03 Planned Giving Specialist .......................................................... Dale Ross President, OCU Alumni Board .......................... William M. “Billy” Lewis BSB ’00, JD ’03 Editor....................................................................... Leslie Berger, BA ’02 Writers............................................................................Brook Arbeitman Leslie Berger Rod Jones Terry Phelps Jeanette Schreiber Rich Tortorelli Art Director.............................................................. Lechelle Calderwood Photographers.........................................................................Issei Aoyama Leslie Berger Angela Comer Rod Jones Jeanette Schreiber

18 Focus on Giving focus on alumni 21 class notes 24

27 office space 28 Focus on Athletics 31 honor roll of donors 58 In Memory, including “the epistle of gladys”

features 10

Phelps on Phelps: Walking the Walk

FOCUS Alumni Magazine 2501 N. Blackwelder Ave. • Oklahoma City, OK 73106-1493


Focus is produced semiannually by the Communications and Alumni Departments for alumni, parents and friends of Oklahoma City University. Email alumni news to and any story ideas to


Check out Oklahoma City University at Oklahoma City University pledges to recruit, select and promote diversity by providing equality of opportunity in higher education for all persons, including faculty and employees with respect to hiring, continuation, promotion and tenure, applicants for admission, enrolled students, and graduates, without discrimination or segregation on the grounds of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, handicap or disability, sexual orientation, or veteran status. The Vice President for Student Affairs, located in Room 205 of the Clara E. Jones Administration Building, telephone (405) 208-5831, coordinates the university’s compliance with titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act.

University Update

Alumnus Uses Technology Skills for High Purpose

OCUreads turns a new page for freshmen


Basketball player’s brush with death


Changing the World One Smile at a Time

Focus Extra Catch exciting extras and the latest activities at Oklahoma City University by visiting Focus Extra at focus extra

president’ s mess ag e

The Prestige of a Larger Education Oklahoma City University is known for. being one of the region’s oldest and most prestigious universities: more than 4,000 students and faculty; more than 60 majors; prominent schools in business, law, and nursing along with religion, fine arts, and arts and sciences; 43 national athletic championships and counting. The magnitude of what we have done here is truly remarkable. And yet, besides our well known and well taught classes, there is, well, a larger education at work, too. I was brushing up on the eminent. Oklahoma historian John Hope Franklin (see letter on Pg. 5) recently. In his autobiography, while talking about his education at the historic and ground-breaking Fisk University, he said, “Almost as important as formal classes was what my father called our ‘larger education,’ or the lectures, concerts, and campus visits of persons who shared. their experiences….” I like that phrase: larger education. It. does not mean that it is greater, or more important, than the vital skills, knowledge, and experiences conveyed in the formal classroom. But it does suggest that there is a.

larger world out there, and in addition to day-to-day knowledge, other things must be learned, too. We have a lot of larger education at. OCU. This year we have brought remarkable speakers here to supplement our formal. instruction and our amazing artistic concerts that occur as a matter of course. Our. larger education teachers of late have included Justice Sandra Day O’Connor (making her second appearance in a year), wellknown journalist Bill Moyers, Congressman Tom Cole, Middle East expert Dr. Trita. Parsi, Harvard philosopher Michael Sandel, Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Claudia Emerson, famed presidential painter (he has. painted 7 official portraits) Everett Ray. Kinstler, and Hubble Telescope Director. Dr. Matt Mountain. And larger education includes employment leadership, skills, and opportunities. Thus Devon Energy President and CEO. John Richels taught about leadership, as did OKC Mayor Mick Cornett, Sonic Corporation CEO Cliff Hudson, and Inasmuch Foundation President and CEO Bob Ross. Other visitors included Continental Resourc-

es Founder and CEO Harold Hamm and OG&E President and CEO Peter Delaney. Exciting events remain from now until graduation. Justice Sandra Day O’Connor will return to campus April 24 to discuss. the importance of civic education and the iCivics program. Our graduation speaker will be Oklahoma’s first female governor, and a good friend of OCU, Gov. Mary Fallin, on May 5. We are also in the midst of a fabulous month of Shakespeariana. The Bard will. be feted with plays, a dress parade, Sonneta-Thon, and a Shakespearean Insult Machine. (He was pretty good at it! Try this one from “King Lear:” “A knave; a rascal; an eater of broken meats; a base, proud, shallow,. beggarly, three-suited, hundred-pound, filthy, worsted-stocking knave; a lily-livered, actiontaking knave.”) Get thee to a punnery! The prestige of our programs and history. is constantly enhanced by our larger education. Come join us at the lecture or performance hall. Sincerely,

Robert Henry President Oklahoma City University


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Retired Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, feminist leader Gloria Steinem posing for a photo with a student, Harvard Political Science Professor Michael Sandel, award-winning journalist Bill Moyers, presidential portraitist Everett Ray Kinstler, U.S. Congressman Tom Cole with students, and President Henry with students; OPPOSITE PAGE: a nebula photograph accompanying Dr. Matt Mountain’s campus lecture

Epis tles an d Rumin ati ons

Greek Theatre Revisited Editor’s note: OCU alumnus Michael Powers sent the following email to theatre professor D. Lance Marsh following Marsh’s article “Not Your Daddy’s Greek Tragedy” in the fall issue of Focus.

Dear Professor Marsh, I read your article in the Fall 2011 Focus alumni magazine about the new look at Greek theatre. I found it very interesting. It evoked many memories of my years at OCU and of the year I spent touring Greece doing Greek shows in English. Sounds strange, but it was part of a program with the University of Athens to expand English as a business language. Don't ask, it got me a paid year in Greece. I started in ’64, did a little Southeast Asia vacation courtesy of Uncle Sam and the USMC, and graduated when Lyric Theatre was still part of OCU. Faculty included Dale Hall, Carveth Osterhaus, Kay Creed and Mariana Davenport. I lived through the move from the old converted gym to the “new” addition to the fine arts auditorium where Lyric used to be and survived the 4-story flood that soaked all four floors of the new addition. Ask me about the 30’ permanent, non-motorized turntable in the 3/4 round thrust stage recital hall/new theatre.

“The House of Atreus” at OCU

I still wear the Saint Genesius medal given to me when I was inducted into the group of Genesians. The medal went with me to Nam and back. Does that group still exist? I did some teaching, 12 years at the university level; lots of years a LORT (League of Regional Theatres) TD (technical director); always a freelance designer, scenery lighting and special effects/automation; currently a rigging systems engineer/designer/installer/consultant. Then, it was a department of “speech and drama.” I see it is now a “School of Theatre.” Michael Powers BA ’71

Epworth University postcard circa 1907


focus s p ring 2012

Greetings from Epworth Editor’s note: Alumnus John McRee recently sent this 1907 postcard to President Robert Henry, who wanted to share it with readers.

Dear President Henry, This postcard belonged to my grandmother, Mrs. J.E. McRee, who lived in Oklahoma City at that time. Epworth University was the forerunner of OCU. I am a 1950 graduate of OCU. John McRee BSB ’50

Epi stle s a nd Ru minations

On Pointe

Olympic Hopeful

Editor’s note: Mangum Star News “Kid’s Korner” columnist Renee J. Paxton wrote a glowing review of Oklahoma City University alumni teaching at the Oklahoma Dance Masters Association Dance Convention last fall. After receiving some material from OCU, Paxton sent us this letter.

Editor’s note: OCU alumna Barbara Parker wrote the following to wrestling coach Archie Randall following a presentation on women’s wrestling for the High Noon organization in Oklahoma City.

To the editor: Thank you so much for the hoodie and T-shirt from the OCU Stars! I totally love them! I really enjoyed the classes the OCU graduates taught at Quartz Mountain for ODMA! I’m glad you enjoyed my article about it. I enjoyed watching the Christmas dance specials from OCU on TV last year and this year, I’m hoping I get to see it live in person sometime. I really love to dance! I started taking classes in jazz, tap and ballet when I was three. Ballet is my very favorite. I would like to be a professional ballerina when I grow up—and I want to go to OCU for college. Maybe you will see me on campus in a few years. =) Your friend, Renee J. Paxton Age 11 Mangum, Okla.

Remembering John Hope Franklin Editor’s note: Attorney Rees T. Evans sent this letter to OCU President Robert Henry after reading Henry’s editorial in The Oklahoman.

Coach Randall,

Dear Robert,

The girls did a fantastic job of presenting a program today at High Noon, a business and professional women’s organization dedicated to providing scholarships to women. They were not only fun, but also very informative on the women’s wrestling at OCU. I have two degrees from OCU and was proud to be associated with such wonderful young women. My focus has been on the music and dance programs and I had no idea that we had such a great group of women athletes! I am on the staff at Wesley United Methodist Church—you might let the team know that we feed the college students every Sunday after morning worship. I have never been a wrestling fan (or really any sports fan at all!), but may have to check out the girls’ meets! I was impressed with their presentation and enthusiasm! Hope to see some of your team members in the Olympics!

I just wanted to drop you a line to tell you how glad I was to read your short piece in The Oklahoman about John Hope Franklin. Well said. Seeing it reminded me of an anecdote about OCU that I thought you’d like to know about. It was related to me by the late Albert V. Alexander, with whom I worked at the old Legal Aid Society here in Oklahoma City and with whom I later served on the Oklahoma City Municipal Court bench. Albert attended law school at OCU. I don’t know exactly when he was there, but it was long enough ago that, because he was black, the bar review program would not admit him. Hearing that, Dean Ted Foster agreed to tutor Albert to help him prepare for the bar exam. As a result, Albert passed the bar and served Oklahoma City and the municipal court honorably for many years. Dean Foster’s compassion and generosity still speak volumes about your fine university. Best wishes for your continuing success and for that of the university. Sincerely,

Barbara J. Parker Wesley UMC BA ’57, MAT ’73

Rees T. Evans Submit your letter to the editor by emailing it to or mailing it to Oklahoma City University, Attention Leslie Berger, 2501 N. Blackwelder, Oklahoma City, OK 73106.

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Renowned portraitist Everett Ray Kinstler (third from left) and distinguished guests at the unveiling of Kinstler’s portrait of Dr. John Hope Franklin.

Courtesy of Legislative Service Bureau, Photo Division

Courtesy of Legislative Service Bureau, Photo Division

Generation Blessed performs at the unveiling of Everett Ray Kinstler’s portrait of Dr. John Hope Franklin.

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Federal Magistrate Judge Leaves Bench to Become Dean

1983 to 1988 and a director and shareholder Federal Magistrate Judge Valerie Couch has been from 1988 to 1999. named the 12th dean of the Oklahoma City Univer“Oklahoma City University is the most interestsity School of Law. ing and exciting place to be in Oklahoma right “Judge Couch will be an exceptional dean. She now, and I am thrilled to be joining President Robhas been involved with our law school as an adert Henry and all the faculty, students and staff at junct faculty member for a decade, and her rapa pivotal time in the university’s history. Only the port with students and faculty is sterling, as is her rich and challenging environment of a school close reputation within the legal community,” said OCU to my heart could coax me to leave a job I have President Robert Henry. loved in the federal judiciary. And this decision, A yearlong, nationwide search was conducted, like many others, has essentially been a matter led by Oklahoma City University School of Law facof the heart. As a practicing lawyer and judge in ulty member Professor Paula Dalley. Oklahoma City, I have been an eyewitness to the Couch holds a juris doctor degree and a master’s impressive changes at the OCU School of Law over degree in English literature from the University of the last 28 years. It has become a resourceful, Oklahoma, and a bachelor’s degree in English litValerie Couch vibrant, innovative and productive place with suerature from UCLA. perb faculty, talented and generous students and Couch was appointed United States Magistrate Judge in the United States District Court for the Western Dis- a noble tradition of service to the community, and I am so pleased trict in March 1999. Prior to that she was in private practice with to become a part of that,” Couch said. Her official university duties began in April. Hartzog Conger & Cason, P.C., where she was an associate from focus extra

Nursing Students Complete

Service Learning Project

Kramer School of Nursing students enrolled in community health nursing from both the undergraduate gateway and the RN-to-BSN program recently led a health fair at Central Elementary School in the Putnam City School District. Professors Dia Campbell-Detrixhe, Betty Gorrell, Hope Night and students served about 200 children and their families. Students provided health screenings and presented information about a variety of health topics including dental care, nutrition, bullying, germs and sleep. Central Elementary Principal Sherri Brown said the event “provided an invaluable service to these families. Every year OCU does such an excellent job that families spread the word and more come the next year. This was the best one yet.”


focus s p ring 2012

Positive Energy: Oklahoma City University’s Meinders School of Business launched two new graduate programs this year in conjunction with local energy executives. Classes began in January for the new Master of Science degrees in energy management and energy legal studies. The energy legal studies program is the first degree of its kind in the nation and the unique energy management program is enhanced by the university’s proximity to top energy companies and state governmental agencies. Both programs are offered during the evenings in an accelerated format. For more information, call (405) 208-5351.


Student Wins Goldwater Scholarship

Oklahoma City University student Emily Sanders has received the prestigious 2012 Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship. Sanders is a cell and molecular biology junior. “All of my biology and chemistry classes taken at Oklahoma City University have contributed significantly to my success,” Sanders said. The biology staff are truly concerned about the success of each of their students. Emily Sanders If it wasn’t for them opening the door for me to start doing research at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, I would not be where I am today.” “The Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship Program honors nationally outstanding students and encourages them to pursue careers in mathematics, the natural sciences or engineering,” said President Robert Henry. “We are exceptionally proud of Emily.” Sanders plans to pursue M.D. and Ph.D. degrees in molecular biology and conduct research while seeing patients as a physician.

Tuition Hikes Can Take a Hike Tuition, fees and housing costs at Oklahoma City University will not increase for the 2012-2013 school year. OCU President Robert Henry has announced tuition and fees will remain flat for all undergraduate, graduate and law programs. OCU administrators are committed to helping students succeed in all aspects of their college experience and protecting students’ investments in their education, particularly while the national economy struggles to regain momentum. “We want to give students and their families every advantage as they plan academic and living costs for next year,” Henry said. Financial aid opportunities remain strong at Oklahoma City University, where more than 90 percent of undergraduate students receive financial aid. Oklahoma City University is one of the “100 Best College Buys,” listed among “America’s Best Christian Colleges” and listed in the top tier of regional masters level universities by U.S. News and World Report.

TheatreOCU Wraps Up Season With ‘Te Ata’ TheatreOCU wraps up its 2011-2012 season with a staged reading of “Te Ata,” written and directed by JulyLee Olivia, April 26 to 28 in the Black Box Theatre at the Wanda L. Bass Music Center. Te Ata Fisher is one of Oklahoma’s most recognized historic figures and one of America’s most beloved Native storytellers. The show is being co-produced with the Chickasaw Nation. For more information, call (405) 208-5227.

Henry Toasts OCU: Oklahoma City University President Robert Henry “toasts” the New Year during a faculty and staff breakfast Jan. 12. Henry prepared one of his favorite breakfast dishes, Vincent Price’s French Toast Santa Fe, for the event.

Happy Birthday


Oklahoma City University’s Wimberly School of Religion celebrated its 30th anniversary in February during the 2012 Martha Jean Lemon Special Lectures. The celebration included an open house, reception and dinner with lectures about “The Bible and the Church.” Bishop Robert E. Hayes Jr. discussed “The Power of the Book.” Dr. Amy Oden, dean of the Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C., discussed “How the Church Shaped the Bible” and then both speakers presented a dialogue lecture.

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Agee Named Business School Dean Steven C. Agee was named dean of the Meinders School of Business Administration degree from the University of Oklahoma Business in January, after ending his tenure as chairman of the in 1975 before completing his M.A. in economics in 1979 and Oklahoma City Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City Ph.D. in economics at the University of Kansas in 1982. Agee relocated to Oklahoma City in 1982, where he at the end of December. was president of the XAE Corporation, an oil and natural “Steve Agee is the ideal person to be dean of the gas exploration and production company, until 2005. Meinders School of Business,” said OCU President He continues as the managing member of Agee Energy, Robert Henry. “A successful businessman and entreLLC, based in Oklahoma City. preneur, he also is a Ph.D. economist and a respected Agee first served as a visiting professor of economics research professor. His service on the Fedat the Meinders School of Business in 2008. During eral Reserve Board, which he recently his time at the Meinders School of Business and Oklachaired, as well as his dedicated homa City University, Agee has founded the Economic community service, complement Research and Policy Institute, housed at the Meinders his 30 years in the energy sector Steven C. Agee School of Business, and served as its first director. Agee —the most vital sector of this has also led efforts in increasing alumni support, comregion’s economy, as well as the munity and corporate engagement from around the Oklahoma City nation’s economy.” Agee had served as interim dean of the region, as well as increasing student enrollment while serving as Meinders School of Business since Novem- interim dean. ber of 2010. Agee earned his Bachelor of focus extra

OCU Builds Blueprint to College

Photo by James Ewing

Soon-to-be college freshmen who would like to learn more about succeeding in college will have a new opportunity this summer. Oklahoma City University will introduce its Blueprint Academy this June, which will award college credit to participants while they learn how to excel in their studies. OCU associate professor of education Elizabeth Willner, Ed.D., will direct the program, which is unique to Oklahoma. She said students will improve their college writing, math and study skills through academic courses, studying with OCU professors and taking field trips. The program begins June 25 and will continue through July 26 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Thursday. Students can earn seven credit hours. Cost is $5,000 and includes lunches and textbooks. For more information or to register, call the OCU Education Department at (405) 208-5371 or e-mail Willner at

ETHEL: America’s premier postclassical string quartet, ETHEL, gave a concert at OCU in January as part of the Distinguished Artists Series. Formed in 1998, the New York-based, Juilliard-trained ensemble is composed of Jennifer Choi, violin; Cornelius Dufallo, violin; Ralph Farris, viola; and Dorothy Lawson, cello. During the past 13 years, the group has premiered more than 100 commissioned works in 11 countries.


focus s p ring 2012

A Spring in Their Step Dancers Usher in Season with American Musical Theatre Revue

The American Spirit Dance Company at Oklahoma City University thrilled audiences with rapid-fire tap, jazz and musical theatre numbers for its highly acclaimed Spring Show in March. “It’s our fastest-paced show of the year and gives the audience the chance to see many styles of American dance, from what you would see on Broadway to cruise ships and theme parks to pop artists on major tours,” said Director Jo Rowan. Reminiscent of the Rat Pack days, “Sing You Sinners,” and celebrating the big band era, “A Cool Cat in Town,” took viewers back in time. “Love is Good for Anything that Ails You” featured a stunning chorus line of 24 dancers. A tribute to the red, white and blue, “Corcoran Cadets” and “Stars and Stripes” brought out patriotic pride.


Naifeh Garden

Heralds Spring “Earth laughs in flowers.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

Arguably the most beautiful, and unarguably the best-scented, area on the Oklahoma City University campus is the Robert & Jeaneen Naifeh Student Garden next to the Wanda L. Bass Music Center. The oasis on the northwest side of the building features bright pink tulips, white and blue pansies, knockout roses, hyacinth, jonquils and holly shrubs. The garden contains approximately 1,500 bulbs and hundreds of pansies. Being below ground level gives the space a feel of getting away from distractions while holding in the smells of spring. Cathy Leichter led the effort to landscape the garden, which began in the fall with some of the planting. Leichter gathered funds and insight from Louise Bass, daughter of the building’s namesake; the family of Jenee Lister, daughter of the garden’s namesake; Ann Simmons Alspaugh; Kurt and Cathy Leichter; and President Robert and First Lady Jan Henry. All of the landscaping was made possible through private donations—no university funding was required. Leichter said the garden will change with the seasons, and a water feature will likely be installed in the center. She was pleased to hear that students have been making use of the space as an inspirational place to practice their instruments. “We both (Louise) feel like Wanda Bass is smiling from above when she looks at this garden. We were excited and thrilled to be able to do this,” Leichter added.

Enrollment Services

Outdoor Laboratory

Oklahoma City University has named Kevin Windholz as vice president for enrollment management. Windholz will assume the role May 29. “Kevin Windholz brings experience in domestic and international recruitment and tremendous energy to our vibrant enrollment services program,” said President Robert Henry. Windholz spent the last five years as associate director of admission for Saint Louis UniKevin Windholz versity. He previously worked in admissions at Washburn University in Topeka, Kan. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Fort Hays State University in Kansas and a Master of Liberal Studies degree with an emphasis in higher education research from Washburn University.

The biology department at Oklahoma City University was awarded a grant from the Oklahoma City Zoo and the Oklahoma Zoological Society to help fund a project at its Gamble-Buchanan Outdoor Laboratory. OCU is in the third year of a biodiversity inventory at the outdoor lab, which is a 27-acre urban wilderness area located near the intersection of South Council Road and Airport Road. Biology professor Tony Stancampiano is the lead investigator for the project. This year the inventory process involves a survey of mammals and other organisms. Surveys are conducted along established transects, as well as random sites throughout the landscape. Plant, bird, herpetological and fish surveys have already been conducted at the outdoor laboratory. The $2,500 grant is part of the zoological society’s Conservation Action Now program, which was established to support imperiled species, habitats and their surrounding communities through conservation, research and education. OCU received the grant last year for the second phase of the project. Researchers anticipate completion of baseline surveys by spring 2013. The department will continue doing surveys to monitor floral and faunal changes.

VP Selected

Project Boosted by Grant

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Phelps on Phelps: Walking the Walk

Editor’s note: FOCUS asked Professor Terry Phelps, Ph.D., to interview OCU Men’s Basketball Coach Dionne Phelps (no relation) and give us his perspective. Terry Phelps served as sports editor of the Durant Daily Democrat while attending college. He also spent his own time playing on OCU’s basketball courts—scrimmaging regularly with the 1987-88 OCU women’s national championship team.

By Terry Phelps, Professor of English

Great expectations. OCU Men’s Basketball Coach Dionne Phelps has high expectations of his players and himself, thanks to people who had high expectations of him. An only child, Phelps spent his first eight years in a tough Detroit neighborhood, “where you were just glad to get to school with your lunch money.” Raised by his mother, he didn’t start playing basketball in Detroit because of the dangerous neighborhood. His mother sent him to a more secure situation in Tacoma, Wash., where he lived with his aunt, uncle and cousin for the third through sixth grades. There he began basketball, which he says was an appropriate activity for an introvert because he could practice alone at a nearby church gym. He’d watch the older kids play, then practice his shooting, eventually playing with friends. Playing on the sixth grade team made him feel successful, although “it was more athleticism than skill,” he chuckled. Another solitary activity was piano. He watched his cousin in piano lessons taught by a teacher who crocheted during lessons. One day “the crochet lady” invited Dionne to the keyboard, and he took lessons with her for two years, getting whacked with a crochet needle when he erred. “But she took an interest in me and had a high level of expectation—more than I expected from myself.” His aunt made him practice for each week’s lesson and he began to learn self-discipline. At age 12, he moved to San Antonio, Texas, with his mother and began seventh grade, playing football and basketball. “When I saw Magic Johnson and Larry Bird play in the NCAA championship game in 1979, I was hooked.” He played football and basketball until ninth grade, then played only football because of the Texas high school focus on football. Sports came to a screeching halt in tenth grade because of grades. His mother did not let him participate in school sports that year. “Her standards were high and hovering around a 2.0 was not adequate,”. said Phelps. After changing schools, he had the good fortune to meet future mentor and role model Jim Shuler in PE class. Shuler, the boys’ basketball coach, asked one day why Phelps wasn’t playing varsity sports. He persuaded Phelps’ mother to let him play basketball by promising to keep an eye on Dionne and bench him if he didn’t do his school work. Phelps made the grades, and on the court he made all-district and was all-district MVP and then MVP of the San Antonio all-star game. He played on a basketball scholarship for two years at Grayson County Community College before he was recruited by Shuler, who had become head coach at Texas Lutheran University. In his two years at TLU, Phelps earned all-conference and all-district honors.


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Earning the degree was not easy for him. “Most students can prepare for a test in a day. I’d start a week ahead, doing a chapter a day, rewriting paragraphs so it would make more sense to me.” In Phelps’ junior year, his anatomy and physiology professor told him to consider pursuing a Ph.D., telling him, “Smart doesn’t have anything to do with it. It’s more what I see on the basketball court. You’re relentless. You won’t give up.” Phelps graduated with a B.A. in physical education and later earned an M.A. in education. He also became Shuler’s assistant coach. When not coaching, Phelps worked part-time at a psychiatric hospital with kids who had committed crimes, were sexually abused or had other problems. He took kids from one activity to another, keeping them on schedule, learning their backgrounds, chatting during and between activities, becoming sort of a big brother. It taught him a lot about being a role model. In addition to coaching at Texas Lutheran, where he was inducted into the Bulldog Athletic Hall of Honors in 2002, Phelps was an assistant at four other colleges before coming to OCU in 2011. OCU Athletic Director Jim Abbott said the search committee for the head men’s basketball coach reviewed more than 80 applicants last year, and Phelps was the last of five to be interviewed. Abbott admits not expecting Dionne to surpass the other four interviewees, who all had impressive head coaching credentials, while Phelps had been only an assistant coach for 26 years. “We spent an hour with him and he blew us away,” said Abbott. “He talked about recruiting students with integrity and about expectations for their social interaction on campus. He talked about an academic contract he would have each player sign and fulfill.” Abbott was pleased that Phelps wanted to meet with all of the deans and speak to faculty. “He’s very communicative and he’s a great representative for our program. I think since he has been here, the basketball team is better socially integrated into the student body.” Last semester, Phelps spoke briefly at the faculty meeting for the Petree College of Arts and Sciences, saying that his top priority was fostering the growth of young men who happened to play basketball. “He seemed to mean it,” said Psychology Professor Dennis Jowaisas, who ran after Phelps after the meeting to talk further. “Not since Paul Hansen (OCU basketball head coach 1974-79) had I heard a basketball coach say something like that and mean it,” said Jowaisas, an OCU professor since 1972. After talking with Phelps over lunch, Jowaisas volunteered to help any way he could, including meeting with the team and working individually with players. “He converted me,” said Jowaisas. “If he’s going to walk the walk, I want to help him.”

Terry Phelps (left) and Dionne Phelps (right) in Abe Lemons Arena.

What convinced Jowaisas of Phelps’s sincerity? “He told me about a call he got about a good player that he should recruit. When Dionne asked for more information about the player, he was told, ‘Well, you will have to get the kid up every day to get him to go to class.’ Dionne said no thanks.” Assistant Coach Lance Madison extols Phelps. “He’s an excellent role model who practices what he preaches. He teaches life skills to be successful beyond college. He tries to bring positives from adversity and gives examples from his own experience. He’s interested in each kid off the court. The kids know how hard he works and don’t want to let him down.” Madison told about Phelps taking the whole team to the movie “Red Tails,” the story of the first African American pilots in World War II, after which Phelps talked about team members backing each other up and trusting each other, like the pilots in the movie. Madison said Phelps took the team to the Oklahoma City National Memorial, reflecting on it to help give perspective on life. The team has study hall twice a week and players with a GPA below 3.0 must do two additional hours per week. All players are required to meet individually with their professors before mid-terms. Phelps wants the players “to appreciate and graduate.” On the court during practice, Phelps doesn’t stand on the sideline and give commentary. Instead, during a half hour of drills, he handles the ball as much as the players. He starts between mid-court and the top of the key, passing the ball to shooters, who after shooting rotate under the goal for rebounds, passing back to Phelps to pass to the next shooter.

His passes, incidentally, are solid two-handers, especially good for a former shooting guard—a position not known for exceptional passers. After half an hour, the players do 3-on-3 one-shot scrimmages, then 4-on-4 and 5-on-5, each play beginning with a pass and screen by Phelps. These are followed by more scrimmages with Phelps counting down from 26 to simulate a ticking shot clock. Practice ends with a short discussion and a team prayer. Approached after one practice while shooting solo, junior center Tim Morton praised Phelps: “He’s a great guy, humble and confident at the same time. Always there for you. Doesn’t give you anything— you have to earn it.” Earning it includes going to class and studying. Phelps makes random, clandestine trips around campus, peeking into classrooms to see if players are there. If players miss a class, they are required to do eight “apes,” which means stepping and sliding all the way around the basketball court, with knuckles touching the ground in a defense position. It gets players’ attention. Phelps remembers once during his playing days when Shuler had the whole team do 16 apes because they weren’t practicing well after Christmas. Phelps recognizes, of course, that players often have visions of playing pro ball and see college ball as a vehicle. But he wants to help them understand, “Hey, now I can get this degree, and if I can’t play pro ball….” As part of his mission to have players think beyond basketball, he’s bringing in various professionals from the community to talk with his team about possible careers and what companies are seeking. “I’m trying to teach them, ‘You own your education,’” Phelps said. “I want them to think that if I’m going to get all the sweat and blood out of them, they’re going to get everything they can out of the education.” He urges players to meet with professors, saying, “You’d ask me to stay after practice and work with you on basketball. Why not ask a professor the same thing?” Phelps has involved the team in an outreach program with elementary students at Stanley Hupfeld Academy. Players work with students as needed, pairing up with them, for instance, to make posters to illustrate vocabulary words. Such mentoring not only helps the young students, but also enables the players to grow through service. Although basketball takes most of his time, Phelps loves to be with his family. Wife, Lisa, works full time and has been involved for several years with Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA), whose volunteers advocate for abused or neglected children in the juvenile court system. The Phelpses have a daughter, Aaliyah, 19, a student at East Central University, and a son, Garrison, 8. Aailyah is seriously into reading but not much into sports, and Garrison is interested in everything, including sports. A growing interest for the Phelpses is travel. After Caribbean trips over the years, they went to Italy last year and plan to visit Australia and perhaps England for the Olympics. They really enjoyed Italy and expect to enjoy and learn from future trips. Great expectations. Contact Terry Phelps at

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Alumnus Uses Technology Skills

for High Purpose

One of Paul Derby’s photos of an Irish Raptor

By Rod Jones

Technology moves fast. Keeping in order to earn a little money. up with the latest and greatest induring high school. novations is practically impossible. “A teacher said they needed a Some people keep up with it out photographer to take yearbook of curiosity, while for others it’s photos, and they’d pay $2 per their job. For Paul Derby, BA ’71, photo,” he said. “I immediately keeping up with technological insaid, ‘I’ll do that.’ So I went novations is both, not to mention home, dug out my dad’s camera, a matter of national security. bought some film and chemicals, Paul Derby Derby heads the information and taught myself how to use it.” technology team for a contracThat early experience would tor that provides science and engineering later become his ticket through college. assistance to the Department of Homeland Security’s BioWatch Program. The program’s College Life Derby answered a help-wanted ad in. mission is to provide early detection of attack attempts using biological weapons of mass. The Oklahoman, which was searching for a summer photographer for its publications.. destruction against the United States. Even though it’s the crux of his job,. He sent his high school work to the newsDerby has had a knack for innovations since. paper and was excited when they accepted. his application. childhood. The job moved him to Oklahoma City, Growing Up where he was assigned to cover various events Derby was born and raised in Duncan, including Oklahoma City University funcOkla., where oil field company Halliburton tions. was dedicating a lot of its attention into reHe originally planned to attend college search and development to improve its oil at the University of Oklahoma until he met field services offerings. Derby’s father was a Gordon Hart, who was the public informascientist at the company who would occasion- tion officer at OCU. An introduction to ally bring his son to the lab where he could the registrar, Connie Mack McCoy, led to. interact with other researchers. His interest in a convincing argument that Derby should. science stayed with him the rest of his life. attend OCU instead. While in high school, he was one of a. Derby qualified for the Great Plan Scholhandful of students selected as a U.S. Navy ars program, which covered four of his five Science Cruiser for his science fair project years at OCU. He had to reduce his class load. that used a computer he built to recognize. after The Oklahoman requested him to work patterns. He picked up another one of his. full time instead of just weekends. Derby. passions, photography, in the 10th grade was set to begin classes in the fall of 1966.


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There was one technological roadblock to the plan, however, in the days when mobile phones didn’t exist. “The men’s dorms didn’t have telephones, and they couldn’t install them. I needed a phone for my work,” he said. The university had a novel solution. Efforts were under way to establish a chapter of. Kappa Sigma, which offered the possibility of living in the fraternity’s house. That is, assuming Derby would be willing to pledge. “I wasn’t too sure about joining a fraternity. Most of them had a reputation for being party houses,” he said. “But I was impressed with Kappa Sigma. The brothers were actually very dedicated to school and service work.” In fact, Derby became the fraternity’s. first chapter president when he was only a freshman as they gained chapter status on May 13, 1967. “It was an exciting time then to get the. organization established and running. It is gratifying now to see the same philosophy and culture carrying forward, with this chapter. doing extremely well as an integral part of. the OCU community.” Derby credits his OCU experience as being the “most defining decision in my life. On campus I was able to build up relationships with classmates and faculty members that have turned into lifelong friendships. Hardly. a month goes by that I don't communicate with someone from my OCU days of 45. years ago.” College life also gave him the opportunity to continue his hobby of building computers. There’s no known record of any computers on

campus when he arrived. The Administration Building housed a room with several automated calculator machines that could read punch cards based on the configuration of their holes, but nothing like an actual computer. “I think the first computer was the one I built on the Kappa Sigma dining table,” he joked. His photography work continued to make life exciting. His assignments included covering football games for the state universities, a job that made him even more popular with his classmates. “I always took a helper with me called a ‘spotter.’ We would get passes to the games down on the field,” he said. “We also traveled to nearby away games sometimes in a small chartered airplane. We would build makeshift darkrooms in the hotel bathrooms to develop the photos, then wire them back to the. newspaper through phone lines. It was a pretty innovative system at that time.” Other notable assignments included photos of the popular feminist Gloria Steinem, for whom he ended up giving a ride from the. airport when the original driver didn’t show up; and Gerald Ford, who was bored in a. hotel lobby and requested a tour of downtown from Derby.

walking distance of the U.S. Capitol complex, so there is no shortage of inspirational subjects. One of his photos won an award. at the annual Smithsonian Folk Festival. He. likes the challenge of photographing his. friends at table tennis games, where the tiny. ball can move as fast as 125 miles per hour, and some of his photos have run in table. tennis magazines. Continuing Interests Derby said if it wasn’t for the Vietnam War, Derby still has an interest in finding innova- he probably would still be a professional photive ways of using technology. He developed tographer. and installed a home monitoring and con“I went to grad school in Colorado so I trol system that allows him to track energy. could delay being drafted into the military. usage via the Internet in real time. The system That’s where I started focusing on computer allows him to compare the amount of ener- science,” he said. gy his home is currently using with previous After college and before working for the points in time. He can even pinpoint specific Tauri Group, his current employer, Derby lights and appliances, and can switch lights worked 15 years at Control Data Corporaon and off and change thermostat settings. tion while the industry was transitioning from miles away at the click of a mouse. from mainframe computers to a combina“It’s a hobby, but it’s also a way to help me tion of servers and personal computers. keep up my (technology) skills,” he said. The laboratory he managed was one of the. Derby is also interested in astronomy. He. first commercial connections to the Internet. is president of the Northern Virginia Astron- He later worked for various companies as a omy Club, the largest astronomy club in the chief technology or information officer, or as. country. a technology consultant. He still exercises his photography skills Contact Rod Jones at when he gets the chance. He lives within There was another very memorable assignment close to home in September 1966— Derby snapped a photo from within the Alpha Chi Omega house while the sorority sisters were gathered around a television watching one of their own win the Miss America pageant. The headline said it all: “Home Town goes Wild for Jayne” (Jayroe).



1. Charter members of OCU’s Kappa Sigma chapter, pictured from left to right: Front row: Gordon Hart, Brian Cole, James Gondles (Grand Master of Ceremonies), David Johnson, Joe Walcher, Don Rice (Faculty advisor – OCU Journalism Professor). Back row: Paul Derby (Grand Master), George Bohannon (Grand Treasurer), Lesley Price (Grand Procurator), Carl Emmons, Joe Case, Richard Lynn (Grand Scribe), John Murphy (Faculty advisor – OCU English Professor). Not present for the picture, John Kirkpatrick – Oklahoma City Philanthropist 2. – 5. A few of Paul Derby’s stunning photographs




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OCUReads turns a new page for freshmen By Jeanette Schreiber

The purpose of higher education, specifically of a liberal arts education, is teaching students how to think, how to learn and how to live. Even before new students get syllabi for their first classes, they have the chance to learn and think liberally, with OCUReads. Envisioned and enacted by former Provost Bernie Patterson, OCUReads is a summer program for incoming students, culminating in a book discussion and author or subject visit during orientation week. “As the university year begins, we want students to have a common academic experience,” said Elizabeth Willner, associate professor of education and along with Lisa Wolfe, associate professor of religion, co-chair of the. OCUReads book selection committee. Incorporating the academic element into student life activities has been a resounding success. “Overwhelmingly, it’s one of the more highly ranked programs of orientation,” shared Lee Hall, director of student life at Oklahoma City University. Aside from the discussion groups, she said the author presentation, which brings the story to life, is a favorite among students. “The speakers are all different in their. approach, but they are all passionate about their experience and what they’re doing,. and students really pick up on that passion,” said Hall. “It is a key piece to have the real, live person.” It’s not only seeing the author speak, but also having the opportunity to meet the storyteller that resonates with students. Whether through a book signing, during. a library talk or at an exclusive dinner,. students can connect with the author in a. way not afforded by text on a page.

“Our program is a lot more intimate. Students have the opportunity to interact with the author and that makes us unique,” said Diana Silver, BS ’09, and academic services specialist. In 2004, Silver participated in the inaugural OCUReads program, where she met one of her best friends during the discussion group. Now Silver is responsible for bringing the speaker to campus during orientation week. “We begin with the books in good faith, but we try to avoid getting attached to books with authors who are out of the country, deceased or on Oprah. If they are not one of those things, we work with an agent to see cost and availability of authors,” Silver said, explaining the process of selecting a book that meets both the budget and the theme. Mostly, the selections are memoirs, with authors telling their own stories of coming-ofage and overcoming. In 2011, students read “Outcasts United” by Warren St. John; but Luma Mufleh—coach of the refugee children’s soccer team chronicled in the book—spoke during orientation. “The subject of the story was not the author. Luma Mufleh has such an incredible story, we thought the students would benefit from seeing her,” said Silver. “It was a fantastic choice. The students absolutely loved her and she was a delight to have.” In picking a theme, the committee tries to consider current issues. This year’s selection, Novella Carpenter’s “Farm City,” focuses on “being self-reliant, and challenging yourself to tackle the world in your own little neighborhood,” explained Hall. “We look for stories that take our students outside of themselves. We’re interested in transporting them to a different culture, a

different country, a different time,” Hall said. “There are some issues that are universal. They are having the same anxieties [as the author] in moving from one chapter to the next or from one environment to another. There is common ground.” The discussion groups, each facilitated by a professor and an upperclassman, are inclusive, focusing on overarching themes and questions posed by the book. “It’s not their first class. They’re not getting a grade,” said Hall. “We encourage them to Please join us this year during Stars Week to hear Novella Carpenter speak thursday aug 16. Copies of “Farm City” are available in the campus store at a 25 percent discount.

fully participate. Even if they haven’t read the book, many go back and read it afterward because they were touched by the events.” Though it’s a program designed for incoming students, the organizers hope OCUReads selections can be common reading for the whole campus community. And everyone— alumni, faculty, staff, upperclassmen, friends —is invited to the author talk. “We are a liberal arts college. We’re educating you for life,” said Willner. “Taking every opportunity to think within and beyond yourself is life.” Contact Jeanette Schreiber at

Help Pick the Next OCUReads Book “The One-Week Job Project: One Man, One Year, 52 Jobs”

“The Other Wes Moore: One Name, Two Fates”

by Sean Aiken

by Wes Moore

“One Amazing Thing” by Chitra Divakaruni

“The Pact: Three Young Men Make a Promise and Fulfill a Dream” by Sampson Davis, George Jenkins, Rameck Hunt & Lisa Fraizer Page

Let us know which book you would like the university to choose next and why. focus FALL 2011 you have a suggestion for the 2014 selection? We’d love to hear from you! Email with your comments and suggestions.

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focus extra

Basketball player’s

brush with death Cory Nicholson shares unique experience with Oklahoma City bombing

By Rich Tortorelli

What could have been motivates Cory Nicholson. Nicholson pushes that much harder on the basketball court, hustles that much more for the loose ball and studies that much more in his finance classes at Oklahoma City University, knowing had fate not intervened, he. might not be here. He could have been at his daycare inside the Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995, the day the building was blown up and 168 people died. Instead, Nicholson was home in Harrah, Okla., sick with strep throat. “I should have been there that day,” Nicholson said. Instead, Nicholson lived. He went on to become a basketball star at Harrah High School and now plays on the hardcourts and pursues a finance degree at OCU. Back in 1995, Nicholson was a 5-year-old whose father brought him to the Murrah Building daycare. He recalls seeing people in suits and ties in the building. He remembers playing with the other children and making friends. The one he remembers most was named Zack. “Zack was my best friend,” Nicholson said. “I remember the daycare had a blue mat. We jumped up on this thing it was built on. We said there was a blue monster.” Nicholson said he doesn’t remember much about April 19, 1995. “I remember my mom coming in crying,” he said. “She tells me once a year, ‘That night you came into my room. You said, Mommy, Mommy, angels are out tonight.’ There had. to be something. I don’t remember doing that. My mom said it was a Godly thing.” As Nicholson grew up, he realized that he should count himself lucky and blessed. “I had a full understanding of it,” Nicholson said. “I fought with the idea of why, why was I different? I tried to live right. I. had trouble with my spirituality because of what happened to these families.” It wasn’t until one of the anniversaries of. the bombing that he learned who Zack was. He visited the Oklahoma City National. Memorial and the Field of Empty Chairs to find out if his friend really perished that day.

“If I didn’t find it, I would assume he was fine like me,” Nicholson said. “I went from the wall of survivors to the rows of chairs. I was looking at the names. It had been an hour and a half. It was cold. It was 30 degrees. I wondered to myself, ‘How much longer am I going to be out here?’” Until he found one of the chairs next to the Reflecting Pool with the name, Zackary Chavez. “I got a feeling like someone was watching me, a prickly feeling,” Nicholson said. “The wind blew, and I found him. I just dropped to my knees. It was a bittersweet moment. He was my best friend. It was a grieving moment. I cried. “I felt like there was a purpose I didn’t understand at the time that I’m here. Kids I. knew didn’t make it. I need to live better, stronger, to the best ability I can. It keeps. me on track. I really shouldn’t be here. I’m here for a meaning I need to look for.” Nicholson had been hesitant to disclose the fact that he went to the daycare center in the Murrah Building. He realized he had to talk about it when new OCU coach Dionne Phelps wanted to take the team to the Oklahoma City National Memorial as a teambuilding exercise. Nicholson had never been inside the memorial museum. “I fought with saying it and letting him know,” Nicholson said. “I let him know, ‘Look, this is where I went to daycare. If certain things happened, I wouldn’t be here talking to you.’ I wouldn’t be the same person if I hadn’t had this experience. This is my brush with death. It happened to be one of the worst things that’s ever happened.” Nicholson went with his teammates Sept. 8 to the site. “I was scared,” Nicholson said. “It was something that really bothered me. I was nervous. I was shaking. I decided that if I were to go, now would be the time with my basketball family. “We went from room to room. I was okay until I got to the room where there were all the toys. I had that choking feeling.” OCU’s team is composed of players that hail from as far away as London and Dakar,

TOP: Cory Nicholson puts up a shot for the Stars. ABOVE: Members of the Oklahoma City University basketball team, including Cory Nicholson, take time for reflection at the Oklahoma City National Memorial.

Senegal. Three of the 12 Stars come from Oklahoma. Phelps believed it was important to educate his team on what Oklahoma City experienced. “Periodically people would put their hand on my shoulder asking if I was okay,” Nicholson said. “It reinforced what we were trying to do. I felt I was part of the family. The other players understood. When we’re on the floor, it’s all for one, one for all.” So as Nicholson muscles for a rebound, bodies up against his teammates in practice, prepares for a test or smiles at a cashier at the grocery store, he recognizes an unfound purpose for him to be performing each of those activities in his life. “I feel like I’m on my second life,” Nicholson said. “I want to be a success story. Some people handle tragedy differently. I’ve excelled. I want to inspire people.” Contact Rich Tortorelli at

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focus on peo ple

Dynamic Duo Russell Evans and Kyle Dean Lead Economic Research at OCU

By Leslie Berger

Russell Evans and Kyle Dean have a lot in common. They began their graduate studies in economics at about the same time at the same school, discovered a joy for teaching, cut their teeth as young professionals and took jobs together at the Center for Applied Economic Research at Oklahoma State University. After a decade of work together, Evans and Dean brought their expertise to the Steven C. Agee Economic Research and Policy Institute at Oklahoma City University’s Meinders School of Business where they continue to work side by side to serve local clients and mentor institute scholars. One of the largest projects currently under way at the institute is a study of the economic

impact of Native American tribes on the state of Oklahoma. Evans, Dean and six students are researching the impact. The institute also is providing forecasting services for the City of Oklahoma City, calculating 50-year water needs for the Citizen Pottawatomie Nation and reviewing the economic impact of the oil and gas industry in Oklahoma. “An important part of our mission is to. be an objective voice for policy makers,”. Evans said. Evans and Dean said their background as Oklahoma natives helps them immensely with research projects involving the historical and political landscapes of Oklahoma. Dean is a native of Oklahoma City and Evans is a native

of Tulsa—giving them broader expertise spanning the state’s two major metropolitan areas. In addition to economic research, Evans teaches applied business statistics and public finance, while Dean teaches principles of. microeconomics and urban and regional. economics. Both have found the Meinders School of Business and Oklahoma City University to be a nice fit. “I like so many things about OCU,” Dean said. “I like the size of the campus, the. collaboration among faculty and the worldclass (performing arts) productions.” Evans said he enjoys working with OCU students. “I enjoy the support we get from the. dean’s office and university administration,” he added. “It’s nice to be recognized as a. core part of the business school mission.” Evans holds a B.S. in economics from. Oklahoma State University and currently is working to finish his dissertation and. Ph.D. degree at OSU. He enjoys spending. time with his wife, Amanda, and their three children. Dean holds a B.B.A. in management information systems from the University of Oklahoma and a Ph.D. in economics from OSU. He plays guitar in his spare time and enjoys spending time with his wife, Seana, and their two children. Contact Leslie Berger at

Kyle Dean (left), deputy director of the Steven C. Agee Economic Research and Policy Institute, and Russell Evans (right), executive director of the institute, serve local clients and mentor scholars through OCU’s Meinders School of Business.


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focus on people

Three of a Kind Alumni Lead New Advancement Initiatives By Leslie Berger

“We want to get alumni involved with each other by engaging in activities they’re. already doing. It’s a fun way to get alumni. back together with their OCU friends,”. he explained. Pirrong is a past president of the OCU Alumni Association Board. He has worked as a staff attorney for the State Health Department, an enforcement attorney for the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality, general counsel of the Pardon and Parole Board and as an Oklahoma Indigent Defense Mandy Heaps, Cary Pirrong System attorney. and Jessi Pingel show their school spirit. He is an avid OCU basketball fan who named his oldest son, Case, after former Cary Pirrong, Mandy Heaps and Jessi Pin- OCU Basketball Coach Win Case. gel graduated from Oklahoma City University Heaps, BA ’03, said she appreciates how her decades apart, but came back to their alma role as director of annual giving ties together mater just weeks apart to grow the university’s her professional experience as a fundraiser and alumni and development endeavors. her love for her alma mater. Heaps worked in The trio has been on the job for almost. resource development for the United Way of a year and all agree that their experiences. Central Oklahoma for seven years. She also as students at OCU have fueled their. served as director of development for the Cenmotivation in the workplace. tral Oklahoma Humane Society. For Pirrong, BS ’87 and JD ’90, the role of “Anytime you can raise money for somealumni relations director is the fulfillment of a place you love, it’s the perfect opportunity,” longtime dream. He visited campus as a small she said. “I love the renewed energy in our child while his grandfather, Clarence Pirrong department that signifies a commitment to Jr., taught math courses at OCU. alumni engagement and providing meaning“This is my dream job,” Pirrong said. ful ways for individuals to give back to the Pirrong has kicked off several new interest university.” groups within the alumni association. CurHeaps said she is excited about upcomrently active are a running club, cycling club ing campaigns that will allow alumni to give. and knitting club. back to OCU in areas that are significant

to them. This year alumni not only have the chance to make unrestricted gifts to the. OCU Fund, but can also support their. individual academic units. Pingel, BS ’11, was very active on campus as a student, from serving on the Student Government Association to working as an aid in the president’s office. She wanted to pursue a career in fundraising and development and was elated to find the opportunity to start her professional career at the place she calls home. “I can’t think of a better chance to follow my dreams than doing what I wanted to do and do it for OCU,” she said. “I feel like OCU is my home.” Pingel said her work with OCU’s Student Government Association and her involvement in Gamma Phi Beta are among her happiest memories as a student. “It was a life-changing experience,” she said. Heaps said her time as president of the OCU student body led her to her passion for development and fundraising. “The campus was really changing then and seeing the gifts that made that possible was really exciting and inspiring,” she said. Alumni can look forward to a variety of coming activities, including quarterly networking events. The alumni association also has partnered with OCU Career Services to promote the employment of recent graduates with alumni at local businesses. Contact Leslie Berger at

Mandy Heaps as a freshman completing a sorority scavenger hunt by wading through the fountain in 1999, Cary Pirrong as a senior in 1987 and Jessi Pingel as a senior in 2011.

focus on giving

Why We Give

Donors: Betty Wooden Support:

Member of the Gold Star Society and contributor to the OCU Fund with the Nebula Society Her story:

Betty spent a couple of years at OCU, and in that brief time she gained an experience that would shape the rest of her life. “It’s a great school, and I made a number of friends that I still keep up with,” she said. “I had to leave early to go on and make a living, but there’s a real soft spot in my heart for OCU.” Betty sampled the job market after leaving OCU and found her career with Nabisco. She retired after 42 years of service with the company. Betty attended Northeast High School and lived within walking distance of OCU. She took a night class at OCU right after high school and decided to continue her studies here until 1947, when she left to pursue her career. She fondly remembers the classes and exceptional professors, particularly in her major—office procedures, which included shorthand and typing. One of her closest connections is Florence Birdwell, a renowned vocal performance professor at OCU, whom Betty worked with in one of the dean’s offices while they were students. That connection has led to attending VIP events with talented people like Kristin Chenoweth, a former student of Professor Birdwell and current Broadway superstar. Betty supports OCU in a number of ways. She joined the Nebula Society with a generous contribution made through an IRA charitable rollover gift. Betty has also designated OCU as a beneficiary in her will with a gift designated for alumni program support. “OCU has done so much for me, and so many others,” she said, and even though she can’t meet every single student who from her gifts, “I think of the stu1benefits 8 focus s pring 2012 dents as my kids.”

Donors: Stephanie Shanor

BS in accounting ’05 and MS in accounting ’06 Support:

Youngest member of the Nebula Society with a $1,000 gift to the OCU Fund Her story:

Stephanie went through college on several scholarships, many of which were tied to her musical abilities. A violinist, Stephanie played with OCU’s Symphony Orchestra while studying accounting in the business school. “I enjoyed being a party of the symphony as I got to be part of something great at OCU that was outside my field of study,” she said. Stephanie also was a student worker in the campus business office. The work extended her appreciation for her scholarships, which is why she now contributes to OCU scholarship funds. “I know first-hand that it makes a difference. Others did it for me, and now I want to give something back,” she said. Now working for Ernst & Young in Oklahoma City, Stephanie noted, “While working as a student in the business office I saw student loans being processed, so I’m all the more grateful that I could go through college without having to worry about borrowing a lot of money,” she said. That inside perspective also gave her a reason to contribute to an unrestricted fund such as the OCU Fund. “Some people have a passion for a particular program, and they’ll dedicate their support to one area. There’s nothing wrong with that, but other programs don’t get as much support,” she said. Members of the Nebula Society make unrestricted gifts of $1,000, $2,500 or $5,000 to the OCU Fund.

Donors: Theo “Doc” and MarEllen Benson

BA in religion ’57 and ’61 Support:

Theo “Doc” and MarEllen Benson Endowed Scholarship Fund • $5,000; OCU Fund • $1,000; members of the Nebula Society Their story:

“Our children set up the scholarship as a gift to us for our 50th wedding anniversary,” MarEllen said. “We were at a reception at OCU and everyone was asking us what we wanted. We kept saying ‘nothing.’ The children didn’t tell us they were setting it up, but it was something I always wanted to do. OCU has meant so much to us, and we want to help provide the same experience we had for those students who need help and are willing to study hard.” “Doc” graduated from OCU with a BA in religion in 1957. He asked MarEllen to marry him while she was in college. She agreed, with one stipulation—“I told him I wanted to graduate. I was the only female on both sides of my family to go to college, so it was important for me that I could finish.” “Doc” agreed, so MarEllen continued studying. She wanted to double major in church music and religious education and started taking more music classes. When MarEllen faced several hurdles before graduation including the birth of the couple’s first child, her professors went above and beyond to assist her in her studies, which allowed MarEllen to graduate with the rest of her class. All three of the couple’s children later attended OCU, and two received their degrees here.

focus on givi ng

picture perfect gift A gift of more than a dozen paintings has broadened Oklahoma City University’s art collection. The collection of Christian paintings, all oil on canvas, was generously donated by the Burbridge Foundation. The pieces, including “St. John the Baptist,” “The Wise Men Follow the Star,” “Jesus with Pilate,” “The Madonna of the Chair” and “Jesus with Woman at the Well,” can be viewed in the Dulaney Browne Library and in the president’s dining room. Burbridge Foundation Board Chairman Bobbie Burbridge Lane also loaned the university the statue of Ruth on display in the Clara E. Jones Administration Building. “It was the kindness of President Robert Henry that inspired me to give the 13 oil paintings, including one porcelain, to Oklahoma City University,” said Burbridge Lane. “His enthusiasm and appreciation of our art touched me deeply… and is exactly the ingredients that I know would have made my father Robert O. Burbridge very happy.” “A pensive and inspiring statue of Ruth dominates the entrance to the administration building and hence my office,” said OCU President Robert Henry. “I think of Bobbie Burbridge Lane at least twice daily as I pass by the sculpture her family’s foundation has loaned us. And, like Ruth, she is a woman with a mission. Whether giving fabulous art conveying timeless biblical virtues or creating the spectacularly successful (and entertaining) Senior Follies at the Kirkpatrick Auditorium, her vital life force is always at work.”

ABOVE: Burbridge Foundation Board Chairman Bobbie Burbridge Lane with President Robert Henry in front of the inspiring statue of Ruth. LEFT: Detail of “Jesus with Woman at the Well”

Lunch with the Stars

Jo Rowan and President Robert Henry

The sixth annual Gold Star Society Luncheon was held in the Atrium of the Wanda L. Bass School of Music on March 17. The Gold Star Society recognizes donors who commit planned gifts at any level in support of OCU and through a variety of gift arrangements including bequests, retirement plan assets, charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts and life insurance policies. More than 200 individuals have made planned gift contributions to OCU. The annual luncheon is an opportunity for OCU to recognize these generous individuals and celebrate the commitment they have made through their planned gift. As part of the program, religion sophomore Allison Bevers shared the impact of the Gold Star Society on her education. Bevers is a recipient of a scholarship made possible through the planned gift of a Gold Star Society member. Following lunch, attendees heard from President Henry, who emphasized the importance of planned gifts in building the university’s endowment. Guests also enjoyed a presentation from Jo Rowan, dance chairwoman for OCU’s Ann Lacy School of American Dance and Arts Management, before being treated to the American Spirit Dance Company’s Spring Show. Contact Dale Ross in the Office of Advancement at (405) 208-7000 for more information regarding the Gold Star Society.

Gen. Jim Wade

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Changing the World One Smile at a Time By Brook Arbeitman

When Geri Marlatt Cope started law school at OCU LAW in 1994, she was. going to be an estate and gift tax lawyer. She already had her CPA and law school was. the next step. Geri was going to work for the IRS or a big six accounting firm. Little did she know then that a toothbrush would change her view of the world. It was a humanitarian trip to Guatemala not that long ago that sparked the change. Geri and her husband, Eric, were looking to return to their young son’s homeland and give back to the children in orphanages there. “We always believe things are divine and there is a reason why you are there,”. Geri said. Divine is right. While researching organizations they could travel with to Guatemala, they discovered Buckner International—a group whose mission is to transform the lives of vulnerable children around the world. The Copes went on an exploratory trip with Buckner to Guatemala to see first hand the kind of work they do. It was on that trip, in April of 2010, they met eight women from Dallas who, with a simple question, changed everything. The women asked Geri and Eric if they wanted to help with a dental clinic at a Guatemalan orphanage. The Copes eagerly agreed, not knowing what awaited them. What they discovered were major dental issues—severe in many instances and preventable in most. At the clinic, Eric demonstrated the. proper tooth brushing technique while. Geri entertained the kids. That was the day a couple with no dental background, other than brushing their own teeth, became passionate about toothbrushes. “You know when you just have something on your heart? We could just donate toothbrushes or we could give financially. But, you know, how do we give in a sustainable way. Something that could be ongoing?” Smile Squared was born. Geri said with a laugh that any mistake they could have made in starting their business, they have made at least once. But, their love for children and desire to make a difference with something as small as a toothbrush made up for the lack of manufacturing and 20

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Geri Marlatt Cope (left) educates youngsters about oral hygiene.

retail experience. Although, Eric had to be a quick study since he runs the business fulltime while Geri works for Edward Jones. Smile Squared’s model is “buy one, give one.” For every toothbrush bought, Smile Squared gives one to a child. Not only. are they changing the lives of children by putting toothbrushes in their hands, they. are also challenging consumers to “rethink buying.” Made of bamboo, their toothbrush is biodegradable and recyclable. In a. word, it is green. “It is estimated that 50 million pounds of plastic toothbrushes hit U.S. landfills every year,” Geri said. The American Dental Association (ADA) suggests changing your toothbrush every three to four months. When the Copes are ready for a new one, they bury their old one in the backyard. Or, Geri said, you can use the old ones as garden stakes. “The Copes’ passion for making a difference and helping children through the gift of oral hygiene is inspiring,” said OCU First Lady Jan Henry, an Oklahoma City dentist. “With children around the world in need of something as basic as a toothbrush, I am

grateful that individuals like Geri and Eric find meaningful ways to provide for others and give children a reason to smile.” Smile Squared is ambitious, aiming to help 1 million children in three years. They are doing it with the help of organizations such as Buckner International and Justice. Mission, which help distribute the toothbrushes to children in need around the world. The Copes also work with local. dentists and businesses in their hometown of St. Louis. And they are in talks with several national retailers. A long way from a big six accounting firm, Geri smiles when she thinks about how much has changed since that tooth brushing demonstration. “We can’t cure poverty. We are not curing diseases. We just felt like this was a simple thing we could do that made sense.” Does your toothbrush change the world? For more information on Smile Squared go to Contact Brook Arbeitman at Read this Quick Response code with your smartphone app for bonus materials.

focus on alumni

alumni schedule of events

May 3 Senior Dinner on the Quad May 5 Commencement 2012 May 7 Alumni Event in NYC May 8 OCU Showcase in NYC May 17 Tulsa Alumni Event May 18 Joey’s Pizzeria Alumni

Networking Event

May 20 OCU Alumni and Friends Running Club June 7 Alumni Board meeting August 3 Tapwerks Alumni Networking Event August 11 Annual Alumni Board Retreat

September 28-29 OCU Head of the Oklahoma

Regatta Festival Alumni Tent

October 4 November 2

Alumni Board Meeting

November 2-4 Also coming

Homecoming 2012

The Trip: The Explore the Trip: friendly land of North Africa’s western Maghreb, including its

Explore the friendly of North Maghreb, including exotic and historic cities,land landscapes, andAfrica’s culture.western The group will meet in its exotic and historic cities, landscapes, and culture. The group will meet in Casablanca and, with our own air conditioned bus and private English-speaking and,and with ourancient own air conditioned and private localCasablanca guides, view visit Roman ruins ofbus Volubilis and English-speaking the Four local Cities guides,of view visit ancient Roman ruins of Volubilis andFez; the Four Imperial the and Kingdom: the capital city of Rabat; medieval Imperial Cities of the Kingdom: the capital city of Rabat; medieval Fez; Meknès; and mysterious Marrakech. Meknès; and mysterious Marrakech. In this tour of Morocco you will stay in centrally located 5-star hotels and relax In this tour ofRide Morocco you willdrive stay and in centrally located 5-star hotelsDine and relax in oases Kasbahs. a four-wheel a camel through the desert. in oases Kasbahs.and Ride a four-wheel a camel desert. on fresh Moroccan French delicaciesdrive and and fruits; savorthrough the herbsthe and spicesDine of on fresh Moroccan and French delicacies and fruits; savor the herbs and spices of “Arabia Felix.” “Arabia Felix.”

a Kansas City alumni event in June

Look forward to OCU Alumni night at the Oklahoma City RedHawks baseball game this summer! (405)208-5463

Morocco Tour TourthetheKingdom Kingdomof of

Belle Isle Restaurant and Brewery Networking Event

The Oklahoma City University Alumni Association invites you to a Oklahoma City University Alumni Association invites you to a tourThe of Morocco this summer with Dr. Mohamed Daadaoui, a native tour of Morocco this summer with Dr. Mohamed Daadaoui, a native Moroccan and international political science professor, as your guide. Moroccan and international political science professor, as your guide. Tour includes the imperial cities of Rabat, Fez, Meknes, Marrakech, includestothe cities of Rabat, Fez, Meknes, Marrakech, and Tour an excursion theimperial Sahara desert. and an excursion to the Sahara desert.

The Dates: May 23-June 2, 2012 The Dates: May 23-June 2012of the tour, Space is limited! For more information and a full 2, itinerary

is limited! For more information and a full itinerary of the tour, visitSpace visit

The Cost: The Cost: $2,550 per person with double occupancy. Round-trip airfare to

$2,550 per person with double occupancy. Round-trip airfare to Morocco not included. Prices include a pre-departure seminar and Morocco not included. Prices include a pre-departure seminar and orientation, informal seminars in Morocco, hotel stays, breakfasts, orientation, informal seminars in Morocco, hotel stays, breakfasts, several evening meals as well as tours and in-country transportation. several evening meals as well as tours and in-country transportation. Single occupancy requires a $500 supplement. Single occupancy requires a $500 supplement.

Final Finalpayment paymentand andcopy copyofofvalid validpassport passportarearedue duebyby

An informational meeting for participants will be held at 6 p.m.on April 30, 2012. An informational meeting for participants will be held at 6 p.m.on April 30, 2012. For more information contact Cary Pirrong, focus For more information contact Cary Pirrong, Director of Alumni Relations at (405) 208-5463 or Director of Alumni Relations at (405) 208-5463 or

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focus on alumni

Making a Difference Warren Romberger was passionate about young people. He mentored them and did what he could to help them to achieve their dreams. A 1954 graduate of the OCU School of Law, Mr. Romberger was also passionate about his faith. He combined these two passions when he established the Warren Rom-

berger World Christianity Endowed Scholarship Fund, which assists OCU students in the School of Religion in preparing for global Christian outreach. While Mr. Romberger began funding the endowment during his lifetime, a major addition was made following his recent death when the proceeds of

two Individual Retirement Accounts were added to the fund. Now this fund will stand as an enduring memorial to a caring and generous person, whose thoughtful planning will enable countless students to achieve their dreams and touch the world.

A legacy gift from your tax-deferred retirement account is easy to arrange:

1. If you are setting up a new account, simply designate Oklahoma City University as the survivor beneficiary when you complete the paperwork. 2. If you want to name OCU as the beneficiary of an existing account, contact your plan administrator and ask for the appropriate form. 3. You can designate a specific amount or a percentage in making your legacy gift. 4. Once the designation for OCU is in place, the funds will be transferred automatically upon death, without the delay or expense of probate. For additional information about using your IRA or other retirement account to make a legacy gift, contact us at or call John Hillis or Dale Ross at (405) 208-7000.

RACE WITH THE STARS: Oklahoma City University Trustee Tricia Everest, First Lady Dr. Jan Henry and Henry’s granddaughter, Gabie Bostian, were all smiles at last year’s Marianne Vannatta Race with the Stars. The annual 5K race, which raises scholarship funds for OCU’s Kramer School of Nursing, will be held this year on Nov. 3.


focus s pring 2012

focus on alumni

afterglow reception Oklahoma City University President Robert Henry and First Lady Dr. Jan Henry hosted an afterglow reception at their home Dec. 9 following holiday performances at OCU, including the Christmas Vespers concert by the Bass School of Music and Home for the Holidays by the American Spirit Dance Company at the Ann Lacy School of American Dance and Arts Management. J.R. Homsey, JD ’73, Patsy Homsey, Kandy Norick and Ron Norick, BS ’64

Jane Jayroe Gamble, BM ’69 and Honorary Doctorate ’11, and Gerald Gamble, JD ’68 and Honorary Doctorate ’97

Save the Date OCU Homecoming 2012 November 2–4 Honoring the 1962, 1987, and 2002 graduates!

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class note s

Paul Fauks,

BS ’50, who was once direc- Brady L. Smith, JD ’84, joined the MaRick Reimer, MBA ’91, was guest tor of the Cardinals baseball team’s haffey & Gore law firm. speaker at the Inola Chamber of ’50 minor league operations, was featured Commerce banquet. Shawn Churchman, BM ’85, directed in a story on STLtoday, the website “My Fair Lady” for the Oklahoma City Belinda Alexander Ashley, MBA ’92, ’85 for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Repertory Theatre. was sworn in as the chief U.S. proba’92 OCU Trustee and Chairman Emeritus tion officer for the Western District of Marquita Lister, MM ’85, was honored Pennsylvania. with a Victory Award by the National ’62 Bill Shdeed, BSB ’62, JD ’65 and Rehabilitation Hospital in Washington, an Honorary Doctor of Laws ’05, was Brandon Hobson, BA ’92, took second D.C. appointed to the Oklahoma Education place in the 34th Annual International Board by Gov. Mary Fallin. 3-Day Novel Contest. Bert Seabourn, ’62, was recruited to Margaret Williams, BM ’92, was apDean Mark Parker and Marquita Lister teach adult classes at the Fine Arts pointed interim executive director of Institute of Edmond. the Rocky Mountain Arts Association. Cletus Smith, BA ’64, led a waterJennifer Woodside Anderson, BS ’93, ’64 color workshop in Holdenville. ’93 joined Lifesong Dance in Van Buren, Ark. Bishop James (Jim) E. Dorff BA ’69 named to Southern MethodEric L. Johnson, JD ’94, made a presen’69 was ist University’s Perkins School of at the 2011 Commercial Law ’94 tation Theology Board of Trustees. Update in Oklahoma City. Margaret Holman Lofgren, MAT ’71, Vince Leseney, MMOP ’94, was a guest retired from Piedmont Elementary performer in the “Sounds of the Sea’71 School after 32 years of teaching son” concert in Yukon. and now works as a tutor in the Law school alumnus Scott Rowland, JD academic center at Francis Tuttle ’94, was on NPR’s “Morning Edition” Technology Center. to discuss the Supreme Court ruling regarding GPS tracking and law Terry Runnels, BM ’73, is starring in enforcement warrants. ’73 the next Senior Follies this summer. Gerald C. Dennis, JD ’75, was sworn Jeffrey P. Feuquay, JD ’95, received the ’75 in for a three-year term on the ’95 Stephen E. Bemis Award for his work Oklahoma Bar Association’s board in leadership consulting with compaof governors. nies and government agencies. Robert Manchester III, JD ’77, was Mike Vogt, JD ’96, was appointed pros’96 ecuting attorney by the Grantwood ’77 presented with a president’s award at the Oklahoma Bar Association’s Village Board of Trustees in Missouri. 107th annual meeting. Brian Wigginton, MBA ’96, won the election for Oologah-Talala School Board. Fred Morgan, JD ’80, was the guest Eimirates Sdn Bhd, BS ’97, is agency ’80 speaker at the Marshall County Chamber of Commerce banquet. ’97 owner and wealth manager for PrudenThe Wichita Eagle ran a story about tial Assurance Malaysia Berhad. Kevin Baldwin, BS ’86 and MBA ’94, Dennis Dysart, MBA ’97, was promoted ’81 Barry Grissom’s, JD ’81, first year as a U.S. attorney. to senior executive vice president and ’86 was appointed market managing partner for PwC US Pacific Northwest chief credit officer for First National E. J. Burke, MBA ’82, executive vice market. Corporation. ’82 president and group head for KeyBank Real Estate Capital and Corporate Cathy Christensen, JD ’86, was selected Tony Economopoulos, BA ’97, was Banking Services, was sworn in as as president of the Oklahoma Bar Asnamed head coach of the Mercer vice chairman of the Mortgage Bankers sociation. University (Ga.) women’s soccer team. Association during the association’s Conductor Jerry Steichen, BM ’87, led Michael Edmison, BA ’97, is the chief 98th Annual Convention & Expo in development officer for YWCA of ’87 the New Haven Symphony Orchestra Chicago. and the Utah Symphony Orchestra, Oklahoma City. where fellow alumnus Jeff Luke is The work of Joseph Erb, BFA ’97, was Doug Fuller, MBA ’83, was named principal trumpet. on exhibit in the Mullins Library in ’83 president and COO of Quail Creek Bank in Oklahoma City. Fayetteville, Ark., in honor of Native Hal Labyer, MBA ’89, was named American Heritage Month. Carol McGhee Walker, BA ’83, opened ’89 president of Arvest Community Bank in Duncan. a new medical practice in Edmond. Judge Colin Long, JD ’97, announced his bid to become circuit judge of Division Camille Jescavage, JD ’84, was promoted Kristin Chenoweth, BM ’91, a new I of the 25th Circuit in Missouri. ’84 to director of Medicaid compliance ’91 inductee into the Oklahoma Music Hall for CareFirst Blue Cross and Blue of Fame, returned to network television Herriet Qu, MBA ’97, was promoted to Shield of Maryland. in “GCB,” which premiered March 4 chief financial officer of Hollysys Autoon ABC. mation Technologies.


focus s pring 2012

cla ss notes

Debbie Norris DeMoss, BSB ’03 and BS ’00, is director of MBA ’05, is working for Boeing. ’03 Longwood Performing Arts in ’00 The Oklahoman ran a story about Kennett Square, Penn. Christiaan Osborn, BM ’03, for T. Carter Steph, JD ’00, joined the his work with Oklahoma City Public Bass Law firm. Schools Mariachi band program. Mohammed Ali, MS ’01, of the DepartRichard Rose, JD ’03, was elected sharement of Technology at Jackson State ’01 holder of the Mahaffey & Gore law firm University was awarded the Associain Edmond. tion of Technology, Management and Yukino West, BFA ’03, is a geological Applied Engineering (ATMAE) Faculty technician for Chesapeake Energy and Excellence Award for 2011. a ballet instructor for Velocity Dance Sarah Coburn, MM ’01, fresh off Center. her featured performance at the Timera Cunningham, BFA ’04, is working 2011 NEA Opera Honors, won rave Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines. She reviews for her performance in the ’04 for and her husband also will run a dance title role of “Lucia di Lammermoor” studio that has 400 students. at Washington National Opera at Meghan Dunn, BS ’04, is owner of VelocKennedy Center. Coburn was also ity Dance Center in Oklahoma City. a soloist in last year’s Handel’s Cassie Haverfield Massey, BS ’04, is a “Messiah” concert in Muskogee. human resources advisor at Farmers Chris Horton, JD ’01, joined the Pain & Insurance Kansas City. Garland law firm in Anadarko. Cody J. McPherson, JD ’04, was elected Cathy Christensen Vincent Lee, BA ’01, started a graphic shareholder for Mahaffey & Gore law design firm in 2006 and spearheaded firm. the print and web component of anShahzad Nisar Rana, MBA ’97, is head Jerry Noblin Jr., JD ’04, joined the other firm. of sales for the Middle East, Turkey Tomlinson, Rust, McKinstry & Grable Peter Markes, BME ’01, orchestra and Pakistan for Omron Healthcare law firm. director at Edmond North High School, Europe B.V. Jason Smith, JD ’04, is a representative won a 2011 GlobalHealth Inspiration Kelli O’Hara, BM ’98, who recently in Missouri State House District 143. Award for outstanding service. The played Regan in New York Public Audrey Turner, BS ’04, is the children’s Oklahoman ran a story about Markes, ’98 Theater’s production of “King Lear,” program coordinator at Illinois Mentor whose high school orchestra set the announced an April 24 opening for her in Peoria, Ill. state record for having 30 students return to Broadway in “Nice Work If Cailin (Leonard) Caskey, BFA ’05, accepted into the North Central You Can Get It.” professionally in “Jubilee” in Honor Orchestra. ’05 danced Danny Kennedy, MBA ’98, was named Las Vegas, “42nd Street” in Boston OCU’s partnerships with regional arts executive vice president of preconand “The Producers” in Boston. She organizations expanded last fall to struction for the southwest division ’02 include a fundraising gala with the lives in Boston and is teaching at of Nabholz Construction Services. A Fine Dance Studio with more than Oklahoma History Center—featuring Jonathan Powell, MBA ’98, was named 900 students and is a judge for Turn It music written by Callen Clarke and director of sales and marketing for Up Dance Challenge. performed by fellow alumnus Kyle Cherokee Nation Industries. Terra Frost, MLA ’05, was named direcDillingham, BM ’02. Bill Atkins, MBA ’99, wrote The tor of academic affairs for the UniverJennifer Kirkpatrick, JD ’02, took the letter of the month sity of Phoenix Oklahoma City campus. oath of office for a one-year term on ’99 Oklahoman’s for November. Christi Jeffreys, BA ’05 and MA ’11, is the Oklahoma Bar Association’s Board M. Elizabeth A “Betsy” Clark, MA ’99 marketing and public relations manof Governors. and JD ’02, was selected to write a ager for the City Arts Center. Trent Lawson, BFA ’02, was a featured new legal column for the Lone Grove Todd Lamb, JD ’05, presented the 2012 artist at JRB Art at the Elms gallery in Ledger. Pioneer Woman of the Year to former January. Jan Peery, BA ’99, was named OklaLt. Gov. Jari Askins. Lakshmi Manchu, BA ’02, is set to make homa’s Most Admired CEO for the Melissa Rhodes, BA ’05, is on the “Worst her Hindi film debut in Ram Gopal nonprofit division by the Journal Cooks in America” show on the Food Varma’s “Department.” Record. Peery is the CEO for YWCA Network. Steven Sanders, MM ’02, returned to of Oklahoma City. Composer Jay Wadley, BM ’05, won a Oklahoma to sing the role of Father Kris Reynolds, MBA ’99, was hired 2011 Charles Ives Fellowship from the Grenville in the opera “Dead Man by the Persimmon Group as project American Academy of Arts and Letters. Walking” for the Tulsa Opera on management practice leader. Kimberly Anthony, JD ’06, was sworn Feb. 25, March 4 and 5. Tom Taylor, MBA ’99, was named Jeremy Smith, BA ’02, was named as ’06 in as tribal judge for the United executive director of Emergency Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians. one of Boston University School of Infant Services. Theology’s Distinguished Alumni. Amy Broome,

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The law firm of Dustin Davis, JD ’06, Tere Bettis, BA ’07, is a human rewas nominated as the 2011 Small ’07 sources business partner for Anadarko Business of the Year by the Edmond Petroleum. Chamber of Commerce. Derek Davies, JD ’07, was named shareholder in the Harrison and MecklenMatthew Denman, BM ’06, a teacher in burg law firm. the Classen School of Advanced Studies Guitar Ensemble, was part of the Joel Linares, JD ’07, was selected to team that was selected to receive a become the Grantsville city attorney music education award from the Guitar in Utah. Foundation of America and the AugusComposer and singer Maya Raviv, tine Foundation. MM ’07, was honored with a program of her music at Manhattan’s Symphony Wes Hart, BM ’06, starred as Norm Space at the Festival of Universal Waxman in the new national tour of Sacred Music. Raviv’s musical tribute “Jersey Boys.” to Gilad Schalit helped raise awareness Traci (Munhausen) Foster, BS ’06, is of the Israeli soldier’s five-year captivan ER administrative coordinator at ity. “Mabat Einecha” (The Look in Your INTEGRIS Health and a dance instrucEyes) was broadcast on Isreaeli radio tor at Velocity Dance Center. stations each day. Will Mann, BM ’06, transferred from the Broadway cast of “Memphis” to the Kevin H. Cunningham, JD ’08, and national tour. ’08 Anthony Van Eck, JD ’11, joined the Bass Law firm. Caroline Miller, MLA ’08, is a photographer for the Oklahoma Department of Kim Faure Human Services. Jackqualyn Quinton, JD ’08, and Mark Thetford, JD ’08, joined the Edwards Law Firm in Tulsa. T. Michael E. Wood, BPA ’08, was in the farewell touring production of “Riverdance” in Dallas. The debut of the Norman Philharmonic ’09 featured the talents of OCU alumni Evan Chancellor, BM ’09, horn; Michael Reaves, BM ’69, and Marat Gabdullin, BM ’09, violin; and Royce McLarry, ’87, viola. Rachel Rhodes-Devey, BM ’09, starred as Nellie in the national tour of “South Pacific.” Katie Postotnik, BM ’09, starred in the national tour of “Rock of Ages.” Kim Faure, BPA ’10, recently left the ’10 cast of “Anything Goes” to move on to her next Broadway adventure dancing in the new Gershwin comedy musical “Nice Work If You Can Get It.” She will be dancing alongside stars Matthew Broderick and Kelli O’Hara, BM ’98. Marcin Parys, MM ’10, won the 20th Annual International Chopin Piano Competition, based in Corpus Christi, Ron Raines, BM ’06, headed to the Texas. Ahmanson Theater in Los Angeles for a continued run of the acclaimed Jack Smith, MBA ’10, is the director of revival of Stephen Sondheim’s “Folbusiness relationship management for lies,” which ended its Broadway run BridgePoint Education. Jan. 22 after originating at the Timothy F. Campbell, JD ’11, joined the Kennedy Center. ’11 Mitchel, Gaston, Riffel & Riffel law firm.


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Jessi Pingel and John Riesenberg

Photo by Angela Renai Comer

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Elizabeth Orr Cargal,

BS ’11, has been appointed director of perioperative services at St. Anthony Hospital. Shannon Forth Davies, JD ’11, released her book, “Hunting License.” Zachary J. Foster, JD ’11, joined the Helms, Underwood & Cook firm. Derek Hecksher, MBA ’11, was hired by the Bob Moore Auto Group as a financial analyst. The Las Vegas Review-Journal did a question-and-answer story with Ashton Joseph, BPA ’11, who is in the cast of “Bite.” Corry Kendall, JD ’11, joined the Weatherford Legal Services. Lewis LeNaire, JD ’11, was hired as an associate at GableGotwals. Kayla Masnek, BM ’11, is an assistant for film and TV music at Secret Road Music Services, Inc. Jessi Pingel, BS ’11, and John Riesenberg, BS ’11, are engaged to be married June 2, 2012 in Oklahoma City. Kyle P. Rogers, JD ’11, joined the Rhodes, Heironymus, Junes, Tucker and Gable firm. Amanda (Alfanos) Whitesell, BA ’11, is web editor/staff reporter at the Livingston Daily Press & Argus (Gannett) in Howell, Mich. Matthew mcwilliams, BS ’11, was hired as the assistant director of marketing services at Oklahoma City University.

Oklahoma City University Dance Department founder and chairwoman Jo Rowan has trained thousands of performers at OCU, many of who have gone on to national and international acclaim, including 42 who have become Rockettes.

off ice space

the office of jo rowan BOOM BOX • Prior to every class, Rowan listens to the music she will play in the studio. “I never teach without having everything written and planned out,” she noted.

ART • Paintings from Southwest and Oklahoma artists surround you as you step into the office of Jo Rowan in the Ann Lacy School of American Dance and Arts Management.

COMPUTER DESK • Rowan keeps her work as a department chairwoman separate from her creative work as a performer and director. “I’ve got the computer that I hate, but I use. I’m not on it if I don’t have to be,” she said. Just behind photos of Greg Hines, Donald O’Connor, Cholly Atkins and Arthur Duncan is the piece of technology Rowan most appreciates—the telephone. “I like communication and the Internet is a useable tool, but not if it starts to own you,” Rowan noted. HAIRSPRAY Rowan notes she always has hairspray within arm’s reach “for my Jo the Toe bowling ball look.”

STORYBOARD Rowan tacks various dance numbers to her storyboard and adjusts their order as necessary as she plans upcoming shows.

COSTUME • One of Rowan’s current costume creations rests next to her storyboard, along with the cat prop she designed in 2006.

PROCLAMATION/AWARDS • Rowan and her husband, OCU Dance and Arts Management Dean John Bedford, were given this proclamation from the president of the Borough of Manhattan for significantly contributing to the cultural life of Manhattan and New York City. Other awards displayed include the Tradition in Tap Award presented to Rowan for promoting tap dance, the National Association of Dance and Affiliated Artists Lifetime Achievement Award, the National Dance Teacher of the Year Award from Dance Teacher Magazine, the Oklahoma Higher Education Hall of Fame Award and the prestigious Flo-Bert Award, also known as “the Tony of Tap.”


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NATIONAL DANCE WEEK BROCHURE Rowan recently served three consecutive years as the spokeswoman for National Dance Week, where she worked alongside Tommy Tune, Ben Vereen and Fayard Nicholas.

TEACHING AWARD Rowan is a recipient of Oklahoma City University’s Exemplary Teaching Award for excellence in the studio and dedication to teaching.

SPRING SHOW ROSTER/NOTES Rowan uses her front desk for directing, writing, casting, costume design and choreography. Her Spring Show 2012 notes include a roster of 160 dancers and stage notes en francais, the language of ballet.

CDS • Rowan is internationally known for producing educational albums for dancers in the studio. She has produced an album every year since 1975 and designed the cover art for her 2012 album.

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focus on athletics

Edmisson Named

Coach of the Year

OCU Women’s Wrestling Team

Women’s wrestling scores fourth consecutive national championship

Oklahoma City University collected its fourth consecutive Women’s College Wrestling Association championship in January in Tennessee. The top-ranked Stars established program highs in the WCWA Championships with 141 points and six individual national champions, besting tournament host King (Tenn.), who had 91 points. Fifteen OCU wrestlers took all-American honors as Emily Webster at 101 pounds, Joey Miller (116), Michaela Hutchison (123), Jennifer Page (143), Kristie Davis (155) and Brittany Delgado (191) won national titles. Kristi Garr at 109, Audrey Morehouse at 130 and Stephanie Geltmacher at 136 picked up runner-up finishes. The Stars’ Tessa Plana at 136 and Brittney Roberts at 170 took third place, while Brieana Delgado (130) and Demi Strub (155) were fourth-place finishers. Brianna Rahall of OCU took fifth place at 101, and Heather O’Connor grabbbed sixth at 170. OCU now owns 42 national championships in all sports. Garr, Geltmacher and Hutchison joined Davis, Miller, Roberts and Webster as current Stars qualified to compete in the U.S. Olympic Trials on April 20-23 in Iowa City, Iowa. OCU alum Nicole Woody is also slated to vie for a spot in the Olympics. OCU won a WCWA academic team award with its 3.29 cumulative grade-point average. Two Stars took individual academic awards by maintaining 3.5 GPAs—Plana and Beatrize Martinez. Stars coach Archie Randall was named WCWA coach of the year. OCU’s 24-19 dual win over Colorado State-Pueblo on Feb. 8 in Pueblo, Colo., in men’s wrestling brought Randall his 385th career win counting high school and college men’s and women’s duals.


focus s pring 2012

Head women’s basketball coach Rob Edmisson won the Phyllis Holmes NAIA Coach of the Year Award following his team’s win in the national championship game. Edmisson has led the Stars to five Sooner Athletic Conference regular-season championships, five conference tournament titles and seven NAIA Division I tournaments in his seven seasons with the Stars. His record at OCU is 212-31. Edmisson’s overall coaching record in 22 years on all levels is 514-150. Since arriving at OCU, Edmisson has coached 10 all-Americans, including two-time all-Americans Donica Cosby, Alexandra Kotta, Holly Hardin and Chelsea Ledbetter. The 2008, 2010 and 2012 SAC coach of the year, Edmisson has guided 38 all-conference players, including four newcomer of the year award winners, two defensive players of the year, the sportsmanship award winner and three SAC player of the year honorees. Edmisson mentored the program’s first WNBA draftee, Mariam Sy, who was also the NAIA Tournament most valuable player, and six others who turned professional. Off the floor, each player Edmisson has coached at OCU has graduated and four were NAIA scholar-athlete award winners. OCU has maintained its perch among the top programs in the country. The Stars have one of the winningest programs in the NAIA. Rob Edmisson talks with a referee.

focus on athletics

OCU’s Knopp

honored at 2012

Sports Spectacular OCU rowing coach Mike Knopp was presented with the Abe Lemons/Paul Hansen Award for Sports Excellence at the annual OCU Sports Spectacular dinner and auction March 26 in the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum. The Abe Lemons/Paul Hansen Award recognizes an individual who significantly contributes to the growth of sports in the state. Last year’s honoree was Oklahoma women’s basketball coach Sherri Coale. Past award winners are Ron Norick, Clay Bennett, Lee Allan Smith, Dr. William Grana, Stanley Draper Jr., Bob Funk, Barry Switzer, Mike Knopp Mick Cornett, the late Bobby Murcer, Bart Conner, Bill Self and Tom J. McDaniel. The OCU Sports Spectacular includes a dinner, entertainment and live and silent auctions. Proceeds benefit OCU’s 19 varsity intercollegiate sports programs, the Paul Hansen Memorial Scholarship and the Abe Lemons Endowed Athletic Scholarship. Those scholarships provide funding to OCU student-athletes who have completed their eligibility and are within one year of graduation. Under Knopp’s guidance, OCU has garnered multiple achievements on and off the water. The success of OCU rowers has increased every year during Knopp's tenure and has included multiple rowing champions and seen OCU rowers compete on the U.S. Under-23 national team. Knopp was also the driving force behind the OCU Head of the Oklahoma Regatta, an annual rowing competition that attracts more than 50,000 spectators and competitors to Oklahoma City each year. The event has been recognized as the “National Regatta of the Year” and was the first U.S. Rowing competition to include night racing. Other achievements include the designation of the Oklahoma River as an official Olympic training site; the construction of the Chesapeake Finish Line Tower; multiple local, national, and international championship competitions; and the master plan development of the Oklahoma River. Knopp also serves as the executive director for the Oklahoma City Boathouse Foundation. In this position, Knopp helped create the first community rowing and kayaking programs, as well as the Chesapeake Boathouse. Knopp has been recognized with several awards including the OKCBiz Forty under 40 award, The Journal Record Achievers Under Forty award, Leadership OKC Class XXV, March of Dimes Headliner Special, Harry Parry Award for Foundation Excellence and the Neil Horton Award.

Meghan McMahon

Stars end season in NAIA

women’s soccer championships OCU women’s soccer fell 2-1 to top-ranked Lindsey Wilson (Ky.) on Nov. 28 in the NAIA Championships at a soggy Jack Allen Recreation Complex. The 23rd-ranked Stars mounted a late effort to tie the match, but fell short finishing their season 173-2. OCU has been defeated in the second round of the NAIA national championship for two straight seasons, falling 3-2 to Azusa Pacific (Calif.) in 2010. Gametime weather consisted of temperatures in the high 30s, strong winds and snowfall which led to sloppy field conditions. Lindsey Wilson got on the scoreboard first in the 30th minute after the Blue Raiders were awarded a penalty kick. The Stars equalized in the 42nd minute when Sheridan Horner found Meghan McMahon, who scored her 19th goal of the season to make the score 1-1. Despite a mixture of snow and rain, Lindsey Wilson jumped back on top in the 61st minute.

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focus on athletics

Women’s Basketball Team Wins National Championship ranked squad in NAIA Division I this Oklahoma City University won the season as well as two of the most proNAIA Division I women’s basketball lific women’s basketball programs in tournament championship March 20 the nation. in convincing fashion, beating Union The Stars suffered their only loss of (Tenn.) 69-48 at Frankfort Convention the season 88-66 to Lubbock ChrisCenter in Kentucky. tian (Texas) on Jan. 12 at Abe Lemons The Stars finished their season 35-1 Arena. OCU responded with two wins and on a 21-game win streak. over Lubbock Christian, 60-51 on Feb. OCU has won national women’s 11 in Lubbock, Texas and 85-55 on basketball championships in 1988, OCU Women’s Basketball Team Monday in the national semifinals. 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 and now, “I’m just happy to see the journey 2012. our kids have gone on this season,” Oklahoma City coach Rob EdIn all sports, OCU has captured 43 national championships. Taylor Booze, a senior, posted a game-high 20 points and came misson said. “We defended so well, especially on their all-American. Defense wins championships, we say that all the time, and it away with the national-tournament most valuable player award. The game matched the top-ranked team versus the second- proved itself tonight.”

OCU Athletic Hall of Fame inducts three OCU celebrated its rich athletic tradition in inducting its 2011-12 Athletic Hall of Fame class in a ceremony Jan. 21 in the Great Hall of the Tom and Brenda McDaniel University Center. OCU’s newest hall of famers were former soccer standout Sally Cole, former softball pitcher Andrea Drake and assistant baseball coach Keith Lytle. Drake still holds career records for strikeouts (874) and innings pitched (707) set during 1988-91. Drake became a fourtime NAIA all-American, making first-team all-American as a junior, as well as fourtime all-District Nine and two-time alltournament in the NAIA Championships. As a senior, Drake went 17-7 with a 1.15 earned run average, 24 complete games,

five no-hitters, 149 strikeouts in 157.1 innings pitched. Cole became four-time first-team NAIA all-American and two-time NAIA scholarathlete award winner for OCU from 19992002. She took third-team CoSIDA academic all-American honors as a junior. Her statistics during her career were 29 goals, 17 assists and 75 points. Cole, who hails from Yukon, Okla., currently coaches soccer at Bishop McGuinness High School in Oklahoma City. Lytle has been recognized as one of the top hitting instructors in the nation during his 23-year tenure with OCU. With Lytle’s aid, OCU posted the most wins in the nation since 1991 (1,070 entering 2012),

12 consecutive 50-win seasons, seven SAC titles and 11 trips to the NAIA World Series. The Stars were national runnerup three years in a row before breaking through to win the national championship in 2005. Freddy Sanchez, the 2006 National League batting champion, blossomed under Lytle’s tutelage and led the San Francisco Giants to the 2010 World Series championship. Sanchez was an all-American for OCU in 2000. Lytle became the first OCU Athletic Hall of Famer who has spent his time at the university as an assistant coach his entire tenure.

From left, former softball pitcher Andrea Drake, former soccer player Sally Cole and assistant baseball coach Keith Lytle were inducted into the OCU Athletic Hall of Fame in January.


focus s pring 2012

As we introduce you to our donors, we invite you to honor them as we do. They are individuals and organizations. Their gifts are large and small. They are as diverse as the student population they seek to support with their contributions, yet they have a common goal: to allow the university to achieve its mission of fostering students’ intellectual, moral and spiritual development and preparing them to become effective leaders in service to their communities. Together our donors are making a significant impact, one that will carry forward for generations to come. Our staff has worked carefully to ensure that this list of donors, who made cash gifts, pledges and pledge payments between January 1 and December 31, 2011, is as accurate as possible. If you should have questions regarding this donor information, please call the Office of Advancement at (405) 208-7000.


ROLL OF DONORS You r G en e r os i ty. Their Future.

This Honor Roll of Donors is an opportunity for Oklahoma City University to publicly thank the many individuals and organizations that support this great university. This group of supporters is composed of friends, alumni, staff, faculty, corporations, foundations, churches and organizations that, together, enable OCU to continue to provide an excellent education in the United Methodist tradition. We thank you.

Thank you 31

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employee of university


member in memoriam ď Ź


FOUNDERS Founders are individuals and organizations whose cumulative gifts to the university total $1 million or more. These special benefactors have helped shape the past, the present and most importantly, the future of Oklahoma City University for generations to come.

Ann Simmons Alspaugh Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Wanda L. Bass Martha Burger Clay and Eleanor Carrithers Chesapeake Energy Corporation, Inc. Jeroldine Zacharitz Clark Marvin and Ena Dawson Devon Energy Corporation The Luther T. Dulaney . Family Josephine W. Freede Gaylord Family Harris Foundation, Inc. Hatton W. Sumners Foundation, Inc. Inasmuch Foundation Clara Edith Jones The Kerr Foundation, Inc. Kerr McGee Corporation, Inc. Kirkpatrick Family Ann Lacy and . James Alexander  Kurt and Cathy Leichter Haskell L. Lemon Family Tom and Judy Love The J.E. and L.E. Mabee Foundation Herman and LaDonna Meinders The Meinders Foundation Gary M. Moore


focus s pring 2012

The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation Families of Henry Norick Oklahoma Conference of The United Methodist Church Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company Foundation, Inc. The Robert A. Parman Foundation Petree Family Robert & Ruby Priddy Charitable Trust Sarkeys Foundation Dick and Jeannette Sias Jeanne Hoffman Smith Vivian Wimberly Flora Rouse Winter

DISTINGUISHED STARS BENEFACTOR $100,000+ Steve Agee Anadarko Foundation Chesapeake Energy Corporation, Inc. The Chickasaw Nation Devon Energy Corporation Jalal Farzaneh Mohammad Farzaneh The William Randolph Hearst Foundation Inasmuch Foundation Ann Lacy Kurt and Cathy Leichter Haskell L. Lemon Family Herman and LaDonna Meinders The Meinders Foundation Oklahoma City Community Foundation

Oklahoma Conference of The United Methodist Church Estate of Marcella A. Peck Ray and Pat Potts Estate of Maryetta H. Rowe Wilshire Charitable Foundation

STARS BENEFACTOR $10,000 - $99,999 Ann Simmons Alspaugh T. Brian and Julia Bakeman BancFirst Susan Barber and David P. Nagle, Jr. Wanda L. Bass Foundation, Inc. Broadhurst Foundation Henry W. Browne, Jr. Martha A. Burger Bob and Chimene Burke Phil and Cathy Busey Robert and Nina Butkin Chester and Debbie Cadieux ConocoPhillips, Matching Gift Program Crowe & Dunlevy Foundation, Inc. Sam and Bushra Dahr Rick and Pam Davis Delaware Resource Group of Oklahoma, LLC Dennis and Nancy Dougherty Matt and Jill Epperson Clyde Evans Charitable Trust Tricia L. Everest First Eagle Leasing, LLC Josephine W. Freede Jerry Gamble and Jane Jayroe Gamble

Michael and Lynda Gardner Great Plains Coca-Cola Bottling Company Basel and Suzanne Hassoun Larry and Gay Hellman Robert Henry and Jan Ralls Henry Glede and Teresa Holman Gary and Sue Homsey J.R. and Patsy Homsey Cliff and Leslie Hudson Integris Health, Inc. Jexal Foundation, Inc. M. Farouk and Noha Kanaa Lou C. Kerr/The Kerr Foundation, Inc. Kirkpatrick Foundation, Inc. Linda P. Lambert Tom and Judy Love Love’s Travel Stops & Country Stores, Inc. Jason and Carly Maderer Karl F. and June S. Martin Family Foundation Glynn and Sandy McCauley Aubrey and Katie McClendon McLaughlin Family Charitable Fund Estate of Nannette E. Milleson Earl D. Mills George R. Milner, III Bob and Jeaneen Naifeh Ron and Kandy Norick Oklahoma City Thunder Oklahoma Bar Foundation Orthopedic Associates, Inc. The Robert A. Parman Foundation Suzanne E. Pointer David and Kim Rainbolt Ghazi M. Rayan Reserve Petroleum Company


ROLL OF DONORS Estate of Warren O. Romberger Freddy Sanchez Bill and Pam Shdeed Richard and Jeannette Sias Jeanne Hoffman Smith Shelby L. Smith SSM Health Care of Oklahoma Hatton W. Sumners Foundation, Inc. Cullen and Bonnie Thomas Jack E. Turner James L. Wade William and Pat Walker Jean M. Warren Jerome Westheimer Family Foundation, Inc. White Rhino Partners, LLC Estate of Willis Worley, Jr.

PRESIDENT’S PARTNERS GOLD $5,000 - $9,999 American Fidelity Foundation Louise L. Bass Jerry and Jackie Bendorf Doc and MarEllen Benson BMW Investments LLC BP America Bill and Billie Buckles Roy and Pat Chandler Bill and Sherry Conger Coppermark Bank Cusack Meats Betsy A. Daugherty David B. Donchin Emmanuel and Irene Edem Jim and Christy Everest Finley Ewing, III

Bill and Kris Frankfurt Mike and Wanda Gilliam Jack and Sylvia Golsen Alan C. Greenberg Mo and Jacque Grotjohn Robert and Sally Hillis Brian and Heather Holland Mickey and Sydney Homsey Niles Jackson and Barbara Thornton Randy and Connie Jones Maveric Mini-Marts Inc. Tom and Brenda McDaniel Bob and Jeanne McSpadden Buddy and Jennie Medbery Waddah Nassar, MD Norick Investments, Inc. Oklahoma City Boathouse Foundation Scott and Jane Pelley David and Leslie Pepper The Professional Basketball Club, LLC Puterbaugh Foundation Tom Quinn George and Mary Ellen Randall George and Nancy Records Richard and Johnece Ryerson Paul and Kim Sanders SandRidge Energy, Inc. Ruth E. Seideman Pat and Sheryl Sheppard Richard P. & Norma T. Small Foundation Douglas J. Stussi Barry and Becky Switzer Dick and Glenna Tanenbaum Brad and Sandra Thompson Tinker Leadership Development Association

UMB Bank, NA Betty L. Wooden Hub Worrell

PRESIDENT’S PARTNERS SILVER $2,500 - $4,999 Todd Adcock Advancia Corporation American Electric Power Anonymous (1) Amy L. Bankhead Terry Baransy Ron and Debbie Barnes Jim and Kay Bass Estate of Jean Frances Beatty Scott and Vicki Behenna Loyd and Judy Benson Irven R. Box Bob G. Bunce John Burchfiel Rodney and Peggy Campbell Jay P. Cannon Cardinal River Energy Company Champion Ranch Chase Foundation Stan Clark Companies Wallace and Emogene Collins Randall D. Cooley Art and Sandy Cotton Steve and Ken Sue Doerfel Ethics and Excellence in Journalism Foundation Fellers Snider Blankenship Bailey & Tippens, P.C. Elliott C. Fenton Christopher and Jacque Fiegel Paul and Deborah Fleming

General Board of Higher Education & Ministry . of The United Methodist Church Ben Green Carol M. Hansen John and Janet Hudson J.P. Morgan Chase Bank James and Phyllis Jackson Luwana John Tom Jones and Leslie Tregillus Jostens Kimray, Inc. Kincaid Coach Lines Steve and Suzan Knight Craig and Julie Knutson Gus Langrell Art and Betsy LeFrancois Harrison and Elaine Levy Philip M. Lowry David and Nancy May Kenneth and Debbie McKinney John V. McShane Mercy Health Center Michael P. & Eunice M. Massad Foundation Inc. Robert K. Miles Bob and Margaret Mills Moore & Vernier, P.C. Melvin and Jasmine Moran Dolores Neustadt Oklahoma Bar Association Oklahoma Independent Petroleum Foundation Keri C. Prince Quail Creek Golf & Country Club R.K. Black, Inc. Gene Rainbolt Robert E. Reynolds Ralph and Sandra Sallusti

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R. Thomas and Stephanie Seymour Skirvin Hotel Smith & Pickel Construction, Inc. Sonic Corporation Jerry B. Vannatta Mark and Gale Wood Wynn Construction Company, Inc. John M. Yoeckel

PRESIDENT’S PARTNERS BRONZE $1,000 - $2,499 Jim and Annetta Abbott Raymond and Lucille Ackerman David and Kathie Aelvoet AEP Public Service Company Phil B. Albert Allstate Wrestling Association American Fidelity Corporation Alan B. Anderson Andrews Davis, P.C. Anonymous (2) Betty J. Aves Maggie Ball and Tony Zahn Bank of America Robert J. Barron J. Edward and Gene Barth Arnold and Jo Ann Battise David and Laura Beal John D. Beasley Lee and Sherry L. Beasley Mark and Teena Belcik John and Joy Belt Mary S. Benner Sanjay Bhasin Paul and Colleen Bicket


focus s pring 2012

Joel D. Bieber Charles and Carol Blackwood Jim Blakewell Cliff and Connell Branan Charles Bridges and Cynthia Carroll-Bridges David Brown and Ann Noble Brown Tom and Jo Brown Jim and Betty Bruce Doug and Rhonda Buckles Dennis Byford and Linda Cook Randy and Connie Calvert Steven and Kimberly Cargill David and Kafie Carman Spence M. Carson Central Liquor Company Benjamin H. Chang John and Nancy Cheek Chermac Energy Corporation Lawrence and Chris Cobb Patty Coe Nance and Mary Coffey George and Karla Cohlmia Cole & Reed, P.C. Thomas H. Conklin Conner & Winters Continental Resources, Inc. Lois A. Cooprider Justin and Brandy Corcoran CORT Business Services Corporation Joe and Val Couch Cox Communications, Inc.– Tulsa Nathan and Christina Crain Brian D. Craven Joe and Sherry Crosthwait Edgar M. Cruz CTP Corporate Travel Planning Glenn and Vivian Dale Mark Davies and Kristin Alex Davies

Michael L. Decker Pete and Karen Delaney Patricia R. Demps Nikki Dieball Bill and Liz Donnelly James C. Donovan Frederick F. Drummond Richard P. Dulaney Economic Club of Oklahoma Phyllis K. Edson Elliott & Associates Architects, Co. Boone J. Ellis Barbara L. Eskridge Bradly and Celine Ferguson Joe and Marti Ferretti First National Bank of Oklahoma First Southwest Company Denise Flis Timothy E. Foley Larry Foster and Rozia McKinney-Foster Frankfurt, Short, Bruza Associates, P.C. Shannon Friday Friday – Nichols Hills Publishing Samuel R. Fulkerson Stephen and Linda Garrett Michael T. Gibson Harry Goldman and Jettie Person Robert and Paulette Gordon Nate and Linda Grantham Kyle E. Graves Lydia Y. Green David and Pam Greenwell Bob and Liza Greve Stephania Grober Rick and Lee Hall Hall Capital, LLC. Royce and Kirk Hammons Homer and Treva Hancock

Janet Handwerk Haney Incorporated Kimberly Hansen Meredith and Helen Hardgrave Jane B. Harlow Bruce and Tina Harroz James and Jean Hartsuck Kim and Suzette Hatfield Walt and Liz Hedrick Ronald and Ellenmarie Howland Hudiburg Auto Group Hunzicker Brothers Ronnie and Shahnaaz Irani Michael W. Jackson Bob and Mary Jenkins Bill and Ann Johnstone J.T. Jones Yvonne Kauger Ben E. Keith Foods Al and Marsha Keller Alan and Angie Kennington Sandy Kimerer Michael and Summer Krywucki William and Laura Laing Land Title of Nez Perce County, Inc. Melissa D. Lee Richard and M. Frances Lerblance Duke and Linda Ligon Foster and Judy Lindley Dave and Lana Lopez Becky Love Janis Love and Dan Burdett M & S Realty, LLC MA+ Architects Mac and Barbara MacPherson Dan and Natalya Markoff Dontay Martin Estate of James L. Martin Don and Ginger McCombs


ROLL OF DONORS Gregory and Kathy McCracken Jean E. McLaughlin Burrel and JoAnn McNaught Gordon Melson Midwest Bus Sales, Inc. Joel and Nikki Miliband Glen and Yvonne Miller Jason Miller and Cindy McCorkle Miller James R. Moore and Associates

Mordy & Mordy, P.C. Danď‚Ť and Andrea Morgan Mustang Fuel Corporation My Sports Dreams, LLC Michael Myshrall and Bonnie Arthur Bob and Carol Naifeh Kenneth A. Nash The National Water Safety Congress Tommy Neathery

Northwestern Mutual Financial Network– Oklahoma City Richard Ochs and Sue Arnold Oklahoma Amateur Wrestling, Inc. Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce Oklahoma City Convention & Visitors Bureau Oklahoma City National Memorial Foundation

Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company Foundation, Inc. Oklahoma Pest Solutions David Ooley Richard and Gayle Parry Bill and Jeanne Patrigo Homer and Ramona Paul Jerry and Charlette Perryman PG&E Corportation Foundation Darryl and Karen Pinion

The Nebula Society is a special group of donors and friends who make leadership unrestricted gifts annually to the OCU Fund to be used for the areas of greatest need at the university.


Christopher and Jacque Fiegel Inasmuch Foundation/Ethics and Excellence in Journalism Foundation Bob and Sally Hillis Steve Agee Harrison and Elaine Levy Charles and Carol Blackwood Bob and Jeaneen Naifeh Martha A. Burger Marsh and Deborah Pitman Tricia L. Everest Jeanne Hoffman Smith Josephine W. Freede Smith & Pickel Construction, Golsen Family, LLC Great Plains Coca-Cola Bottling Inc. Jim Vallion Company Mo and Jacque Grotjohn Robert Henry and Jan Henry BRONZE NEBULA Ralls SOCIETY Linda P. Lambert $1,000 - $2,499 Buddy and Jennie Medbery Ron and Kandy Norick Ann Simmons Alspaugh George and Nancy Records Kevin R. Baldwin Reserve Petroleum Company Terry Baransy Richard P. & Norma T. Small David and Laura Beal Foundation Doc and MarEllen Benson Dick and Jeannette Sias Tom and Jo Brown Jerry B. Vannatta Doug and Rhonda Buckles Betty L. Wooden Bob G. Bunce J. Donald and Patricia Capra Roy and Pat Chandler SILVER NEBULA SOCIETY Coppermark Bank $2,500 - $4,999 Joe and Val Couch Glenn and Vivian Dale Anonymous (1) Richard and Meredith Davison Charles Ashley and Nancy Frederick F. Drummond Coats-Ashley Richard P. Dulaney Lloyd and Judy Benson

Phyllis K. Edson Elliott & Associates Architects, Co. Robert and Nancy Ellis Jim and Christy Everest Ann Felton and Robert Gilliland Joseph and Martha Ferretti Gerry Gamble and Jane Jayroe Gamble Stephen and Linda Garrett Mike and Wanda Gilliam Bob and Liza Greve Jane B. Harlow Kim and Suzette Hatfield John and Kristen Hillis Brian and Heather Holland J.R and Patsy Homsey Gary and Sue Homsey Ronnie and Shahnaaz Irani Niles and Barbara Jackson Bob and Mary Jenkins Bill and Ann Johnstone John T. Jones Yvonne Kauger Lou C. Kerr Craig and Julie Knutson Hershel Lamirand Kurt and Cathy Leichter Duke and Linda Ligon Foster and Judy Lindley Dave and Lana Lopez MA+ Architects Tom and Brenda McDaniel

Burrel and JoAnn McNaught Kenneth A. Nash David Ooley Presbyterian Health Foundation Norris and Betty Price Gene Rainbolt George and Mary Ellen Randall Steve and Julie Raney John A. Robinson Patrick and Marianne Rooney Jim Roth Shannon B. Rundell Mike Samis Susan Savage Gary and Anne Shaner Stephanie Shanor Bill and Pam Shdeed Tony and Phyllis Shelby Danny R. Snyder Southwestern Stationery and Bank Supply Bob and Pamela Spinks Marvona and Michael Tavlin Clayton and Marnie Taylor R. Cullen and Bonnie Thomas Joseph and Cynthia Walkowski David and Rhonda Walters Robert W. Waring Larry S. Wiese Charles and Renate Wiggin John Michael and Kathy Williams Lillian N. Yoeckel

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Pioneer Trucking, Inc. Eduardo and Tracy Prieto Prodigal, LLC Ronald Raines and Dona Vaughn Steve and Julie Raney William and Sally Ray Andy and Lisa Reichardt John A. Robinson Jan Rosé Shannon B. Rundell Mark Saleh John and Lois Salmeron Davina Seghetti Gary and Anne Shaner Ben and Shirley Shanker Stephanie Shanor Tony and Phyllis Shelby Ruby Lu Simpson Darrell and Margaret Smokewood South Oklahoma City District – The United Methodist Church Southern States Energy Board The State Chamber of Oklahoma Stillwater National Bank and Trust Super Cao Nguyen Victoria K. Swinney Glenna G. Tanenbaum Marvona and Michael Tavlin Clayton and Marnie Taylor The Oklahoman Mrs. Charles R. Thigpen, Sr. Jack and Ann Thompson Jim and Beth Tolbert Tradewind Energy, LLC J. Mac Troy and Carol Wilkinson Troy Linda C. Tucker University of Oklahoma Foundation, Inc. US Energy Recovery, LLC


focus s pring 2012

Jim Vallion Doug and Kamee Van Meter Tony and Denise Villani Joseph and Cynthia Walkowski David and Rhonda Walters Richard Wansley and Meredith Davison Leo and Nancy Werneke Ellen Jayne Wheeler Martha E. White Larry S. Wiese Chuck and Renate Wiggin John Michael and Kathy Williams Drew and Lizette Williamson The Wind Coalition Winegardner & Hammons, Inc. Gale Wood Lillian N. Yoeckel Lawrence and Sheryl Young Cheryl Zimmerman



105 Degrees A. & T. H., Inc. AAA of Oklahoma Mary A. Aaron Hyacinthe K. Aboudja ABQ Health Partners Acme T-Shirt Co. Jim Adams Murla J. Adams Patrick Adams Anthony and Antoinette Addeo Frank and Kit Addleman M. Craig and Christin Adkins Advanced Road and Paving Solutions LLC

Aero-Space Reports Agritainment, Inc. Alimah J. Ahmad Warren B. Alarkon Victor and Karen Kay Albert Dan Alcorn All Turf, LLC Dale and Elaine Allard Ethan and Dawn Allen Jenni Allen William and Esta Allen Ariel E. Allison Bob and Mitzi Allred Marky Almon Jerome and Judy Altshuler Amateur Softball Association– USA Women’s Team Ambassador Hotel Robert and K. Diane Amend American Health Care Systems, Inc. Kim Amini Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Lauren N. Anders Bill and Ellen Anderson Brandy C. Anderson D.M. Anderson Jack Anderson and Cheryl Parrott Jon and Cynthia Anderson Julie Anderson Mark and Melissa Anderson NaRita G. Anderson John and Conny Andres Andy Alligator’s Fun Park Anonymous (4) Anthony Travel Issei Aoyama Rita A. Aragon Dan and Eleanor Armstrong Armstrong Transportation Aaron and Ashleigh Arnall Susan A. Arnold

Trina Arnold Jim and Martha Artman Artman Real Estate Inc. Glenn S. Asato Robyn R. Assaf Association of Central Oklahoma Governments Darrel and Carolyn Aten Joseph N. Atkins Steven J. Aton Frank J. Atwater Robbie C. Auger David and Karen August Deretta Austin Gordon and Jane Austin Jimmie Austin OU Golf Course Joni L. Autrey Autry Technology Center Board of Education Aztec Building Systems, Inc Ray and Jannelle Babb Rosemary E. Bachle Angela E. Bachman Neil and Jody Bagdis Rhonda Bailey Gwen Bain Debra Bair Mark and Sally Bair Traci A. Bair Dee Ann Baird Gordon and Vada Baird Baird Foundation, Inc. Joe and Melissa Baker Jon Baker Robert B. Baker Robert S. Baker William and Kathryn Baker Don and Colleen Balaban Chelsea M. Baldwin Oteka A. Ball Balliet’s Mary C. Baltierra


ROLL OF DONORS Bank of Oklahoma Bank of Oklahoma Foundation Marcus and Anne Barker Jim Barnaby and Ruth LytleBarnaby Nicholas Barnaby Brian A. Barnes Glenn L. Barnes Ian and Heather Barnes Marilyn K. Barnes Mervin and Eleanor Barnes Susan J. Barnes Tim and Janet Barnes James and Barbara Barrett Lydia J. Barrett Mark Barrett Phillip and Aline Barrett David and Leta Barry Robert and Dona Barth Sherry K. Barton Jennifer L. Basile Hamden and Robyn Baskin Stan Basler T. David and Donna Bass Ray and Linda Bays Bradley and Dixie Beadles Carol S. Beard Janet F. Beard Brian Beatty and Regan Strickland Beatty Larry and Cheryl Beatty John and Debbie Beaver John and Serena Beckett Mark L. Beffort Diana J. Behm Edward J. Behm Kendall and Sheila Behnke Richard and Mary Beisel Brent and Julie Bell J. C. Bell Bell & Rhodes Phillip and Debra Bellan

Benjamin Bench and Chelsey Emmett Mark and Laurie Bennett Nancy L. Bennett Regina J. Bennett Trish Bennett Alan and Nina Benson Blythe Benson Lloyd A. Benson Chris Bentley Andrew and Deborah Benton Eric and Leslie Berger R.H. and Nancy Berman Jennifer L. Bernardi Best Buy Cathy L. Bewley Christine A. Beyer Ken and JoAnn Bierman Larry G. Bierman Mary A. Biesecker Big Sky Bread Company Jacki G. Billings Michelle Billings Wes Billingsley Denise D. Binkley Stephen J. Bird Amber Bishop Bite Rite Barbara A. Black Cynthia Q. Black David M. Black Joe and Polly Black Black Electric Black Methodists for Church Renewal Dillon Blackmon Eloise A. Blake Robert V. Blakeburn, MD Barry Blank Kenneth and Audrey Blank Jap and Nancy Blankenship Kyle and Krista Blaser Mike and Rita Blaser

Renee Blessington Mike and Jeannene Blevins Glenn and Ana Bloom BMI + ImageNet Pam Bobier Steve Bocock Mary P. Boday Dwight and Margaret Boesiger Annie L. Bohanon Dale Bohn Angie Boland Richard and Debbie Boles Cheri Bolz and Kristen Perkins Ken and Gerry Bonds Jim and Dianna Bonfiglio Dolores Bonsall Sam and Melissa Bonsall Jim and Jo Booher Stephen M. Booth Melanie K. Borger Violet I. Borr Willis and Lois Bottger V. Arthur and Breda Bova Dennis and Jan Box Doug Boxx and Jacqueline Perrin Bobby Boyanton and Alejandra Boyanton-Cano Edward and Josephine Boydston William and Donna Bozalis Rick and Taunia Bozarth Barth and Linda Bracken George and Lori Bradley Kay Bradley Larry and Marie Bradshaw Rick Bragga and Debbie Mohring-Bragga David Brahm and Karen Hunold Gary and Kathryn Branch John and Jacqueline Branch Brianna K. Brandon Brandt’s Flowers

Robert Brashear and Paula Huckaby Brashear Robert and Marilyn Brasher David S. Brazeal Dustin and Tiffany Brazeal Joshua H. Brazeal Keith Brewer Mary E. Brewer Travis and Catherine Brewer Bricktown Brawlers Bobbi Bridges Bridging The Gap Darryl Bright Linda L. Brinkworth Tim Brittingham Charles W. Britton Kathy Broad Rebecca Brodt Jack and Wynona Brooks Paul and Barbara Brou Bennie and Deborah Brown Marquetta G. Brown Michael and Traci Linn Brown Pete and Barbara Brown Robert and Karen Browne Stephen and Cheryl Browne Sean and Kimberli Brownlee Robert G. Brubaker Marilyn Bruce Gwendolyn M. Bruner Judith A. Brushingham Stephen G. Bryan Janice K. Bryant Paul C. Bube Kent and Lauri Buchanan Rosie Buchholz Buffalo Wild Wings Debra A. Burd Alan and Mary Burgess James M. Burk Bryan Burke Douglas and Ruth Burkert Frederick A. Burns

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Larry and Debbie Burns Rick Burns Burns & Stowers, P.C. Richard and Sally Burpee Bob and Denise Burton Robert and Shirley Burton William Burton Thomas and Diana Burull Gary and Judith Bush Jack G. Bush Jason Bush and Jennifer Long J.B. and Nancy Buskirk Brian A. Buswell Martha Butler Brett W. Butner Randy and Robin Byford CAA Sports Cabana Tan Cafe Antiqua Cafe Nova Rodney D. Caffey Nancy S. Cain Lechelle Calderwood Mary J. Calvey Jo C. Cameron Joseph and Trudy Campbell Richard A. Campbell Kathleen Campion Robert Campos Steven and Vickey Cannady Joe and Beverly Cannon Voorhis C. Cantrell Cruz Cardenas Brandon and Stephanie Carey Kenneth and Lois Carlton Betty J. Carmichael Frank and Carol Carney Kacie Carpenter Scott and Debbie Carpenter Brent and Lisa Carroll Paul and Linda Carson Patrick and Robi Casey


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Earnest and Floris Cash Joseph and Sara Caskey Terrance and Karla Cason Terrance and Karla Cason Chris and Danette Cassetty Larry and Shirley Cassil Mark Castell Jeff Castleberry Richard and Rosemary Cato Judy Cawthon Celebrity Attractions Central Oklahoma American Indian Health Council, Inc. Terry S. Chambliss Wayne Chao Kimberly K. Chase David and Adra Cheek Cheevers Flowers James T. Chen Karen Chen Rocky Chen Betty Chenault Cherokee Nation Businesses Rob Cherry Joey Chiaf Chickasha Public School Foundation Chick-Fil-A Children’s Medical Research Institute, Inc. Chili’s – Quail Springs Shin H. Cho Melanie K. Christians Marie Christie Church of the Servant Delbert Clancy and Lillian Mathes Clancy B.C. Clark Jewelers, Inc. Janyce L. Clark Montelle Clark Brad and Dorothy Claussen Regina Clemens Fox Joseph and Margaret Clytus CMA Strategies, Inc.

Sherri Coale Julie Cobb Tim Coburn Bob and Ann Coffia Jeff and Ali Coffman Wooy and Arnita Colbert Jerry and Amie Colclazier Colcord Hotel Brian Coleman Ann Coley Colin and Melissa Colgan Chet and Kim Collier Comanche County Memorial Hospital Doug and Janet Combs Angela R. Comer Terry R. Conley Richard and Carol Conza Edward and Kaye Cook Greg and Vickie Cook Linda S. Cook Jackie and Barbara Cooper James and LaRue Coover Gary Copeland Murray and Laura Corbin Nicholas and Megan Cordle John M. Cortez Bill and Mary Ann Corum Cosmopolitan Salon Richard and Marilyn Coulson Courtyard by Marriott Nancy A. Cowden C. Scott Cowell Christy F. Cox Duane and Frieda Crabaugh Crafton Pump Services, Inc. George and Lelah Craig Robi Craig Craig’s Wonder Emporium Scott and Cassie Cramer Barbara S. Crandall Wayne and Carmen Craney Janie Cravens

Cindy Crawford Von R. Creel John and Cindy Crittenden Rhonda Croft John and Jamie Crooch Joey C. Croslin Jonathan W. Cross Steve and Mary Crossley Avery N. Crossman Cyndee Crouch James E. Crowder, Jr. Kevin F. Crowe Crowe & Dunlevy Kenneth and Sylvia Crowell Sterling and Liza Cryder Kenneth and Jan Culver Tree Currier Pamela S. Curry A. Brad and Patricia Curtis Torrey and Joyce Curtis Joseph A. Czoch Marlin and Janice Dahlke Frank and Sara Dale Ronald and Barbara Dall Dalla Productions Studio Dallas Stars Hockey Scott S. Dalrymple Ed and Anne Dalton Danny and Karen Davis Daryl D. Davis James and Katie Davis John and Sandy Davis Katheryn J. Davis Oren W. Davis Yumi Davis David and Suzanne Davison Christopher M. Day Elizabeth Day Peter M. Day Tina Day Chelsea Dayton Greg and Rita Debski Deep Fork Grill


ROLL OF DONORS Don and Kathleen Dees Michael and Gayla Degiusti Randy and Gayle Dekker Clare E. Delaney Jaime and Raenee Delgado Dell Computer Inc. Alyson M. Dent Albert and Judy Depee Amber D. Derryberry Tricia Derryberry Designer Rugs and Import Group Thomas Devine and Sharon Betsworth Carla Dewberry Robert DeWitt David R. Dickey Elizabeth J. Diener Margaret Dietrich DiFilippo’s Service Company, Inc. Steve and Ann DiNovis Dirt Merchants, Inc. June Ditmar Jim Ditmars and Cathy Christensen Tim and Melissa Dixon Angela R. Do Thien Do Richard A. Dobbs Todd and Dee Dobson Kim Dodd Robert S. Doenges Raul and Dolores Dominguez Paul and Anna Donat Steven and Susan Donchin Dornick Hills Golf Club Charles and Cheryl Dorrance Dos Cabras Vineyard Russell and Sandra Doty William and Barbara Doty Double Dave’s Pizzaworks Double Tree Hotel – The Galleria

James M. Downer L. Dow and Carolyn Dozier Mike and Misty Drain Rebecca J. Drake Brian and Suzanne Dreckshage George and Paula Drew Jason A. Duff Megan Duffy Stephen and Janet Duffy Dick and Cynthia Dugger Kelly Duke Duncan Bros Salon John and Vikki Dunn Dale and Donna Durnell Brandon Dutcher Earl’s Rib Palace East Cross Retiree Group Karen Eby Matt Echols Stephen R. Eck Edward and Debra Eckhart Steve A. Eckroat Greg and Chris Eddington Edgewater Resources LLC Rob and Gina Edmisson Linda G. Edmondson Carl and Susan Edwards Joe and Charlotte Edwards Orville E. Edwards Steve Edwards Shelley Egan Warren Ehn and Kerstin Archer Raymond Eikenbary Montressa J. Elder Randi V. Ellefson Michael and Kendall Ellexson Charles W. Ellis Robert and Nancy Ellis Brand and Sue Elverston Ralph W. Emerson

Randy Eminger Donald and Suzanne Emler Mark and Diane Emrick EnCana Cares Foundation Rodney and Teri England Carla L. Epperson Lorraine K. Ernest David and Cathy Evers Extreme Animals, Inc. ExxonMobil Foundation Taylor B. Farmer Farmers Insurance Group Farmers Royalty Company Tom Farrell Evan S. Farrington, III James and Miki Farris Bobby and Samana Faulk Jessica A. Fay FC Dallas Football Club William B. Federman Fred and Karen Feigley Helen L. Feldman Mike and Deb Felice Chelsie N. Fellows Ann Felton and Robert H. Gilliland, Jr. Dallas and Christine Ferguson Mark E. Ferrer Larry D. Fetzer Leonard and Caren Feuerhelm Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund First United Methodist Church of Elgin First United Methodist Church of Bartlesville John and Pamela Fischer Mark Fish Daniel and Bessie Fisher Rick and Sara Fisher Tony Fitch and Leslie Wileman Mike Fitzgerald Beth Fleming

Tim and Ellen Fleming Suzan Flipping Harry E. Flynn David A. Foose Bill and Geneva Foote Foothills Golf Club Gareth C. Ford J. Edward Ford Joella E. Ford Randel and Kimberly Ford Zelda Ford Jason D. Foreman Brent Foster and Keri Williams Foster Harlan and Joy Foster Jason R. Foster Pamela Fountain Dennis and Charlene Fowler Jacob N. Fox Paul and Barbara Fox Virginia H. Fox Kenna J. Frankenfeld Robert and Margaret Franks Mary Y. Frates Rodman and Joan Frates Kathryn Frazee Fred’s Rat Hole Service, Inc. Jessica A. French Joyce French Daniel Joseph R. Friedlander Friendship Sunday School Class John D. Frizzell Michael and Elaine Frizzell Ronald and Jo Ann Fulkerson Fulkerson Land Services, LLC Full Circle Bookstore Jamie D. Furche Will A. Furgeson Mary E. Gaddie Charles and Kerri Gale Raul and Pamela Galindo Jason and Carey Galusha

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Daniel G. Garab Louis and Anne Garbarino Trish Garcia Aaron Gardner John and Ellen Garhart Kristi Garr Chris Garrett Rick and Kerry Garrett David and Helen Garrison Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Robert and Georgia Gates Tim Gatton Helen M. Gaudin Charles and Dorothy Gauntlett Nicole K. Gayler Brian Gedrich Alex and Carey Geesbreght Pete Gelvin Fonda Gentry Bennie W. George, Jr. Georgia’s Educational Consulting Philip and Leanna Geyer Jennifer W. Gibbens Andy Gibson Gilbert and Alena Gibson John C. Gilbert Dale and Joncie Gilliam James and Nina Gilliland Marlin I. Glass, Jr. Erika L. Glyckherr Kay Goebel Kasey Goff Tom and Lisa Goforth Gold Star Graphics Stephen and Christine Golden Eddie Goldman Gaybrielle G. Golsen James and Elizabeth Gondles Judy J. Gordon Krista Gordon


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Chad Gorman Charles Graft Steven Graham and Vicky Kelly Keith E. Grant Arthur Gray and Paulette Lowe Gary M. Gray Ralph and Tynan Grayson Katrinka N. Greear Robert and Glenna Green Virgil and Lana Greenfield Richard and Anne Greer Michael C. Gregg Danielle M. Gregoire Stephen and Christine Gregoire John T. Greiner, Jr. Alden L. Griesbach Heather E. Griffin Kenna R. Griffin Griffin Communications, L.L.C. Larry and Judith Grillot Kendra E. Grimm Barry and Renee Grissom Scott Gronlund Bud Ground Matthew and Susan Grubb A.V. Guadagno Noma D. Gurich Miley Jamie L. Guthrie, DDS Ernesto Gutierrez H & J Sweet Group, Inc. Larry and Jeannette Haag Mary Lou Hadwiger Hagar Restaurant Service Patrick N. Hagen Bob and Sue Hale Michelle Hale Randal D. Haley Sonya Haley Kirk and Julie Hall

Hall, Estill, Hardwick, Gable, Golden & Nelson P.C. Misti Halverson Jeremie L. Hamby Matthew and Sheryl Hamilton Paul and Wilma Hamilton Wayne and Beverly Hamilton Dina Hammam Robert and Shayla Hammeke Steven and Linda Haneborg David and Kim Hanigar Larry Hansen Hard Rock Hotel & Casino – Tulsa Amanda and Nathaniel Harding Dinah Harjo Lincoln and Lucy Harjo Clarence and Jana Harkins Tammy L. Harley Timothy R. Harlin Alvin and Beverly Harrell Marla R. Harrington Claude and Linda Harris Donald and Patricia Harris Jody L. Harris Lyndel and Kathy Harris Thomas and Ann Harris Nicholas and Keegan Harroz Carol Hartzog Communications Guana Hart-Cutchall Brian Harvey Julie Harvey Don and Mary Haskins Richard and Elizabeth Hatcher Preston and Barbara Hatfield William and Willa Hawke Jeffrey and Elizabeth Hay Robert Hayes and Dee Bernard-Hayes Russell and Jo Ellen Hayes Winlsow Hayes

Health Care Service Corporation Mandy Heaps Jerry and Marilyn Hedgecock Thomas and Cathy Hedglen Jerry and Jennifer Hedrick Hal and Anna Hefner Jo Heidebrecht Dan and Carol Heinen Christopher and Kaye Heinhold Audrey G. Heise-Fijalka Ron and Patricia Heller Charles and Margaret Helm Beckie Henderson Cliff and Iris Henderson Kenneth and Rose Henderson Blake S. Hendley Shirley A. Hendrick Walt and Jean Hendrickson David and Lorrie Henke Martha B. Henley Amy L. Henninger Jesse and Teresa Hensley Jane E. Henson David and Lucy Herendeen John and Susan Hermes Richard and Annette Herr Brooke Hessler Tommy and Cheryl Hewett Hey Day Entertainment Hibdon Tires Plus Mike Hicks and Maudie Miller Sally Higbee Ed and Mable Higganbotham David and Cheri High Dannie Bea Hightower A. Dodge and Lori Hill Corey G. Hill Gerald and Patricia Hill Houston E. Hill, Jr. Joel Hill and Julie Branch


ROLL OF DONORS Hillcrest Healthcare System John and Kristen Hillis Cary and Lisa Hiltgen Hilton Anatole Dallas Bill and Carolyn Hines James and Joan Hirnisey Philip and Stacie Hixon Brian and Laura Hobbs Nelda G. Hobbs Travis Hobbs Claudine Hobza John and Donna Hodkinson Brenda Hoefar Donald and Carole Hoeft William and Melissa Hoehn Vince and Mona Hoehner Bud and Vicki Hogan Dan and Sarah Hogan George and Amalia Hoke Martin R. Hoke Russon Holbrook Andrew Holder Charles and Christy Holland Wayne and Connie Holland Steven and Emily Hollembaek Max L. Holloway, Jr. Roger and Glenna Holloway William and Helen Holloway Robert and Kirst Holly Cliff and Erin Holman David and Rachel Holt John F. Holt, III Jason T. Holuby Richard and Cindy Homsey Homsey, Cooper, Hill & Carson John Hondros and Linda Schwan Hondros Hooters John and Linda Hopkins Bambi A. Hora Jody D. Horn Curtis and Thelma Horrall

Kerry L. Horst Cheryl Hoster Rosemary Howard Susan M. Howard Liwen Huang Audell Hughes Tina A. Hughes Shawn and Marisela Humphries James and Linda Hundley Charles and Yvonne Hunnicutt Duane and Deanna Hunt Gerry and Angela Ann Hunt Everett B. Hunter Hunter, Farris, Mallett & Townsend Tom Hunzicker Patrick and Kahla Hurley Olen and Judy Hurst Brian Huseman Carl A. Huslig Hutchinson Oil Company Allen L. Hutson Hyatt Regency Hill Country Dudley and Sue Ann Hyde James Hyde and Laurie McCann-Hyde IBM International Foundation Jane Imfeld In The Raw W. Faye Ing Jolene R. Ingram The International Society of the Energy Advocates Earl and Sharon Isonhood Howard F. Israel R. Lee and Darlene Ivy Jackie Cooper BMW Mini James E. Jackson Rhett L. Jackson Ted K. Jacobs Michael and Brigitte Jacobson Joseph P. James Jeffrey and Jolene Jameson

Joey Jameson Patsy B. Jameson Janzen Toyota Robert and Mary Jardine JBPS, LLC J. Timothy and Laure Jenkins Lester F. Jenkins Michelle Jenkins Carol A. Jenkinson Terry J. Jenks Larry and Karen Jennings Donald and Dixie Jensen Kim A. Jensen Paul and Helen Jester Jewish Federation of Greater Oklahoma City Johnnie’s Charcoal Broiler Bob and Gennie Johnson Dale and Jan Johnson Doris Johnson Jake and BrieAnn Johnson Kim Y. Johnson Richard and Glenda Johnson Richard R. Johnson Steven Johnson Willa D. Johnson Brenda J. Johnston Beth Jones Charles and Athena Jones Dennis and Saundra Jones Laurie W. Jones Patricia K. Jones Perry and Jeri Jones Robert and Sandy Jones Rod Jones Ryin K. Jones Toni R. Jones Jones Law Catina Jordan Geoff and Sherry Jordan Matt Jordan Benita Jose-Mathew Dennis B. Jowaisas

J’s Hallmark 43 / . Campus Spirit JW Marriott – Houston Harry and Belia Kahl Kati Kain Kansas University Athletics Audley S. Karrasch Mekki and Weaam Kassem E. Chris and Judith A. Kauffman Ted and Harriet Kavrukov Melvin and Margaret Keeney Deborah A. Kelln Bob and Nancy Kemps T. Scott and Angela Keneda John and Jane Kenney Robert Kennington Joseph and Dorothy Kenton Web Keogh Jaclyn C. Kephart Michael and Sharon Kessler Mary E. Kett David and Lori Key Andy Khader Chad Khoury Michael and Candace Kiehn Lundy Kiger H. Tom Kight, III Michael and Sally Kilby Jennifer M. Killman Terry and Kathryn Kilpatrick Kimberly-Clark Corporation – Jenks Jan Kimzey Deonne King J.H. and Earlene King Tom and Jill King Gene and LaVerne Kirby Michael and Sandra Kirk Denver T. Kitch John F. Kline K-Master Sportswear Ted and Sharon Knight focus s p r ing 2 0 1 2


Mike and Tempe Knopp Brant and Desiree Koenig Harold and Lou Ann Kohlman Lauren Kollar Kristin Korb Donna J. Kornbaum Lynn Korvick Patra Kositchaiwat Tasha Kreitzer Lois and Stanley Kruschwitz Paul Ksiazek Peter and Connie Kuebeck Peter J. Kunzler John Kuper Biju Kurian Ai Kuroda Jim and Mary Kutch Charles H. Kuzniar John and Linda Laakman John and Gayle Lackey Tony and Julie Lacy Greg Laird Lake Hefner Golf Club Paul and Judy Lambert Charles Lambeth and Dyan Shaw-Lambeth Hershel Lamirand Lyle and Michelle Lang Lange and Lange Duane and Carole Langley Joseph and Donna Lankford Tim and Linda Larason David Larson Joan M. Larue Peter K. Lashmet James and Kathryn Lathim Gary and Dana Laverty Lois K. Lawler Brown Ann Lawton Marcy K. Layton Le Visage Day Spa Janet T. Leadbetter David Leader and Scott Davis


focus s pring 2012

Kenneth and Sharon Lease Dixie Ledbetter Billie Lee Myung Lee Sammy M. Lee Ruth G. Leebron Don and Patti Leeman Carol E. Leese, II Legacy Express Car Wash Jana K. Legako Rodney Lemons Enterprises, Inc. Debbie Leonard Jack and Karen Leonard Susan Leonard Lepard Consulting, LLC Mark A. Lester and David Fretwell Fred R. Levine Billy Lewis Bob and Kay Lewis Christine H. Lewis Cindy Lewis Lewis Jewelers, Inc. LexisNexis Rewards Program Sinnie Li Cathy S. Lippard Little Little Little Windel Oliver Landgraf & Gallagher PLLC Michelle E. Lockhart Lockheed Martin Logan’s Roadhouse Scott and Marilene Long Graciela Lopez David and Colleen Losi Tim and Susan Love Rob and Karen Luke Ursula Lundberg Alvin Ly Orville and Lois Lyon James and Tommye Lyons Lyric Theatre of Oklahoma, Inc.

Jeffrey and Dawn Maack Bruce H. Macella Armando and Lori Machado Jason Machado Matthew and Elizabeth Maddamma Mac and Joan Maguire Grace H. Mains Jenilee Mallow Mark W. Malone Randy and Maria Malone Lynnell E. Mandl Bill Manger Manhattan Construction Company Estate of Elda A. Manis H. Bennett and Carol Mannahan Marathon Oil Corporation Marble Slab Creamery Kristina S. Marek Robert and Martha Margo Brad and Janet Marion Peter and Kris Markes Trent R. Marlett Jeff and Kathy Marley John H. Marlin, Jr. Peter and Vivian Marshall Phil and Darwina Marshall Sue A. Marshall A.W. and Beatrice Martin Catherine Martin Lynette L. Martin Mack and Vicky Martin Ronald and Susan Martin Barry L. Mason Massage Envy Massage of OKC Massage Therapy by Dean Samuels Michael R. Matthews Maximized Living Dann May and Phyllis Bernard

Melvin L. May Phill May Michael Mayer Kenneth and Jeanette Maynard Julianne M. McAchran Philelle D. McBrayer Mark and Kathy McCormick Gene and Mariann McCornack Jay and Cathy McCown A. D. McCoy Thomas and Linda McCoy Matt McCreary Jan L. McDaniel Kenneth P. McDaniel Eva McDonald Colin S. McEwen Dan McGuire Junior and Peggy McKay Al McLaughlin and Joan Gilmore Shane and Karla McLaury Letha P. McMurtry Phil McSpadden Mark and Janet McWilliams Maytha A. Mead Melissa Meadows Joe and Susan Mecham The Medicine Shoppe Robert H. Meinders C. Joseph Meinhart William R. Melton, USMC (Ret.) Charles and Marilyn Mendenhall Scott and Courtenay Menet Mary Menges-Myers Men’s Wearhouse Harvey S. Mercer, Jr. Scott and Cherie Merkley Janet Merklin Tawn Merrill Margaret A. Messiah Ted Metzler


ROLL OF DONORS Ronald and Debbie Metzner Becky Meyer John Meyer and Jennifer Love Meyer Ruth Meyers Stewart and Sandra Meyers Angela Michael Ann Michael Billy and Frances Mickle Midwest Bus Sales Merea A. Milburn Adam and Christina Miller Brent M. Miller Karen L. Miller Kevin C. Miller Robert and Eleanor Miller Shirley J. Miller William G. Miller William O. Miller Rubin B. Millerborg, Jr. Gary and Deborah Minard Brian M. Minietta Fred Mischler and Lisa Wolfe Bud Missel Jo Beth Moad Ed Moehlenbrock and Carrie Hulett Jeffrey S. Moen Monday Study Club Charlie Monnot Roxie Montesano Stephanie Montesano Mark and Elizabeth Montgomery Craig D. Moore Franklin and Joyce Moore Paul E. Moore Rita K. Moore W. F. and Mildred Moore William and Kay Moore Bruce and Kristi Morain Mike and Christy Mordy

Clarence and Alyce Morgan Clarence Morgan, III David and Ellen Morgan Fred and Page Morgan Morgan Stanley Matching Gift Program Angela R. Morrison Cristy J. Morrison Michael and Daisy Moschitto Cal and Terry Moser Davalu C. Mudd-Parrish John T. Mulder James and Dorian Mulligan Erin E. Mullins Naim A. Mumallah Michelle Munday Kyle and Ashley Murphy Max and Jo Murphy Vicky Murphy Richard and Christina Murray The Nail Salon & Spa NAMI Oklahoma, Inc. Buddy Neal Norman and Kipp Neaves A. David and Joanne Necco Wynell M. Neece Michael and Paula Neely Jake Neff S. Neuwald Donald B. Nevard Pam Newby Steven H. Newell Michael and Shauna Newman Rod and Ann Newman Elizabeth Newton Hai Nguyen Huong Nguyen Oanh V. Nguyen Phi P. Nguyen Robert and Vanmai Nguyen Thanh Nguyen Michael and Jacci Nicholas

Larry and Polly Nichols Jerry and Deborah Nicks Loui Nijoka David and Betty Nittler Betty L. H. Noakes The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation Nodus Graphics, Inc. Justin D. Nolan Lisa B. Nolan Clint Normore North Oklahoma City District of United Methodist Church Marvin and Glenda Northcutt Northrop Grumman Foundation Northwest Lions Club Rob and Sara Northwood Terence and Catherine O’Connell OG Coffee Group OG&E Energy Corp. Curtis and Karen Ogle Oklahoma Business Ethics Foundation Oklahoma Chapter C.K. of PEO Oklahoma City ABL Oklahoma City All Sports Association Oklahoma City Pianist Club Oklahoma City Running Club Oklahoma Department of Commerce Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference of the United Methodist Church Oklahoma Methodist Manor Oklahoma Natural Gas Oklahoma Railroad Association, Inc. Oklahoma Sports & Orthopedic Institute Oklahoma State University Athletics Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department

Old Chicago Stanley J. Oliveras OnCue Marketing, LLC Daniel and Patricia O’Neil Pat Oplotnik Orr Oil & Gas Heidi Osborn Mike and Anne O’Shea Brian W. Overling Ann D. Overstreet Colby and Mary Overstreet M. and H. E. Overstreet Leah Owens Oyster Pub Evelyn M. Pace Russell Pack A. David and Nina Packman Lee W. Paden William C. Page Daniel and Julie Palazzo Paul and Heidi Palzer Panera Bread Chris Papin Amber Paris Stephen and Theresa Paris Audrey T. Parker Dearth Parker Garrett W. Parker Jack and Maria Parker Mark E. Parker Parrington & Freeman P.L.L.C. DeAnne Parrott Nancy S. Parrott David Pasto and Kae Koger Linda R. Pate Pathways Professional Counseling Arthur and Kathleen Patrick Bernie L. Patterson Daniel Patterson Michael and Vicki Patterson Bill and Barbara Paul

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George and Debra Paull Fred L. Payne Peggy G. Payne Jerry and Shelly Peace Peach Wave Kenneth and Summer Pedersen Greg and Jan Peery Kathy Pendarvis Larry and Deanna Pendleton Perimeter Technology Center, LLC Elizabeth G. Perrow Petco Animal Supplies Arthur A. Peters Charles L. Peters Bill and Dean Peterson Jim and Sharon Peterson Velma L. Peterson Ronald and Janet Petty The Peyton Family Foundation Frank Pfaff and Judith Palladino Arnaud C. Pham Dionne Phelps Terry Phelps and Claudia Carroll-Phelps Philbrook Museum of Art Gregory and Katherine Phillips J.D. and Cheryl Phillips John and Vicki Phillips Marjorie J. Phillips Therese M. Picado Brad and Kathy Pierce Mitch and Karla Pierce Jessi Pingel Pirates Alley Cary and Randa Pirrong Frank F. Pitezel Herman and Melissa Pitts Frederick O. Plater Plaza Resort & Spa Pleasant Pools Supply Corp. Ross and Lisa Plourde 44

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PM Group Poblano Grill Paul and Patricia Podolec Point Guard College Jennifer R. Polvado Ponca City Development Authority William C. Poole Paul and Bridget Poputa-Clean Beau P. Porter Billy and Winnolia Porterfield Graham Potter Jane E. Powell Robert and Kimberly Powell John C. Power Richard C. Prater Ali D. Prather Linda Faye Pratt Sandy Pratt Premier Painting and Remodeling Pamela Prentice Parrish David N. Price Katie Price Mark and Janet Price Norris and Betty Price Estherine Prince Kathleen Pritchett Pro Camps USA George E. Proctor, Jr. Professional Turf Products ProStar Services, Inc. Charles and Janet Puckett Daniel and Bonita Pulver Jeffry and Julie Puryear Jan B. Pushkar Kimberly A. Quinn Philip D. Quinn David Ragsdale Frank W. Ragsdale Rainbo Service Co. Troy N. Rainbolt Wayne Ramirez

Anita Randall Joe Ann Randall Brad and Adrienne Randel Linda J. Ransom Donna C. Ratzlaff Jamal Rawkins Pam Ray Laurel H. Redding Ricky L. Reed James and Lauri Reeg Michael E. Reel Deborah A. Rehard Mark and Judy Reichardt Louise E. Reinka Renaissance Dallas Hotel Renaissance Oklahoma City Downtown Hotel Richard C. Reniers Residence Inn by Marriott Marvin and Linda Resnick Berta Faye Rex Sheldon and Carol Reznik John and Helene Rhodes Lucy Rhodes Timothy and Deborah Rhodes Marvin W. Rice Troy and Melva Rich Cindy L. Richard Marilynn Richard Ron and Kerri Richards Blake D. Richardson Norma and Johnnie Richardson Stephanie Richardson Richardson Pawn Carol Ricks Charles and Piper Riddle Doug and Kelli Riddle David and Sally Riesenberg John A. Riesenberg Dennis A. Rigdon John and Lisa Riggs

Charmaine Riley Darold and Ruby Ritchie River Oaks Golf Club Riverwind Casino Kendra Robben Kenneth and Linda Robbins Lonnie and Dorothy Roberson Lisa Roberts M. Louisa Roberts Roberts Truck Center, Inc. Joe and Jennifer Robertson Norma K. Robertson Justin and Allison Robinson Valerie D. Robinson Johnny G. Roby Suzan M. Rodesney Bill and Linda Rodgers Joe and Jacci Rodgers Neal and Joanne Rogers Jahn and Patricia Rohrer Christopher R. Roman Nose Edie Roodman Rooster’s Chicken and Beer Jerry J. Rosenstock Dale E. Ross Karen Ross William and Lil Ross Linda Rosser Jim Roth Geoffrey and Leslie Roubik Rough Creek Interiors Edward E. Rousar, III Donald and Marion Routh Eleanor Rowan Jim and Sharon Rowan Jo Rowan and John Bedford Scott and Gina Rowsam Dennis and Gina Roy Carl and Debby Rubenstein Frederick W. Rudofsky John R. Ruhl Rush Truck Centers of Oklahoma City Inc.


ROLL OF DONORS Todd C. Rust The Rusty Nail Winery Angela D. Rutledge Kent and Susan Ryals Andreas Rydholm Sagac Puclic Affairs LLC Meg Salyer Kay Sandel Gary and Carol Sander Darrell and Kim Sanders Stuart and Normajean Santee Keith and Poleteme Sappenfield Hiram and Robbie Sasser Heath and Kelly Satterfield Robert and Kathleen Sauers Scott L. Savage Phil Scaramucci Dennis and Leslie Schaefer Justin D. Schaefer Rollie and Jennifer Schafer Harold and Janet Scheidel John and Pamela Schimek James G. Schmaelzle Fred and Kathleen Schmidt Wiliam and Amy Schnitz Linda H. Schoenhals Barbara Schrage David and Nevonna Schroeder Stuart and Pamela Schroeder Gerald and Milinda Schwab Bradd and Madeline Schwartz Richard and Barbara Schwartz Schwarz Oil Company Jeff and Heather Scoggins James Scott and Reba Zana Scott Family Chiropractic Craig and Patricia Sebek Bernard Seegel Gabriel and Melody Seeley Deepak V. Seelhapathi Terry and Teresa Segress Charlene B. Sellers Foster

Sue Selman Kathryn Semtner John and Karen Severe Frank A. Sewell, IV Stanford and Carol Sewell Bruce E. Shackelford Blair Shackford Ned L. Shadid Ed S. Shakeley William and Rose Shaklee Mahmood and Roya Shandiz Donald K. Shandy Jay Shanker and Sara Rose Renza N. Sharpe Jim Shaw John Shaw Ronnie and Dorothy Shaw Helen M. Shell Jim and Melanie Shelley Courtney and Elaine Shenkle Chris Sherron Theodore and Emily Shierk Shoe Gypsy Kent Shortridge Evan M. Shough Abolghasem Siavashi and Zahra Karimipour Siavashi David A. Sikes Diana Silver Silver Dollar City Jim and Kathy Simmons David and Tami Simon Roger and Barbara Simons Amy Dawn Simpson Mary S. Simpson Chris T. Small Earl and Tina Smedley C. Clinton Smith and Marla Peixotto-Smith Darren Smith and Kim Claxton-Smith Dennis A. Smith

Flavious and Melanie Smith Janet P. Smith Kara I. Smith Pam Smith Robert and Sharon Smith Robynne J. Smith Travis D. Smith Josh Snavely Derek Snell Barbara Snoddy Charles E. Snyder Philip and Susan Snyder PT and Heather Solinski Katie Sondag Nancy Sondag Robert Sondaq Southeastern Foundation Inc. L.B. and Cynthia Sparling Spartan Resources, LLC Spaulding Family Chiropractic Bruce R. Spence Jeanie Spence Erica G. Spicer Allen and Janis Spindel Bob and Pamela Spinks Spirit Dresses Sports Clips Donald and Martha Sprague Daniel Sprouse and Candace Blalock Bob and Kelly Spurrier Milijana Sretenovic Ralph and Paula St. George Barry and Tonda Stafford Guy and Priscilla Stagner Ronald and Helen Stakem Scott and Heather Stanford Gary and Jean Stanlake John C. Starkey Ann K. Stearns Michael and Jean Steenburgh Susanna M. Stefanek Virginia W. Steffen

Irwin and Kelley Steinhorn Joseph and Kathy Steinman Marion H. Steinman Robert and Marsha Stephenson Roger Stern Beth Stetson Stevens & Berger LLC James and Linda Stewart Janey Stewart Wheeler Ray and Rhonda Stewart Sandy Stewart Terry Stewart William and Nancy Stewart Stillwater District United Methodist Church Fund Bob Stillwell Henry and DeLana Stokes Stone Legends Jeffry B. Stonebreaker Regina S. Story Dan and Phyllis Stough Jan E. Stovall Mary J. Strickland Dan and Elizabeth Stroup Richard and Reta Strubhar Robert Strunin and Lori Dubin Stubbs Photography by Kim Studio Nails Mark and Lela Sullivan Scott and Denise Sullivan Douglas and Mary Ann Summers Karilyn A. Surratt Laurie Suter Edward E. Sutter Paige Sutton Suzann’s Linen Closet Jim and Judy Swaim Megan E. Swanigan Charles and Edith Swanson Eileen M. Sweeney Stephan J. Sweitzer focus s p r ing 2 0 1 2


Bill and Wanda Swisher Rodney and Chandra Swisher Susan Swyden Aaron and Rebecca Tagerson Viola L. Tallent Chase and Katie Tanner Emmit and Dolina Tayloe James C. Taylor Mickie Taylor Steve Taylor Vera J. Taylor Bruce and Gail Teabeault Phillip Teel Tempe Mission Palms Hotel Tener’s Western Outfitters James and Dorothy Tennery Terry Flynn, Vaculift, Inc. The Health Club The Little Gym The Territory Golf Course Bill and Rachel Thetford Jason Thibodeaux Dean and Anderiez Thomas Jeanne H. Thomas LaShara Thomas Lawrence and Margaret Thomas N.C. Thomas and Gloria Voorhees Thomas Cynthia L. Thompson David and Jane Thompson Julie M. Thompson Leroy and D. Sharon Thompson Tommy and Joan Thompson Priscilla E. Thoroughgood Sam and Carolyn Threadgill Cary and Lillian Threat Susan Thurber John E. Tidholm Keely J. Tidrow Tiger Safari Zoological Park David and Joni Tiller


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Timecar Tinker Air Force Base Tinker Federal Credit Union Milissa R. Tipton-Dunkins Titleist TNT Design Tobacco Exchange Emily Tobin Tokeco, Inc. Andrew Tolly Gene and Marilyn Torbett Rich Tortorelli Robert Tortorelli Michael D. Tosee Robert J. Towe Shelly A. Towns Jim and Julie Traber Robert and Irene Trail Le Tran Yen Tran Hank Trattner Victor Trautmann and Beverly Talbert Cindy S. Treadway John W. Trent Curt and Shonna Trindle Louis and Charlotte Trost George Monroe Hilton Trotter and Shirley Huber-Smith Trotter Jacie Trudgian David Tschopp Gordon and Susan Tucker Gladys Tucker Suzanne Tucker Boyd and Gay Tudor M. Kevin Tully Tulsa Zoo Turf Appeal Dorothy J. Turk Katelyn B. Turnbull Elaine R. Turner Shantelle J. Turner

Ted and Karen Turner Twentieth Century Class Twin Hills Golf & Country Club Laura L. Tysor Natasha Umemoto Jeff and Valerie Underwood Unique Botique United Methodist Women First United Methodist Church United Methodist Women of Mangum United Way of Central Oklahoma University and Student Services, Inc. University of Oklahoma Athletic Department Susan K. Urbach Thomas J. Urbanek Valmeyer Printing Corporation Valvoline Instant Oil Change Tiffany B. Van Der Merwe Taye K. Van Merlin Jonah R. B. Vandiver, D.D.S. Karen F. Vann Seth C. Vannatta John and Susan Vas Vatterott Educational Center, Inc. Cheryl A. Vaught Ravi and Usha Venkateswaran Donald Vincent and Vela Langhofer Vincent Marvin and Joyce Visnieski Allyson Vistica Helen B. Vodicka Robert and Ligia Voigt Judy Volk Vernon and Nancy Vollertsen Josh D. Waddell Earle and Margaret Wagner Larry and Charlotte Wagner Bradley J. Wagoner

Kenneth Wainner and Kathleen Gerrity Gary Waite and Ruth Grant William Wakeham and Patsy Glover-Wakeham Waldrop Brothers Inc. Collin and Lori Walke Kelly W. Walker, Jr. Robert and Linda Walker Russell and Kathy Walker Vincent and Joyce Walker Walker Companies Walker, Ferguson & Ferguson Joan Walker-Ratliff Bill and Helen Wallace Kathleen W. Wallace L. Wallace Construction, Inc. Wallis United Methodist Church David and Maryann Walls Michelle L. Walser Roland and Kelsey Walters Bobby R. Walton Deborah A. Waltz Curtis G. Walzel William and Janet Wantland Brad and Ann Ward Georgann Ward Ryan Ward Phillip and Linda Warford Travis and Tiffany Warford Larkin and Jean Warner Kenneth R. Warren Lisa Wasemillersmit Shelli K. Wasson Mark E. Watkins Krysta N. Watson Rae M. Wauhob Freda Webb Leroy and Irene Webb Richard J. Webb Stephen and Shannan Webb Michael and Michele Weber


ROLL OF DONORS Arthur Webster Ryan and Rachel Webster John and Jackie Weekley Angela D. Wehling Ray and Darlene Weimer Vialo and Shannon Weis John and Gloria Welch George S. Wells Wells Fargo Foundation Wells Fargo Foundation Educational Matching Gift Program Michael Wenyon Nancy Werneke Brian and Yukino West West Alabama Claim Service Westlake Ace Hardware Westshore Corporation Mark and Kimberly Wewers Jane F. Wheeler Jim and Jo Wheeler Joe and Carla Wheeler Jason White’s A Store Divided Kris and Sherry White Michael L. White Neil White Patty A. Whitecotton Susan E. Whiteneck John and Marceline Whitfield Fred and Karen Whitney Earl and Zona Whittaker Fred and Margaret Whittet William and Virginia Whittington Elizabeth Wiewel Julie Wiksten Jim and Andrea Wilcoxen Odalie A. Wildes Larry and Ashlie Wilhelm Brenda Kay Wilkes John Willems Bob and Karen Williams Debbie Williams

Erik and Casi Williams J. Andrew and Cindy Williams Leonard and Gloria Williams Martha V. Williams Paul S. Williams Scott Williams Williams Companies Paul and Marvel Williamson Jonathan and Liz Willner Judith A. Willoughby Chris and Tina Wilson David M. Wilson Gary and Alice Wilson James Wilson and Charlotte Wood-Wilson Matthew and Alisha Wilson Ron and Alice Wilson Eunice R. Wimberly James and Susan Winchester Libbie Windover Charles and Barbara Wingfield Delma R. Wingo H. Harbour and Mary Winn Bob and Hazel Winslow Brian D. Winslow WinStar World Casino Bruce and Kay Winston Shelby Winter Richard and Rae Winzeler Charles C. Wisler, Jr. Richard E. Witt Brian K. Wolf Christina A. Wolf Mary Wolf Michael and Betty Wolf Steve Wolfgram Joe and Jan Womack Kenneth and Mary Wong Michael E. Wood Stephen Wood Paul and Rebecca Woodward Roger and Kristina Woodward

Sara Woolf Sides Dick and Anne Workman Erick and Kimberley Worrell Ann M. Worthington Dick and Camilla Wright Lorraine B. Wright Royce and Michelle Wright Brittney Wycoff Patrick and Jamie Wyrick Zijiang Yang Donna W. Yee Coler and Joan Yoakam Aaron Yotter Carl and Beverly Ann Young Cheryl Young Liz Young Tanis R. Young Toni A. Young Yukon National Bank Victor and Shelly Zacharias Nancy Zehrbach Robert A. Zenner Zoning Info, Inc. ZT’s Cigars

CHAMPIONS CLUB Jim and Annetta Abbott Acme T-Shirt Co. Advanced Road and Paving Solutions LLC Aero-Space Reports Agritainment, Inc. Dale and Elaine Allard Bob and Mitzi Allred American Electric Power American Fidelity Foundation Lauren N. Anders Brandy C. Anderson Mark and Melissa Anderson Armstrong Transportation

Artman Real Estate Inc. Aztec Building Systems, Inc Bank of America Ian and Heather M. Barnes Larry and Cheryl Beatty Diana J. Behm Edward J. Behm Bell & Rhodes Benjamin and Chelsey Bench Jennifer L. Bernardi Black Electric Ken and Gerry Bonds Jim and Dianna Bonfiglio Dolores Bonsall Melanie K. Borger Larry and Marie Bradshaw Gary and Kathryn Branch Janice K. Bryant Martha A. Burger Bryan Burke Douglas and Ruth Burkert Larry and Debbie Burns Phil and Cathy Busey Rodney and Peggy Campbell Steven and Kimberly Cargill David and Kafie Carman Kacie Carpenter Brent and Lisa Carroll Chris and Danette Cassetty Richard and Rosemary Cato Chase Foundation Brad and Dorothy Claussen Chet and Kim Collier John M. Cortez Art and Sandy Cotton Christy F. Cox Cox Communications, Inc. –Tulsa Duane and Frieda Crabaugh Crafton Pump Services, Inc. Cindy Crawford Rhonda Croft Cusack Meats

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Danny and Karen Davis John and Sandy Davis Rick and Pam Davis Chelsea Dayton Michael L. Decker Delaware Resource Group of Oklahoma, LLC Amber D. Derryberry Tricia Derryberry Carla Dewberry Robert DeWitt Nikki Dieball DiFilippo’s Service Company, Inc. Tim and Melissa Dixon James C. Donovan James M. Downer Mike and Misty Drain Rebecca J. Drake Stephen and Janet Duffy Carl and Susan Edwards Shelley Egan Elliott & Associates Architects, Co. Boone J. Ellis C. David and Catherine Evers Finley Ewing, III Chelsie N. Fellows Mark E. Ferrer First Eagle Leasing, LLC Harry E. Flynn Bill and Geneva Foote Jacob N. Fox Virginia H. Fox Robert and Margaret Franks Kathryn Frazee Fred’s Rat Hole Service, Inc. Josephine W. Freede Ronald and Jo Ann Fulkerson Fulkerson Land Services, LLC Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Erika L. Glyckherr Charles Graft 48

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Keith E. Grant Nate and Linda Grantham Gary M. Gray Danielle M. Gregoire Stephen and Christine Gregoire Matthew and Susan Grubb Patrick N. Hagen Randal D. Haley Larry Hansen Kimberly Hansen Lincoln and Lucy Harjo Donald and Patricia Harris Thomas and Ann Harris Guana Hart-Cutchall Blake S. Hendley Robert Henry and Jan Ralls Henry John and Kristen Hillis Vince and Mona Hoehner George and Amalia Hoke Charles and Christy Holland Roger and Glenna Holloway Gary and Sue Homsey J.R. and Patsy Homsey John and Linda Hopkins Shawn and Marisela Humphries Duane and Deanna Hunt Patrick and Kahla Hurley Hutchinson Oil Company Integris Health, Inc. Jackie Cooper BMW Mini James E. Jackson Joey Jameson Patsy B. Jameson J. Timothy and Laure Jenkins Lester F. Jenkins Larry and Karen Jennings Kim Y. Johnson Steven Johnson J.T. Jones E. Chris and Judith A. Kauffman

Lou C. Kerr / The Kerr Foundation, Inc. Mary E. Kett H. Tom Kight, III Sandra L. Kimerer Kimray, Inc. Jan Kimzey Deonne King Gene and LaVerne Kirby K-Master Sportswear Mike and Tempe Knopp Craig and Julie Knutson Lauren Kollar Tasha Kreitzer Charles H. Kuzniar John and Linda Laakman Ann Lacy Ladd, LLC Greg Laird Land Title of Nez Perce County, Inc. Gus Langrell Peter K. Lashmet Marcy K. Layton Rodney Lemons Enterprises, Inc. Orville and Lois Lyon Jeffrey and Dawn Maack Armando and Lori Machado Matthew and Elizabeth Maddamma Bill Manger Manhattan Construction Company Trent R. Marlett Jeff and Kathy Marley Peter and Vivian Marshall Phil and Darwina Marshall Dontay Martin Maveric Mini-Marts, Inc David and Nancy May Glynn and Sandy McCauley Aubrey and Katie McClendon

McLaughlin Family Charitable Fund Bob and Jeanne McSpadden Melissa Meadows Buddy and Jennie Medbery The Medicine Shoppe The Meinders Foundation Brent M. Miller Stephanie A. Montesano Clarence Morgan, III James and Dorian Mulligan Max and Jo Murphy My Sports Dreams, LLC David and Betty Nittler Nodus Graphics, Inc. Justin D. Nolan Ron and Kandy Norick Norick Investments, Inc. Oklahoma Amateur Wrestling, Inc. Oklahoma City Boathouse Foundation Oklahoma City Running Club Oklahoma Sports & Orthopedic Institute Orthopedic Associates, Inc. Colby and Mary Overstreet Bill and Jeanne Patrigo Perimeter Technology Center, LLC Jim and Sharon Peterson Gregory and Katherine Phillips Marjorie J. Phillips Therese M. Picado Mitch and Karla Pierce Pioneer Trucking, Inc. Frank F. Pitezel Pleasant Pools Supply Corp. Ray and Pat Potts Richard C. Prater Eduardo and Tracy Prieto ProStar Services, Inc. Charles and Janet Puckett Rainbo Service Co.


ROLL OF DONORS David and Kim Rainbolt Jamal Rawkins William and Sally Ray Andy and Lisa Reichardt Mark and Judy Reichardt Louise E. Reinka Marvin W. Rice Richardson Pawn Charles and Piper Riddle Douglas and Kelli Riddle John A. Riesenberg Kenneth and Linda Robbins Lisa Roberts Joe and Jennifer Robertson Norma K. Robertson Justin and Allison Robinson Andreas Rydholm Sagac Public Affairs LLC Mark Saleh Freddy Sanchez Paul and Kim Sanders Justin D. Schaefer Harold and Janet Scheidel Richard and Barbara Schwartz Scott Family Chiropractic Craig and Patricia Sebek Gabriel and Melody Seeley Pat and Sheryl Sheppard Chris Sherron Simmons Charitable Foundation David and Tami Simon

Robert and Sharon Smith Derek Snell Nancy Sondag Erica G. Spicer Donald and Martha Sprague SSM Health Care of Oklahoma Ralph and Paula St. George Scott and Heather Stanford Michael and Jean Steenburgh Virginia W. Steffen Marion H. Steinman Terry Stewart Rodney and Chandra Swisher Bruce and Gail Teabeault Emily Tobin Robert J. Towe Jim and Julie Traber John W. Trent Jacie Trudgian Gordon and Susan Tucker Ted and Karen Turner UMB Bank, NA Jonah R. B. Vandiver, D.D.S. John and Susan Vas James L. Wade Gary Waite and Ruth Grant Bobby R. Walton Phillip and Linda Warford Freda Webb Leroy and Irene Webb Richard J. Webb Michael Wenyon Kris and Sherry White

White Rhino Partners, LLC John Willems Chris and Tina Wilson David M. Wilson Libbie Windover Hub Worrell Dick and Camilla Wright Tanis R. Young Yukon National Bank Cheryl Zimmerman

GOLD STAR SOCIETY MEMBERS The Gold Star Society recognizes benefactors who include the university in their estate plans or make other types of legacy gifts, including charitable remainder trusts, charitable gift annuities, or designating OCU as beneficiary of a retirement plan or life insurance policy.

Helen Hinman Abernathy  Bess Aikens  Victor F. Albert Betty Jo Alden Rhodly L. Alden Katherine Alexander  Stephanie Allison Jerome K. Altshuler Judy Altshuler Kalpa M. Anderson  William Ed Archer  J. Noble Atkins Susan C. Barber Roland K. Barker  James C. Bass Kay Bass

Wanda L. Bass  R. Thomas Beadles, Jr. Floy Bean  Jean Frances Beatty  Gladys Beaven  George P. Benson  Florence Bettis  Caroline L. Blue  Johnny A. Blue  Kathleen Tucker . Bone  Edna Bowman  Kay Bradley George Brown  Kleida Weaver Brown Louise W. Brown  Ellen L. Bryan  Robert A. Bryan Tanya S. Bryant Mary Lynn Morris Bures  Bob G. Burke Clarence W. Burr  M.K. Butler Hugh V. Byler, Jr. Mabel Campbell  Bettie Carey John M. Carey John Hoyle Carlock  Eleanor Carrithers  Roy W. Chandler B.C. Clark, Jr. Jeroldine Zacharitz Clark  Carol Hutton Cochran Christine Collins Elizabeth Herring Collins  Jack T. Conn  George D. Craig Lelah Price Craig Lisa Crone-Sheldon M. Joe Crosthwait, Jr. Philip E. Daugherty 

Herbert E. Davis  Ena Dawson  Marvin Dawson  Michael L. Decker Phil H. Deschner Catherine Ellzey Dougherty Patricia Downing John Prather East  Larry A. Eberhardt Sarah Stanley . Edwards  Jim A. Egan  Pat Eitzen Ronald P. Eitzen Juel Emrick  Broneta Evans  LeVerda Evans  C. Randolph Everest Marjorie J. Fanning  Esther Wessel Farmer  Lee Findlay  O.F. Folmer  Sharon G. Fore Paul A. Fox Robert D. Fry Nick L. Gales Marion B. Galloway  Velma Gillette  Elizabeth Girtman  Jennie GoodsonCannon  Dorothy M. Graham  Mary K. Grisso Norma Rowe Gunn  Larry M. Haag Attieson H. Halbrook Herschel W. Harder  Allen K. Harris, Jr. Helen O. Hartman  Richard P. Hastings Patricia Hatamyar Elton M. Henderson

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Robert Henry Elizabeth A. Hensley  J.B. Hitt  Gary B. Homsey Frank Horton  Karen A. Howard Florence Hron  Lyndall F. Hudson  Darrell W. Hughes  Verna Hurst  Ronald G. Jacob Dixie S. Jensen Donald F. Jensen Baxter Johnson, Jr.  Patricia A. Johnson Clara E. Jones  Roumaine Kearse  Richard B. Kells  Nancy I. Kenderdine Karen L. Kirkpatrick Jim D. Kutch Mary Jo Kutch Ann Lacy Grace D. Lamar  Sally Jo Langston Timothy M. Larason Ruth G. Leebron Cathy Leichter Kurt Leichter Helen Lenn  W. Penn Lerblance, III  Frances Norick Lilly  Ona Elizabeth Loewenstein  Andrea L. MacMullin Donald W. MacPherson Elda A. Manis  Harlene Marley Samuel E. Marrs James L. Martin, Jr. Callie Jane Maschal 


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Margaret G. Mathis  Christopher A. Mauldin Dorothy Mayes  Gene L. McCornack Mariann McCornack Jane M. McCreight  William G. . McCreight  Richard F. McDivitt Dean A. McGee  John R. McInnis, Jr. Burrel J. McNaught JoAnn McNaught Doloris A. McVay Charles E. Mehr Herman Meinders Gene H. Midyett  Patrick K. Miles Frances Milhouse  Paul W. Milhouse  Glenn E. Millard Mary A. Millard Bonnie L. Miller Glen O. Miller Maudie M. Miller Yvonne Miller Nannette E. Milleson  Frederick F. Mischler Margaret Landrum Moedt Nile W. Montgomery  Gary M. Moore  Helen Galloway . Moore  Jeannene Moore Loy Morris  Marian Morris  Theresa L. Morris  Frederick J. Murnane  Debbie Musick David P. Nagle, Jr. Grace Nelson 

Margaret E. Newton  Helen Nicholson  Marjorie J. Norick  Neva L. Osborne  Mark E. Parker Margaret Farha Pate  Nell Patterson  Marcella A. Peck  George Pellinger  F.M. Petree  Margaret E. Petree  Richard W. Pickens  Patricia J. Potts Ray H. Potts Pamela Prentice Parrish Winona S. Presley  Emma O. Price  Robert R. Price  Aran R. Priddy  Ellen G. Reid  Margaret K. Replogle  Helen A. Riddle  Esther Agnew . Robinson  Warren O. . Romberger  Casey Ross-Petherick Erma L. Rouse Maryetta H. Rowe  Dennis N. Rubenstein Orval J. Sams, Jr.  Mary Clary Sargent Freeda M. Sarjent  J.B. Saunders  Michael D. Schag Pamela B. Schroeder Stuart R. Schroeder Hugh W. Scott, Jr. Shirley D. Scott Minnie Seba  Cheryl Seguine Robert W. Seguine, Jr.

Garvin Senn, III John Shakely, II  Pamela H. Shdeed William F. Shdeed George H. Shirk  Ruby Lu Simpson Carl W. Skinner  Ruth Skinner  Emma P. Smith  Shelby Lee Smith Carol V. Spencer  Grace M. Stephenson  Walter Stiller  Carl W. Stokes, Jr.  Wayne D. Stone William R. Strain Hope R. Strasner  Lemuell Summers  Irene Swatek  Rosalinn H. Swinka  Marvona S. Tavlin Michael J. Tavlin Donald W. Tharp  Charles Rector . Thigpen, Sr.  Mary Elizabeth Thigpen Bette Thomas  Tom A. Thomas, Jr.  Abbie Thompson  Kelly R. Thompson Gladys M. Tucker  M. Kevin Tully Patricia R. Tully Alireza Vahabzadeh Robert W. Van House Nellie Mae . Vandegrift  James Vanderpool  Jerry B. Vannatta Marianne B. . Vannatta  Betty L. Veatch 

George E. Vickrey Nadine Vincent Mildred S. Voak  James L. Wade Jerald C. Walker Virginia K. Walker Dora Warne  Miriam McGuffin . West  Helen L. Westerveld  Ellen Jayne Wheeler Gladys B. Whetstine Alice B. Whitten  Spudds Widener  R.A. Wildman  Annette Germany Wilkes  Drew Williamson Lizette R. Williamson Raymond Wilson  Vivian Wimberly  Flora Rouse Winter  Georgia Winton  Charles C. Wisler, Jr. Frances J. Wisler  Lisa M. Wolfe Betty Lou Wooden Evelyn Wynell Woodruff  W. Woodworth  Hubert R. Worrell Celine M. Wyatt  Euclid M. Wyatt  Kiyoko Yamamoto Beverly A. Young Carl W. Young Mary Wells Young  Edna Zaspel 


ROLL OF DONORS LIFETIME ALUMNI MEMBERS Kristin Alex Davies John C. Alsup Bonnie K. Arthur Kendra L. Barreda Lydia J. Barrett Wanda L. Bass  Forunato M. Battad, Jr. Arnold S. Battise Jo Ann Battise Dixie A. Beadles Nina M. Benson Alan Benson Lisa Blackburn Gerry K. Boyd Glenna Tidwell Brayton Monte R. Brown Deborah S. Brown Andrea Carpenter Norman D. Cecil Terry S. Chambliss Shin H. Cho B.C. Clark, Jr. Floyd K. Conaway Larry K. Coshow Christopher J. Cost Christina Melton Crain Aileen Caesar Crosley Scott Davis Charles L. Deaton Dennis J. Dougherty Robert D. Dudley Karen A. Engle  Jacque Fiegel Nicholas A. Fiegel Timothy E. Foley Josephine W. Freede Margaret Freede Owens Gerry Gamble Jane Jayroe Gamble

Helen M. Garrison Enoch Kelly Haney Earnest Hardridge, Jr. Roger A. Harrod Suzette B. Hatfield Judith E. Hawkins Russell O. Hayes Cheryl L. Hill Philip D. Hixon Nelda G. Hobbs Brian W. Holland Evelyn Brodersen Hooge Harrison E. House, Jr. Paula J. Huckaby Brashear Michael W. Johnson Ronald Karns Gayla A. Kelly Mark W. Kelly John M. Kessinger Biju Kurian Clara M. Lafferty Greg M. Larson David A. Leader Sharon A. Lease James F. Lowder, II Ellen H. Lunsford William T. Lunsford Andrea L. MacMullin Michael Mayer Martha Ann McCaslin Kathy McCracken Brenda S. McDaniel Tom J. McDaniel Pat L. McFerron Sharon McFerron Paul E. McLaughlin Burrel J. McNaught JoAnn McNaught Benny R. McReynolds Herman Meinders LaDonna Meinders

William R. Melton Alyosha R. Mertens Jacqueline T. Miller Helen Galloway . Moore  Frederick J. Murnane  Tommy Neathery Kelly R. Nemecek Iyo E. Nsikak Keith Oehlert Brian J. Olden Patricia Orza Vincent F. Orza, Jr. H. E. Overstreet Daniel L. Owens Dipak T. Parekh Johnnie K. Penton Lisa Penton Alexandra M. Perry Vicki Withers Phillips Bill L. Pierce Cary M. Pirrong Seong-Teresa Pong Kathy L. Poore Pamela Prentice Parrish George R. Randall Mary Ellen Randall Mark Rich Shannon L. Rich John E. Riggs Lisa Coulson Riggs Allison N. Robinson Justin Robinson Kim Sanders Paul R. Sanders Peggie Saxton Sharon E. Schonthaler Janet Seefeldt George B. Selby Pamela H. Shdeed William F. Shdeed Carolyn Shierk

Kelly D. Smith Mary Catherine Smothermon Danny R. Snyder Virginia M. Stanley Charles W. Stice Karen Stice Norman G. Stoner Cullen Thomas Mary B. Todd Greg L. Tolle Shirley Huber-Smith Trotter Jerry B. Vannatta Marianne B. . Vannatta  Charles M. Waller Ellen Jayne Wheeler Larry S. Wiese Drew Williamson Bambang S. Winata Delma R. Wingo William E. Zook

Peg Leg Bates American Dance & Dance Management Endowed Scholarship John Hitt Endowed Scholarship Ann Lacy and James E. Alexander Endowed Scholarship Tom and Brenda McDaniel Endowed Scholarship for Dance and Arts Management Charles E. Mehr Endowed Dance Scholarship Lee Paramore Endowed Dance Scholarship Marcella Patterson Endowed Dance Teacher Scholarship Ritz International Foundation Endowed Scholarship Jo Rowan Endowed Dance Scholarship Alleyne F. Schweinle Endowed Scholarship Betty Stockard Endowed Scholarship

ENDOWMENTS ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Alumni Legacy Endowed Scholarship Alumni Lifetime Membership Endowment ANN LACY SCHOOL OF AMERICAN DANCE AND ARTS MANAGEMENT American Spirit Dance Company Endowed Scholarship American Spirit Dance Company Endowment

ATHLETICS Melvin Decker Memorial Athletic Endowed Scholarship Devon Boathouse Endowment Education Athletic Endowed Scholarship William A. Grana Endowed Scholarship Paul Hansen Memorial Endowed Athletic Scholarship Brian Harvey Academic Soccer Endowed Scholarship Abe Lemons Endowed Athletic Scholarship William Nashert Endowed Scholarship focus s p r ing 2 0 1 2


OCU Baseball Endowment Hugh and Diane Scott Athletic Endowment Star Elementary School Memorial Endowed Scholarship General James L. Wade Athletic Endowment DULANEY-BROWNE LIBRARY William & Romaine Bailey Religious Library Collection Endowment Logan Cary Science & Engineering Library Book Endowment Dulaney-Browne Library Endowment Elizabeth Clark Gordon Memorial Endowment B.D. Lack Endowment GENERAL UNIVERSITY 8000 for OCU Endowed Scholarship Palmer C. Abercrombie Endowed Scholarship African American Endowed Scholarship American Floral Service Employee Dependent Endowed Scholarship American Indian Alumni Endowed Scholarship James Noble Atkins Memorial Book Endowment Brian and Julia Bakeman Endowed Scholarship Erminda and Sophia Banning Endowed Scholarship Wanda L. Bass/McAlester Endowed Scholarship Bruce & Marjorie Bates Endowed Scholarship Emery O. and Bess M. Aikens Scholarship McKinley Billy Endowed Scholarship


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James H. & Norma R. Blossom Endowed Scholarship Clyde & Evelyn Bowen Endowed Scholarship Homer S. & Margaret Brauer Anderson Endowed Scholarship Edward W. and Ethel Mae Brindley Endowed Scholarship Alice Brown Endowed Scholarship Ellen L. Bryan Endowed Scholarship C.W. Burr Endowed Scholarship Campus Beautification Endowment H. Arthur Carlson & Mary Lucille Carlson Memorial Endowed Scholarship Roy Chandler Endowed Scholarship Chinese Endowed Scholarship Church of the Good Sheperd Endowed Scholarship Clint Foundation Endowed Scholarship Council for Excellence Endowment Hazel & Russell Crooch Endowed Scholarship Dean McGee Endowment Devon Energy Clara Luper Endowed Scholarship Distinguished Speakers Series Endowment Kamil Eddie, Sr. Memorial Endowed Scholarship Walter N. & Alice K. Epler Endowed Scholarship Fair-Folmer Endowed Scholarship George D. Findlay Memorial Endowed Scholarship J.E. Hall Endowed Scholarship Richard E. Hall Endowed Scholarship

Paul Hansen Endowed Scholarship for the Hearing Impaired John & Martha Hardt Endowed Scholarship Mary E. Harris Endowed Scholarship Harris Foundation Chapel Maintenance Endowment Judge Robert Henry Endowed Chair Dan Hogan Endowed Scholarship Holland Family Endowment Homeland Endowed Scholarship for Native American Students Honda Native American Endowed Scholarship Hoopes Endowed Scholarship Frank Horton Memorial Endowed Scholarship Indian Mission Land Endowment Clara E. Jones Endowed Scholarship Paul Jones Native American Endowed Scholarship Iva B. Kelley Art & Law Endowed Scholarship Lambda Chi Alpha Endowed Scholarship Clara Luper General Endowed Scholarship Fred & Margaret Lynch Endowed Scholarship William D. Maril Memorial Endowed Scholarship Cordis Martin Endowed Scholarship Michael & Eunice Massad Endowed Scholarship D. & E. Mayes Endowed Scholarship Anabell McConnell Memorial Endowed Scholarship McDaniel Endowed Leadership Scholarship Flora H. McKay Endowed Scholarship

Genevieve Middagh Endowed Scholarship Bishop & Mrs. Paul Milhouse Endowed Scholarship Gene Nelson Endowed Scholarship OG&E Clara Luper Endowed Scholarship John F. Olson Memorial Endowed Lectureship Gertrude M. Patton Endowed Scholarship Jerry W. and Charlette R. Perryman Endowed Scholarship F.M. Petree Endowed Book Scholarship Terry & Lauren Phelps Endowed Scholarship Pierce Memorial Lecture Endowment D.N. Pope Endowed Scholarship Olen D. Presley Endowed Scholarship C.L. & Aran Priddy Endowed Scholarships for American Indian Students Winnifred Reneau Endowed Scholarship Rotary Club Endowed Scholarship Bud & Ronald Sahmaunt Native American Endowed Scholarship A.C. Scott Endowed Scholarship George C. & Sara Scott Endowed Scholarship Scottish Rite Endowed Scholarship L.E. Shackelford Endowed Scholarship L.L. Shirley Endowed Scholarship M.L. Simmons Endowed Scholarship Charles E. Simpson Endowed Memorial Scholarship Ruth Ida Skinner Unrestricted Endowment


ROLL OF DONORS Sloan-Fitzwilliam-Fanning Endowed Scholarship William H. Smith Endowed Scholarship Lynnie & Robert Spahn Endowed Scholarship E.A. and Winnie Stewart Endowed Scholarship Student Senate Coffia Award Endowed Scholarship Lemuell Summers Endowed Scholarship Rosalinn Swinka Endowed Scholarship Esther Taylor Endowed Memorial Scholarship H. Emerson Thomas Endowment Tom A. Thomas, Jr. and Bette C. Thomas Unrestricted Endowment Colonel William Thompson Endowed Scholarship Unrestricted Endowed Scholarship Unrestricted Endowment Jerald C. Walker International Endowed Scholarship H.H. Wegener Endowed Scholarship Miriam West Endowed Scholarship Louis Allen Whitten Endowed Scholarship Dean Thomas A. Williams Memorial Endowed Scholarship Florence O. Wilson Endowed Scholarship Florence O. Wilson House Endowment Flora Rouse Winter Endowed Scholarship Jackie and Bill Wise Endowed Scholarship Euclid M. & Celine M. Wyatt Endowed Scholarship Edna L. Zaspel Endowed Scholarship

KRAMER SCHOOL OF NURSING R.T. Ayers Family Endowed Scholarship Denise Burton Endowed Nursing Scholarship David & Barbara Green Endowed Nursing Scholarship Kramer Nursing Endowed Scholarship Harold & Edith Maris Memorial Endowed Nursing Scholarship Elaine Masters Endowed Leadership Scholarship MSN Education Track Endowed Scholarship Nursing Dean’s Endowed Chair Nursing Endowed Scholarship Daphyn Owen Endowed Scholarship for Kramer School of Nursing Ed & Lorraine Reynolds Endowed Nursing Scholarship Ruth Kramer Seideman Endowed Scholarship MEINDERS SCHOOL . OF BUSINESS American Floral Service Marketing Endowed Chair C.R. Anthony Endowed Chair in Competitive Enterprises Jeanne Reed Bowman Memorial Endowed Scholarship Alan B. Brooking Endowment Martha Burger and Donald Rowlett Endowed Scholarship Burwell Endowed Chair Chester Cadieux Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship in the Meinders School of Business Chesapeake Energy Endowed Scholarship

B.C. Clark, Jr. Endowed Chair in the Meinders School of Business Coca Cola Entrepreneur Speaker Series Endowment Jack Conn Endowed Chair in Meinders School of Business Ann Covalt Endowed Scholarship William C. Doenges Endowed Scholarship B.D. Eddie Endowed Scholarship Harvey P. Everest Endowed Business Scholarship Henry James Freede Endowed Professorship Michael Gardner Endowed Business Scholarship Golsen Family Endowed Business Scholarship James A. Graves Endowed Scholarship Mo & Jacque Grotjohn Endowed Business Scholarship T.K. Hendrick Endowed Chair in Marketing & Management Bill Hutton Memorial Endowed Scholarship George C. Jones, Jr. Endowed Scholarship Kerr McGee Business Endowed Scholarship William M. Leebron Endowed Business Scholarship Charles B. Love Memorial Endowed Scholarship Tom J. McDaniel Endowed Scholarship Fund in the Meinders School of Business Herman Meinders Endowed Scholarship in Business Kathryn Meinders Endowed Scholarship Meinders School of Business Endowed Scholarship (Brick Campaign) Meinders School of Business Enrichment Endowment

Miss America Women in Business Endowed Scholarship Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation Endowment Families of Henry Norick Endowed Scholarship Norick Endowed Chair in Marketing Vince and Patty Orza Endowed Business Scholarship B. Claude Shinn Endowed Accounting Scholarship Walter Stiller Endowed Scholarship Peter Swartz Endowed Business Scholarship Swartz Endowed Scholarship Sam Tune Endowed Business Scholarship Wilbur & Nellie Vandegrift Endowed Business Scholarship Verle & Lawrence Watson Endowed Business Scholarship Warren K. Watson, Sr. Endowed Chair in Management C.W. Wisdom Endowed Lectureship OKLAHOMA UNITED METHODIST FOUNDATION Ollie & Claude Bell Children’s Center for the Arts Endowment Floyd & Doris Croxton Memorial Scholarship Endowment Richard Gibbens Endowed Scholarship Elmer Graham Endowed Scholarship John Wesley Hardt Scholarship Fund Hulet Family Endowment Jung Adair Endowment

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Karns Memorial Endowed Scholarship Gene & Doris Russell Endowed Scholarship Corinne L. Sare Scholarship Trust PETREE COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES American Association of University Women Endowed Scholarship Susan C. Barber and David P. Nagle Endowed Scholarship Webster Lance Benham Endowed Memorial Professorship Theo Doc and MarEllen Benson Endowed Scholarship Johnny Blue Endowment Jean Boyle Endowed English Scholarship Ruth Jeanette Brooks Endowed Fine Arts Scholarship Jane Atwood Brown Memorial Endowed Scholarship Sarah Bernice Butkin Endowed Presidential Discretionary Scholarship in the Arts & Sciences Ann Carlton Book Endowed Scholarship William J. Coffia Memorial Endowed Scholarship Robert P. and Betty Dennis Endowed Scholarship Eileen Wilmeth Dougherty Endowed Scholarship Robert Fink Endowed Chemistry Scholarship Gamble-Buchanan Endowment Great Plan Endowed Scholarship Brooke Haley Memorial Endowed Scholarship Dennis Hawkins Memorial Endowed Scholarship


focus s pring 2012

Elizabeth Hensley Endowed Scholarship Arne V. & Louise Hunninen Endowed Biology Scholarship Homer C. Hyde Classical Studies Scholarship Endowed Chair in Islamic Studies Rita Louise Kacey PL+US Endowed Scholarship Dean Nellie R. Melton Endowed Scholarship Roberta M. Eldridge Miller Endowed Art Scholarship Clara Cates Neil Endowed Scholarship Marjorie J. Norick & Frances Norick Lilly Endowed Scholarship OCU Film Institute Endowment Roberta Olson Great Plan Endowed Scholarship Outdoor Laboratory and Environmental Studies Endowment Petree-Lambert Family Arts and Sciences Endowed Honors Scholarship PL+US Alumni Endowed Scholarship Mary Ellen & George R. Randall Great Plan Endowed Scholarship Bill Richardson Endowed Art Scholarship Esther Robinson Endowed English Scholarship Rockwood Biology Endowed Scholarship George B. Saunders Endowed Scholarship Singapore MDIS Endowed Scholarship C.Q. Smith Memorial Endowed Scholarship Jeanne Hoffman Smith Endowment Dr. Elaine D. Smokewood Endowed Scholarship

Grace M. Stephenson Endowed Scholarship Marjorie Nell Sussex Endowed Spanish Scholarship Edyth Arnold Swartz Endowed Scholarship Howard & Peggy Thornton Endowed Mass Communications Scholarship Bradley H. Wahnee Memorial Endowed Scholarship Darbeth Whitten Endowed Chair in History Ken Yamamoto Endowed Memorial Art Scholarship SAINT PAUL SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY AT OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITY Martha Jean Lemon Endowed Scholarship Richard and Johnece Ryerson Endowed Seminary Scholarship SCHOOL OF LAW American Academy of Medical Ethics Endowed Scholarship John Amick Endowed Law Scholarship William H. Bell Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fred A. Biehler Endowed Scholarship Crowe & Dunlevy Endowed Scholarship Phil Daugherty Memorial Endowed Law Scholarship Marjorie Downing Endowed Law Scholarship Felix Endowment Ted Foster, Sr. Memorial Endowed Scholarship Friedman-Lerblanc Endowed Law Scholarship Melba R. Gaudin Law Library Endowment

Roger Givens Endowed Scholarship Lloyd Henry Endowed Law Scholarship John C. & Hallie Jean Hervey Memorial Endowed Law Scholarship W. Feagin Hood Endowed Scholarship Wayne Eugene Johnson Memorial Endowed Scholarship T. Hurley Jordan Endowed Scholarship Nancy I. Kenderdine Endowed Scholarship Robert S. Kerr, Jr. Natural Resources/Environmental Law Chair Kerr Challenge I Endowment Kerr Constitutional Endowed Law Chair Law Building Endowment Law Dean Position Endowment Law Scholars Endowed Scholarship Law School Energy Endowment Tom and Brenda McDaniel Endowed Scholarship Baker H. Melone Endowed Memorial Scholarship Loy & Marian Morris Endowed Law Scholarship Judge Raymond Naifeh Endowed Law Scholarship Native American Legal Resource Center Endowment Charles Nesbitt Awards Endowment Norman & Edem Endowed Professorship OAMA Endowed Scholarship OCU Law General Endowment Pate & Knarr, PC Commercial Banking Law Endowed Scholarship


ROLL OF DONORS Ray Potts Endowed Scholarship Wayne Quinlan Memorial Endowed Lectureship Amy Rinehart Memorial Law Scholarship Seize the Moment Endowed Scholarship Roger Stephens Memorial Endowed Scholarship Hope Strasner Endowed Scholarship Hatton Sumners Law Endowed Scholarship Douglas M. Todd Endowed Scholarship Ernest L. Wilkinson Endowed Law Award William M. Wilson Endowed Law Scholarship SCHOOL OF THEATRE John & Helen Abernathy Endowment Maybelle Conger Endowed Scholarship Marianna Davenport Endowed Scholarship Treva Hancock Endowed Drama Scholarship Claire Jones Endowed Scholarship Charles E. Mehr Endowed Theatre Scholarship Ellen G. Reid Endowment UNIVERSITY CHURCH RELATIONS Robert Adair Endowment Barnett-Widener Ministerial Endowed Scholarship Herbert & Marguerite Barrett Mission Endowed Scholarship Herbert and Marguerite Barrett Endowed Religious Scholarship Frank G. Blackwood Endowed Religious Leadership Scholarship

Bishop Bruce P. Blake Endowed Scholarship R. Fisher Blanton Endowed Religious Leadership Scholarship Kathleen Tucker Bone Endowed Scholarship Virginia P. Bryant Endowed Religious Scholarship Clay & Eleanor Carrithers Endowed Scholarship Flora & B.C. Clark Memorial Endowed Scholarship Mary Coffey Endowed Scholarship Bessie B. Cunningham Religious Leadership Endowed Scholarship Lulu S. Doenges Endowed Scholarship James & Violet Egan Memorial Endowed Scholarship Donald & Suzanne Emler Religious Education Endowed Scholarship Grace & Alma Garten Endowed Scholarship Joyce & Gordon Goering Endowed Scholarship Dorothy Graham Endowment A.R. Bert Larason Endowed Scholarship Fred R. and Margaret Lynch Endowed Methodist Scholarship Lester W. & Mary E. Maddox Endowed Scholarship Elda A. Manis Endowed Scholarship W.C. & Clarabelle Mathes Endowed Religious Scholarship Glen O. Miller Endowed Ministry Scholarship Retta Miller Religious Leadership Endowed Scholarship Dennis & Susan Neff United Methodist Endowed Scholarship

Gladys Teter Nichols Endowed Scholarship Oklahoma United Methodist Conference Endowed Scholarship Dana Owen Endowed Scholarship Harvey L. & Laura M. Parker Methodist Endowed Scholarship Horace & Evalyn Patton Memorial Scholarship Robert & Emma Price Endowed Scholarship Roy W. & Jeanne Reed Endowed Scholarship Warren Romberger World Christianity Endowed Scholarship Colonel Thomas L. & Ruby L. Simpson Endowed Scholarship Bishop W. Angie Smith Memorial Endowed Scholarship George Sneed Memorial Endowed Scholarship Charles & Mary Thigpen Endowed Scholarship Mackenzie C. Sr. & Thelma Thompson Endowed Scholarship Unrestricted Church Gifts Endowment Wagoner United Methodist Endowed Scholarship Phil Wahl Endowed Scholarship Wesley United Methodist Church - Elliott C. Fenton Endowed Scholarship WANDA L. BASS SCHOOL OF MUSIC Ann Simmons Alspaugh Music Endowed Scholarship Josephine E. Atkins Endowed Music Scholarship Wanda L. Bass Chapel Organ Endowment

Wanda L. Bass Music Center Endowment Wanda L. Bass Music Endowed Chair Wanda L. Bass Organ Endowed Chair Wanda L. Bass Piano Support Endowment Jean Frances Beatty Endowed Music Scholarship Florence Birdwell Endowed Chair Robert & Florence Birdwell Endowed Vocal Scholarship Edna Hoffman Bowman Endowed Music & Performing Arts Scholarship Clarence Burg Endowed Music Scholarship Naomi McCasland Burton Music Endowment Pearl English Crain Endowed Scholarship Herbert E. Davis Music Endowment William H. Dougherty Endowed Scholarship J. Emrick Endowed Music Scholarship Esther Wessel Farmer Endowed Piano Scholarship Myrtle S. Forsythe Endowed Scholarship Loretta T. Freeland Endowed Scholarship Marjorie Lee Germany Endowed Scholarship Mary Jean Hackler Endowed Scholarship Morris Hatley Canterbury Choral Performing Arts Endowment William Randolph Hearst Endowed Scholarship Ann Hundley Hoover Endowed Chair Nancy Laughbaum Ragsdale Endowed Scholarship Kurt & Cathy Leichter Endowed Music Scholarship

focus s p r ing 2 0 1 2


Elizabeth Loewenstein Endowed Music Scholarship Ethelene Cindy Long Memorial Native American Endowed Scholarship Martin Mailman Endowed Band Scholarship Ruth Mayer Memorial Endowed Music Scholarship Philelle & Charles McBrayer Endowed Piano Scholarship Brenda McDaniel Endowed Music Scholarship Charles E. Mehr Endowed Music Scholarship Nellie J. Moss Endowed Scholarship Wit and Carolyn Music Endowed Scholarship Music School Endowed Scholarship Opera Society Founders Endowment Margaret Petree Endowed Music Scholarship Frances W. Preston BMI Endowed Music Scholarship Margaret K. Replogle Endowed Music Scholarship Royal Sarjent Endowed Scholarship Inez Silberg Memorial Endowed Scholarship William Elza Smith Endowed Church Music Scholarship Forest and Gloe Stith Memorial Endowed Scholarship Verle & Lawrence Watson Endowed Music Scholarship Aleta Winkler Memorial Endowed Music Scholarship Georgia M. Winton Endowed Scholarship WIMBERLY SCHOOL . OF RELIGION J. Bart Aldridge Endowment Mrs. Glen C. Archer Endowed Scholarship


focus s pring 2012

William E. Archer Memorial Endowed Scholarship Nova M. Atkins Endowed Religion Scholarship William & Romaine Bailey Endowed Scholarship William J. Bassett Memorial Endowed Scholarship Jean Frances Beatty Endowed Scholarship in Religion Ollie & Claude Bell Endowed Professorship in Church History Bettis, Bussell & Hunt Ministerial Endowed Scholarship Austin and Marjorie Bizzell Ministry Endowed Scholarship Fred & Opal Boston Religious Leadership Endowed Scholarship Edith Carlson Memorial Endowed Scholarship A.R. Carpenter Endowed Scholarship Ray & Florence Carroll Endowed Scholarship Ruby Chase Memorial Endowed Scholarship J. Cecil & Elva Coover Endowed Scholarship Cowden-Epperson Endowed Scholarship Nuell C. Crain Endowed Religious Leadership Scholarship F. Lahr & Blanche Einsel Endowed Scholarship Broneta Evans Endowed Religion Scholarship Bishop & Mrs. Paul V. Galloway Endowed Scholarship Barbara & J.M. Garrett Religion Leadership Endowed Scholarship William D. Greenshields Memorial Endowed Religious Leadership Scholarship

Greenshields Endowment Norma Rowe Gunn Endowed Religion Scholarship Vernon V. Harris Endowed Chair in Christian Education Hyde Endowed Scholarship Paul Jones Religious Education Endowed Scholarship Robert Jones Memorial Endowment Carl Jung Seminar Endowment Kramer Ministerial Endowed Scholarship Martha Jean Lemon Endowed Lectureship Martha Jean Lemon Endowed Scholarship Blanche & Lloyd Long Service Endowed Scholarship Lydia Lukenbaugh Endowed Scholarship Bess & Calvin McGalliard Memorial Scholarship Leroy Massengale Endowed Scholarship Paul W. Milhouse Endowed Religion Professorship Glenn E. & Mary A. Millard Endowed Scholarship Nile & Adena Montgomery Endowed Scholarship Billy B. Nelson Memorial Religion Endowed Scholarship Oakerhater Endowed Chair Beverly Osborne Memorial Religious Leadership Endowed Scholarship Ray & Lavell Owen Endowed Scholarship Glenda M. Pate Scholarship F. Warren Pixley Endowed Religious Scholarship W. Carroll Pope Memorial Endowed Scholarship Winona Presley Endowed Religion Scholarship

Margaret K. Replogle Endowed Religion Professorship Glen Rhodes Memorial Endowed Scholarship Helen Riddle Church Leadership Endowed Scholarship Riley Endowed Chair in Religion Vernon Roberts Endowed Religion Scholarship Neal & Hazel Rock Memorial Endowed Religion Scholarship Maryetta Rowe Endowed Scholarship Arthur & Joi Salisbury Endowed Scholarship Don Schooler Memorial Endowed Professorship Minnie M. Seba Endowed Ministry Scholarship Alice Sincox Endowed Scholarship Robert J. Smith Memorial Endowed Religious Leadership Scholarship Leslie G. & Irene Stewart Endowed Scholarship Russell Stone Endowed Religious Leadership Scholarship Bettie Ewert Stoneking Endowed Scholarship Clarence Sutton Religious Leadership Endowed Scholarship Naomi Thomas Endowed Scholarship Claude & Patty Todd Endowed Scholarship United Methodist Women’s Endowed Religious Leadership Scholarship Herbert Voth Endowed Religious Leadership Scholarship Owen & Vivian Wimberly Endowed Professorship


ROLL OF DONORS Owen Wimberly Center for Continuing Education Endowment Vivian Wimberly Center Endowment W.W. Woodworth Endowed Scholarship Richard K. and Effie D. Wootten Endowed Scholarship

OKLAHOMA UNITED METHODIST FOUNDATION GIFTS These donors have made gifts to the Oklahoma United Methodist Foundation to benefit OCU in 2011.

Michael and Diane Asher Sam and Torie Baker Carlton Bass Carolyn Brown Marilyn Brown Don and Donna Sue Combs David B. Dickinson, Jr. Family William and Donna Dodson Donald Edgar M.L. Elder Twila Gibbens Estate of Dorothy May Graham David F. Hampton Helen Hayes Robert Hayes and Dee Bernard-Hayes Richard and Dolores Hedger Jean Hinckley Greta J. Hurt

Billie Iverson Nelma Karns Tommy Karns Guy and Vicky Langston Darren and Kathleen Laptad Kathryn Lathim Richard and Linda Linn Raymond and Dorothy Merrick William and Helen Moorer David G. Murray Elizabeth Otis Embert and Sylvia Page James and Beth Patterson Kori Pierce Estate of Theola Jean Powers John Price and Elizabeth Box Price J.M. Rickman Jessica Moffatt Seay David and Paula Severe Gerald and Delores Smith Shelby Lee Smith St. Paul’s United Methodist Church B. Craig Stinson and Krista Jones Carol Tobler United Methodist Church of Carnegie United Methodist Church of Clinton Village United Methodist Church Jerald and Virginia Walker Wallston Rixfield, LLC

Thank you focus s p r ing 2 0 1 2


in memory

Gladys Mae Hartz Tucker Gladys Mae Hartz Tucker March 1, 1911 - January 25, 2012

Gladys Mae Hartz Tucker, a longtime champion of Oklahoma City University’s Bass School of Music and a founding member of the school’s Executive Advisory Board, passed away just prior to her 101st birthday. She was born March 1, 1911, in La Porte City, Iowa, and was a resident of Oklahoma City for 60 years. She loved being an Oklahoman and was also proud and close to her Iowa roots. As a girl growing up in Iowa, she loved playing the piano and riding her horse, Nunda, for both pleasure and transportation. She graduated valedictorian of her high school class in La Porte City and went on to George Washington University in Washington, D.C. The early death of her mother took her back to Iowa to help care for her father, but she returned to Washington, D.C., during World War II. While there, she had a memorable experience helping Eleanor Roosevelt respond to all of the correspondence Mrs. Roosevelt received during the war that had overwhelmed her office. While working with the Civil Service in Washington she met Lieutenant JG Morrison was an inspiraGraham Tucker, who asked her on a rainy tional woman. Her love of music was Saturday to lunch and a movie. They were married in November of 1944. Not long afmatched by her knowledge of music. ter, they moved to Caracas, Venezuela, where She was a great asset to the School of they lived for five years while Mr. Tucker Music Executive Advisory Board. Her helped manage farming and ranching interests owned by the Rockefeller family. insight and advice were of great help Daughter, Suzanne, was born in 1947, to me during this most unprecedented and son, John, was born in 1949. The family period of growth of the School. Her moved to Oklahoma City in 1951. Both Tuckers embraced Oklahoma City enthusiastically contributions will impact students at and became very involved civically. Gladys the Bass School forever. Tucker was chair of the Oklahoma City Horse Show, worked with Mercy Hospital, and sang Mark Parker, dean of the Wanda L. in the choir at St. Paul’s Cathedral. Morrison Bass School of Music G. Tucker served as a trustee of Oklahoma City University for 20 years. Gladys Tucker served on the boards of the Oklahoma City Art League, Ballet, and Philharmonic. Later, she served on the boards of Will Rogers Bank and First Security Bank. She also served on the advisory board of the Oklahoma City University School of Music. Music was one of her passions, and her great love of opera found expression in frequent pilgrimages to opera houses in New York, Santa Fe, Dallas, and Tulsa. She also loved and admired all animals and frequently hosted tours of the Oklahoma City Zoo, which she regarded as one of the city’s greatest cultural treasures. Gladys Tucker will be missed by the many whose lives she touched with her love and kindness. She is survived by her children, Suzanne Tucker and John Graham Tucker; her grandson, Morrison Graham Tucker II; her son-in-law, William Lambert Theile; her daughter-in-law, Carmen Elizabeth Tucker; and her grandson’s godfather and adopted son “in spirit,” James Owen Mathews. A memorial service was held at St. Paul’s Cathedral in Oklahoma City. Those who wish to make a contribution in Gladys Tucker’s name may make it to the Gladys Tucker Memorial Fund, care of Bank of Oklahoma Trust Division, 9520 N. May Ave., Ste. 200, Oklahoma City, OK 73125; or to Oklahoma City University School of Music.

Gladys Tucker

The Epistle of Gladys Legacy Wishes for Suzanne, John and Graham  Be honorable and adhere to the venerable code of honor of never lying, cheating or stealing.  Practice kindness and courtesy to one and all.  Work at something. Work brings dignity and purpose to one’s life.  Read—have a good book going all the time.  Be neat. 

Enjoy music in your life. Experience the richness, depth and majesty of music, especially classical music that transcends daily life.

 Be punctual for appointments.  Be a loving and caring and helpful sister, brother, father, son, husband, wife, nephew.  Be diligent about keeping fit.  At sports or games, win with modesty; lose with dignity.  If a hobby does not intrude on your work or fun life, go for it. 

Don’t mortgage the farm but include travel in your vacation plans. There are so many interesting and beautiful places to visit and some delightful places (like Tuscany) to which you will want to return.

 Be a good citizen—in civic and political affairs.  Include philanthropy to the arts and also to help worthy missions like the Salvation Army.  Laughter is always a joyful accent.  Naturally wear a smile.  Nourish your spirituality. The soul is nourished through nature, the arts and prayer.

My Mother was the Most Beautiful Woman I Have Ever Known! Excerpts from a eulogy by daughter Suzanne Tucker Now in her day she was a babe—with Betty Grable good looks. And my Dad used to pat her knee and call her Lover. And they were so devoted to each other. But above all she was so beautiful because she was beautiful inside. It was something that literally radiated from within her in all her relation8 spring 2011 ships, 5and asfocus she nourished, mentored and uplifted people…

… As many of you know, we took many, many wonderful family trips to beautiful places. By the time she was 95 or so she took advantage of the airlines’ wheelchair escort service to help transport her between gates. Feeling a bit self-conscious about using such a service she would broadcast her age to help justify her use of such help and the escort would always ask—“How did you manage to live so long?” And Mom would toss out something like “Keep breathing.” But I always nudged the escort and said, “It’s because she’s made of love.” And of course, that is so true.

in memory

Evelyn Louise Mathey Evelyn Louise Mathey, B.A. drama ’66, passed away Aug. 21, 2011, at the age of 67 in Albuquerque, N.M. After graduating from Oklahoma City University, she went back to school and got an associate’s degree in computer programming, where she was number one in her class, and was hired at the Sandia National Laboratories, a large, government-affiliated research lab. She began studying aikijutsu, a Japanese martial art, and reached second-degree black belt. She also began doing stained glass, starting The Rose and Unicorn studio. When

her hands became too weak to cut glass, she took up sandblasting and etching. When that became too much, she turned to oil painting, and was for a time an officer in the Rio Grande Art Association. She remarried and traveled with her husband to England to tour stained glass studios and later to explore the British canals on a narrowboat. When her husband retired, they toured the U.S. and Canada in a motorhome, visiting 33 states and four provinces before returning to Albuquerque. She is survived by her sister, and by her husband, son and many friends.

Mark S. Barnett Mark S. Barnett died Nov. 9, 2001. Mark was born Jan. 20, 1961, in El Paso, Texas, to Beverly Barnett and the late Marcus Barnett. Mark was the first campus ministry director at Oklahoma City University. He graduated from Atoka High School in Oklahoma and then went on to graduate from East Central University with a bachelor’s degree in education/vocal performance. Mark loved performing in front of an audience, ranging from every type of theatrical performance. Mark was also a member of the National Phi Kappa Tau fraternity and National Sigma Theta Epsilon Christian Men's fraternity. He then received his master’s of divinity from Phillips Theological Seminary. Mark started his ministry in Perry, Okla., at the United Methodist Church as the youth minister. Then he was called to be the campus ministry director at OCU. He later was appointed to his first church in Hinton, Okla. After eight years in Hinton, he was called to Wickline UMC in Midwest City, Okla. Some considered Rev. Barnett as the pastor to the community as well as to the church where he served. He was the motivational speaker for many Mid-Del events and community prayer services. Mark was also involved in leadership with the Oklahoma Conference in the following areas: Oklahoma Conference United Methodist Probationary Mentor, North Oklahoma City District Board of Ministry Member, and Oklahoma conference camp dean, counselor and curriculum writer. He also led many workshops and taught classes on several areas of the church. Mark married Linda Dicus, who was an Oklahoma Conference Leadership director for 17 years and now a language arts teacher at Carl Albert Middle School. His spitting image, Taylor Morgan, a high school senior at Carl Albert, will be following in his footsteps and will attend Oklahoma City University. Brenden May is a sophomore at Carl Albert. Joe Nett, a 19-year-old, is a United States Marine. Mark used all of his gifts in ministry and loved the feeling it gave him and others. His sermons could be understood by the youngest child and discussed in depth by the most educated. He was well-loved doing mission work, which took him on many travels. Mark often said that his life's ambition was to one day stand before his Father in Heaven and hear the words, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.” He repeatedly said he was ready to stand face to face with his Christ and any day would be good for him. Memorial donations can be made to the Oklahoma City University Barnett-Widener Scholarship, Wickline United Methodist Church or the United Methodist Foundation.

Alan Cantrell Alan Cantrell, 57, passed away Feb. 20, 2012, after a sudden illness. Alan was born to Clint and Elsie Cantrell on May 18, 1954, in Rolla, Mo. He attended the University of Missouri where he met his wife Kathe, and earned a Bachelor’s of Science in forestry management. He later earned an MBA from Oklahoma City University. Alan worked in the restaurant business for 37 years and had been employed by Sonic for the past 12 years, most recently as vice president of business planning. An Eagle Scout himself, Alan was active in Boy Scout Troop 217, helping his sons and many other troop members achieve the rank of Eagle Scout. He was an avid outdoorsman who enjoyed trout fishing, hunting and golf.

Class of 1929 Elizabeth Doenges Class of 1938 Roy C. Rowlan Class of 1939 James A. Spiers Class of 1942 Orval J. Sams Jr. Class of 1943 Eleanor Semtner Class of 1944 Mary Anna Raymer Blair Class of 1947 William “Rex” Brown Virginia Bracken Moody William H. White Class of 1948 Judy Novitsky Jordan Class of 1949 Gerald R. Kennedy Class of 1950 James “Jim” Russell Blakley Billye “Jayne” Dawson Brainard Paul S. Fauks Paul D. Harbison Ona H. Merritt, Jr. Class of 1951 Marinelle Ellinger Class of 1952 Lawanda Brown Majors Paul K. Murr Marie Wilinson Nash Melvin L. Roberts Class of 1953 Alain Ellis George F. Millsaps John A. Taylor Class of 1954 Robert L. Cochran Class of 1956 George D. Carson

Class of 1958 James B. Bowman Robert W. Brown, Jr. Class of 1959 William D. Cribbs William Griffith Long Class of 1964 Walter A. Crook Class of 1966 Ellis F. Beall Evelyn L. Mathey Class of 1969 Georgia Kitch Class of 1970 Junabelle Kelly Brink Class of 1973 Barbara V. Clyde Class of 1974 Tommie J. Kiester Class of 1975 Odette Hatfield-Le May Vivian Frolund Moon Class of 1976 John E. Aber Class of 1982 Catherine A. Dodson Class of 1988 Michael D. Camfield Class of 1989 Larry G. Penn Class of 1994 Kathleen Therese Porter Class of 2005 Elliot Everett Class of 2006 Jon Cantrell Class of 2011 Corbin Dean Edmisson

Class of 1957 James “Jim” E. Condry Walter N. Cross focus s p r ing 2 0 1 2


in memory

Don Childs Donald J. Childs died Dec. 18, 2011, from complications following surgery. Don was the director of theatre at Oklahoma City University the first year the department was set to become its own school. Don began his theatrical career at the San Francisco Actors Workshop during the theatrically active 1960s. During his tenure with the workshop he spent his summers at the Colorado Shakespeare Festival for five years working as a technician, lighting designer and finally as technical director. When the workshop founders went to New York to take over the Lincoln Center Theatres, Don returned to college where he obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Iowa and a Master of Fine Arts from Indiana University. A teaching career took Don from San Diego to Montreal and many places in between. At the time of his death, Don was teaching and designing at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater. In a career spanning five decades, Don designed more than 200 plays, musicals, dance concerts and exhibitions for both academic and professional theatres. His work has been displayed at the Prague Quadrennial where the production that he lit for set designer Ladislav Vychodil won the Gold Medal for Scenography. Among Don’s favorite designs was the production of “Not About Nightingales,” which was produced at Sam Houston State in 2003. “Nightingales” brought him

a number of awards including an invitation to exhibit in the inaugural World Stage Design exhibition in Toronto in 2005. Don was named Artist of the Year by Texas Educational Theatre Association in 2007. Perhaps Don’s best design was his relationship with his wife and partner of 45 years, Jane Childs. Together, they built businesses, trained and nurtured students and built an extended community of artists and friends that extends to all corners of the earth. Their best joint venture is their daughter, author Tera Lynn Childs. Always firm believers in giving back to an art form they loved, in 2006 Don and Jane founded the Stagecraft Institute of Las Vegas, an eight-week summer intensive training program using the backdrop of state-of-the-art live entertainment production in Las Vegas as a learning lab to train the next generation of working professionals. As a living testament to their vision, the institute will go ahead with its sixth season beginning in June of 2012. Don was the chairman of the Southwest region of the United States Institute of Theatre Technology (USITT). Don was a member of USITT, IATSE-USA 829 and IAAM. A celebration of life was planned for the USITT annual conference in Long Beach, Calif., on March 31. Memorial donations are being accepted for the Don Childs Student Opportunity Scholarship at USITT, which will pay the registration fees for students wishing to attend USITT national conferences. They should be sent to USITT, Re: Don Childs, 315 South Crouse Avenue, Suite 200, Syracuse, NY, 13210.


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Aspire inspire REspire A dream, a plan and a deep breath upon completion—an aspiration, inspiration, and, well respiration. We re-spired, replacing the stormdamage chapel spire. The new spire was installed on the Bishop W. Angie Smith Chapel Nov. 23 in a process that involved two cranes and a crew of about half a dozen workers. The job required several days of preparation, and the hoisting and attaching process took about an hour. A special dedication service was held the day before, including a blessing for the new spire. For the weeks leading up to the installation, the campus community was invited to sign a scroll that was inserted into the base of the spire before it was placed atop the building. The original spire was knocked from the roof during a storm in May 2008. The new spire was designed to look similar to the old one, but with modern engineering in the materials and construction.

TOP: The Rev. Margaret Ball blesses the spire prior to installation. ABOVE: Due to the pitch of the chapel roof, the crew needed to use two cranes in the process of the installation—one to carry the workers and the other to hoist the spire into place. The cranes that were used measured 140-ton and 100-ton capacities. focus extra

The spire post is about 47 feet tall. The cross is 10 feet tall.

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