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Farm Bureau delegates maintain strong support for property rights Voting delegates at the 71st annual Okla- pessimistic the lame duck congress will pass a new farm bill. homa Farm Bureau convention reaffirmed “I think it’s going to be an uphill battle,” their position on protecting private property rights for the state’s landowners. The annual Thatcher said. “The farm bill has to compete with other issues such as the expiring meeting was held at the Cox Convention tax provision and Medicare doctor fix.” Center, Oklahoma City, Nov. 9-11. In other delegate action, resolutions were “Protecting private property rights has passed supporting a $2.5 million emergency always been a priority issue for us,” said agricultural fund to be used for wildfires Mike Spradling, OFB President. “Propand other natural disasters; penalties should erty rights are the foundation for keeping be increased for livestock theft; support Oklahoma agriculture strong.” for increased public education on animal Delegates also voted to support volagriculture production practices; more untary regional planning groups that are aggressive control measures for feral hogs; non-regulatory in regards to the statewide strengthen trespassing water plan. laws; and continued “We are going support for farm sales to continue to work tax exemptions. with legislators on Pottawatomie this in 2013 as we County farmer John recognize water is an Grundmann, Shawnee, important issue for was elected to represent Oklahoma residents,” District 8 on the OFB Spradling said. Board of Directors. The farm group Mason Bolay, voiced concern over Tahlequah, was elected increased government to lead OFB’s Young environmental Farmers and Ranchers regulations, increased Committee in 2013. taxes and the lack of a Adam and Nicole new farm bill. Martens, Fairview, were “We’ve been sayselected as the YF&R ing for months now Achievement Award that farmers and winner. ranchers need a new Richard and Cecelia farm bill,” Spradling Castle, Jet, were named said. “Now that the John Grundmann OFB’s Farm Family of the elections are over, we hope Year; Steve and Mindi Clark, Congress will take quick Byron, were named winners of the YF&R action on the bill. Pushing the bill into Excellence in Agriculture Award; Gerald 2013 could prove costly for agriculture as Turner, Pawnee, received the Lifetime the new Congress will have different budLegacy Award; and Clint Wilcox, Fairview, get numbers to work with.” won the YF&R discussion meet. However, Mary Kay Thatcher, senior Clara Wichert, Fairview, received the director of Congressional relations, AmeriDistinguished Service award. can Farm Bureau, told the group she is

Find more convention photos and information at okfarmbureau.org

November 16, 2012

In This Issue • 71st Annual Meeting Recap • FBW Winter Rally • Annual Meeting Awards • OFB Private Treaty Cattle Sale • Rep. Lucas Internship

Register now for Women’s Rally The 2012 Women’s Rally will be Nov. 30 - Dec. 1 at the DoubleTree Hotel in downtown Tulsa. Highlights include a presentation from KOTV meteorologist Travis Meyers, a silent auction benefitting the Ag in the Classroom DVD project and a trade show full of unique vendors. For more information or to register, contact Marcia Irvin, FBW director, at (405) 523-2405 or marcia.irvin@okfb.org.

National award winners Vinita FFA recently won the National FFA Model of Innovation – Student Development Award for their “Don’t Text - Just Drive” program. They were recognized at the National FFA Convention Nov. 1 in Indianapolis, Ind. The Craig County Farm Bureau sponsored local drivers’ safety meetings with the chapter. Pictured (from left) are Craig Co. Womens’ Committee Chair Marilynn Spence, Vinita FFA Vice President Tim Taylor, Vinita FFA Advisor Carolyn Piguet, Vinita FFA President Hanna Minson, Craig Co. Womens Committee Vice Chair Ethel Spaulding.

YF&R couples to represent OFB at AFBF annual meeting LEFT – Adam and Nicole Martens of Major County won the 2012 YF&R Achievement Award, which recognizes OFB’s top YF&R farming and ranching couple. They received a livestock working chute from WW Livestock Systems, a John Deere riding lawn mower from P&K Equipment, an Echo chainsaw from Smith Farm and Garden and a trip to the 2013 AFBF Annual Meeting in Nashville, Tenn., where they will compete for the AFBF YF&R Achievement Award. The winner of that award will have the choice of a 2013 Chevrolet Silverado or 2013 GMC Sierra, courtesy of GM and paid registration to the 2013 YF&R Leadership Conference. Three national runners-up will receive a Case IH Farmall 65A, courtesy of Case IH, a $2,500 cash prize and STIHL Farm Boss, courtesy of STIHL. RIGHT – Steve and Mindi Clark of Alfalfa County are the 2012 recipients of the YF&R Excellence in Ag Award. They received a Polaris four-wheeler ATV, courtesy of Farm Credit of Western Oklahoma, Chisholm Trail Farm Credit and Farm Credit of East Central Oklahoma, and a trip to the AFBF Annual Meeting, where they will compete for their choice of a 2013 Chevrolet Silverado or 2013 GMC Sierra, courtesy of GM and paid registration to the 2013 YF&R Leadership Conference in Phoenix, Arizona, February 8-11. Three national runners-up will receive a Case IH Farmall 45A, courtesy of Case IH, a $2,500 cash prize and STIHL Farm Boss, courtesy of STIHL.

Oklahoma Farm Bureau Online Monitor the latest Farm Bureau and agricultural news and information online at okfarmbureau.org. Currently online: • OFB Annual Meeting Recap – Visit the OFB homepage to find news releases, photos and more from Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s 71st Annual Meeting. • Harvest Watch – OFB’s four farming families are reviewing harvest and planning for other activities on the OFB Harvest Watch blog. See our OFB homepage to click on the logo.

www.okfarmbureau.org 2

Farm Bureau offers private treaty cattle sale during Tulsa Farm Show Once again this year Oklahoma Farm Bureau will sponsor the Herd Builder Private Treaty Cattle Sale during the Tulsa Farm Show, Dec. 6-8 at the Tulsa County fairgrounds. “This is a great opportunity for our producers to showcase their animals and make contact with potential buyers,” said Thad Doye, vice president of Farm Bureau field services. There is a $100 per head fee for bulls, $50 for heifers. All breeds are welcome. Interested cattle producers should contact Doye by Dec. 1, at (405) 523-2307 or thad.doye@okfb.org.

OFB members recognized during annual convention

ABOVE – Richard and Cecelia Castle of Jet received OFB’s Farm Family of the Year Award. They won the use of a new GMC Sierra pickup for one year along with a trip to the American Farm Bureau Federation Annual Meeting in Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 13-16, 2013. TOP RIGHT – Pawnee County FB member Gerald Turner (left) receives the YF&R Lifetime Legacy Award from YF&R Chairman Brent Straub. The award honors an individual who has spent their life enriching and inspiring rural Oklahomans’ quality of life. BOTTOM RIGHT – Clint Wilcox (left) of Fairview won the 2012 YF&R Discussion Meet. He received an iPad package and will compete at the AFBF YF&R Discussion Meeting in Nashville, Tenn. The winner of that competition will choose between a 2013 Chevrolet Silverado or 2013 GMC Sierra, courtesy of GM, and paid registration to the 2013 YF&R Leadership Conference. Three national runners-up will receive a Case IH Farmall 55A, courtesy of Case IH, a $2,500 cash prize and STIHL Farm Boss, courtesy of STIHL.

2012 OFB Annual Meeting award winners John I. Taylor Award: Garvin County Lewis H. Munn Award: Seminole County Distinguished Service to Oklahoma Farm Bureau: Clara Wichert, Major County OFB Farm Family of the Year: Richard and Cecelia Castle, Alfalfa County Secretary of the Year: Stephanie Branstetter, Stephens County Golden Eagle Award: Raymond Temple, Garvin County County Achievement: Beckham, Latimer, Love, Nowata, Okmulgee, Ottawa, Payne, Sequoyah, Tulsa and Woodward

Presidential Awards Four Stars: Caddo, Creek, Grant, Major and Stephens Five Stars: Adair, Alfalfa, LeFlore, Woods Six Stars: Comanche, Garfield, Garvin, Kiowa, Seminole CHAMPION Awards: Phil Long, Seminole County Dale Schauer, Garvin County Macy Strom, Washington County Excellence in Journalism Awards: Angenene Gibbs, Sapulpa Daily Herald Kathy Parker, Pryor Daily Times High Plains Journal YF&R Lifetime Legacy Award: Gerald Turner, Pawnee County

YF&R Achievement Award: Adam and Nicole Martens, Major County YF&R Excellence in Agriculture Award: Steve and Mindi Clark, Alfalfa County Discussion Meet Winner: Clint Wilcox, Major County Charles L. Roff Award: Major County Outstanding YF&R County Event: Payne County Congratulations to all of the winning counties and members for your dedicated service to Oklahoma Farm Bureau!


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Macey Panach, 523-2346 Traci Morgan, 523-2346 Perspective/Online News Editor Perspective/Online News Editor Monica Wilke, 523-2303 Executive Director Sam Knipp, 523-2347 Sam 523-2347 ViceKnipp, President of Communications/PR Vice President of Communications/PR Marla Peek, 523-2437 Tyler Norvell, 523-2402 Director of Regulatory Vice President of PublicAffairs Policy

Chris Kidd, 523-2539 Director of State and National Affairs Marla Peek, 523-2437 Director of Regulatory Affairs

National Grazing Lands Conference heads to Orlando in December

Rep. Lucas offers internship program

The Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative will host its 5th national conference in Orlando, Fla., Dec. 9-12, 2012, at the Caribe Royale Hotel and Convention Center. GLCI conference organizers expect over 1,000 ranchers, professors, land managers, researchers, public officials, ecologists and students to participate in the exchange of information on ‘cutting edge’ grazing management technologies. “The Nation’s grazing lands perform a number of functions,” said Bob Drake, GLCI chairman and Murray County Farm Bureau leader. “Grazing lands provide homes for livestock and wildlife, sponges for rainfall, carbon reservoirs, hiking and bird-watching meccas, hunting and fishing grounds and much, much more. Sustainably managing all of these roles across 600 million acres of grazing lands in this nation is a huge balancing act and it’s also the topic of our conference.” Additionally, according to the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, approximately 85 percent of all land in the U.S. is not suitable for agricultural crops. Grazing livestock allows ranchers to use this land to provide food for Americans. This year, Temple Grandin, noted animal behavior expert, author, speaker and professor will be one of a number of featured presenters. Grandin will conduct a book signing at the conference. Monday evening will culminate with a special ‘Florida Night’ dinner banquet featuring Florida cowboy poet Stephen Monroe.

U.S. Rep. Frank Lucas is encouraging all college-aged students in Oklahoma’s Third Congressional District to apply for a spring 2013 internship in his Washington, D.C. office. The internship will run from January 2013 until the end of the student’s spring semester. The application deadline for the spring 2013 session is Sunday, Nov. 25, 2012. “I believe internships are a great way for students to learn how to be successful when they step out of school and begin a full-time job,” Lucas said. “In the past, I have had many bright students intern in my office, and I look forward to having more in the future.” Students who intern in Lucas’ office will learn about the federal government and how a congressional office is run. They will assist staff members with general administrative tasks, accompany staffers in committee meetings and events and also give Capitol tours to Third Congressional District constituents. Interns will also assist staff with legislative and constituent projects. In addition, many colleges offer class credit for the student’s internship. To apply, please complete the internship application found at lucas.house.gov/internshipform, and email two letters of recommendation to brad.morris@mail.house.gov. Students from Oklahoma’s Third Congressional District who are available Monday through Friday during their spring 2013 semester are preferred. If you have further questions, please contact Brad Morris in my Washington, D.C. office at (202) 225-5565.


The conference will continue its past format of providing information along four tracks that will include Eastern, Central, Western and dairy grazing issues. Some of the issues to be highlighted include the value of rotational grazing and of riparian habitat, carbon sequestration, and the flexibility within grazing systems. The Florida Grazing Lands Coalition, a division of GLCI, will provide a halfday workshop following the conference with Fred Provenza, Utah State University professor, award winning research scientist and rancher. One thing that sets GLCI apart from other conferences is its focus on ranchers as presenters. “We know experts come from academia, government and the non-profit world and we welcome them all, but we also look for the ‘cowboy expert‘ who has gained his - or her - expertise through long hours with livestock and first-hand exposure to all sorts of elements - natural, economic and political,” Drake said. Information on registration, exhibitor and sponsorship opportunities is available on the GLCI website at http://www.glci. org/5NCGL. Full conference registration is $365; student and one-day registrations are also available. The GLCI was founded in 1991 to provide high quality technical assistance on grazing lands on a voluntary basis and to increase the awareness of the importance of grazing land resources.

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