1 minute read
Enhance the Romance the
from Tulsa Pt. III
In separate incidents that both reached national news status, two men in positions of authority attempted to use their status to escape booze-related arrests.
In the first, an Oklahoma City police captain used his rank in an attempt to convince a patrol officer to turn off his body camera so the two could have an off-record conversation that surely didn’t involve sweeping the incident under the rug due to his position. In the second, a lawmaker fresh off of probation for a DUI arrest tried to hand the cop what he thought was a literal “get out of jail free” card to evade a public intoxication arrest that didn’t have to happen if he’d just, you know, obeyed the law and dispersed.
The Oklahoma City police of ficers who effected the arrests on both Capt. James Matthew French and Rep. Rep. Dean Davis (R-Broken Arrow) both flatly refused and put both men in hand cuffs. Good on them. This kind of “no one is above the law” attitude is exactly what’s needed in law enforcement these days. Their steadfast unwillingness to uphold the good ol’ boy system so prevalent in our state is a testament to and exactly what’s needed to restore faith in policing. See? We can say nice things about the cops sometimes