January 27, 2012
Oklahoma Farm Bureau supports AFBF farm bill proposal The American Farm Bureau Federation Board of Directors have approved the organization’s priority issues for 2012, following a delegate session at the 93rd Annual Meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii. A total of 370 Farm Bureau delegates from across the country and all sectors of the agriculture industry met Jan. 10, to discuss the 2012 farm bill and develop a priority agenda. The AFBF Board of Directors then approved the priority issues on Jan. 11. Oklahoma Farm Bureau President Mike Spradling said the new list of adopted policies addresses the concerns of farmers and ranchers in Oklahoma and beyond. “The basic philosophy of Farm Bureau’s farm bill policy is still in tact and is still intended to serve as a safety net for farmers,” he said. Due to federal budget constraints, Spradling said AFBF opposed the idea of direct payments for farmers and also took action to remove the Systemic Risk Reduction Program title from its farm bill proposal. (See AFBF farm bill proposal, page 3)
93rd AFBF Annual Meeting
Honolulu, Hawaii
RIGHT – Major County FB member and OFB Farm Bill Advisory Committee chairman Scott Neufeld speaks during a delegate session of the AFBF Annual Meeting. The 2012 farm bill was the hot topic of discussion where delegates also determined AFBF’s list of priority issues for 2012.
In This Issue • AFBF Annual Meeting review • Farm Bureau Week coming soon • Major County Library Night • 2012 legislative preview • Garvin County legislative dinner • Beef 4 Battle shipment • No-Till Conference Deadline • Enid Agrifest pictures
OFB planning Farm Bureau Week activities Farm Bureau Week is less than a month away, and Oklahoma Farm Bureau is planning a full lineup of events to celebrate the annual event. One particular Farm Bureau Week feature OFB is offering is the opportunity for counties to promote membership and OFB involvement in their local news media. Several newspaper ads are available. For more information, contact Kelli Beall with the OFB Field Services division at (405) 523-2470 or Other Farm Bureau Week activities include the following: Feb. 20-24 – Farm Bureau Week Visit and www. for more details.
LEFT – AFBF President Bob Stallman uses a photo of OFB Achievement Award winners Zac and Amy Harris and family (Kiowa Co. FB) to illustrate a point during his presidential address. He spoke during the opening session on Jan. 8.
Feb. 20-24 – Food Check-Out Week The OFB Women’s Committee will support the Oklahoma City and Tulsa Ronald McDonald House charities with food donations and also promote smart shopping for healthy, nutritious food. Contact: Marcia Irvin, (405) 523-2405 Feb. 20-21 – Oklahoma Farm Bureau Leadership Conference, Oklahoma City Contact: Kinsey Money, (405) 523-2539 More details on OFB’s Congressional Action Tour, Commodity Tour, State YF&R Leadership Conference and State YF&R Speech Contest coming soon!