Members now can shop new online store FB has added Farm 4 Less, an online store featuring affordable farm and ranch products, to its growing list of member benefits. The site boasts farm and ranch supplies delivered to your door for less than you’d pay at the store. The online store also provides free shipping. Farm 4 Less sells competitively priced, top quality farm and ranch products with the convenience of online ordering. A wide range of supplies is available in numerous categories, including: welding equipment and supplies, tools, fuel transfer, hose, valves and fittings, livestock supplies, animal health, farm hardware, fencing equipment and supplies, tractor linkage, tillage replacement and pumps and fertilizer application. Sales & Marketing Coordinator Barclay Holt said Farm 4 Less beats competitors’ prices by five to 30 percent, depending on the product. The products are affordable, and the Web site is easy to navigate. What’s even better is the money it brings back to Oklahoma Farm Bureau through the organization’s partnership with Farm 4 Less. For each dollar spent by a Farm Bureau member in the online store, the company will give five percent back to OFB for its Young Farmers & Ranchers scholarship program. Here’s how it works. All you have to do is go to the Web site at and click on the Farm 4 Less graphic to enter the site. Once there, you will want to register online, so click on the Log On/Register field in the top right corner, then select the click here link for new users. This will enable you to register in the online store. During the registration process, you will come to a question which states, “How did you hear about us?” It is here that you will be able to choose Oklahoma Farm Bureau as a reference. By choosing Oklahoma Farm Bureau, you will be sending a percentage of any money spent at the site back to the organization to benefit the Young Farmers and Ranchers Program. Visit the online store at to see the complete line of products.
Oklahoma Country • Fall 2004 • 29