NATIONAL WINNERS he Kingfisher FFA team, which won the Oklahoma Farm Bureau-sponsored contests at both the Oklahoma State Fair and Tulsa State Fair, won the national livestock judging team title at the National Western Livestock Show in Denver, Colo. Farm Bureau awarded the team a $750 cash prize at Tulsa to help defray costs to the national competition. Members of the team are pictured with Kingfisher ag ed teacher Ryan Burns, standing on the right. The youngsters on the team, from left standing, are McKenzie Clifton and Josh Lippoldt; and from left seated, Audrey Gruntmier, Kyle Mueggborg and McKenzie Walta. The team won the beef and sheep judging divisions and was second in the goat and swine judging. Walta also was the top individual in the contest.
T FARM BUREAU WEEK ov. Brad Henry displays the official document he just signed proclaiming it Farm Bureau Week in Oklahoma. The governor signed the document in ceremonies in the Blue Room Feb.10, making the week of Feb.15-20 Farm Bureau Week in the state. Pictured with the governor, from left, are OFB President Mike Spradling, Public Policy Vice President Lori Peterson, Public Policy’s Tyler Norvell and Ericka McPherson and OFB Executive Director Matt Wilson. The proclamation recognized Oklahoma Farm Bureau for being the largest and most influential voluntary farm organization in the Sooner State. It also noted the dedication the organization has shown to maintaining agriculture as an “honorable and respected profession” that is responsible for much of the economic prosperity in Oklahoma.
ottawatomie County Farm Bureau held the grand opening for its second satellite office Feb. 20 in Tecumseh. Todd Colburn serves as the agent in the new office. Hot dogs, soft drinks and cake were served to those who came to visit during the grand opening. Following the wind-blown ribbon cutting ceremonies, this group gathered for a photo. Pictured, back row from left, are county insurance agents Aaron Capps and Brandon Hokit, county Director Todd Kennedy and county President John Grundmann, county insurance agent Josh Wilder and state Director Billy Gibson. Pictured, front row from left, are OFB President Mike Spradling, Colburn, insurance agent Michelle Briggs and county Director Joe Noble.
klahoma County Farm Bureau held the grand opening for its fourth satellite office Feb. 20 in Arcadia. Following the ribbon cutting ceremonies, this group gathered for a photo. Pictured, from left, are county Directors John Draper, Bob Bierschenk, Robert Wiley, John Bell, county President Curt Roberts and Director Dennis Lambring, and OFB President Mike Spradling. Sandra Earp is the insurance agent at the 005495693 new office.
Oklahoma Country • Spring 2009 • 37