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January 11, 2013

Oklahoma Farm Bureau leaders support vote extending farm bill The state’s leading farm organization supports Congress’ vote extending the farm bill. “Extending the current farm bill is good for agriculture and for consumers,” said Oklahoma Farm Bureau President Mike Spradling. While pleased with Congress’ New Years Day vote, the Sand Springs, Okla., farm leader voiced support for continued efforts on a new, five-year farm bill. “We would prefer a new farm bill, one that provides a strong safety net for farm income using a combination of crop insurance, a revenue assurance program and price protection,” Spradling said. Spradling praised the entire Oklahoma delegation, both House and Senate, for

their tireless efforts to protect the nation’s agricultural industry. “We understand this is the best deal possible under the current circumstances,” Spradling said. “We want to acknowledge their support for agriculture and rural Oklahoma.” At the same time, Spradling singled out Rep. Frank Lucas, R-Okla., for his leadership during this stressful time. “Congressman Lucas, as Chairman of the House Agriculture Committee, has consistently been a strong voice for agriculture,” Spradling said. Spradling is confident there is still a possibility for passing a new farm bill in 2013.

Oklahoma congressional delegation talks farm bill extension, fiscal cliff Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s Sam Knipp spoke with Rep. Frank Lucas, Sen. Jim Inhofe and Rep. James Lankford about the extension of the 2008 farm bill into 2013 and the recent fiscal cliff legislation. Find the audio interviews on the Oklahoma Farm Bureau website at okfarmbureau.org.

Comanche County hosts annual legislative dinner BELOW – Several state legislators and OFB leaders attended the Comanche County legislative dinner, Jan. 28, in Lawton. Elected officials previewed the upcoming legislative session and discussed priority issues, including water rights, school safety, gun control and the state budget. From left, Rep. Joe Dorman, OFB President Mike Spradling, Rep. Ann Coody, OFB District 4 Director Jimmy Wayne Kinder, OFB Women’s Committee Member Margaret Ann Kinder, Sen. Don Barrington, Rep. Don Armes and OFB Vice President of Public Policy and Media Relations John Collison.

ABOVE – Rep. Joe Dorman (left) visits with Comanche County Farm Bureau member Richard "Scooter" Park during the annual Comanche County legislative dinner on Dec. 28, in Lawton. The Oklahoma Legislature convenes Feb. 4, and county Farm Bureaus across the state are hosting events to meet with their local elected officials and discuss upcoming policy issues.

Member Benefits • General Motors – Offers members a $500 manufacturer’s discount on Chevrolet, Buick and GMC vehicles. Visit fbverify.com for more details. OFB highlights a benefit in each issue of Perspective as a reminder of the savings available to OFB members. Find a complete list of savings online at okfarmbureau.org.

OFB Calendar Oklahoma Legislature Convenes February 4, 2013 • OKC Contact: John Collison, (405) 523-2539 National YF&R Leadership Conference February 7-11, 2013 • Phoenix, AZ Contact: Holly Carroll, (405) 205-0069 National Leadership Conference February 7-11, 2013 • Phoenix, AZ Contact: Melisa Neal, (405) 523-2475

Oklahoma Farm Bureau Field Services reorganizes territories

The Oklahoma Farm Bureau Field Services Division has reorganized the counties the field representatives serve. The graphic illustrates the new territories.

Oklahoma Farm Bureau remembers former Women’s Committee chairman The Oklahoma Farm Bureau in the Carrier and Goltry comfamily is mourning the passing munities and moved to Enid in of former Women’s Committee 1985. Chairman Nellie Fern Nelson. She began serving on the Nelson was born near Dibble Women’s Committee in 1975, on July 21, 1920. She attended spending seven years as the Oklahoma A&M College (OklaDistrict 7 representative, and the homa State University) and marnext 20 years as state chairman. ried Roy Nelson on June 5, 1940. Nelson worked with Farm Nellie Fern Nelson Bureau throughout the state, and The couple farmed and ranched represented Oklahoma at many national functions. Citizenship training for youth was a high priority in her work with OFB. She was awarded the Oklahoma Farm Bureau Distinguished Monitor the latest Farm Bureau Service award in 2005. and agricultural news and information In addition to her service to OFB, Nelonline at okfarmbureau.org. son was a member of Carrier CongregationCurrently online: al United Church of Christ and held many • Agricultural News – Oklahoma church offices. She was also a life member Farm Bureau features a new agricultureof Bass Baptist Auxiliary and a volunteer related story every day on its site. Read 4-H leader in Carrier for 28 years. about both AFBF and state Farm She was preceded in death by her Bureau news by visiting the homepage. parents; husband, Roy; son, Ronald; sisters, Treva Hardage Owens and Thelma Hollis; • OFB 2013 Calendar – Oklahoma and brothers, Sethie, Ivan and J.N. Graham. Farm Bureau’s staff is gearing up for Nellie Fern is survived by daughter, a busy schedule in 2013. From the Denise Jones and husband Don of Enid; upcoming legislative session to summer daughter-in-law, Jane Nelson of Golconferences, see our lineup of events! try; three granddaughters, Amber Davis, Amanda Brandon and Allison Jones; two grandsons, Ryan Nelson and Chad Newby; sister, Leva Lawton; and brother, E.M. Graham. Memorials may be made to OMRF, cancer division or Carrier Congregational UCC.

Oklahoma Farm Bureau Online



OSU Extension to host feral hog conference in Osage County

Cattle conference set for Jan. 25

The Osage County Extension office will and humans, this informative conference will host a regional conference for agricultural equip producers and landowners with the producers and landowners who are currently tools to become more engaged in monitoring battling feral hogs on their properties. The for and taking appropriate action towards informative meeting will begin at 9 a.m., Fri- population control and/or elimination of day, Feb. 15, at the Osage County Fairgrounds wild hogs. Please pre-register your attendance to south of Pawhuska. Lunch will be provided. The day long conference will provide Dwayne Elmore, Extension wildlife specialattendees the opportunity to hear speakers ist, at dwayne.elmore@okstate.edu or by from Mississippi State University talk- calling his office at 405-744-9636. For a copy ing about the human and livestock health of the agenda, go to www.oces.okstate.edu/ hazards, ecology of wild hogs and trapping osage/agriculture or call the Osage County techniques. There will be additional trapping Extension office at 918-287-4170. discussion and demonstration from wildlife experts with the Noble Foundation. There will also be discussion related to laws and regulations governing wild hog control practices and information about available state agency assistance for controlling populations. Wild hogs cause an estimated $1 billion in annual damages to U.S. agriculture. With the presence of more wild hogs in northern OklaFeral hogs cause an estimated $1 billion in homa than ever and the impliannual damages to U.S. agriculture. cations to diseases in livestock

Registration is still available for the Central Oklahoma Cattle Conference in Stillwater. The conference will begin at 8 a.m. on Friday, Jan. 25, at the Payne County Expo Center, located at the Stillwater Fairgrounds on the corner of Highway 51 (Sixth Street) and Fairgrounds Road. Featured topics will include the 2013 cattle market outlook, Oklahoma Quality Beef Network, common concerns and questions when negotiating leases with oil companies, use of commercial fertilizer versus poultry litter, pasture management following a drought and ammoniation of low quality roughages. Producers should register before Jan. 18 by sending $10 per participant and applicable registration information to the Payne County Extension Office, 315 W. Sixth St., Suite 103, Stillwater, OK 74074. Checks should be made payable to Payne County Extension. Registration information should include the participant’s name, address, city, zip code, phone number and email, if applicable. For additional information about the conference, contact Nathan Anderson, Payne County Extension director and agricultural educator, at 405-747-8320.

Garvin County honors former OFB board member

Garvin County FB President Dale Schauer (right) presents Bill Gibson with a service award honoring Gibson’s service to OFB District 8 and the 18 years he has served on the OFB Board of Directors. Also picture is Gibson’s wife, Janet.

Woodward County Farm Bureau members Wes Crain (left) and Merv Compton present a Christmas ham to Fae Beverlin at the Southgate United in Woodward. Beverlin was just one of 10 shoppers who the Farm Bureau surprised with a ham as a way of giving back to the community during the holiday season. (Photo by Rowynn Ricks, Woodward News)


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Perspective/Online News Editor

Traci Morgan, Monica Wilke, 523-2346 523-2303 Perspective/Online News Editor Executive Director John Collison, 523-2539 Sam 523-2347 VP of Knipp, Public Policy and Media Relations Vice President of Communications/PR Chris Kidd, 523-2539 VP of Organization and Membership

Tyler Knipp, Norvell, 523-2402 Sam 523-2347 Vice President of Public Policy Senior Dir. of Corporate Communications Marla Peek, 523-2437 Marla Peek, 523-2437Affairs Director of Regulatory Director of Regulatory Affairs

OFB Young Farmers and Ranchers Committee makes plans for eventful and productive 2013 The Oklahoma Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers Committee is already hard at work planning a year full of new projects and events. The committee is focusing on ways to promote agriculture for all ages and is especially excited to introduce several new youth projects and contests throughout the year. “The YF&R committee is passionate about educating youth about Oklahoma agriculture,” said Mason Bolay, 2013 YF&R chairman. “As Farm Bureau members, we believe it is important to make sure these students – our state’s future leaders and law makers – know as much as possible about the state’s agricultural industry.” After a highly successful inaugural year, the committee will once again host the Oklahoma Youth Leading Agriculture Conference for high school seniors in June. The leadership conference includes sessions on communication development and media training, team building skills, business principles and agriculture in the classroom training. In addition to promoting agriculture to students, committee members will travel to Phoenix in February to attend the National YF&R Leadership Conference and will participate in Legislative Leadership Day at the state Capitol on Tuesday, March 19. The annual YF&R golf tournament is scheduled for Friday, May 3. Plans are also being made for the committee’s state leadership conference, which will be held April 5-7, in central Oklahoma.


Great tours and speakers are already lined up, and the annual event is always a highlight for YF&R member around the state. “YF&R is an opportunity for young adults to meet new friends, share ideas and learn about other areas of the state,” Bolay said. “Our members share common values and beliefs and believe in advancing the agricultural industry in the state.” YF&R is designed to allow members of Farm Bureau, between the ages of 18 and 35,

the opportunity to develop leadership skills, compete in contests to win valuable prizes, be involved in their local communities and develop long lasting friendships with people from across the state and country. For more information, contact Holly Carroll at (405) 205-0069 or holly.carroll@ okfb.org. To stay up to date on all YF&R events and dates, “like” Oklahoma Young Farmers and Ranchers on Facebook.

2013 YF&R Committee - Back row (from left): Ashley Kinder, District 4; Chad Selman, District 8; Crystal and Marty Williams, District 7; Jessica and Clint Wilcox, District 3; J.T and Sarah Bain, District 5; Kim and Josh Emerson, At-Large; and Mary Crain, District 1. Front row (from left): Sheila and Tim Taylor, District 9; Elise and Mason Bolay, Chairman; and Zac and Amy Harris, District 2.

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