Real cases from our files A Great Dane needed surgery for two separate Cruciate ligament ruptures and then suffered a blood disorder -- $10,236 paid Extensive diagnostic testing for liver problems was needed for a German Shepherd Dog $3,128 paid - just for the testing! A cat suffered from acute gastroenteritis at Thanksgiving and needed urgent treatment $1,651 paid
©, Deanna Quinton Larson
You can sign up for any of our plans online or by phone. Premiums can be paid monthly or annually- it's your choice. Ask for a quote today. We are sure that you will be delighted with the protection you have chosen. However if you are not fully satisfied you may cancel your plan in the first 30 days. Any premiums paid will be reimbursed provided that you have submitted no claims.
©, Eileen Hart
After eating poisonous mushrooms, a Labrador Retriever needed emergency treatment -- $3,708 paid
Because love’s got everything to do with it!
Intestinal surgery for a Bulldog meant a large claim -$4,536 paid A snake bite left a Chesapeake Bay Retriever puppy’s face swollen the size of a beach ball -- $1,746 paid A five-year old cat with blood in her urine needed a surgical procedure called a Cystotomy - $1,223 paid
Why have to make difficult decisions about choosing the best veterinary treatment?
Let our Pet Healthcare Plan help you to provide the best care for your pet.
With over 20 years’ experience in providing comprehensive and innovative pet insurance solutions, the management of PetPartners has been selected by leading pet registries in both the USA and UK to help owners plan ahead for the healthcare needs of their pets.
©, Simone van den Berg
Healthcare protection for all the family You care for every member of your family in the very best way. This includes your beloved pet.
Check out these great rates!
Get a quote online or by phone
Protect your dog or cat from less than a dollar a day!*
We offer significant discounts for Farm Bureau
However, with modern treatments involving the best in veterinary technology and medicines, vet costs can add up to surprisingly high bills. Look at some real cases from our files over the page.
Contact us today for your quote
Sign disco ificant Farm unts for B membureau ers
Essential Plus
members. For your no-obligation quote and to find out more, visit us at or call us toll free at
Accident & Illness Protection Veterinary Treatment & Surgical Procedures
Prescription Medications
✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Diagnostic & Laboratory Tests X-Rays, CT Scans, & MRIs Cancer Coverage Hospitalization Emergency Visits to 24/7 clinics Specialist Visits ©, Carmen Martinez Banus
Wellness Preventative Care
Day 1 Wellness coverage
Annual Physical Exam
Your Farm Bureau selected PetPartners group, one
Vaccinations and Boosters Heartworm Testing & Prevention - 12 Months
of the most experienced companies in this field, to
help you plan ahead with a superior range of pet
Flea/Tick Control - 12 Months
healthcare plans. Don’t let your pet’s unexpected
Annual Dental Cleaning
accident or illness lead to agonizing decisions.
Policy Coverage
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Coverage per Incident
5 great reasons to choose us!
Maximum Annual Coverage
• No pre-set limiting payment schedule • Diagnostic testing costs included • Superior benefits for Cruciate ligament ruptures • Richest ‘Wellness’ benefits available today – 80% of covered costs after annual deductible • Spay/neuter option available
Call toll free at 1.877.738.7888
©, Lisa F. Young
5 more reasons to choose us! • All breeds rated equally • No new waiting period for renewing customers • No vet records to sign up • Monthly or annual payment options • Available in all 50 States and DC.
$125 annual $125 annual 20%
Ask about our other plans, including Spay/Neuter benefits. Check out the excellent Wellness benefits for your pet’s preventative care costs, in addition to the protection for unexpected accidents and illnesses.
Visit us at
* See terms and conditions for a full description available through PetPartners, Inc. Issuance of coverage is subject to underwriting guidelines.The plans listed here cover accident and injury from Day 1 through end of plan; Illness coverage begins on Day 31 through end of plan. Pre-existing conditions are not covered. Monthly or Annual Rates are available and vary according to your area.A billing fee of no more than $4 will be added to monthly rates. Rates and coverage are subject to change. Coverage is offered by Code PetPartners, Inc. to all US residents and is underwritten by Markel Insurance Company. 11/07
Call toll free at 1.877.738.7888