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District 7

District 9

District 2

OKFB thanks members for attending August Area Meetings klahoma Farm Bureau wants to thank members for participating in the first step of the organization’s grassroots policy development process the last few weeks. Active member engagement in policy development is what makes OKFB the leader in agricultural policy in our state. We appreciate your efforts and always enjoy the opportunity to visit with you. Each district came with record attendance, prepared with great ideas for discussion and we look forward to seeing your resolutions. To the right, you’ll find a recap of main topics discussed at each district’s August Area Meeting.

District 1 • Water, ad valorem taxes, oil and gas booms in western Oklahoma and wind energy

District 2 • Water, education funding, right to farm, clean water act, wind energy and wind turbines

District 3

District 5 • Water, mining issues and mineral property

District 6 • Wind energy, food labeling and water

District 7 • Water, energy and 2014 legislative races

• Statewide water quality and quantity, county road conditions and the Endangered Species Act

District 8

District 4

District 9

• Water, EPA regulations and the farm bill

• Storm shelters, water and income tax • Wildlife management and imminent domain

(August Area Meetings continued)

District 4

District 6 The OKFB Women’s Leadership Team, along with the Fluvanna County Farm Bureau Women’s Committee in Virginia, donated $2,000 worth of agricultural accurate books to Plaza Towers and Briarwood Elementary Schools in Moore on Aug. 28. The books were donated to help rebuild the libraries at the schools after being destroyed in the May 20, 2013, tornado. (Photo taken at Briarwood Elementary School)

Chelsea Blevins Southwestern Oklahoma State University Karli Bowles Southwestern Oklahoma State University Olivia Bunn Oklahoma City Community College

OKFB helps Agric-Bioformatics klahoma Farm Bureau is working with Agric-Bioformatics, a budding software company designed to provide genetics, nutrition and health data for cattle producers. OKFB is calling on members to complete a survey available online that will assist Agric-Bioformatics in determining which direction the company should take when providing beef genetic information to cattle producers. “Oklahoma Farm Bureau is on the ground floor of this project,” said Todd Honer,

OKFB Nursing Scholarship Winners

director of commodities at OKFB. “We are helping to get the word out about Agric-Bioformatics because we believe our members will benefit from the service it provides.” To take the survey, go to com and click “Take our survey.” You will be guided through a series of questions concerning your operation. For more information about Agric-Bioformatics, visit their website at

Darcey Kliewer Northwestern Oklahoma State University Ashley Sloan University of Oklahoma Jessica Sullins Rogers State University Paige Thoman OSU Institute of Technology - Okmulgee

Oklahoma Farm Bureau Online County Annual Meetings Scheduled

Facebook: August Area Meetings Photo Album

Oklahoma Farm Bureau members across the state will be holding their county annual meetings within their counties over the next few weeks. These meetings are a great opportunity for members to voice their concerns and thoughts on agricultural issues. For a full list of dates, times and locations, visit



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Be sure to visit the Oklahoma Farm Bureau Facebook page to view the August Area Meetings photo album. Photos from each district’s meeting are featured on the page. Like, comment and share the photos to let your Facebook friends know how to get involved with OKFB’s grassroots policy development process.



District 8

District 5

River navigation system important for agriculture he economic impact of the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System was highlighted during an Aug. 28 press event at the Port of Catoosa. Hosted by Oklahoma Farm Bureau, the event featured presentations from U.S. Rep. Markwayne Mullin, R-2, Oklahoma Secretary of Agriculture Jim Reese and OKFB President Tom Buchanan. “This waterway system provides a direct benefit for Oklahoma’s agricultural industry,” said Buchanan.

In 2013, 3.1 million tons of agricultural products were shipped on this navigation system, including 1.4 million tons of wheat and close to a million tons of soybeans. Buchanan noted farmers in his area of Altus, Oklahoma, often truck their grain directly to the Port of Catoosa and haul back fertilizer. “This provides a double benefit for our farmers, not just in southwest Oklahoma, but all across this state,” said Buchanan. Staying competitive in a global market was touted by Rep. Mullin. “If we are going to be compet-

itive, then we’ve got to have this type of infrastructure to move our commodities to market,” said Mullin. The river system’s efficiency was praised by Sec. Reese. “There’s not a — Tom Buchanan railroad or highway anywhere that can move our product directly around the world,” said Reese. While noting the river system is definitely a navigable waterway, Rep. Mullin said the EPA proposal to redefine all waters of the U.S. as “navigable” is an example of federal overreach. He cited the example of a dry ditch that might hold water after a heavy rain, falling under the new EPA proposal.

This provides a double benefit for our farmers, not just in southwest Oklahoma, but all across this state.

(See Waterway, page 4)

U.S. Rep. Markwayne Mullin spoke at a press conference sponsored by OKFB at the Port of Catoosa in Tulsa on Aug. 28. Mullin commended OKFB and the agricultural community for their efforts in speaking out against government regulations.

Member Benefits


$5,000 reward for criminal activity

OKFB Farm Safety Day Sept. 20 at 10:30 a.m. — Heart of America Farm Show, Tulsa Contact: Jennie Bruning (405) 530-2696

A $5,000 reward is offered for information leading to a felony conviction for theft, arson, or vandalism on an OKFB member’s property. A reward sign must be hung on the member’s property for the reward to be paid. OKFB highlights a benefit in each issue of Perspective as a reminder of the savings available to OKFB members. You can find a complete list of savings on the Oklahoma Farm Bureau website.

YF&R Award Applications Due Oct. 1 — Statewide Contact: Holly Carroll (405) 523-2307 County Resolutions Deadline Oct. 10 — Statewide Contact: Sara Rogers (405) 530-2681

oklahoma farm bureau | 3

Published by Oklahoma Farm Bureau Published Oklahoma Farm Bureau Postmaster:by Send address corrections to: Postmaster: Send address corrections to: Perspective, P.O. B. 53332, OKC, OK 73152-3332 Perspective, P.O. B. 53332, OKC, OK 73152-3332

Oklahoma Farm Bureau 2501 N. Stiles Oklahoma City, OK 73105-3126

Non-Profit U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 131 Okla. City, OK.


Executive Director Monica Wilke 405-523-2303 VP of Public Policy and Media Relations John Collison 405-523-2539 Directors of Corporate Communications Sam Knipp 405-523-2347 Dustin Mielke 405-530-2640 Communications Specialists Karolyn Bolay 405-523-2320 Samantha Smith 405-523-2346

OKFB’s Bushels for Books program is currently (Waterway, from page 3) “The biggest threat to our farming Foragricultural agricultural producers Instructionsfor for co-ops/marketers For producers Instructions co-ops/marketers accepting donations community is the federal government,” said Mullin. “If you think people in Washington, day beFarming our consumers. Help us today by ushels forfor Books is an exciting new 1. Market Market Grain Immediately 1. Grain Immediately Thank you for helping raise funds for Oklahoma Farming Thank you helping raise funds for thethe Oklahoma && Deposit account 2. 2. Deposit intointo an an account for:for:care more about our water, than we D.C., donating bushels fall harvest program offered by the Young FarmersFarm Ranching Foundation and Oklahoma Farm Bureau Young from your Ranching Foundation and thethe Oklahoma Bureau Young Oklahoma Farming & Ranching Foundation Oklahoma Farming & Ranching Foundation do, then that’s a joke.” through your local andFarmers Ranchers cooperation with the OklaFarmers &inRanchers help place accurate agriculture books & Ranchers to to help place accurate agriculture books in inco-op or by sending 2501 N Stiles Ave, Oklahoma City, 73105 2501 N Stiles Ave, Oklahoma City, OKOK 73105 Oklahoma schools. Oklahoma your personal donation to the Oklahoma homa Farmingschools. and Ranching Foundation. 45-2463257Mullin commended the agricultural comTaxTax ID: ID: 45-2463257 3. Have Have producer fill out the form below. Please return the form when send producer the form below. Please return theagainst form when youyou send munity for speaking out governFarming and Ranching 3.Foundation withfill out As we kick off our back-to-school season, payment. We will send a tax receipt to the producer payment. We will send a tax receipt to the producer Please present this card to the local co-op to designate how Please present this card to the local co-op to designate how ment regulations. “Bushels for Books” in the memo. it brings us all back to the focus of getting many bushel(s) you would to donate. many bushel(s) you would likelike tothe donate. “Farm Bureau has done a phenomenal To donate a product from your harvest, agriculture into classrooms across state Producer/Farm Producer/Farm job of exposing the EPA and the heavy cut out the cards below and take them to of Oklahoma. Teachers and schools may apply receive accurate agriculture Teachers and schools may apply to to receive accurate agriculture Address Address handed regulators in Washington, D.C.,” your local co-op when you deliver your With every generation becoming further books through OKFB YF&R. Applications available books through thethe OKFB YF&R. Applications willwill bebe available said Mullin. “If it wasn’t for Farm grain. Every donation is tax deductible removed from the farm, it is imperative that August 2014 and sent County Farm Bureau offices August 2014 and willwill bebe sent to to County Farm Bureau offices to to Bureau willing to stand up and and helps us reach our goal of more agriwe work together to make sure schools encourage participation. encourage participation. Phone Phone fight, then this would be a differculture books in our schools. have accurate agricultural books in front of ent world.” For more information, contact Holly theirFor students. By donating a few bushels of For any questions about program, please contact Holly any questions about thethe program, please contact Holly Number donated: Price / bushel: Number oforof bushels donated: Price / bushel: To view or listen to the event, Carroll at atbushels yourCarroll harvest to (405) this523-2397. program, Carroll 523-2397.we are able to at at (405) visit OKFB’s Soundcloud and 405-523-2307. provide books to the students who will one Thank youyour for your Thank you for timetime and and helphelp this important project! withwith this important project! Total donation value: Total donation YouTube pages.value:

Foragricultural agriculturalproducers producers For

Instructionsfor forco-ops/marketers co-ops/marketers Instructions

Thank you helping raise funds Oklahoma Farming Thank you forfor helping raise funds forfor thethe Oklahoma Farming && Ranching Foundation and Oklahoma Farm Bureau Young Ranching Foundation and thethe Oklahoma Farm Bureau Young Farmers & Ranchers help place accurate agriculture books Farmers & Ranchers to to help place accurate agriculture books in in Oklahoma schools. Oklahoma schools.

Market Grain Immediately 1. 1. Market Grain Immediately Deposit account 2. 2. Deposit intointo an an account for:for: Oklahoma Farming & Ranching Foundation Oklahoma Farming & Ranching Foundation 2501 N Stiles Ave, Oklahoma City, 73105 2501 N Stiles Ave, Oklahoma City, OKOK 73105 45-2463257 TaxTax ID: ID: 45-2463257 Have producer fill out form below. Please return form when send 3. 3. Have producer fill out thethe form below. Please return thethe form when youyou send payment. send a tax receipt to the producer payment. WeWe willwill send a tax receipt to the producer

Please present this card local co-op designate how Please present this card to to thethe local co-op to to designate how many bushel(s) you would donate. many bushel(s) you would likelike to to donate. Teachers and schools may apply receive accurate agriculture Teachers and schools may apply to to receive accurate agriculture books through OKFB YF&R. Applications available books through thethe OKFB YF&R. Applications willwill bebe available August 2014 and sent County Farm Bureau offices August 2014 and willwill bebe sent to to County Farm Bureau offices to to encourage participation. encourage participation. any questions about program, please contact Holly ForFor any questions about thethe program, please contact Holly Carroll (405) 523-2397. Carroll at at (405) 523-2397.

Producer/Farm Producer/Farm Address Address

Phone Phone Number bushels donated: Number of of bushels donated: Thank youyour for your Thank you for timetime and and helphelp this important project! withwith this important project!

4 |For perspective Foragricultural agriculturalproducers producers

Price / bushel: Price / bushel:

Total donation value: Total donation value:

Instructionsfor forco-ops/marketers co-ops/marketers Instructions

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