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Farm Bureau honors two with Distinguished Service awards klahoma Farm Bureau honored two leaders during its 67th annual meeting in Oklahoma City with Distinguished Service Awards. The pair of awards is designed to honor those who have made outstanding contributions to agriculture and to Oklahoma Farm Bureau, according to Matt Wilson, executive director. Payne County’s Dr. Michael R. Dicks and Woodward County’s Eldon Merklin were honored Nov. 14 during a special award’s program in the Cox Convention Center. Dicks was presented with the Distinguished Service to Oklahoma Agriculture Award while Merklin received the Distinguished Service to Oklahoma Farm Bureau Award.


icks, 55, of Stillwater, has served agriculture for more than 40 years as an educator and producer on the state, national and international levels. He has served on the faculty of Oklahoma State University since 1989, and currently is a professor of agricultural economics. Before coming to OSU, he was employed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service. Dicks was involved with fruit and vegetable production as well as sheep and cattle


Dr. Michael Dicks

32 • Oklahoma Country • Winter 2009

production in California from 1966 to 1971, and has continued to pursue his agricultural interests with wheat and cattle enterprises since relocating to Oklahoma. After earning his undergraduate degree from California Polytechnic State University, he served three years in the Peace Corps in Kenya. He has served on the Southern Agricultural Economics Association and has been an advisor to an Oklahoma U.S. Senator and three of the state’s U.S. House members. During his career as an educator, he has been honored by Gamma Sigma Delta, the Southern Agricultural Economics Association and Oklahoma State’s Aggie-X with its outstanding advisor award. Dicks has made significant contributions to agriculture in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, the Caribbean, Mexico and Canada as well as in America where he has worked extensively in the Southern and Great Plains as well as Oklahoma and Payne County. Internationally, he has conducted analysis for trade negotiations as well as development assistance and policy development. Nationally, Dicks has provided agriculture and natural resource policy analysis and development. Locally, he has worked to develop profit maximizing farming techniques, practices and price and cost determination. He is widely recognized for his development Eldon Merklin

of the Conservation Reserve Program and most of the rules and regulations for the first conservation title in the Food Security Act of 1985. Congress and USDA called upon Dicks in 1981, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2002 and 2008 to analyze options for the development of federal farm legislation. Dicks and his wife, Ellen, reside in Stillwater. He serves as chairman of the Payne County Farm Bureau FB Act Committee. erklin, 65, is a lifetime resident of Woodward County. He attended Oklahoma State University before returning to Woodward County to pursue a full time career in agriculture. He lives near Mutual where he grows wheat and alfalfa and runs stockers along with a cow-calf herd. He has devoted more than 35 years of his life to Farm Bureau, where he has served his county, state and nation as a leader of the farm organization. Merklin became active in Farm Bureau and was elected to the Woodward County board. He was elected to the OFB board of directors in 1975 as the district one director, where he represented members from the northwest part of the state. During his tenure on the state board, he served as vice president for five consecutive terms from 1988 to 1993 as well as holding the same office from 1977 to 1985. Merklin held the district director’s office until being elected OFB president in 1993, becoming only the fifth person to hold that position since the farm organization was chartered in 1942. Under Merklin’s leadership, OFB grew and became financially stronger. Also, during his tenure as president a computer networking system was established to connect every county office with the OFB state headquarters office. In addition, a statewide advertising campaign for OFB was initiated. Merklin was elected to the board of directors of the American Farm Bureau Federation in 1995 and served through 1997, when he opted not to seek re-election to the OFB president’s office.


In addition to his service to Farm Bureau, Merklin served on the Cattlemen’s Beef Promotion and Research Board. He was appointed to that board by the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture in 1986, and then re-appointed to a three-year term in 1987. Merklin was elected as the first chairman of the Oklahoma Beef Council in 1990, where he served a one-year term. He was re-elected chairman in 1991, and was named to a threeyear term by Farm Bureau to represent it on the Beef Council.

The Oklahoma Senate President Pro Tempore appointed Merklin to the Advisory Task Force on the Sale of School Land in 1990. Merklin also has served on the Woodward County Farmers Home Administration Committee and the Woodward Hospital Foundation board of directors. He also has served on the FFA Foundation along with the Woodward Hospital Board and the Woodward United Methodist Church administrative council. Merklin and his wife of 44 years, Janet, have two adult children.

Noble County couple named Farm Family of the Year oble County’s Scott and Carol Dvorak were named Oklahoma Farm Bureau Farm Family of the Year Nov. 14 at the 67th annual state convention in Oklahoma City. A panel of judges selected the Perry family from 14 entries in the annual contest, which honors the farm family who best represents farming and ranching and the spirit of


Oklahoma agriculture. The Dvoraks received use of a new Dodge pickup for a year, an expense-paid trip to the American Farm Bureau Federation meeting in San Antonio, Tex., and other gifts in recognition of their accomplishments. The couple has three children, Joseph, Allison and Justin.

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Oklahoma Country • Winter 2009 • 33

Scott, 52, and Carol, 53, were married in 1978 and began their farming and ranching operation that same year on a school land lease, trading labor for the use of his father’s farm equipment. They also rented more cropland and a small pasture, raising wheat and cattle and prairie hay. Today’s operation consists of 720 acres of owned land and another 3,000 plus acres of rented land. The last crop year saw them plant 1,000 acres of wheat and 400 acres of corn with another 60 acres in alfalfa and 350 acres of prairie hay. The 2,000 plus acres of pasture remaining is used for the 145-head cow herd. “In the last few years we began feeding steers to sell as quarters of beef to friends and family. This has grown from just a couple of friends to a list of over 30 clients.” All production records for the operation are computerized, going back 30 years on wheat and corn. Scott also maintains a daily journal so time, weather, current events and production records can be compared when making marketing decisions. “We want to produce the same amount of beef off fewer acres of pasture using improved grasses. We want to increase crop production using fewer hours on equipment and labor. And,” they said, “we want to improve soil and water quality and see the

results in increased crop production. “Most of all, we want to be good stewards of the gifts God has bestowed on us. We have been fortunate to witness first-hand the miracles of His creation.” Scott served a district seven OFB director from 1996 until terming out in 2005. He has served many years on the Noble County board, and has held the president’s position multiple times. Carol has served many times as chair of the county’s FBW Committee. He also has served on the county ASCS Committee, with multiple stints as the chairman. Both he and Carol are members of the local Chamber of Commerce and Main Street organization as well as being politically active and Sunday school teachers and communion ministers. They also have served on the local Livestock Boosters Club. “We really believe in what we do and treat our farm and ranch operation as a profession,” they said. “The whole family shares this belief in the importance of what we do producing food for the world.” Scott said he grew up wanting to farm and married a farm girl that had the same dreams he had. “We are very proud of the profession we have chosen.”

FBW Chair Clara Wichert, left, presents the 2008 Farm Family of the Year plaque to Noble County’s Carol and Scott Dvorak.

34 • Oklahoma Country • Winter 2009

Jack and Jodi Simmons win Achievement Award dair County’s Jack and Jodi Simmons were named Oklahoma Farm Bureau YF&R Achievement Award winner Nov. 14th at the 67th annual convention in Oklahoma City. The YF&R Achievement Award honors the state’s top young farmer or farm family for their achievements in the farming business and their leadership in the agricultural community. A panel of judges selected the Stilwell couple for the award. They received an expense-paid trip to the 2009 American Farm Bureau convention in San Antonio, Tex., to represent Oklahoma in the national contest where they will compete for Dodge pickups and Arctic Cat fourwheelers. As the Oklahoma winner, the Simmons received a year’s use of a Dodge pickup and the use of a Kubota tractor along with other prizes. Jack and Jodi have two children, Eryn, 14, and Spencer, 5. They have more than 1,300 acres near Stilwell where they have 100 acres of hay and run 240 head of cattle in addition to operating a liquid feed business. Both Jack and Jody grew up on farms. Their operation today includes parts of the farm where Jack was reared. Their operation dates to 1989, when they rented pasture and purchased 60 head of cattle. They purchased their first 100 acres that same year; added another 669 acres in 1992; 500 acres in 1993; and purchased their last 100 acres two years ago. “We have made several changes, expansion and improvements in both management and marketing practices for our cow-calf operation,” they said. Among the changes implemented are spraying pastures for weed control as opposed to mowing, improved genetics in the cattle herd and the use of video auctions for their animals to access more buyers. In the future, the couple hopes to clear more timber to increase pasture opportunities for their animals as well as cross-fencing to better manage grazing. There also are plans to


Scott Storey wins Excellence in Agriculture Award ayne County’s Scott Storey was recognized with Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s YF&R Excellence in Agriculture Award Nov. 14 at the 67th annual convention in Oklahoma City. The award recognizes successful young people 35 or younger who are involved in farming but whose primary occupations are not farming or owning an agricultural business. The award is based on their involvement in agriculture and participation in Oklahoma Farm Bureau and other community organizations. Storey received a Polaris four-wheeler ATV courtesy of Farm Credit plus a trip to the AFBF convention in San Antonio, Tex., to represent Oklahoma in the national contest. He and his wife, Amanda, and two children, Seth and Emily, reside in Stillwater. After completing bachelor and master degree requirements at Oklahoma State University, he accepted a position with the USDA Agriculture Research Service as a biological science technician in the wheat,

P Cameron Coulter, left, of Vance Motors and representing Oklahoma Dodge dealers, presents the keys to a new Dodge pickup to Achievement Award winners Jack and Jodi Simmons of Adair County.

build a hay barn and facilities for backgrounding calves. While their occupation occupies much of their time, both serve on their county’s YF&R Committee. Jack also serves as the Adair County Farm Bureau vice president and Jodi serves as secretary of the county Women’s Committee. They also both are members of the county’s 4-H and FFA Boosters Club. “We measure and evaluate the management of our family operation by debt to income ratio. As our income increases, it enables us to decrease or debt.”

im Taylor, son of the late John I. Taylor, unveiled the bust of his father. The elder Taylor was a charter member and the first president of Oklahoma Farm Bureau. The bust, commissioned by the Taylor family, will be displayed in the OFB headquarters building in Oklahoma City.


ollowing the unveiling of a bust of OFB’s first president, John I. Taylor, many members who were active in the organization’s early days posed with the piece of sculpture. Taylor served as president 1942 to 1953, and those pictured also served as leaders during the organization’s early history. Pictured, from left, are


The YF&R’s Jon Leeds, left, presents the Excellence in Agriculture Award to Scott Storey and his wife, Amanda, during the Nov.14 awards program at the Cox Center.

peanut and other field crop research unit. He currently is working to research varieties and germplasms of barley that are genetically superior. “In my current job, I have many opportunities to have a positive impact on agriculture,” Storey said. “I plan on continuing my involvement in youth organizations and with the production side of agriculture so I can continue to spread the good news our industry is doing.” While he’s employed full time with USDA, he maintains a 20-head herd of cattle in McCurtain County on leased land. Family

Doris Lee and Wallace Howard of Woodward County; Sue Jarvis of Seminole County; Melvin and Helen Keller of Tulsa County; Ralph Dickson of Comanche County; Betty and Clarence Vache of Cotton County; and Mary Lee and Wayne Booth of Washita County.

Oklahoma Country • Winter 2009 • 35

members there tend the herd on a day-to-day basis, but Storey goes there when it’s time to wean calves and pregnancy check the cows. He said he believes the most important issue facing agriculture is keeping it “in a positive light in front of the rest of the country.” He also said if agriculture is to survive that “we need to make it more affordable and inviting for young people. . .” Storey is active on the Payne County Farm Bureau YF&R Committee, and participates in many functions it holds. He also has been in the finals of the state YF&R Discussion Meet.

Mindi Clark wins Discussion Meet lfalfa County’s Mindi Clark was crowned Oklahoma YF&R Discussion Meet winner Nov. 14 at the 67th annual Oklahoma Farm Bureau convention. Clark, who resides in Byron, survived three preliminary rounds in the annual contest to



he YF&R’s Jon Leeds congratulates 2008 Discussion Meet winner Mindi Clark of Alfalfa County.

take the Oklahoma title. She will represent Oklahoma in national contest at the American Farm Bureau Federation annual meeting in San Antonio in January. The Discussion Meet is designed to simulate a committee meeting where discussion and active participation are expected from each participant. This competition is evaluated on an exchange of ideas and information on a specific topic related to agriculture. At the national contest in Texas, Clark will compete for a Dodge 2500 pickup and an Arctic Cat 4-wheeler. She received the use of a new Dodge pickup for a year as the 2008 Oklahoma winner. Clark holds a bachelor degree from Oklahoma State University and master degree from Northwestern Oklahoma Sate University. She is the agriculture education instructor at Fairview Public Schools. Clark and her husband, Steve, have a beef cattle herd and wheat farm near Byron in Alfalfa County.

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36 • Oklahoma Country • Winter 2009

JOHN I. TAYLOR AWARD – arvin County Farm Bureau President Dale Schauer accepted the John I. Taylor Award from Mike Spradling Nov.14 during the awards program at the Cox Convention Center. Garvin County earned the award, topping all counties in all of OFB’s program areas. It was the second consecutive year Garvin County earned the honor.


LEWIS H. MUNN AWARD – lfalfa County Farm Bureau President Scott Cormack accepted the Lewis H. Munn Award from Mike Spradling Nov. 14 during the awards program at the Cox Convention Center. Alfalfa County excelled in political affairs to earn the honor. It was the second consecutive year Alfalfa County earned the honor.


SECRETARY OF THE YEAR – reida Biddle, the Okmulgee County Farm Bureau office secretary, was honored as the 2008 Secretary of the Year at the 67th annual meeting in Oklahoma City. President Mike Spradling recognized Biddle with a plaque, and she also received an expensepaid trip for two to the American Farm Bureau Federation annual convention in San Antonio. The award honors county office secretaries for their contributions to the overall success of their county Farm Bureau. Biddle also was the winner of the north central district crown. Other district winners were the northeast’s Kari Lemley of Adair County; the northwest’s Natalie Dotson of Garfield County; the southwest’s Carmen Vasquez of Jackson County; the south central’s Diane McCoy of Garvin County; and the southeast’s Betty Caudill of Latimer County.

VESPERS & MEMORIAL SERVICE – Those attending the final day of the 67th annual Oklahoma Farm Bureau convention on Nov.16 watched as state directors and Women’s Committee representatives lit candles to memorialize members who passed away during the previous year. In the top photo, FBW representative Doris Lee Howard places a rose in a vase while Director Ervin Mitchell lights a candle in memorial. Miss Oklahoma City Brittany Bisel sang songs of praise for the service while former NFL football John “The Bull” Bramlett delivered the uplifting message.


ENJOYING IT – Merle Shipman, left, and Paul Fruendt, who both represented Logan County at the 67th annual Oklahoma Farm Bureau convention, enjoyed the Nov.14 ice cream social. The ice cream social was held to benefit the Oklahoma Farm Bureau Legal Foundation, and raised more than $1,400.

GREAT PERFORMANCE – Grand Ole Opry member Connie Smith, best known for her 1964 hit “Once a Day,” performed during the Nov.15 Oklahoma Farm Bureau banquet at the 67th annual meeting. Oklahoma Country • Winter 2009 • 37


Classifieds AUTOMOTIVE

’95 Pontiac Firebird Formula L82, 350 motor, auto, PW/PL, 42,000 miles, leather, one of a kind, nice. 405-899-7919. ’74 Chevy 6500 twin dump flat bed, V8, 4-2 speed, new engine. 405-783-4284. ’06 Mitsubishi Eclipse GT, black leather, sunroof, 6-CD changer, 6823 miles, 1-owner, still smells new. 405-944-1053. ’64 Chevy step side pickup, totally restored, PS, 350, w/cam and header, rolled and tucked seats, over $12,000 invested, sacrifice only $8,500, will trade. 918-478-3534. ’95 WH GM DS body type, ’00 Mack TM body style, both 18-wheelers, 580-563-2815, 214-695-6512. ’03 Ford Mustang coupe, Pony edition, 100K highway miles, excellent condition, $7,000 OBO. 405-380-2315, 405-380-8898. ’07 Nissan Frontier receiver hitch, brand new in original box, comes with light receptacle. 785-443-6069. One-of-a-kind ’95 Pontiac formula Firebird, 42,000 actual miles, PL/PW, automatic, 350. 405-899-7919. Like new Tuff Cover for short bed truck, all hardware included, black, paid $600 but will take $300. Sue, 918-967-1400. ’71 Mercury Cougar XR7, 63K, 351 Cleveland engine, 2tone white/maroon, $6,000.918-368-2582, 918-290-0301. White fiberglass Astro topper, like new, $600; ’83 El Cameno, excellent shape, new paint, tires and interior, new tag, $5,000 firm. 580-363-0424, 789-1188 cell. ’51 Chevy 1 1/2-ton truck w/lift, 13.5 ft. bed, runs, needs some TLC, 6-cylinder, 4400 series. 580-747-0985. ’99 Silverado 250 4x crew cab, $10,500;’79 CK 20 Chevy 4x4, FB, 350, 4-speed, $1,500; Farmall 186 hydro, burned, good hydro, $3,500; ’95 Lincoln Towncar, $2,000. 918-967-8453. Real fuel saver – ’82 VW Rabbit pickup, ready for paint, gasoline 5-speed, ultra wheels, new seat covers, headliner, $2,700. 918-652-7348 after 5 p.m. 390 Ford motor, needs to be cleaned up. Injection pump, injectors can be salvaged from 350 diesel motor. 580-482-3896. ’88 Chevy 1-on, 454, 4-speed, PS, flat bed, runs good, $2,700 OBO; 30x50 bolt up building, never used, $7,950 might trade for classic car; ’70 Nova 2-door coupe, 6-cyl, auto, runs good, $3,800 as is. 405-672-0048. ’47 Chevy Fleetmaster, parts cars, $1,500; ’49 Chevy wheat truck, $1,150; ’58 Chevy Apache _-T., $500; ’46 Ford sedan parts car, $400; ’38 McCormick Deering, $750; 500 misc. hubcaps, centercaps, $300. 580-541-3655. Gas saver – ’89 Honda Accord, automatic,35 mpg, VGC, $2,000 OBO. Free gas fill up with purchase, free AC service. 918-289-8029. ’83 International S1955 dump truck, DT466, 9-speed, air brakes, 11R22.5 tires, $6,500. 405-850-1005. ’05 black F350 OLT, DRW, 6.0 Power Stroke, hard to find short bed dually, looks/runs great. Bed mounted flipover gooseneck ball ready to haul a trailer, 80,450 miles, asking $19,500. 405-255-4146 cell. Can email pictures.

FARM EQUIPMENT SPIDEL WEED WIPER. #1 Herbicide applicator for weed control. All sizes available. Recovers in stock. ATV mounting bracket, and Quality carts. www.acrsales.com or 1-800-544-1546 or 405-321-7843. 300-gallon fuel tank w/stand, $350; Bushog square bale pop-up loader, $400. Bixby, 918-366-8759. John Deere 4010 diesel tractor, starts easily, all hydraulics work, $5,000. 918-366-2403. 2 John Deere 8300 16-10 grain drills w/press wheels; 24-ft. aluminum stock trailer; 72-40 Case International

38 • Oklahoma Country • Winter 2009

tractor w/duals, front-wheel assist, front end loader. 580-983-2453. John Deere 4520 with front-end loader, front spike, 53 HP, E-hydro trans., 18 hours, better than new, must sell, $25,000. 405-820-2714. Servis 7-ft. 3-point blade, model Rhino; Servis 5-ft. 3point Brushog model Chico. Both in fair condition, $400 each; A/C – WD not running, $1,500. 405-453-7560. JD 336 twin baler, H&J V8 rake, JD 275 rotary cutter, $12,500. 405-324-9304. Dutch Boy 8-ton cone bottom feed bin. 580-927-5029. 2,450 ft. of 2 7/8-inch pipe, $1.60/ft.; 150 ft. 12-inch Ibeam, $10/ft.; 250 ft. 22-inch bar joint, $5/ft.; 4,000 ft. 6 5/8-inch pipe, $10/ft. 405-627-3920. Portable arena panels, 10-ft. long, 42 panels, 2 tractor gates, painted, will set on T-posts for stability, $3,250 cash. 918-706-6073. ’98 7410 John Deere tractor, cab & air, 295 actual hours, kept in barn, very good condition, $50,000. 580-788-2394 after 6 p.m., cell anytime at 405-207-0770. 1508 JD Brushog, 15 ft. hyd.; ’71 JD 3020 diesel syncro; ’74 MF 135 diesel, 830 ors. 580-889-0075. John Deere 70, 2-cylinder tractor, great restoration project. 918-473-6743. 4x8 tilt bed trailer, used 2 times, $495. 405-550-0387. ’95 Tyler sprayer, 60-ft. booms, 750-gal., 2,240 hours, $33,500. 580-541-2326, dwilson@wiredok.com 4020 JD PLPW, 158 LDR PTO, no 3-pt., $7,900; 384 Leyland 62 HP DSL, good shape, $3,800; G.B. 440 quick tach LDR, bucket, $2,500. 405-391-3688, 850-7451. 565 A Hesston round baler, 1340 swing type Hesston swather, 450 John Deere grain drill, 11-foot tandem disc. 405-478-8635, cell 623-5027. ’58 Farmall M road grader, new tires, excellent running and operating condition, $1,875. 405-382-2698. 2 GQF cabinet incubators w/turning trays thermostat, clear plastic door; 2 GQF hatchers w/5 trays thermostat & clear plastic door. Additional hatching, brooding equipment & pens for quail or pheasants. 405-372-7624. Yellow Patio JD 110 lawn mower, $650; ’95 Ford crew cab 4x4 SWB, $6,000; JD 70 parts or restore, $750; 17-ft. Bayliner boat, needs work, $650. 405-422-1795.

LIVESTOCK Reg. Beefmaster bulls, cows, show heifers, great pedigree bloodlines, many are polled, red, dunn, black. You can see them at doubledeucebeefmaster.com or call 918-253-8680. Angus bulls, 7 to 14 months old. In Angus business 51 years at same location. 580-456-7241. Reg. Texas Longhorns – Diego’s Hot Shot, Blue Buckaroo bloodlines. Horn, color at reasonable prices. Bar Lazy D Cattle Co., Steve Douglas, 580-223-2919. Big, stout, gentle Limousin bulls. Best cross on Angus, Hereford, Brangus based cows. Kusel bulls have won more gain tests than any Limousin herd in the U.S. Kusel Limousins since 1970. 405-643-2884. 13-year-old Paint gelding, very broke, trail rides, roping potential, $1,200. 405-650-4967. Kid, ranch, roping horses. Horse training, full 30 day riding. Diamondjperformancehorses.com, 580-334-1545. Reg. Limousin bulls; heifers, bred and open; black, polled. For top genetics, calving ease, gentleness call Wildhorse Valley, 405-279-3398, 408-6166. Free stud fees to my AQHA, APHA stallions in 2009. Also selling 100 head of studs, broodmare, 2-year-olds, yearlings, package deals, all colors, excellent bloodlines. Bedonna.com or 580-471-4040. Beefmaster bulls, females, developed on forage, bred for the 6 essentials, foundation genetics, practical cattle with proven performance. Simon Creek Beefmasters, 580-668-2523.

Serviceable age bulls, Angus, Maine, will FT; donkeys; small square heat straw for begging, mulching. 405-381-4307. Quarter Horse disposal – Mr. San Peppy, Tonto bloodlines, mares, colts, bred back, 2 stallions, 1 gray, 1 buckskin, Okla Star bred, pasture broke. 580-545-3539. Tress Lagunas Ranch offers all natural grass-fed Limousin beef, lambs, cabritos – whole or half or live, no growth hormones/antibiotics fed. Call 405-567-0159. Reg. Black Angus bulls, pairs, bred heifers. Reg. Polled Hereford bulls, pairs, bred heifers. 580-513-2853. Standing – Blue roan cutting horse, grandson of Boon Bar, stud fee $650, includes mare care; also selling top end cutting bred horses, colts. 580-271-0930. Black Simmental bulls, weaning to breeding age, prices start at $850; also a few heifers. 580-258-0080. Charolais bulls, heifers, yearling all res. 918-906-1008, 485-9264. Cow and calf pairs, bred cows, a variety of hay, also 2 45ft. storage trailers w/delivery available. 405-258-6559. Racebred TB broodmares, yearlings. Great bloodlines, all offers will be considered. Mares I/F for spring foals, BN Faith Farm, Swink, 580-873-9339. Maine/Maintetainer show steer, heifer, prospects from winning AI sires, or top Main donor cows. We have been raising winning genetics for over 22 years. Brower Land & Cattle, 405-933-2007. Maine/Angus low birthweight bulls. BC Raven ET bulls from our top Maine donor cows. BC Raven is the top REA Angus bull. Anadarko, 405-831-1632. APHA – 11 Paints, black/white, bay/white, solid black, weanlings to 4 years; Doc Bar, Dash for Cash, Smooth N Easy lineage; athletic, beautiful, $600 OBO. 405-262-8499.


Earn $65,000/yr part time. Farm Equipment and Livestock appraisal training and certification. Agricultural background required. Classroom or Home Study courses available. (800) 488-7570. www.amagappraisers.com TURTLE & BREAM Traps. Traps that really work. Free Brochure. Smith Mfg., 5896 Nuthatcher Rd., Gilmer, TX 75645 smithmfg@aol.com Meat Grinders, Cubers, Butcher Supplies, Catalog $2.00. Home Processor, 4501 Ledan Rd. Ext., Gainsville, GA. 30506, 770-535-7381, www.HomeProcessor.Com SUSPENDERS WITH PATENTED “No-Slip Clip.” Free Catalog. 800-700-4515, www.suspenders.com Looking for a legitimate home business? I have found it. Work FT, PT, enjoy residual income. Biz4home.biz, Ronda at 580-369-3610. Frank Lloyd Wright stained glass mission style tables – set includes cocktail, 2 end, plant stand, sofa tables, $750. 405-387-3949. Texoma “T” Striper Guide Service with Lake Texoma fishing guide Sterling Smith. Kids under 12 fish free with paid adult. 800-490-2986, striperfishingtexoma.com G.E. refrigerator, beige, 3 years old, 18 cu.ft., exc. cond., $300. 405-527-6385. Rolled corn for sale. 405-642-3492. Photography – tailoredphotography.com, 405-615-6839. Circa 1900s wood cook stove, banner buckeye made by Ohio Stove Co., all complete, $500.405-694-6675. 1/3 HP water well pump, no tank, 115/230 volts, $40. 405-720-9198. Crocheted names for wedding, anniversary, any occasion. $4/letter. 580-563-9470.

Antique whiskey barrel poker table w/4 chairs, $300; butcher block, 24x30x11, $350. 405-751-1773. Stanley Home Products, Fuller Brush – all home cleaning, personal products, vitamins, degreasers, germicides, brushes, brooms, cleaners, air fresheners, lotions. 580-497-2249. Four lots in Floral Haven Cemetery, Tulsa, will divide, $1,100. 918-275-4419. Horseshoe coaters, set of 4, made of aluminum racing plates, leather/felt sole, very nice, well made, $50. 405-948-8587. Looking for an Avon lady? Shop my website for great, inexpensive products, gifts. Avon will ship to your door. Youravon.com/jilllove Bees wax bars, all kinds of bees wax candles, shipped statewide. 580-925-2443. I’ve lot 11 inches in just 5 weeks. I’m so lean with Osolean. Manapages.com//C5, 580-317-5552. Gram’s Tasteful Memories cookbook, 434 recipes like grandma made from scratch, pies, cakes, noodles, breads, etc. 918-789-2726. ’07 Wells Fargo 18-ft. concession trailer, NSF approved equipment, stove, griddle, fryer, fridge, freezer. $25,000. 580-385-2568. Two Oklahoma educators publish children’s book on table manners – excellent resource for parents, teachers. To order Where’re Your Manners, William, send check/mo for $14,50 + $2 S&H to Williams, Rt. 4, Box 209, Broken Bow 74728, or visit amazon.com Wizard lawn mower, runs but could use some work, $15. 580-347-2437. Dream 7 slot machine, uses tokens only, functioning lights, sound, plugs into wall, $300. 580-76-8606. Firewood – oak, seasoned, split, ready for your fireplace, $60/rick, $120/cord. 405-527-6534, 572-0760. Grimmer Schmidt 125 CF air compressor, gasoline, trailer mounted, good tires with spare, complete package, runs, $500. 918-652-7248. Kelly’s Monuments, 1800 W. Main, Henryetta, 918-6527248. Full service shop, low prices, good selection, custom jobs, check us out before you buy. Antique 52-year-old Gretsch electric guitar, has model and serial number inside hollow Spanish S sound holes. 580-332-2468. Church pews, 14 ft., only have 6 left, $85; Drexler sideboard, about 1930s, $250. Ron, 918-857-7451. 7-ft. cherry wood Howard Miller grandfather clock, moon dial, limited edition, only 100 made, lighted mirror, tripe chime, special scrolling, $2,600 OBO. 405-878-0668.

All steel cable tool drilling machine with tools, $10,000. Bartlesville, 918-333-3974. Safe rooms, above ground only. 918-629-2707. Hay – 300 large round bales of fertilized Bermuda grass, good hay for horses or cattle, $64/bale, $85/ton. Near Altus, 580-471-2990. Firewood. Custom cut, delivered and stacked when and where you want. Also have hickory chips for smokers. 405-519-3091. Business in western Oklahoma – gift shop, bed & breakfast, antique village. Jennifer, American Realty, 580-497-6831, americanrealtyok.com Moms work from home – free tolls, training, no selling or stocking, no risk. Tera, 918-752-0833, workathome united.com/teragallup SeneGence long-lasting cosmetics, buy or sell, great income, senegence.com/face2face, face 2 face @senesite.com. John Deere master certified mechanic Gerald Curtis available for all your small engine needs, competitive rates. Stephens County, 580-439-8914. Consew upholstery machine, model 226R-1 w/table, Singer upholstery machine, model 43-5 w/table. 580-628-3441. New 85x20 greenhouse w/new Acme exhaust fan, new shutters, grow your own food year round, easy to disassemble. 580-446-5434. Old bathtub with claw feet, $125 OBO.405-865-2337. Remington 16-ga. auto shotgun, sportman model, $275. Westville, 918-723-4603. Retail business – used children’s clothing, equipment, maternity, stock, shelves, racks, bar code printer, register, more included. 580-772-8732. Complete Amish buggy, needs restoration, $150; gas powered brush cutter, $100. Tulsa, 918-250-8895. 10-ft. tiltbed trailer, $450, 8 choice; pop machine, works great, $600; candy & snack machine combo w/refrigeration ability, $1,200 for both. 405-387-3042.

MOBILE HOMES, RVS ’05 JAG 5th wheel camper, 26 long/super slide, bunk beds, sleeps 8, very clean 1-owner, $16,500 or reasonable offer. April, 405-990-4427, Jeff 405-990-4378. ’77 Ranchero GT w/camper, $5,600; ’81 El Camino w/camper, $4,800; shop built horse trailer, $600. Hobart, 580-726-3246. ’02 Dameon Intruder, 37 ft., 8,300 miles, like new, 2 slides, GM workhorse chassis, 8.1 GM gasoline engine. 405-341-2259. ’97 30-ft. tongue-pull Salem b Forest Ridge travel trailer, sleeps 6 comfortably, new tires, good condition, $5,500.

918-366-7444. ’03 Newmar Kountry Star, 38-ft., 19,400 miles, 1.5 bath, 2 slides, washer/dryer, plush, ext. warranty, 8.1L Workhorse chassis, Allison trans., $79,000. 918-962-3668.

PETS AKC Bichon Frise pups, adorable, small snowballs, POP, S&W males, females, $300. 405-214-7857. African grays, quakers, red bellies, green-cheek conures cockatiels. Janesbirds@yahoo.com, 918-453-0107. AKC reg. black Labrador Retriever male pup, 10 weeks old, shiny soft loose skin, shots, wormed, parents owned, beautiful, $150. 580-668-2668. AKC Pomeranian pups, all colors, great gifts. Also have a trio of Papillions adults. 580-272-0910. 3/4 cur., 1/4 Catahoula hog dog pups, proven parents, pups baying, $150. NKC American Bulldog pups, working parents. 918-762-3769. English Bulldog pups, AKC S/W champion bloodlines, $1,500; Blue or Red Heelers, AKC adults, pups, $150. 918-448-6226. English Bulldogs, born 12-14, home raised, shots, worming, dad is miniature. Stud service available. 918473-6743. Siberian Husky pups, home raised, own both parents. 405-203-5901 or email Xavier_82K1@yahoo.com

REAL ESTATE House for sale by owner 13 S. of I-40 exit 212, 5bedroom, 2 _-bath, 2-story bi-level, bonus room, fireplace, 2,300 sq.ft. on 1.5 acre, would be great for bed & breakfast. 405-257-2466. Beautiful 1-acre lot in Dale School District, 10 minutes to Shawnee, 20 minutes to OKC, easy I-40 access, gas & electric, desirable locati0n. 405-613-2280. Lake Texoma Willow Springs w/2-bedroom, 1-bath cabin on 5 lots, 1 mile from lake, 4 storage buildings, must see, $110,000. 580-564-5150. 2 1/2 acres in Wild Horse Mesa in San Luis, Co., 50 miles from Taos, N.M., free hunting, fishing on private lake, many ski areas within 100 miles, $5,000 firm. 580-443-5454. 2-bedroom, 2-bath cabin for daily, weekly rental near Maud, $75/night. Youroklahomagetaway.com or 405-333-2741. 3,300 sq.ft. mol home with acreage, 3-bedroom, 3-bath, formal living/dining, open kitchen/den, fireplace, office, game room, cellar under house, 30x40 shop. 580-759-2222. 1 1/4 to 10 acres east of OKC, county roads, owner will finance. 405-275-1695. House of 60.9 acres, lots of amenities, horse or cattle


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HYDE PARK CHILI • 3 pounds Certified Angus Beef ® bottom round roast, cut into 1/2-inch cubes • 1/4 cup olive oil • 2 to 3 jalapeno peppers, seeded • 1 28-ounce can chopped tomatoes • 1 can black beans • 1 can chopped green chilies • 4 cloves garlic, minced • 4 medium onions, chopped • 1 tablespoon dried oregano • 1 tablespoon ground cumin • 3 tablespoons chili powder • 1 teaspoon salt • 1/2 teaspoon sugar Heat oil in a large saucepan over high heat. Brown beef cubes in 1/2-pound batches for 3 to 4 minutes per batch; set beef aside after browned. Add onions and garlic to the saucepan. Cook for 3 to 5 minutes over medium heat. Return beef to the saucepan and stir in cumin, oregano, chili powder, sugar, and tomatoes. Cover and bring to boil; reduce heat and simmer for 2 hours. Add green chilies, jalapenos, and beans; cook an additional hour. Serve with corn bread.

MEXICAN PORK AND BEAN SOUP Serves 4 • 2 boneless top loin pork chops, diced • 1/2 onion, chopped • 1 14-1/2-ounce can chicken broth • 1 15-ounce can Mexicanstyle chopped tomatoes • 1 15-ounce can pinto beans, drained • 2 teaspoons chili powder In deep saucepan, brown diced pork with onion; stir in remaining ingredients, bring to a boil, lower heat, cover and simmer for 10 minutes.

40 • Oklahoma Country • Winter 2009

lovers dream, minutes from Dewey or Bartlesville, 3bedroom, 1 1/2 baths, 2 living areas, $265,000. 918-440-5067. 15 acres w/2,265 sq.ft. rock home, 3-bedroom, 3-bath, paved road frontage 2 sides, Harrah schools, pond, barns, not in city limits. 405-391-3735. 1,676 sq.ft. home, 2-bedroom, 1 1/2-bath, CHA, carport, utility room, completely redone, low utilities, 2 owners only, no pets or smoking, well kept. Wellston, 405-240-7750. 160 acres cultivated farmland, northwest of Stratford, great house site, crop basis for farm programs, paved road, 2 ponds, rural water, electric. 405-623-7769. 10 acres, 2-bedroom, 2-bath 1,280 sq.ft. house, 14 east of Tinker, 16x24 insulated storage, 8x8 building, 2-stall pole barn, deck. $130,000. 405-275-0579. Walters, OK – 3,600 sq.ft. contemporary house, 20 acres, built in’06, indoor exercise pool, glass block shower, 4car garage, large pond, additional 55 acres available. $429,900. farupchallenge@juno.com A&I Home Inspection – home inspection, general, warranty, new homes, prelisting inspection. 918-640-1704. 570 acres SE of McAlester, 70% open, 30% woods, new fences, corral, barns, no home, $1,200/acre. Good Earth Land Co., 918-689-3166. 40 acres in Ozarks, close to Western Grove, AR. Has seasonal creek, one place the terrorists will never find you, $2,400 per acre. ’46 Chevy 1.5-ton truck, 4,950. 405612-4938. 120 acres in NE Hughes County w/3 large barns, all with concrete floors, ample water, truck scales, older trailer house, rural water, electric. 918-656-3362, 656-3203. 160 acres in Woods County, lifetime estate, CRP, alfalfa, pasture, creed with springs, 4 ponds. 580-430-5551. 6.5 acres Fort Gibson & Leaning Tree Rd., all utilities available, bus stop, black top road, 4 + acres open, beautiful building site, $40,000. 918-682-3944. 103-acre cattle ranch, 2/1 brick home, barn, corral, cross fenced, in SE OK in Choctaw Count, $375,000. 580-566-2130.

WANTED I BUY BLACKSMITHING TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT. MIKE GEORGE, 1227 4TH ST., ALVA, OK 73717, 580-327-5235. WANTED OLDER VEHICLES, CARS, PICKUPS, VANS, WAGONS, 1900s THRU 1960s, GAS PUMPS, TAGS. 580-658-3739. Want to buy coins and currency, gold and silver. Will buy estate collections. 405-527-7944. I’m look for seed swappers. P.O.B. 3613, Bernice, OK 74331. Collector paying cash for antique fishing lures, tackle. Also Coke machines, signs. Troy, 800-287-3057. Want to purchase oil, gas, mineral rights, producing or non-producing. 580-223-0353, 800-687-5882. Want Haywood Wakefield maple (red) round dining table. 918-762-3120. I’m collecting Boxtops 4 Education for Midway Elementary. These come on large number of items. Send to Brenda Atwell, RR 1, Box 155, Council Hill 74428. Looking to buy old A, T Model parts, vehicles in any shape, also want 4-door ’55-57 Chevy car. 918-689-7477. Looking for rear spoiler for ’01 Nissan Altima, preferably white. 918-227-9161. Want entertainment, movie theater items, lobby cards, posters, photos, film, equipment. 918-341-7425. Want to buy rusty, forgotten wrecked Volkswagen bugs, hippy vans, also Porsches in your fields or barns. I also buy parts. Trey, 580-246-8142. Want John Deere 7-ft. 407 Gyro mower. 580-234-9679, 554-1934. Will pay top dollar for oil, gas minerals. ’53-’57 Corvette reward for information leading to purchase. 918-333-1316, 440-4600.

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