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June 13, 2014

OKAgFund endorses, supports candidates in state elections As the Oklahoma primary election approaches on June 24, the OKAgFund recently announced its endorsement of 21 candidates running for election in state Senate and House races. The OKAgFund, Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s political action committee, is made up of OKFB members from across the state who identify candidates who demonstrate beliefs and actions that are consistent with OKFB policies, regardless of political affiliation. While the OKAgFund contributes financially to several state campaigns, an endorsement is the highest level of support the committee gives to select candidates. “Agriculture is one of Oklahoma’s top producing industries, and it is essential that our legislators understand and are sympathetic to the issues affecting the state’s farmers and ranchers,” said John Collison, OKFB vice president of public policy and media relations. Oklahoma Senate candidates receiving an endorsement from the OKAgFund include Mark Allen, SD 4; Curtis McDaniel, SD 5; Brian Bingman, SD 12; Frank Simpson, SD 14; Kim David, SD 18; A.J. Griffin, SD 20; and Jason Smalley, SD 28. Oklahoma House candidates receiving an endorsement from the OKAgFund include James Lockhart, HD 3; Wade Rousselot, HD 12; George Faught, HD 14; Jerry Shoemake, HD 16; Josh Cockroft, HD 27; Tom Newell, HD 28; Sean Roberts, HD 36; John Enns, HD 41; Scott Martin, HD 46; Mark McBride, HD 53; Casey Murdock, HD 61;

Greg Howard, HD 63; Will Fourkiller, HD 86; and Elise Hall, HD 100. The OKAgFund made contributions to several statewide candidates, including Gov. Mary Fallin, Lt. Gov. Todd Lamb, Attorney General Scott Pruitt, State Treasurer Ken Miller, Insurance Commissioner John Doak and Corporation Commissioner Todd Hiett. The OKAgFund contributed to the following Senate campaigns: Josh Brecheen, SD 6; Eddie Fields, SD 10; John Sparks, SD 16; Stephanie Bice, SD 22; Anthony Sykes; SD 24; Rick Brinkley, SD 34; Bill Brown, SD 36; and Ralph Shortey, SD 44. The OKAgFund also contributed to the following House campaigns: John Bennett, HD 2; Mike Brown, HD 4; Chuck Hoskin, HD 6; Ben Loring, HD 7; Earl Sears, HD 11; Ed Cannaday, HD 15; Donnie Condit, HD 18; Bobby Cleveland, HD 20; Charles McCall, HD 22; Terry O’Donnell, HD 23; Justin Wood, HD 26; Kevin Wallace, HD 32; Dennis Casey, HD 35; Ralph Meade, HD 38; John Pfeiffer, HD 38; Aaron Stiles, HD 45; Pat Ownbey, HD 48; Tommy Hardin, HD 49; Scott Biggs, HD 51; Harold Wright, HD 57; Jeff Hickman, HD 58; Mike Sanders, HD 59; Dan Fisher, HD 60; Pam Peterson, HD 67; Katie Henke, HD 71; David Derby; HD 74; Dan Kirby, HD 75; Randy Grau, HD 81; Randy McDaniel, HD 83; Jason Nelson, HD 87; Jon Echols, HD 90; Mike Christian, HD 93; Scott Inman, HD 94; Charlie Joyner, HD 95; Michael Rogers, HD 98; and Gary Banz, HD 101.

Recent rains have delayed wheat harvest across much of the state, but not before District 4 Director Jimmy Wayne Kinder began cutting in fields near Walters. Kinder was hoping to average approximately 20 bushels an acre about halfway through his harvest.

Wheat harvest begins

OKFB calls for comments on Clean Water Act expansion Oklahoma Farm Bureau urges members to comment on the expansion of the Clean Water Act through the proposed Waters of the U.S. rule. The proposed rule would remove the word “navigable” from the Clean Water Act, expanding the EPA’s regulatory reach beyond “navigable” waters. It would open potential regulation for ditches, ponds, waterways, streams that only have water in them for short periods of time, and other localized waters that are non-navigable. A link to the comment page and more information about the proposed rule is available at www.okfarmbureau.org. Some sample text is provided; however, it is recommended that members share their own stories on how the rule would negatively impact them. The comment period ends Oct. 20. Adoption of the proposed rule would expand the EPA’s regulatory authority on water to unprecedented levels. Many farming and ranching practices could require government approval thorough a complex series of federal permitting and regulations. From American Farm Bureau’s analysis of the proposed rule: “For example, normal farming and conservation activities, such as fencing, brush management and pruning shrubs and trees, were exempted by Congress and have never required permits under the Clean Water Act. EPA and the Corps would now require farmers and ranchers to meet otherwise voluntary Natural Resources Conservation Service standards for these everyday normal farming activities and voluntary conservation practices, or else face Clean Water Act liability. By linking the normal farming exemptions to NRCS standards, the rule would make voluntary conservation standards subject to EPA enforcement.” For more information about the proposed rule or making a comment, contact Marla Peek at marla.peek@okfb.org or (405) 523-2437.

Member Benefits

• Hertz Rent A Car offers OKFB members several special offers, including one car class upgrade, $10 off weekly rental, up to $15 off a weekly rental or a free child seat on a weekly rental. Call 1-800-654-3131 and use the Hertz/OKFB recap CDP#314386 to make reservations. OKFB highlights a benefit in each issue of Perspective as a reminder of the savings available to OKFB members. Find a complete list of savings online at www.okfarmbureau.org/benefits.

OKFB Calendar Oklahoma Youth Leading Agriculture Conference June 23-26 • Oklahoma City Contact: Holly Carroll (405) 530-2681 OKFB Summer Conference July 11-12 • Midwest City Contact: Marcia Irvin (405) 523-2405 OSU Big 3 Field Days July 15-17 • Stillwater Contact: Holly Carroll (405) 530-2681

Bond joins OKFB field services Brady Bond of Garber is Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s new northwest field representative. Bond started his position with OKFB June 2. “This is an exciting opportunity Brady Bond to promote agriculture and Farm Bureau’s mission to protect rural Oklahoma,” Bond said. “I’m looking forward to building relationships with the members in this area and helping create an even stronger organization.” Bond graduated from Oklahoma State University with a degree in agricultural education and taught at Garber High School for three years. He also runs cattle near Garber. Bond can be reached at brady.bond@okfb.org or (580) 542-8189.

Save the date for OKFB Commodity Conference The OKFB Commodity Committee will host an organizational meeting, July 7, at the home office in Oklahoma City. Members are invited to attend the program to learn more about the role of Farm Bureau commodity committees and to discuss ideas for the future of the OKFB Commodity Committee. “This is an opportunity for members to talk about their needs as producers and what resources the commodity committee can provide to help them in their operations,” said Todd Honer, OKFB director of commodities and safety services. “We would like to get input from members across the state so we can begin to make a roadmap for the committee.” Program topics on Monday afternoon will include overviews on how commodity committees are utilized in other states and on the national level. Members will also have the chance to learn more about how unmanned aerial systems are improving precision agriculture. For more information about the conference or to RSVP, contact Honer at (405) 523-2391 or todd.honer@okfb.org.

Oklahoma Farm Bureau Online Monitor the latest Farm Bureau and agricultural news and information online at okfarmbureau.org. Currently online: • Agricultural News – Oklahoma Farm Bureau features a new agriculture-related story every day on its site. Read about both AFBF and state Farm Bureau news by visiting the homepage.

www.okfarmbureau.org 2

• OKFB Harvest Watch Blog – The annual OKFB Harvest Watch blog season is underway. Visit www.okfarmbureau.org and click on the OKFB Harvest Watch link to follow families from the Oklahoma Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers Committee.

Rep. Mark McBride (left) and Rep. Jon Echols (right) recognize the Oklahoma Farming and Ranching Foundation for donating funds to Shelter Oklahoma Schools after last year’s deadly tornados. OKFB President Tom Buchanan accepts the honor on behalf of the foundation, May 29. Look for a story in the digital summer issue of Oklahoma Country that discusses how the Shelter Oklahoma Schools funds have been used.

OKFB recognizes legislators for supporting rural Oklahoma The Oklahoma Farm Bureau Board of Directors today announced the 2014 OKFB 100 Percent Club members. The award is based on a 100 percent voting record on key Farm Bureau legislative measures during the 2014 Oklahoma legislative session. “This honor is given to those legislators who support Farm Bureau’s mission to protect personal property rights, keep taxes low and boost agricultural and rural business,” said John Collison, OKFB vice president of public policy and media relations. “We greatly appreciate their leadership at the state Capitol this year.” The following 20 senators received the designation: Mark Allen, Don Barrington,


Brian Bingman, Larry Boggs, Cliff Branan, Corey Brooks, Bill Brown, Kim David, Eddie Fields, A.J. Griffin, Constance Johnson, Clark Jolley, Ron Justice, Kyle Loveless, Bryce Marlatt, Al McAffrey, Susan Paddack, Mike Schulz, Ralph Shortey and John Sparks. In the House, the list includes 23 representatives: John Bennett, Scott Biggs, David Brumbaugh, Donnie Condit, David Derby, Dale DeWitt, John Enns, Kay Floyd, Elise Hall, Mike Jackson, Skye McNiel, Jason Murphey, Tom Newell, Leslie Osborn, David Perryman, Brian Renegar, Sean Roberts, Mike Sanders, Seneca Scott, T.W. Shannon, Jerry Shoemake, Jason Smalley and Mike Turner.

Attorney General Pruitt

ABOVE – U.S. Rep. Markwayne Mullin talks about the Water Resource Reform and Development Act during a press conference at the Port of Catoosa, June 6. The bill includes funding to improve the infrastructure of inland waterways such as the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System. WRRDA was recently passed by Congress and signed by President Obama June 10. LEFT – Attorney General Scott Pruitt visits with Muskogee County Farm Bureau members in Muskogee, June 5. Pruitt addressed EPA and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service overreach and the need to hold activist groups like HSUS accountable.

YF&R awards scholarships to nine graduating seniors The Oklahoma Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers Committee recently awarded nine $1,000 scholarships, one per each state board district, to graduating high school seniors. Each recipient is a member of a voting Farm Bureau family and will enroll in a full-time agricultural degree program at an accredited Oklahoma university. “Oklahoma’s agricultural youth are the future of farming and ranching,” said Marty Williams, chairman of the YF&R Committee. “We hope this scholarship

will encourage students to continue their involvement in agriculture and Oklahoma Farm Bureau.” The scholarship recipients are: District One Bert Blasdel, Harper County District Two Colvin Null, Kiowa County

District Three Brittany Krehbiel, Caddo County

District Four Ty Landon Fisher, Cotton County

District Five Aaron Purkins, Bryan County

District Six Jacob Hammons, Adair County District Seven Logan Johns, Kay County

District 7

District Eight Wyatt Shaw, Pontotoc County

District Nine Morgan Vance, Pawnee County


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Staff Directory Staff Directory Monica Wilke, 523-2303

Oklahoma Farm Bureau 2501 N. Stiles Oklahoma City, OK 73105-3126

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Executive Director

Traci Morgan, 523-2346 John Collison, 523-2539 Perspective/Online News Editor

VP of Public Policy and Media Relations

Macey Hedges, 523-2346 Sam Knipp, 523-2347 Director of Corporate Communications Vice President of Communications/PR Sam Knipp, 523-2347 Director of Corporate Communications Tyler Norvell, 523-2402

Dustin Mielke, 530-2640 Vice President of Public Policy

Director of Corporate Communications

Karolyn Marla Peek, Bolay, 523-2437 523-2320 Communications SpecialistAffairs Director of Regulatory

McIntosh Washita County Youth Day Camp County hosts collaborative membership drive Multiple agricultural organizations, including the McIntosh County Farm Bureau and McIntosh County Cattlemen’s Association, gathered for an informational meeting in Checotah, May 20. The McIntosh County Farm Bureau used this as a time to recruit new members for their county. Oklahoma Farm Bureau hosted the event while the other groups, including the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Investigative Services, McIntosh County Sheriff, Oklahoma Cattlemen’s Association and the Farm Services Agency, discussed agricultural issues and their respective organizations. Chris Kidd, vice president of organization and membership, and Lane Jeffrey, southeast field representative, also addressed the group and discussed the benefits of becoming a Farm Bureau member. “This collaborative meeting was a unique opportunity for McIntosh County to spread the word about Farm Bureau to a variety of members in the community,” Jeffrey said. The OKFB organization and membership department is available to help other counties with membership drives. OKFB suggests working with other agricultural organizations in an area to maximize the effectiveness of these events. For counties interested in hosting a membership drive, contact an OKFB field representative or the organization and membership department at (405) 523-2402.


More than 50 local students participate in the Washita County Farm Bureau Youth Day Camp, May 27, near Cordell. Participants learned about livestock, farm safety, forensics, first aid, cooking and more.

OKFB Women’s Leadership Team Summer Conference approaches Registration is still available for the Oklahoma Farm Bureau Women’s Leadership Team’s 2014 Summer Conference, July 11-12, in Midwest City. The conference will take place at the Reed Center attached to the Sheraton Midwest City hotel. The two-day leadership training event is a perfect time to meet other OKFB women, learn more about agricultural issues and grow as a leader. All OKFB women are encouraged to attend. Spouses may attend for an additional $50 charge.

Visit www. okfarmbureau.org to download a registration form. Call the Sheraton Midwest City Hotel at (405) 455-1800 no later than June 16, to make hotel reservation. For questions, contact Marcia Irvin at (405) 523-2405.

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