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Flatbed owners get insurance premium break klahoma Farm Bureau Insurance now offers a money-saving break on pickups and trucks by exempting the premium for the first $4,000 of coverage for flatbeds that are listed as additional equipment. “The change is for both new business and existing policies,” said Jeff Gaughan, vice president of underwriting for the largest Oklahoma-based property and casualty insurance company. “It will be a nice break.” Gaughan said he believes Oklahoma Farm Bureau Insurance is the only company in the state to offer this policy feature. “The first $4,000 of coverage on the flatbed will be provided at no premium charge,” he explained. “The premium charge will only apply to any amount in excess of that


amount, and would be rated at the standard additional equipment rate. “Any premium amount showing on the policy declaration page will only be for the amount over $4,000,” he added. Gaughan said Farm Bureau has over 3,200 policies in force with flatbeds listed as additional equipment. All members of the statewide Farm Bureau Insurance agency force

have been notified of the change and will be reviewing their members’ policies to make adjustments for those that qualify for the allowance. Policyholders also can contact their agent for information. “Insureds should list the flatbeds as additional equipment if they are not already listed,” Gaughan said. Toolboxes, feeders, hoists, bale spikes or other additional accessories that have been added to flatbeds need to be listed separately and are not included in the premium exemption. Oklahoma Farm Bureau Insurance clients who have flatbeds on their tucks now receive a money-saving break on their policies. The first $4,000 on those vehicles listed as additional equipment is excluded and will be provided at no premium charge. The change came as a result of delegates to the Oklahoma Farm Bureau convention asking the insurance company to exclude flatbeds as additional equipment on trucks and pickups.


Representative lauds Claims response to storm damages Editor’s Note: The unsolicited letter at right was sent to Oklahoma Farm Bureau Executive Director Matt Wilson Aug. 18. The letter’s author is the Minority Leader of the Oklahoma House of Representatives Danny Morgan, who represents district 32.

Danny Morgan

18 • Oklahoma Country • Fall 2008

I wa claim nt to shar e w years ith Farm with you t he pl Bure and h au eas a but I was n d hoped t . I have be ant surpr o ise I e o n n in t e t hat l ver n In M eed y sured by received of my ay, a hail ucky. whe o Far u r serv st h ices d m Bureau n I filed a and I ome as we orm occur u for se e to a re m ll ver loss. us on ade the d as severa d in Prag G reat t al ue lo re th houg of cal e claims aded call f my renta , Oklahom ht, depa t l to o rtme o my age l houses t a, that da ther nt, w nt. I s m insur Your h a a t g on ou claims re ance com ay “drea ho after o you insure ed the roo de ur rc pr f . My w p patie laims. Sh esentativ anies and d” becaus conversa ife e, Fe nt in e t e was i i t o I n w have as n dire lec an ve we pr ovide swering o ry profes ia Echelle ever plea made thi cted u s s s d , i a r w o type m n quest nal in as ve t. ore i We w r i dama ere also nformatio ons and m her dealin y prompt wo n in ge a g backs d due to t rking on to her abo de several s with us. her actio a clai n S u he st . I ev f he wa o t llow our m for o en ha I nee d to g rm. It has my m propertie up calls t s ded. s. o us a ot et a m be We c s anage en what her’s hom I dre e r invo w Pleas ould not h aded i c lved t h have e tha was , de o fina had a nk ev carin lly ge lays and n also er m g tha t the o t they yone invo ore pleas assist call lv an show ance ed to ed at Farm t experie that nc us. Bure au fo e settling r the o u r lo profe ssion ss. alism Since and re Dann ly, y Mor gan

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