October 7, 2011
Planting wheat and praying for rain 2012 Wheat – Canadian Co. Farm Bureau member Jim Parizek of Yukon plants a field to wheat near El Reno on Sept. 27. He says he plans to plant 1,200 acres of wheat this fall. Does the prediction of a prolonged drought bother him? He said he is taking it in stride. “We’ll make a run at it as though we’re planting in good conditions,” he said. “I think if we’re not optimistic and don’t have faith, we don’t have any business putting seed in the ground. My dad lived through the Dust Bowl. His memory is that it was worse then than what it is now. I’ll just have to take that for what it is.”
Governor signs extension on hay transportation rules Gov. Mary Fallin recently signed an extension to the temporary suspension of several agriculture transportation rules. Fallin’s office says the decision to continue enforcing the transportation suspensions, “is necessary to assist and expedite all efforts of drought relief and wildfire suppression.” Oversized vehicles used to haul hay to ranchers require certain permits and licensing, but Fallin’s temporary suspenROLL ON – An 18-wheeler drives west on Interstate sion allows truckers to transport hay without following the 40 near Oklahoma City with a large load of hay. restrictions. The governor’s executive order stated, “Due to the severe drought conditions occurring statewide, it is necessary to expedite access to hay for livestock.” Fallin’s extension temporarily suspends requirements for special permits for use of oversized vehicles. The requirements are listed under Title 47 as they apply to vehicles used to transport hay for livestock. The following requirements also are included in the governor’s executive order. 1. Requirements for licensing/operating authority as required by the Oklahoma Corporation Commission 2. Requirements for licensing/registration as required by the Oklahoma Tax Commission 3. Requirements contained in the Motor Carrier Safety Regulations Fallin’s order is scheduled to terminate 60 days after its issue date of Sept. 20.