Dec 12 2014web

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Oklahoma Farm Bureau

OKFB’s David Turner and Micah Martin present an educational workshop about shopping safety during the holidays.

December 12, 2014

Mary Sloan of Sequoyah County, Desdive Milacek of Garfield County and Clara Wichert of Major County work on their projects during the “Make a Bag” workshop.

OKFB Women’s Leadership Committee hosts winter rally afe holiday shopping, weather and Ag in the Classroom were just a few of the topics discussed at the annual Oklahoma Farm Bureau Women’s Leadership Committee Winter Rally on Dec. 5-6 in Norman. More than 70 OKFB women gathered in District 8 for educational workshops and fellowship. “I am so pleased with the turnout at this year’s winter rally,” said Kitty Beavers, OKFB Women’s Leadership Committee chairman. “The Women’s Leadership Committee is an integral part of Oklahoma Farm Bureau, and I’m so glad we all had the opportunity to get together and enjoy each other’s company while also attending educational workshops.” The rally, held every year in December, began with a trade show where OKFB women could purchase goods from several vendors from across the state. The rally also featured a silent auction where attendees

could bid on numerous items. The silent auction raised $613 to benefit the White/ Reinhardt Foundation. During the opening lunch on Friday, the OKFB women heard from Mona Adkisson, Seminole resident and author of “Nevertheless, I Live: Hope for a Hurting Heart.” Adkisson spoke to the crowd about maintaining hope despite the twists and turns of life and keeping those who are hurting in mind during the holiday season. Friday afternoon and Saturday morning were booked with educational breakout sessions. Session topics included crime trends, Ag in the Classroom, weather, safe

shopping and several crafting projects. The dinner on Friday evening featured special guests Kaylee Hughes, Miss Perfect Cheer, and Ashley Thompson, Miss Okmulgee, and musical entertainment from the acapella singing group from the Beta fraternity at the University of Oklahoma and Toby Baldwin. The OKFB women heard from Debbie Greenlea who — Kitty Beavers decorated the White House in Washington, D.C., for Christmas. Each member in attendance also received a charm bracelet to add charms to each year at the conference. Next year’s rally will be consolidated with the Women’s Leadership Committee Summer Conference on Oct. 30-31.

I’m so glad we all had the opportunity to get together and enjoy each other’s company while also attending educational workshops.

OSU offers in-depth view of agriculture through ‘Farm to Fork’ Online Course

OKFB’s Sam Knipp (right) interviews a student in the Animal Agriculture Advocacy and Policy course at Oklahoma State University. During his fifth consecutive year visiting the class, Knipp discussed the need to tell agriculture’s story and provided media training tips to the nearly 100 students.

ailey Norwood, associate professor in the department of agricultural economics for the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources at Oklahoma State University, will be using the latest teaching methods to take learning to a new level with a Massive Open Online Course titled “Farm to Fork: A Panoramic View of Agriculture.” The 16-week course will be conducted entirely online and is open to anyone. It will focus on topics including livestockcare techniques, the industrialization of agriculture, the impact of local food on the local economy and the role of politics and culture in food. The format of the online course provides Norwood with an opportunity to explore new and contemporary teaching methods. “OSU has been creative about using technology in the classroom, but this course has given me the ability to use technology to take us out of the classroom onto dairy, beef and swine farms, and into DNA and soil test laboratories,” said Norwood. “Ironically, the Internet-based course will take participants outside more than a traditional class. The course is conducted through a robust Internet platform that facilitates discussion within virtual field trips, video lectures and reading.” The course will be separated into modules and will include videos, readings, virtual farm tours and online office hours. Students will engage in the course by uploading photos related to assignments and will participate in forums to discuss topics covered in the class.

“A MOOC is a very effective way of engaging students with varied interests, locations and motivations to learn at their convenience,” said Thomas Coon, vice president, dean and director of OSU’s Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. “Dr. Norwood and his team have invested considerable time and energy into the development of the course materials.” Coon said the result is an effective and creative opportunity for participants to become engaged in the learning process. As a land-grant institution, OSU views the MOOC as a way to expand its reach and ability to educate the public. “Rooted in Oklahoma State University’s land-grant mission to serve and improve society, we are utilizing new technologies and curricular models such as MOOCs to reach an even larger number of constituents who can benefit from this knowledge,” said Gary Sandefur, OSU provost. “OSU continues to serve as an international leader in agricultural sciences, and this course, taught by one of the field’s most notable experts, will present the most up-to-date knowledge available about food production and safety.” The course is available and open to the public. Participants are able to participate for free or to enroll for a reasonable online tuition cost to earn OSU credit. The course will begin Jan. 12. Additional information and registration is available online at farmtofork.

Oklahoma Farm Bureau Online Buchanan appears on In the Field with Ron Hays If you missed Oklahoma Farm Bureau President Tom Buchanan on In the Field with Ron Hays on Saturday, Dec. 6, you can visit the OKFB Facebook page and follow the video link to catch up. Buchanan talked about issues important to Oklahoma Farm Bureau members.



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Convention videos available on YouTube All videos of award winners at the 2014 OKFB Annual Meeting are available for viewing at The playlist of videos includes each district farm family, the YF&R Achievement award winners and YF&R Lifetime Legacy award winners.



The holiday season is upon us and county Farm Bureau offices across the state are finding time for county-wide Christmas parties. Pictured here is Rogers County Farm Bureau enjoying an evening full of Christmas music, fellowship and a gift exchange on Dec. 3, 2014, at Moore’s Fish Farm.

Rosholt named director of fundraising and public relations for Oklahoma Farming and Ranching Foundation manda Rosholt was recently named the Director of Fundraising and Public Relations for the Oklahoma Farming and Ranching Foundation. As director, Rosholt will be responsible for raising funds and serving as the media relations contact for the foundation as well as maintaining the website. Rosholt, who grew up on a farm, said this position gives her an opportunity to advocate for agriculture and spread the word about the Oklahoma Farming and Ranching Foundation. “I’m really excited about it,” Rosholt said. “I grew up on a farm and [my grandparents] created a farming and ranching legacy that my dad and his brother have carried on, so it’s exciting for me to have that opportunity to come back home and be able

to work with my family and also be a voice for the Oklahoma Farming and Ranching Foundation and others who are involved in agriculture.” She said she wants to reach the younger generation to spread the positive message of agriculture. “I really want to educate them on where their food and fiber comes from and that there are ways to use business in agriculture and that it is important,” the new director said. The El Reno native previously worked as

a field representative for U.S. Congressman Frank Lucas for two years, so working in communications is something she feels quite comfortable with, she said. Rosholt graduated from Oklahoma State University with an undergraduate degree in journalism and broadcasting and public relations — Amanda Rosholt and also earned her Master of Business Administration. Rosholt and her husband reside in El Reno and have started a cow-calf operation while helping on their family farm. They have two children: Hayden, who is 3 years old, and Drake, who is 18 months old.

It’s exciting for me to have the opportunity to come back home and be able to work with my family and also be a voice for the Oklahoma Farming and Ranching Foundation.

Member Benefits



2015 AFBF Convention Jan. 11-14 — San Diego, California Contact: Melisa Neal (405) 523-2475

OKFB members can receive $500 FB Bonus Cash on the qualifying purchase or lease of a new Chevrolet, GMC or Buick vehicle. FB Bonus Cash is now stackable! OKFB highlights a benefit in each issue of Perspective as a reminder of the savings available to OKFB members. You can find a complete list of savings on the Oklahoma Farm Bureau website.

Oklahoma Legislature Convenes Feb. 2 — Oklahoma City Contact: John Collison (405) 523-2539 OKFB Leadership Conference Feb. 16-17 — Oklahoma City Contact: Sara Rogers (405) 523-2681

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Executive Director Monica Wilke 405-523-2303 VP of Public Policy and Media Relations John Collison 405-523-2539 Directors of Corporate Communications Sam Knipp 405-523-2347 Dustin Mielke 405-530-2640 Communications Specialists Karolyn Bolay 405-523-2320 Samantha Smith 405-523-2346

U.S. House approves bill to return Section 179 expensing to last year’s levels in 2014 n Dec. 3, the House passed H.R. 5771, the Tax Increase Prevention Act of 2014, on a 378 to 45 vote. “Farm Bureau is pleased the House has acted to extend several key tax provisions this year. We urge Congress to bring a tax extender package to completion before the year’s end,” said American Farm Bureau Federation President Bob Stallman in a statement. Further, Stallman noted that small business provisions like Section 179 and bonus depreciation increase cash flow, and that lets farmers and ranchers put their money back to work immediately so they can care for their land and animals. Although yesterday’s vote represents progress, Farm Bureau continues to press for a long-term solution so small businesses including farms and ranches can have the certainty they need to plan for the future.

Full statement regarding passage of H.R. 5771 from Bob Stallman, American Farm Bureau President Farmers and ranchers rely on tax provisions that give them the flexibility they need to invest in their businesses and boost their local economies. Farm Bureau is pleased the House has acted to extend several key tax provisions this year. We urge Congress to bring a tax extender package to completion before the year’s end. Small business provisions like Section 179 and bonus depreciation increase cash flow, and that lets farmers and ranchers put their money back to work immediately so they can care for their land and animals. Provisions that encourage the production and use of clean, renewable energy are especially important. Farmers and ranchers depend on affordable energy and recognize the importance of fuel and power tax incentives to boost its production and promote innovation. We are glad to have these temporary extensions, but we know these issues will come up again. We still need a long-term solution so small businesses can have the certainty they need to plan for the future.”

Random Photo Friday We want all OKFB members to make sure they are following the Oklahoma Farm Bureau Facebook page. Not only do we provide daily updates about our organization and topics that interest farmers and ranchers across Oklahoma, but each Friday we feature random photos taken across the state by the OKFB communications staff. Be sure to follow the page, and “like” the posts that interest you!

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