the state YF&R Committee. “With the cost of land and equipment being so high, many young people are scared away from agriculture. We personally have a 1,200acre ranch that is in our family, but it is being leased out because we cannot afford to start our own operation,” they said. “The agriculture industry must find a way for farmers and ranchers to be productive without being forced to live in debt. The agriculture industry must find ways to assist new farmers and ranchers.” The Harmons are doing their part to educate themselves and others about agriculture. As co-chairmen of their county YF&R, they have organized food drives, attended legislative, resolution and board meetings, helped with Food Check-Out Day and been active in Ag in the Classroom. On the state level, they have served on the YF&R Committee and represented it at 4-H and FFA functions as well as national conferences and conventions. Their activities are not confined to Farm Bureau. Both are active in the Cattlemen’s Association and Mid Oklahoma Co-op as well as school and church organizations. “The agriculture industry must educate leaders and the general public so they will support agriculture,” they said. As the Oklahoma award winner, the Harmons will represent the Sooner State in the American Farm Bureau finals at the national convention in January 2005. In addition to the trip the Charlotte, N.C., national convention, they were awarded a four-wheeler ATV courtesy of Farm Credit and a $500 cash award from Dodge. “We are looking for ways to increase our members and help them develop into leaders. We also want to increase the community’s awareness about our group and agriculture.”
Renters: insurance is important f you are renting a home or apartment, and something happens to your belongings, it is up to your landlord’s insurance policy to cover them, right? Wrong! That misconception could leave you empty handed and unprotected if the unthinkable occurs, which is why it is important to get renter’s insurance. A recent poll by the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America found that two thirds of renters in the U.S. choose not to purchase renter’s insurance – often
I 26 • Oklahoma Country • Winter 2005
under the belief that it’s the landlord’s responsibility. So, what kind of protection should you get to protect your property? The average renter’s insurance policy only covers your personal property within policy limits but many have provisions to cover additional living expenses if you’re forced to stay elsewhere. So check your policy. Once you purchase a renter’s policy, take an inventory of all your belongings – furniture, electronics, even your clothes. A photo or video log will show your insurer all the belongings that were lost. Store your inventory somewhere safe outside your home and update it as needed. Also, be sure to discuss additional coverage options with your agent if you have any recent major purchases. Possessions aren’t any less valuable just because they belong to someone who rents. Even if you’re on a tight budget it’s important to purchase some level of protection for your belongings. Misinformation about renters insurance exists among many Americans who may not realize that the contents of their rented homes and apartments are not covered under the landlord’s insurance policy. Most renter’s insurance is fairly inexpensive and will be cheaper than replacing all of the items lost if your home or apartment is damaged.
Established 1979
30’x40’x 10’ $6,225 40’x60’x 14’ $12,025
50’x75’x 10’ $15,026 Crestwood Home 1 60’x100’x 18’ $29,244 $56,618 At Heritage Building Systems we are c e l ebrating our 26th year anniversary. We have sold over 25,000 pre-engineered metal buildings since 1979. We can fabricate any width, length or height building your project calls for, and we can deliver it to you anywhere in the world. Trust us and our experience.
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28 • Oklahoma Country • Winter 2005
Classifieds AUTOMOTIVE
’55 Crown Victoria, $5,500 firm, needs total restoration; ’62 Impala 2-door hardtop, 283, auto trans., PS, PB, $6,500; ’53 Chevy 4-door, good motor, trans., as is $1,850. 405-672-0048, 733-7023. ’78 Ford ton flatbed, gin poles, 9,000-lb. winch, new brakes, winch motor, alternator, goose neck hitch, runs good, $1,750. 405-273-7210. ’94 Chevy Caprice Classic, 1-owner, 96K, super clean, $4,100. 405-238-6958. ’91 Silverado 1/2-T., loaded, short step-flare side, 5.7 L 350 engine, 69K miles, 1-owner, solid truck, below book, $5,750. 580-465-7722. ’29 Mercedes roadster: Gazelle, factory built on ’83 Pinto chassis, auto, air, leather, like new Michelin tires, wire, 2,300+/- orig. miles, exceptional parade car. Dave, 918-787-5272. One-owner ’77 Ford pickup, $750; ’70 dump truck, $1,850. Both nice, priced low due to health, cash only. 580-856-3646. ’03 350Z ENTH coupe, all power/elect., 5-speed auto, AMFM-CD, side airbags, silver w/black interior, 14K, like new, sr. owned, garaged, $25,500. 405-262-3883. ’02 Silverado 1500 LS, chrome trim, rails, rubber mat/bed cover, 24K, 1-owner, $18,000. 580-226-1754. ’47 Pontiac 2-door sedan w/title, but no motor/trans., subbed w/Dodge torsion bar setup, all body glass, chrome, interior complete, body perfect, surface rust, $1,800 as is. 918-358-5632. ’77 Dodge D-150 pickup, 62K 1-owner miles, 440 V8, auto trans, power, cruise, factory air, very nice, $3,500. 405-789-7298. ’67 Ford Galaxie, not shedded but restorable; ’50 Chevy half-ton pickup, not shedded but restorable; ’55 Chevy halt-ton pickup, not shedded but restorable; 25-gal. sprayer w/3.5 HP Briggs & Stratton motor on skids. 580-849-2161. ’95 Vectra 34-ft., 460 Ford, fully loaded; ’98 Grand Cherokee LTD ready to tow w/aux. braking system, both less than 50K. 918-534-2131. ’04 Chevy 3/4-ton 4x4, H.D. auto trans., 43K, reg. cab, new price was $37,600, sell for $29,500. 918-689-7330. ’84 classic Olds Cutlass Supreme, runs good w/air and heat, good tires, needs upholstery, $1,000 OBO. 405-381-2688. ’85 Jeep Grand Wagoneer 4x4 in good shape, many new parts, $2,000. 580-225-0656, leave message. ’83 Cadillac Eldorado Biarritz, 45K actual miles, new Goodyear Eagle tires, tan leather, Bose, one of the sharpest in the state. 580-436-4767. ’85 Ford Ranger, $1,200; ‘98 Polaris 300 Express, $2,250; 2.6L Mitsubishi, new motor, also fits in Dodge D-50, $500; firewood, $50/rick. Thunderbird area, 405-364-1937. ’82 Chevy 1/2-T. pickup, 1-owner, good condition, $1,295; ’78 Ford LTD, 1-owner, $395. 405-282-4919. ’93 Dodge Spirit, new tires, needs windshield and side glass, $300 OBO. 405-282-2241, 204-0821. ’48 Ford F5 C.O.E. truck to be restored, not running, flathead V8 engine, 4-speed transmission, $1,450. 580-654-1477. ’81 Ford 1-T. truck, 400 V8 engine, auto transmission, good tires, steel utility bed, cruise, running boards, electric brake, $1,475. 580-654-1477.
SPEIDEL WEED WIPER. #1 Herbicide applicator for weed control. All sizes available. Recovers in stock. ATV mountings and Quality weed wiper carts. or 405-321-7843 or 1-800-544-1546. ’00 Case dozer 550H, long wide tract, 94H; Krone 9-foot disc mower, field ready. 918-352-3063. 752 JD 10-foot no-till drill, always shedded, approx. 3,200 A. Bermuda grass pasture, $15,000. 918-358-2047. Complete cattle and or grain sideboards, have been stored, fit 16-foot truck; 1 square bale hay feeder. 405-944-5376. Kelly Ryan 5x14 feeder mixer wagon, scales, good cond.; Unverfurth 375 grain wagon, good cond.; IHC 1150 grinder mixer, several augers. 918-967-8435. ’69 JD 4020, 48 front-end loader, good shape, good tires, $10,000. 580-463-2618 evenings. Like new 2-row Bermuda King digger and sprigger, sell together for $12,500. 580-668-3095. SH Farmall, new paint, good tires; C-IH new tires, new paint, runs good; H Farmall, looks and runs great, 2-point; parts tractors, A, B, C and H, Cub. 918-352-2966. Owatonna 595 round baler, 12-foot one way, 14-foot disc, 15-foot chisel, 33-foot harrow. 580-698-2454. 450 JD dozer, 6-way blade, under carriage apx. 90%, good cond., $19,000. 918-266-3985. 5000 Ford tractor, running, used some this summer; 10-foot cattle trailer. 918-473-2180. D5B Cat dozer, $27,500; Mack truck, dozer float, $15,000; ’65 SN Chevy PK, $2,500. 405-784-5575. 5-foot Brushog, new blades, $500; 5-foot roto tiller, $400; 2bottom 14-inch plow, $100. All 3-point. 580-365-4517. International M tractor with International mower, both A1 shape; also International hay rake, other old IH machinery; tractor & mower, $1,900. 580-737-0787. ’47 A JD, ‘58 Massey Harris 44. Sell or trade for good used 5th wheel travel trailer. 918-825-7614. Cattleguard with gate, 8x16, oil field all new material, $750. Also will custom build. 580-758-1318. 4-yard bed with cylinder, $150; JD one way, $50; 3-bottom IH drag plow, $75; 6-ft. lift, $75. 405-941-3424. Yanmar tractor YM2000BD, 4-wheel drive, diesel, low hours, very good condition, 20 HP, $3,000. 918-569-7103. JD 15-hole grain drill in very good condition; 1-year-old registered Polled Hereford bulls. 580-436-4767. Storage trailers: 28- to 48-foot, good for feed, hay, tack, household items. Delivery available. 405-258-6559. New Holland 4630, 65HP, bought new in ’99, kept inside, 450 hours, E.C., $12,950. 918-366-8759. Combination cluster/boom sprayer, pull type, w/350gallon tank, used very little, $900. 918-755-4585, 755-4343. Ashland 4.5-yard dirt pan, $3,250; ’99 Gooseneck brand 27-foot tandem dual flatbed trailer, heavy made, $4,250. 405-850-1005. 950 JD tractor w/canopy, 5-foot Brushog, 6-foot box blade, 2,300 hours, mint condition, $8,200. 918-967-4072, leave message. Older 18” G.N. stock trailer; 6'w7' tall with high sides, 8 hole, good shape. 4 good bull calves, 7-9 months, Angus and Limo for eating or breeding. 405-391-3688. 2-horse trailer, rebuilt, new floor and mats, $800 OBO. Dean, 405-375-6787. Massey Ferguson 35 farm tractor, good shape but no power steering, $4,500. 580-889-5819 after dark.
5-year-old Palomino stud, AQHA-PHBA, excellent disposition, must sell, sire Oklahoma Fuel, dam Double L Straw and Poco bred. 405-756-6334. Beefmaster bulls, heifers. Performance tested on forage, foundation genetics, bred for the 6 essentials, practical cattle with proven performance. Simon Creek Beefmasters, 580-668-2523. Registered Texas Longhorns, bred cows, heifers, roping stock. Bulls for sale or lease, $400-$1,200. 580-889-9011. Registered Boer goats, young nannies, Eggsfile & Kaptein, 1 1/2 year old full blood buck, and non-registered. 918-786-7880 leave message. Standing AQHA/PHBA 5-year-old stallion, IM Genuine Gold; quality yearlings, weanlings. Early booking special. Petersons, 580-299-3314 or Limousin bulls, heifers. Black, polled, top AI genetics, gentle, calving ease. Wildhorse Valley, 405-408-6166, 279-3398. Angus bulls, 11-14 months old, top animals out of 7 herd bulls. Angus business 50 years same location. 580-456-7241. 3-year-old bred mare, started well on cattle, granddaughter of Doc’s Hickory, $1,000; 7-year-old granddaughter of Peppy San Badger, started on cattle, will foal Jan. ‘05, son O Doc, $2,200. 580-332-8611, cell 272-8531. Serviceable age Angus, black Limo and Maine bulls. Will F.T. Sm. sq. and round wheat straw, big square alfalfa; 2-wheel Dilly trailer wood sideboards. 405-381-4307. At stud Bob Acre Quixote AQHA sorrel stripe and 4 white socks, NCHA earner of certificate of ability and over $3,000. Stud fee $700. Shipped semen available. 405-352-5168. Registered Beefmaster bulls, show heifers, great pedigrees/bloodlines, many are polled, red, dun and paints. You can see many that we have to offer at or call Double Deuce Beefmaster at 918-253-8680. 5-year-old Paint gelding, jumps 3 1/2 ft. A/O or Htr/Jmpr., George Morris approved, $25,000. 3-year-old AQHA blue roan mare, kid safe, $2,000. 580-658-1226. 6-year-old Angus bull, $1,100; purebred 18-month-old Blue Heeler female, 1/2 Blue Heeler, 1/2 black Lab pups free to good home. 405-382-3892. Corriente steers, heifers, all registered cattle. Buck McAdams, 580-298-3786. ’87 granddaughter of Peppy San Badger and Tanquery Gin in foal to a 7X Harlan stud, $2,500. 918-762-3769. Baby chicks, ducks, guineas, most common breeds available. Call for more information and hatch dates. Konawa, 405-374-9131. Standing Pinto/Paint stallion black/tobiano overo buckskin, fee $500; ’01 overo filly, $1,850. 918-247-6290. Nice Simmental/Angus heifers w/club-calf design & maternal traits in mind. Simmental sires include Imprint, Bravo, Lucky Break, Picasso. Also, fall born steer & heifer show prospects. 918-429-3418. Black Simmental bull, 3 years old, embryo transplant, solid black, excellent disposition, $3,000; 6x16 CM gooseneck stock trailer, $3,800 OBO.
Oklahoma Country • Winter 2005 • 29
TURTLE & BREAM Traps. Traps that really work. Free Brochure. Smith Mfg., 5896 Nuthatcher Rd., Gilmer, TX 75645 Meat Grinders, Cubers, Butcher Supplies, Catalog $2.00. Home Processor, 4501 Ledan Rd. Ext., Gainsville, Ga. 30506, 770-535-7381, www.HomeProcessor.Com SUSPENDERS WITH PATENTED “No-Slip Clip.” Free Catalog. 800-700-4515 Discounts for Farm Bureau members on professionally installed seamless aluminum guttering. Choose from either five- or six-inch guttering. Free, no obligation estimates. 405-760-4038. Compare our prices before you buy. Carver Monuments. 405-932-4398. Building material – some new lumber, 2x6, 2x4; new R wire fencing; antiques, roll top desk. 405-275-5673. Horse and dairy hay: Fertilized, sprayed, limed, tested. JD 4-foot net Bermuda 14%, rye 14%, crab/lesp. 10%, #2 rye 9%, #2 Bermuda 8%. Pickup, delivered on 10-bale dump trailer or semi loads, priced per ton. Davis Farms, Nowata, 918-273-1598. Attention seniors with retirement savings make mistakes losing thousands of dollars. Toll free 800-201-7963 24 hours for a free recorded message and get a free report. Cash for mortgage notes, business notes, annuities and lottery winnings. Go to for information or to submit a note. 3 cemetery plots S. OKC Resthaven, older established garden, $1,200 for 1 or $3,000 for all 3 plus $75 transfer fees. 405-598-1178. Granular bentonite for sealing leaking ponds as low as 8¢ per pound. 405-382-1973. Small square bales of Bermuda hay, second and third cutting, winner at Muskogee County hay show, high protein, 16.9%. 918-464-2346, 464-2367. Queen mattress set, good condition, $100 OBO. 405-527-2794. 17-foot ski boat w/tilt and trim, boat cover, galv. trailer, 115 HP Mariner, new tires, take part of price in guns, $2,000. 580-782-3058. Chair lift for chair or recliner, $175; JFK memorabilia. 580-922-3303. 46 large round hay bales, $12/bale, you must haul from Copan area. 918-440-5953, 440-1828. Solid wood dining table, 6 foot long extends to 9 feet, 4 side chairs, 2 arm chairs, $1,000. 405-373-3170. GMC Vandura Monarch 3/4-T. w/4 cptn. chairs, divan/bed, table, front-rear air; square bale loader; Coleman 5,000-watt generator; corn sheller; 20-foot IMP boat w/canopy and trailer, inboard 350 Olds motor; camper shell. 405-615-0578. Propane tanks: 1,000-gallon rebuilt, wet lines, painted, warranty, $875; others available. Dealer/volume discounts,
30 • Oklahoma Country • Winter 2005
delivery available. or 405-375-4189. Learn stained glass, leaded and foiled: Ongoing classes Monday-Friday, 1-3:30 p.m. or 6-8:30 p.m. 405-273-3700. Golf cars, ‘00-’03 models, $2,000-$3,000, gas or electric, lift kits on some. Camo car for hunting, $3,276. Ringwood, 888-598-1862. Horse hay: Bermuda and prairie, heavy 4x5 round bales with net wrap over edge, $15/bale. 918-273-1098. Ramsey Termite & Pest Control, Tecumseh. Free estimates, license #5250. 405-598-2083. Is your dog slowing down? Rejuvenate your dog with all natural supplement, great for treating sore joints, improving flexibility, restoring energy and vigor. Velcosamine, it really works, 1-month supply, $19.95. 918-225-3541. Stanley Home Products & Fuller Brush: Many cleaning items, brooms, brushes, all house cleaning products; personal, colognes, lotions, combs, bowls, candles, new products each quarter. 580-497-2249. Antique Kimball pump organ, solid oak, fair condition, $75. 405-386-2701 after 5 p.m. Round bales bluestem, Bermuda mix, crabgrass or Sudan, delivery available. SW OKC, 405-691-2760. Alfalfa hay, Mustang-Yukon area. 405-324-2001, 324-1531. Erosion control, pond construction, equip. project work, brush and timber removal, all completed by Briggs Construction. 580-759-3447. Lottery: Guaranteed income production system, free information. 877-526-6957, ID# W7166. Full care horse boarding in NW OKC, stalls with paddocks and daily turn out, use of 2 sounds pens, arena, tack locker, acreage to ride, new, clean, safe, must see. 405-373-1472. Small square bales of Bermuda, alfalfa, bright OK straw, 3-wire Colorado straw. Tuttle/Dibble, Stephen, 405-392-4902, 630-9038. 20- and 40-foot storage containers, prices starting at $2,150, lease or purchase. Monica, 405-820-2952. Used tack: Saddles, headstalls, wool blankets, lots of misc., girths, billets, halters, mini-bridles, reasonable. 918-543-6356. Antique dental cabinet circa 1930s, wood and metal, original porcelain drawer organizers, 23 drawers, secret compartments, $400 firm. Claremore, 918-283-1233. Jazzy electric wheel chair, like new, new batteries, $1,995. 405-250-4422. A health care package that you can afford, includes health, dental, vision, prescription & chiropractic, $19.95 individual, $59.95 entire household. 580-759-3241, Cushman motor scooters for sale. Oklahoma City, 405-755-8929. 12,000 KW generator, 20 HP Vanguard, unleaded fuel, used very little, $1,850. 405-691-8458. Tiny Beanies, Beanie Buddies, Beanie Babies, $1-$5 each plus S&H, ‘94 and newer only, lots to choose from. 918-256-2376, leave message. Mixed grass hay, small square bales $2.50 per bale, a mix of Bermuda, crab grass, Johnson grass, alfalfa. 918-366-2403. Independent Herbalife distributor business opportunity or products for health, wellness, weight loss. 800-730-9717. Bulldozer TD14A, ’87 Isuzu Trooper 4x4, ’78 Ford pickup, gooseneck trailer, old farm implements, 4-row planter,
priced to sell. 405-459-6698. Antiques: 5 Edison records, Oliver 3 typewriter, world Atlas, many others. 405-374-1953. Design services: All Star Designs, reasonable rates, free quotes, Carlson Craft dealer, 1,000 4-color business cards, $60. 405-406-8234, Bulldozers, tractors, scrapers for hire, lease, sale. Save 20% or more. 580-847-2606. ’79 Kingfisher fiberglass boat, 50 HP Evinrude, trolling motor, trailer w/new tires, exc. cond., $2,500; ’72 14-ft. DelCraft flat bottom aluminum boat, 7.5 HP Mercury w/sep. tk., exc. boat, motor, trailer/new tires, $1,500. 580-725-3462. Farrier service, experienced, guaranteed satisfaction. Robert, 405-613-2721, 567-1656. Christian business opportunity: earn a living while spreading God’s word, join SCRIPTURES. Free info pact, free sign-up, low monthly minimum. 800-585-5873 (option 3). Leave ID#91072 after message. 4x5 round plus square bales premium Bermuda, blue stem hay; 2 creep feeders; 2 10-ft. polytron feed troughs; 2 6-ft. feed troughs. 918-589-2406. Saddle holder, holds 3 saddles, like new, never used. 580-563-9470. Rose’s Custom Embroidery: shirts, jackets, hats, aprons, bags, towels, uniforms, etc. 580-252-9633. 7 cooking with sprouts recipes. Send SASE, $1 to Sprouts, Rt. 2, Box 546, Westville 74965. Clean prairie hay, 4x5 net wrapped, stored on pallets, can load, $20 each. East of Tulsa. Jerry, 918-543-2068. Dog pen, 10x6x6 w/gate, like new condition, $150; Sears lawn roller, $100; Makita reciprocating saw, $100. 405-771-2079. Healthy living technologies that improve your quality of life. Go to or call 877-863-9045. ’83 15-ft. Glastron bass boat w/’83 50 HP Evinrude, 2 livewells, 2 batteries, new trailer tires, new depth finder, trolling motor, runs great, $2,800. 405-820-9785. Bermuda hay: horse quality, small square bales, $4.50; large round bales, $60/ton. Ford Hay Farms, 580-855-2493. Certified Bermuda, fertilized, irrigated, small square bales w/tested protein, food value, minerals. Hay or 918-367-5146. Romance specialist and distributor, Debra Hamlin, 918-693-9899. Stress release items, pampering, candles for dry skin, lingerie, massage oils and lots more. Learn how to enjoy pampering and get rid of stress. Crochet family names, wedding, anniversary, friend, any occasion, $3 per letter. 580-563-9470. 2 new mini flood commercial Lithonia outdoor lighting, model TFS, lamps included, 120V, $75 each. Tuttle, 405-381-3639. Beautiful old cobalt blue Aladdin lamp, complete; old honeybee smoker, gloves, veil, hardhat; Imperial carnival glass. 405-398-4580. 28x28x33 like new solid butcher block, $280. 918-825-7955. 15 sets masonry scaffolding, 5 feet wide by 5 feet tall, like new, $175 each, quantity discount. Oklahoma City, 405-799-7542. Round, small square bales of irrigated alfalfa. 580-445-7073, 589-593-2250. It’s still legal to buy prescription medication from Canada. Call to compare price, 405-417-0587 or
Bermuda hay, highly fertilized and weed controlled, 4x5 round bales, $18 and $14, can load, delivery available. Spiro, 479-462-7706, 479-0980. 10-foot 2-man bass boat, padded swivel seats, Eagle fish finder, 34-lb. Minnkota trolling motor, Delco trolling battery, very clean boat, $500 OBO. 580-698-2253. For all your Watkins products – flavoring, spices, health & beauty aids, household cleaning products. 405-258-2453. Maton Rye grain, 6¢ per pound. Perkins, 405-743-5631, 547-2360.
PETS AKC German Shepherd pups, AKC German Shepherd stud service. ’70 Chevy pickup, mostly restored. 918-243-5570. AKC Pomeranian pups, all colors including parti’s, S/W nice puppy pack included, ready for loving home. 580-421-9942. AKC registered Boxers, adults and pups. 580-476-3342. AKC Basset Hound pups, 6 weeks, tri-color; ABC Border Collies, 9 weeks, 2 sets of shots, wormed. 918-687-5019, 472-7215. Registered Mini Dachshund pups, S/W and family raised, $150-$200. 405-452-3354, leave message. AKC German Shepherd female, 2 years old, very nice, $150. UKC Jack Russell male. 918-456-3691. AKC Pembroke Welsh Corgis, puppies to adults. 918-5330637, 540-2190. Need good home for dog, best if there is room to run. Part Heeler, part? Affectionate dog, just needs more room. 918456-1605.
REAL ESTATE 100 acres, 3-bedroom doublewide, 30x40 barn, corrals, great deer/turkey hunting, Henryetta area. 918-656-3752, 650-3752. 2 acres MOL Keystone Lake front, 26x60 covered boat dock, $31,000. 918-367-2735. 4-bedroom frame home in Hugo, remodeled, cement floor, CHA, end of road, $40,000 OBO. 580-326-5726.
Downtown building, ideal business location, approximately 3,000 sq.ft., completely remodeled, $65,900. 580-276-3063 leave message. 5-acre lots west of Shawnee, 3 west of Hwy 102/Hardesty Road, $18,900 to $21,900. 918-368-2523 for info. 80 acres, 3/2 2,200 sq.ft. brick home, large shop, large barn, 7 ponds, cross fences, improved pasture, hunting, south of Shawnee. 405-383-2910. 2-bedroom home completely furnished, 17 miles from Great Salt Plains Lake for rent by day or week, great for hunters. 580-474-2425 nights. 5 acres 3 west of Gotebo on dirt road, no trees, electric or water. 580-538-2027. Hot Springs Village, AR, lot 2 block 4 Santa Cruz. 405-454-2662. Busy convenience store with very nice acreage in excellent location near Wister Lake in eastern OK, 2.5 south of Talihina Jct. on Hwy 270. 918-659-2333. 92-acre horse ranch with mobile home, 3 new steel barns, fenced, improved pastures, hay meadow, gorgeous home sites, lake view, southern Wagoner County. 918-687-3173. I buy houses in any condition, fast cash! Sell your headache today for top dollar, OKC and surrounding areas. Friendly service, call now. 405-361-0712. Year-round living in southern Colorado mountains, 2,600 sq.ft. MOL, 3-bedroom, 2-bath, 2-car garage, living room, dining, loft, sunroom, 3-story fireplace, 29.5 acres, 100% financing WAC, $229,000. 719-379-3793. Nice 3-bedroom, 2-bath brick home at beautiful Lake Hudson near Salina and Pryor, on half acre in gated community with pool, fishing dock, boat dock, only $113,000. 918-283-1534. 60 acres with 3,600 sq.ft. luxury home plus 2-car garage, metal barn, all built new in 2000. Good Earth Land Co., 918-689-3166. Lake Eufaula lots for sale by owner: $100 down and $100 a month, various locations and sizes. 918-689-7477. 38 acres in Arkansas w/electric, rural water, water well, small pond, $84,500; 40 acres in Arkansas, no utilities, seasonal creek with beautiful view, hunters paradise,
$79,900. 405-612-4938. For sale by owner for best offer: 1 1/2-story wood home with 50-year transferable vinyl siding warranty on 7 large lots with concrete storm cellar. 580-824-0040. 67 acres w/Hwy 99 frontage, 50% pasture, 50% trees, 3 miles south of Stroud, $85,000. Carl Martin, Realty Plus, 405-258-0857. Quality home & land: 40 acres/2-bedroom custom built home, barn, 2 stocked ponds, cross fenced. Realty Plus, 405-258-0857.
RVs, MOBILE HOMES ’95 Coachman Catalina 5th wheel, 27.5 ft., AC, heat, stereo, microwave, refrigerator, water heater, lots of storage space, very good condition, $8,000 OBO. 405-645-1009. ’94 21-ft. Camp Lite like new travel trailer, bumper pull, AC, propane heat, television, range, microwave, sink, refrigerator, freezer, shower, tub, lavatory, stool, kept in garage, $7,000. 405-289-3228. ’04 Prowler travel trailer, 27 ft., super slide-out, ducted heat and air, 20-ft. awning, loaded w/extras, still under factory warranty, used 3 times, $16,995. 918-689-3617. ’01 Fleetwood Woodland Park 28x44 doublewide, 1,202 sq.ft., 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, appliances, deck and steel skirting included. Must be moved! $25,000. 405-381-2621. ’89 Winnebago Chieftain, 33-ft., 64K miles, very good condition, $14,000. 405-372-6615, 612-2958. ’98 Alfa, 35-ft., 3 slides, 8-ft. ceiling w/fan, washerdryer, basement air, 2 fridges, 1 icemaker. 580-584-5808, 405-833-8992. ’04 custom-built concession trailer, commercial equipment, lots of extras. 580-584-5756. ’93 Holiday Rambler 5th wheel, 1 full slide, full awnings, washer-dryer, good condition. 580-664-2200. ’98 36-ft. Dutchman travel trailer w/sway bars, front kitchen, double slide, moveable table, swivel chairs, queen island bed/queen coach bed, completely equipped, never on road, $12,000. 918-683-2247. One-owner custom order ’01 28x44 Fleetwood, 1,202 sq.ft., 3-bedroom, 3-bath, to be moved, $25,000 OBO. 405-381-2621.
Classifieds 2501 N. Stiles • Oklahoma City, OK 73105 All information below must be completed.
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Oklahoma Country • Winter 2005 • 31
• 1 (3 to 3-1/2 lb.) Certified Angus Beef ® shoulder or chuck roast • 2 tbs. red wine vinegar • 2 tbs. Worcestershire sauce • 2 tbs. soy sauce • 1/3 cup catsup • 1 tsp. minced garlic 1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Spray non-stick skillet with vegetable spray (or use 1 tsp. oil) and brown all sides of roast over medium-high heat. Transfer meat to roasting pan or place beef in slow cooker (crock pot). Set on low setting. 2. Combine vinegar, Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, catsup and garlic; pour over roast. Cover and bake in the oven approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes for medium rare or to desired degree of doneness. For slow cooker (crock pot), cook on the low setting for approximately 5 hours for medium rare at 150° F. Time may vary with different crock pots, so check temperature with thermometer. 3. Slice roast and serve with pan juices, or make a gravy. To do so, transfer pan juices to small saucepan and bring to a boil. Mix together 1/4 cup water and 2 tablespoons flour; slowly add to boiling pan juices, stirring constantly; cook for two minutes and serve with roast. Preparation Time: 10 minutes Cooking Time: 1 hour and 30 minutes (oven) 5 hours (slow cooker) PEPPERED PORK ROAST 1 4-pound pork loin roast (or 2 2-pound roasts) 6 tablespoons pepper blend seasoning Rub all surfaces of roast(s) with seasoned pepper. Place pork in shallow roasting pan and roast in 350º F oven for 45 minutes to 1 hour and 15 minutes, until internal temperature (measured with a meat thermometer) reads 150º F. Remove from oven and allow roast to rest for 10 minutes. Slice and serve. Wrap and refrigerate leftovers for up to three days.
32 • Oklahoma Country • Winter 2005
I BUY BLACKSMITHING TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT. MIKE GEORGE, 1227 4TH ST., ALVA, OK 73717, 580-327-5235. WANTED OLDER VEHICLES, CARS, PICKUPS, VANS, WAGONS, 1900s THRU 1960s, GAS PUMPS, TAGS. 580-658-3739. Collector wants old Case tractors, 600, 700, 800, 900 and others. Toll free 888-508-2431. Want 444 farm tractor for repair or parts; also TR3 Triumph car for repair or parts. 918-333-3974. Want to buy unused greeting cards, Christmas cards, etc., will buy in bulk. 918-256-2376 leave message. Collector paying cash for antique fishing lures and tackle, also Coke machine. Troy, 800-287-3057. I need drops and pulls for 3-point hook-up to fit 85 HP 5419 Case tractor; 2 good rear tires and rims for 9N for sale for $75. 918-445-0341. Want gearbox from salvaged 1120 Hesston swather; also need 5 to 10 young Barbados ewes. 580-662-3248. I buy old glassware, China, sterling silver. I also do antique appraisals and estate sales. 580-255-8317. Want to purchase oil, gas, mineral rights, producing or non-producing. 800-687-5882, 580-223-0353. Will pay top dollar for oil, gas or other mineral interests. Also want ’54 to ’67 Chevy Corvette. 918-333-1316, 918-440-4600. Want to buy new or used 75 HP tractor with cab. Send any info to Keith Childers, 2274 Chickasaw Rd., Calera 73730. Want to buy lakefront lot on south end of Eufaula Lake or in Enchanted Oaks. 580-889-5031. Want to buy old visible gravity flow gas pump, any condition. 580-639-2776. Want to buy older 20-guage automatic shotgun in average to good condition. 918-723-4603. Want merry-go-round, Mitchell, for Manchester town park. 580-395-2085, 541-2326. Paying top dollar for mineral rights, oil and gas royalties. Call toll free at 888-573-6839 or write P.O.B. 3756, Edmond 73083.
HYBRID WILLOWS Easy to grow! Fast growing! Long lived! (Salix Hybrid) These are the fastest growing trees we know of for shade, privacy, wind protection and soil conservation. They grow up to 1/3 faster than our hybrid poplars! Small, one foot cuttings planted at a university reached from 14 to 20 feet the first year! These Hybrid Willows are very hardy, very disease resistant and can withstand extreme weather conditions. They survived in most areas of Canada and grow as far south as Florida! They thrive in dry soils and help dry out boggy land. Zones 3-8.
Excellent for landscaping!
1-year old Hybrid Willows are tall and upright growing. They do not 2-years old have brittle wood. These trees often reach 80-100 feet tall
with lateral branches from the ground up. This provides a full dense cover that makes them ideal for use as shelter belts. The fastest growth period is in the first five years.
Great screens and shelter belts!
These make great screens, as well as good sound and dust barriers. Trees do not spread by seed or sucker. Plant 3 feet apart in single rows for a dense cover about 8-15 feet wide within the first year. Excellent where severe winds are prevalent. Prevent wind and soil erosion. Animal fodder — shoots and leaves are an excellent source of green, tasty, non-toxic feed in dry summer months. Healthy 2-3 foot trees.
5 for
$ 99
20 for $27.95
5 for $7 50
Visit our web site to shop our on-line catalog and for customer service and shipping information.
6 for
3 99
Hibiscus syriacus Delightful blossoms of either red, white or purple in a lifetime fence of natural beauty. Grows to 5-10v or can be trimmed for a neat colorful hedge. Bursts into brilliant bloom in mid-summer and continues to flower through fall. Order today and receive 1-3v shrubs. Our choice of color. 12/$7.85 (60 feet)
24/$15.45 (120 feet) 48/$29.95 (240 feet)
30 feet of friendly hedge!
6 for $399
COLORADO BLUE SPRUCE Add value to your property!
This is the ultimate in specimen evergreens. Glistening, steel blue coloring and graceful conical shape. So dense growing these make superb wind breaks or privacy screens where there is space enough for large spreading trees. Will grow to 50v or more in 35 to 50 years. Does best in full sun and moist soil. Will survive in light, dry soil if watered while root system is becoming established. Nicely branched, 5 year old transplanted trees at least 1-2v tall. Well developed root system.
3/$5.50 6/$10.95 12/$19.95
199 each
10 for 249 $
FOUR SEASONS NURSERY Division of Plantron, Inc. 1706 Morrissey Drive, DEPT. 903-42 Bloomington, Illinois 61704 Name ___________________________________ Address _________________________________ City ___________________ State ____________ (xx xx) Zip _____________ Phone __________________ e-mail address: ___________________________
Bears all season!
Biggest most luscious-tasting strawberries you’ve ever tasted. Heavybearers. Grow big as tea cups! Firm, deep red and a mouth-watering delight for desserts, preserves, freezing and eating fresh.
If any item you purchased from us does not live, for a FREE REPLACEMENT just RETURN THE ORIGINAL SHIPPING LABEL along with your written request within 1 year of receipt. Replacement guarantee is VOID unless the ORIGINAL SHIPPING LABEL is returned. For a refund of the purchase price, RETURN THE ITEM AND THE ORIGINAL SHIPPING LABEL, with correct postage affixed, within 14 days of receipt.
1 each
$ 99
HARDY ENGLISH LAVENDER Sweet fragrance! Flowers and leaves make lovely scented sachets for your dresser or closet. Thrives in well-drained soil with lots of sun. Most effective when planted in a cluster of three or four, or as a hedge along a walk or patio. Number one size divisions. Hardy zones 5-9.
199 each
Packing & Processing SUBTOTAL IL Residents add 6.25% Sales Tax MN Residents add 6.5% Sales Tax TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED OR CHARGED
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Check or Money Order enclosed. Mastercard
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Oklahoma Country • Winter 2005 • 33