Achievements, activities and accomplishments of Oklahoma Farm Bureau

OKFB earned the American Farm Bureau Federation’s New Horizon Award in our membership category at the 2022 AFBF Annual Meeting for our partnership that launched the Oklahoma Farm Bureau/ Oklahoma 4-H ATV Safety Facility. OKFB also received AFBF State Awards of Excellence in all four program areas for outstanding accomplishments. Thanks to Farm Bureau members, OKFB also reached our membership quota for the 2021 membership year.
OKFB was chosen as one of three entities that will manage the newly launched State of Oklahoma Business Accelerator Program by the Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology.
OKFB has partnered with the nonproft AgLaunch to develop and implement a business accelerator program that will focus on rural Oklahoma and agriculture to connect rural entrepreneurs with resources that can help launch their ideas into the marketplace.
$5 million
As a State Business Accelerator partner, OKFB has access to OKFB fnished our 2021 membership year with in matching funds membersOKFB hosted the inaugural Oklahoma Youth Legislative Experience, with more than 60 FFA and 4-H members meeting at the Oklahoma State Capitol to experience a mock legislative process. The high school juniors and seniors wrote legislation, worked through the committee process and debated and voted on proposals in the Oklahoma House of Representatives chambers. Students discovered the impact legislation makes on our daily lives as they learned the importance of policymaking.
OKFB hosted a wide array of exciting new programs during our 2022 membership year to help Oklahoma agriculture and our rural communities prosper:
OKFB launched our new program for midcareer agriculturalists ages 35-50. Generation Bridge will ofer these Farm Bureau members opportunities to build their advocacy skills and grow in agriculture.
Our inaugural OKFB Ag PAC fundraising event, the Evening of Impact, raised funds for OKFB’s political action committee, which lends support to political candidates who understand the importance of agriculture and rural Oklahoma.*
OKFB’s Safety Services completed their frst full year with a new and improved infatable fre safety house, allowing the program to reach more students than ever before in communities across Oklahoma.
4-H and FFA members considered during the 2022 Youth Legislative Experience
56 bills
We teamed up with the OKFB Foundation for Agriculture and OKFB Insurance to ofer a fre department matching program to county Farm Bureaus to support local fre departments, with up to $450 of funds available for each county.
OKFB hosted more than 100 chapter FFA members and advisors in Oklahoma City for a media training workshop where they learned how to share their activities, events and FFA stories with the public.
County Farm Bureaus supported local community food assistance programs through a matching program from OKFB. Together, we donated $14,735 to local food pantries, food banks and other assistance programs.
The Oklahoma Farm Bureau Legal Foundation participated in three amicus curiae – or “friend of the court” – briefs in cases before the U.S. Supreme Court, speaking up for the interests of Oklahoma farmers and ranchers.
OKFB secured victories for agriculture and rural Oklahoma during the 2022 Oklahoma legislative session, including common-sense reforms to our state’s medical marijuana industry, ensuring fair taxation of agricultural assets, supporting rural infrastructure and more.
Oklahoma Farm Bureau supported our future agriculture leaders by contributing more than $65,000 to the Oklahoma Youth Expo premium purchases, event sponsorships and more. OKFB is also a proud sponsor Oklahoma FFA and Oklahoma 4-H.
The Oklahoma Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture donated more than $22,000 to local schools, community programs and farmers markets to support programs that raise agriculture awareness in our state.
The OKFB Ag PAC, our political action committee, took an active role during the 2022 election cycle.
640,000 $12,000 8 42 7 250
to help feed Oklahomans in need through the OKFB Foundation for Agriculture’s Pork for Packs program through the Young Farmers & Ranchers scholarship and the Women’s Leadership Committee’s Nurse’s Scholarship
during the 2022 Oklahoma legislative session by the OKFB public policy team
The grassroots-led committee awarded endorsements to 19 candidates in federal, statewide and Oklahoma legislative races in 2022. Financial support was given to 64 candidates during the election season.
including fre safety, DUI prevention, defensive driving, farm safety, bicycle safety, school bus safety and ATV safety
ofered to every Oklahoma Farm Bureau member – see the full list at
Our members told their stories to local, statewide, national and even international audiences as they shared Oklahoma agriculture with the news media.
served on the American Farm Bureau Issues Advisory Committee sharing Oklahoma agriculture perspectives
Members in Washington, D.C. Meals served at the Capitol
by the Women’s Leadership Committee during their annual Farm City Festival at the Oklahoma Capitol
Our members gave a personal voice to issues that included rising agricultural input costs, mounting drought and more.
Farm Bureau members appeared in news outlets including CNN, RFD-TV, Fox Weather, OKC and Tulsa news stations, The Oklahoman, BNN Bloomberg in Canada and more.
Farm Bureau Women share the agriculture story and promote Farm Bureau at all levels from their local communities to across the state.
Farm Bureau members ages 18-35 gather to learn and grow with like-minded agriculturalists while building their leadership skills.
A program for mid-career agriculturalists ages 35-50, members build upon their agricultural experience and increase their Farm Bureau involvement.
With safety programs ranging from DUI prevention to ATV safety, OKFB Safety Services provides safety training for school and community groups.
OKFB’s quarterly magazine covers Farm Bureau members, events and issues to expand agricultural horizons and share OKFB’s achievements.
Visit our website, like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to learn about our latest programs, initiatives and accomplishments from around the state.
Learn about these opportunities and more on our website at
A four-day youth leadership experience, OKFB YF&R’s Oklahoma Youth Leading Agriculture conference expands agricultural horizons for incoming high school seniors.
College students on fve college campuses around Oklahoma join together to learn about the agriculture industry and Farm Bureau’s advocacy eforts through a variety of student-led programs and activities.
Farm Bureau members can schedule a visit to the Oklahoma State Capitol to learn about agriculture and rural policy and advocate for Farm Bureau issues with their legislators.
OKFB hosts our annual three-day Ag Tour for Farm Bureau members to visit agriculture facilities, local businesses and Oklahoma destinations in rotating regions of the state.
Make your voice heard on proposed legislation by joining our Action Alert system, a text messaging platform that connects you with your local legislators to advocate for Farm Bureau issues. Learn more at
Join OKFB for the largest yearly gathering of Farm Bureau members every November as we meet to develop our grassroots policy, celebrate our yearly achievements and recognize our members’ involvement.
Plan to attend our annual fundraising dinner to beneft the OKFB Ag PAC. Our 2022 event will be held Friday, December 2 in Oklahoma City.*
Oklahoma Farm Bureau members can donate when renewing their membership by electing to give voluntary contributions. Members can choose to give the suggested amount on their membership invoice, or any amount of their choosing.
No matter if you renew your membership by mail, online or at your county ofce, you can elect to give any amount to OKFB’s foundations or our Ag PAC*.
You can donate any amount you choose to our foundations or to the OKFB Ag PAC* any time.
Donations can be made by sending a check in any amount. Donations to the OKFB Foundation for Agriculture can also be made by shopping with our Amazon Smile link or through our online donation platform. Get all the details on our website at