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Winter 2013

The Magazine Of The Oklahoma Farm Bureau


Farm Family of the Year Legislative Preview Harvest Watch Review

Fr om Dirt roaDs


i n t e r s t at e s

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Oklahoma Country



Features 10 – Farm Family of the Year by Macey Panach Alfalfa County Farm Bureau

members Richard and Cecelia Castle were named Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s 2012 Farm Family of the Year. Their faith and hard work make their multi-generational farm successful.

Oklahoma Farm Bureau welcomes a new vice president of public policy and prepares for 2013 legislative session.

18 – Legislative Preview by Karolyn Bolay



22 – Harvest Watch Review by Sam Knipp Cover Image Richard and Cecelia Castle are the 2012 Oklahoma Farm Bureau Farm Family of the Year. They grow wheat, grain sorghum and alfalfa and raise cattle in Alfalfa County. (Photograph by Dustin Mielke)


Hidden number worth $50!

ne member family’s Oklahoma Farm Bureau membership number is hidden somewhere in this issue of OKLAHOMA COUNTRY, and could earn that member family $50. To claim the cash prize, the member family must find its own

hidden membership number and contact Karolyn Bolay before the last day of the month Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 405-523-2320. The OFB membership number hidden somewhere in OKLAHOMA COUNTRY must match the number

on the face of your individual OFB membership card for you to claim the cash prize. The membership number that appears on your magazine’s mailing label is not the hidden number, but also must match the hidden number for you to claim the cash prize.

Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s popular blog ends it’s inaugural season.


2 – Presidentially Speaking 4 – Insurance Matters 6 – Country Gardening

Departments 26 – All Around Oklahoma 28 – Convention Highlights 46 – Country Classifieds 48 – Country Kitchen

Oklahoma Country • Winter 2013 • 1


Speaking By Mike Spradling President Oklahoma Farm Bureau & Affiliated Companies

Old Man River Showing His Age


ell Old Man River may not be showing his age as much as the structures that influence the activities of the river. I’m talking about the navigational structures and lock and dam systems of our United States water navigation and transportation systems. In 2012 the president of American Farm Bureau appointed me to serve on the AFBF Trade Advisory Committee. In late October the committee met in St. Louis to tour the Cargill grain terminal facilities located on the Port of Metropolitan St. Louis. It was here we started our journey studying the importance and magnitude of our water transportation system. I think most of us in Oklahoma realize we have an arm of that water transportation system right here in the state, just outside of Tulsa, known as the Port of Catoosa. The Port of Catoosa is one of the largest, most inland river ports in the U.S. and plays an important role in Oklahoma’s economy. But the importance of the port to Oklahoma’s economy is directly related to the health of the Mississippi River’s navigational system. Our journey took us from St. Louis to New Orleans to Baton Rouge and ultimately to the Panama Canal. Though each of the facilities were different in scale, each of us were there to witness and study the purpose and the role each facility played in moving agricultural products both in and out of America. Panama is constructing a new lock and dam system alongside the existing Panama Canal. This is not just because of the age of the Canal, which was put into service in 1914, but because of the construction of post-Panamax ships. Adding these new oceangoing vessels to the global transportation network supports a strategy to increase the volume of crops we handle. The average size of a ship moving grain is 734 feet long, 106 feet wide and requires 45 feet of draft. The post-Panamax ships will be 948 feet long, 148 feet wide and require 50 feet of draft. So why is the expansion of the Panama Canal lock and dam system important to Oklahoma and the U.S. water navigation and transportation 2 • Oklahoma Country • Winter 2013

system? Bigger ships carry more grain; it’s that simple. By the year 2050 the world’s population is projected to be 9.1 billion, a 34 percent increase. American agriculture is expected to produce 100 percent more food by then than we do today. Can we do it? Yes we can, but not without the latest in technology in crop production. That’s one thing we as producers have in our tool box – the capability to use the science of our land grant universities such as Oklahoma State University and others to meet the demands of increased production. We’ve all heard the saying “what happens in ‘someplace,’ stays in ‘someplace.’” Well that’s not what we want when it comes to the production, sales and exports of Oklahoma agricultural products. We must move out the products we raise and move in the items of production to meet the demands of the markets in a timely matter. So what effect do the larger ships moving through the larger locks along the Panama Canal have on Oklahoma producers? Volume and lots of it. If we are going to increase volume, it makes sense to do it in the most economical and efficient way possible. Panama sees what’s coming and so must Oklahoma and the rest of the nation. Each barge on the water replaces 15 jumbo hopper cars on rail or 58 large semis on the road. One tug pushing a 15-barge tow will replace 2.25 -100 car trains or 870 large semis. One 15-barge tow is a fourth of a mile long, the 2.25 - 100 car train is two and threequarter miles long and 875 semis bumper to bumper are 11.5 miles long. These statistics are catching the eye of Congress, and the focus is not only on how much barges will be able to carry if infrastructure improvements are made, but also the amount of traffic that will be taken off the nation’s highways. Much of our production heads for countries with larger populations and with the ability to pay for the products. That means much of our production will move west in the direction of China. The most efficient and economical way to move grain is by ship or barge. Much of the grain from Oklahoma ends up on a barge heading for New Orleans, where it is loaded on a

ship heading west. A ship heading west has two options: go through the Panama Canal or sail around the tip of South America. The difference in distance is 48 miles compared to 8,000 miles, but the short cut is not cheap. The most expensive regular toll for canal passage to date was charged in July 2010 to a cruise ship, which paid $375,000. The average toll is $54,000. A post-Panamax container ship may carry 4,400 containers being charged $72 per container or a total toll fee of $316,800. The next series of post-Panamax ships will carry up to 250 percent more capacity. Thus widening, lengthening and deepening the new lockstep is a necessity for the larger ships.


e as a country must take notice and interest in our water transportation system to be assured we will have the ability to move twice as much grain by the year 2050 as we do now, or we may see a backlog of grain sitting in elevators all across America waiting in line to get to the ports of the world to be turned into cash. A backlog of agricultural commodities creates a surplus, and a surplus creates lower prices. Those who compete for foreign markets know what is at risk at being left at the end of the line. Updating locks and dams in the U. S. along critical shipping waterways is vital to the efficient transport of U.S. farm commodities. The river structure now in use was built many decades ago and was not designed to accommodate today’s longer and wider barge tows that are absolutely necessary in order to compete in a global market. While these outdated locks and dams make our system less efficient, our competitors in countries such as Argentina and Brazil are aggressively modernizing their own transportation infrastructure. Though we live in the central part of the U.S., let’s not forget what a natural and economically vibrant resource we have with our water transportation system here in Oklahoma. As the next session of Congress engages, let’s take a part in making sure we support legislation such as the American Waterways Act to assure when the time comes, the transportation needs of farmers and ranchers will be met as it relates to water transportation. Do your part by getting informed of the issue and letting your voice be heard. That’s the Farm Bureau way.

The lifeblood of America. They’re the humble heroes who rise before dawn and battle the elements. They put clothes on our backs and food on our tables. Their genuine values and tireless work ethic are an inspiration to us all. We appreciate all that America’s farmers do and invite you to join us in saying thanks at www.fbfs.com/SayThanksToAFarmer. FB02-OK (3-12)

OK-Tribute(3-12).indd 1

9:56 AM Oklahoma Country •3/12/12 Winter 2013 •3



By Richard Newberry Executive Vice President and General Manager, Oklahoma Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Company

Earning Trust


rust – a word that is unfortunately often overused, but the value of trust, the need for trust and the comfort trust provides make it so important. For an insurance company, trust is the most valuable commodity we can earn. At Oklahoma Farm Bureau, we take our responsibility to be a trusted company very seriously. A key factor in insurance companies earning trust is in how they meet the needs of their customers when they need them most – after a loss. I continue to be so proud of our team of agents and claims professionals who work hard every day, at every hour, to earn the trust of our members. When our members are facing the challenges of recovering from a loss, they can trust they are getting the best claims service in Oklahoma. Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s claims professionals are experienced, well trained and Oklahomans who take pride in helping fellow Oklahomans. We are where our members are – in all 77 Oklahoma counties. From spring tornados to winter storms, our customers face the possibility of weather impacting them and damaging their homes, vehicles and personal property. We earn trust by managing our insurance business responsibly so we can be financially strong and able to meet our obligation to our members. As many of our members know firsthand, over the past five years, Oklahoma has faced some of the most significant damage in decades from spring storms, to wildfires, to ice and heavy snow as the result of winter weather. Meteorologists and weather experts are reliable sources for short-term forecasting, but weather events further into the future are much more difficult to predict. We must price our insurance products properly to stay financially strong to meet our obligations now and in the future. Managing an insurance company in a difficult market like Oklahoma requires looking for every possible option to keep rates affordable and insurance available. At Oklahoma Farm Bureau we have worked hard to obtain more insurance options. Our brokerage services continue to grow, and we 4 • Oklahoma Country • Winter 2013

firmly believe we have the most quality products ever to meet our members’ needs. We are looking at every option and reaching out to a global market to ensure we can stay strong for our members.


s a member of Oklahoma Farm Burerau, it is very important to work with one of our dependable insurance agents, who can help you identify a policy with the right balance of premium and deductible for your specific situation. Understanding your risk tolerance will help you make a sound insurance decision, while also ensuring affordable coverage well into the future. You should choose a policy with a combination of coverage, premium and deductibles that you can comfortably afford without creating unnecessary financial hardships. It is also important to continue to inform our members about insurance. A common misunderstanding is that if you choose a low deductible, you can file a claim for smaller losses and pass on more of the cost of the repairs to your insurance company. While it may seem helpful in the short-term to make a claim to cover a smaller loss, it may not be beneficial for you in the long term. Filing several claims, even small claims in terms of damage and repair costs, can increase your premium or even create the possibility of a loss of coverage. There has never been a better time for Oklahoma Farm Bureau members to understand and manage their risk. It is vital that everyone knows their insurance coverage and determines whether or not it is meeting their needs. Our members need to evaluate their specific exposures each year to make sure they are covered before a loss. Too often after a loss, people learn they were not adequately covered due to not notifying their agent of material changes that have occurred in the recent months. We’ve shared this before, but it’s important to remember these factors when you’re evaluating the risk:

• Ensure property values are accurate – Accurate values lead to adequate coverage and can help you avoid gaps in coverage. Although underinsuring your property can seem to be a way to reduce your premium, it may also lead to a contractual coinsurance penalty that can reduce what you actually receive in the way of claim payments after a covered loss. • Choose deductibles that correspond with the cost of risk – As a general rule: the higher the deductible, the lower the premium. Raising your deductible may control your claim history by eliminating the reporting of smaller claims. • Add coverage for new purchases – Remember to add coverage for new personal property or buildings that you may have added to your homeowner’s exposure or businessrelated items on business coverage. Always be mindful of increased liability exposures as well. • Consider installing storm-resistant materials – Materials like wind and hail resistant roofing may lessen your risk of storm damage and will sometimes allow you to obtain a discount on your insurance premium. • Bundle your insurance coverage needs – You will usually save money by having your home, autos and other coverage needs with the same insurer. With the continued catastrophic weather events in the past five years, property insurance in Oklahoma will continue to be more of a privilege than a right. • Know your insurance coverage before a loss – You should always ask questions of your agent to be informed about your coverage needs, and you never want to wait until you’ve had a claim to learn that you don’t have adequate coverage in place. Update your coverage every year to assess your insurance needs and discuss any concerns with your local Farm Bureau Agent. Oklahoma Farm Bureau has more choices than ever to help you meet your insurance needs. Our great sales staff is ready to help you manage your risk, and we also have the best claims professionals in Oklahoma to help you when you need us most. Please contact your local Farm Bureau agent for a complete review of your insurance needs and learn about all of the insurance products they can offer you by having an Oklahoma Farm Bureau membership.

Winter 2013 Volume 66 No. 1 Oklahoma Country (ISSN 1544-6476)

Published four times per year in April, July, October and January by Oklahoma Farm Bureau, 2501 N. Stiles, Oklahoma City, OK 73105-3126, Telephone (405) 523-2300. Periodicals postage paid at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, sharing. and Additional Mailing Offices. Postmaster: Send address corrections to: Oklahoma Country, P.O.B. 53332, Oklahoma City, OK 73152-3332.

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EDITORIAL TEAM John Collison Vice President of Public Policy and Media Relations Sam Knipp Senior Director of Corporate Communications Dustin Mielke Multi-media Producer / Writer Macey Panach Publications & Online News Coordinator Karolyn Bolay Communications Specialist

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TO SUBSCRIBE Oklahoma Country subscription rate is $1 per year for members as part of the dues, $15 for non-members. WEBSITE www.okfarmbureau.org Oklahoma Farm Bureau DIRECTORS Mike Spradling, President Roland Pederson, Vice President Alan Jett, Treasurer Phyllis Holcomb, Secretary Tom Buchanan, Director Rodd Moesel, Director Jimmy Wayne Kinder, Director Gary Crawley, Director Charles Sloan, Director John Grundmann, Director Monica Wilke, Executive Director

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Oklahoma Country • Winter 2013 • 5


Gardening By George Driever Extension Educator, Horticulture / 4-H Youth Development Pottawatomie County OSU Extension Center

Preparing for a Thriving Garden


or those of you who don’t have a winter garden of greens and root crops, it is now time to start making plans to think about the needs of your garden beds for a spring planting. This means you need to consider not only the soil fertility but also the soil health. Good soil fertility is the availability of the nutrients in the soil that a plant needs to grow and thrive. Technically, any soil can grow plants if it has sufficient fertility, adequate water and the proper pH for a plant’s needs. If you have never tested the fertility of your garden soil or it has been a few years since you have had a soil test, you should collect a soil sample and have it tested. A soil test is one of the least expensive investments you can do for your garden, and it gives you the peace of mind in knowing your garden soil’s nutrient levels. To take a soil sample you can use a narrow shovel or garden trowel. Dig 10 to 15 samples from various places around your garden and place them in a bucket. If the soil is from a garden and it has been tilled in the last six months, a plug of soil to the depth of four inches is probably adequate. A typical soil test is a plug of soil taken from two to six inches deep. The top two inches are usually discarded from the sample to remove plant material. Be sure to remove all roots, stems or other plant matter. Mix all samples together in a bucket and fill a zip-lock sandwich bag full. Return the rest of the soil to the garden. There are several places to have a soil sample tested, but the easiest and least expensive way is to take your sample to your county extension office. For $10, the Oklahoma State University Soils Lab will analyze the soil for pH and the levels of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The test results will also

6 • Oklahoma Country • Winter 2013

provide the buffer index, which will determine how much product to add to adjust the pH if it is not suitable for gardening. For less than $20 you can have all the micronutrients analyzed. Use the information provided in the report to adjust your soil fertility, if any adjustment is needed. Soil fertility can be adjusted with conventional, synthetic fertilizers or with natural products. Soil health is really a relative term and is not usually measured scientifically. It is the result of using sustainable practices that replenish the soil’s level of organic matter and maintain the soil’s healthy microbe population. With a healthy soil, the texture is loose and crumbly. This makes the garden easier to plant and requires less frequent watering because the soil holds moisture better. The microbes are tiny creatures living in the soil that help reduce diseases and garden pests by devouring them while the pest populations are small. This doesn’t mean that you won’t have any pests or problems in a healthy soil, but it does mean that the soil will help you keep your plants flourishing. Whether you use conventional fertilizers or composts made from leaves, manures and other organic matter, be sure to till the soil supplements in before you plant your garden. If you use green manure crops grown over the winter, till them in at least 60-90 days before you shape your rows for planting.


fter preparing the soil for the coming spring garden, review the layout of your garden from last year and don’t plant the same family of plants back into the same place again. By rotating your crop families, you will naturally limit plant disease and insect pest increases in your garden that often require the use of pesticide intervention to control. The

main families of garden vegetables are the solanaceous crops (tomato, peppers, eggplant and potato), the cucurbits (cucumbers, squash, pumpkins and melons), the brassica crops (cabbage, kale, mustards greens, broccoli and cauliflower) and legumes (beans and peas), as well as several families of greens and herbs. There are separate families for okra, onions and carrots. The benefit of crop rotation is that it helps prevent the buildup of diseases and pests in the soil that tend to be associated with each family. Rotation also allows the soil to replenish fertility after growing crops that are heavy feeders. Ideally, dividing even a small garden into sections and rotating crops can be beneficial. If garden space or lack of sun is an issue, some crops can be grown in containers.


astly, don’t hesitate to learn about companion planting. Planting vegetable crops together that are companions can provide you with a variety of benefits. Among these are increased yields in the same space, healthier plants and reduced problems from pests. So, start looking at those vegetable catalogs and grow something you have never tried before. For more on the information presented, you can explore the Internet by topic. If you don’t have a computer, contact your county extension office or trusted garden center.

Oklahoma State University, U. S. Department of Agriculture, state and local government’s cooperating. The Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service offers its programs to all eligible persons regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability, or status as a veteran and is an equal opportunity employer.



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This offer is not available with some other offers, including private offers (for example, Owner Loyalty). Only customers who have been active members of an eligible Farm Bureau for a minimum of 60 days will be eligible to receive a certificate. Customers can obtain certificates at www.fbverify.com/gm. Farm Bureau and the FB logo are registered service marks of the American Farm Bureau Federation and are used herein under license by General Motors.

Oklahoma Country • Winter 2013 • 7

Oklahoma Beef Checkoff Dollars in Japan The Oklahoma Beef Council

More than 300 participants of the conference attended a checkoff-funded educational session entitled, “From Farm

made a strong commitment

to Fork: The Evolution of

to growing US beef sales

Our Favorite Foods.” This

in the international market

session featured Drs. Tom

in FY 2012. This decision

Field and Nancy Rodriguez

was made because Oklahoma

who presented a look at

checkoff dollars would

interventions made by producers of today’s food in response to

be matched three and four times through government and industry resources, which is significant when you consider the buying power of the Beef Checkoff has declined by almost 50% since 1987. We also recognized the international market was adding significant value to the fed cattle, more than $200.00 per head. As an example of these efforts, in 2012, the US Meat Export Federation leveraged $45,000 in funding support from the Oklahoma Beef Council with a promotional investment of more than $240,000 from Ito Yokado to conduct a month-long U.S. beef promotion with the retailer called the “American Beef Fair.” Focusing on increasing

changes in dietary guidance to make nutrient rich foods like beef more widely accessible. A spotlight was placed on modern beef production and changes in breeding, feeding and trimming that have resulted in leaner beef choices. Checkoff dollars also supported a prominent exhibit at this year’s conference and this provided an opportunity to distribute more than 5,000 beef nutrition resources such as information about the Beef in an Optimal Lean Diet (BOLD) study. Booth visitors also enjoyed samples of heart healthy recipes from The Healthy Beef Cookbook.

of chilled cuts, including chuck rib, strip loin, and chuck eye roll.

BIWFD Facebook Page Surpasses Half a Million Fans

Tasting demonstrators were deployed to the 174 participating Ito

The checkoff ’s “Beef.

Yokado outlets across Japan where they instructed customers how

It’s What’s For

to cook the specific cuts and distributed samples to eager consumers.

Dinner.” Facebook

As a result of the “American Beef Fair,” Ito Yokado sold more than

page recently

282,000 lbs of U.S. beef for an increase of 14 percent over the pre-

surpassed the

promotion period.

“halfway to a million”

sales of U.S. beef middle meat, the promotion showcased a variety

mark when it comes

Checkoff Communicates With Key Nutrition Thought Leaders Once again, the beef checkoff partnered with the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (formerly the American Dietetic Association) to reach nutrition thought-leaders, including registered dietitians and other credentialed health professionals and media at the recent 2012 Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics annual Food and Nutrition Conference & Expo in Philadelphia, Penn.

to fans of the page. And the effort to engage consumers in conversations about beef is paying off: fans aren’t just reading a post, but giving it a thumb’s up, leaving comments and forwarding to their Facebook networks. The facebook page continues to ask for feedback from consumers such as ‘what are some of their favorite memories where beef was

OKLAHOMA BEEF COUNCIL 8 • Oklahoma Country • Winter 2013 8 • Oklahoma Country • Summer 2012

Farmers and Ranchers- Don’t forget to sign up for the Oklahoma Beef Checkoff Update, a monthly e-newsletter providing the latest in checkoff information and news at www.oklabeef.org/e-newsletter.aspx

served,’ and ‘what is their favorite grilling moment from the past

prominent sponsor of the event in which all donors received an all-

couple of months?” By keeping them engaged with other beef lovers

beef hotdogs as well as beef recipes and nutritional information. We

on Facebook, the Beef Checkoff hopes to encourage more people to

wish to thank Homeland Foods for its support of the programs by

become fans of the page to find great tips on cooking, recipes and

donating the all-beef hotdogs. Thank you, Homeland! More than 850

promotions. It really is a community of like-minded consumers,

potential lives were saved through the event.

talking about great moments that feature beef. So how do other proteins stack up? As of 11/5/2012, • • • • •

Got Milk? has 64,462 likes Got Chocolate Milk? has 146,753 likes Pork Be Inspired has 95,643 likes Incredible Edible Egg has 400,981 likes “Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner.” now has 535,023 likes! (and counting)

Septemberfest The Oklahoma Beef Council participated in Septemberfest at the Governor’s mansion, an annual family festival hosted by the state of Oklahoma’s first family, which attracts up to 30,000 consumers. The Oklahoma Beef Council was on hand to engage the crowd, pass out beef recipes and the crowd favorite, all-beef hotdogs. More than 2200 hotdogs were

Consumer Events Lead the Way for the OBC in September

grilled and distributed in four hours with the help of wonderful

Oklahoma City State Fair


The Oklahoma City State Fair was a busy time

volunteers from the Oklahoma Cattlewomen and as well as 4-H and FFA volunteers. Visitors to the booth also received beef recipes and

samples to consumers in the first weekend of

Cattle in the Country When to Pay the Beef Checkoff

the Oklahoma City State Fair showcasing an

By law, all producers selling cattle or calves, for any reason and

easy beef recipe from the National Beef Cookoff,

regardless of age or sex, must pay $1-per-head to support beef

Mongolian Sloppy Joes, which was a big hit. In addition, as part of a

promotion research and information through the Beef Promotion and

larger agriculture coalition, we distributed 10,000 beef recipes and

Research Act.

as staff and volunteers distributed 6000 beef

information during the full length of the state fair. On the cooking stage, we hosted 22 beef cooking demos with a

Here are some specifics: • Whoever makes payment to the seller is considered a “Collection

special treat as University of Central Oklahoma dietetic interns

Point” or person and must withhold $1-per-head, remitting those

showcased healthy beef dishes to fair attendees.

funds to the Qualified State Beef Council (QSBC) where they

“Beef Up the Blood Supply”

live. Collection points could include auction markets, feedyards,

The Oklahoma Beef Council was a proud sponsor of the “Beef Up

services, banks, packers and other entities.

the Blood Supply” Drive leading up to the Labor Day Weekend. In eleven locations state-wide, consumers were encouraged to visit donor sites to give blood before the Labor Day weekend. Often, the blood supply runs short during holiday periods, so this was excellent opportunity to help boost the blood supply as part of a community

dealers/order buyers, other producers, auctioneers, clerking • The buyer is generally responsible for collecting $1 per head from the seller. By law, both buyer and seller are equally liable to see that $1-per-head has been collected and paid. • Research shows the checkoff returns of over $5.00 in terms of

event and promote beef at the same time. The Oklahoma Beef

cattle prices that are higher than they would have been without

Council was featured through radio and other media sources as a

checkoff-funded programs.

312 Exchange Avenue Oklahoma City, OK 73108-2436 • (405) 840-3777 • OklaBeef.org Oklahoma Country • Winter 2013 • 9

Dustin Mielke

The Castles Farm Family of the Year

With faith and hard work, the Castle family ensures their agricultural legacy will live on. By Macey Panach

ith agricultural roots going back more than 100 years in northwest Oklahoma and three generations currently working together on the farm, Richard and Cecelia Castle are proud to see their family continue such a strong agricultural heritage. “From the time they are little, you start raising your kids in the tradition of going out to the farm,” Cecelia said. “They learn about it and grow up in it, and they are raised to know this is God’s world.” This commitment to continuing an agricultural legacy is just one of the reasons the Castles were recently named Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s Farm Family of the Year. The announcement was made Nov. 10, 2012, during the 71st OFB Annual Meeting in Oklahoma City. Richard and Cecelia both grew up in Alfalfa County and were married in 1960 after graduating from Oklahoma State University. The couple moved back after college to operate Richard’s parents’ farm near Jet. They also began a small farrow to finish swine farm, which grew to be a large part of their operation until 2005.

A strong dose of optimism drives Richard and Cecelia Castle to work hard and succeed everyday on their farm near Jet. Oklahoma Country • Winter 2013 • 11

The Castles have three children and 13 grandchildren who all live close by, and their son, Kent, has been a partner in the operation for almost 30 years. Today, the family farm consists of more than 6,000 acres of wheat, grain sorghum, alfalfa and pasture. They also have a 150-head cow-calf herd and run about 2,000 stockers on Bermuda, crab grass and wheat pasture each year. Richard has bought his stocker cattle from the same ranches since 1972 and said working directly with the producers for so many years has helped alleviate a lot of health issues in his operation.

Sam Knipp

Richard and Cecelia’s son, Kent, plants wheat in one of the family’s fields. Kent returned to help run the family farm after college and is a partner in the operation. Right: After graduating from Oklahoma State University in 2011, Richard’s grandson, Colton (left), has returned to continue the family farming tradition.

12 • Oklahoma Country • Winter 2013

“Doing business with the same people I have known for more than forty years allows us to better understand the genetics and background of the cattle we purchase,” Richard said. While the Castles started out in 1960 renting land from Richard’s parents, today their farm is completely family-owned. They have reduced tillage on some of their land and have purchased a spray rig to become more efficient in their crop rotation. They also harvest all of their own wheat and cut and bale their own hay.

he Castles attribute a lot of their family’s farming success to faith. Even in the midst of Oklahoma’s drought, the Castles have continued to grow their operation. “We have expanded our operation from a small, rented farm to its present size with a lot of hard work, perseverance, good planning and the grace of God,” Richard said.

Dustin Mielke

Sam Knipp

Above: Richard and Cecelia have been farming and ranching together for more than 50 years, and they are thankful to be able to share the experience with their children and grandchildren. Left: The Castles raise more than 6,000 acres of wheat, grain sorghum, alfalfa and pasture on several farms in Alfalfa County.

Oklahoma Country • Winter 2013 • 13

Dustin Mielke

The Castles’ farm is completely family-owned, and many of the acres have been in the family for more than 100 years. Today, it consists of more than 6,000 acres of wheat, grain sorghum, alfalfa and pasture. They also have a 150-head cow-calf herd and run about 2,000 stockers on Bermuda, crab grass and wheat pasture. Right: Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s 2012 Farm Family of the Year, Richard and Cecelia Castle, are proud to drive their new GMC Sierra pickup received as part of their award. Sam Knipp

14 • Oklahoma Country • Winter 2013

Dustin Mielke

Richard said adjusting management decisions has helped, but he and Cecelia both agree it has been their faith that keeps them going. “You have to have an optimistic attitude and just keep expecting good things to happen,” Cecelia said. “You have to be patient and wait, but you do have to have a lot of faith to be farmers. There’s just no other way.” With his positive outlook, Richard said in light of the current severe weather conditions, agriculture still has strong potential. “There are more mouths to feed all the time, and outside of the drought we’ve had, I think agriculture has a bright future,” he said. Part of that bright future, Richard said, is the number of young adults he has seen move back to his community to begin farming, including his grandson, Colton. As another generation of the Castle family joins the operation, Richard and Cecelia are eager to ensure their family’s farming legacy lives on. Cecelia said it has always been important that their operation be passed down to their children and grandchildren. “Family means a lot to all of us,” Cecelia said. “My dad wanted to keep our farm in the family, and I think that is just something has been ingrained in me too.” he Castles have been Oklahoma Farm Bureau members for more than 40 years and agree their involvement has been beneficial to the success of their operation and to Oklahoma agriculture. “One person himself can’t do a whole lot, but when you combine with an organization like Farm Bureau, where you can all speak in one voice, you can be heard a whole lot louder,” Richard said. “I think it is really important to tell our story and let people know we are taking good care of the land and we are taking good care of the livestock. If we aren’t being active, someone on the other side is going to be active against us.” Richard has served on the Alfalfa County Farm Bureau board for many years, including a term as president, and has been a county delegate to the OFB Annual Meeting. Cecelia has been involved with the Women’s Committee, helping with safety programs, Food Checkout Week and the annual Farm City Festival at the state Capitol. Together, the couple has been involved in the county resolutions process and has helped with the premium sale dinner sponsored by Alfalfa County Farm Bureau. The OFB Farm Family of the Year award includes the free use of a GMC Sierra extended cab pickup for one year and an expense-paid trip to the 2013 American Farm Bureau Annual Meeting in Nashville, Tenn. Oklahoma Country • Winter 2013 • 15


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Oklahoma Country • Winter 2013 • 17

2013 Legislative Preview


Under the leadership of a new vice president of public policy, Oklahoma Farm Bureau prepares to implement grassroots policy during the first regular session of the 54th Oklahoma Legislature By Karolyn Bolay

The Oklahoma legislative session begins Feb. 4, and Oklahoma Farm Bureau has been preparing for the multitude of agricultural issues that are going to present themselves in 2013. The Oklahoma Farm Bureau membership has named 15 legislative priorities for our public policy division to focus on throughout this session. These priorities fall into a variety of categories including private property rights, taxes and finance, agriculture and natural resources, and water. And the public policy division has a new member on board to help tackle these issues that are important to Oklahoma Farm Bureau members. John Collison has joined Oklahoma Farm Bureau as vice president of public policy and media affairs and will be working on these priority issues during the 2013 legislative session. Collison comes to OFB from U.S. Senator Jim Inhofe’s office, where he served as state director for 13 years. Originally from California, Collison said he fell in love with Oklahoma and Oklahoma agriculture when he attended Oklahoma State University. Because of his experience at the federal level, Collison said he is looking forward to working on public policy issues at a state and national level for OFB. “I look forward to educating our two

18 • Oklahoma Country ••Winter Winter 2013 2013

new U.S. representatives – Jim Bridenstine and Markwayne Mullin – over in the eastern part of the state and introducing them to Oklahoma Farm Bureau,” Collison said. “But with Rep. Lucas serving as the chair of the House Ag Committee and Sen. Inhofe serving on the Senate Environmental Committee, we’ve got strong allies to fight for us and our state.” Of course, water issues are one of the main priorities for this session. As Oklahoma Farm Bureau, we are here to protect members’ interests in the

Oklahoma Farm Bureau members have also legislature, with water definitely on the minds of our voiced concern over protecting private property members. 00110640 rights for landowners. “Water is the future of this country,” Collison “Protecting private property rights has always said. “Water is what we survive on. Water is what been a priority issue for us,” said OFB President we use for raising our crops and feeding our Mike Spradling. “Property rights are the foundation livestock. The water issue is going to be one of the for keeping Oklahoma agriculture strong.” number one issues I see coming up in the future, When it comes to talking with legislators, it is whether it is navigable sources, drinking sources or important for Farm Bureau to educate their used for irrigation.” legislators on the agricultural issues and to The combination of the severe drought and John Collison understand there are a variety of issues legislators water rights issues, makes it more critical now OFB Vice President of Public Policy and have to focus on. than ever for our legislature to be aware of Media Relations “A lot of our legislators are from rural Oklahoma the needs of farmers and ranchers. but we’ve got a lot of urban legislators as well, and we’ve got a lot of “Farm Bureau has to be the voice for our farmers different people pulling at them,” Collison said. “The eastern and our ranchers as water becomes more and legislators have different issues than western legislators, so it is our more scarce,” said Collison. “As the drought worsens throughout Oklahoma, now is the job to go out to the Capitol every day and fight for all of these time to go out and discuss these issues, agricultural issues that are critical to our members.” such as drought assistance and water It is also important for farmers and ranchers to be aware of the other interest groups that are out there working against agriculture. rights, with the legislature.” “We’ve got environmentalists out there that raise money trying to Another priority for Oklahoma Farm Bureau this legislative session is taxes and come after our industry and it is our job to make sure that we watch that fight that’s coming,” Collison said. “I know we are out rural infrastructure. Collison said this is ahead of it, working for our farmers and ranchers and one issue that has to be resolved quickly. working to protect their right to farm and their “These rural communities and small right to raise animals or whatever their towns don’t have the water infrastructure, commodity might be.” and they don’t have the dollars or the population required to put that infrastructure in place,” Collison said.

Oklahoma Country • Winter 2013 • 19

OFB Legislative Priorities for 2013 Private Property Rights

We support reform of eminent domain laws to protect property owners, including against government condemnation of groundwater. We support landowners’ rights in oil, gas, seismic and wind exploration and pipeline, transmission and other rights-ofway easements. We support annexation reform to protect agricultural property owners. We support current trespass law and increasing penalties for trespassing and hunting without permission.

Taxes and Finance

We support protecting existing agriculture sales tax exemptions on the raw inputs used to produce our nation’s food and fiber. We oppose increases in ad valorem taxes and support lowering the cap on valuation. We support the current 10 percent cap on school bond indebtedness, and the retention of the 60 percent constitutional requirement for passage of capital improvement bonds. We support continued funding for the maintenance and construction of rural roads and bridges.

Agriculture and Natural Resources

We support the law requiring the majority of the nine-member Board of Regents for the Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College to be farmers and ranchers. We support funding for a statewide conservation cost share program that funds traditional conservation practices at the district level. We support additional state assistance to control invasive plant and animal species, like the eastern red cedar and feral hogs. We support legislative appropriations for OSU Cooperative Extension and Research Programs. We support voluntary conservation measures by property owners to assist the Lesser Prairie Chicken. We oppose designating the Chicken as threatened or endangered, or establishing critical habitat, under the Endangered Species Act.


We support the continuation of ownership of groundwater by landowners as a private property right. We support funding for water and waste water infrastructure, including more reservoirs and water retention.


klahoma Farm Bureau encourages our members to stay connected with their legislators and to communicate issues of concern with their respective senator or representative. Listed below are all current members of the State Senate and House of Representatives and general contact information to help you stay connected during this legislative session. State Senate: State Senate District 1 Charles Wyrick (D) State Senate District 3 Wayne Shaw (R) State Senate District 5 Jerry Ellis (D) State Senate District 7 Larry Boggs (R) State Senate District 9 Earl Garrison (D) State Senate District 11 Jabar Shumate (D) State Senate District 13 Susan Paddack (D)

20 • Oklahoma Country ••Winter Winter 2013 2013

State Senate District 15 Rob Standridge (R) State Senate District 17 Ron Sharp (R) State Senate District 19 Patrick Anderson (R) State Senate District 21 Jim Halligan (R) State Senate District 23 Ron Justice (R) State Senate District 25 Mike Mazzei (R) State Senate District 27 Bryce Marlatt (R) State Senate District 29 John Ford (R)

State Senate District 31 Don Barrington (R) State Senate District 33 Nathan Dahm (R) State Senate District 35 Gary Stanislawski (R) State Senate District 37 Dan Newberry (R) State Senate District 39 Brian A. Crain (R) State Senate District 41 Clark Jolley (R) State Senate District 43 Corey Brooks (R) State Senate District 45 Kyle Loveless (R) State Senate District 47 Greg Treat (R) Want to contact your State Senator? The general number for the State Senate is (405) 521-2711.

House of Representatives: State Representative District 1 Curtis McDaniel (D) State Representative District 2 John Bennett (R) State Representative District 3 James Lockhart (D) State Representative District 4 Mike Brown (D) State Representative District 5 Doug Cox (R) State Representative District 6 Chuck Hoskin (D) State Representative District 7 Larry Glenn (D) State Representative District 8 Ben Sherrer (D) State Representative District 9 Marty Quinn (R) State Representative District 10 Steve Martin (R) State Representative District 11 Earl Sears (R) State Representative District 12 Wade Rousselot (D) State Representative District 13 Jerry McPeak (D) State Representative District 14 Arthur Hulbert (R) State Representative District 15 Ed Cannaday (D) State Representative District 16 Jerry Shoemake (D) State Representative District 17 Brian Renegar (D)

State Representative District 18 Donnie Condit (D) State Representative District 19 R. C. Pruett (D) State Representative District 20 Bob Cleveland (R) State Representative District 21 Dustin Roberts (R) State Representative District 22 Charles McCall (R) State Representative District 23 Terry O’Donnell (R) State Representative District 24 Steve Kouplen (D) State Representative District 25 Todd Thomsen (R) State Representative District 26 Justin Freeland Wood (R) State Representative District 27 Josh Cockroft (R) State Representative District 28 Tom Newell (R) State Representative District 29 Skye McNiel (R) State Representative District 30 Mark Mccullough (R) State Representative District 31 Jason W. Murphey (R) State Representative District 32 Jason Smalley (R) State Representative District 33 Lee Denney (R) State Representative District 34 Cory T. Williams (D) State Representative District 35 Dennis Casey (R) State Representative District 36 Sean Roberts (R) State Representative District 37 Steven Vaughan (R) State Representative District 38 Dale DeWitt (R) State Representative District 39 Marian Cooksey (R) State Representative District 40 Mike Jackson (R) State Representative District 41 John T. Enns (R) State Representative District 42 Lisa J. Billy (R) State Representative District 43 Colby Schwartz (R) State Representative District 44 Emily Virgin (D) State Representative District 45 Aaron Stiles (R) State Representative District 46 Scott Martin (R)

State Representative District 47 Leslie Osborn (R) State Representative District 48 Pat Ownbey (R) State Representative District 49 Tommy Hardin (R) State Representative District 50 Dennis Johnson (R) State Representative District 51 Scott Biggs (R) State Representative District 52 Charles Ortega (R) State Representative District 53 Mark McBride (R) State Representative District 54 Paul Wesselhoft (R) State Representative District 55 Todd Russ (R) State Representative District 56 David Perryman (D) State Representative District 57 Harold Wright (R) State Representative District 58 Jeff Hickman (R) State Representative District 59 Mike Sanders (R) State Representative District 60 Dan Fisher (R) State Representative District 61 Gus Blackwell (R) State Representative District 62 T.W. Shannon (R) State Representative District 63 Don Armes (R) State Representative District 64 Ann Coody (R) State Representative District 65 Joe Dorman (D) State Representative District 66 Jadine Nollan (R) State Representative District 67 Pam Peterson (R) State Representative District 68 Glen Mulready (R) State Representative District 69 Fred Jordan (R) State Representative District 70 Ken Walker (R) State Representative District 71 Katie Henke (R) State Representative District 72 Seneca Scott (D) State Representative District 73 Kevin Matthews (D) State Representative District 74 David Derby (R) State Representative District 75 Dan Kirby (R)

State Representative District 76 David Brumbaugh (R) State Representative District 77 Eric Proctor (D) State Representative District 78 Jeannie McDaniel (D) State Representative District 79 Weldon Watson (R) State Representative District 80 Mike Ritze (R) State Representative District 81 Randy Grau (R) State Representative District 82 Mike Turner (R) State Representative District 83 Randy McDaniel (R) State Representative District 84 Sally Kern (R) State Representative District 85 David Dank (R) State Representative District 86 Will Fourkiller (D) State Representative District 87 Jason Nelson (R) State Representative District 88 Kay Floyd (D) State Representative District 89 Rebecca Hamilton (D) State Representative District 90 Jon Echols (R) State Representative District 91 Mike Reynolds (R) State Representative District 92 Richard Morrissette (D) State Representative District 93 Mike Christian (R) State Representative District 94 Scott Inman (D) State Representative District 95 Charles C. Joyner (R) State Representative District 96 Lewis H. Moore (R) State Representative District 97 Mike Shelton (D) State Representative District 98 John Trebilcock (R) State Representative District 99 Anastasia Pittman (D) State Representative District 100 Elise Hall (R) State Representative District 101 Gary Banz (R) Want to contact your State Representative? The general number for the House of Representatives is (405) 524-0126.

Oklahoma Country • Winter 2013 • 21

Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s Harvest Watch blog ends inaugural season. By Sam Knipp

22 • Oklahoma Country • Winter 2013

ast March, as the Oklahoma grass pastures and wheat fields shrugged off winter dormancy, a group of four dedicated farm families from around the state started blogging or writing about their daily activities and posting to the Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s Harvest Watch blog website. Eight months later, the inaugural season of the blog site ended with a celebratory luncheon for the families and other participants. The main goal of the blogging activity was to educate students about agriculture. The blog site was heavily promoted by the Ag in the

Classroom program through the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture. “When students can make a connection from what is going on in the classroom to what is going on outside the classroom, learning takes place,” said Dana Bessinger, Ag in the Classroom coordinator. “What is more relevant to children than their food, clothing and shelter? All provided by Oklahoma farmers and ranchers. The blog provided that connection first hand!” The blog offered an opportunity for the farmers to direct their message to the non-farm public. “I think it’s very important to let everybody know what we do on the farm,” said Brandon Webb of Watonga. Brandon and his wife Cari wrote about life on their Blaine County farm for the blog. “It’s easy (for the public) to

take for granted where food comes from,” Brandon said, “and at the same time it’s easy for us (farmers) to take for granted the daily work required to produce that food.” The blogging effort basically followed the growing season, which spanned two school years. The site was a runaway success, attracting more than 10,000 unique visits. Cheryl Hyde and her students at Lexington Elementary School followed the daily adventures of the farm families. “This is another great tool for teachers to bring agriculture into the classroom and a tremendous opportunity for students to learn about different farming families,” Hyde said. Hyde, the 2011 Oklahoma Agriculture in the Classroom Teacher of the Year, used the blog to teach her students about the science of agriculture. “When we are discussing farming and the different commodities, we talked about the seeds, how deep to plant them, even the GPS technology farmers use to increase efficiency,” Hyde said. “With this technology students can learn more about agricul­ ture than just reading about it in a book.” Connecting students and others with agriculture is the key reason Bristow farm blogger Kenneth Fisher wanted his family to participate in the program. “Know your food, know your farmer – it’s good to be connected to the farmer who grows your food,” Fisher said. Just the simple act of writing about daily farm activities served as an added bonus for farm blogger Greg Leonard of Afton. “The blogging served as a diary or journal that I am able to look back on now and see what I did on a certain day,” Leonard said. “This will help me as I plan for next year.” The growing season may be over, but you can still read about the adventures of the four farm families at www.okfarmbureau.org, click on the Harvest Watch blog archive. Clockwise from top left: The Fisher Family – (back row) Elisa, Debby, Kenneth, Andrew and Luke; (front row) twins Madalyn and Anna. Not pictured is Emily Fisher. The Webb Family – Brandon, Wade and Cari. Not pictured is Clayton Webb. The Harris Family – Amy, Tralè, Kenda, Zac and Rylan. The Leonard Family – Katy, Greg, Kody and Mary. Oklahoma Country • Winter 2013 • 23

All Around


Oklahoma Farm Bureau announces vice president of organization and membership


klahoma Farm Bureau announced Chris protecting Oklahoma agriculture.” Kidd joined Farm Bureau in 2009 as a field Kidd has been named vice president of representative in south central Oklahoma. He organization and membership. began serving as YF&R coordinator in In his new role, Kidd will oversee December 2010 until membership, member benefits, becoming the director of commodities and the YF&R and state and national affairs in Farm Bureau Women’s December 2011. Committees. “I have been blessed to “Knowing Chris’s diverse have a career with Oklahoma professional experience, I am Farm Bureau representing confident in his ability to lead our the issues, values and beliefs membership programs and of Oklahoma’s sturdy, salt-ofdevelop key leaders within Farm the-earth people,” Kidd said. Bureau,” said OFB Executive “I’m eager to utilize my new Director Monica Wilke. “Chris position to ensure our rural embodies who we are as an way of life is honored and organization, and I am excited to Chris Kidd preserved.” have him playing a key role as we Kidd grew up on his family’s ranch in continue our efforts in promoting and

Jefferson County and earned a degree in agricultural communications from Oklahoma State University. He developed experience in education, banking and tribal affairs before joining Oklahoma Farm Bureau. OFB is the leading agricultural organization in the state of Oklahoma. Its membership is composed of farming and ranching families from across the state. “As the demand for agricultural products increases and the general public becomes further removed from the farm, it is crucial for our members to stay connected and to participate in the grassroots effort,” said OFB President Mike Spradling. ‘We are thankful to have someone with Chris’ dedication to agriculture leading our members and encouraging new growth in the organization.”

Farm Bureau donates more than 3,000 meals OFB President Mike Spradling (right) presents a box of food to Gov. Mary Fallin and Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma Executive Director Rodney Bivens during a press conference announcing the beginning of the Governor’s food drive.


arm Bureau members and staff from around the state donated enough food and money for more than 3,000 meals as part of Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin’s annual food drive. The 2012 food drive collected enough for a record 2.6 million meals. 24 • Oklahoma Country • Winter 2013

“It’s our way of giving back to our community,” said OFB President Mike Spradling. “It only makes sense that those who grow the food should help feed those who need it the most. This demonstrates once again the great generosity of our farmers and ranchers.”

According to the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma, over 675,000 Oklahomans are at risk of going hungry every day. That number includes one in four children. Every county Farm Bureau office, as well as the state office in Oklahoma City, served as a drop off point for the donated food. In addition, Farm Bureau members brought non-perishable food items to the OFB Annual Meeting, Nov. 9-11. Most recently the farm group announced partnership in the Beef for Backpack program where nutritional beef sticks are added to hungry children’s backpacks for use on weekends and holidays. The food drive was conducted Oct. 15-Nov. 15 in partnership with the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma and the Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma, which together serve community soup kitchens, food banks and shelters in all 77 counties.

OFB Women gather for winter rally


ural women leaders from around the state gathered for the annual Oklahoma Farm Bureau Women’s winter rally Nov. 30-Dec. 1 at the Double Tree Hotel in Tulsa. “This is a great opportunity for rural women to improve their leadership skills,” said Kitty Beavers, OFB Women’s Committee chairperson. The rally kicked off with a tradeshow full of booths featuring local artwork and jewelry, handy kitchen utensils, a blood pressure station and several commodity organizations. Women also had the chance to bid on items during a silent auction that raised $1,000 to benefit the FBW “Pig to Plate” DVD. After lunch, Tulsa meteorologist Travis Meyers spoke to the women about his involvement in agriculture – he and Top Left: Rogers County FBW member Mary Jane Delozier has her blood pressure tested during the 2012 FBW Winter Rally. The testing was just one of many booths offered during the rally’s trade show. Middle: Oklahoma Corporation Commissioner Dana Murphy talks to rally participants about the challenges Oklahoma faces in the oil and gas development, including technology, economics, the environment and public access to information. Bottom: Meteorologist Travis Meyers reads some of the humorous emails he has received during his time at Tulsa’s News On 6. Meyers was one of several guest speakers during the FBW Winter Rally.

his wife have Hereford cattle and Quarter horses on their ranch near Tulsa – and his concern about the general public’s lack of agricultural knowledge. He shared his views on global warming and pointed out that climate change may be occurring, but it has happened before in the 1930s and 1950s. He also mentioned that while computer models are predicting snow this winter, 2013 has the potential to be another dry year. After the weather presentation, rally participants heard from OSU doctoral student Cortney Cowley about global marketing challenges and from Beggs Elementary librarian Dana Grimmett about the creation and implementation of the “Pig to Plate” DVD produced by the FBW Committee. Dinner that evening was highlighted with a performance by Bristow gospel trio Master’s Voice. The group performed several of its own songs as well as a few cherished Christmas tunes. Saturday morning started with Oklahoma Corporation Commissioner Dana Murphy talking about the work her office does for the state and the many challenges Oklahoma faces in oil and gas development, including technology, economics, the environment and public access to information. She encouraged the women to visit the website FracFocus.org, which was created to provide objective information on hydraulic fracturing, the chemicals used, the purposes they serve and the means by which groundwater is protected. The rally concluded with three rounds of seminars on the state’s AgriAbility program, which supports the rehabilitation and assistive technology needs of Oklahoma farmers, ranchers and their family members impacted by a disabling condition; the Durable Medical Equipment Reuse Program, designed to help Oklahoma residents in need safely gain access to donated used medical equipment; and the 2013 FBW Program of Work, which provides guidelines for each county’s participation in OFB activities throughout the year.

Oklahoma Country • Winter 2013 • 25


Oklahoma Farm Bureau President Mike Spradling (right) accepts the Franks Sanders Memorial Award after OFB was recognized during the 2012 Tulsa State Fair Livestock Premium Auction as the volume buyer for the 2011 auction. Left: OFB board members pose with Hunter McKinnon, of Lone Grove FFA, after purchasing the premium on her Reserve Grand Champion Market Barrow at the 2012 Tulsa State Fair Livestock Premium Auction, Oct. 5.


Lane Jeffrey (left), OFB field services division, visits with LeFlore County Farm Bureau member Mike Clark (center) and Robin Landrum, OFB field services division, during the Tulsa Farm Show. A new Chevrolet pickup truck festooned with the Farm Bureau logo provided the backdrop for the OFB booth during the show, which took place at the QuikTrip Center, Dec. 6-8. The truck served as a reminder that Farm Bureau members can receive a $500 rebate on new GM or Chevrolet vehicles. The OFB safety trailer was also parked in the Farm Bureau booth, providing show participants the opportunity to tour the trailer and learn how Farm Bureau is preventing accidents and saving lives. 26 • Oklahoma Country • Winter 2013

Mayes County Farm Bureau members Jonathan Scheffel (left) and Wes Gay (center) visit with Mike Taylor of Horsehead Ranch in Talala during the Tulsa Farm Show, Dec. 7. Taylor had two pens of cattle in the OFB sponsored private treaty cattle sale at the farm show. He said he was pleased with the opportunity to showcase his cattle and meet potential customers.

German McCloy Fellows explore Oklahoma’s agricultural industry


our German agricultural leaders visited Oklahoma Oct. 19-22 as part of the McCloy Fellowship program, which allows German and American agricultural leaders to exchange information while touring each other’s respective countries. The program was named after former American ambassador to Germany John J. McCloy, who worked to help rebuild Germany following WWII. Participant Jorn Dwehus serves as the CEO of the Lower Saxony Farm Bureau (Landvolk Niedersachsen). He was surprised to learn that Oklahoma farmers and ranchers are dealing with some of the same issues as those in Lower Saxony. “Environmental questions and animal welfare are high on the agenda for Farm Bureau in Germany,” Dwehus said. The group spent four days in Oklahoma visiting a variety of agricultural enterprises, including dairies, a horse farm, an oilseed processing plant and several cattle and farming operations. While learning about Oklahoma agriculture, the group was hosted by Alfalfa County Farm Bureau leader Hope Pjesky, a 2009 McCloy Fellow. “I think it’s good for all of us to know what’s happening in other parts of the world in the same industry we’re in,” Pjesky said. “I’ve been blessed and honored to travel to several countries and very much enjoyed my experiences. I think it’s great that people from other countries understand what we do too.”

McCloy Fellows Andrea Bahrenberg (left) and Matthias Kick visit with manager Gary Poupard (right) at OFB member Rick Davis’ dairy near Guthrie Oct. 20.

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Oklahoma Country • Winter 2013 • 27

Agents recognized for success in fall Bedlam Series campaign


klahoma Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Company conducted an auto insurance production campaign during September and October 2012 in an effort to promote and educate the general public about OFB membership. The drive was coordinated in conjunction with the Bedlam Series, a longstanding intrastate rivalry between

28 • Oklahoma Country • Winter 2013

Oklahoma State University and the University of Oklahoma. Oklahoma Farm Bureau is the title sponsor of the Bedlam Series. “The Bedlam Series gives us a unique opportunity to promote our insurance products, while at the same time driving brand awareness for Oklahoma Farm Bureau Insurance,” said OFB Vice President of Public

Affairs/Marketing John Wiscaver. “It is exciting to see our members interested and enthused about our title sponsorship of the Bedlam Series.” The top auto-producing agents over the course of the two-month drive received tickets and hospitality to the Bedlam football game in Norman, Nov. 24. The agents also earned



special on-field recognition prior to the game with OFB Executive Director Monica Wilke and OFB President Mike Spradling. The top auto-producing agents for the Bedlam Series campaign were Barry Bundy in September and Scott Abbott in October. Bundy was unable to attend the game, so Greg Ward, who was the runner-up for auto production in September, was recognized. “We are proud of our hard-working agents who continue to provide outstanding service to Oklahoma Farm Bureau members,” said OFBMIC Vice President of Agency Marty Fuller. “The Bedlam series helps us leverage our brand to make the public aware of the great insurance options available through Oklahoma Farm Bureau Insurance.” University of Oklahoma Head Baseball Coach Sunny Galloway (center) presents a commemorative poster to Oklahoma Farm Bureau President Mike Spradling and Executive Director Monica Wilke during the OSU v. OU football game Nov. 24 in Norman. OFB was recognized for its continued support of the Bedlam Series, and top-producing agents Scott Abbott (left) and Greg Ward (right) were also recognized for their success during OFB’s fall auto production campaign. Agent Barry Bundy was not able to attend the game but was also one of the topproducing agents this fall.

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Ralph’s Packing celebrates 53 years of success and growth


alph’s Packing Co., an Oklahoma meat company in Perkins, celebrated 53 years of business and service on Nov. 1, 2012. Gary Crane, owner of Ralph’s Packing, said there have been many changes for the company throughout the past 53 years, but their ability to adapt and change is what has kept them going. “In 1967, the Wholesome Meat Act culled out a lot of small meat plants,” Crane said. “With our situation, we kept growing because we were willing to adjust our ideas to meet

30 • Oklahoma Country • Winter 2013

changing government regulations, as well as the needs and wants of our consumers.” The history of how the company began is well stated on the company’s website. “The years of work a man puts into his profession gives him the wisdom to try new ideas and put the results in an old and tried product. In 1959, in the small town of Perkins, Okla., Ralph Crane started a small meat company with the idea of producing a product of the highest quality. He perfected a curing and smoking process that is second to none, and it has been proven by many awards, honors and recognition. His dream was to have a good product that everyone could enjoy at an affordable price. This tradition is carried on today by his family and company with outstanding results.” Both Crane and his wife, Tess, take pride in running a third-generation family business. They have two daughters, Erica and Megan, who are involved in the business. Erica and her husband, Jason, both work at Ralph’s Packing, and Megan, along with Erica and Jason, own shares in the business. Although Ralph’s Packing began as a fresh meat plant, the business branched out into producing fully cooked products in the 90s.

Some of the cooked products currently produced include beef jerky, smoked ribs and whole hogs. “I grew up in this business,” Crane said. “Fifty years ago this plant didn’t make anything fully-cooked, it was a red meat plant with pork and beef. We sold sides, quarters and basically any type of fresh beef or pork product, but now we concentrate on highquality, fully cooked products.” Crane said consumers want convenience, so that is the direction they chose to take the company. “People want convenient products; something they can heat and eat,” Crane said. “The majority of our products are fullycooked; almost a complete turnaround from the 60s.” Crane credits his loyal customer base for the success and growth of the company. “If it wasn’t for our customers we wouldn’t be here,” Crane said. “One of our greatest accomplishments is the loyal customer base we have built over the years; they come back to us year after year and day after day.” This customer base is one that has deep roots dating back to the early years of the company.

By Rebecca Bailey, FAPC Communications Services Graduate Assistant

“We have wholesale customers who have been with us for 45 years buying fresh meat,” Crane said. “If you don’t have a loyal customer base, you aren’t going to be in business.” One of the recent endeavors of Ralph’s Packing Co. is the Beef for Backpacks program, which uses donated cattle to provide beef sticks to hungry children in Oklahoma. This program is a group effort consisting of Ralph’s Packing, Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma, Robert M. Kerr Food & Agricultural Products Center, Oklahoma Beef Council, Oklahoma Farm Bureau, Chickasha Meat Company, Oklahoma Cattleman’s Association and Oklahoma Farming and Ranching Foundation. “We make a lot of jerky and beef sticks at our plant, and we were approached by Jim

Far left: As a family owned and operated business, Ralph’s Packing provides a strong example of an entrepreneurial spirit for other Oklahoma businesses to follow. Left: Ralph’s Packing plays a key role in Beef for Backpacks by processing the beef sticks used in the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma’s Food for Kids program. Above: While Ralph’s Packing has made adjustments to its business plan over the years, the company has always maintained a superior level of customer service and quality products.

Brooks from the FAPC,” Crane said. “He asked if we would be interested in helping out with this project, and we were.” Brooks, FAPC business and marketing services manager, serves on the board of directors at the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma and helped initiate the Beef for Backpacks program. The donated cattle are harvested at Chickasha Meat Company and transported to Ralph’s Packing where the product is further processed. “We are able to take the product and make the finished, ready-to-eat snack stick,” Crane said. “So far we have made somewhere around 20,000 beef sticks, and hopefully that will continue to increase. There are a lot of kids in Oklahoma that don’t get nutritious food everyday like they should, so I definitely hope this program continues to grow.” The company has been working with the FAPC since essentially the inception of the center in 1997. Crane is a member of FAPC’s Industry Advisory Committee, which serves as an advisory board to the center. Also, Ralph’s Packing has received technical assistance on some of its products, including analytical services and validation studies. “We are very appreciative of the FAPC,” Crane said. “Over the years, the FAPC has helped us out in multiple ways.” Chuck Willoughby, FAPC manager of business and marketing relations, said it has been a pleasure working with Ralph’s Packing during the years. “Our relationship with Ralph’s goes beyond providing assistance to a processor, as well as receiving guidance from an advisory committee member,” Willoughby said. “Ralph’s is one of those companies that you can point to as an example of success when working with entrepreneurs. They exemplify that successfully running a business goes beyond skillful quality production or good salesmanship. Being forward thinking, having an entrepreneurial spirit and having a good relationship with your customers can be what

sets your business apart from others.” Ralph’s Packing products have won several championship awards from the OklahomaTexas Meat Processors Association and the American Association of Meat Processors. During the 2012 American Association of Meat Processors convention, the company was awarded Grand Champion Hot Dogs and Champion Ring Bologna. In 2011, Ralph’s Packing brought home Champion Poultry Smoked Sausage, Reserve Champion Cotto Salami, Champion Smoked Sausage and Reserve Grand Champion Andouille. Also, in 2009, Crane won the American Association of Meat Processors Lifetime Achievement Award, which is the association’s highest honor bestowed on a member for continuing service to the meat industry. The family is looking forward to 53 more years of business. “I hope the company continues to be successful,” Crane said. “We have always had the goal of producing a high-quality product for our customers, and I feel like that is the direction we will continue to go in.” For more information about Ralph’s Packing Co. or its products, visit www. ralphspacking.com or call 405-547-2464.

Oklahoma State University is a modern land-grant system of interdisciplinary programs that prepares students for success. OSU is America’s Brightest Orange. Through leadership and service, OSU is preparing students for a bright future and building a brighter world for all. As Oklahoma’s only university with a statewide presence, OSU improves the lives of people in Oklahoma, the nation and the world through integrated, high-quality teaching, research and outreach. OSU has more than 36,000 students across its five-campus system and more than 24,000 on its combined Stillwater and Tulsa campuses, with students from all 50 states and around 120 nations. Established in 1890, OSU has graduated more than 245,000 students to serve Oklahoma, the nation and the world. Oklahoma Country • Winter 2013 • 31

2012 OFB State Convention


Farm Bureau delegates maintain strong support for property rights


oting delegates at the Oklahoma Farm Bureau 71st Annual Meeting reaffirmed their position on protecting private property rights for the state’s landowners. The annual meeting was held at the Cox Convention Center in Oklahoma City, Nov. 9-11. “Protecting private property rights has always been a priority issue for us,” said OFB President Mike Spradling. “Property rights are the foundation for keeping Oklahoma agriculture strong.” Delegates also voted to support voluntary regional planning groups that are non-regula­ tory in regards to the statewide water plan. “We are going to continue to work with legislators on this in 2013, as we recognize

water is an important issue for Oklahoma residents,” Spradling said. The farm group voiced concern over increased government environmental regulations, increased taxes and the lack of a new farm bill. In other delegate action, resolutions were passed supporting a $2.5 million emergency agricultural fund to be used for wildfires and other natural disasters; increasing penalties for livestock theft; increasing public education on animal agriculture production practices; more aggressively controlling measures for feral hogs; strengthening trespassing laws; and continuing support for farm sales tax exemptions.

Grundmann elected to Oklahoma Farm Bureau Board of Directors


ottawatomie County farmer John said. “It is so important that OFB Grundmann was elected to members participate in the process and represent District 8 on the feel their voices are being heard, and I Oklahoma Farm Bureau Board of hope to encourage them to get involved.” Directors during the 71st OFB Annual Grundmann has been on the Meeting in Oklahoma City, Nov. 10. Pottawatomie County Farm Bureau board In addition to farming and ranching, since 1994 and served as president since Grundmann owns and 1996. He has operates a commercial participated in several and custom pecan OFB Congressional shelling company with his Action Tours to son, Josh, in Shawnee. Washington, D.C. and He has been involved in represented OFB on Oklahoma Farm Bureau other trips to the since 1977 and said he is nation’s Capitol. eager to serve Oklahoma’s Grundmann was also a farmers and ranchers. member of the AFBF “I really appreciate the Commodity Advisory grassroots process of Committee for three Farm Bureau, and I look years. forward to working with Grundmann and his John Grundmann, District 8 Director our members as we wife, Janice, live near develop policy to support Oklahoma Shawnee where they raise cattle, hay and agriculture and rural living,” Grundmann pecans.

32 • Oklahoma Country • Winter 2013

Turner receives YF&R Lifetime Legacy Award


erald Turner, of Pawnee, is the recipient of Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s Young Farmers and Ranchers Lifetime Legacy Award. The announcement was made Nov. 10, at OFB’s 71st Annual Convention in Oklahoma City. The YF&R Lifetime Legacy Award serves as a living memorial for members by recognizing their life achievements. It is intended to honor individuals who have spent their life enriching and inspiring rural Oklahomans’ quality of life. Turner was born and raised in Pawnee and has lived through times of adversity and prosperity in Oklahoma. He was five years old when the stock market crashed in 1929, and he and his family survived the Oklahoma Dust Bowl during the 1930s. After serving in the Army Air Corps during World War II, he returned to Pawnee. He married his wife, Ella Mae, in 1954, and the couple raised cattle and forage crops on their farm near Pawnee. Turner is a longtime Pawnee County Farm Bureau board member, and he and Ella Mae have been active in local and state Farm Bureau activities. Gerald Turner (left), of Pawnee, receives the 2012 Oklahoma Farm Bureau Young Farmers & Ranchers Lifetime Legacy Award from YF&R Chairman Brent Straub at the 71st OFB Annual Meeting in Oklahoma City.

Wichert honored with OFB Distinguished Service Award

M Garvin County Farm Bureau receives top county award


klahoma Farm Bureau named Garvin County as the John I. Taylor Award winner for 2012. The announcement was made Nov. 10, in Oklahoma City at the OFB 71st Annual Convention. The John I. Taylor Award is named after OFB’s first president and serves as the organization’s highest county honor. County winners are required to earn the Four-Star Presidential Award and excel in at least six different program areas. Garvin County is active in all 11 program areas, including membership, program planning, policy development, policy execution, information and public relations, safety, service to members, local affairs, policy education, women’s activities and the Young Farmers and Ranchers Program. Garvin County received the most combined total points out of five top finalists.

Garvin County Farm Bureau President Dale Schauer (left) accepts the 2012 John I. Taylor Award from Oklahoma Farm Bureau president Mike Spradling during the 2012 OFB annual meeting in Oklahoma City. The John I. Taylor award is the highest honor OFB awards to a county Farm Bureau.

ajor County Farm Bureau member Clara Wichert was recognized as the Distinguished Service to Oklahoma Farm Bureau Award winner at the OFB 71st Annual Convention Nov. 10, in Oklahoma City. The Distinguished Service Award honors OFB members who have made outstanding contributions to agriculture and the Farm Bureau organization. Wichert has been an active OFB member for more than 40 years. She and her late husband, Lloyd, raised cattle and wheat on their farm near Fairview, and she continues to help her two sons with the operation.

Wichert has been a member of the OFB State Women’s Committee and served as the chairman for eight years. She has also been involved with Oklahoma Ag in the Classroom since it’s first organizational meeting in 1981. She is a charter member and still serves on the AITC advisory board, and she received the 2012 National Ag in the Classroom Ag Advocate award. Clara Wichert (center), of Fairview, poses with her family as she receives the 2012 Distinguished Service to Oklahoma Farm Bureau Award from OFB Executive Director Monica Wilke (left) and OFB President Mike Spradling (right) at the 71st OFB Annual Meeting in Oklahoma City.

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2012 OFB State Convention


Fairview couple wins YF&R Achievement Award


Adam and Nicole Martens, of Fairview, pose with the prizes they received after being named winners of the 2012 Oklahoma Farm Bureau Young Farmers & Ranchers Achievement Award in Oklahoma City. The Martens received a WW Livestock Systems chute, a John Deere lawnmower from P&K Equipment and an Echo chainsaw from Smith Home and Garden.

dam and Nicole Martens, of Major County, are the 2012 recipients of Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s Young Farmers and Ranchers Achievement Award. They were recognized as OFB’s top YF&R farming and ranching couple at the organization’s 71st Annual Convention, Nov. 10, in Oklahoma City. As Achievement winners, the Martens family received a new WW Livestock Systems squeeze chute, a John Deere riding lawn mower from P&K Equipment, an Echo chainsaw from Smith Farm and Garden and an all-expense-paid trip to the American Farm Bureau Federation’s Annual Convention in Nashville, Tenn.

Adam and Nicole farm nearly 750 acres of wheat near Fairview. They also manage a 70-head cow/calf operation and run 160 stocker cattle. They are graduates of Oklahoma State University and have two children, Sydney and Reed. The Martens have been involved in Farm Bureau since 2005. Adam currently serves as the Major County Farm Bureau YF&R chairman and a member of the county resolutions committee, and the couple served as YF&R State Committee chairs in 2011. OFB’s Young Farmers and Ranchers Program is open to both men and women, ages 18 to 35, who hold a membership in his or her county Farm Bureau.

Alfalfa County couple wins YF&R Excellence in Agriculture Award

S Steve and Mindi Clark, of Byron, receive a new fourwheeler as winners of the 2012 Oklahoma Farm Bureau Young Farmers & Ranchers Excellence in Agriculture Award. The ATV was donated by Farm Credit of Western Oklahoma, Chisholm Trail Farm Credit and Farm Credit of East Central Oklahoma.

34 • Oklahoma Country • Winter 2013

teve and Mindi Clark, of Byron, were announced the winners of Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s Young Farmers and Ranchers Excellence in Agriculture Award Nov. 10, at OFB’s 71st Annual Convention in Oklahoma City. The award recognizes successful young adults ages 35 years or younger who are involved in farming but whose primary occupations are not farming or owning an agricultural business. Winners are chosen based on their involvement in agriculture and participation in Oklahoma Farm Bureau and other community organizations. Steve and Mindi raise cattle, wheat, alfalfa and row crops on their operation near Byron.

Steve works as a certified crop advisor for the Burlington Cooperative Association, and Mindi is employed as an agricultural education instructor at Northwestern Oklahoma State University and is pursuing a Ph.D. in agricultural education at Oklahoma State University. The couple received a four-wheeler ATV, courtesy of Farm Credit of Western Oklahoma, Chisholm Trail Farm Credit and Farm Credit of East Central Oklahoma, and an all-expense-paid trip to the American Farm Bureau Federation convention in Nashville, Tenn. The couple currently serves as the Alfalfa County YF&R chairman.

Wilcox wins Farm Bureau Discussion Meet


lint Wilcox, of Fairview, was named the 2012 Young Farmers and Ranchers Discussion Meet winner at the Oklahoma Farm Bureau 71st Annual Meeting, Nov. 9, in Oklahoma City. Wilcox competed against three other participants in four rounds of debate-style discussion where performance is evaluated on the exchange of ideas and information on predetermined topics. Participants are judged on their ability to offer constructive criticism, cooperation and communication while analyzing agricultural problems and developing solutions. As the state discussion meet winner, Wilcox received an iPad package and the opportunity to compete in the national discussion meet contest at the American Farm Bureau Federation Annual Convention in Nashville, Tenn. Wilcox and his wife, Jessica, raise wheat, canola and cattle on their farm near Fairview.



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Oklahoma Country • Winter 2013 • 35

2012 OFB State Convention


Major County honored with top county YF&R award


klahoma Farm Bureau’s Major County Young Farmers and Ranchers Committee is the 2012 recipient of the Charles L. Roff Award. The award was announced in Oklahoma City at the OFB 71st Annual Convention, Nov. 9. The Charles L. Roff Award encourages county YF&R groups to improve their local committees and activity participation while strengthening the Farm Bureau organization. Major County YF&R’s highlight activities for the year included hosting a mud volleyball tournament to raise money and recruit members, helping with Ag in the Classroom projects and assisting with the county’s annual meeting. The committee also had members who competed in the state YF&R Discussion Meet and who won the state YF&R Achievement Award. Major County YF&R received a traveling plaque in recognition for their outstanding committee involvement.

Raymond Temple (left), of Elmore City, accepts the new Eagle Club award from OFB President Mike Spradling during the 71st OFB Annual Meeting in Oklahoma City.

Temple named first member of OFB Eagle Club


arvin County Farm Bureau member Raymond Temple was recognized as the first inductee into the Oklahoma Farm Bureau Eagle Club during the OFB 71st Annual Convention, Nov. 10, in Oklahoma City. The distinction was created to

recognize the member who recruits the most new members in a year, as membership is a key aspect of the organization. In addition to his duties on the Garvin County FB Board, Temple recruited 12 new members in 2012. A Golden Eagle award has been presented to members in the past to recognize volunteer membership recruitment, but the Eagle Club was created to encourage others to follow Temple’s example of tremendous effort. He received a traveling Eagle Club trophy and a personalized OFB jacket. Temple and his wife, Mary, have been OFB members for more than 40 years. They operate a cattle and hay farm near Elmore City.

Branstetter named OFB Secretary of the Year


Nicole Martens (left), of the Major County Farm Bureau Young Farmers & Ranchers Committee, accepts the 2012 Charles L. Roff Award from YF&R Chairman Brent Straub at the 71st OFB Annual Meeting in Oklahoma City.

Stephanie Branstetter (left), of Stephens County Farm Bureau, accepts the 2012 Secretary of the Year award from Oklahoma Farm Bureau President Mike Spradling at the 71st OFB Annual Meeting in Oklahoma City 36 • Oklahoma Country • Winter 2013

tephanie Branstetter, of the Stephens County Farm Bureau office, was honored as the Oklahoma Farm Bureau Secretary of the Year at the OFB 71st Annual Convention, Nov. 9, in Oklahoma City. Branstetter has worked in the Stephens County office for seven years. She and her husband, Jared, reside in Duncan with their two-year-old twins, Cayden and Madison.

Gibbs, Parker, High Plains Journal receive OFB Excellence in Journalism Award

Jennifer Latzke, associate editor for the High Plains Journal, accepts the 2012 Oklahoma Farm Bureau Excellence in Journalism award from Sam Knipp, OFB senior director of corporate communications (left), and OFB President Mike Spradling at the 2012 OFB Annual Meeting in Oklahoma City.


ngenene Gibbs of the Sapulpa Daily Herald, Kathy Parker of the Pryor Daily Times and the High Plains Journal were recognized with the Oklahoma Farm Bureau Excellence in Journalism Award at the OFB 71st Annual Meeting, Nov. 9, in Oklahoma City. The newspaper journalists and regional news magazine were honored for their contributions made reporting accurately and regularly about agricultural issues and their importance to Oklahoma and the nation. Gibbs is a staff writer for the Sapulpa Daily Herald and has worked at the paper since 2009. Parker is the managing editor of the Pryor Daily Times and has been at the newspaper for more than ten years. The High Plains Journal is a regional weekly agricultural news magazine published in Dodge City, Kan., with a circulation reaching ten states in the Great Plains region. It covers farming and ranching topics and features articles on farm and ranch management, equipment and agribusiness.

Angenene Gibbs of the Sapulpa Daily Herald accepts her Oklahoma Farm Bureau Excellence in Journalism award from Sam Knipp, OFB senior director of corporate communications (left), and OFB President Mike Spradling at the 2012 OFB Annual Meeting in Oklahoma City.

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Oklahoma Country • Winter 2013 • 37


Classifieds AUTOMOTIVE

1994-2001 Dodge 1 ton pick-up bed only with dually fenders, tailgate, receiver hitch, taillights, $1,250 OBO, 6’x12’ enclosed trailer tandem axle, new tires, $2,500, 405-627-6168 For Sale: dual Edelbrock carbs., with intake (like new) on a 283:Motor not for sale. Also set of headers (new) and a rebuilt power brake booster. All for $600. Call 580-920-3947 1996 Dodge Magnum V-6 Short-bed pick-up, mileage – 110,564, good tires, solid white, runs good, air conditioner works, asking $1,000 cash, ½ ton pick-up, 580-654-1446 1997 Nissan Forklift, 3000 lb lift capacity, propane fuel, pneumatic tires, 3 stage mast, runs great and ready to work, $6,000, 918-693-2261 One ’49 Chevy Deluxe Sedan car to be restored, One ’86 4x4 Dodge Ram Pickup, 580-821-0812 1957 Chevrolet BelAir 4-door hard top, excellent condition, runs great, 283 V8, PowerGlide transmission, partially restored, 580-564-7356 ’09 Ruff & Tuff elec car, camo color, street legal, seats 4, heavy duty bumper, garage kept, all new batteries, excellent cond, $5,500, 405-721-4744 ‘94 Chev 2 ton truck with flat bed, 405-258-6559

Farm Machinery/Equipment Landpride 6 ft finish mower, 3-point hook up, model AT 2672, used only 2 summers, excellent condition, 405-720-0502 or 405-760-5609 JD 9 ft Hyd Rear Angle Blade, like new, $3,000, 918623-2036 JD 40 HP 3 cylinder 1020 diesel tractor, 4 new tires and new battery, very good condition and has been well maintained, $5,500, brushhog, 5 ft can be sold also, 479-806-5538 Fold out spring tooth, 580-821-0812 8N Tractor with Brush Hog, excellent shape, lots of new parts, 7’ heavy duty box blade, 6’ heavy duty brush hog, antique horse tricycle, 918-478-3534 1963 135 Massey Ferguson 35 hp 3 cyl Perkins engine, $2500, contact Pete at 405-823-6874, Edmond, OK 2006 New Holland TC48DA diesel, front end loader, wheel weights, canopy, new front tires, 355 hours, clean, GC, $15,500, 918-426-5268

Livestock Angus Bulls, 7 to 15 months old, Angus business 54 years, same location, 580-456-7241 or 580-320-3977 20’ Titan combo livestock, horse trailer, LN, white color, mats, 2 sliders, bull package, $6250 or best offer, 580-363-0552 Prospect steers and heifers, winning AI genetics from our top donors, sires such as Monopoly, Ali, Uno Mas, etc., Brower Land & Cattle, Anadarko, 405831-1632 38 • Oklahoma Country • Winter 2013

Reg. Polled Hereford heifers, a few bred cows and a young reg. polled Hereford bulls. Remitall Online 122L and PW Victor Boomer P606 genetics. 10 months – 24 months. 580-332-2468 (3) Reg Black Simmental yearling heifers, excel quality and weaning age, black Simmental bulls, some AI and ET, $850 – 1500, 580-258-0080 2002 Grey Stud, Pasture, Halter Broke, Sires good using horses, gentle to handle, $1500, 580-545-3539 29 heifers, 405-747-5398, 2 year old black and black baldy to calve March 2013,4 heifers to calve in May, 4 heifers to calve in Jan/Feb, 16 – 3,4,5 year old fancy blacks to calve March Young, spring calving cows (1), 405-258-6559 Gentle, growthy, easy calving, Reg. Limousin bulls, Black, Red, all polled, Since 1970, 3100 bulls sold nationwide, John Kusel Limousins, 580-759-6038, 405-643-2884

MISCELLANEOUS ATTN: OFB Travelers www.callme4cruises.INFO Von Bears Travel Ph. 918-583-4141 or 888-416-4141 Linda Logsdon, CTA, ACC, Europe focus www.callme4europe.INFO

Earn $75,000/yr Part-Time in the livestock or equipment appraisal business. Agricultural background required. Classroom or home study courses available. 800-488-7570. Used Portable Sawmills! Buy/Sell. Call Sawmill Exchange 800-459-2148, http://www.sawmill exchange.com 18 ft Caravelle Fiberglass 8 person boat; Inboard/ Outboard Chevy V8-305 Engine; Gold/White on Tandem Trailer; Always Shedded; Tagged thru June 2014; $4,000 OBO – Loyal, OK, 405-368-7794 For Sale: Vacuum Leaf Rake, Like new, Briggs and Stratton Motor, cost $1800.00, Make an offer, 405224-2263 Fence Charger Repair. All makes. Rebuilt Units for sale. We repair old International Chargers, Pioneer Electronics, SE of Enid, 580-603-0063 or 580-758-9471 Fresh Peanuts for sale, Peanut Brittle, Honey Roasted, Spanish Cocktail, Hot and Spicy, Raw and In the Shell, www.gooberhouse.com, 580-654-1175 515 Visible Wayne Gas Pump, Restored, Holdenville, 405-379-2378 40 Gallon electric water heater, $50; Full body tanning lamp, has timer. $75; Treadmill, $50; Riding mower, $100; Call 580-759-8828 Elk Hunts. One day elk hunts, $2,900, Lincoln County, Call for info, 918-225-3541 Jacobs Wind Generator, like new, 3000W, 40 volts, 405-567-3750 or 405-760-4446 Want to buy souvenirs, postcards, calendars, etc.

from Stonewall, Tupelo, Allen, Roff, Stratford, Francis, Saskwa, Konawa and Ada, 580-399-8866 Stolen: 1990/2120, Blue/White 40 HP Diesel Ford tractor with front end loader and brush hog, Tamaha, Okla., taken in Aug 2012, $5000 reward, 918-967-2400 Hesston NFR Belt Buckles still in wrap, $650 OBO, 918-273-8125, Some duplicates, have set 19751994, large size Green Depression glass set; service for 12, dinner plate, salad bowl, cup, saucer, dessert cup, $2,500, 580-423-7304 Hennessey Hometown Hootenanny, Jan. 12, Feb. 9, Mar. 9, Apr. 13, 7 p.m. @ 525 N. Main, Call 405-8536212 for info. Large Round Bales, 2012 cuttings, fertilized Berm, Maize (not combined) hay, or Ryegrass/Clover Hay, call 580-795-4475 or 580-795-7211 CASTLE Gunsmithing: Full Service Gunsmithing, Repair, Metal Refinishing, Cerakote, Parkerizing, 918-629-1617 Memorial Park Cemetery, Tulsa, OK, Section 14, Lot 694, Space 3-4, morning sun, afternoon shade, near water, good family, $4,250, 918-451-2636 Ramsey Termite & Pest Control, Call 405-570-1562 One gooseneck 6’ by 20’ covered trailer, One 300 gal fuel tank on stand, 580-821-0812 Reward: $1,000 for information leading to the recovery of a stolen gooseneck flatbed trailer, 34’ x 102” with a bolted on 2’ extension tandem duals, stolen 11-23-11, 405-207-0765 20,000 ft 2 3/8” pipe, $1.25/ft, 3/4” and 7/8” sucker rod, $8.00/each, misc guns/ammo, 405-627-3920 DP Blasting 405-640-9907, Sandblasting/Painting, Call for a free estimate! Antiques, 580-849-2161 Stanley Home Products, Fuller Brush, Household cleaning products, degreasers, germ cleaners, brooms, maps, brushes, personal – combs, brushes, vitamins, 100’s of products, 580-497-2249 16’ two axel trailer, wood floor, $750, 580-332-2889 4 x 5 Round Bales from JD Baler, $45, Wister, OK, 918-655-3393 40 acres of oil and gas lease for lease, 1-888-3118971, Pottawatomie County Trying to locate cousin, Dorothy Jean Austin, Dad and mother Lyle and Linda, She was born and raised in Guthrie, OK, last known living in AR. 580745-5335 Sewing Patterns, all kinds, vintage, out of print, present day, women’s, men’s, children, crafts, holiday, houseofsewingpatterns.com, 405-372-3358 All metal tool drill rig and tools (3 sets), $10,000 or best offer, call 918-327-0860 Pioneer sound system and speakers, fits pickup truck, $200. Also, Culligan water softener, great condition, $400, 405-262-8499 5’ and 3 ½’ brush hogs, 6’ leveling drag, 2 bot. plow hammer-mill grinder, wheeled leaf blower, Ariens

rototiller, 2 Gravelys and implements, 405-348-4469, Edmond, OK, I can email photos. Camping membership on Grand Lake, Pelican Landing Resort, Duck Creek, $275, 918-924-8879, David 3’ x 5’ outdoor, poly U.S. and Oklahoma flags, $8 each post paid, 405-380-2438 48’ storage trailer with lights, 405-258-6559 Silpada sterling silver jewelry – independent rep. – call 405-388-8818 or email at silverdesigns4you@ cox.net to find out about FREE jewelry Serger New Home Janome My Lock 634D, with differential feed, rolled hem, accessories, instruction book and padded travel case, $350, shipping extra, 580-430-8036

Mobile Homes, RVs 1992 Clayton Mobile Home, 2 bdrm, 1 bath, central heat and air, asking $6500, to be moved, located in Antlers, Pushmataha Co., 580-271-1099 Jayco Sport 10 camper 2011, brand new, never used, won in a drawing, sleeps 8 with A/C and stove, $6,500 OBO, Ron at 918-857-7451 201 Gulf Stream Conquest Travel Trailer with Slide Out, self-contained, sleeps 6, comes with rear kitchen, CH/A, electric jack and lots of storage, call 580-385-2568 1961 Airstream Trailer, 26 ft, air, heat, bath, kitchen, bed, new tire, rady to go, Sharp, $11,500, 918-962-2064

Pets Anatolian pups, farm raised with sheep and goats, guaranteed to work, 405-250-6162 ACA Chihuahua puppies, short and long hair, shots – wormed – males $200, females $225, contact 580363-1813 or 580-763-2875 AKC/APRI Toy Schnauzers in Parti Colors! Blk/WH and Liver/WH puppies ready now. Ears, tails, and

dewclaws done, $500 and up, see at www.cross barhranch.com or contact Amy at 918-521-3728 Double Tough Harlan at stud, buckskin line bred Harlan, colts and mares in foal, for sale, www. okharlanhorses.com, 918-762-3769

Real Estate 15 Acres, N. Seminole, 3 bdr 2 ba + 98 Clayton MH 2 br 2 ba and 2 out bs and pond, 97,000, 405-382-0589 Minerals for lease in Kiowa, Pottawatomie and Pushmataha and Stephens County in Oklahoma. Land available for cell tower sites in Stephens County, Commercial land for lease, HWY 81 and Plato Road, Duncan, OK, 580-255-5335, leave message 200 wooded acres, ¾ mile blacktop off HWY 270, south of Seminole, great hunting, Call Norma Branson-McKiddy, 405-615-0267 For sale: 10 ac, 3 ac plantation pines, balance nat. woods, 3 bd 2 ba brick remodeled in earth tones, 2 car shop w/carport, large custom s. cellar, wildlife, beautiful, near Antlers, OK, 580-298-5090, $165,000 House for sale by owner: Tishomingo, 3 bedroom, 1 ½ bath, 1 car garage, central heat and air, attic fan, close to elementary school, sold as is, call Chris 580-380-1483 1031 acres, very good grassland, 273 cow/calf, nice home, barns, fences, corrals, ponds, creek, call 918689-3166, Good Earth Land Co, northeast Oklahoma Oil minerals for lease in Beaver County, 580-651-7740 160 Acres in western Oklahoma, Call Jennifer with American Realty, 580-497-6831, great hunting or pasture, www.AmericanRealtyOk.com Hunting/4 Wheeling Lodge for sale, 1,876 acres, 25+ mi. of trails, White Tail deer, ducks, hogs, lots of amenities, SE Oklahoma, 580-286-8081 or 580-286-3577 60 acres south of Sapulpa in Creek County, cleared with some trees, pond and creek, excellent

fences, 918-321-5889 2 Homes for sale or rent, new remodel, 20 minutes north of OKC and Edmond, low crime, good schools, 2 blks, 75K and 80K, 405-433-2586 Fully furnished kitchen, 2 br condo (sleeps 6) at Branson, Nashville, or Smokey Mnts., starting at $60 per night (min. stay 4 nights), Tel: 580-367-2486 Land for sale: 39 acres of pasture, good perimeter fence, pond, rural water and electric, no owner financing, 918-465-6234 2 br, 1 ba, cabin for sale, Flint Ridge Resort, Delaware County, hardwood floors, metal roof, central H/A (heat pump replaced 2012), 3/4 wrap around porch, secluded area, $69,900 for info/pics eoquin@tds.net 40 Acres oil and gas lease, for lease, 1-405-262-4261, Pot. County

WANTED WANTED OLDER VEHICLES, CARS, PICKUPS, VANS, WAGONS, 1900s THRU 1960s, GAS PUMPS, TAGS. 580-658-3739 Want to purchase oil and gas mineral rights, producing or non-producing, 580-223-0353 or 800687-5882 Wanted: 5-10 Ac Improved land on paved road, around Pauls Valley, Purcell, Lawton, McAlester, Ardmore with parking area for R.V., 904-571-4848 Want to buy old German Lugar pistol, working or not working, to be used for both parts and/or wall hanger, or shooter, call Don at 713-614-2633 Wanted salvage 2 or 4 WD tractors, also burn 4 or salvage late model combine, OK Response 405352-4816 Wanted to buy: 6’ x 10’ flat bed trailer with 15 in wheels, must be in work cond. 918-723-4603, Westville


Classifieds 2501 N. Stiles • Oklahoma City, OK 73105 All information below must be completed.

Each Farm Bureau member family is limited to ONE free classified ad per issue. This form must be used. No call-in ads will be accepted. The length of the ad can not exceed the number of lines on this form. Ads run only one time. We reserve the right to not publish submitted ads. Please type or print legibly.

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Zip Deadline for the next issue is Wednesday, March 13, 2013. Oklahoma Country • Winter 2013 • 39

Grower Direct


Grow half-dollar size


and Blackberries. We also offer over 200 varieties of Fruit and Nut Trees plus Vine and Berry Plants.

Ison’s Nursery

Since 1934

Free Catalog

PO Box 190 Brooks, GA 30205 1-800-733-0324 • isons.com

HUSKY, HEALTHY POULTRY Free Color Brochure Baby Chicks, Muscovy Ducklings, Turkeys

Our 48th Year! COUNTRY HATCHERY P.O. Box 747 • Wewoka, OK 74884 Ph: 405.257.1236



Shepherd’s Pie

Serves 4 - 6

Ingredients: 1 1/2 pounds Certified Angus Beef ® ground beef, 90% lean 1 1/2 pounds Idaho® potatoes 2 medium parsnips (1 pound) 1 tablespoon rendered bacon fat or butter 1 onion, small dice 1 carrot, small dice 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 teaspoon dried rosemary 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano 2 tablespoons tomato paste 2 tablespoons Lea & Perrins® Worcestershire Sauce 1 teaspoon kosher salt 1 teaspoon red pepper flakes 1/4 cup flour 2 tablespoons medium ground yellow cornmeal 4 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons sour cream 1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg 10-inch cast-iron skillet Instructions: 1. Peel potatoes and parsnips. Cut into 1-inch chunks, cover with salted water in a pot and boil until tender. 2. In a cast iron skillet, simmer bacon fat, onion, carrot, garlic, rosemary, thyme and oregano for 5 minutes. Add ground beef, increase heat to medium and brown until no pink remains, stirring occasionally. Stir in tomato paste, Worcestershire, salt, red pepper, flour and cornmeal; remove from heat and set aside. 3. Preheat oven to 400°F. Pass potatoes through a food mill or mash with a potato masher. Stir in butter, sour cream and nutmeg. Add salt and pepper to taste if desired. Top beef mixture with mashed potatoes, spreading evenly and to the edges. Bake until potatoes are golden, about 25 minutes. Nutritional Information: Calories: 392 Fat: 16 g, Saturated Fat: 9 g, Cholesterol: 100 mg Carbohydrate: 39 g, Dietary Fiber: 6 g, Protein: 27 g

Pork and Pasta Skillet Supper (SERVES 4)

Attention to all Farm Bureau members with expiring membership: In order to retain your benefits without interruption, please contact your county Farm Bureau office today to verify the status of your membership. Visit okfarmbureau.org and click the “membership” tab to learn about OFB’s member benefits. If your OFB dues have been paid, please disregard this reminder. 40 2013 40 •• Oklahoma Oklahoma Country Country •• Winter Fall 2012

Ingredients: 1 pound Ground Pork 1 medium onion, chopped 1 14 1/2-oz can pasta-ready tomatoes 1 8-oz can tomato sauce 1 small yellow summer squash, OR zucchini, sliced into half moons 1 1/2 cups penne pasta, hot cooked, OR other small pasta shape Instructions: Heat nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add pork and onion; cook and stir until evenly browned. Stir in tomatoes and tomato sauce; bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low; cook for 5 minutes. Stir in squash and pasta. Cook for 2-5 minutes or until heated through.

Nutritional Information: Calories: 300 calories, Protein: 30 grams, Fat: 9 grams, Sodium: 400 milligrams, Cholesterol: 70 milligrams, Saturated Fat: 3 grams. Carbohydrates: 27 grams, Fiber: 4 grams

Feeding and clothing the world ...

one farmer at a time.

Ricky Longshore will be the first person to tell you his chickens live better than he does. With heated and cooled housing, computer-controlled feeding and watering, and even an alert system that sends notices to his cell phone, this eastern Oklahoma farmer raises chickens with technology and compassion. Caring for animals, being a careful steward of the land and producing the world’s safest food begins with Ricky, and thousands of Oklahoma Farm Bureau members across our state.

® Oklahoma

Farm Bureau


2501 N Stiles • Oklahoma City, OK 73105 • www.okfarmbureau.org 41 • Oklahoma Country • Winter 2013


Alcoa Steel & Vinyl Siding

Yes! Energy savings over a short period will more than pay for the new siding investment in your home.

America’s At Home With Alcoa

Insulates against cold or heat.

Does not absorb or retain moisture like wood.

Goes up easily over wood asbestos, stucco or masonry walls.

Does not support combustion.

Protect your investment in your home! Improve its value! Muffles outside noises, assures a quieter, more livable home.

Permanently protects & beautifies your home. Resists damaging effects of acids, salt, water, sun, rain, oil, etc. Stays beautiful wherever you live! Retains beauty year in, year out.

Maintenance free -- the BEST buy in today’s home covering market! Does not peel, flake, corrode or rust. Easy to clean-simply hose down.

Mars, scars, abrasions don’t show. High impact-resistant.

White & 12 decorator colors. Never needs paint-durability built in not painted on.

Completely covers split, warped, faded or peeled outside walls.

Here are the names of just a few of your Farm Bureau neighbors who are enjoying the beauty & comfort of Alcoa Siding products. Feel free to check with them. Benny Rogers P.O. Box 883 Perry, OK Bob Bolay Rt. 2, Box 119 Perry, OK Carl Windham 10404 N.W. 37th Yukon, OK Don Rainwater 5710 Willow Dr. Norman, OK Neil Roberts 1400 Charles Norman, OK O.B. Puckett 200 Elm Maysville, OK Eddie Huitt P.O. Box 101 Sterling, OK

Forest Masters 317 W. Sheridian Kingfisher, OK Beryle James 9512 W. Britton Yukon, OK Unique Coffeures 5900 N.W. 49th Oklahoma City, OK Linda Sitton P.O. Box 160 Binger, OK Delones Knupik 414 W. Birch Enid, OK Tim Cameron Rt. 1, Box 85 Orlando, OK Jack Steele 119 Thompson Kingfisher, OK

Steve Leck 116 S. Flynn Calumet, OK Jerry Benda 63125 Gregory Rd. El Reno, OK Clark Graham 213 N.W. 1st Moore, OK Carl McKinney P.O. Box 592 Eufaula, OK Greg Biggs 18600 N. Antler Way Deer Creek, OK Daniel Garrett 1909 S. Jensen El Reno, OK Mike Yousey 20502 S.E. 15th Harrah, OK

• No artificial look • No warping in summer

Al Castro 4601 Winners Circle Norman, OK Don Blain 308 E. Jarman Midwest City, OK Kenneth Azlin P.O. Box 921 Seminole, OK Gerald McDaniel 14714 Key Ridge Dr. Newalla, OK Mike Limke 201 Owen Mustang, OK Mike Lee Rt. 4, Box 193 Tuttle, OK Larry Yost 315 N. 3rd Watonga, OK

Starling Miller 912 Kansas Chickasha, OK Herschel Nichols Route 1 Prague, OK Jerry Haynes P.O. Box 208 Cashion, OK Charles Frank 1908 Brook Hollow Ct. Stillwater, OK Lynn Luker 720 W. Jackson Cresent, OK Jim Youngs 1201 Clearview Mustang, OK Tommie Richardson P.O. Box 381 Purcell, OK

Cade Boepple Rt. 1, Box 7 Covington, OK Randy Plant 18701 Garden Ridge Edmond, OK S & J Tire Co. Hwy. 81 El Reno, OK Ron Pinkenton 7521 N.W. 40th Oklahoma City, OK Leslie Bradford Rt. 3, Box 298 Watonga, OK Sharon Graham 2821 Bella Vista Midwest City, OK James Bryant 1755 N. Country Club Newcastle, OK

Check these features

• Won’t rot or peel • Won’t absorb or retain moisture

Keller Rest. 820 N. McAuther Oklahoma City, OK Larry Smith Rt. 2, Box 122 Kingfisher, OK Mickey Brown 1705 Country Club Newcastle, OK Barth Construction Lot 6 Wild Turkey Hollow Stillwater, OK Jeff Palmer 822 S. 6th Kingfisher, OK Starling Miller Rt. 3, Box 129A Perry, OK Mike Nemec Rt. 1, Box 90 Perry, OK

• No exposed nails • Won’t break up in hail

Willia Clay 1845 N.W. 23rd Newcastle, OK Don Jantz Rt. 3 Enid, OK Dawn Faust 9329 Lyric Lane Midwest City, OK Veres Zum Mullen Rt. 4 Okarche, OK Jim Nichols 4737 Crest Pl. Del City, OK Glenda Irick 2601 N.W. 118th Oklahoma City, OK Teressa Parham 128 Chickasaw Yukon, OK

Reese Wilmoth 5400 N.W. 66th Oklahoma City, OK Mark Kelley 3421 N.W. 67th Oklahoma City, OK Richard Boren Rt. 1, Box 151 Geary, OK Dawayne Smith 415 S.W. 16th Newcastle, OK Hanley Hintergardt 9100 Whitehall Ct. Oklahoma City, OK Dan Wedeman 3455 N. Red Rock Rd. Yukon, OK Mike Nichols Route 1 Prague, OK

• Won’t dent like aluminum • Static electricity attraction free.

Farm Bureau members receive a 33 1/3% discount off nationally-published retail prices.

Now in effect for Oklahoma! Call 405-721-2807 or complete coupon below. NO OBLIGATION!

Buy directly from the company owners - in the siding business since 1937! No middlemen involved. We can beat most any deal. Buy today before costs soar higher!

TERMS AVAILABLE Special discount for FB Members Only.


Siding materials sold on an applied basis only.

OK! I want more information, facts, figures, estimates and color pictures of completed jobs. No obligation. You be the judge! Send coupon immediately! One of the OWNERS of the company will personally contact you! No high pressure. Just the facts for your consideration! Act NOW! You’ll be glad you did!

Name__________________________________________________________ Address_____________________________City________________________ Telephone ____________________ Best Time To Call:______A.M. ______P.M. If Rural, Give Directions____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________


6408 N. Libby Oklahoma City, OK 73112

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