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Coat Guard-approved life jacks when in boats, near open bodies of water or when participating in water sports. • Make sure your children swim in designated areas in the lake. • A pool should be equipped with an anti-entrapment drain cover and safety vacuum release to prevent children from being caught in the suction of the drain.

• Don’t leave toys in or near the pool, where they could attract unsupervised kids. • Enroll your kids in swimming lessons around age 4, but don’t assume swimming lessons make your child drown proof. “There is no substitute for active adult supervision,” Grego said. • Remember that inflatable swimming toys such as water wings are not floating devices and do not prevent drowning. • Learn infant and child CPR. “Most drownings happen in residential swimming pools and in open bodies of water,” Grego said. “However, children can drown in

as little as one inch of water and are also at risk of drowning in bathtubs, buckets, toilets and even draining ditches. It is every parent’s responsibility to protect their child from drowning.”

Common sense can prevent injuries little common sense can go a long way when starting projects in the garage, shop or yard. “The big problem is that people don’t wear


SAFETY LESSONS FB Safety Services Director Justin Grego demonstrates the dangers of getting too close to the power take off of a tractor to teenagers attending the annual Safety Seminar June 9. A mannequin came in contact with the PTO and was thrown beneath the mower, where it was shredded. More than 50 youngsters from across the state attended the three-day seminar. Events were held on the campus of the University of Central Oklahoma, the ROPES course near Stillwater and in the parking lot of the OFB headquarters in Oklahoma City.


he teen driver in the yellow t-shirt found that driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs can be extremely dangerous. All of the teenager campers had a turn behind the wheel while wearing intoxication simulation goggles during the annual Safety Seminar.


36 • Oklahoma Country • Summer 2008

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