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Spring 2010

The Magazine Of The Oklahoma Farm Bureau


Made in Oklahoma No Shortage YF&R Stand Up, Speak Out for Agriculture The Key to Saving


The shopping cart is a perfect example of Okie innovation — a nice, simple invention that makes everyday life a whole lot easier. It’s the same sort of innovative thinking that goes into the products and services of Oklahoma Farm Bureau Insurance. We not only offer quality insurance at an affordable price, but we’ve also figured out ways to make claim service faster and easier, with professional adjusters across the state and a 24-hour claims hotline. It’s not the kind of innovation that’s going to make headlines or save the world. But it does make life easier for our members. And hey, that’s the Okie way. 24/7 CLAIMS HOTLINE:* 1-877-OFB-CLAIM (OR 1-877-632-2524)

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Oklahoma Country





8 – Made In Oklahoma

Shoppers filling their grocery carts have discovered the quality products made right here in the Oklahoma thanks to the efforts of the MIO Coalition. By Mike Nichols


16 – No shortage

Contrary to reports in the Associated Press,

MSNBC and Business Week, vegetable gardeners should not see a shortage of seeds when planting time arrives this spring. By Mike Nichols

18 – Young Farmers & Ranchers Stand Up, Speak Out for Agriculture


Agriculture is faced with mounting challenges and

it takes strength, determination and a heavy dose of faith to make it in the business. But, those savvy enough to survive and flourish reap the rewards of a job well done. By Traci Morgan

Cover Image A honey bee dances in the southern Oklahoma wind with a canola bloom. Oklahoma honey and oil produced from canola seeds can be found both in our state and around our nation.

24 – The Key to Saving

Did you know that being an Oklahoma Farm Bureau member entitles you to hundreds of dollars in savings with discounts at a wide variety of businesses? There are 27 different savings options, to be exact! By Carter Campbell



2 – Presidentially Speaking 4 – Executive Outlook 6 – Country Gardening

26 – All Around Oklahoma 42 – Country Classifieds 44 – Country Kitchen

Photo by Dustin Mielke

Hidden number worth $50!


ne member family’s Oklahoma Farm Bureau membership number is hidden somewhere in this issue of OKLAHOMA COUNTRY, and could earn that member family $50. To claim the cash prize, the member family must find its own hidden membership number and contact Mike Nichols before the last day of the month Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to

4 p.m. at 405-523-2300. The OFB membership number hidden somewhere in OKLAHOMA COUNTRY must match the number on the face of your individual OFB membership card for you to claim the cash prize. The member­ ship number that appears on your magazine’s mailing label is not the hidden number, but must match the hidden number for you to claim the cash prize.

Oklahoma Country • Spring 2010 • 1


Speaking By Mike Spradling President, Oklahoma Farm Bureau & Affiliated Companies

We better pay attention


hile in Washington, D.C., at the American Farm Bureau Federation Board meeting in March, the meeting was recessed so we could attend a special meeting of the Senate Agriculture Committee Chamber. As many of you know the American Farm Bureau and each state Farm Bureau have been actively involved in the “Don't Cap Our Future” campaign. Many of you have signed the Farm Bureau caps and cards in protest of the Cap and Trade legislation introduced in Congress. Well, because of your efforts and involvement, it looks as though that piece of legislation is dead for the moment. The Obama Administration is committed on passing some type of legislation controlling greenhouse gasses. If the Administration cannot achieve this by the legislative process they will try to control greenhouse gasses through the rule making process by utilizing the very powerful agency known as EPA. The meeting began with Senator Blanch Lincoln of Arkansas, Chair of the Senate Agriculture Committee, stating the importance of each citizen contacting their senator and expressing their opposition of the EPA rule making dealing with the regulation of greenhouse gases. It is important to know the consequences

2 • Oklahoma Country • Spring 2010

of the U.S. being one of a few or the only country trying to regulate greenhouse gases. First of all, if greenhouse gases are having an effect of our environment by increasing the temperature of the atmosphere, this is a global problem not just an U. S. problem. The U.S. alone regulating the emissions will have no effect on the overall temperature of the earth’s atmosphere. Second, supply and demand regulates the price of most items and commodities. Natural gas is no exception. If all the generators that produce electricity in the U.S. are powered by natural gas the increase in demand would increase the cost to produce electricity. It is believed that the annual increase to the average home in Oklahoma would be over $3,000 per household if Cap and Trade were to pass. Not only would we pay more for home heating and cooking but American agriculture would get a double whammy because of our fertilizer being produced from natural gas.


e must continue to find new technology which allows us to burn coal in an environmentally friendly way. Coal is just one piece of the puzzle to achieving our energy independence, but it an important piece of the puzzle.

Just think what the increase in cost to industry would be if Cap and Trade should pass and who would pay the increased cost of producing a product. YOU, the consumer. Senator Jim Inhofe knows this and has continually fought to represent the consumer on this issue. Senator Inhofe was recognized for his work on our behalf by being the recipient of the American Farm Bureau Golden Plow Award here in Oklahoma City last month for his stand in opposition to the climate change legislation. Many senators are joining in on signing a Resolution of Disapproval of the Administration trying to regulate greenhouse gasses through the rulemaking process when failing to achieve this goal through the legislative process. Both Senator Inhofe and Senator Coburn are co-sponsors of this resolution. Take the time to educate yourself on this very important issue and how its passing would affect you and the country in which you live. Oklahoma’s senators are paying attention and so should we. If there were ever a time in our history to become an informed electorate now is the time. We better pay attention!

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By Monica Wilke Executive Director Oklahoma Farm Bureau & Affiliated Companies

Spring 2010 Volume 62 No. 2 Oklahoma Country (ISSN 1544-6476)

The Farm Bureau Code



n two years, Oklahoma Farm Bureau s you read the list, you may be will be 70 years old. Will the coming thinking, those aren’t rules; those are new era make for vast changes in the principles. If so, you would be organization or will it continue in much correct. The 10 principles mentioned the same fashion that it has up until now? are not reflected in just talking about them, Such a question, invites one to ponder the past. but in carrying them out through our actions. Throughout the past few months, I have These values probably seem simplistic and spoken with many of you about the history of familiar to you as a group. However, if these our early years. In the book about our values were followed and incorporated into organizational history, business ethics “From the Grassroots models across Rules of the Range Up,” former Oklahoma America, meaningful Farm Bureau President change could begin. 1. Live Each Day with Courage James L. Lockett wrote: Oklahoma Farm 2. Take Pride in your Work “Our early leaders have Bureau, much like 3. Always Finish what you Start succeeded in building a the range land of 4. Do What Has to be Done prosperous, growing, this great state, “is a 5. Be Tough, But Fair vibrantly alive place where the 6. When You Make a Promise, Keep It organization. They did fence is tight, but the 7. Ride for the Brand it through hard work, gate is always open. 8. Talk Less Say More ingenuity, thrift and It is a place where a 9. Remember That Some Things Aren’t maybe a little luck. person can make For Sale Now it’s time to keep tough decisions 10. Know Where to Draw the Line the ideals and without looking over objectives in view, so their shoulder or that we may provide worrying about what the continuity which was dreamed of.” someone else will think.” Our strength comes With that in mind, I have found myself from knowing right from wrong, who we are considering what the early leaders of Farm and staying true to our core beliefs. This is the Bureau possessed that kept them focused essence of the cowboy way as well as the Farm through the struggles of those early years, Bureau way. when they devoted themselves morning, noon I am proud to be a part of such a culture and night to the Farm Bureau vision. More and feel blessed to work for such an importantly, how can we apply those early organization. For many of us at Farm Bureau, lessons to our current challenges as an this is not just a job or another duty we have organization and as representatives of to check off our list; it is a way of life. Much agriculture? like our leaders and founders from the past, In a book entitled, “Cowboy Ethics: What our future will not be determined by luck or Wall Street can learn from the Code of the happenstance. Our continued success and West,” I rediscovered 10 “rules of the range” as strength will come from remembering who we the book calls them, that Farm Bureau are and where we came from while applying members have always possessed. What are those lessons to our current environment. these so called “rules of the range?” Thanks to all of you for making OFB great! 4 • Oklahoma Country • Spring 2010

Published four times per year in April, July, October and January by Oklahoma Farm Bureau, 2501 N. Stiles, Oklahoma City, OK 73105-3126, Telephone 405-523-2300. Periodicals postage paid at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and Additional Mailing Offices. Postmaster: Send address corrections to: Oklahoma Country, P.O.B. 53332, Oklahoma City, OK 73152-3332. EDITORIAL TEAM Mike Nichols Oklahoma Country Editor and Senior Writer Sam Knipp Vice President Corporate Communications / PR Traci Morgan Perspective / Online News Editor Dustin Mielke Multi-media Producer / Writer DIRECT YOUR ADVERTISING INQUIRIES TO: Oklahoma Country Attn: Mike Nichols 2501 N. Stiles Oklahoma City, OK 73105 405-523-2300, Ext. 2345 ADVERTISING POLICY All advertising is subject to publisher’s approval. Advertisers assume all liability for content of their advertising. Publisher maintains right to cancel advertising. Publisher does not guarantee advertiser service or products, and assumes no liability for products or services advertised. TO SUBSCRIBE Oklahoma Country subscription rate is $1 per year for members as part of the dues, $15 for non-members. WEB SITE www.okfarmbureau.org Oklahoma Farm Bureau DIRECTORS Mike Spradling, President Bob Drake, Vice President Tom Buchanan, Treasurer Roland Pederson, Secretary Ervin Mitchell, Director Donna VonTungeln, Director Larry Boggs, Director Charles Sloan, Director Billy Gibson, Director Phyllis Holcomb, Director Monica Wilke, Executive Director

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Gardening By Joe Benton

Extension Education, Ag & CED Pottawatomie County OSU Extension Service

2010 Oklahoma Proven Selections


hear a lot about going green these days, conserving water, saving money and time while still wanting to have an aesthetically pleasing landscape, all desired outcomes. People also are looking for low maintenance plants that thrive in Oklahoma’s “interesting” climate. For a number of years now, the Oklahoma State University Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, OSU Botanical Gardens, Oklahoma Botanical Garden and Arboretum and Oklahoma Green Industry Cooperators have been making selections of plants that thrive in Oklahoma. The following is a list of “2010 Oklahoma Proven Selections.” These selections have been made since 1999. A trip to their website, which is at the end of this column, will give you past years’ selections. Photos also are available on this site. I would encourage you to try some of these plants as they have taken out some of the guesswork in growing them in our harsh conditions. Collector’s Choice – Caddo Sugar Maple, Acer saccharum Caddo Caddo Sugar Maple is a native population of sugar maple found growing in Caddo County in southwestern Oklahoma. The leaves are dark green, deeply lobed and leathery making it more resistant to leaf tatter and scorch. Caddo Sugar Maple also is quite tolerant of high pH soils, extreme heat and drought conditions commonly found in western Oklahoma. It can reach 30 to 50 feet tall and is a beautiful medium to large shade tree. Fall color is variable, but can range from yellow to golden yellow to orange and sometimes red; cultivars selected for brilliant fall colors as well as outstanding performance are available. • Exposure: Full sun 6 • Oklahoma Country • Spring 2010

Tree – Indian Cherry, Rhamnus carolinianus Indian Cherry is a small tree (or large, multi-stemmed shrub) to 20 feet tall with a rounded to spreading canopy. It is native to the eastern, southeastern U.S. making it more desirable over its European cousins. The foliage is dark, lustrous green all summer turning yellow to orange yellow in the fall. Probably its greatest asset is the colorful fruit that develop late summer/fall turning red and then to black as it matures. These beautiful, sweet fruit also attract several species of birds and can be used to make jams and jellies. • Exposure: Full sun to shade • Soil: Prefers well-drained soil • Hardiness: USDA Zone 5-9

Shrub – Koreanspice Viburnum, Viburnum carlesii Koreanspice Viburnum is a small to medium sized shrub offering year round interest. In summer the leaves are dark green; fall color can be wine-red. Flower buds are pink to red opening white or pink in spring emitting a wonderful fragrance. In late summer clusters of red fruit that fade to black invite birds to the garden. Once the shrub has become established it is quite heat and drought tolerant and though it prefers moist, slightly acid soils and sun to part shade, it is tolerant of high pH soils and wind-swept conditions. It grows from 4 to 5 feet high and just as broad. Valued for its fragrant flowers, this shrub can be used as a foundation planting, specimen or incorporated into a mixed border. Several improved cultivars are available. • Exposure: Sun to part shade • Soil: Moist, well-drained


Indian Cherry

• Soil: Prefers well-drained soil; tolerant of dry and high pH soils • Hardiness: USDA Zone 5-9

• Hardiness: USDA Zone 5-7 Perennial – Toad Lily, Tricyrtis hirta Toad lilies are known for their very unique flowers. Flowers are pale lilac with dark purple spots that appear on upright arching stems late summer to early fall when many other plants are beginning to wind down. Though flowers are quite unique, they are small so place the toad lily in a spot where the flowers can be appreciated up close. The plant grows 2 to 3 feet high and about 2 feet wide with bright green leaves. They are excellent for the woodland garden as understory plants where they will be protected by shade. Toad lily is easy to grow, resistant to deer, somewhat drought tolerant, but grows best in moist soils and will even tolerate wet conditions. Several cultivars with varying flower colors are available. • Exposure: Shade, partial shade • Soil: Moist, well-drained • Hardiness: USDA Zone 4-8 Annual – Silver Falls Dichondra, Dichondra argentea ‘Silver Falls’ ‘Silver Falls’ Dichondra was selected for its very low growing, creeping trailing habit and beautiful silvery gray leaves that are shaped like miniature lily pads. Silver Falls is actually a selection of a dichondra species native to southwest Texas and Mexico so it is quite heat and drought tolerant. Growing only 2 inches tall and 3 to 4 feet wide it is an attractive groundcover, but is also spectacular in a container planting or hanging basket, spilling over a retaining wall, or when used in a rock garden.

• Exposure: Full sun to part shade • Soil: Well-drained • Hardiness: Use as an annual For more information about Oklahoma Proven go to http://oklahomaproven.okstate.edu/ The Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service offers its programs to all eligible persons regardless of race, color, national

origin, religion, sex, age, disability, or status as a veteran and is an equal opportunity employer. If you have questions concerning this topic or related topics, please contact the OSU Extension Center at 273-7683, stop by the office, or visit our website: http:// countyext.okstate.edu/pottawatomie/


Toad Lily



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Oklahoma Country • Spring 2010 • 7

Made in Oklahoma Oklahoma products are finding their place in grocery carts. MIO Coalition is helping to promote a wide variety of food products made by more than 30 Oklahoma food manufacturers. By Mike Nichols


hile many items you browse through shopping are labeled Made in China, Made in Japan or even Made in Bangladesh, Oklahomans filling their grocery carts are discovering several products with a more local origin. Although an official logo doesn’t appear on each container, consumers are finding a growing list of readily available food products that are made right here in Oklahoma. “When Oklahomans buy local products, they’re supporting Oklahoma’s economy and helping keep good jobs in our state,” said Richard Wasson, executive director of the MIO (Made in Oklahoma) Coalition. “I’m proud of what we’ve done.” “Ten years ago a few Oklahoma companies got together to discuss expanding the marketing of their products,” says Sharra Martin, Oklahoma Department of Agriculture marketing development coordinator. Companies rooted deeply in Oklahoma, like Shawnee Milling and Griffins Food, came to Oklahoma City to meet. She said the handful of representatives was looking for more sales opportunities. “They decided they should do more to market Oklahoma products in Oklahoma.” The MIO Coalition was born on that day in March 2000. The coalition now represents more than 30 Oklahoma food manufacturers that employ 20,000 Oklahomans statewide. Its mission is to promote brand awareness and consumer loyalty for Oklahoma food products and to increase sales and expand the state’s food processing sector. 8 • Oklahoma Country • Spring 2010

Sales exceed $3 billion The member companies represent more than 25 different towns and cities plus a wide variety of food products. And, the annual sale of MIO products is now in excess of $3 billion. “Research shows,” said Wasson, “that consumers want to buy made in Oklahoma products and support our local companies.” Oklahoma State University conducted an initial survey for the original six or seven members of the MIO Coalition about 10 years ago. It found that 85 percent would buy Oklahoma products. But when asked to name any Oklahoma products, just three percent of the respondents could. Martin said the most recent survey asked the same questions. It found 90 percent would buy Oklahoma products. And when asked to name Oklahoma products, 20 percent of the respondents could. “Our marketing effort has done a tremendous job,” said Wasson. “We promote Oklahoma brands and consumer loyalty of Oklahoma food products. It’s our job to ensure they (consumers) are aware of who those companies are and the products they make.” “More people know about MIO,” said Martin. “Our whole goal is to get people recognizing their products.” Membership in the coalition is exclusive to Oklahoma food producers, processors and manufacturers who process, produce and or distribute a portion of their products in Oklahoma.

Orchid’s Paper Company in Pryor manufactures the familiar MIO Paper Towels seen in stores across the state. In the last year, the MIO Coalition has donated more than $36,000 from sales of the towels to the Food 4 Kids program. That program operates in all 77 counties, providing backpacks filled with non-perishable food items each Friday to more than 10,000 school children who otherwise would go without food on the weekends. The donation to the Food 4 Kids program is just one of the outreach programs the MIO Coalition supports.

Opposite bottom: The Made In Oklahoma Coalition’s logo is becoming more familiar to shoppers in the state. When the coalition formed about 10 years ago, a survey found that just 3 percent of shoppers could name an Oklahoma product or company. A recent survey found that 20 percent can name an Oklahoma product and 90 percent of those said they would buy Oklahoma products.

Opposite top: Nearly everything you need to fill your grocery cart is available courtesy of the 30-plus members of the Made In Oklahoma Coalition. Some 20,000 Oklahomans across the state are employed by the member companies. The annual sale of MIO products is now more than $3 billion. Oklahoma Country • Spring 2010 • 9

Public-private partnership Martin said coalition members also must actively market their food products to grocers and food service establishments in the state. Coalition members pay minimal annual dues and the state legislature also appropriates funds. The MIO Coalition is a public-public partnership, and for every state dollar spent approximately one dollar of private money is spent on marketing MIO products. The funding is used for advertising, marketing services and media relations to assist all coalition members. It also has allowed MIO to set up booths at shows and fairs, giving people the opportunity to see firsthand the Oklahoma companies and the products they produce. Martin said the coalition has two major promotional events annually. One is held in October and the second is held in April. While this month is almost at an end, there are still a few days remaining in April’s official Made In Oklahoma Month campaign. The campaign is supported by retail ads, point-of-sale materials, radio ads and other efforts to ensure that MIO is the preferred choice of Oklahomans. The campaign encourages Oklahomans to buy local products, but also has challenged consumers to help push the sales of MIO paper towels to one million rolls by the end of the month. Food 4 Kids A portion of the proceeds from the sale of the now-familiar MIO paper towels, manufactured by Orchids Paper Company in Pryor, benefits the Food 4 Kids backpack program at the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma and the Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma. Food 4 Kids began after the Regional Food Bank heard firsthand of a student passing out at school on Monday due to lack of food over the weekend. In just a little more than a year, the coalition has raised in excess of $36,000 from the sale of nearly 350,000 two-roll packages of the towels to support the program. Each week, the Food 4 Kids program distributes more than 10,000 backpacks of non-perishable food to chronically hungry school children in all 77 counties. “The funding provided by the MIO paper towels is essential to the success of our Food 4 Kids program,” said Rodney Bivens, executive director of Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma. “We are very grateful to the coalition for the thousands of dollars they’ve provided to support the food bank.” One in five Oklahoma children are at risk of going to bed hungry each night, according to the Food Banks. That’s why the MIO Coalition decided to become a part of the Food 4 Kids program. “Food 4 Kids is changing the lives of Oklahoma’s hungry children and their families every day,” said Martin. “For many of the children, it is all they have to eat over the weekend.” “We are proud to be a Made In Oklahoma Coalition member,” said David Brooks, regional sales manager with Shawnee Milling Company. “Not only do they support the food banks with the sale of paper towels. . .but they support the state by encouraging people to buy local products and invest in Oklahoma.” 10 • Oklahoma Country • Spring 2010

Shawnee Milling Shawnee Milling is one of the original members of the MIO Coalition. The company began operations in 1906 under the leadership of founder J.L. Ford. It is operated today by the third generation of the Ford family, producing flour, corn meal, and custom baking mixes. Modern-day additions include a complete line of rations for livestock plus pet foods. Brooks said the coalition’s benefit to Shawnee Milling has “been huge. The awareness it’s created with consumers is the biggest attribute. “Consumers are seeing Shawnee Mills in more ads along with other MIO members. That has brought a lot of customers back. . .and allowed us to lower prices.” Brooks said each one percent rise in the number of people aware of MIO products means more than 30,000 additional customers for Oklahoma products. “We’re seeing it in our sales. Despite the poor economy, most MIO members report business has grown.” Shawnee Milling produces one million pounds of food products plus another million pounds of livestock and pet foods daily at its facilities in Shawnee. “We (the coalition) will continue to grow. We will continue to do well and take market share from other companies. There are,” said Brooks, “just a couple of big companies in Oklahoma who aren’t members, and I think we’ll get them soon.”

Shawnee Milling Company, headquartered in Shawnee, traces its roots to 1906 and founder J.L. Ford. The company is operated today by the third generation of the Ford family. The food division produces old standbys like flour and corn meal, which have been seen in Oklahoma stores for decades. Mixes for biscuits, pancakes, cornbread and gravy were added to the list of products over the years, with the newest being a pizza dough mix. The company also produces a variety of feeds for livestock and pets in an automated, state-of-the-art animal feed milling operation.

Griffin Food Company was founded in 1908 by John T. Griffin, and is headed today by his grandson, John W. Griffin. The manufacturing plant is located in Muskogee and produces Oklahoma favorites like syrup, mustard and strawberry preserves that have been the company’s standard bearers on grocery shelves for more than 100 years.

Griffin Foods Griffin Foods, headquartered in Muskogee, is another of the original MIO Coalition members. The company was founded in 1908 by John T. Griffin, and his grandson leads the company today. “It (the MIO Coalition) has been very, very beneficial to us,” said D.C. Smith, Griffin sales director. “It makes people aware that the companies are here.” Many shoppers will recognize the most familiar Griffin products – pancake syrup, strawberry preserves and mustard – on their local grocery shelves. Smith said the company’s membership in the MIO Coalition has “most definitely” been a boost to sales. “Our sales have gone up. We’ve seen jumps in every one of them. It is a big boost. It really is a benefit. “We’re not asking people to buy something that is not good. But, if it’s just as good and made in Oklahoma, we’re getting you to support our state with some pretty good products. “We (Griffins and other MIO Coalition members) do have some good products,” said Smith. “We’re lucky in that we have some top items that are made in Oklahoma.” J.C. Potter Sausage is another company that was on hand when MIO was organized. The Durant company traces its roots to the 1940s, when J.C. Potter made whole hog sausage and sold it doorto-door to neighbors. The popularity of the sausage quickly saw it go store-to-store. By 1962, the company completed a 30,000 square foot processing facility near Durant and it built a 100,000 square foot addition in 1989. “Made In Oklahoma is very effective,” said Win Moran of J.C. Potter. “It’s very impressive for people to know.” In its 60-plus years of existence J.C. Potter has become one of the largest regionally owned sausage companies in the United States. Breakfast and dinner sausages plus packaged sausage biscuits are produced today at the Durant facility.

Chef’s Requested Chef’s Requested Foods might not be a readily recognizable label for most Oklahomans, but the multi-million-dollar firm is entrenched in Stockyards City, just south and west of downtown Oklahoma City, and has been in the heart of beef country since 1979. It is a processor of premium quality, value added meat products including ready-to-cook steaks, bacon-wrapped filets, and chicken breast filets and tenders. Its bacon-wrapped chopped steaks and chicken filets carry large stylized Steak-a-Licious by Chef’s Requested labels while the fresh filets and steaks have smaller Chef’s Requested logos. A newly introduced precision portioned, 100-calorie flat iron steak also is securing its spot in the company’s product line. “We struggle to have name recognition because value-added steak products are more of a niche product,” said company spokesman Gary Whetstone. “By promoting Oklahoma products, it’s really a good program for all of Oklahoma,” he continued. “The economic impact is substantial.” Chef’s Requested markets to retailers, food service distributors and some restaurants, with annual sales in the $40 million range. Whetstone said its products can be found in Oklahoma supermarkets like Homeland and Reasor’s, which are official MIO Retailers. Oklahoma City’s Cattlemen’s Steakhouse, an MIO Restaurant, also uses Chef’s Requested products. Much of the beef the company uses also had its origin on Oklahoma farms and ranches. “MIO is good for Oklahoma,” declared Whetstone. “The coalition acts as a group, and you’re united together. One stick is easily broken, but a handful is much harder.”

Chef’s Requested Foods is located in Stockyards City, home of the world’s largest stocker and feeder cattle market. It began as a local meat purveyor in Oklahoma in 1979. It’s ready-to-cook steaks, bacon wrapped filets, chicken breast filets and tenders and new Flat Iron Grill 100-calorie steaks can be found in neighborhood grocery stores, supermarkets, and even on the menu at restaurants.

J.C. Potters Sausage opened in the 1940s in Durant with door-to-door delivery. In 60 years, the company has become one of the largest regionally owned sausage companies in the U.S. Breakfast and dinner sausages along with packaged sausage biscuits are the featured products.

Oklahoma Country • Spring 2010 • 11

Braum’s is Oklahoma One of the most recognizable MIO Coalition members is Braum’s Ice Cream and Dairy Stores, a family owned and operated chain of fast foodrestaurants/ice cream parlors and grocery stores headquartered in Oklahoma City. “We produce and sell to the extent that everything with Braum’s is Oklahoma, and that is a big plus for Oklahoma,” said Terry Holden, a company executive. “We’re right out of the heart of Oklahoma.” Braum’s opened its first 24 stores in Oklahoma in 1968. Today there are more than 280 Braum’s Ice Cream and Dairy Stores throughout Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, Missouri and Arkansas. The stores serve ice cream, burgers, sandwiches, salads and breakfast items. Stores also include a grocery section featuring dairy products, baked goods, beverages, frozen entrees, meats and produce. “Made in Oklahoma. For us, it’s saying that we live here. That’s important,” said Holden. “That’s a confirmation of buying Oklahoma products.” Braum’s is working to get the official MIO emblem on the entry doors of all its state restaurants. That should substantially help improve the public’s recognition of the program. “We don’t have any dairy products coming from outside,” said Holden. The company owns all its own cows – milking 10,000 Holsteins three times a day, 24 hours a day, seven days a week at its flagship dairy farm in Tuttle. The milking complex in Tuttle consists of 17 freestall barns covering more than 35 acres that house the milking herd and milking parlor. It is one of the largest of its kind in the world. Holden said Braum’s is the only major ice cream maker in the country that milks its own cows. The Oklahoma company is unique in the dairy business because it’s vertically integrated. It owns the dairy herd, farms and ranches, processing plant, retail stores and delivery trucks. The company also has its own bakery in Oklahoma City, where cookies, cones, buns, bread and much more are produced. Almost all the food products sold by Braum’s are processed or manufactured directly by the Oklahoma company. “Our first concern is having a good product,” said Holden. “Our customers dictate the products we carry, and when possible we try to have the products other than dairy be Oklahoma products.”

Braum’s Ice Cream and Dairy Stores opened in Oklahoma in 1968, with 24 stores established the first year of operation. The family-owned and operated company milks 10,000 cows daily at its Tuttle dairy farm, which is the largest of its kind in the world. Braum’s is the only major ice cream maker in the country that milks its own cows. Fresh meat and produce along with bakery products produced at the company’s Oklahoma City bakery compliment the dairy products along with popular foods from the grill like burgers. Today there are more than 280 Braum’s Ice Cream and Dairy Stores throughout Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, Missouri and Arkansas. 12 • Oklahoma Country • Spring 2010

Head Country Head Country Food Products is another MIO member most Oklahomans should readily recognize. The Ponca City-based company is family owned and operated, tracing its roots to “Uncle Bud” Head, who was a cook on a naval destroyer during World War II. After he was discharged, From a simple ranch stove beginning in Head Country Bar-B-Q sauce is he began tinkering with the barbecue 1945, the number one seller in Oklahoma. The sauce recipe he used in the Navy, and Ponca City company is family-owned, eventually began selling the sauce in and produces several varieties of barbecue sauce, barbecue seasonings, local feed stores. marinades and a salsa. A nephew bought the barbecue sauce recipe in 1977, and set up a manufacturing plant in an old WWII Royal Air Force training barracks near the Ponca City airport. The company moved into a new facility in 1995, and has since doubled the facility’s size with three additions. “People are very supportive of wanting to help Oklahoma companies when they know they’re from Oklahoma,” said C.R. Head. “We know it (MIO Coalition membership) has benefited our sales and is increasing them,” he continued. Head said belonging to the coalition is a benefit to all the members. “The advantage of it is we all learn together and find out about Oklahoma. Now, everything I eat I pick up and see where it’s made.” While Head Country is most well known for its barbecue sauce, the company also makes seasonings, marinades and salsa. “We’re the number one barbecue sauce seller in Oklahoma. No one else,” said Head, “comes close.” Field’s Pies Field’s Pies has been a member of the coalition about eight years. The Pauls Valley company is a third-generation family owned business, tracing its roots to 1925 in a local restaurant where a grandmother baked pies everyday for customers with a sweet tooth. Like that early day restaurant, the company still specializes in pecan pies. Pecan pies make up about 85 percent of its total sales, with German chocolate, lemon chess and pumpkin pies accounting for the remainder of sales. “If consumers have a choice,” says Chris Field, “they’ll buy an in-state product if the quality is there.” For Field’s Pies the quality certainly must be there. The company makes about 2 million pies each year. The 8,000 pies made during Field’s Pies in Pauls Valley is noted for its pecan pies, each eight-hour shift which are still made from a recipe dating to 1925 from the kitchen of Hazel Field, the wife of one of the founders. Her are fully cooked and then frozen. Consumers grandchildren, Chris Field and Jenny Wallace, are the third generation of the family to operate the company. Pecan just select their favorite pies make up 85 percent of their sales, with other pies like from the grocery German chocolate, lemon chess and pumpkin making up freezer, thaw and serve. the balance of their sales. “In the last two years, our sales have gone up 40 percent. It’s not all due to MIO,” said Field, “but Oklahoma and Texas are our two biggest markets.”

MIO Coalition Members Do you know your MIO Coalition member companies? Here’s the latest listing and the type of product each produces from the coalition’s website, miocoalition.com: A Good Egg Dining Group – condiments and sauces. Advance Foods – meats. Bar-S Foods Company – meats. Bedre Chocolate – desserts. Billy Sims BBQ – condiments, sauces. Braum’s Ice Cream & Dairy Stores – dairy. Charlie Bean Coffee – beverages. Chef’s Requested Foods – meats. Clements Foods Company – condiments, sauces. Daddy Hinkle’s – herbs, spices. Elmer’s BBQ – condiments, sauces. Field’s Pies – desserts. From the Woods LLC – condiments, sauces. Gatorade/Propel – beverages. Grape Ranch – beverages. Griffin Foods Company – breakfast. Head Country – condiments, sauces. Hiland Dairy Company – dairy. J-M Farms – fruits. J.C. Potters Sausage Company – meats. Ken’s Bakery – desserts. Kreb’s Brewing Company – beverages. La Baquette – baking. Lopez Foods – meats. My Bigmama’s Kitchen – desserts. Natural Water Company LLC – beverages. Neighbors Coffee – beverages. O’Steen Meat Specialties – meats. Premium Natural Beef – meats. Pure Prairie Creamery – dairy. Ralph’s Packing Company – meats. Schwab & Company – meats. Serapio’s Tortillas – tortillas. Shawnee Milling Company – breakfast. Value Added Products – baking. Vinyard Fruit & Vegetable Company – fruits. Visitors to this website also can access a list of the more than 60 restaurants and restaurant chains across the state that are official MIO Restaurants.

Every state has its historic places and stores, but few can equal the story of Cattlemen’s Steakhouse, the oldest continuously operating restaurant in Oklahoma City. Cattlemen’s opened it doors in 1910. Whether it’s breakfast, lunch or a fine steak dinner, this MIO Restaurant is a must eat destination. It features products from several MIO members on its menu, including Chef’s Requested Foods, Krebs Brewing Co., J.C. Potter Sausage, Shawnee Milling, Griffin Foods and Clements Foods.

Toby Keith’s I Love This Bar & Grill, with a location in Oklahoma City and Tulsa, is one of the MIO Restaurants and offers a real down-home experience amid hundreds of pieces of Toby Keith memorabilia. A jumbo size plate of chicken fried steak is one of the restaurant’s prime menu items. Toby Keith’s I Love This Bar & Grill menu features several MIO products, including Head Country BBQ sauce, Griffins mustard, Advance Foods products and Shawnee Milling Company flours and mixes.

Oklahoma Country • Spring 2010 • 13

Reasor’s, which has stores throughout northeastern Oklahoma, and Homeland, with almost 50 stores scattered across Oklahoma, are two of the official MIO Retailers. The two supermarket chains feature several products from members of the MIO Coalition. Other well known official MIO Retailers include Buy 4 Less, Country Mart, Crest Foods, United Supermarkets, Valu Foods and Harp’s.

Slogan says it all “We promote Oklahoma brands and consumer loyalty of Oklahoma food products,” Wasson reiterated. “I think we do a great job.” The MIO Coalition also has branched out to embrace some of the state’s finest restaurants. “We have everything from hamburger places like Johnnie’s Charcoal Broiler to high-end restaurants like Cattlemen’s, Molly’s Landing and Toby Keith’s as MIO members,” said Martin. The member restaurants must use at least two MIO products to prepare food on their menus. Toby Keith’s, for instance, uses Head Country, Griffin Foods, Advance Food Company and Shawnee Milling Company products in its menu items. Cattlemen’s uses products from Chef’s Requested Foods, J.C. Potter Sausage, Shawnee Milling Company, Griffin Foods and Clements Foods. “Our ‘Good for YOU! Good For OKLAHOMA!’ campaign slogan says it all,” concluded Martin. “By supporting Made In Oklahoma food products, consumers are supporting their neighbors, generating income for the state, and enjoying products that can be depended on for their consistency, quality, taste and flavor.”

April is Made in Oklahoma Month! When you buy MIO products, you’re building Oklahoma’s economy and keeping jobs in our state. Remember, when it’s Made in Oklahoma it’s “Good for YOU and Good for OKLAHOMA!”

www.miocoalition.com 14 • Oklahoma Country • Spring 2010

Oklahoma Country • Spring 2010 • 15

No Shortage

Vegetable gardeners should find adequate seed supply in spring.


By Mike Nichols

espite nationally published reports to the contrary, for a number of years. That fact could cause vegetable gardeners to see vegetable gardeners should not see a shortage of seeds when planting just three or four varieties of a particular seed available this year instead time arrives this spring. of 10, but the supply should not be short. Wayne Herriman, owner of Holman Seed Farms in Collinsville, said “They’re (commercial seed producers) just not growing as much as he has been hearing the same reports of a seed shortage. normal,” he said. “It’s the talk,” said Wayne, who is the Tulsa County Farm Bureau Wayne did admit that stocks of vegetable seeds normally seen in president, “but we don’t believe it.” stores could dwindle in the late planting season. But, that is due more to Wayne has been involved with the seed business since the 1980s, and the time of the season than a shortage. he and his family operate one of the few commercial seed businesses in “There will be a lot more gardens than we’ve seen in the last few Oklahoma. He deals primarily with commercial outlets on both years. Demand will be up. Tough economic times make people get back agronomic and vegeto the basics,” he said. table seeds, but home “But as a rule, there gardeners always are will be plenty of seed.” welcome at his He said that a Collinsville store. vegetable garden can National news be a money saver for a outlets have reported family during the that inclement growing season. weather, unusually “A backyard garden high demand from can save half (on the Europe and Asia, and produce bill) when economic conditions the garden is in have driven vegetable production.” seed demand to Wayne said record levels. backyard vegetable Imminent seed garden plots as small shortages have been as 10 x 12 feet can put predicted. a lot of produce on the The national news table. With proper reports say much of management, he said the demand has been the backyard gardener driven by the can produce a large resurgence of array of fresh backyard vegetable vegetables during the gardens, a one-time American tradition that has growing season. Contrary to reports in the Associated Press, MSNBC and Business Week, Holman Seed owner Wayne Herriman says he does not foresee a shortage diminished due to commercialization and urbanization “If space is critical, of vegetable garden seed this spring. Wayne is pictured behind his desk at over the last two decades. they should stay away his Collinsville seed store. Wayne said he did not experience any particular from corn and problems securing his supply of vegetable seed for this garden season. potatoes. They can actually buy them cheaper.” “As a whole, there is not a shortage. There’s plenty of seed so far.” He recommended that novice vegetable gardeners begin with a small Wayne’s garden seed suppliers are in Idaho and California and he plot. The best choices for the small plot include green beans, tomatoes, orders for the next year each July with delivery in December. The bulk squash and bell peppers because they tend to be the most productive. seed is repackaged for 10 wholesalers and the Herriman’s Sunburst Seed “We do sell a lot of garden seed. We get a lot of people here for Company retail store in Muskogee. garden seed, and we get a lot of trade from Tulsa for home garden seed,” He admitted that the production of garden seed has been declining says Wayne. 16 • Oklahoma Country • Spring 2010


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Oklahoma Country • Spring 2010 • 17

Young Farmers & Ranchers

‘Stand Up,

18 • Oklahoma Country • Spring 2010

Speak Out’

For Agriculture


By Traci Morgan

griculture is faced with mounting challenges and it takes strength, determination and a heavy dose of faith to make it in the business. But, those savvy enough to survive and flourish reap the rewards of a job well done. “My message to these young farmers is a message of hope and resiliency and achievement,” said farmer Matt Roloff, speaking to a group of young producers from across the country. “Do not give up. Sometimes times are tough, but the next success is always just right around the corner.” In addition to farming, Roloff is the star of “Little People, Big World,” a reality television series that airs on TLC. He, along with his wife and four children, operate a successful 36-acre pumpkin farm in Oregon. Born with dwarfism, Roloff’s 4’1" frame has not slowed him down. “Farming is definitely not for everyone,” he said. “It can be very difficult because there are so many circumstances, like weather and economy and what have you. But, the reward outweighs the difficulty. Those that endeavor in farming or ranching benefit greatly from the satisfaction you get from it.” Roloff, who views the show as an opportunity to share his story with the world, exemplifies the theme of the American Farm Bureau Federation’s recent National Young Farmers & Ranchers (YF&R) Leadership Conference – “STAND UP, SPEAK OUT.” The leadership conference, held in Tulsa Feb. 20-22, encouraged and empowered more than 800 young producers from across the country to tell their own stories about farming and ranching.

Matt Roloff, Oregon pumpkin farmer and star of TLC’s “Little People, Big World,” encouraged young producers not to give up when the going gets tough…that the rewards of farming and ranching far outweigh the difficulties they face every day.

Young Farmers, ranchers remain optimistic despite concerns Below are the results of an informal survey of young farmers and ranchers, ages 18-35, which was conducted during AFBF’s 2010 YF&R Leadership Conference in Tulsa, Okla., in February. There were 373 respondents to the informal survey. 1. A. B.

Are you more or less optimistic about farming than you were five years ago (or when you started farming if less than five years ago)? 80.17% MORE 19.25% LESS Are you 82.42% BETTER OFF 17.58% WORSE OFF than five years ago?

2. Please rank the challenges/issues facing you today. 17% Securing adequate acreage 2% Availability of water/natural resources 7% Willingness of parents to turn over reins 19% Gov’t regulations (enviro, etc.) 20% Profitability/economic challenges 4% Availability of agricultural financing 6% Taxes 6% Health care availability/cost 7% Competition from established farms 6% Urbanization/loss of farmland 5% Labor availability/regulations 1% Lack of rural infrastructure/services. 3. How did you get your start? 42.03% Started as a member of family partnership 29.86% Started on own 14.2% Marriage 13.91% Inherited the operation 4. A. Do you see yourself as a life-long farmer? 95.79% YES 4.21% NO B. If YES, would you like to see your children follow in your footsteps? 97.79% YES 2.42% NO

Oklahoma Country • Spring 2010 • 19

Chad and Danielle Budy of Alva took advantage of AFBF’s Cyber Cafe to stay connected. The Cyber Cafe offered young farmers and ranchers laptop computers with Internet connection to check emails and update Facebook pages and Twitter accounts during the leadership conference. Young producers from across the country held roundtable discussions on a wild card issue during the leadership conference. Alva’s Steve Sneary, right, made a point while, from left, Northwestern Oklahoma State University’s (NWOSU) Jerad Noble, AFBF YF&R Committee’s Brenda Cooley and NWOSU’s Janelle Meade listened in. AFBF YF&R Committee member Dawson Pugh of North Carolina tried his hand at roping during a social for the state and national YF&R committees at the Spradlings’ Flying G Ranch in Sand Springs. Oklahoma Farm Bureau YF&R Committee member Brian Knowles of Keota rode a mechanical bull during Family Fun Night at the leadership conference.

20 • Oklahoma Country • Spring 2010

More and more young producers are seeing the necessity of putting themselves and their industry out there. Whether educating the nonfarm public or advocating for agriculture, they are taking their message online through social networking, blogs and video sharing sites. Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, YouTube…the growing popularity of these media cannot be ignored. Nor can the results of utilizing these resources. A few months ago, Australia-based Yellow Tail Wines announced a donation of $100,000 to the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS). The grassroots effort by farmers and ranchers following the announcement was staggering. Thousands of producers flooded Yellow Tail’s Facebook page, posting comments that they would be boycotting its products and exposing the real agenda of HSUS. Troy Hadrick of South Dakota took it one step further. The AFBF YF&R Committee member made a video for YouTube, denouncing Yellow Tail for its decision to support “a group who is actively trying to put farmers and ranchers out of business in this country.” Standing in front of a group of black Angus bulls, the 5th generation rancher pours out a full bottle of Yellow Tail wine and urges viewers to do the same. To date, the video has received more than 12,000 hits. The grassroots effort paid off. Yellow Tail Wines made amends by assuring farmers and ranchers it would look closer at the organizations it chooses to support in the future. Hadrick knows all too well it’s never easy to get away from the farm, but new technology allows producers to get vocal from their own operations. “Taking care of the livestock is a full-time job, to say the least. And we can’t be everywhere all the time telling our story,” he said. “So, the beautiful thing about things like Facebook and Twitter and YouTube is that I can be out there talking to somebody from halfway around the

5. Rank the steps the federal government should take to help you and your farm. 23% Cut federal spending 6% Maintain viable farm safety net 4% Support renewable energy 1% Stricter enforcement of anti-trust laws 9% Strengthen private property rights 14% Boost U.S. ag exports/trade 8% Tax reform 8% Support agricultural research 8% Reform environmental regs 4% Support biotech and crop protection 11% Financial help for beginning farmers 2% Better risk management tools 2% Other 6. Among the issues of highest concern to young producers are: 59% Activist groups will affect the way you farm 53% Government climate change regulations 7. Do you plan to plant biotech crop varieties this year? 56.73% YES 43.27% NO 8. On your farm, how do you balance environmental and economic concerns? 67.77% Both important, but emphasis on economy 19.88% Both important, but emphasis on environment 9.04% Economic concerns are paramount 3.31% Environmental concerns are paramount 9. Which of the following farming/management/financial practices or services do you employ to increase conservation and environmental stewardship or profitability on your farm? CONSERVATION/ENVIRONMENT: 58.45% Conservation tillage 49.6 % Soil/Tissue analysis 13.67% Contour/Strip cropping 21.98% Conservation Reserve Program

45.31% Integrated pest management/Field scouting 31.10% Buffer strips (water quality and wildlife) 51.74% Crop rotation (Three or more crops) 12.06% Wetlands management or reserve program

MANAGEMENT/PROFITABILITY: 38.07% Crop advisers 29.49% Contract production 41.55% Accounting service 32.44% Futures/Options

22.79% Marketing/Management consultants 27.88% Marketing information services 41.55% GPS systems 12.87% Professional farm financial planner

Oklahoma Country • Spring 2010 • 21

Tulsa County Farm Bureau Director Chuck Selman gave young producers from across the country a tour of his family’s operation, S & S Pecans. During the leadership conference, approximately 650 YF&R toured northeast Oklahoma agricultural operations and businesses.

Young farmers and rancher from across the nation, including Oklahoma’s Jeff and Sarah Weeks, volunteered at the Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma during the leadership conference.

10. I believe that farm income should: 82.65% Come from the marketplace (domestic and international) 17.35% Be supplemented to some degree by farm program payments 11. Does the general public generally have positive or negative thoughts about farmers/ranchers? 45.86% Positive 27.81% Negative 26.33% They don’t think about us 12. A. Who in your household works off the farm/ranch? 8.29% Husband 29.14% Wife 22% Both 18% No one 22.57% N/A single B. If either or both spouses do, is health insurance availability the primary reason? 78% YES 22% NO 13. Do you supplement your income with other farm-based enterprises (seed sales, custom work)? 61.7% YES 38.3% NO 14. Do you have or use any of the following communications tools/methods? 90.62% Computer 38.07% Blackberry/iPhone 24.93% Satellite radio 79.89% Cellular telephones 50.13% Satellite TV 17.16% Personal Web page 15. Do you have access to and use the Internet? 98.47% YES 1.53% NO If YES, how? 8% Dial-up 72% High speed/Broadband (cable or DSL) 20% Satellite Internet 16. If you use the Internet, how do you use it? 72.39% Research, collect buying information to take to my local retailer 59.25% E-Purchases – inputs/new or used equipment/supplies 84.18% General and ag news 53.89% Political activity/Issue communication with elected officials 48.53% Family education 70.78% Entertainment 69.17% Banking/Recordkeeping 73.46% Facebook 9.65% Twitter 11.8% Post YouTube videos

22 • Oklahoma Country • Spring 2010

world without ever leaving the ranch. “And those new tools are something we need to utilize,” he continued. “It’s something that people who don’t agree with me and don’t agree with those of us in farming and ranching are using. So, that’s where the conversations are taking place today, and we need to make sure we’re there to tell the truth about American agriculture.” During the leadership conference, young producers heard more stories like Hadrick’s as presenters detailed how social networking has improved the public perception of their operation and industry through education, outreach and advocacy. AFBF’s recent survey of young farmers and ranchers reveals that more and more producers are utilizing online tools. According to the survey, 99 percent said they have access to and use the Internet. Nearly three-quarters of those surveyed have a Facebook page. Ten percent of the young farmers say they use the micro-blogging Web site Twitter, while about 12 percent say they post YouTube videos. Communicating with consumers is also important, with 77 saying they consider reaching out to the public about agriculture and their operations an important part of their jobs as farmers and ranchers. AFBF YF&R Chairman Will Gilmer of Alabama is optimistic about the future of the industry, but agrees that producers must become more vocal and work harder to build consumer trust. “We’re always going to have to eat. We’re always going to need clothing. We’re always going to need fuel. And agriculture can provide all of that,” Gilmer said. “Now, the key thing we have to realize is we do have to be proactive talking about the things we’re doing and building relationships with consumers, so they will continue to allow those of us in America to produce those products.”

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Oklahoma Country • Spring 2010 • 23

A limited number of OFB member key tags are being distributed by the field representatives to select county offices. The key tags have been designed as a visual reminder of the value offered through OFB membership.

The Key To

Saving New tag serves as reminder of the value of OFB membership. By Carter Campbell 24 • Oklahoma Country • Spring 2010


id you know that being an Oklahoma Farm Bureau member entitles you to hundreds of dollars in savings with discounts at a wide variety of businesses? There are 27 different savings options, to be exact! For those of you who are unaware of the savings available, we believe we have found the answer. OFB has designed a new key tag membership card as a visual reminder of member savings. Each key tag, designed to fit on a key ring, has “Member” emblazoned on the front along with the OFB logo, while the back of the tag lists several businesses offering discounts as well as OFB’s Web site address, where members can obtain a full listing of partners and savings available. “The key tag serves as a constant reminder of your valuable FB membership,” said Mike Spradling, OFB president. OFB field representatives are currently in the process of distributing a select amount of key tags to county offices across the state. In order to gather some feedback from current members a short survey was conducted at this year’s leadership conference. The purpose of the survey was to gain an understanding of how current members felt about their membership and to see what captivated their interest. Overall the majority surveyed was satisfied with membership benefits. Of those who estimated their savings from discounts, it was found that the average savings per member came to $582. Most member discounts were put to use with Air Evac Lifeteam, Atwoods, Choice Hotels, Dodge, Fasttrack Airport Parking, Grainger and Sherwin-Williams. To give you a better idea of how valuable member benefits are we pulled information from last year’s statistics regarding Dodge, Choice Hotels and ScriptSave. Based on those statistics, 1,132 Dodge vehicles were purchased with the $500 rebate offered to Farm Bureau members, which in turn came out to member savings of over half a million dollars! Members who took advantage of the Choice Hotels partnership received up to 30 percent off one night’s stay. OFB’s prescription drug program through ScriptSave allows access to discounts on brand name and generic prescriptions that saved a quarter of a million dollars for Farm Bureau members last year. These are just three examples of the savings available members. It is encouraged to take advantage of all member discounts. (See the complete list below). OFB members may also seek out the full list of partners at www. okfarmbureau.org, or in the FB Card included in your membership renewal billing envelope. Be sure to place your membership card on your key ring today and start enjoying the savings made available to you by Farm Bureau and our benefit partners! Here is the complete list of FB Card partners: Dodge, M. Rhodes Company, Sears Commercial, Sherwin-Williams, TSC Security Inc., KJD Enterprises, Beef Verification Solution, Grainger, Atwoods, EZ Ranch, PetPartners, Farm Bureau Bank, Oklahoma Farm Bureau Insurance, Pre-Paid Legal Services, Choice Hotels International, National Car Rental/Hertz Rent a Car, Lands End Business Outfitters, Fasttrack Airport Parking, The Sale Ring, Agristar Global Networks, ScriptSave, QualSight, Lenscrafters, Delta Dental Plan of Oklahoma, Beltone Hearing Aid Centers, Clearvalue Hearing and Air Evac Lifeteam.

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Oklahoma Country • Spring 2010 • 25

All Around


Tornado time is here for Oklahoma


klahoma is the most tornado-prone area in the world. The state’s dubious distinction is not only in terms of the number of tornadoes, but also in terms of intensity. The risk is high. The National Weather Service (NWS) reports an average of 54 tornadoes each year in Oklahoma since 1950. “May typically is the peak of tornado season in Oklahoma, with nearly 40 percent of each year’s average tornado total,” says Justin Grego, Oklahoma Farm Bureau safety director. The Oklahoma season began March 8 this year, when a tornado destroyed five homes and damaged several others in Hammon. The storm hit the Roger Mills County community at about 6 p.m. when a low-pressure system pushed a strong storm system out of the Rockies. NWS reported that above-normal winter precipitation coupled with the jet stream hovering over the Southern Plains could produce an active storm season this spring. “I even read where one NWS meteorologist

26 • Oklahoma Country • Spring 2010

said if weather conditions like those that caused the Hammon tornado are still around when it gets warmer that it could be a ferocious storm season,” said Grego. About three-fourths of all tornadoes reported in Oklahoma occur during the months of April, May and June, with about 80 percent of the tornadoes observed between noon and midnight. “That’s why,” said Grego, “Oklahoma families need to develop a safety plan for home, work, school and outdoors.” He said families should develop and practice a tornado plan so everyone will know where to take shelter. “When a tornado occurs,” said Grego, “there’s not time to develop a plan.” Families are advised to practice a tornado drill at least once a year so everyone knows the safest location to be while at home. Grego also reminded those with storm shelters to register the location of their shelter with emergency officials like the local fire department and county emergency

Oklahoma is the heart of the most tornado-prone area in the world. The first tornado of 2010 hit the community of Hammon in Roger Mills County March 8. May typically is the peak of the tornado season in Oklahoma, however.

management coordinator. “When shelters are located inside your home, emergency officials don’t know you’re there. You can survive the storm, but getting out of your shelter could be extremely difficult without help. “And if no one knows the shelter is there, you could be trapped for some time before you are discovered or can free yourself.” He also advised everyone to be aware of the watches and warnings issued by the NWS during storm season. A tornado watch means families should be ready to take shelter if conditions merit. “But when a warning is issued,” Grego said, “they should take shelter immediately. He said the Oklahoma broadcast media does an excellent job of reporting the watches and warnings issued by the NWS. “Residents in Hammon were warned in advance by storm spotters, the local fire department and Oklahoma City broadcast media,” said Grego. “I think the news reported they were warned 15 minutes before the tornado hit. That was ample time to take shelter.” He also said it is a good idea for families to purchase a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Weather Radio. Those radios are available for less than $100 in many stores. Properly programmed, the radio will sound an alert issued by the NWS when a severe storm is approaching your area. Once a storm is over, you and your family’s personal health is the first priority. After family members have been accounted for, it’s important to assess your personal property for damages. Home and property owners need to document their property in case of a loss. An inventory should be taken with either accompanying photos or video, and stored in a location like a safe deposit box. If those insured by Farm Bureau experience a storm loss, they should contact their agent to get the claims process underway. If the county office is closed, members are urged to use the toll free claims hotline. That number, 1-877-OFB-CLAIM, is operated 24 hours a day, seven days per week.

OFB conference features lawmakers, business leaders


klahoma Farm Bureau members attending the organization’s annual Leadership Conference Feb. 15-16 in Oklahoma City heard from a plethora of speakers including state and federal lawmakers, business leaders and the president of the nation’s largest farm organization. More than 200 leaders from across the state attended the two-day conference. The opening day session speaker was Fred Morgan, the new president and CEO of the State Chamber of Commerce. The former state lawmaker outlined the Chamber’s legislative agenda, saying it was focused on worker’s comp reform, health care, the environment and endangered species, water, energy, and education. Morgan also expressed concerns about the state’s budget, noting that a large decrease is in the offing and that there “will be some pain.” However, he said that “I’m optimistic about Oklahoma’s future,” noting that the state’s economy is “resilient” and will recover. Rep. Leslie Osborn lead a panel on State Question 744, which sets a minimum average amount the state must spend annually on common schools. SQ 744 requires the state to spend annually, no less than the average amount spent on each student by the surrounding states. Those surrounding states are Missouri, Texas, Kansas, Arkansas, Colorado and New Mexico. When the average amount spent by surrounding states declines, Oklahoma must spend the amount it spent the year before. Osborn told the FB audience the question is “one bad apple in the bucket” of nine state questions, which will be on Oklahomans’ ballots this year. She said raising education spending to the average would be “absolutely catastrophic to state government. We’re not talking about chump change. We’re talking about big Fred Morgan money.”

More than half of the state budget already goes to education. “There are other functions besides education,” she declared. “There would have to be agency cuts, minimum 20 percent cuts. It could be half to all of some agency budgets.” The lawmaker said the question would necessitate 8,400 convicts being released from prisons, the closing of at least eight prisons, 197 bridge projects not to be built or repaired, the elimination of more than 250 state troopers as well as faculty, staff and course offerings eliminated at colleges plus an accompanying 33 percent increase intuition. “The ripple effects are absolutely unbelievable,” Osborn said. With the state budget shortfall already more than $1 billion, the first term lawmaker said there would be only one way to pay for SQ 744 – tax increases. “A 34 percent increase in state income taxes would pay for it, or a sales tax increase of 38 percent,” she lamented. “More money is not always the answer. This is not bashing education. This is not the way to do it. There is absolutely no stipulation on how dollars are spent.” Osborn and her panel members, Deputy Director of the House Fiscal Division Mark Tygret and Oklahomans for Responsible Government’s Brian Downs, told the FB leaders that to beat the big dollars the education lobby would spend on the question would require grassroot involvement. OFB has policy in opposition to SQ 744 and efforts to mandate specific funding levels for education. American Farm Bureau Federation

Rep. Leslie Osborn

Bob Stallman

President Bob Stallman, attending the conference to present the Golden Plow Award to Sen. Jim Inhofe, told the group Farm Bureau “has a challenge on our hands.” He said national lawmakers are looking at climate change legislation and estate tax issues. “We’re being hit across the head by challenges. If it’s not one thing, it’s another. For us to find legislative solutions to these issues requires help from everybody. If we hold our ground,” said Stallman, “the pendulum will swing because common sense will come back into fashion.” Stallman presented AFBF’s most prestigious legislative award, the Golden Plow Award, to U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe in evening ceremonies Feb. 15. Each year AFBF honors one member of the Senate and one member of the U.S. House with the Golden Plow award. The award is based on the lawmaker’s strong voting record for agriculture and Farm Bureau issues. This year Inhofe was the only lawmaker receiving the award. “I believe that American farmers are the backbone of our nation. . .,” said Inhofe. “I am deeply honored to receive the American Farm Bureau Golden Plow Award, and will continue to do all I can to fight for the American farmer in Washington.” Three Oklahoma lawmakers were recognized as winners of OFB’s Meritorious Service Award during the Feb. 15 evening ceremonies. Sen. Sean Burrage and Sen. Mike Shulz along with Rep. Ann Coody were announced as winners of the Meritorious Service Award. Following breakfast Feb. 16, a panel of state agricultural legislative leadership gave its assessments of state issues. Sen. Ron Justice, Senate Ag Committee chairman, said retaining agriculture’s Scott Meachum sales tax exemptions, Oklahoma Country • Spring 2010 • 27

Three named Meritorious Service winners

roads and bridges, programs which help conservation and the most people. water issues were 000241166 critical issues. He also State Treasurer mentioned workers Scott Meachum was comp reform and the last outside speaker health care and on the agenda, and doctors in rural areas. provided his assessHouse Natural ment of the chaotic Resources Chairman state budget troubles. Dale DeWitt said the “It’s a pretty big budget would be the hole,” he said, biggest issue reporting that the lawmakers face. He latest figures showed said he believed a $1.2 billion shortfall. lawmakers have an Meachum said the A panel of agriculture leaders from the Oklahoma Legislature presented its views of current and future state issues during agreement on the state constitution the Leadership Conference Feb. 16. Pictured, from left, are 2010 budget, but requires all funding to Sen. Ron Justice, Rep. Steve Kouplen, Rep. Don Armes and predicted the 2011 be cut the same Rep. Dale DeWitt. budget would be amount, which means tougher. allocations this year U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe formally received AFBF’s Golden Plow Award from AFBF President Bob Stallman, right, as a part of He also criticized will decline about 7.5 the Feb. 15 Leadership Conference. OFB President Mike SQ 744, saying it percent. Spradling, also is pictured. would be detrimental “This is just to Oklahoma if it another bump in the passed and asked FB leaders to help spread road for us. We’ll get through it. We believe this the message about the issue. economy will bounce back in the next six House Ag Committee Chairman Don Armes months better than the last six, and in the next talked about a measure supporting a livestock six months better than that.” owner’s right to lawfully perform traditional OFBMIC management updated the county animal husbandry practices as well as equine leaders on the recovery plan for the mutual dentists, chiropractors and farriers at the insurance company. discretion of the livestock owner. Underwriting losses primarily from storms “This is a freedom bill,” said Armes, noting in 2008 and 2009 as well as financial market that it has been the most contentious measure turmoil have impacted OFBMIC. In order to he’s ever faced. remain viable, the company is reducing the House Ag Committee member Steve number of policies and increasing premiums to Kouplen, the former longtime OFB president, adequate levels to achieve profitability. told the group that he was enjoying “most” of The plan includes reducing the number of his first term in the legislature. in-force homeowner policies by about 25 He said the state is going through some percent, with automobile and fire policies tough times. being reduced by about 20 percent. “Oklahoma unfortunately is beginning to It was also announced that the agency force feel the effects of that downturn. Real people will broker policies through three companies, are getting cut and it’s real people that are National Lloyds, Progressive and Foremost. hurting.” Agents will be allowed to sell auto and Kouplen said he was not happy with across- homeowners policies issued by those the-board budget cuts, saying it’s lawmakers’ companies to members during the course of responsibility to oversee cuts and not cut the recovery plan.


hree state lawmakers were named recipients of Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s Meritorious Service Award during the 2010 OFB Leadership Conference in Oklahoma City. The names of Senators Sean Burrage and Mike Schulz, and Representative Ann Coody were added to the prestigious list of about 50 lawmakers honored by the program since it was initiated in 1990. The honorees for the 2009 legislative session were announced during a Feb. 15 banquet held in conjunction with the Leadership Conference. The Meritorious Service Award is designed to honor members of the legislature or other state elected officials whose philosophy or record demonstrates their commitment to the private enterprise system; sound agricultural policies supported by Farm Bureau; and fiscal conservatism and reduced government regulation of agriculture, business and individuals. The primary basis for selection is the extent a lawmaker votes in agreement with Farm Bureau policy on key issues. The winners were selected by the state board of directors after being nominated by county Farm Bureaus. Senator Burrage, a Claremore Democrat, was nominated by Rogers and Tulsa County Farm Bureaus. He was recognized for his efforts in the areas of livestock regulation, estate planning and private property rights. The senator had a family commitment, and was unable to attend the formal award presentation. The counties said the senator has been an outstanding supporter of Farm Bureau legislation, including his support for the transfer on death warranty deed law. He also was praised for his role as co-chairman of the Rules Committee in 2007 when legislation was assigned to that committee to improve trespass law and clarify that animal waste is not hazardous waste in Oklahoma. “Without Senator Burrage’s strong leadership those important pieces of agricultural legislation would not be law in Oklahoma,” said Tyler Norvell, director of state affairs for OFB’s Public Policy Division.

Burrage, an attorney, was elected to his district 2 senate seat in 2006. Mayes and Rogers counties compose the district. The senator and his wife, Carole, have two sons, Truman and Carter. The family resides in Claremore. Senator Shulz, an Altus Republican, was nominated by Jackson County Farm Bureau. He was recognized for his efforts in the areas of livestock regulation, tax policy, water law and private property rights. The county said the senator has a 100 percent voting record on issues important to Farm Bureau. He also was praised for his authorship in 2009 of livestock preemption and trespass legislation, and his service as co-chair of the Rules Committee when it clarified that animal waste is not hazardous waste in Oklahoma. “Senator Shulz has become one of the go to guys for agriculture issues in the Oklahoma Senate,” said Norvell. Shulz, a farmer, was elected to his district 38 seat in 2006. The district covers Beckham,

To catch an identity thief


f anyone has the right to complain about identity theft, it’s Oklahoma resident Angela Matthews.* In late 2003 she received a call from an official in the fraud department at a credit card company MNBNA America. The official wanted to know if she had tried to make a $500 purchase at a Wal-Mart 5 miles from her office. “I responded to the representative that I not only didn’t make that purchase, but I didn’t even have one of their credit cards to make such a purchase,” Matthews says. “I closed that account years ago.” The official from the fraud department thanked Matthews and told her she would not be responsible for any fraudulent charges of more than $50 on the accounts. “And I said, ‘No, I won’t be responsible for any charges because I don’t have an account with your company,’” she says. After that event, Matthews visited her local police department. She told the desk sergeant

Rep. Ann Coody accepts her OFB Meritorious Service Award from President Mike Spradling, right.

Custer, Dewey, Ellis, Greer, Harmon, Jackson and Roger Mills counties. The senator and his wife, Reenie, have two children, Benjamin and Abby. The family resides in Altus. Representative Coody, a Lawton Republican, was nominated by Comanche County Farm Bureau. She was recognized for her efforts in the areas of private property rights, rural schools and education, and rural economic development. The county said the representative has a 100 percent voting record with Farm Bureau. “She is a strong and consistent advocate for rural Oklahoma,” said Norvell. Coody, a retired educator, is the district 64 state representative. She is chair of the House Common Education Committee. Her district covers Comanche County. She and her husband, Dale, an evangelistic singer and rancher, reside in Lawton. They have two adult children, Jeff and Nina, and one grandchild, Addie.

that she needed to file a police report for identity theft. “The officer seemed fairly uninterested until I told her my name,” Matthews recalls. “She looked at me and said, ‘Oh, really? Well, we have you in custody in the back.’” Just hours earlier, local police had arrested a woman who was using a credit card in Matthews’ name in a jewelry store near WalMart. “She had tried to purchase a $1,500 engagement ring,” Matthews says. “The credit card came up listed as stolen after she left WalMart, so the jewelry store owner confiscated the card and called police.” The woman fled the jewelry store but was caught by police on the street. Then the story of her previous shopping spree came out. “While she was a Wal-Mart, she bought another $1,500 engagement ring and then went on a $500 after-Christmas shopping spree,” Matthews says. “When she tried to make the $500 purchase, the credit card company automatically flagged the purchase because of the amount put on the card that day. When she

was asked for identification by officials at WalMart, she couldn’t produce it, so they made her return everything. That’s when she went to the jewelry store.” Matthews says she had no idea how the woman obtained a credit card in her name. “Then I found out she was renting a house that I used to own years ago but then sold,” she says. “And I found out that, even though I closed out that credit card years ago, the credit card company automatically sent me a new card – but they didn’t know I had moved.” The woman living in Matthews’ old home opened her mail, discovering the pre-approved credit card and signed Mathews’ name in her own handwriting. “So that matched up when she was in the store,” Matthews says. Matthews felt lucky that the woman was caught, and she called her identity theft protection plan from Pre-Paid Legal Services to report the incident. “The person there said that it didn’t sound like I had a problem, but that I should keep an eye on my accounts,” (continued on next page) Matthews says.

Sen. Mike Schulz accepts his OFB Meritorious Service Award from President Mike Spradling, right.

Oklahoma Country • Spring 2010 • 29

Avoid injuries by staying alert around cattle


attlemen should always be alert around their animals to avoid injuries, according to Oklahoma Farm Bureau Safety Director Justin Grego. “It’s not unusual to hear about someone from your community getting injured unexpectedly by one of his cows or a bull,” he said. “We’re fortunate in Oklahoma. To my knowledge, we haven’t seen any fatalities recently.” Grego said most of the attacks or mishaps with cattle do not result in fatalities, but cattlemen have sustained many bruises, broken bones and crushed egos. “Most of the victims you hear about are experienced cattle producers. You even hear about vets and ag teachers getting their share of nicks, bruises or broken bones. “I’d imagine that after one run in with a cow or bull, they’re wiser and more cautious the next time they get in the pen or go in the pasture,” he said. Agriculture is statistically one of the most dangerous occupations, and that data shows

livestock, machinery and falls as the prime sources of occupational injury on farms. Some studies even show that one-third of the farm injuries are associated with livestock. “While many cattle are docile, they weigh more than six times the weight of a man and can crush bones with a single kick, step or charge,” Grego said. It is important that livestock owners recognize the different behavior factors when working around livestock. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) released a study that documented farm fatali-

To catch an identity thief (continued) Matthews obtained her credit report and everything looked in order. Then, 90 days later, she requested a second credit report. “On the report, there was a credit card company reporting that I wasn’t paying my bill for an account that I didn’t have,” Matthews says. “My credit score had dropped.” Matthews contacted her identity theft protection plan, which immediately sent a letter to the credit reporting agency demanding the item be removed from her credit report and her credit score restored. “That worked, but it took some time,” Matthews says. The Oklahoma woman’s troubles, however, were far from over. “I got a call from MBNA wanting to set up payments for a Bass Pro Shop account,” Matthews says. “It was starting all over again.” This time, the credit card company had sent blank checks to Matthews’ old address that were, in reality, a line of credit. “And the same woman took the checks and 30 • Oklahoma Country • Spring 2010

used them,” Matthews says. The identity thief wrote more than $3,100 in checks, paying for her rent and making a down payment on a four-wheeler. “I think she also used one of the checks to pay for her bail,” Matthews says. Matthews returned to her local police station and filed another report. The identity theft protection plan sent out another round of letters trying to protect her credit record. “And then I had my Pre-Paid Legal attorney demand that MBNA close out the account,” Matthews says. Matthews also sign a limited power of attorney to her identity theft protection plan so it could work on her behalf to clear up the situation. “They took care of everything,” she says. By late-summer 2005, Matthews found her credit report cleared and her credit rating restored. But she spent many frustrating hours during those two years. “There was just so many aggravating episodes, such as a

ties in the central part of the United States showing 21 cattle-related deaths from 2003 to 2009. Of those deaths, 13 involved attacks by individual bulls, six involved attacks by individual cows and five involved multiple cattle. Grego said most of the incidents where stockmen are injured resulted from animals that have never acted aggressively toward their owners before. “Some may have even been show animals that were broke to lead and accustomed to being around humans,” he said. Victims usually can recall that on the day of

representative from AOL calling and harassing me because this woman opened an account in my name but skipped on the payments,” Matthews says. The identity thief never served time in jail, despite her arrest, Matthews says. “When she was arrested again, she pleaded guilty, agreed to pay restitution and was released,” Matthews reports. After her encounter with identity theft, Matthews’ advice is simple: “Get Identity Theft Shield,” she says. “You can take a lot of precautions and still get burned. I can’t imagine the headaches I would have had without my Identity Theft Shield. This could have gone on for years.” For more information of Identity Theft Shield and Pre-Paid Legal Services, please contact your county Farm Bureau Insurance Agent. * Name changed for security purposes. Courtesy of Smart Solutions, the official publication of Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc.


DEPOT SHIPPINdG for a Limite Time.

Ranchers entering an area with cattle should always be alert, and are advised to always take an easy-does-it approach with the animals.

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the incident some unusual circumstances could have caused the animal to blow up. “Cows are prone to do this if you’re doing something with their newborn calf and you get between her and her baby. Dogs may irritate her and she could take out her frustrations on the nearest intruder which could be you,” Grego said. Bulls tend to become aggressive around cows that are in heat or when other bulls invade their space. “Don’t assume that an animal that’s halter broke or that you’ve petted out in the pasture won’t have a bad day and their hormones take over. When this occurs, the animals can surprise you at how fast they can move,” Grego said. “You’re big bull might not be as fast as a smaller animal, but they’ll be quicker than you expect.” There are several tips stockmen can follow to help avoid injuries from cows or bulls. “For starters,” said Grego, “always be careful around livestock and have an escape route planned.” It also is a good idea to carry a device that offers some protection like a hot shot or a big stick in case there is an attack. He also said that while dogs can provoke an animal that they sometimes can help the owner escape by diverting the animal’s attention. Nose rings in bulls can help control them in some situations. “We’re not getting any younger, and we probably can’t move as quickly as we could once,” said Grego. “It’s also a good idea to have another person with you when you’re working with newborns or moving bulls.” He said it is important for stockmen to cull animals that act aggressively. “Temperament or docility is a heritable trait. If you think some of the animals are inheritantly mean, pay more attention to that trait when you select replacement animals.” Another recommendation is to not be in a hurry and end up being careless. “You also need to keep your fences and gates in good repair and sturdy enough to protect you and your help,” Grego said. Ranchers entering an area with cattle should always be alert, and are advised to take an easy-does-it approach with the animals.



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Oklahoma Country • Spring 2010 • 31

Oklahoma ag teacher wins national award, truck


oyota Motor Sales USA awarded a 2010 Toyota Tundra to Mark Sneary, former Garber High School and current Northwest Oklahoma State University professor, for his accomplishments in agriculture education and receiving the Outstanding Teacher Award from the National Association of Agricultural Educators (NAAE). Sneary received the truck on a two-year lease for his accomplishments during a ceremony held Jan. 15 at the Chisholm Trail Expo Center in Enid at halftime of a basketball tournament. Sneary, a Woods County Farm Bureau member, taught at Garber High School for 20 years before moving recently to Northwest Oklahoma State University. Sneary strives to challenge students both in and out of the classroom through a variety of teaching methods. While at Garber, students were given a wide range of classes to choose from in the agriculture program, all of which included lecture, demonstrations and hands-on experiences. Classes included an eighth grade exploratory class, agri-science I and II, agriculture power and technology I and II, and agri-business. Many of the students in his classes have gone straight into the workforce, showing how Sneary works hard to prepare them for the real world. “My primary goal as a teacher is to provide my students with the necessary skills and knowledge to be productive, responsible citizens and to allow them every opportunity to succeed as individuals,” said Sneary. “As an educator, I provide not only classroom instruction, but also individualized instruction as an essential component of my curriculum in an effort to allow students to assimilate what they have learned into a meaningful experience.” A testament to Sneary’s dedication to students is the 84 state FFA and 22 American FFA degree recipients of the Garber FFA since his arrival to the program. Sneary also has advised four state FFA officers and the Star Farmer of America in 2008. Sneary’s involvement in his students’ life does not stop in the classroom or FFA events; he is wellknown for going above and beyond to help 32 • Oklahoma Country • Spring 2010

students. Whether it is helping pull a calf with a student in the middle of the night or helping fix a flat tire, Sneary’s students can always count on him. “When I first came to Garber I told Mark that he was doing a lot of things that were not part of his job description. He did not have to go with a student’s parents to Iowa to pick out a hog,” said Marc Hatton, former Garber High School principal. “Of course, he ignored me and has kept on doing much more than he has to. It is who he is. A teacher will do whatever he can to help his students become the best they can possibly be in not only the field of agriculture, but also life.” “NAAE is honored to have an international company like Toyota recognize the value of U.S. agricultural education and the dedication of the teachers who make it all possible,” said NAAE Executive Director Jay Jackman. “Coordinating the relationship through the FFA makes the relationship’s impact on the country’s ag community even stronger. We are thrilled to be part of such a worthwhile, engaging sponsorship.” NAAE selects one postsecondary agricultural program from each of its six regions across the United States to be named the area’s top educator. Sneary represents Region II, which includes Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas. Six teachers selected by NAAE as the country’s top educators throughout middle school to postsecondary institutions as well as six department representatives from postsecondary programs within each region received a Toyota Tundra Double Cab 5.7L V8 4X4 on a two-year lease. NAAE annually selects the 12 honorees through an application process. Sneary is the second Farm Bureau member to win the award. Barclay Holt, a Kiowa County member, received a Toyota truck in 2008 from the program for his work as agriculture business management coordinator at

Mark Sneary, Northwest Oklahoma State University Agricultural Teacher and Award Recipient, addresses the crowd during a basketball tournament in Enid. Frank Bianchi, corporate communications manager for Gulf States Toyota, and Scott Northcutt of Northcutt Toyota, watch in appreciation for Mark’s work with the Garber agricultural community.

Northwest Oklahoma Career Tech in Alva. Sneary is the brother of Woods County Farm Bureau’s Steve Sneary, who was the 2009 OFB Discussion Meet winner. Steve is the farm manager and agriculture instructor at Northwestern Oklahoma State University, and has served on the state YF&R Committee and as a member of the Woods County Farm Bureau board of directors.

AFBF delegates adopt issues pushed by Oklahoma delegation


rop insurance reform, correct use of H1N1 terminology and a change in Department of Transportation rules were among a slew of issues pushed by Oklahoma Farm Bureau delegates at the American Farm Bureau convention in Seattle, Wash., Jan. 9-13. Oklahoma’s 10 delegates, lead by OFB President Mike Spradling, also joined the 369 delegates to the convention to unanimously approve a special resolution to strongly oppose cap and trade proposals before Congress as well as strongly supporting any legislative action that would suspend EPA’s authority to regulate greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act. The nine Oklahomans who joined the OFB

Oklahoma delegates, from left, Gary Johnson and Curt Roberts listen intently to discussion of an issue during the AFBF policy development session in Seattle. Also pictured are OFB delegates Beverly Delmedico and Mike Spradling. Roberts holds a voting device in his hand, and is preparing to cast his ballot.

Continued on page 35


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president as delegates were Mike Bolay, William Cubbage, Beverly Delmedico, James Fuser, Gary Johnson, Curt Roberts, Jack Sherry, Carl Williams and Charles Sloan. “It was a good convention,” said Spradling, “and I believe all of our issues received great support from farmers and ranchers all over the country.” On crop insurance, voting delegates adopted a resolution stating farmers should be able to purchase double crop insurance for crops that were planted and harvested on the same acreage for the last four years. They also adopted a resolution stating the history of crop loss “may” be spread over 10 years instead of five. “It would be devastating to Oklahoma producers if we had to use a five-year base for claim loss,” said Spradling. “Our weather is extremely volatile and giving us 10 years to spread the loss history over is more meaningful.” Responding to the media’s mislabeling H1N1 as swine flu, the delegates urged the news media to use the correct scientific terminology in referring to animal and plant health issues. Delegates also adopted Oklahoma-requested policy to change the DOT requirement that any vehicle carrying more than 119 gallons of fuel in a tank other than the vehicle fuel tank be placarded to be boosted to 500 gallons. The resolution on cap and trade asserted the legislation would result in significantly higher production costs for farmers, and that any potential benefits of agricultural offsets are far outweighed by the costs. “The administration’s economic projections show that the proposed cap and trade legislation would result in planting tress on 59 million acres of crop and pasture land thereby damaging the capability of U.S. agricultural producers to feed a growing world population and create the conditions for (hiking) consumer foods costs. Cap and trade legislation would eliminate jobs, and could result in the loss of 2.3 million jobs in the U.S. over the next 20 years,” according to the resolution.

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34 • Oklahoma Country • Spring 2010


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68791X © 2010

Delegates also called for meaningful relief from the estate tax, with no conditions or qualifications. They said that an increase in the overall exemption would be Farm Bureau’s main priority. They also reaffirmed support for full stepped-up basis at the time of death in order to reduce the capital gains tax burden on farm and ranch heirs. Also on taxes, the delegates opposed the imposition of any health-related taxes on food or beverages. The delegates approved policy supporting changes to the Federal Milk Marketing Order structure, formulas and price classes used to accurately compute milk prices. On farm policy, the delegates affirmed their support for the current farm program and continued their support for a mandatory country-of-origin labeling program as enacted in the 2008 farm bill. They also called for a workable ad hoc disaster program and approved a new policy calling for a specialty crops title in future farm bills. The delegates also expressed the organization’s support for a balanced federal budget, saying the federal deficit should be reduced each year to reach a fully balanced budged by 2019. They said federal spending on government services and entitlements must be reduced. Spradling said the thorough and complete discussion of the issues indicates Farm Bureau is a true grass roots organization. “This is one of our proudest moments as a Farm Bureau member when you see voting delegates representing the entire country coming together to agree on these issues,” he remarked. OFB was recognized during the convention for outstanding membership achievements and for implementing outstanding programs serving members in 2009. OFB won Awards for Excellence in member services, policy implementation and public relations and information. The state also received a President’s Award in the member services category.

Grow half-dollar size

Oklahoma Country • Spring 2010 • 35

Three members named to FSA State Committee


Agrifest Garfield County Farm Bureau President Gary Johnson, center, is flanked by Field Representatives Todd Honer, left, and Burton Harmon, right, at the Farm Bureau booth at the 14th annual KNID Agrifest at the Chisholm Trail Expo Center in Enid as the three chat with a visitor. The Jan. 8 and 9 show attracted an estimated 60,000 plus visitors despite frigid temperatures that kept Oklahoma in the deep freeze. Johnson said the Farm Bureau booth has been a fixture at each farm show since the event began. Several prizes including two air compressors, tape measures, emergency roadside kits and garden hand tools were awarded to those lucky enough to have their names drawn from the hopper at the Farm Bureau booth. Everyone stopping by was offered information about Farm Bureau as well as free candy and gum. Alfalfa, Blaine, Garfield, Grant, Kingfisher, Kay, Major, Noble and Woods County Farm Bureaus sponsored the prizes awarded at the booth. An estimated $100 million worth of agricultural equipment and products were housed in the indoor center, affording visitors a comfortable venue despite the freezing outdoor temperatures.

Don’t CAP Our Future Oklahoma’s two U.S. Senators were on hand to accept some of the 100,000 grassroots calls to action from AFBF President Bob Stallman March 10 in Washington, D.C. Senators Inhofe, top photo, and Coburn, bottom photo, appear with Stallman. AFBF culminated its six-month-long campaign to oppose cap-and-trade climate change regulations by presenting key lawmakers the giant signed screen plus stacks of post cards and correspondence sent by Farm Bureau members across the nation.

36 • Oklahoma Country • Spring 2010

hree of the five people appointed to the Oklahoma Farm Service Agency State Committee by the Obama administration are Oklahoma Farm Bureau members. Farm Bureau members Steve Nunley, Brenda Neufeld and Jack Sherry were named to the committee. The state committee members oversee the activities of the agency, including carrying out the state agricultural conservation programs, resolving appeals from the agricultural community and keeping producers informed about FSA programs. Nunley, who is from Marlow, is a Stephens County Farm Bureau member and has served on the county board of directors. He is a former chairman of the Oklahoma YF&R Committee and also served as chairman of the American Farm Bureau Federation’s YF&R Committee. He has been named OFB’s Achievement Award winner, recognizing him as the state’s top young farmer. He also is a winner of the Western Region Dairy and Crop Production Proficiency Award. Neufeld, who is from Fairview, is a Major County Farm Bureau member and currently serves on the county’s Women’s Committee. She plays an integral part in her family’s farm operation, where she is involved in the production of dairy-quality alfalfa hay, wheat and cattle. She also is a tax accountant. She has served as Major County Progressive Farmer Safety Day coordinator, Ag in the Classroom presenter and teacher tour host. Sherry, who is from Holdenville, is a Hughes County Farm Bureau member and serves on the county board of directors. He is part owner of a 2,000-acre farm and ranch. Sherry also is the current president of the Holdenville Chamber of Commerce and president of the Holdenville School Board. He has been president of the county Young Farmers and county Cattlemen’s Association. Sherry also served on the 2009 OFB State Resolutions Committee.

Join Oklahoma Farm Bureau on Facebook


klahoma Farm Bureau has joined Facebook, a popular social networking site with more than 400 million active users worldwide. OFB created a Facebook fan page in order to promote agriculture to a broad audience. The ability to establish an open dialogue with fans while sharing agricultural information will allow us to reach more people with our message. You do not have to have a Facebook account of your own to view OFB’s Facebook fan page. You must have Internet access, however. Simply go to http://www.facebook.com/pages/ Oklahoma-Farm-Bureau/206883494029 and click on “Become a Fan.” OFB recently celebrated its 1,000th fan, and we hope you will join the growing number of people becoming fans of OFB on Facebook. Visit the page to share ideas, view photos and videos, comment on stories and converse with agriculturalists and non-agriculturalists, alike. Active participation is vital in spreading agriculture’s story to a potential huge audience!

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Pontotoc FB member receives Historic Angus Herd Award


he American Angus Association has awarded Eldon Flinn of Red Tank Ranch, Fittstown, with the Historic Angus Herd Award for continued ownership and production of Angus cattle for more than 50 years. Flinn, a Pontotoc County Farm Bureau member, started the herd in 1954. As a sophomore in high school, he purchased 12 registered Angus heifers for an average of $235 per head. He also purchased his first Angus bull for his 88-acre ranch. Today, Flinn continues to operate the herd, which now numbers approximately 100 Angus cows on the 1,100-acre ranch.

Oklahoma Country • Spring 2010 • 37

Commission adopts overlay plan for 918 area code




xisting telephone customers in eastern Oklahoma don’t have to worry about their area code changing. They get to keep the 918 area code. New customers or those adding additional lines in the 918 area code will be assigned a 539 area code beginning April 1, 2011. All local calls will require 10-digit dialing, with a permissive calling period beginning Aug. 7, 2010, during which customers can complete local calls by using seven digits or 10 digits. This will give customers a chance to familiarize themselves to the new calling pattern that goes into effect March 5, 2011. The cost of calls will not be affected. Services such as 911, 411 and 211 will not be affected either. This is all part of an overlay plan adopted by the Oklahoma Corporation Commission instead of a split. A split would have taken the present area served by the 918 area code and assigned a new area code to part of the region and allowed the other to keep the old area code. That was what happened in 1997 when the 405 area code was split and the 580 area code was instituted. Corporation Commission Chairman Bob Anthony called the overlay plan more equitable, unlike the 405-580 split when customers felt there were winners and losers in the plan. At that time, technology to implement an overlay play was not practical. The overlay plan also is less expensive. An overlay is estimated to cost $2.4 million while a split would cost an estimated $9 million plus additional expenses of changing signs, stationary and advertising. Increased consumer demand for home and office phones, cellular and PCS phone, lines for pagers, fax machines, modems, internet access and new local providers resulted in fewer available telephone numbers in the 918 area code. It is estimated the 918 area code will run out of numbers in 2012.


It was estimated that telephone numbers in the Oklahoma 918 area code would be depleted by 2012. The Corporation Commission approved an overlay plan for that area and will assign 539 area codes to new users beginning April 1, 2011.

The Kingfisher FFA team won the National Western Livestock Judging Contest in Denver in mid January. The National Western Show attracts the best teams from across the nation to compete for the national title. The same team was the junior FFA champion at Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s State Fair of Oklahoma Judging Contest in September. OFB awarded the team a $750 cash prize at the Tulsa State Fair in October after it qualified to be the state’s representative to the National Western. Members of the team pictured following their victory at the Oklahoma State Fair Contest, from left, were Matthew Walta, Katie Lippoldt, Kaitlin Pritchett and Spencer Struck. It was the second year in a row a Kingfisher FFA won the team title. Since the same team cannot participate twice, this team of three sophomores and a freshman was assembled. Walta was the high individual at the Denver contest and Lippoldt was the 10th high individual. The team won the beef, swine and reasons categories on its way to the title.

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38 • Oklahoma Country • Spring 2010

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New credit card rules here


lthough using credit cards is now the norm for most consumers, they can cost users a lot of money in fees and interest if they do not understand their credit card’s terms and conditions. In the summer of 2009, Congress passed the Credit CARD Act, which puts new rules in place to benefit the consumer. More changes take effect this year, said Eileen St. Pierre, Oklahoma State University Cooperative Extension personal finance specialist. “One of the biggest changes made last summer was making creditors provide written notice to consumers at least 45 days before increasing an interest rate or making a significant change to the account terms,” St. Pierre said. “Consumers have the right to cancel the credit card before the increase or change goes into effect. In addition, credit card companies now must allow at least 21 days between the time a statement is mailed and when the payment is due.” Most of the act’s provisions went into effect Feb. 22. For consumers who carry a balance, credit card companies must first apply payments to the balances that carry the highest interest rate. Double-cycle billing is no longer allowed. If your interest rate is raised because you were late making a payment, the rate will revert back to the original rate if you make the next six monthly payments on time. “Your credit card statement is also going to look a lot different,” she said. “Your monthly bill will include an estimate of how long it will take to pay off the bill if you just make the minimum payment. There will be a year-to-date summary of overdrafts, fees and interest so you can see what your credit card is really costing you. Changes in terms notice will now be on the front page of the bill, not in a separate mailing that often just gets thrown away.” Under the new guidelines, credit card companies will no longer be able to target consumers under the age of 21 unless the consumer submits a written application containing the signature of a co-signer with means to repay any debt incurred on the account, or provides financial information

New rules passed by Congress are designed to benefit consumers who use credit cards.

indicating an independent means of repaying any debt. While the provisions under the Credit CARD Act of 2009 greatly benefit consumers, credit card companies will be looking for new ways to make the profits they used to make in the past. The days of no annual fee may be gone for many consumers. Credit card companies may impose a fee for customers who do not use their card or if they don’t charge a minimum amount per year. If you have a credit card, use it and pay it off right away. “It’s vital for consumers to read all of the material that comes with their credit card statements,” St. Pierre said. “If you see new fees on your statement, call your credit card company and ask for an explanation. The more money you end up paying your credit card company in fees is less money in your own pocket.”

Pesticide collection locations announced


he dates and locations for the remainder of the year have been set for the unwanted pesticide collection program, according to the Oklahoma Extension Service’s Pesticide Reports. Three disposals dates were held in March, but four are scheduled in November. The Alva Farmers Coop in Alva will be the site for a collection program on Nov. 9. The Farmers Union Coop in Altus will be the site for a collection program on Nov. 11. The Kay County Fairgrounds in Blackwell will be the site for a collection program on Nov. 16. The last scheduled collection program is set for Nov. 18 at Helena Chemical in Coweta. The program will be from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at each location. The programs are open to commercial, noncommercial, private applicators and farmers/ ranchers and others with pesticides. For further information, contact Charles Luper at 405-744-5531.

Oklahoma Country • Spring 2010 • 39

Double-digit decreases in sales are expected for four-wheel-drive tractors in 2010 following a relatively flat business in 2009, according to the Association of Equipment Manufacturers. Sales of tractors and combines are predicted to start rebounding in 2011 and 2012.

AEM survey predicts a slow 2010 for most ag machinery


gricultural machinery manufacturers anticipate overall continued weakness in U.S. and Canadian tractor sales in 2010, according to the annual “outlook” survey of the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM). For all sizes of two-wheel tractors, however, the declines are expected to be less steep than 2009 losses. Double-digit decreases are expected for four-wheel-drive tractors, following relatively flat business in 2009. Combine sales are predicted to drop in the double digits for 2010 after 2009 sales growth. Sales of tractors and combines are then predicted to start rebounding through 2011 and 2012. For other types of farm-related equipment covered in the AEM survey, overall 2010 demand for most products in the U.S. and Canada is expected to improve after 2009 business declines. All categories are predicted to be in the plus column for 2011 and 2012. AEM is the North American-based international trade group for the off-road 40 • Oklahoma Country • Spring 2010

equipment manufacturing industry, and it annually polls its agricultural machinery manufacturers on sales predictions for a variety of farm-related equipment. “The recession reached the agricultural sector in 2009, and the drop in equipment sales in most categories is attributed to a combination of the fall in commodity prices, significant drops in net farm income, the tightening of credit throughout the ag equipment distribution channel, and the overall reduction in economic confidence,” said AEM Vice President of Agricultural Services Charlie O'Brien. “The recession is expected to continue to drive negative growth rates in many equipment categories in 2010. However, it is important to keep in mind that the larger equipment has been coming off of some very good production years, specifically the 100 HP tractors, which were at a 25-year high watermark in 2008,” he continued. Combine sales in 2010 are expected to decrease 12 percent in the U.S., followed by a 7 percent drop in 2011 and no growth in 2012. Sales of four-wheel-drive tractors in 2010 are predicted to decline 19 percent while sales in 2010 for two-wheel-drive tractors in the 100HP and over range are expected to drop 9

percent, followed by flat growth in 2011 and 4 percent growth in 2012. For tractors in the 40- to 100-HP range, U.S. sales are expected to decrease 6 percent in 2010 and then gain 9 percent in 2011 and 8 percent in 2012. Sales of under 40-HP two-wheeldrive tractors in 2010 are expected to decrease 8 percent. Here, too, improvement is then foreseen – 2011 growth of 8 percent and 2012 growth of 11 percent.

Oklahoma company gets OCAST grant for coffee roaster


.S. Roasters Corp./Roasters Exchange in Oklahoma City is developing a revolutionary new coffee bean roaster, The Revelation. The Revelation is not only energy efficient and produces far less air emissions compared to existing units, but it also produces beans that have the potential to be nationally competitive at providing better flavor than other roasters on the market. Awarded a $209,833 matching grant from the Oklahoma Applied Research Support Program within the Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology, Roasters Exchange will work with Oklahoma State University’s Robert M. Kerr Food & Agricultural Products Center to make slight design modifications and verify energy and pollution efficiency claims. The total project budget for the two-year grant, including contributions from the corporate sponsor, is $422,233. ”Roasters Exchange is thoroughly committed to the continued development and production of the Revelation Coffee Roaster,”

Residential & Commercial

said Dan Jolliff, Roasters Exchange president. “We began development and production of the Revelation Roaster in 2006 to meet demands of energy efficiency while maintaining quality.” Dr. Tim Bowser, FAPC food process engineer, is leading the project research and technical components. “We expect that the same technologies that make The Revelation coffee roaster successful may be applied to other food and agricultural products that are roasted, such as coco beans, macadamias, peanuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, soybeans and wood chips,” Bowser said. “Roasters Exchange is committed to continuous improvement of their products and to expanding their markets.” This grant allows Roasters Exchange and FAPC to develop a high-efficiency coffee roaster that will appeal to national and international markets and will result in new jobs and new revenue sources for Oklahoma. “We estimate that the U.S. alone has installed 2,000 to 4,000 small batch roasters, and we expect 500 of these to be replaced with Revelation models resulting in $30,000,000 increased sales,” Jolliff said. “A smaller amount of large batch roasters are installed in the U.S., which we estimate at 700 units. Half of these would be replaced in 5-10 years with the average sale per replacement unit at $500,000. This alone could be $175,000,000 in additional sales.” This revolutionary new coffee bean roaster is being developed by an Oklahoma City company.

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Oklahoma Country • Spring 2010 • 41


Classifieds AUTOMOTIVE

Hail damage on your car or truck? Call Dent Genie, the leader in paintless dent repair. Statewide service. 918628-0115, dentgenieoftulsa.com. ’84 Monte Carlo, all factory equipped, V8, very clean, 84,000 miles, blue. 405-878-6815. Set of 4 wheels, 20-inch for Ford pickup, $300 OBO; 72-inch antique drop-leaf table, $400. 580-276-2606. ’70 Porsche 914 sports car, mid-engine, hardtop/ convertible, runs good, drives fast, body rough, you finish cosmetics, $2,500. 405-348-4469 Edmond home, 405317-8175 cell. ’81 Honda Goldwing GL1100, 16,000 actual miles, $2,800; ’01 Yamaha F21, $3,700; electric hospital bed w/Medline alternating pressure mattress, $400; want ’67 Kaiser jeep M715 for parts. 580-456-7616. ’68 Pontiac Bonneville 4-door sedan, PS, PF, tilt, AC, AM-FM, PW, 38K miles, 2 owners, garaged, slight front fender damage, asking $5,000. Serious inquiries only at 580-585-1631. ’83 F250 4x4 diesel motor (approx. 65K on completely rebuilt engine), manual trans., J&I flatbed w/Bar 6 cake feeder, hydraulic bale spike, $3,950. 405-238-6958. ’97 Lincoln 12-pass. Limo, $10,000; ’57 Ford blue 4-door, $3,700; ’50 Chevy 1-ton truck, $1,400; 3-point seeder, $350. 405-665-5051. ’95 Camero, good body, paint & top faded, good int. & carpet, tires okay, been sitting, not running, 1-owner, $1,095. 918-626-3860. Beautiful ’59 Chevy 1/2-ton Apache, short fleetside bed, 283 V8, restored, $16,000; ’40 Pontiac sedan, restored, $9,000. Cash or trade. 918-582-2479. ’66 Chevy C-10, 3-speed, no motor, $350; ’69 Chevy Bel Air 2-door sedan, 3-speed, $200; ’84 Cadillac Seville 4-door, V8, power everything, FWD, $2,000 OBO. Peter, 580-694-2301. Complete equipment for 3 Escort vehicles. 214-695-6512. ’00 Ford F350 red 1-ton dually, 351 V8, 5-speed, super condition, $6,800. 405-585-8794. ’69 Falcon 2-door coupe, 6-cyl., standard, good body, runs good, $2,295; ’62 Chevy Impala to restore, $4,700; ’89 Chevy ext. cab, runs & drives, $1,595 as is. 405-672-0048. ’82 VW Rabbit pickup, gasoline, 5-speed fuel saver, Ultra wheels, new seat covers and headliner, ready for paint, $2,700. 918-652-7248. ’93 Chevy pickup, long/wide bed, 350 V8, auto, burgundy w/burgundy interior, bed liner, $1,500. Ron, 918-857-7451.

$26,000 OBO. 918-839-4906. Red 15-foot stock trailer, 4 Slate new tires, nice cond., $2,095. 405-899-7919. ’96 445 Case IH small square baler, good cond. w/service manual, parts catalog, oper. manual, $3,500. 918-694-2791. Kelly Ryan 5x14 mixer feeder wagon w/scales, extra unloading elevator, extra good cond., $500-$600 extra parts, $7,500. 918-967-8435. IH ground driven manure spreader (18x26x72), new tires, reconditioned. 918-272-2640. 10-bale small bale hay grappler, new $1,600. 405-2882579 home, 620-4886 cell. Medium Kubota tractor w/front end loader, 3-point Vermeer tree spade, 7,000-gal. poly Snyder storage tank. 580-983-2453. ’73 Case 75 tractor, cab/air, dual tires, no 3-point, 1 owner, $6,000. Manchester, 580-541-2326, dwilson@wiredok.com ’81 Fiat Allis dozer FD40 w/KT 1150 Cummins w/15-foot straight blade, $20,000; ’00 Westwind 50-foot, $5,800; _ to 2-inch Rigid elec. pipe threaders, $2,000. 580-623-1188, 614-1488. 4x20 grain auger; 225 Lincoln line welder. Both good condition, $100 each. 405-282-2895. 200 Farmall W-F, fast hitch, new tires, good condition with disk, 2-bottom plow, Brush Hog, $3,500.918-473-5084. B Farmall, 5-foot belly mower, runs/look good, good tires; C Farmall, looks/runs good, good tires; 5-foot belly mower; 230 Farmall, new paint, 2-point, new tires, show ready. 918-352-2966. ’38 John Deere D Poppin’ Johnny, ready for parades. Hand crank, starts easily. 918-482-3787, cell 537-6362. 20-foot AC flex header, $2,500. Mike Murphy, 405-313-9084. Two 12x12 horse stalls w/3 side panels, 2 slide door front panels, 1 w/roll-out manger, $1,600. 405-919-5268. John Deere 7-foot drag Brush hog, side comes off for hay; Ford 7-foot H.D. finish mower, $1,200 each or trade. 405391-3688. Old trailer-mounted air compressor w/Chrysler engine, runs, trailer needs tires, $450. Henryetta, 918-652-7248. 8N Ford tractor, good condition but needs starter, $1,800 OBO;’73 Ford Ranchero, restoration car, fair body, 302 V8, runs/drives fair, $1,000 OBO; ’75 Ford F600 flatbed dump truck, bad motor, good transmission, tires, $1,500 OBO. Bixby, 918-366-7444. Perkins engine, rebuilt 6-cylineder diesel w/heat exchanger & 300-gal. diesel tank, excellent condition. 405-643-9980.



Want 2-row trailer type planter with fertilizer attachment, seed boxes. 405-833-0716. 4630 Ford New Holland turbo tractor, 750 hours; 6-foot Rhino brush hog, used very little. Drumright, 918-352-3063. 400-gallon propane tank, $300 OBO; Stihl 041 chain saw, $300. 405-278-1544. ’93 D 31P Kamatsu dozer, good cond., 3,500 hours, exc. farm dozer. 918-448-1033. Propane tanks rebuilt, 250-gal. $350; 500-gal, $500. Warranty, like new tanks, other sizes, prices, conditions available. Salvage tanks at reasonable prices for smokers, pipes, fire pits, etc. 405-375-4189, blttanks.com Windmill and pump. 405-329-089. 605 XL Plus Vermeer baler; ’01 Krone 323S disk mower w/KMC 5460 caddy; Vermeer 423 V rake w/custom built self contained hydraulic drive, $30,000 for all. 918-695-5738. ’48 John Deere A tractor, general purpose, original condition, stored inside. 405-262-3767. ’06 John Deere 4WD 5205 tractor w/522 loader, forks, box blade, spreader, posthole digger, less than 300 hours,

Angus bulls, 8 to 16 months, Angus business 52 years same location. 580-456-7241. Reg. black Limousin bulls, homozygous black/ homozygous polled, low birthweight, excellent EPDs, 12 months to 2 years. Northcutt Limousin, Kingston. 580564-6288 home, 405-250-9909 cell. Reg. Beefmaster bulls, cows, show heifers, great pedigree bloodlines, many are polled, red, dunn, black. See them at doubledeucebeefmasters.com or call 918-253-8680, 557-6923 cell. Beefmaster bulls, females, developed on forage, bred for the 6 essentials, foundation genetics, practical cattle with performance. Simon Creek Beefmasters, 580-668-2523. Serviceable age Angus, Maine bulls; small square wheat straw; John Deere 21-foot draper header; used sweeps & disk for yard ornaments; several propane refrigerators used in camper. 405-381-4307. Peruvian horses, world’s smoothest ride, best for trail, parade, show. Beautiful, proud, elegant gait. Mares, geldings, stallions, $3,500 up. 405-799-7070, leave

42 • Oklahoma Country • Spring 2010

message if no answer. Show steer, heifer prospects. Our spring borns are arriving out of popular AI sires such as Irish Whiskey, Sooner, Monopoly, etc. Brower Land & Cattle, Anadarko, 405-933-2007. Free, discounted stud fees to AQHA, APHA stallions by Dash for Cash, Fire Water Flit, Jet of Honor, Marthas Six Moons, Raise A Jet APHA, grandson of Frenchman’s Guy, Poco Tivid, others, lots of color. Shipped semen, bedonna. com, 580-471-4040. At stud blue roan cutting horse, grandson of Boon Bar. NCHA money earner, stud fee $650. Also Featherlight 4-horse living quarters trailer, $12,000. 580-271-0930. Kusel bulls have won more independent gain tests than any Limousin herd in the U.S. Large selection of big stout, gentle, easy calving herd sires. Since 1970. Kusel Limousins, 405-643-0884. Double Tough Harlan, buckskin triple bred Harlan at stud, $400 lfg, linebred Harland colts. 918-762-3769, kabarger@cowboy.net Guaranteed home-fed beef. Buy 1/4, 1/2 or whole beef. We drop off for processing at Sterling. You pick up. 580549-6506. 1-year-old reg. male llama, $200; 2-year-old can. reg. male llama, $150, gentle. 918-785-2497. Corrente bulls, heifers, steers ready to rope. 405-2148772. Reg. Polled Hereford bulls, 12 months to 2 years, PW Victor Boomer 606, Remitall Online 122L genetics; also a few reg. cow/calf pairs. 580-332-2468. Reg. Salers bulls, wheat pasture raised, gentle with good EPDs, 10 2-year-olds, 30 yearlings. Rowell Cattle, 405224-3139. Miniature horses, new tack, Easy Entry cart, leather harness. 405-381-4500, 850-0847. 3 tiger striped heifers, 2 year-old bred; 2 Brahman heifers, bred 3-year-old, 1 red, 1 white; 2-month old reg. Brahman bulls, very nice, need to sell all as group, $6,800. 580-212-8017. 4 Texas Longhorns, 3 females, 1 young bull; meat leaner than fish. 918-775-3334. Mini Spotted Jack, 9 months, $300; mini Jack, 3 years, $150; 2 Jacks, 6 months, $50 each. 405-452-3844. Beefmaster bulls, bred heifers, pairs. Some polled and black, open heifers. Ballenger Beefmasters, Okmulgee, 918-756-6502. Quarter Horse dispersal – broodmares, bred back, weanlings, yearlings, 2 year olds, 2 studs, pasture broke. Raised horses 50-year foundation breed. ’76 F250 4-speed, 360 motor, good solid pickup, long bed. 580-545-3539. Reg. homozygous black Limousin bulls, bred for low birth weights. James Fork Limousins, 918-654-7378. 12 mixed cow-calf pairs, mostly young; storage trailer; ’80 IH 2-ton truck; ’94 Chevy 2-ton. 405-258-6559. Young black Simmental bulls, a few fall born show or replacement heifers. 580-258-0080. APHA. Reducing herd, stallions, mares, fillies. Excellent bloodlines, many black/white, fair prices, many choices. 405-262-8499.

MISCELLANEOUS Texoma T Striper Guide service with fishing guide Sterling Smith. Kids under 12 just $40 each w/paid adult. 800-490-2986, striperfishingtexoma.com Go-cart/dunebuggy,6HPTecumsehengine,independent suspension, lights, roll cage, low hours, excellent condition, like new, best offer. 405-376-6371, 596-5530. Coke machine, Vendo H110D, $800. Poteau, 918-6474278.

APPRAISAL CAREER OPPORTUNITY Earn $60,000/yr part time. Farm Equipment and Livestock appraisal training and certification. Agricultural background required. Classroom or Home Study courses available. (800) 488-7570. www.amagappraisers.com Very old manual typewriter. Avon collectibles. Interested, call 405-381-2722. Green puppet shows, theme is recycling, littering, composting. 580-451-0400, plant3trees.com Must sell ’04 Yamaha V6A Star; 100-year-old-plus chest of drawers; chest freezer; Weider Pro 4100 weight machine. 580-310-9922. Ramsey Termite & Pest. Free estimates. 405-598-2083. Kelly Haney limited edition prints, lithographs, artist prints, some framed, approximately 75 to choose from. Best offer. 580-743-2980. Rattan furniture – chairs, end table, tv stand; also antique wood rocking chair, metal shelf. 580-772-6523 evenings. Stanley Home Products, Fuller Brush. Full line of cleaning, personal products, degreasers, brushes, brooms, lotions, kettle cleaners, germ cleaners. 580-497-2249. Usborne, Kane Miller children’s’ books, online catalog StartKidsReading.com. Business opportunity available. 918-371-0401 for more info. Four burial lots available at Rosehill Cemetery in Tulsa, $2,000 cash. 918-902-1877, 521-9265. ’02 G3 18-ft. aluminum fishing boat w/115 HP Yamaha motor, stainless steel prop, 2 Lowrance finders, trolling motor, dual battery charger. 918-534-1154. McGee Construction in Davis. Carpentry, concrete work, demolition, stem walls, basements, bobcat works, storm cellars. Tony McGee, 937-844-3319. All steel spudder-type drilling rig with 3 sets of tools, $10,000. 918-333-3974. Massage by Becky. Body wrap, $90, reg. $115, 5-14 & 5-15; body polish, $50, reg. $60, Mother’s Day the 9th & Armed Forces the 15th. Hair Gallery in Oologah. 918-443-223. Willis Granite Production, Granite. Quality granite monuments, historicals, veteran’s monuments, signs. Original designs, statewide service. 580-35-2184. Optelec/Spectrum low vision magnification machine, orig. cost, $3,665, color monitor w/table, $500. Located near Siloam Springs, AR. 918-868-7707.

Wood stoves, pellet stoves, St. Croix corn stores, also burn wheat. Chimney relines, chimney repairs, all other hearth needs, new fireplace construction. 918-373-5405. Know your mail has arrived without walking to mail box with a $5 alert flag. Contact razor7298@aol.com or visit mailalertflag.com. Walnut kiln-dried lumber, sawed oak for trailer floors, 16-ft.; no maintenance creosote fencing, 2-3 rail. 918907-1104. Need extra money? Part, full time wanted. Have broken Tupperware or need to purchase? Call Maxine Drake at 405-665-5076, cell 444-0194. Minerals for lease in Stephens, Kiowa Counties (none for sale, lease only). Have land for lease for cell towers in Stephens County. 580-255-5335, leave message. Old ’30s to ’60s pop vending machines; ’50s to ’60s juke boxes; old pop bottles for sale. 580-623-7711, 623-3133. Nortake China, 12-place setting, pattern #900P (Arita), bought in Japan in 1962, like new, $500. Sulphur area, 580-622-5498, leave message. Check us out – Kelly’s Monuments, Henryetta, 918-6527248. Best on-site selection, best prices, quality workmanship, custom designs. Above-ground steel safe rooms. 918-629-2707.

Mobile Homes, RVs ’99 23-ft. Jayco Eagle, like new, body tv, class tv, queen size bed, hitch included, $6,500. 918-557-5823. ’04 Sunseeker by Forest River, 29-ft. class C, 2 slides, Ford 450 6.8L MT, 16 K miles, non-smoker, 4.0 Onan, 17 hrs., all options, very clean, exc. condition, 580-445-5109. ’02 25-foot Salem fifth wheel, used 6 times, 11-foot slide out, spare, 2-door refrigerator, shower, bath, 16-foot awning, electric jacks, queen size bed, sleeps 6. 918-457-5353. ’72 Shelmar 14x72 mobile in Stillwater’s Park West. 2-bedroom, 2-bath, dishwasher, washer/dryer hookup, $9,000. 405-756-6708. ’02 Champion mobile home, 16 x 80, 3 & 2, 1-owner, total electric, you move, $20,000. 918-693-9889.

PETS Blue Heeler female, 8 months old, purebred, $50 cash. 405-240-7750. Jack Russell pups, JRTC reg., 3 female, 1 male; Australian Shepherd pups, AKC reg., all parents on premises. 405282-0951. ACA Chihuahua puppies, long and short hair, meds

current, family raised, $200-$250. 580-362-1813, 763-2857. AKC English Bulldog pups. We only have a few litters each year, call to reserve. 580-364-4034, McGeeCreek Bulldogs.Biz ACA reg. Shihtzus, Poms, Chihuahuas. Small sizes, family raised and loved, socialized to children, adjust, shots, wormed, health guarantee, $250-$400. 405-584-0675. German Shepherds, white, AKC reg., $400. Coweta, 918279-9158, 697-5939.

Real Estate Trail rider’s paradise – 21 acres, brick home, new shop, barn, live clear creek, _ mile from Ouachita National Forest at Talihina. $180,000. rvsbil@hughes.net Camping-boating vacation membership on Grand Lake. 90% off FB members only, $295. 918-782-3295 cell, 257-1456. Two homes in one – 5 bedrooms, 4 baths, large in-ground pool, double garage, cellar, 2 kitchens, 2 dining, large rec. room, giant fenced backyard, 2 fireplaces, 2 laundries, storage galore. 211 Rice Dr., Watonga. 580-886-2406. 394 acres, excellent pasture w/mostly Bermuda along w/ native grasses, working pens w/Top Hand wrap around tub w/runway to squeeze chute, headgate, large watershed lake, good fishing, hunting. 580-265-4643. 5 acres, brick home in S. Central OK, 3-bedroom, 2-bath w/2-car garage, 60x60 metal barn/shop, 20x24 insulated metal shop/storage bldg., well, storm cellar. 580-812-1302. House on 1 acre – 4-bedrooms, 2-bath, wood stove plus CHA, new metal roof, vinyl siding, outbuilding, big front and back porches. 918-723-4608. Home for rent in Collinsville – 4-bedroom, 2-bath, yard, 2-car garage. $1,175. 310-428-7977. 40 acres 30 miles west of OKC. Partially built 2,000 sq.ft. metal home, 30 x 30 shop building w/bath, 2 barns, 4 run-in sheds, pond, pipe cross fencing, good pasture, $225,000. 405-514-0415. Brick home on paved road, 2-bedroom, 1.5-bath, large living room, fireplace w/insert, carport, CHA, on 10 acres, well and rural water, 2 large buildings, 3 miles from Stilwell. 918-696-4233. Willing to buy inherited fractional surface interests. 405242-6430, rolyatl@hotmail.com Beautiful hunting lodge, 540 acres located on Red River in Tillman County, with deer, turkey, quail. Century 21 Altus Prestige, Betty Dosher, 580-482-0621. Lake Eufaula home, 1,152 sq.ft., 3-bedroom, 2-bath,


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Zip Deadline for the next issue is June 15, 2010. Oklahoma Country • Spring 2010 • 43



Tortilla Lasagna

• 2 pounds Certified Angus Beef ® ground chuck, cooked and drained • 1 (1.25-ounce) package taco seasoning • 3/4 cup water • 1 cup chopped green onions • 1 (16-ounce) jar salsa • 12 (6-inch) corn tortillas • 1 (4 to 5-ounce) can diced green chilies • 1 pound grated Monterey Jack cheese • 1 (10-ounce) can mild enchilada sauce 1. Preheat oven to 350°F. 2. Combine cooked ground beef with taco seasoning, water and green onions. Stir in salsa. 3. Spray 9” x 13” pan with nonstick spray. Place a layer of tortillas in the bottom. Top with a third of the green chilies, ground beef, cheese and enchilada sauce. Repeat layers twice, using cheese on top. Cover with foil and bake at 350°F for 45 minutes. Remove foil and bake an additional 10 minutes. Serves 8

Italian Cupboard Soup ­ • 2 boneless top loin pork chops, cubed • 1 15-ounce can chopped tomatoes, undrained • 1 14-1/2-ounce can chicken broth • 2 tablespoons dried minced onion • 1 15-ounce can cannellini or great Northern beans, drained • 8 ounces fresh spinach leaves, torn In a deep saucepan, brown the pork in a little oil. Add all ingredients except spinach; bring to a boil, lower heat and simmer for 15 minute. Stir in torn spinach and cook for 2 more minutes. Top servings with grated Parmesan or Romano cheese. Serves 4

44 • Oklahoma Country • Spring 2010

covered boat deck, new paint/carpet, gated community, easy I-40 access, $149,000. 580-225-3441. Wewoka 3-bedroom brick home, 1 1/2-bath, 2-car garage, large fenced back yard, shade trees, $30,000. 405-273-4481. 4 acres with seasonal creek by Weston Grove, Ark. (in boonies), $1,750 per acre, make offer. 4 acres w/house, new shop, old pond, Guthrie, $196,000. ’45 Chevy 1 _-ton truck, $2,850. 405-612-4938.

WANTED I BUY BLACKSMITHING TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT. MIKE GEORGE, 1227 4TH ST., ALVA, OK 73717, 580-327-5235. WANTED OLDER VEHICLES, CARS, PICKUPS, VANS, WAGONS, 1900s THRU 1960s, GAS PUMPS, TAGS. 580-658-3739. Want D-17 Allis Chalmers w/large fenders, wheat land style, dead or alive; W-6 Super Intl. propane; Moline UDLX-R-ZTX. 405-352-4816. Want any John Deere “hit and miss” stationary engines, 3-6 HP; also any ’60s Ford or Chevy cars w/4-speed manual transmission. 918-366-2403. Need to buy good used manure spreader; stock trailers for sale. 405-650-6827. Want annual hunting/camping lease, 2 to 4 hunters, in central Oklahoma. Respectful, experienced sportsman. 405-822-0490. Want to purchase oil, gas mineral rights, producing or non-producing. 580-223-0353, 800-687-5882. Looking for lot or one acre of land in or near Warner for sale to move mobile home on to, utilities preferred. 918464-2493. Looking to buy old Model T’s and A’s; ’55, ’57 Chevy cars, parts, in any condition. 918-689-7477. Want pictures, postcards, tokens, souvenir pieces from Stonewall, Roff, Tupelo, Allen, Francis, Sasakwa. 580399-8866. Want rusty, forgotten wrecked old VW bugs, any condition; ’49-’57 VW vans; ’55-’67 sunroof bugs, convertibles; also want vintage Star Wars toys, ’77-’85. Trey, 580-246-8142. Want old barn wood, 1 x 12’s at least 7-ft. long. Will pick up. 580-363-4760, 789-1756. Want Haywood-Wakefield dining table, round or drop leaf, maple Winthrop finish. 918-762-3120. Collector paying cash for antique fishing lures, tackle; also Coke machines, signs. Troy, 800-287-3057. Want ’90-’94 Chevy or GMC pickup, just the chassis and body, need up-to-date title. Westville, 918-723-4603.

Feeding and clothing the world ...

one farmer at a time.

Jon and Natalie Leeds care for the land. Managing water, selecting efficient seed varieties and using conservation tillage help them keep their Muskogee County farm productive while ensuring a safe U.S. food supply ... and a vibrant future for their kids. Which is important because when these Oklahoma Farm Bureau members retire from the land, they want to pass it on.

® Oklahoma

Farm Bureau


2501 N Stiles • Oklahoma City, OK 73105 • www.okfarmbureau.org Oklahoma Country • Spring 2010 • 45


Alcoa Steel & Vinyl Siding

Yes! Energy savings over a short period will more than pay for the new siding investment in your home.

America’s At Home With Alcoa

Insulates against cold or heat.

Does not absorb or retain moisture like wood.

Goes up easily over wood asbestos, stucco or masonry walls.

Does not support combustion.

Protect your investment in your home! Improve its value! Muffles outside noises, assures a quieter, more livable home.

Permanently protects & beautifies your home. Resists damaging effects of acids, salt, water, sun, rain, oil, etc. Stays beautiful wherever you live! Retains beauty year in, year out.

Maintenance free -- the BEST buy in today’s home covering market! Does not peel, flake, corrode or rust. Easy to clean-simply hose down.

Mars, scars, abrasions don’t show. High impact-resistant.

White & 12 decorator colors. Never needs paint-durability built in not painted on.

Completely covers split, warped, faded or peeled outside walls.

Here are the names of just a few of your Farm Bureau neighbors who are enjoying the beauty & comfort of Alcoa Siding products. Feel free to check with them. Benny Rogers P.O. Box 883 Perry, OK Bob Bolay Rt. 2, Box 119 Perry, OK Carl Windham 10404 N.W. 37th Yukon, OK Don Rainwater 5710 Willow Dr. Norman, OK Neil Roberts 1400 Charles Norman, OK O.B. Puckett 200 Elm Maysville, OK Eddie Huitt P.O. Box 101 Sterling, OK

Forest Masters 317 W. Sheridian Kingfisher, OK Beryle James 9512 W. Britton Yukon, OK Unique Coffeures 5900 N.W. 49th Oklahoma City, OK Linda Sitton P.O. Box 160 Binger, OK Delones Knupik 414 W. Birch Enid, OK Tim Cameron Rt. 1, Box 85 Orlando, OK Jack Steele 119 Thompson Kingfisher, OK

Steve Leck 116 S. Flynn Calumet, OK Jerry Benda 63125 Gregory Rd. El Reno, OK Clark Graham 213 N.W. 1st Moore, OK Carl McKinney P.O. Box 592 Eufaula, OK Greg Biggs 18600 N. Antler Way Deer Creek, OK Daniel Garrett 1909 S. Jensen El Reno, OK Mike Yousey 20502 S.E. 15th Harrah, OK

• No artificial look • No warping in summer

Al Castro 4601 Winners Circle Norman, OK Don Blain 308 E. Jarman Midwest City, OK Kenneth Azlin P.O. Box 921 Seminole, OK Gerald McDaniel 14714 Key Ridge Dr. Newalla, OK Mike Limke 201 Owen Mustang, OK Mike Lee Rt. 4, Box 193 Tuttle, OK Larry Yost 315 N. 3rd Watonga, OK

Starling Miller 912 Kansas Chickasha, OK Herschel Nichols Route 1 Prague, OK Jerry Haynes P.O. Box 208 Cashion, OK Charles Frank 1908 Brook Hollow Ct. Stillwater, OK Lynn Luker 720 W. Jackson Cresent, OK Jim Youngs 1201 Clearview Mustang, OK Tommie Richardson P.O. Box 381 Purcell, OK

Cade Boepple Rt. 1, Box 7 Covington, OK Randy Plant 18701 Garden Ridge Edmond, OK S & J Tire Co. Hwy. 81 El Reno, OK Ron Pinkenton 7521 N.W. 40th Oklahoma City, OK Leslie Bradford Rt. 3, Box 298 Watonga, OK Sharon Graham 2821 Bella Vista Midwest City, OK James Bryant 1755 N. Country Club Newcastle, OK

Check these features

• Won’t rot or peel • Won’t absorb or retain moisture

Keller Rest. 820 N. McAuther Oklahoma City, OK Larry Smith Rt. 2, Box 122 Kingfisher, OK Mickey Brown 1705 Country Club Newcastle, OK Barth Construction Lot 6 Wild Turkey Hollow Stillwater, OK Jeff Palmer 822 S. 6th Kingfisher, OK Starling Miller Rt. 3, Box 129A Perry, OK Mike Nemec Rt. 1, Box 90 Perry, OK

• No exposed nails • Won’t break up in hail

Willia Clay 1845 N.W. 23rd Newcastle, OK Don Jantz Rt. 3 Enid, OK Dawn Faust 9329 Lyric Lane Midwest City, OK Veres Zum Mullen Rt. 4 Okarche, OK Jim Nichols 4737 Crest Pl. Del City, OK Glenda Irick 2601 N.W. 118th Oklahoma City, OK Teressa Parham 128 Chickasaw Yukon, OK

Reese Wilmoth 5400 N.W. 66th Oklahoma City, OK Mark Kelley 3421 N.W. 67th Oklahoma City, OK Richard Boren Rt. 1, Box 151 Geary, OK Dawayne Smith 415 S.W. 16th Newcastle, OK Hanley Hintergardt 9100 Whitehall Ct. Oklahoma City, OK Dan Wedeman 3455 N. Red Rock Rd. Yukon, OK Mike Nichols Route 1 Prague, OK

• Won’t dent like aluminum • Static electricity attraction free.

Farm Bureau members receive a 33 1/3% discount off nationally-published retail prices.

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