Top left: Pottawatomie County President John Grundmann, left, and Director John Stotts, right, visit with Representative Shane Jett during a county Farm Bureau visit to state legislators April 7. Several county Farm Bureaus had delegations come to the capitol that day. Many county leaders asked their lawmakers to support the livestock preemption bill, which would have the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture set standards for care and handling of livestock in the state. Top Right: Representative Ryan Kiesel talks with district FBW Committeewoman Roberta Hughes while Seminole County President Syd Morgan and his wife, Norita, listen. Many lawmakers heard Farm Bureau members’ views from their districts about a measure that would allow non-veterinarians to perform “equine teeth floating,” which is equine dentistry that removes enamel points from teeth and the leveling of dental acrades in cattle and horses. Bottom right: Representative Jeff Hickmann, right, speaks with FBW Chairman Clara Wichert and Major County President Dennis Flaming. Hickmann was one of many state lawmakers getting visits from Farm Bureau members when leaders from more than 10 counties converged on the capitol. Oklahoma Country • Summer 2009 • 43