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Perspective Oklahoma Farm Bureau

Oct. 2, 2015

2015 Oklahoma Farm Bureau Convention preliminary details released klahoma Farm Bureau members from across the state will meet at the Cox Convention Center in downtown Oklahoma City Nov. 13 through 15 for OKFB’s 74th annual meeting. This year’s convention theme of “A Heritage Worth Preserving, A Future Worth Protecting” focuses on the importance of fighting for agriculture and rural Oklahoma. The annual event serves as a premier opportunity for Oklahoma farmers and ranchers to gather together and make their voices heard as they set organizational policy and give direction for the upcoming

state legislative session. The meeting also includes presentation of numerous OKFB awards, the election of three district directors, a trade show, general sessions and selection of delegates for the American Farm Bureau Federation annual meeting in 2016. New this year, the OKFB awards program will take place during the first general session on Friday afternoon, giving convention attendees an evening to spend in Oklahoma City. Lorrie Morgan, country music singer and songwriter, will entertain members

on Nov. 14 at 7 p.m. following the annual OKFB banquet. Tickets are $32 and will be available for purchase in the trade show area of the convention center. The Residence Inn Marriott is still taking reservations and may be contacted at 405-601-1700. For more information, contact Melisa Neal at 405-523-2475. The tentative convention schedule and information are available on the OKFB website, and will be updated as changes are released. The final schedule will be distributed at convention.

New Oklahoma Country in mailboxes soon

The Magazine of the Oklahoma Farm Bureau Volume 68 No. 3


backup plant

Oklahoma farmers diversify operations and spread risk by planting fall crops.

The Water Problem

Can Oklahoma better prepare for drought?

Lincoln to Local

Protect Oklahoma agriculture with SQ777

Convention Preview

The details on OKFB’s upcoming convention

he October issue of Oklahoma Country will find its way into members’ mailboxes within the next couple of weeks! The magazine features stories about Oklahoma farmers and their summerplanted crops, and planning for drought

in Oklahoma. Also, find a convention preview,information about State Question 777 and a recipe perfect for fall weather. Be sure to look through the print copy, or the online version found on the publications page at

Wilke to receive Honorary American FFA Degree onica Wilke, executive director of Oklahoma Farm Bureau and Affiliated Companies, was recently selected to receive the Honorary American FFA Degree. Presented by the National FFA Organization, the award recognizes individuals committed to advancing agricultural education and FFA. It also creates an opportunity to thank those who have made an extraordinary longterm difference in the lives of students, inspiring confidence in a new generation of agriculturalists. “Agricultural education and FFA played a critical role in developing my own leadership skills, and continue to develop young leaders in agriculture,” Wilke said. “As a former member and long-time

supporter, I am humbled by this award.” She will receive the organization’s highest non-member award at the 2015 National FFA Convention and Expo Oct. 30 in Louisville, Kentucky. Wilke grew up on a farm in the southwestern Oklahoma town of Grandfield, where she was actively involved in FFA. She served as state FFA secretary during her freshman year at Oklahoma State University. She continues to serve the Oklahoma FFA Association as a member of the Oklahoma FFA Foundation board of directors. Under Wilke’s direction, Oklahoma Farm Bureau has remained a tremendous supporter of FFA programs including state convention, livestock judging contests, speech contests and more.

Monica Wilke

Left: Oklahoma Rep. John Pfeiffer helps a student at the Noble County Farm Bureau YF&R Bucket Calf competition. Right: A student competes in the Farm Hand Olympics, also hosted by the Noble County Farm Bureau YF&R. The group helps promote agriculture at the Noble County Fair each year by hosting various competitions and activities for youth.

Oklahoma Farm Bureau Online All things OKFB Convention

YF&R state livestock judging contest photos

The 2015 Oklahoma Farm Bureau Convention is right around the corner! Make sure to stay updated on the latest convention information by checking our website. We’ll post schedule updates, speaker information and other announcements to keep you in-theknow about all things convention!



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Held Sept. 17 at the Oklahoma State Fair, the Oklahoma Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers committee hosted the state livestock judging contest for nearly 1,000 students. Check out photos from the event by visiting the OKFB page on flickr.



Left: OKFB staff cook 1,600 hot dogs for state employees at the State Charitable Campaign Kickoff on Sept. 15. Right: A state employee enjoys food at the SCC Kickoff, sponsored in part by Oklahoma Farm Bureau.

Contributing to the future of Farm Bureau By Holly Carroll OKFB Vice President of Field Services and YF&R Coordinator hen you think about the future of an organization like Oklahoma Farm Bureau, you have to know the most important key to being sustainable is continuing to bring in new members. Today, 60 percent of farmers in the United States are 55 years of age or older. With that statistic in mind, we have to work hard to share Farm Bureau and its importance with the next generation. Through the OKFB Young Farmers and Ranchers program and Collegiate Farm Bureau program, we have been working to engage these members at an earlier age and provide opportunities for them as they grow older. These are the future county board members, the future leaders of our state, and the future of Farm Bureau. They are the key to ensuring our organization is just as strong tomorrow as it is today.

We cannot do this alone – we need to enlist help from you. One of our most outstanding opportunities for the agricultural youth in Oklahoma is the newly developed high school discussion meet contest. 4-H and FFA members in grades nine through 12 are invited to compete at the state contest Nov. 12 at the Cox Convention Center in Oklahoma City. The contest is modeled exactly from the YFR contest, even using the same format and questions. The winner will receive a MacBook Air and the top three finalists each receive an iPad mini. All agricultural education instructors and county Farm Bureau offices have information on the contest, but it is important to make sure the students hear about the opportunity. As a member, I encourage you to make contact with a student you know. Show him or her that Farm Bureau has something for everyone.

Let them know we value our youth and the contributions they make to our organization. We want our Young Farmers and Ranchers to know Farm Bureau is a farm organization in Oklahoma that cares about them and works for them. We work to protect the way of life for their family from their grandfather’s generation to their children’s generation; they can count on us. By involving the youth of today in Farm Bureau, we are creating the leaders of tomorrow. We all want to know we are leaving this organization in strong hands for the future, so we must start now by reaching our future. For more information about the contest or any YF&R contests, please don’t hesitate to ask. We are here to recognize the hard work the next generation does each day in agriculture. Together, we are building a future that will be even stronger than the foundation we have today.

Member Benefits



Resolutions Deadline Oct. 13 Contact: Tasha Duncan 405-530-2681

Sign up and save on wireless phone coverage that blankets Oklahoma with blazing 4G LTE speed and goes with you where you travel. Save up to 10 percent on qualifying services from AT&T wireless. To learn more, visit the benefits page on our website or contact Jennie Bruning at 405-523-2300.

YF&R Awards Deadline Oct. 15 Contact: Holly Carroll 405-523-2307 State Resolutions Committee Meeting Oct. 20-21 Contact: Tasha Duncan 405-530-2681

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Published by Oklahoma Farm Bureau Published Oklahoma Farm Bureau Postmaster:by Send address corrections to: Postmaster: Send address corrections to: Perspective, P.O. B. 53332, OKC, OK 73152-3332 Perspective, P.O. B. 53332, OKC, OK 73152-3332

Oklahoma Farm Bureau 2501 N. Stiles Oklahoma City, OK 73105-3126

Non-Profit U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 131 Okla. City, OK.


Executive Director Monica Wilke 405-523-2303 VP of Public Policy and Media Relations John Collison 405-523-2539 Directors of Corporate Communications Sam Knipp 405-523-2347 Dustin Mielke 405-530-2640 Communications Specialist Hannah Nemecek 405-523-2346

YF&R host Oklahoma State Fair livestock judging contest ore than 900 students participated in the Sept. 17 Oklahoma State Fair Livestock Judging Contest, sponsored by Oklahoma Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers. Contest participants analyzed classes of beef, goats, sheep and swine and ranked the animals based on correct market characteristics. “It’s such a good thing for the kids,” said Zac Harris, state YF&R chairman. “It’s a good thing for Farm Bureau, too. The kids get to see that we are so much more than just insurance.” A former livestock-judging participant, Harris said he remembers the lessons he learned by competing in contests. “It’s learning today you might not have been the best today but maybe next week you can go home and study and get a little better,” Harris said. “These skills are the foundation for success in whatever career

you go into.” Awards were given to top three teams and top three high individuals in the junior 4-H, senior 4-H, junior FFA and senior FFA categories. In the junior 4-H division, the top three teams were: Kay County, first place; Lindsay 4-H, second place; and Indianola 4-H, third place. In the senior 4-H division, top three teams were: Central High 4-H, first place; Kingfisher 4-H, second place; and Kay County 4-H, third place. In the junior FFA division, top three teams included: Yukon FFA, first place; Kingfisher FFA, second place; and El Reno FFA, third place. In the senior FFA division, top three teams included: Tuttle FFA, first place; Kingfisher FFA, second place; and Weatherford FFA, third place. For the full list of results, visit www. To view available photos of the teams, visit the OKFB flickr page.

Top Left: A young livestock judger answers questions on a class of livestock at the contest. Bottom Left: A student analyzes a class of sheep during the contest. Bottom Right: OKFB YF&R Chair Zac Harris presents the Central High 4-H team with the first place senior 4-H division plaque.

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