April 9, 2010
COMMODITY TOUR – USDA’s Southern Plains Range Research Station (SPRRS) in Woodward was just one stop during Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s Commodity Tour March 31 - April 1. Research Agronomist Tim Springer, left, took participants on a tour of the SPRRS greenhouses and talked about Eastern Gamagrass, which is being researched as a highly productive improved forage grass, a potential perennial grain crop, and also as a genetic resource for corn improvement. Approximately 50 producers from across the state attended the tour. For a photo gallery and more, visit
HB 3202 passes Senate by 38 to 7 vote By Lori Kromer Peterson, Vice President of Public Policy
2 0 1 0 MERITORIOUS SERVICE AWARD – Unable to attend Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s Leadership Conference in February, OFB Meritorious Service Award recipient Sen. Sean Burrage was honored during a legislative dinner, hosted by Rogers and Mayes County Farm Bureaus March 25 at Moore's Catfish Farm in Claremore. Presenting the award were, from left, Rogers County Farm Bureau President E.J. Snider, Sen. Sean Burrage, Mayes County Farm Bureau President Jonathan Scheffel and Oklahoma Farm Bureau President Mike Spradling.
Protecting Traditional Animal Husbandry Practices The legislative process continues in Oklahoma and now the State Senate has voted in favor of HB 3202. Passing quickly, with few questions and no debate, HB 3202 came out of the Senate by a margin of 38 to 7. This bill, authored by Rep. Don Armes and Sen. Mike Schulz, clarifies that acts of animal husbandry are not prohibited by the Veterinary Practice Act. It also requires that of the five veterinarian members of the State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners (Board), one (See Legislative Update, page 3)