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The YF&Rsponsored raffle raised more than $12,000, which was donated to three former state committee members battling lifethreatening diseases. BancFirst purchased the John Deere Gator from Green Country Agricultural & Lawn Equipment while Madison Scottsdale and OFBMIC purchased the Cub Cadet ATV from Tulsa New Holland. The buyers donated the ATVs to the YF&R for the raffle. Both ATV dealerships provided the vehicles at cost.
FBW delegates caucusing at the 65th annual convention picked three new state committee members. Pictured, from left, are district two’s LoWayne Piercey of Washita County, district five’s Nadine Butler of Atoka County and district eight’s Roberta Hughes of Seminole County.
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Kisling, Atkins honored with Protect that truck! Distinguished Service Awards OK Farm Bureau It probably cost more 2 1/4 x 4 7/8" - 4/06 WKDQ \RXU ÀUVW KRXVH
An Oklahoma farmer owned business
klahoma Farm Bureau honored two leaders during its 65th annual meeting in Tulsa with Distinguished Service Awards. The pair of awards is designed to honor those who have made outstanding contributions to agriculture and to Oklahoma Farm Bureau, according to Matt Wilson, executive director. Alfalfa County’s Keith Kisling and Tillman County’s Merle Atkins were honored Nov. 11 in ceremonies before the convention body. Kisling was presented with the Distinguished Service to Oklahoma Agriculture Award while Atkins received the Distinguished Service to Oklahoma Farm Bureau Award. Kisling, 59, of Burlington, has served agriculture since he was just a youngster, first earning honors in high school as a member of the two-time national championship livestock judging team. He continued his success in livestock judging as a member of the 1967 national championship team from Northwestern Oklahoma State and the 1968 national championship team from Oklahoma State University.
Kisling grew up on his family’s farm. He graduated college and returned to his hometown of Burlington as the vocational agriculture teacher and also started farming with 80 acres of rented land. After teaching four years, the opportunity arose to begin farming full time in 1975 and he and his wife, Marlene, purchased a retiring neighbor’s home and part of his machinery and rented his land. From that 80-acre start, the operation has blossomed into a large farm and ranch with three full time employees. Despite leaving the teaching profession, Kisling has been dedicated to helping students in the agriculture field at the local, state and national levels by serving on the local and county fair boards, and judging youth contests, fairs and stock shows. The FFA has recognized him with the State Honorary FFA Degree and the American Honorary FFA Degree. Kisling has served on the Oklahoma Wheat Commission and U.S. Wheat Associates, traveling the world to convince other continued on pg 32