Perspective012811 corrected

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OFB to hold Commodity Tour Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s 2nd annual Commodity Tour will be held March 23-24 across the north central and northeastern sections of the state. This tour is for producers interested in learning more about the beef cattle industry, including management practices, what buyers are looking for and how to add value to their livestock. Participants on the commodity tour will make several interesting stops during the two-day trip. The group will tour a processing plant in Kansas, learn about management practices on the Tall Grass Prairie Reserve and visit with buyers and cutters at a Reesor’s store in Tulsa, to name a few. OFB will have one tour bus for the trip, which will seat approximately 50 people. Seats are being offered on a first-come, first-serve basis. The only cost for attendees is an overnight stay at the LaQuinta Inn in Bartlesville, which will run approximately $55. The reservation deadline is March 15. Please contact your field representative or Field Services Vice President Thad Doye, 405-523-2307, to reserve your seat on the bus.


January 28, 2011

February 21-22, 2011

OFB announces leadership conference agenda Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s 2011 Leadership Conference will be held Feb. 2122 from at the Marriott Hotel at 3233 Northwest Expressway in Oklahoma City. Room reservations can be made by calling 405-842-6633. The deadline for reservation is February 7. The room rate is $109, plus taxes. Following is the 2011 OFB Leadership Conference agenda:

Monday, February 21

1:30 p.m..................................................................Call to Order & Welcome OFB President Mike Spradling 1:45 p.m.......................Steve Rhines, Noble Foundation General Counsel 2:15 p.m........................................................................ OFB Priority Program Public Policy staff 2:45 p.m.................................................................................... Farm Bill Panel Moderator: Scott Neufeld Panelists: Francie Tolle, State FSA Director Dr. Mike Dicks, OSU Ag Econ Professor Garrett King, Oklahoma Agriculture Liaison for Congressman Frank Lucas 4:00 p.m.................................................................................................. Adjourn 5:15 p.m......................................................................... Legislative Reception 5:45 p.m.................................................................................................... Dinner 6:15 p.m........................................................................ Governor Mary Fallin 6:45 p.m.....................................................OFB Meritorious Service Awards OFB President Mike Spradling & Public Policy Vice President Tyler Norvell (See Agenda, page 2)

Farm Bureau looks to 2011 Legislative Session By Tyler Norvell, Oklahoma Farm Bureau Vice President of Public Policy

During the 2011 legislative session, the Oklahoma Farm Bureau Public Policy Division will be working to enact “Positive Policy Reform for Agriculture.” Oklahoma statutes are littered with policy that can negatively impact agriculture. Working to correct these laws will be at the top of our legislative agenda. This includes reforming statutes related to trespass, eminent domain and animal husbandry practices, just to name a few. In addition to pushing for these reforms, OFB must also be prepared to effectively oppose new laws and regulations that could negatively impact agriculture, such as the rules enacted by the Commercial Pet Breeder Board. Finally, we must


ensure agricultural interests are not affected by this year’s budget shortfall. Oklahoma Farm Bureau has requested legislation be reserved on the following: PROTECTING TRADITIONAL ANIMAL HUSBANDRY PRACTICES The Oklahoma Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners recently withdrew their emergency rules, which negatively impacted a producer’s right to choose who may perform traditional animal husbandry acts to their livestock. We are now working with the veterinary community to come up with compromise language to define “animal husbandry” and allow individuals who (See Farm Bureau, page 3)

2011 OFB Legislative Preview

Member Benefits • M. Rhoades Company – Offers a 33 percent discount from nationally published prices on an applied basis on ALCOA steel or vinyl siding. • Sears Commercial – Sears Commercial is offering OFB members a special discount program with savings on numerous items from mowers and tractors to household appliances. OFB will highlight a few benefits in each issue of Perspective as a reminder of the savings available to OFB members. Find a complete list of savings online at

OFB Calendar National Leadership/YF&R Conference February 3-8 • Orlando, FL Contact: Chris Kidd, 580-228-4001 State Legislature Convenes February 7 • State Capitol Contact: Tyler Norvell, 405-523-2402 Food Check-Out Week February 20-26 • Nationwide Contact: Marcia Irvin, 405-523-2405

Agenda................. (continued from page 1)

Tuesday, February 22

7:00 a.m. ....................... Group Breakfast 7:45 a.m. ................................. Legislative Leadership Panel 9:00 a.m. ........................................... Break 9:15 a.m. .......................... State Officials • Jim Reese, Secretary of Agriculture • Glenn Coffee, Secretary of State • Gary Sherrer, Secretary of the Environment 10:45 a.m. ...... OFB Policy & Procedures Update, OFB staff

The Oklahoma AgrAbility Project will hold its annual AgrAbility Day at the Capitol March 28 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. to increase state legislators’ awareness about and meet the needs of Oklahoma agricultural producers with disabilities and their families. For additional information, call 888-885-5588 (voice/tty), 405-7442398 or e-mail To learn more about the Oklahoma AgrAbility Project, visit the AgrAbility website at

Food Check-Out Week is Feb. 20-26 Farm Bureaus leaders will reach out to consumers with practical information and tips on how to stretch their grocery dollars with healthy, nutritious food during Food Check-Out Week, Feb. 20-26. America’s farmers and ranchers are committed to producing safe, healthy and abundant food. And they share a common concern with consumers when it comes to putting nutritious meals on the table while sticking to a tight budget. Although the focus of Food CheckOut Week has evolved, the Farm Bureau – Ronald McDonald House Charities

Oklahoma Farm Bureau Online Monitor the latest Farm Bureau and agricultural news and information online at Currently online: • Scholarships – The state YF&R Committee is offering nine $1,000 scholarships, one in each of OFB’s nine districts. The application is available for download on OFB’s website, and a list of county Farm Bureau’s also offering scholarships is available on the FBW page. • Speech Contest – Download a registration form for this year’s YF&R Speech Contest, which will be held March 14 on the OSU-OKC campus in Oklahoma City. 2

AgrAbility Day is March 28

connection that began more than a decade ago remains strong. The Oklahoma Farm Bureau Women’s Committee will continue its support of the Oklahoma City and Tulsa Ronald McDonald Houses with food donations in recognition of Food Check-Out Week. County Farm Bureau Women’s Committees across the state also will commemorate Food Check-Out Week with events in their areas, such as donations to local shelters and other activities. Now in its 13th year, Food Check(See Food Check-Out, page 4)

YF&R to hold speech contest March 14 Oklahoma youth are invited to participate in the annual Oklahoma Farm Bureau Young Farmers & Ranchers Speech Contest, which will be held in conjunction with the 2011 Oklahoma Youth Expo on Monday, March 14 on the OSU-OKC campus in Oklahoma City. Entry forms have been mailed to all ag teachers and 4-H Extension offices across the state and also are available at each county Farm Bureau office. Forms also are available for download on OFB’s website at The forms must be postmarked by March 1. Registration begins at 2 p.m. on March 14. The YF&R Speech Contest will include three age divisions: Junior, nine-12 years old; Intermediate, 13-15 years old; and Senior, 16-18 years old. For more information, contact state YF&R Coordinator Chris Kidd at 580228-4001 or

Farm Bureau looks to 2011 Legislative Session...... (continued from page 1) provide reproductive services to register their businesses.

to prevent wind companies from exercising the power of eminent domain for installing wind farms and wind turbines.

REFORMING THE ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES ACT Legislation to require legislative approval of agency promulgated rules has been reserved by Rep. George Faught and Sen. Anthony Sykes.

REDUCING THE GROUNDWATER PERMIT FEE Rep. George Faught and Sen. Ron Justice have reserved legislation to limit the groundwater permit administration fee to $10.00 instead of the $50.00 fee per permit currently assessed.

INITIATIVE PETITION REFORM Sen. Mike Schulz will be filing a resolution to put the issue of initiative petition reform to a vote of the people. The resolution will ask Oklahoma voters to amend the initiative petition process by requiring an equal percentage of signatures from each congressional district in order to place a state question on the ballot. EMINENT DOMAIN POWER OF WIND COMPANIES Sen. Ron Justice has reserved legislation

TRESPASS REFORM – RECREATIONAL TRESPASS Sen. Don Barrington has reserved legislation that would create the Oklahoma Private Lands and Public Recreation Act. If enacted, it would grant any law enforcement officer the power to issue citations in all cases of recreational trespass. Additionally, restitution would be granted to the landowner in the amount of the penalty (minus fees and taxes). This legislation addresses mud bogging and other acts of trespass on private property for recreational activities.

UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK INDEMNITY FUND Sen. Josh Brecheen has reserved legislation to create a state question to place the Underground Storage Tank Indemnity Fund into a constitutionally created trust, ensuring such funds are not spent elsewhere. REQUIRING VEHICLES TO DISPLAY “NOT FOR HIRE” Current law requires the words “NOT FOR HIRE” be displayed on both sides of a non-commercial vehicle transporting horses or livestock. Sen. Eddie Fields has reserved legislation to repeal this language.

In addition to the requested legislation, it is anticipated the Public Policy staff, on behalf of Oklahoma Farm Bureau, will be SUPPORTING the following legislative items: • Legislation to reduce the valuation cap from five percent to three percent for (See Farm Bureau, page 4)

Major County YF&R host Family Fun Night

ABOVE – Major County YF&R member Kay Koehn, right, traces Kambry Maddox’s hands during a crafts project at the Fairview Library. The county YF&R hosted a Family Fun Night at the library Jan. 18 to promote agriculture to youngsters and their families with ag-related books, crafts, games and snacks. BOTTOM – Major County FBW member Clara Wichert, center, helps Sydney Martens, left, and Abbey Wahl create snack teeth with apples, peanut butter and marshmallows.

Nicole Martens, state YF&R Committee chair, reads a book about farm animals to kids attending the Family Fun Night January 18.


Published by Oklahoma Farm Bureau

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Traci Traci Morgan, Morgan, 523-2346 523-2346 Perspective/Online Perspective/Online News News Editor Editor Sam Knipp, 523-2347 Sam 523-2347 Vice Knipp, President of Communications/PR Vice President of Communications/PR Tyler Norvell, 523-2402 Vice President of Public Policy Tyler Norvell, 523-2402 Marla Peek, 523-2437 Vice President of Public Policy Director of Regulatory Affairs Kinsey Money, 523-2539 Marla Peek, 523-2437 Director of Research & Policy Development Director of Regulatory Affairs

Food Check-Out... (continued from page 2) Out Week also highlights America’s safe, abundant and affordable food supply, made possible largely by America’s productive farmers and ranchers. According to the most recent (2009) information from the USDA’s Economic Research Service, American families and individuals spend, on average, less than 10 percent of their disposable personal income for food.

OFB planning 2011 Congressional Action Tour OFB is planning its annual Congressional Action Tour, which will be held March 27-31 in Washington, D.C. This year’s trip is all inclusive with flights, four nights lodging at the Holiday Inn Capitol and a group breakfast included. The cost is $1,520 for single occupancy and $2,070 for double occupancy. Each additional person is $600, with a limit of four per room. *Airline tickets are non-refundable. A registration form, due Feb. 25, is available for download on OFB’s website.


Farm Bureau looks to 2011........ (continued from page 1)

property tax purposes. • Legislation by the Grape Grower Industry including the possible development of an Oklahoma Grape Commission funded by a producer checkoff. • Legislation to increase the wheat checkoff, supported by the Oklahoma Wheat Growers Association. • Legislation introduced by Rep. Pat Ownbey to require land taken through eminent domain and not used within a certain time period to be offered to the original landowner for repurchase. • Legislation to repeal or reform the proposed rules by the Commercial Pet Breeder Board dealing with puppy mills.

The following legislative items, if introduced, will be OPPOSED: • Attempted ad valorem increases by special ambulance districts, common education, or others. • Attempted sunsets or reviews of agriculture sales tax exemptions. • Attempted expansion of any eminent domain powers to either public utilities or privately owned companies. • Attempted changes to the make-up of the OSU Board of Regents. • Attempted legislation to repeal the current 60 percent super majority vote required for passage of capital improvement bonds. • Attempted changes to expand forced pooling of minerals to more than 640 acres.

YF&R Scholarships are available Nine $1,000 scholarships, offered by Oklahoma Farm Bureau & Affiliated Companies and its Young Farmers & Ranchers Committee, are available. The nine scholarships, representing the nine OFB board districts, will be awarded to graduating high school seniors planning to further their education in an agricultural field. Each recipient must enroll full time at an accredited Oklahoma institution of higher learning in an agricultural program and must remain in good standing for the duration of the scholarship. Applicants must be a member of a Farm Bureau family holding a voting membership. Children of paid employees of OFB & Affiliated Companies are not eligible for the scholarships.

Scholarship applications have been mailed to all ag teachers and 4-H Extension offices across the state and also are available at each county Farm Bureau office. They also are available for download on OFB’s website at www.okfarmbureau. org. Applications must be returned to Oklahoma Farm Bureau by March 15. For more information, contact state YF&R Coordinator Chris Kidd at 580228-4001 or


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