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September 20, 2013

Oklahoma Farming and Ranching Foundation donates $100,000 to help protect students during severe weather The Oklahoma Farming and Ranching Foundation, in conjunction with Oklahoma Farm Bureau, announced a $100,000 donation to help install storm shelters in Oklahoma schools during a press conference at the state Capitol, Sept. 4. Rep. Mark McBride and Rep. Jon Echols accepted the donation on behalf of Shelter Oklahoma Schools, an Oklahoma charity established to build storm shelters in schools in the aftermath of the devastating May 2013 tornadoes in central Oklahoma. “The foundation commends Shelter Oklahoma Schools for developing a private sector solution to install storm shelters in our schools around the state,” said Jeramy Rich, president of the Oklahoma Farming and Ranching Foundation. “Keeping our schools and communities safe is so critical, and we are honored to be able to assist in the effort.” The donation was made possible by farmers and ranchers from across the state and country who generously donated to a tornado relief fund established by the Oklahoma Farming and Ranching Foundation. “The level of support we have received from fellow Oklahomans and from across the country has been extremely humbling,” Rich said. “The farmers and ranchers who made these contributions have suffered their own natural disasters at some point, and it says a lot that they stepped up to assist in our state’s time of need.”

Friend Public Schools is the first recipient of funds from the donation. The school, located about four miles northeast of Chickasha, will receive $25,000 to help with the cost of installing a storm shelter. Students at Friend Schools have raised more than $25,000 on their own this past year, and Superintendent Alton Rawlins said the Oklahoma Farming and Ranching Foundation donation through Shelter Oklahoma School allows the district to begin work on the shelter immediately. Friend Public Schools broke ground on the new shelter Sept. 13. “We were waiting to reach the $50,000 mark in our fundraising efforts to begin construction on the shelter,” Rawlins said. “This donation means we can move forward with our plans and hopefully complete the project before storm season next spring.” The Oklahoma Farming and Ranching Foundation was established to improve lives of rural Oklahomans through education and outreach. The severe storms are a reminder of how important it is to help others when tragedy strikes.

Rep. Jon Echols explains Shelter Oklahoma Schools’ purpose during a press conference, Sept. 4, at the state Capitol.

Emily Ortega, a kindergartner from Chickasha, assists with the ground-breaking ceremony at Friend Public Schools, Sept. 13. Pictured with Ortega are (from left) OKFB President Mike Spradling, Rep. Scott Biggs, Sen. Ron Justice and Rep. Mark McBride.

OKFB Convention set for Nov. 15-17 Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s 72nd Annual Meeting is scheduled for Nov. 15-17, at the Embassy Suites Hotel and Conference Center in Norman. This year’s theme is “Deep Roots, New Heights.” Farm Bureau members from across the state will meet to conduct annual business activity and vote on policy issues for the next state legislative session. Convention

highlights include county and state awards presentations, a presidential election, the election of three district directors and selection of delegates for the American Farm Bureau Federation Convention. Watch for more convention details in upcoming issues of Perspective and on OKFB’s website and Facebook page.

Member Benefits • Alamo Rent-A-Car offers OKFB members up to a 20 percent discount and other additional coupons. Call 1-800-462-5266 and reference contact ID 7016208. Visit the OKFB Member Benefits page for more details. OKFB highlights a benefit in each issue of Perspective as a reminder of the savings available to OKFB members. Find a complete list of savings online at www.okfarmbureau.org/benefits.

OKFB Calendar YF&R Awards Deadline October 1 • Oklahoma City Contact: Holly Carroll, (405) 301-6610 Resolutions Deadline October 11 • Oklahoma City Contact: Sara Drozdowski, (405) 530-2681 State Resolutions Meeting October 22-23 • Norman Contact: Sara Drozdowski, (405) 530-2681

New $1,000 GM truck incentive available for OKFB members Effective immediately and continuing through April 1, Chevrolet and GMC are offering exclusively to Farm Bureau members in participating states an additional $1,000 incentive on the acquisition of any new 2013 or 2014 regular cab, heavy duty (2500/3500 series) truck. This is in addition to the standard $500 Farm Bureau incentive, which brings the total Farm Bureau incentive on Chevy Silverado and GMC Sierra HD models to $1,500. The $1,500 Farm Bureau discount can be added to Chevrolet and GMC retail and Business Choice incentives that are available at time of purchase. “The end of one year and the beginning of the next is when farmers, ranchers and other business owners are managing their taxes,” said American Farm Bureau Federation President Bob Stallman. “The timing of new equipment purchases—including trucks—can be an important tool in an effective tax management strategy,”he added. Farm Bureau members are eligible for the added discount if they have been members for at least 60 consecutive days in a state that participates in the FB Member Advantage! program with General Motors. Oklahoma Farm Bureau members are eligible when the 60-day membership requirement is met.

Oklahoma Farm Bureau Online Monitor the latest Farm Bureau and agricultural news and information online at okfarmbureau.org. Currently online: • Agricultural News – Oklahoma Farm Bureau features a new agriculture-related story every day on its site. Read about both AFBF and state Farm Bureau news by visiting the homepage.

www.okfarmbureau.org 2

• OKFB Harvest Watch Blog – The second annual OKFB Harvest Watch blog season is underway. Visit www.okfarmbureau.org and click on the OKFB Harvest Watch link to follow the six farm families.

To take advantage of the applicable Farm Bureau discount on these or any other new Chevrolet (except Volt), Buick or GMC vehicles, please log onto www.fbverify.com/gm and enter your membership number and zip code. If eligible, the information will be verified and a certificate will appear that must be printed and taken to the dealership of choice for presentation to the sales person. There is no limit to the number of certificates that a member may print or use, although certificates do expire after 60 days. General Motors is the official vehicle sponsor of the American Farm Bureau Federation.

Farm Bureau photo contest ends Oct. 15 There is still time to enter your favorite pictures in the 2013 Farm Bureau photo contest, hosted by AFBF and the American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture. The contest is open to all state and county Farm Bureau members and staff over the age of 18 at the time of entry, including professional photographers. Photos are being accepted in the following categories: Sharing the Story, Working on the Farm or Ranch and My Scenic Farm or Ranch. All photos must be submitted by Oct. 15 and must exemplify safe practices in the farm or ranch. Please visit www.fb.org/index. php?action=programs.photocontest2013 to see the full rules and learn how to enter the contest.

FB members attend SW Ag Summit Logan County FB Board member Paul Freundt (left), Caddo County FB Leadership Team member Karen Krehbiel (center) and Logan County FB Board member Tim Bartram participate in the second annual Southwest Ag Issues Summit, Sept. 8-10, at the Skirvin Hotel in OKC. Popular topics during the conference included the new farm bill, water, new technology, the Endangered Species Act, trade policies, global environment for agribusiness and crop insurance.

YF&R Committee members to appear on upcoming episode of nationally televised news program Oklahoma Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers Committee members Marty Williams (left), of Red Rock, and Mason Bolay (center), of Perry, discuss the need for young adults to pursue careers in production agriculture during an interview with Rob McClendon of the nationally televised news program Oklahoma Horizon. Williams and Bolay shared their personal farming experiences and talked about overcoming the challenges of entering the agricultural industry. The episode is scheduled to air Sunday, Sept. 22, at 3 p.m. on OETA.

County YF&R committees busy hosting Farmhand Olympics events

ABOVE – More than 35 youth participated in the Noble County YF&R Farmhand Olympics, Sept. 9, in Perry. RIGHT – Mary Bugos, a senior from McLoud, throws her loop during the steer dummy wrestling event at the Pottawatomie County YF&R Farmhand Olympics, Sept. 4, in Shawnee.

OKFB tailgate set for Oct. 5 If you’re planning to be in Stillwater for the Kansas State University v. Oklahoma State University football game on Saturday, Oct. 5, be sure to stop by the Oklahoma Farm Bureau/Chisolm Trail Farm Credit tailgate. Look for the OKFB flag flying near the northeast corner of Knoblock and Athletic Ave. A time will be determined when kickoff is announced. Watch for more details on OKFB’s website and Facebook page.

Please excuse the error The Tulsa County Farm Bureau Women’s Committee was inadvertently misidentified in the last issue of Perspective.


Published by Oklahoma Farm Bureau Postmaster: address corrections to: Published bySend Oklahoma Farm Bureau

Perspective, P.O. B. 53332, OKC, OK 73152-3332 Postmaster: Send address corrections to: Perspective, P.O. B. 53332, OKC, OK 73152-3332

Staff Directory Staff Directory Monica Wilke, 523-2303

Oklahoma Farm Bureau 2501 N. Stiles Oklahoma City, OK 73105-3126

Non-Profit U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 131 Okla. City, OK.

Executive Director

Traci Morgan, 523-2346 John Collison, 523-2539 Perspective/Online News Editor

VP of Public Policy and Media Relations

Macey Hedges, 523-2346 Sam Knipp, 523-2347 Communications Director of Corporate Vice President of Communications/PR Sam Knipp, 523-2347 Director of Corporate Communications

Tyler Norvell, 523-2402 Dustin Mielke, 530-2640 Vice President of Public Policy

Director of Corporate Communications

Karolyn Bolay, 523-2320 Marla Peek, 523-2437 Communications SpecialistAffairs Director of Regulatory

YF&R Committee hosts livestock judging contest during Oklahoma State Fair

Nearly 800 youth from across the state participated in the Oklahoma Farm Bureau YF&R livestock judging contest during the Oklahoma State Fair, Sept. 13.

South Korean journalists tour OK agriculture Michele Calvo (third from left), OSU assistant professor of animal science, explains humane livestock handling techniques to a group of South Korean journalists, Sept. 4, at the OSU Willard Sparks Research Unit. The journalists spent three days touring Oklahoma agriculture in an effort to learn more about the safe and humane U.S. beef industry. The U.S. Meat Export Federation and Oklahoma Beef Council sponsored the trip to help educate South Korean consumers.


YF&R Chairman Mason Bolay (left)presents plaques to Idabel FFA members who won the senior FFA division. More photos are available on the OKFB Flickr website.

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