Soundcheck Issue

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inside 25


Mission statement Oklahoma Gazette’s mission is to stimulate, examine and inform the public on local quality of life issues and social needs, to recognize community accomplishments, and to provide a forum for inspiration, participation and interaction across all media.

ON THE COVER 37-52 Oklahoma Gazette’s annual music issue rounds up this year’s

Gazette Music Awards with profiles on the winners and our Rising Star and Lifetime Achievement honorees. Our expanded music section features coverage of Broncho, Metro Music Fest, Norman Music Festival, WestFest, Barry Manilow and more.


6 City Abandoned homes 7 Culture Evenings of Listening 8 Active OKC Dodgers 9 Active 2 Minute 5K and Kiddie K

EAT & Drink

4 Health Infant mortality

10 Chicken-Fried News 12 Commentary | Letters

16 Briefs 18 Event wildcrafting dinner 19 Feature restaurants’ new menus


20 Gazedibles First bite 37 Gazette Music Awards 44 Feature Tyson Meade

22 Shop Festival style

46 Event Metro Music Fest

23 Shop Local 25 Visual Arts The Holey Kids 26 Books Literary Voices


arts & Culture

15 Review The Drake

47 Event WestFest 49 Feature Broncho 50 Event Norman Music Festival

27 Metro Music Fest sponsored program

51 Event Barry Manilow

31 Youth FCBEscola soccer camp

52 Calendar

32 Youth Explore the Outdoors


34 Calendar

Weekly Winner! Lindy Devine To claim your tickets, call 528-6000 or come by our offices by 4/13/16!

53 Puzzles Sudoku | Crossword 54 Astrology

classifieds 54


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h e a lt h

From left Kamisha Busby, Karen Jacobs, Twyler Earl and James Dorn lead the Infant Mortality Alliance, a new group working to reduce infant mortality in the African-American community in Oklahoma County. | Photo Laura Eastes

Taking action

Disturbed by statistics of infant mortality rates in African-American populations, the community establishes a plan to combat troubling trends. By Laura Eastes

It appears Oklahoma is on the right track for combating infant mortality, according to a statewide statistic released last year by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In August, CDC researchers announced the state’s infant mortality rate in 2013 was 6.73 infant deaths per 1,000 live births, a 15-percent reduction from the 2005 rate of 7.95 infant deaths per 1,000 live births. However, there is more to consider when discussing infant mortality, said Kelli McNeal, who oversees infant mortality improvement efforts at the Oklahoma City-County Health Department (OCCHD). “There is something we don’t talk about,” McNeal said. “While the infant mortality trend is moving downward, it is not equitable.” Closer data analysis shows AfricanAmerican babies in central Oklahoma are more than twice as likely to die before their first birthdays than white babies, highlighting the need to focus on the racial disparities that exist in health outcomes. About a year ago — to get people talking about the racial disparities — the local health department held the 2015 Infant Mortality Summit: An African-American Perspective. The event attracted Rev. James Dorn of Mt. Triumph Baptist 4

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Church in northeast Oklahoma City. “Like many, I was not aware how serious the problem was,” Dorn said. “After hearing that many times, it is preventable, I thought, ‘Wow. What’s the issue?’ I agreed to come on board.” The summit discussion led some attendees to create a task force dedicated to reducing Oklahoma County’s AfricanAmerican infant mortality rates. The 61member task force immediately began studying data and researching successful practices in comparable communities. “It is a great group of people from across the community who have come together to address the issue,” said Dorn, who performs an executive role in the task force. “We see it as a multifaceted issue with discussions on economics, poverty, access to health and education. There are a number of factors that contribute to those high numbers that we see with the African-American population in infant mortality.”

Infant mortality

Infant mortality is defined as the death of an infant before it reaches 1 year of age. The cause of death can be anything, including congenital anomalies, prematurity and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). According to OCCHD, Oklahoma County’s infant mortality rate was 7 infant

deaths per 1,000 births in 2014. The African-American rate was 11.4, almost twice the Caucasian rate of 6.5 and higher than the American Indian rate of 7.6. The infant mortality rate, at 5.9, was lowest among the Hispanic population. Factors such as tobacco use, obesity, fertility issues, poverty, environment, barriers to health care and access to needed services significantly affect infant health. Health officials say the mortality rate is a key measure in determining the overall health and well-being of a community.

Task force

To make an impact, the task force focused on understanding the local health system and barriers facing women and infants. Additionally, the group looked beyond the first year of infant life or the nine months of pregnancy for a mother. It identified that the mother’s life span also plays an important role in birth outcomes and infant health. The task force also tackled social issues, such as the taboo of discussing infant deaths. It wanted to inspire community conversations to prioritize women’s health, whether or not women are pregnant. In late March, a year after the initial summit, the group released its strategic plan, Reducing Infant Mortality in the African American Community. The three-part plan examined health care access, health disparities and community and faith engagement. Each component includes recommendations to bring about change, such as creating a public education cam-

paign for local programs and resources, facilitating mobile health clinics, developing a fatherhood initiative, supporting urban renewal in Northeast Oklahoma City and empowering women with more social capital. “It encompasses the entire community,” McNeal said. “We have not missed any sectors, from health care to providers and moms to community leaders. … It’s very comprehensive, but it had to be if we are going to deal with this problem. We are talking about a paradigm shift in the way we think and talk.” The Infant Mortality Alliance is working to implement the plan through three committees that correspond to its components. Karen Jacobs, a 38-year employee with the Oklahoma Department of Human Services, leads the community and faith engagement committee. As a pastor’s wife, Jacobs recognized the opportunity to connect with faith communities by establishing the First Ladies Network. The wives of senior pastors, commonly referred to as “first ladies,” would build a network to teach the women in their congregations about available health, education and resources in their communities. Additionally, the plan calls for implementing Safe Sleep Sunday. Unsafe sleep environments often are linked to infant deaths. Churches would become a means for raising awareness and help identify safe sleeping environments for infants. The information benefits a variety of people — grandparents, siblings and caregivers — who play roles in an infant’s life. “We’ve got to change the culture and the practices,” Jacobs said. “We’ve got to get the community to understand these deaths are preventable.” Kamisha Busby chairs the health care committee and Twyler Earl chairs the health disparities committee. McNeal said the alliance will face challenges and results will take time. However, with statistics indicating that at least two central Oklahoma families experience the death of their babies each week, the alliance’s motivation is strong. “We are talking about babies’ lives,” McNeal said. “There isn’t anybody [who] can’t get behind that. … If we can save one life, that’s worth all the work to get there.”

In 2014, Oklahoma County’s African-American infant mortality rate was 11.4, almost twice the Caucasian rate. | Photo


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UNI_16-RP-45_Dashing_Dinner_Gazette.indd 1

April 7 5-8pm th

Presented by bob Moore audi Featuring: Live music with Spaghetti Eddie, face painting, food trucks, the grand reveal of the Food For All truck benefiting the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma and Anthem Brewing beer as well as test drives of new Audi’s and plenty of fun yard games like potato sack races and the corn pit.

O kg a z e t t e . c o m | a p r i l3/16/16 6 , 2 0 1 6 3:21 5


cit y


Cultivating renewal

Blight removal efforts accelerate as the city and local neighborhoods utilize new programs. By Laura Eastes | Photo Garett Fisbeck

When Shannon Entz strolled the sideThe registry discussion halted after walks in urban neighborhoods North opposition by local realtors and state lawHighland Park, Classen-Ten-Penn and makers took up the issue at the Capitol. Culbertson East Highland, she joined In fall of 2014, the Oklahoma City others enjoying the block. Council passed an ordinance to collect “We’ve built a lot of sidewalks and fines from abandoned building owners planted a lot of trees,” said Entz, Strong for police and fire expenses. City officials Neighborhoods Initiative (SNI) planner believed the new law would be a deterrent for the City of Oklahoma City. “When I for building owners who failed to maintain walk, I notice how healthy a tree is and properties. A police or fire call can be exremember who planted it. I see more pensive for owners, as the city can collect seniors walking around or siting on their up to $63 per hour per officer and $67 per porches. I see moms with strollers. I see hour per firefighter for emergency public a lot of new houses and houses painted by service calls. Annually, the city spends volunteers. It is tremendous.” about $6.5 million on calls to abandoned buildings. Entz is not alone in admiring the three neighborhoods. Neighbors and visitors About four months later, the council alike observed the renewal thanks to comdeclared 21 buildings abandoned, marking mitted residents, Neighborhood Alliance the start of the city’s new program. Now, of Central Oklahoma (NACOK) support during city council meetings, the nineand the city’s strategic planning and member council reviews inspection funding. reports on dilapidated, unsecured and Through SNI, residents came together abandoned properties. to shape the future As OKC’s chief building inspector, vision for their area, which included reDavid Oen witnesses Code habbing sidewalks, his fair share of strucEnforcement 101 adding streetlights, tures visibly marked updating parks and by blight: roofs caved 5:30 p.m. May 5 removing debris. The in, walls scarred by Meinders Hall of Mirrors neighborhood redefire, broken windows Civic Center Music Hall velopment shot a and foundation issues. 201 N. Walker Ave. much-needed boost “It’s a into unique areas life issue,” Oen said as 405-528-6322 plagued by blight and he described houses Free (registration required) the city’s 30 inspecneglect over the past tors come across. few decades. O ne c om mon “[The program] puts problem among the three neighborhoods the houses back into use and it keeps was vacant homes. Entz said more than people out from doing bad things in those 400 abandoned buildings were located in houses.” those neighborhoods when SNI launched A city inspector reviews anywhere in 2013. from 20 to 50 properties a day. Residents “It doesn’t matter how many new call the city’s Action Center to report houses we build; if it is right next to an property concerns. Last year, 8,728 propabandoned house, boarded-up house or a erty maintenance reports were recorded vacant lot, that leaves some risk for the at the center. Some residents might think a dishevnew buyer and anyone who wants to invest in that neighborhood,” Entz said. “It has eled property is abandoned, but inspectors been a hindrance.” find people who own vacant properties For SNI and many OKC neighborhoods, and pay their property taxes, but do not the abandoned building and property perform regular upkeep. That’s where the maintenance hurdle became easier to exterior property maintenance program clear with the arrival of new city code encomes in. Over the past year, the city averforcement programs. aged 486 notices issued per month, compared with 120 per month before impleCity’s approach menting the program. Property owners In 2013, Oklahoma City took on its blight are responding, as the city averaged 273 challenge by first discussing the creation owner violation abatements per month, of an abandoned building registry. At the compared with 71 per month before the time, there were more than 12,000 vacant program. and abandoned structures located “You drive around the lower-income throughout the city’s eight wards. neighborhoods, you will see a lot of new 6

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Jayme Shelton of Neighborhood Alliance of Central Oklahoma believes strong relationships with the City of Oklahoma City is vital to the success of neighborhoods.

paint on these properties,” Oen said. “I’ve been here 27 years, and I’ve never seen this much paint splattered.” Oen credited the city’s success to the residents and neighborhood associations that contact the Action Center. The goal of the abandoned buildings and exterior property maintenance programs is to bring property owners into compliance. If an owner needs more time to work on the violation, Oen recommended calling the inspector to share their timeline. “We are not the bad guys,” Oen said. “We just need you to take care of the property. We don’t want to cite you. We’d rather see the money go into fixing the problem. ... The ultimate goal is the vibrancy of the neighborhood.”

Neighborhood partnerships

At Neighborhood Alliance of Central Oklahoma, Jayme Shelton hears concerns from residents about boarded-up homes. Worries vary from property value impact to attracting unwanted pests. During those phone calls and emails, Shelton recommended working with city officials on the concern. The city’s Action Center is a resource for sharing concerns or asking about code violations. Shelton said residents should remember it takes time for an inspector to visit a property. If the city issues a citation, the property owner receives a deadline to make the correction or face fines. “You might not see action happening immediately, but there could be a plan,” Shelton, who serves as programs and communications director, said. In the event a home is not abandoned or vacant but is suffering from tall weeds, chipped siding, vehicles parked in the yard or broken windows, Shelton said neigh-

bors can exercise a neighborly approach before calling the Action Center. “The neighborhood can approach the individual in a way that is caring and openminded,” Shelton said. “If you have a neighbor that is 80 years old, they likely can’t climb a ladder to paint. As a neighborhood, help find some volunteers. There are programs that help winterize or perform home improvement projects. There are nonprofits that help paint the facade or help with exterior maintenance.” Part of NACOK’s work is training neighborhood association leaders to work with the city on improving their neighborhoods. A healthy neighborhood has strong relationships with city officials from parks and police to code enforcement and elected officials, Shelton said. Equally essential is engaged neighbors who desire to transform their communities. Sometimes, Shelton said, a single action like one neighbor flying an American flag can make a big difference along a street. A few weeks later, more neighbors are flying flags. The same is true for neighbors planting flowers. “It takes time, but those things start to happen,” Shelton said. Walking the streets of North Highland Park, Classen-Ten-Penn and Culbertson East Highland neighborhoods, Entz sees the domino effect and the profound impact on the character and composition of the three neighborhoods. “I don’t think for a second SNI should take credit for this,” Entz said. “[These are] neighborhoods that have committed to making their neighborhoods better. If they didn’t do that, it wouldn’t matter what we did. It wouldn’t be successful.”

Shon and her family eat healthy snacks. Learn why.

c u lt u r e

From left Justin Lindstrom and Bill Tabbernee at St. Paul’s Cathedral

Farm harm?

An April 14 interfaith community event examines many sides of Oklahoma’s “right to farm” debate. By Ben Luschen | Photo Garett Fisbeck

In the April 14 edition of the Evenings of affect safety, agricultural pollution regulaListening series, panelists will discuss tion and animal health standards. He said whether State Question 777, promoted by SQ 777 also could potentially tie the hands Visit some lawmakers as the Oklahoma Right of legislators hoping to help local farmers for recipes, stories and more. to Farm, actually promotes a right to harm. because they would be prohibited from Funded by USDA’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program — SNAP. passing “good legislation that would Panelists representing different sides USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. of the issue gather to discuss SQ 777 6:30 support farming.” “It seems as if the impetus [of SQ 777] p.m. April 14 at St. Paul’s Cathedral episcopal church, 127 NW Seventh St. is behind the Big Agro farms and not the UNI_16-CNGF-2_Diabetes_Is_Not_Our_Destiny_OK_Gazette.indd 1 Evenings of Listening community small farmer,” he added. forums are held about every two months and are co-hosted by the Oklahoma Chance to listen Conference of Churches (OCC). The Lindstrom said the Evenings of Listening events are an interfaith effort to underseries concept came to him nearly two years ago as riots broke out in Ferguson, Missouri, stand and address some of the biggest issues of the day, such as race relations in response to the police-related fatal and the death penalty. shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown. As Lindstrom sat in his office, he conRight to farm discussion panelists templated what his church and commufeature Oklahoma Farm Bureau President Tom Buchanan, former state Attorney nity needed to do locally to respond to and General Drew Edmondson, Oklahoma proactively act on some of the bigger issues Cattlemen’s Association Executive Vice of our time. President Michael Kelsey, Oklahoma City “I spent some time in prayer, and it came University law professor Arthur LeFrancois out: listen, listen, listen,” he said. and former state Sen. Paul Muegge. Louisa The first event, held in January, disMcCune, Kirkpatrick Foundation execucussed the Black Lives Matter movement. The group has since held more than half a tive director, will moderate. dozen community events. SQ 777 will be on the ballot for a Nov. 8 public vote. If enacted, it would change the Tabbernee said the goal is to enable Oklahoma Constitution to guarantee people to understand both sides of an ranchers and farmers the right “to engage issue. Each question is posed from a reliin farming and ranching practices” and gious standpoint but is not limited to prohibit the Legislature from enacting any Christian faith. law “which abridges Lindstrom said he the right of farmers hopes the evenings and ranchers to give a voice to those Evenings of employ agricultural without one and puts Listening: Is those in a position of technology and livethe Right to Farm stock production and power into the lisa Right to Harm? ranching practices tener’s chair. without a compelling E ven i n g s of 6:30 p.m. April 14 state interest.” Listening continues Dean Willey Hall Bill Tabbernee, May 12 and addresses St. Paul’s Cathedral OCC executive direccriminal justice 127 NW Seventh St. tor, said he is worried reform. about how the proVisit okchurches. 405-235-3436 posed change could org.

3/9/16 11:19 AM


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ac t i v e

From left Michael Byrnes presents a jersey to new manager Bill Haselman earlier this year during a welcoming press event for Haselman at Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark.

Play ball

OKC Dodgers begin the new season with a former player as the team’s manager. By Laura Eastes | Photos Mark Hancock

Bill Haselman arrived in Oklahoma City when he was 24 years old. It was early spring of 1991. The season before, the catcher made his major league debut in a Texas Rangers jersey. Before he was called to the majors, Haselman played two seasons for the Tulsa Drillers. He spent the ’91 season as a Triple A player for the 89ers, performing in front of OKC crowds in All Sports Stadium at the Oklahoma fairgrounds. Haselman hit nine home runs and 60 RBI. He returned the following season, appearing in 17 games before moving to a Pacific coast Triple A team and finishing out the season as a Seattle Mariner. Throughout the 1990s and early 2000s, Haselman had an impressive career, playing primarily for the Rangers, but also landing on the rosters of the Boston Red Sox and Detroit Tigers. Haselman returns to OKC in a different


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light April 15, because that’s how baseball works. For someone like him, baseball is in the blood and runs red like the seams of the ball. For the past five seasons, Haselman’s role in baseball has been outside the diamond. Now, he manages teams, and he’s as effective as he was during his playing career. His success led him back to OKC, but it has been a quarter century since he wore an Oklahoma City jersey.

RedHawks or 89ers gear. Haselman said he admires the changes, but he hopes much is still the same, especially the eager young players looking to sharpen their skills and progress into the game’s upper ranks. He remembered OKC fans and referred to them as “knowledgeable.” He said they came to games even when the team played lousy. “I am very excited about being back in Oklahoma,” said Haselman, who resides in Newcastle, Washington, with his family. “I played here a while ago. Nothing from what I played here looks the same. The city has really grown, and it looks beautiful.” Days before the start of 2016, Oklahoma City Dodgers officials named Haselman manager. He replaced Damon Berryhill, who was not retained after the 2015 season. Eight days before reporting for spring training, Haselman stopped in OKC for a brief visit with media and Dodgers officials at the ballpark. “It looks like it was built yesterday,” he said about the facilities, an original MAPS project. “The people keep it in great shape, and it is really great to see that. I am excited to be out in it with a team. It has a festive feel. That’s what you want as a manager, to come in and have a good feel of the place. I certainly feel that.” Haselman inherited a team with a winning record and postseason play in its inaugural season. Additionally, Oklahoma City sold out 23 of last season’s 68 home

games. He also brought his own winning experience to OKC. Last season, he managed the Class A Rancho Cucamonga Quakes, another Dodgers affiliate, to a California League championship. This is his third season with the Dodgers organization. It’s anybody’s guess how Oklahoma City might play this year. The Dodgers open its season Thursday in Nashville, kicking off eight road games. The home opener is a Friday night bout with first pitch at 7:05 p.m. The April 15 game concludes with fireworks. Fans can catch the Dodgers through the summer months at Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark. The last regularly scheduled game is Sept. 1 against the Memphis Redbirds. At Dodgers games, look for Haselman on the field and near the Dodgers’ box. Twenty-five years ago, the young catcher was known for his ability to block home plate for Oklahoma City. Now, he prepares the next round of baseball players for the big leagues and ensures those players perform to their full potential, which translates to good baseball watching for OKC fans. “I think being affiliated with the Dodgers is a great thing for Oklahoma City,” he said. “I think you are always going to have big-time talent at the Triple A level. They need to have guys ready to go to the big leagues and step in there right away.”

New look

Oklahoma City baseball is no longer played in a fairgrounds ballpark. Instead, crowds pack Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark, located in one of the city’s most vibrant districts. Fans wear blue and white and ball caps with a diagonal white “OKC” stitched atop a Dodgers blue base. Gone are the days of fans sporting

An electronic banner at Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark welcomes new OKC Dodgers manager Bill Haselman.

ac t i v e

Recovery race

YWCA Oklahoma City raises sexual assault awareness with its 5K race. By Mark Beutler | Photos YWCA Oklahoma City / Provided

Every two minutes, a “They are more man or woman in the likely to feel respected, 2 Minute 5K United States is sexubelieved, understand and Kiddie K that they are not to ally assaulted. It’s a sobering statistic. blame, not alone in the 7 a.m. April 16 April is Sexual Assault process, follow up with Stars and Stripes Park Awareness Month, and medical care and expe3701 S. Lake Hefner Drive YWCA Oklahoma City rience fewer PTSD symptoms,” Docter brings awareness to 405-948-1770 how those statistics said. “The immediate $15-$35 affect residents of the response to victims of Oklahoma City metrosexual assault should politan community. be sensitive and appropriately address their Statistics show that Oklahoma has an needs and concerns. With early intervention, alarming rate of individuals affected by victims are better equipped to decrease the sexual violence. The National Intimate symptoms of traumatic stress, improving Partner and Sexual Violence Survey their ability to cope and heal from the expe(NISVS), released in 2010, shows almost 25 rience of this crime.” percent of women in the state have experienced rape and 48 percent have experienced Known dangers some other type of sexual violence. Contrary to what is typically portrayed in Nationally, according to the same study, popular culture, perpetrators are most often nearly 25 percent of men have been raped not creepy people lurking in bushes or dark or experienced other sexual violence. alleys. Research shows that more than 80 YWCA developed a 5K race to help bring percent of the time, the victim these facts into the spotlight. The 2 Minute knows the perpetrator. It’s 5K and Kiddie K race is April 16 at Stars and someone’s partner, coworker, Stripes Park, 3701 S. Lake Hefner Drive. neighbor or friend. Registration is $15-$35 and begins at 7 a.m. “The person who attacked me was a coThe Kiddie K begins at 8 a.m., and the 5K worker at my partstarts at 8:30 a.m. time job,” said “The name was coined off the painful Lisa, a sexual statistic that every two minutes, someone assault survivor in the U.S. is sexually assaulted,” said Karla Docter, senior director of Sexual Violence who received serPrevention and Response at YWCA-OKC. v ices f rom “We thought it would be a way to let other YWCA. “I knew of survivors know they are not alone and him; I did not know him, educate about services that can aid in the meaning we did not speak or healing process for someone who has expeinteract.” rienced sexual violence.” Lisa, who preferred not to The YWCA offers immediate crisis inuse her last name, said the tervention. Docter said studies link the speed possibility of sexual assault with sexual violence victims obtain prompt never really crossed her mind before she was atmedical treatment and counseling to the speed of their recovery. tacked.

YWCA’s 2 Minute 5K and Kiddie 5K raises awareness and helps fund YWCA’s programs.

“My parents taught us to be aware of our surroundings, prepare for unexpected situations and keep alert, but this assault caught me off guard,” she said “I froze. My feet were heavy like cement, but my mind was recording every living second. I was asking myself, ‘What in the world is going on?’” When it was over, Lisa said she contacted the 24-hour Sexual Assault Hotline. A police officer met her at the hospital. “They explained the process and spent time with me and helped me regain myself,” she said. “Within a short time from the initial contact, I began meetings with a crisis counselor. These wonderful people also worked as a team with me throughout the legal process. For me, it was like having an extended family; they lifted my spirits, they listened to me, helped me understand the situation by looking at things differently.” Recovering from a sexual assault takes time, Lisa said, and she understands it’s

something she might never fully overcome. “There is not a day that goes by I don’t think about the rape or pain of rape or the court hearings,” she said. “I worry about the safety of my daughters and granddaughters, my friends; I pray they never have to go through this.” Studies show that in the United States, someone is killed in a car accident every 12 minutes, while someone is raped every two minutes. Lisa said she remembers feeling isolated, damaged and that somehow the attack was her fault. “At first, I believed I was alone, the only one to hurt, the only one no one would believe,” she said. “Most of us go through PTSD, which isn’t cured by an arrest or conviction. I found my healing started when I joined a support group and learned about others who were raped.” The bottom line, she said, is to start by calling YWCA and discussing your options, and then get medical care immediately. “You may have hidden injuries, and you may need to take emergency contraception and antibiotics to prevent STDs,” Lisa said. “You only have a small time window to work all this out, so you need to call the hotline as soon as you can.” For more information on YWCA services and the 2 Minute 5K race, visit ywcaokc. org. Reach the 24-Hour Sexual Assault Hotline at 405-943-7273.

Screen Printing . Embroidery . Design

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friedNEWS Education cheer

Thunder assists

Kevin Durant gets his orders and relays a signal to a confident Steven Adams. The center holds his own in the lane, going straight up to grab ... a box of waffle cones? Oklahoma City Thunder players invaded local businesses late last month as part of the team’s Acts of Kindness event. Durant, Adams and André Roberson took their places behind the counter of a Braum’s Ice Cream & Dairy Store. Serge Ibaka and Dion Waiters worked checkout at Homeland. Kyle Singler served up piping-hot roast beef at Arby’s. For a few brief moments, the average service industry pay in Oklahoma City probably shot up 1,000 percent. Imagine Adams with the cones and customers coming in left and right. He needs to pass this strawberry mint chocolate chip double off to a teammate. If only Russell Westbrook was here. We hear he can handle a triple double. Adams fakes it to Durant, who is well covered behind the register line. He finds an open Roberson, who finally breaks free of the long drive-thru line. The guard dashes over to the cold counter top for the easy scoop … and … scores! Ibaka would be a great employee to have for swatting back shoplifters. Maybe next time we will catch teammates recommending hot sauces at The Beef Jerky Emporium or handing out Brussel Westbrook pies at Empire Slice House.

It’s easy to root for education, which has achieved underdog status at the Oklahoma Capitol. Education leaders and teachers are always fighting well-connected almighty Oklahoma lawmakers, some of whom even carry American Legislative Exchange Council legislation in their briefcases. We hear teachers at the state Capitol asking for more pay, demanding more classroom funding and hoping for support. Those classroom stories steal the hearts of those of us at Chicken-Fried News. First, let’s think about those lesson plans. Over the past five years, teachers have taken a ride on the curriculum roller coaster by teaching PASS standards and then Common Core, back to PASS and now Oklahoma academic standards. With shrinking school budgets, districts are moving to four-day school weeks, which hurts students who rely on the cafeteria for a daily meal. Teacher aid positions also were eliminated in many districts. That translates to 30 students in a single first-grade classroom with one teacher who might be emergency certified. Come on, public ed! Let’s fight! Let’s win! When we caught the evening news

March 23, we booed. visited Classen School of Advanced Studies hours after Oklahoma City Public Schools officials announced 208 teaching positions would be cut in the coming school year. The cut helps shore up the dwindling budget, plugging $8 million into the estimated $30 million hole. Parents were upset. We were upset. This is all a direct result of the statewide revenue shortfall. This ain’t just a teacher fight no more.

Center ring

It might just be us, but it seems like this election season is a much bigger circus, with more clowns than ever. New, shocking headlines and smear campaigns pop up online and in media reports every day, and people are getting really tired of them. Sen. James Lankford, R-Oklahoma City, agrees. Lankford spoke at the Bartlesville Community Center at the Chamber of Commerce’s March 24 forum. Bartlesville Examiner-Enterprise quoted him saying he is embarrassed about the campaign so far. “I want to set a tone that we would want our children to also follow,” he said. “I am very embarrassed as a Republican with the tone that has happened in this race. All of these issues can be talked about in a way that doesn’t destroy our nation and

A p r i l 2 8 –3 0 OklahOma city

Songwriter ShowcaSe SAturdAy Night hOsted by the acm @ UcO PerfOrmance Lab

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Featuring perFormances by

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Join us for a fun-filled night of food, draft beer, casino games, raffles, silent auctions & more! Proceeds benefit community ProJects and our 2015-2016 grant Partner citizens caring for children. tasting by: Mickey Mantle’s steakhouse Guyutes Fassler hall slauGhter’s hall iGuana Mexican Grill beer Provided by: cooP ale Works

Jim Beavers “red Solo Cup” Toby Keith, “Watching airplanes” Gary allan marti Frederiksen “Jaded” aerosmith, “Undo it” Carrie Underwood Zac maloy “Temporary home” Carrie Underwood, “Sister” The nixons marcus hummon “Bless the Broken road” rascal Flatts, “Cowboy Take Me away” dixie Chicks other eveNtS:

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saturday, aPril 16, 2016 chevy Bricktown events center 429 e california ave doors open at 7:00pm , gaming begins at 7:30pm! tickets can be purchased at general admission tickets are $50 when purchased in advance, viP tickets are $75 sPonsored by: C.A.T.’s Illusions • ClimateCraft, Inc. Hugh R. Burch, DDS • JAM Events and Productions Lamar Advertising • Oklahoma Gazette Tyler Outdoor Advertising • Connie M. Wolfe

doesn’t harm the next generation about what it means to be an American.” At this point, children who are old enough to pay attention to

this political clown show probably think American elections are about who is richer than all the other candidates, whose wife is uglier and who can spin the best lie to make their opponents look bad in the media. Youth also probably think debates are about avoiding questions and deflecting by making fun of other candidates. There are seven months until the Nov. 8 election, and the only thing that is clear is that everyone, including Lankford, is tired of the spectacle and would just like an honest race.

Shake it

A new map from the United States Geological Survey shows Oklahoma has

as much potential for damaging earthquakes as California, thanks to all of our state’s underground natural gas and fracking wastewater tomfoolery. But that’s not really accurate, said Gov. Mary Fallin. “Recent declines in produced wastewater disposal in Oklahoma are not reflected in the USGS map,” Fallin said in a media release. “This gives us even a stronger base in going forward and gives state regulators further justification for what they are doing.” She’s referring to the Oklahoma Corporation Commission, which started giving directions to disposal well operators several months ago — a scant five years after a 5.7-magnitude earthquake hit east of Oklahoma City. What caused the hesitation to act? It could have been Fallin’s staff, like former communications director Alex Weintz, who discouraged people from asking the governor about earthquakes because it would be “awkward.” Or maybe it was the use of talking points received from Devon Energy, a company that, to put it mildly, has a vested interest in hydraulic fracking and highpressure disposal wells. So forgive us if the governor’s claim that “Oklahoma remains committed to doing whatever is necessary to reduce seismicity in the state” rings a little bit hollow.

Bigger fights

The people’s lawyer’s 15-month fight to stick it to weed-loving Colorado came to an end in late March with a 6-2 vote by the nation’s highest court. According to USA Today, the justices declined to hear Oklahoma and Nebraska’s “grievances about pot-related crime” without seeking to go through lower courts first. At Chicken-Fried News, we imagine the decision bummed out Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt. The two-term AG missed few opportunities to discuss that petition, which argued pot purchased legally in Colorado led to more illegal drugs crossing into the Sooner State. “Colorado has nonetheless chosen to make the possession and use of marijuana legal for purpose of Colorado state law,” Pruitt wrote in a Dec. 26, 2014, Tulsa World opinion piece. “More power to them. Even if I wholeheartedly disagree with that choice as a matter of policy, I agree that it’s Colorado’s prerogative to do so — even if the change in state law does nothing to change the fact that possession and

use of marijuana remain a federal crime in Colorado.” Last fall, Stillwater News Press quoted Pruitt as saying, “The beef we have is that Congress has spoken and the Department of Justice isn’t acting. It’s one of the most difficult things I’ve had to do because of the perception. … They’ve committed federal felonies every day in Colorado and nobody is doing a thing about it.” Wait a second! So, is the lawsuit about protecti ng Ok la homans from illegal drugs or punishing Coloradoans for legalizing marijuana and ignoring federal law? It has to be about safeguarding citizens from doobies and pot brownies. After all, the attorney general is the state’s chief legal officer serving as a counselor to lawmakers, state agencies and citizens.

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co m m en ta ry


Opinions expressed on the commentary page, in letters to the editor and elsewhere in this newspaper are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of ownership or management.

Powering our state takes all kinds of energy


We’re all familiar with the idiom “it takes all kinds.” Diversity takes many forms, and it makes for a rich cultural and economic landscape. When it comes to Oklahoma, our state is diverse in many ways, but especially in our industries. We are strong in energy, manufacturing, agriculture, aviation and more. Within the energy sector, we find sources like oil, natural gas, solar and wind. Nearly one-fifth (17 percent) of the electricity powering Oklahoma’s homes, schools and businesses comes from wind energy today. Wind supports our state’s economic health and energy reliability by working alongside fossil fuels like oil and natural gas as a cleaner, renewable complement to our state’s diverse energy mix, keeping Oklahomans from becoming dependent on just one form of energy. The industry also provides jobs and investment in Oklahoma, with the potential to sell its product as a commodity outside our state, just like wheat, cattle or natural gas, with dollars and jobs remaining in Oklahoma. Today, wind energy is the most affordable form of electricity, which benefits every Oklahoma family.

Closing our borders to outof-state wind companies would send the message that Oklahoma is closed for business to all industries.

Further, Oklahoma wind energy companies pay tens of millions in corporate income taxes each year, more than offsetting the cost of the state’s one remaining tax credit. Economists estimate that owners of wind energy projects will pay more than $1 billion in ad valorem taxes from 2003 to 2043, providing significant funding for education, including local schools and Career Tech centers. Recently, a small faction of renewable energy opponents has spread inaccurate, inconsistent and misleading information at the Capitol and among Oklahomans. It’s time to set the record straight. We’ve heard directly from Gov. Fallin and other state leaders that it’s their goal to attract out-of-state dollars into our state through investment from companies like Boeing, GE and wind energy developers. Closing our borders to out-of-state

Oklahoma Gazette provides an open forum for the discussion of all points of view in its Letters to the Editor section. The Gazette reserves the right to edit letters for length and clarity. Letters can be mailed, faxed, emailed to or sent online at Include a city of residence and contact number for verification.

Time, money

After reading the article on the Abolish Human Abortion group’s activity in the Paseo Arts District (News, “Life mission,” Brett Dickerson, March 23, Oklahoma Gazette), I thought I might share with you my own experience. A few weeks ago, while enjoying a sundowner on the sidewalk of a downtown taco shop, we were solicited for signatures by a man to abolish abortion. The ensuing debate lasted 10 minutes, through which he staunchly objected to the world being overpopulated and that water scarceness will never be an issue and compared safe and legal abortions to safe and legal rape. I understand that faith can blind people and divert their learning into religious doctrine instead of general awareness, but this man stunned me with his calmly spoken yet blatant denial of all science and reality. The next day, I was still fuming over the incident and decided that if people that ignorant can go around changing weak minds, then I need a dog in this fight, so I 12

a p r i l 6 , 2 0 1 6 | O kg a z e t t e . c o m

donated $10 to Planned Parenthood for every minute of my time he wasted. Jack Leggett Norman

‘Blind eye’

The findings of the USGS and professionals have determined injection wells cause earthquakes in Oklahoma. The oil companies continue to inject, and the state continues to allow the injection of fluids causing the quakes. Fluids are even trucked in from other states. The oil companies should have done their science before they started horizontal drilling and injecting millions more gallons of fluids than in previous years of vertical drilling. The current budget problems with Oklahoma should be blamed on the oil companies and state leaders for depending solely on oil and gas production.

They basically turned a blind eye to the ups and downs of the business. Little did they know the injection wells would be the demise of production because the oil companies failed to do their science. And what happened to the “oath of office” to protect the rights of citizens of Oklahoma from damage to their homes and disrupting their lives? Bill Wietelman Guthrie

Defining charity

Oklahoma State Rep. Brian Renegar recently proposed a bill that would prohibit animal rights charities from raising money in Oklahoma and spending it in other states. This concept is shortsighted; there are many situations where spending money out of state would result in a much larger impact for animals, and helping as many

Jim Roth is a representative of Advancing Wind, a grassroots group of businesses, civic organizations, educational entities and individuals committed to promoting wind energy in Oklahoma. | Photo provided

wind companies would send the message that Oklahoma is closed for business to all industries. Retracting the industry’s only tax credit remaining after 2016 will force wind developers to move their jobs and dollars to more business-friendly states, such as Kansas and Texas. I support an inclusive environment, and I support keeping wind energy and its contributions in our state. Please contact your state legislator today and tell them to support wind. It takes all kinds of energy to power our state, our communities, our schools and our future.

animals as possible should be the goal of animal charities. House Bill 2250 disregards the importance of addressing the big picture. Of course, directing money to areas where that money was raised makes sense in some ways — we all want to solve problems that we see every day, and being able to see the direct results of our efforts makes us feel good. However, this tendency becomes problematic when it means that we are not prioritizing the needs of those we seek to help. The goal of charity should not be to make us feel validated or simply improve our local area, but rather to do the greatest possible good for those in need. This concept is well accepted by human rights advocates who want to do the greatest good with their time and money. The same logic applies to animal charities, which should be able to prioritize doing the most good for animals with their resources. Consider the issue of industrial animal agriculture, which Animal Charity Evaluators believes is the cause area where animal advocates can have the biggest impact on reducing animal suffering. Billions of farmed animals in the United States are affected each year, and this is an issue often addressed on a larger scale through corporate and legal changes. When gains are made on a national level, millions upon millions of animals are affected and far more animals are helped. Charities should be able to spend money wherever they can best help those in need. Jon Bockman, executive director, Animal Charity Evaluators San Diego, California

Largest Local Selection. 9 Convenient Locations. O kg a z e t t e . c o m | a p r i l 6 , 2 0 1 6



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re v ie w


Golden shores

By land or by sea, The Drake is creating cuisine that raises the bar for Oklahoma City restaurants. By Greg Elwell | Photos Choate House / Provided

Oysters are an acquired taste that isn’t that hard to acquire. Trust is key to enjoying oysters. We’ve all had that dodgy piece of seafood — an off sushi roll or a just-past-acceptable salmon filet on a buffet — that has given us pause. Add in the fact that Oklahoma is landlocked and you can understand a certain degree of hesitance on the part of diners. That’s why the most successful seafood restaurants in Oklahoma City are those in which we trust the most: Rococo’s crabcakes and steamer clams, sashimi at Sushi Neko or the seafood court-bouillon at The Shack Seafood & Oyster Bar. Now, with Good Egg Dining’s newest entry into the market, diners have fresh oysters at The Drake Seafood and Oysterette, 519 NW 23rd St.

To love oysters, you need to try a few. Most restaurants carry a single variety. The Drake offers six fresh types of oysters so you can compare and contrast and figure out what works for your palate. Prices per oyster vary, but they’re usually in the $2-$3 range. Choose some mignonette (a vinegary condiment) to put on top. Try a little hot sauce or some crackers. If nothing else, you’ll get used to the splash of brine as the oyster slides out of its shell and down your throat. But perhaps you are not yet ready to take that journey, in which case I have some good news: The Drake has a lot more going for it than just oysters. As appetizers go, you could do a lot worse than Lona Faye’s Four ‘H’ Club ($13). A giant platter of cornbread hushpuppies, thinly sliced country ham, honey butter and hot sauce is the sort of dish that makes everyone at The Drake Seafood the table smile with good and Oysterette reason. Wrap the hushpuppies in ham, dip them in honey 519 NW 23rd St. | 405-605-3399 butter, dab them with hot sauce. It’s the sweet and the What works: Fresh oysters, Black Mac salty, the crisp and the chewy and lemon dream pie. all presented beautifully. It has the interesting distinction of What needs work: Some cooked being a lot of food and still not fish dishes lack punch. enough, given how quickly people plow through it. Tip: The brunch menu is a whole other delicious beast to conquer. Much lighter, but no less delicious, is the shaved celery salad ($9) of celery tops, pickled A brief word about acquiring a taste for golden raisins, shaved fennel and crushed something: Practice makes perfect. If you peanuts tossed in a bright, citrus vinaiwant to learn to love Scotch, you have to grette with Maytag blue cheese. There are few reasons for a vegetarian drink some Scotch and figure out what, if anything, you like. The same is true of anyto visit a restaurant that specializes in thing else. Punk music? Listen to punk seafood, but this is one of them. Crisp and bands. Fancy cheese? Get in that stinky lively from the first bite to the last, it’s one cheese counter and go to work. of the best salads in OKC.

Taking sides

Another two dishes are just as vital and require your attention. The Black Mac ($10) is a squid ink pasta tossed with Grana Padano cheese — like Parmigiano Reggiano, but easier to melt — and a hint of red pepper flake. Forget the color or the mention of the squid. That’s just marketing. This is simply a wonderful dish of cheese, noodles and spice that will propel diners through bite after bite. Don’t bother getting it with chicken. In my opinion, it adds nothing but heft to an alreadyexcellent side dish. The popcorn grits ($7) are also a must-try. The creamy texture pairs with the sweetness of the corn to create a buttery, intoxicating dish. Granted, I think grits are a


Black Mac

national treasure to begin with, but these are some of my favorite. Add more green to your plate with the grilled Brussels sprouts ($9) or the Broccolini ($8), both of which are delightfully prepared. They just aren’t as overwhelmingly good as the Black Mac or the grits. For the seafood lover who wants to actually eat some seafood, I recommend the grilled sea scallops ($28) for their tender sweetness and the crunchy spice of the crispy chorizo that accompanies them. The whole salt-crusted branzino ($38) is a meal to share and definitely has the wow factor of great presentation with a great, oily texture and flavor. If too much fish flavor is your fear, the seared hiramasa ($21) is a good bet. The orange-miso sauce is bold, and the marinated fennel has the backbone to back it up. The fish itself is similar to a mahimahi — firm, but not overpowering in flavor. I liked it, but if push came to shove, I’d probably rather have more oysters. How did a fried chicken sandwich ($10)

end up on this menu? It doesn’t really matter because it’s excellent and you can’t punish excellence, no matter where it’s found. The brioche bun, the salty-sweet pickle slaw and the hey-hey sauce will make you wonder why you ever bothered with Chick-fil-A. You might ask yourself, as your meal draws to a close, “Did I really just eat all that food?” Yes. You did. And you probably enjoyed every minute of it. Best of all, you’re not done. The Drake Creamsicle ($8) — coconut cookies, orange curd, vanilla sherbet and sweet cream — is a great dessert. On any other menu, it would be the only choice. But you can get lemon cloud pie ($8), and it’s the most ridiculously perfect lemon pie I’ve ever had. You should get this. You should get all of this. The Drake’s motto is “Stay gold,” and it’s a perfect pick because this restaurant continues to raise the bar for eateries across the city by putting great fresh seafood at our fingertips every day.

The Drake Creamsicle O kg a z e t t e . c o m | a p r i l 6 , 2 0 1 6


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EAT & DRINK b rie f s | By Greg Elwell


• Giving high

Photo Garett Fisbeck

Taking a page out of S&B’s Burger Joint’s playbook, gourmet stoner food emporium Guyutes, 730 NW 23rd St., launches Helping Friendly Tuesdays April 12. Helping Friendly Tuesdays is a program to “share the love” and give back to the community. On the second Tuesday of each month, 10 percent of sales (excluding tax and tips) go to local nonprofits. “We have had such great success in getting to know so many great people and organizations, and we look forward to getting involved and giving back to a community that has helped us grow over the past six months,” said co-owner Wayne Perotka in a media release. “Also, what better way to fundraise for your organization than eating great food with friends and family!” Nonprofit organizations with valid tax ID numbers that are interested in participating can apply online at Call 405-702-6960 for more information.

$3 Off Family Pack or

$5 Off Xl Family Pack


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Photo Gazette / File

• Planet Plaza

Live! on the Plaza celebrates Earth Day 7-11 p.m. Friday at its second Friday gallery art walk with the usual blend of art, food and music and noon to 6 p.m. Saturday with the No Place Like Home Earth Day Festival along NW 16th Street. “Several of our retailers sell and create sustainable products, so we are excited to highlight that as well as spread the word about environmental education with featured nonprofits,” said Plaza District executive director Cayla Lewis. This month’s Live! focuses on recycling and reuse with demonstrations and an upcycled fashion show at Dig It! Boutique,

1739 NW 16th St., and a fabric swap at Collected Thread, 1705 NW 16th St. Food trucks Taste of Soul Egg Roll, Twist Gourmet Pretzels, Klemm’s Smoke Haus, The Crepe Brewers and The Salad Box will be on hand, and Pie Junkie, 1711 NW 16th St., will sell drool-worthy slices for $3.14. Saturday’s festival features gardening demos, creative reuse ideas and fun and education activities for kids. The featured nonprofit at this Live! is The Nature Conservancy, which is dedicated to conserving the state’s land and water resources. Learn more about both events at


After a big response to last year’s Flower Power Local Market, STASH owner Rebecca Bean said the farmers market and artist event returns 6-9:30 p.m. Friday to the 400 block of E. Main Street in Norman in conjunction with Norman’s 2nd Friday Art Walk. The market will be held bimonthly through October. Bean said this year’s event is “very similar to last year” but bigger, with plants ready to go into the ground and fresh produce ripe for the cooking. “We’re including more makers and artists at each event as well,” she said in a media release. “We want everything we do to be a good time. That’s our best advertisement: a good party.” Early markets will focus more on plants, but as the season turns, more fresh produce will be available. STASH also will feature artist Clint Williams’ work inside the shop. Visitors who can’t wait to get home to eat can find food from Midway Deli and The Loaded Bowl at the market as well.

Photo Ashley Dawn / Provided

• Empire strikes

A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips — or wherever you want to get poked with a needle. Plaza District favorite Empire Slice House, 1734 NW 16th St., gives its most dedicated fans a way to get more pizza in their faces by getting more ink on their bodies. Partnering with artist “Viking Ashley” Dawn at nearby No Regrets Tattoo, 1712 NW 16th St., the pizza parlor offers 50 percent off dine-in slices or whole pizzas for life to customers who get one of the Empire tattoos — featuring the famed pink elephant or stylized pizza slices — done by a No Regrets artist. Empire co-owner Rachel Cope said the discount has always been available, but it wasn’t publicized until recently, when it showed up on Empire’s Instagram account. Dawn said Empire brought her the idea, so it only took a few hours to design the tattoos. “We’ve had several people come in and get the tattoos, mainly the pink elephant design,” she said. She hasn’t yet done any of the tattoos herself since she was out of town when the post went up, but she’s keeping her schedule open to help pizza lovers in need of a deal.

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nd sa . w U ne GO th K rg ep on o d . u n n t i atio go r k o t pp form e a u t S in na o D

e v ent


Eating weeds Wildcrafting expert Jackie Dill leads a four-course educational dinner April 16 at Myriad Botanical Gardens. By Kerry Myers | Photo Kerry Myers / Provided

Introduction to Wildcrafting Dinner with Jackie Dill and Mike Givens 5 p.m. April 16 Events Center Myriad Botanical Gardens 301 W. Reno Ave. 405-445-7080 $50-$65 Note: Must be at least 21 years old. Registration deadline is Tuesday.

Jackie Dill of Coyle is an educator of a lost art: wildcrafting. Some call it food foraging or gathering. Dill is the go-to expert for chefs, survivalists and anyone interested in carrying on the tradition and knowledge of how to utilize plants as food and medicine. Dill, an Eastern Band Cherokee, acquired most of her wildcrafting knowledge while spending summers with her grandmother in Grapevine, Arkansas. As a result, most of her recipes reflect Cherokee tradition. “Everything that I know on this subject came down by practicing skills learned from my grandmother,” Dill said. “Grape dumplings and hickory soup are just a couple of those Cherokee menu items.”

Love, tradition


Dill spends a great deal of her time at St. Francis of the Woods, a spiritual renewal center near Coyle. The property spans 500 acres, allowing plenty of space to host walks and hold workshops. She has hosted activities there since 2014. “[The executive director] called me and asked me to come out and visit,” Dill said. “The space just has a new warmth to it. It’s so welcoming.” True love for tradition and heritage is what keeps Dill educating and sharing her

trade. She joins wildcrafting chef Mike Givens for an Introduction to Wildcrafting Dinner 5-8 p.m. April 16 at Myriad Botanical Gardens Events Center, 301 W. Reno Ave. Tickets are $50-$65, and guests must be at least 21 years old. The registration deadline is April 12. The first course of the four-course dinner is led by Givens, who will discuss common wild edibles. Dill leads participants through the remaining three as she talks about wildcrafting ethics and safety.

A lifestyle

Dill said she has a strong connection with the Earth, and her way of living inspires many. “This interest is not from one walk of life. Everyone is included; every economic standpoint, race, religion, gender — you name it,” Dill said. “This isn’t just a hobby; this is the way I live. I made all of my own medicines. I live my life this way every day. I haven’t been to the doctor in … oh, a long time.” Dill said sustainable ways of feeding people by having gardens, canning and preparing and preserving foods are useful in a world where food waste is so prominent. Much of the wildcrafting education in Oklahoma is shared through Dill’s Oklahoma Wildcrafting Facebook group,, and her website, Visitors can share photos and help identify and find uses for things they find. Dill also has two published books available, Oklahoma Wildcrafting: The Beginners Guide and Oklahoma Wildcrafting: Eat Your Weeds Cookbook. Both are available in print and e-book formats via her website. “I was forced to do this,” Dill said. “For the cookbook, I had to actually make everything and write it down because I don’t use an actual recipe for anything.”

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Wildcrafting expert Jackie Dill front right said what looks like weeds can often hold delicious, edible surprises. Here, she leads guests through an expedition at St. Francis of the Woods near Coyle.




f eat u re


Hall stars

Citrus kale salad at Slaughter’s Hall

Slaughter’s Hall and WSKY Lounge might be the “sweet spot” for diners and drinkers. By Greg Elwell | Photo Garett Fisbeck

The criteria for making it onto the new menus at Slaughter’s Hall and WSKY Lounge are pretty simple, said head chef Jonathan Groth. “I’m not trying to impress anybody. I’m not trying to make something you’ve never had before,” he said. “I just want to make you the best version of the things you like.” Groth has been at Slaughter’s, 221 N. Central Ave., and WSKY, 228 NE Second St., for about six months. He has spent that time working on redoing the menu. “I didn’t want to make it too dissimilar at first. It had to be a gradual change,” he said. “You never want to be the one to piss off all your customers.” Ever since it left the menu last year, diners have requested The Max, which was just a meat-and-cheese sandwich. Groth said there’s nothing very maximum about it at all. But that’s how it goes in restaurants. People want what they think they can’t have. Of course, they can have The Max because they have all the ingredients to make it. Pastrami and corned beef, both of which are made at Slaughter’s, are staying on the menu. In fact, besides the bread, Groth said he’s proud that his chefs make it all in the restaurant’s tiny kitchen. Slaughter’s is a beer hall, so Groth leans into that with the new menu. “Things evolve on their own,” Groth said. “We’re trying to embrace that evolution instead of fighting it.”

Top shelf

Using Hoegaarden and Guinness beers in the new beer-braised bratwurst and in vinaigrettes will help match dishes to the restaurant’s wide selection of brews. It’s a bar, so Groth is adding in a patty melt and chicken wings to the menu as well. That doesn’t mean there won’t be a few

touches of finery. The cold queso is going away, but only to make place for a smoked salmon dip. “I eat here every day,” Groth said. “As the chef, I don’t want to be able to decide what I want to have. Everything needs to be the best version it can be.” That means salads as well as sandwiches. Using the restaurant’s beer can chicken, Groth makes plates of greens that leave customers satisfied without feeling like they can’t eat anything else for the rest of the day. “It’s good-quality stuff you’re putting in your body no matter what,” he said. “The Porker? I would put that up against any version of pulled pork sandwich in the world.” The Santa Fe chicken might be a familiar combo at other restaurants, but Groth is confident Slaughter’s creates the best one in town. “That’s the art of cooking: making it recognizable, but better,” he said. At WSKY, which has always been primarily a bar with a few light snacks available, Groth created a pork rillettes, a pâtélike treat made from slowly braising pork in its own fat, cooling it and then shredding it into a paste. There are also delectable baconwrapped dates, stuffed mushrooms and charcuterie perfect for accompanying a cocktail or two after work. Slaughter’s Hall is for the whole family, but WSKY Lounge is for adults, so the food needs to be just a little something to put in guests’ stomachs that complements the drinks. Both spots, Groth said, are about finding a good balance. “My goal is always for us to be in that sweet spot,” he said. “I want people to be asking their spouse where they ate today and hear, ‘We have to go to Slaughter’s to get that thing I loved.’”


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g a z e di b l e s

eat & DRINK

First bite

Breakfast is the start of the most important meal of the day. That’s right; the start. Only quitters take breaks between meals. Roll breakfast right into brunch, and then power into a midmorning snack, maybe grab some coffee, circle back to breakfast and then keep eating through to lunch. That’s how to do breakfast right — by making it last. Try these spots to begin your all-day feast. By Greg Elwell | Photos by Garett Fisbeck and Keaton Draper

Full Circle Bookstore Garden Cafe

1900 Northwest Expressway | 405-842-2900 Despite being rich in fiber, the books at Full Circle Bookstore are not for eating. But you can feed your hunger for knowledge and your hunger for breakfast in the Garden Cafe, where a coffee bar, quiches, omelets and breakfast sandwiches await. Peruse the latest best-sellers and then munch on the French Farmer omelet filled with spinach, mushrooms, Swiss cheese, your choice of meat and a hearty sprinkle of dill on top.

Grill on the Hill

Creperie & European Cafe

“Do you like green eggs and ham? Do you like them, Sam-I-Am?” “Why are you talking to me like that, Ed? You know I don’t cotton to the so-called ‘doctor’ Seuss.” “We can go right up the hill! We can eat at the Grill on the Hill.” [audible sigh] “OK, Ed. We’re going for the meatloaf breakfast sandwich. But if you bring that fox in socks again, they won’t let us stay.”

Breakfast for dessert is the new breakfast for dinner. Make the jump yourself by stopping in at Midwest City’s much-loved Creperie & European Cafe for a tender crêpe filled with strawberries and Nutella. Is it breakfast? Is it dessert? More importantly, is it delicious? Yes. Yes, yes, yes, it is all of those things and more. Take a friend (or several) because there is a bounty of sweet and savory crêpes you need to enjoy.

324 SW 25th St. | 405-634-9866

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Ozzie’s Diner

Wild Hero Coffee Co.

Neighbor’s Cafe


All-you-can-eat breakfast? Is this a fever dream? I think I see my dead relatives beckoning me into the light. Oh. Nope. This is an airport. Fly, bike, walk or drive into Max Westheimer Airport at the University of Oklahoma and you, too, can eat a great oldfashioned breakfast at Ozzie’s Diner. For less than $7 a head, they’ll cook you up all the bacon, hash browns, pancakes, eggs, biscuits and gravy, sausage and home fries you can handle, flyboy.

It’s a staple of every comic book. Superman gets hit with red kryptonite. Batman takes a drug called venom. Spider-Man has one too many vanilla lattes before his math test. Wild Hero Syndrome (or WHS) can strike anyone who is a fictional costumed vigilante. You, too, can experience this unbridled joie de vivre at Wild Hero Coffee Co. in Mustang. Saddle up on an espresso drink and ride that quiche all the way to Arkham Asylum.

Here’s a secret the Breakfast Police don’t want you to know: You can eat at Neighbor’s Cafe even if you’re not a good neighbor. Grab a seat and don’t worry if your homeowners association dues aren’t caught up. The servers will still smile, pour you a hot cup of coffee and bring you exquisitely cooked eggs and hash browns. One warning: Neighbor’s is so friendly, you might introduce yourself to that guy across the street just so you can visit the cafe again tomorrow.

There are two Eggington’s. One is conveniently located in Edmond, and the other is slightly less-conveniently located in Casper, Wyoming. Whichever one you happen to visit, do yourself a favor and check out the extensive selection of Benedicts or fill up on a truly extraordinary smothered breakfast burrito or the Cordon Bleu skillet. There’s even a waffle stuffed with pork belly. It’s as good a reason as any to visit Edmond/Casper.

1700 Lexington Ave., Norman 405-364-9835

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O kg a z e t t e . c o m | a p r i l 6 , 2 0 1 6


l o c a l r e ta i l


Festival season

It’s festival season. Attend in style with a rock ’n’ roll attitude. From on-trend maxi dresses for women to hot-towel razor shaves for men, these local retailers have what you’re looking for. By Gazette staff | Photos Garett Fisbeck

• Out on a Limb Boutique

1710 NW 16th St. This Plaza District boutique sells upcycled and handmade wearable vintage dresses; upcycled miniskirts and tops made with colorful, classic fabrics; and simple, elegant handcrafted necklaces. It’s on-trend fashion with a nod to the past.

• Gil’s Clothing & Denim Bar

7644 N. Western Ave. 405-848-0334 At “Oklahoma’s premier designer denim store,” popular items include V-neck high-low tanks; sheer, sleeveless high-neck mini dresses; and rolledankle skinny jeans and distressed denim shorts by Flying Monkey.


a p r i l 6 , 2 0 1 6 | O kg a z e t t e . c o m

Fitzgerald’s Barber & Supply

1204 N. Pennsylvania Ave. 405-397-0769 Get cleaned up before that weekend music blowout, guys. Fitzgerald’s blends modern and retro, and services include hot towel razor shaves. Beard trims are $12, kids cuts are $17 and a haircut and razor shave is $43. It also sells water-based Layrite Original Pomade for $23. It’s open by appointment only Tuesday-Friday and walkins only 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday.

KC’s #1 Explore O age Shop Vint

essories Clothing • Accot her & s rd Reco curious goods

• Rant Dry Goods

in the Plaza 1759 NW 16th • Oklahoma City • 405-528-4585 Open Tues-Sat 12-7 • Like us on Facebook

519 NW 23rd St., Suite 110 405-702-4002 Oklahoma Lucky Bastard Corn Liquor-branded tees sport four-leaf clovers and the brand’s attentiongrabbing name. Rant also carries Rebel Jeans, PX Clothing backpacks and accessories, Big Star jeans in spring colors and more.

• Lush Fashion Lounge

14101 N. May Ave. 405-936-0680 This men’s and women’s clothing boutique offers short-sleeve tunics, wrapfront cami tops and strappy maxi dresses, along with jumpers, kimonos and two-tone Okie trucker hats. It also carries the OKC Collection: tees and tanks celebrating hometown pride, Oklahoma City Thunder, college sports and more.

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Oklahoma Gazette The National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum® invites you to

See them now through May 8, 2016

The Cowboy Returns: Photographs by Bank and John Langmore A nationally traveling exhibition organized by the Briscoe Western Art Museum. John Langmore, Ken Saucier, Diamond A Ranch – Seligman, Arizona, 2013. Gelatin silver print, Collection of the artist.

Native American Bolo Ties: Vintage and Contemporary Artistry Organized by the Heard Museum, Phoenix, Arizona, and made possible by the Virginia M. Ullman Foundation. Bolo by Julius Keyonnie (2009), silver, gold and turquoise, collection of Norman Sandfield. Photograph courtesy of the Heard Museum.

Riding the Whirlwind: Weather in the West Organized by the National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Photograph by Piotr Krzeslak/

Philip R. Goodwin: America’s Sporting & Wildlife Artist A Private Collection

Organized by the Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum, Canyon, Texas. Moose Hunting (detail) by Philip R.Goodwin (1882-1935), oil on canvas, c. 1930. Private collection.

1700 Northeast 63rd Street Oklahoma City, OK 73111 Open daily 10:00 a.m. — 5:00 p.m.


a p r i l 6 , 2 0 1 6 | O kg a z e t t e . c o m

v i sual arts


The Holey Kids pose in front of a Plaza District mural they recently completed.

Holey rollers This art-creating Mother and Father are happiest when nobody recognizes them. By Jack Fowler | Photo Garett Fisbeck

The Friday night diners at Cheever’s Cafe are pretty, perfumed and fashionably indistinguishable from one another, like the pages of a J.Crew catalog come to life. The place is full, mostly with young, well-to-do couples. Even though every table is booked, there’s barely more than a low murmur inside. Even out on the patio, where the March wind whips table umbrellas like flags on a ship, conversations are muted and polite. It’s hard to eavesdrop. A young couple that might as well have on matching “We’re on a First Date” tshirts sits at the table farthest from the door. Subtly competing with the wind, the young woman tells the seemingly enamored guy about her job, something in sales or public relations. “When you start, you think it’s gonna be great because you get to do all this traveling,” she says. “Like, I got to go to Puerto Rico for this thing last year. But then you get into it and it’s hard. Like, I have this friend who I— what the fuck?” The Holey Kids step onto the patio, and the only sound now is the wind.

Extroverted introverts

Regulars on the Oklahoma City arts scene have probably seen them out and about: two skinny, masked, inseparable artists who call themselves Mother and Father

Holey. Their work — simple, strange and beautiful — might not be as recognizable as the artists themselves, a jarring anomaly for two people who describe themselves as almost painfully reserved. “In the beginning, it was more about dropping the sense of self in art,” Father said through the mouth hole of his thin, pink ski mask. “But it honestly kind of became therapeutic for us. It was basi-

have to ask, ‘Who’s the artist?’ I think sometimes, people might be … not intimidated, but just unsure whether or not they should approach them or ask them anything,” she said. “Obviously, nobody has to ask who we are at our shows, and because our faces are hidden, I think it makes people feel more comfortable about approaching us and talking to us about our art, which is what we want the focus to be on.”

Social experiment

It’s not difficult to focus on their art. Their paintings, which they always create together — “We’ll forget who painted what,” Mother said — can range from the primary colors and geometric shapes of their new Plaza District mural to detailed illustrations that seem lifted from a coloring book for children who take acid.

They know you’re the artists, but they feel really free about saying whatever they’re thinking if you’re covered up and really still all night, I guess. Mother Holey

cally just hiding at first because we’re so introverted, but we found that it’s easier to communicate with people if they can’t see your facial expressions.” Mother, sporting an identical pink mask, said it also makes it easier for other people to talk to them. “Sometimes at an art show, people will

They are self-described performance artists, and their work can be simultaneously passive and unsettling. Take, for example, their 2015 show at Norman’s Dope Chapel. Dressed in identical white, shapeless cowls with masks of gauze and interlacing strings — think medieval monk meets

Hannibal Lecter — the Holey Kids basically sat on the gallery floor all night, mute as stones, and listened to visitors critique their paintings. “After awhile, it became a kind of meditative state,” Mother said. “They know you’re the artists, but they feel really free about saying whatever they’re thinking if you’re covered up and really still all night, I guess.” Father, who held a bowl full of “vows of sorts” rolled into scrolls, said it was like viewers forgot the artists were there. “It was great,” he said. “They’d look at you, then look at the paintings, then look at you. Then after a while, everybody kind of settled into it. We became just these things that were there.” The contradiction here is obvious, though: Wearing masks might conceal the identities of two shy artists who aren’t wild about talking to strangers, but the headwear also made them easier targets for every side-hugging selfie-seeker in the city. “It really can be a strange experience. We don’t want to be a spectacle, but it makes us the spectacle,” Mother said of their masked crusade. “But at the same time, we don’t seek out comfort zones, and we want to look at our work as an experiment. We can set the stage and add the right social ingredients, but we can’t control what happens after. That’s what we want our art to be about.” Father’s pink masks nods up and down in agreement. “It should be the art that people are seeing,” he said. “There’s enough of us on display already.”

O kg a z e t t e . c o m | a p r i l 6 , 2 0 1 6


ARTS & CULTURE n so n louisApjRiloH 6 -9

Sebastian Junger is the guest speaker at this year’s Literary Voices fundraiser.

| Photo Provided

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Community crusaders

The Library Endowment Trust’s annual Literary Voices event raises funds for the library’s community programs. By Oraynab Jwayyed

Fundraiser schedule

239-HAHA (4242)

Literary Voices 7 p.m. April 14 Oklahoma City Golf & Country Club 7000 NW Grand Blvd. 405-606-3760 $175 (sponsorships available)

THURSDAY, APRIL 14th | 6:30 p.m. A Methodist minister, his son’s wedding, a church trial

a documentary film

An AcT of Love Free showing in Watson Lounge OCU (Angie Smith Chapel) 23rd and Blackwelder Sponsored by Mosaic & St. Stephens United Methodist Churches and Mainstream United Methodists

Award-winning author and journalist Sebastian Junger will be in town April 14 as guest speaker at the annual Literary Voices event, a fundraiser that supports Oklahoma City Metropolitan Library System. Sebastian Junger is the author of A Perfect Storm, which was turned into a major motion picture starring George Clooney. Junger went on to write War, which highlighted the stories of soldiers deployed in Afghanistan; A Death in Belmont, which covered the rape and murder of Bessie Goldberg by the Boston Strangler in the 1960s; and Fire, a collection of articles that addressed dangerous regions and occupations. As a journalist, Junger has covered major headline news such as the peace talks in Cyprus, the Kosovo War and the hostage situation in Kashmir. He shares his journey as an international journalist with a presentation, The Front Lines of History: 20 years of Reporting from Around the World. His discussion draws parallels between the war zone and corporate America and their connection to having a competitive edge over the competition.

Selection process

Catherine Armitage and Karen Delaney are the event’s chairwoman and co-chairwom26

a p r i l 6 , 2 0 1 6 | O kg a z e t t e . c o m

System because taxpayer dollars are not enough to pay for all programs and improvements as the library is aging,” Delaney said. There are 19 libraries within the Metropolitan Library System of Oklahoma County, and each one offers classes that serve its community. The Edmond Public Library is one of the largest in the system. “Edmond has a great variety of programs that are obviously driven by the public but supported by the library,” Delaney said. “They have a chess club, Shakespeare for Kids and classes for kindergarten, and they bring those people in for those programs.” Some of the public library’s free services tackle problems within the community. Its Reading with Dogs program helps children with reading challenges. “It encourages them to read without being afraid of making mistakes,” Delaney said. Armitage and Delaney are volunteers who serve as board members of the Library Endowment Trust, which supports the public library with additional capital and resources. The event is sponsored by the trust, a nonprofit group that has served the community since 1986. “It’s the body that collects funds for the library, and we invest them wisely and distribute them when the library is in need of large capital expenditures,” Delaney said.

an. They pointed to Junger’s diverse background and his coverage of a wide range of topics as reasons he was selected to present at this year’s event. Junger’s popularity in Oklahoma, a state whose residents value the military, might stem from his expositions on the hardships of veterans. “He is very passionate about the military and how to support soldiers who have risked their lives protecting our freedom when they come back to the United States,”

Literary Voices begins with a patron gathering for the library system’s highest donors. It is followed by a dinner and Junger’s presentation, which is expected to last about an hour. Also, an award ceremony will honor Steve Payne, a Library Endowment Trust board member and community volunteer, with the Lee B. Brawner Lifetime Achievement Award, which recognizes community members who make outstanding contributions to literacy and the library system.

He is very passionate about the military and how to support soldiers who have risked their lives protecting our freedom. Sebastian Junger Delaney said. A committee was organized to implement a vetting process to select this year’s speakers. Working within a confined budget, committee members used range of literary work and available funds as criteria to choose a guest speaker. “We go through authors based on popularity and also compare them with who we’ve had in the past,” Delaney said.

Supporting services

Funds raised at Literary Voices help pay for various services the public library offers to visitors each year. “We raise money to also pay for capital improvements for our Metropolitan Library

The Junior League will receive the trust’s Institutional Award. The league has worked to encourage literacy within the community and just switched its campaign efforts to health issues. “We are honoring it for its 10-year focus on literacy,” Armitage said. Full Circle Bookstore will sell copies of Junger’s books at Literary Voices. Junger will sign books before and after the event. The Midwest City Library and the Humanities Council will host a Q&A session with Junger 8:30 a.m. April 15. Literary Voices happens at Oklahoma City Golf & Country Club, 7000 NW Grand Blvd. Tickets are $175.

sponsored program

presented by

official program

april 8, 2016 noon – 2am free and open to the public


oin the Academy of Contemporary Music at the University of Central Oklahoma at the seventh annual ACM@UCO Metro Music Fest in Bricktown Friday, April 8. Celebrating diversity through music, this year's headliners include electronic music iconoclast Dan Deacon, Oklahoma-born Americana virtuoso Parker Millsap, and Austin-based indie pop band Wild Child. In addition, more than 60 student bands will perform across multiple venues in Oklahoma City's vibrant Bricktown district. ACM@UCO Metro Music Fest's three headlining acts will perform on the AT&T Main Stage located at the southwest corner of Reno and Oklahoma avenues.

continued on next page

www.acm - • 405-974 - 4700

Wild Child

Adam & Kizzie

Courtney Chavanell / p rovi ded

Chase Kerby

ARTISTS & venues 1


25 S. Oklahoma Ave.

The Haystack Needles 3:00 p.m. southern rift 4:00 p.m. Morgan Harris / The Bangers 5:00 p.m. Jade Castle 6:00 p.m. The Supply 7:00 p.m. Wifi Boiz 8:00 p.m. Rumble Children 9:00 p.m.

Campbell Young 10:00 p.m. Adam & Kizzie 11:00 p.m. 2 ACM@UCO

Performance Lab 329 E. Sheridan Ave.

Part-Time Savants 7:30 p.m. Akiba 8:30 p.m. The So Help Me’s 9:30 p.m. Fiawna Forté 10:30 p.m. Sex Snobs 11:30 p.m. Helen Kelter Skelter 12:30 a.m.


Songwriting Room 25 S. Oklahoma Ave., Lobby Level

ChaotiKid 9:15 p.m. Trash TV 9:50 p.m.

Ableton LIve: a demo

Josh Sallee 10:30 p.m.

12:00 p.m.

The Ivy 11:30 p.m.

presented by art moves with the Oklahoma arts council

Jobs in film & Music: how to get one in oklahoma 1:00 p.m. A conversation with wild child 2:00 p.m. Z-Mane & Armyboy 8:00 p.m. Candice Cooper 8:25 p.m. Mad Royalty 8:50 p.m.

Garrett the Fifth 12:15 a.m. 4 ACM@UCO lounge 25 S. Oklahoma Ave., Lobby Level music gear silent auction 12:00 - 6:00 p.m. continued next page

Ben W i n te rs / p rovi de d


Jos h W elch / p rovi ded

Parker Millsap

Laura Pa rta i n / p rovi de d

Dan Deacon

p rovi de d

sponsored program


5 AT&T Main Stage Southwest Corner of Reno and Oklahoma Ave.

Travis Linville 10:30 p.m. 8 PLOW

Outdoor Stage

Colourmusic 11:00 p.m.

The Argots 9:30 p.m.

10 tapwerks

Camille Harp 10:30 p.m.

indoor stage

The Lunar Laugh 3:00 p.m.

29 E. Reno Ave.

121 E. Sheridan Ave.

Space4Lease 3:55 p.m.

All That I Am 4:30 p.m.

Sáhniš 8:00 p.m.

Ursa Wyld 4:50 p.m.

Grant Adams 5:30 p.m.

Swatch Marbly 9:00 p.m.

Lincka 5:45 p.m.

Jose Hernandez and the Black Magic Waters 6:30 p.m.

Via The Verge 10:00 p.m.

Bowlsey 6:40 p.m. Wild Child 7:45 p.m. Parker Millsap 9:15 p.m. Dan Deacon 10:45 p.m.

Gazette Music Awards 8:00 p.m. Chase Kerby 8:30 p.m.

Rozlyn Zora 6:30 p.m.

NoiseBleedsSound 5:00 p.m.

Carol Morgan 10:15 p.m. Jason Scott 11:30 p.m. 7 Lower Bricktown

Don’t Tell, Dena! 10:30 p.m.

All For More 11:00 p.m.

Four Of A Kind 11:30 p.m.

zedek 12:00 a.m.

Recommended acts: » Brandon Romans » Colourmusic » Cutter Elliott » Dan Deacon » Garrett The Fifth » Grant Adams » Hannah Wolff » Helen Kelter Skelter » Jason Scott » Lincka » The Lunar Laugh » Parker Millsap » Original Flow & The Fervent Route » Saige Cross » Space4Lease » The So Help Me’s » Tallows » Travis Linville » Wild Child

Outdoor Stage

Water Stage

Keathley 9:00 p.m.

Cutter Elliott 9:30 p.m.

11 Tapwerks


6 JJ’s Alley 212 E. Sheridan Ave.

Jessey General Thompson 7:45 p.m.

Connor Hicks Band 8:30 p.m.

Original Flow & The Fervent Route 12:45 a.m.

Great States 9:30 p.m.

12 Whiskey Chicks 115 E. Reno Ave.

121 E. Sheridan Ave.

Lower Bricktown

Saint Loretto 6:00 p.m.

Jenkins Valley 3:30 p.m. Eyes Made Ready 4:30 p.m. brandon romans 5:30 p.m.

Wildings 7:00 p.m.

Zoot Suit 6:30 p.m.

Cosmostanza 8:00 p.m.

Boketto 7:30 p.m.

Masterhand 9:00 p.m.

The KFOR Channel 4 Band 8:30 p.m.

Tallows 10:00 p.m.

Fountain Stage Reno and Mickey Mantle


Indigos 3:30 p.m.


Hannah Wolff 8:30 p.m.


Nomad 9:30 p.m.






Skytown 6:30 p.m. Saige Cross 7:30 p.m.



The Happily Entitled 5:30 p.m.




Mike Hosty 4:30 p.m.






sponsored program

artists & VENUES continued

p rovi ded

sponsored program Whether you enjoy rock, pop, hiphop, country, electronic or Americana music, ACM@UCO Metro Music Fest has something for everyone to enjoy! Headliner Dan Deacon, best known for his interactive live shows that often involve audience members, takes the AT&T Main Stage at 10:45 p.m. The Los Angeles Times has called Deacon's shows both "frenzied and inspiring." Deacon has opened for well-known artists like Arcade Fire, Miley Cyrus and Deerhunter. In addition to live performances, he has garnered success as a recording artist, releasing eight solo albums including his most recent, Gliss Riffer, in 2015. Parker Millsap, a singer-songwriter and native of Purcell, is best known for a rootsy sound that blends elements of blues, country and folk. Millsap was named one of the Americana Music Association's Emerging Artists of the Year in 2014 following the release of his self-titled album. Millsap released his latest album, The Very Last Day, on March 25. Millsap has opened for numerous artists including Patty Griffin, Old Crow Medicine Show, Shovels & Rope and Lake Street Drive.

Joining headliners Dan Deacon and Parker Millsap is Austin-based indie pop band Wild Child, who are known for their high-spirited live shows. They are set to perform at the AT&T Main Stage and will participate in a panel discussion at the ACM@UCO Songwriting Room at 2:00 p.m. ACM@UCO's Metro Music Fest 2016 will also feature notable Oklahoma artists as headliners throughout the festival. Musicians include Colourmusic, Travis Linville, Josh Sallee, Camille Harp, Tallows, Chase Kerby, Mike Hosty, The KFOR Channel 4 Band, Adam & Kizzie, Helen Kelter Skelter, Bowlsey, Fiawna Forté and Sex Snobs. “This year’s ACM@UCO Metro Music Fest headliners go from one end of the spectrum to the other. Dan Deacon is at the forefront of the indie EDM movement, and Parker Millsap is leading the charge of Okies in the modern Americana movement,” said Scott Booker, CEO and executive director of the ACM@UCO. “I feel that these artists, along with our other headlining acts, represent the diversity of musical tastes and talents of the ACM@UCO

students. They will be great artists for our students to perform with and learn from.” In addition to the music performances, the academy will host a series of educational panels and demonstrations from noon to 3 p.m. in the ACM@UCO Songwriting Room, located on the lobby level of the ACM@UCO facility at 25 S. Oklahoma Ave. in Bricktown. Panel and demo topics include “Ableton Live: A Demo” presented by Art Moves with the Oklahoma Arts Council at noon; “Jobs in Film and Music: How to get one in Oklahoma” with deadCENTER Film Festival artistic director Lance McDaniel at 1 p.m.; and “A Conversation with Wild Child” hosted by Booker at 2 p.m. The festival also will feature a silent auction in the ACM@UCO lounge located on the lobby level of the facility. Festival attendees can bid on used PA systems, drum kits, recording equipment and Apple computers, among other items. The auction will take place from noon to 6 p.m., with all proceeds

sponsored by

benefitting the ACM@UCO. The festival also will include the Oklahoma Gazette 2016 Music Awards, presented at 8 p.m. at the PLOW Outdoor Stage located at 29 E. Reno Ave. Nominees are comprised of varying Oklahoma musicians, many of whom are graduates from and current students at the ACM@UCO. Launched six years ago, the fullday festival succeeds with help from school-tied music acts, tech crews, sound engineers, business majors, management and even University of Central Oklahoma (UCO) public relations and marketing students. This is Oklahoma music like many haven’t heard before, as the school spotlights its unique program and the state’s music industry. Many artists will perform in venues they’re not usually associated with in ways not normally linked to their respective genres. For a complete lineup of artists and venues check out the rest of this program or visit

ARTS & CULTURE More than 1,200 children from 19 countries played in FCBEscola’s Fifth International Tournament in Barcelona, Spain, March 23. | Photo FCBEscola / Provided

The Healing Perspective of Christian Science An Inspiring Talk!

Nominations Open

yo ut h

for the 2016 CLASS of FORTY UNDER 40

Summer kicks

FC Barcelona brings its intense summer soccer camp to OKC. By Adam Holt

As soccer kicks back into gear in the metro To teach the method, the club brings in area, a native Oklahoman brings top-flight coaches with an abundance of experience. European-style soccer training to The most famous is Pablo Ibáñez. The Oklahoma City. John Nash, CEO of center back is known for his time spent Sporting Global, a sports consulting agency, with Atlético de Madrid and the Spanish partners with one of the world’s most national football team. famous and honored football clubs, FC “At this stage, young players play for Barcelona, to teach the team’s methodolpassion and the love of the game and the ogy to children and teens from ages 6 to 18. sport is very pure,” Ibáñez said. “I want to “The club is really honored to come to pass on what I learned in my playing career Oklahoma,” Nash said. “We feel it will be a to the young players in camp and make a great opportunity for the state.” positive impact in their development. Also, FC Barcelona, located in Spain’s second the FC Barcelona methodology is one of most populous city, is one of the world’s the best in the history of the game, and I most suppor ted am proud to join the sports teams. The camp staff.” club plays in the The camp runs 9 FCBEscola Soccer Primera División of a.m-3 p.m. June 13-17. Camp La Liga, the top diviTuition is $455. If stusion of Spain’s famous dents want provided 9 a.m.-3 p.m. June 13-17 soccer league. FC lunches, there is an Heritage Hall extra $35 charge. Barcelona has earned 1800 NW 122nd St. 23 league championEach participant ships, second only to ceives a jersey, shorts 844-322-2267 and socks. arch rival Real $465-$500 Madrid C.F.’s 32 At the end of camp, titles. The club is two skilled players are home to the one of the selected to participate world’s most famous athletes, Lionel in the FCBEscola Select Clinic in Barcelona, Messi, who some say is the greatest soccer Spain, next year. player of all time. “It’s a phenomenal opportunity for two players to win the notice of the Barcelona Teaching technique coaching staff and potentially an opportuThe aim of FCBEscola Soccer Camp is to nity to win greater notice on the international stage,” Nash said. teach the training and techniques of the club’s renowned La Masia academy, which One camper who best exemplifies the has produced the likes of soccer stars such positive values put forward by the camp as Messi, Andrés Iniesta and Gerard Piqué. also wins an FC Barcelona jersey signed by “We’ll get into more advanced team play this year’s entire club. concepts and small, private play concepts Nash also said the organization is than other developmental programs in the looking for school soccer squads that are United States currently do,” Nash said. interested in private instruction each day The program will teach players how to after camp. If interested, call 844-322-2267 create space between themselves and opor email ponents and teammates and in-depth deTo register for the camp, visit fcbarcelonafending and passing structure, among other aspects of the game.

Evan Mehlenbacher, CSB, is a practitioner and teacher of Christian Science who has practiced prayer-based healing professionally for over 25 years. He currently lives in Richland, Washington, where he conducts his public practice of helping others spiritually.

Help us recognize outstanding leaders. To nominate one of Oklahoma City’s brightest young leaders visit

Sunday, April 10th, at 2:00pm First Church of Christ, Scientist, OKC 4700 North Portland You are invited to attend our Sunday Services at 10:30am & Wednesday Evening Testimony Meetings at 7:00pm.

Tickets start at $30 // Shows through April 24 Tickets: 405.524.9312 .

Allied Arts | Oklahoma Arts Council | National Endowment for the Arts




O kg a z e t t e . c o m | a p r i l 6 , 2 0 1 6



yo ut h

Roman Nose State Park | Photo Susan Dragoo / Oklahoma Tourism / Provided

Parks picnic

OETA and the Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department team up to encourage families to visit state parks. By Christine Eddington

Familes, start your engines. Springtime in Oklahoma is a great time to get outside and explore our state parks. Two state agencies, Oklahoma Educational Television Authority (OETA) and the Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department, teamed up to offer Explore the Outdoors. Each of the four free family events is held at different Oklahoma state parks, with the idea that getting children and their families into nature is a healthy experience for everyone. “It’s just an awesome program,” said Dan Schiedel, OETA executive director. “We have families, grandparents, teachers and kids attend, and there are obstacle courses, prize stations around the park, nature hikes, storytelling with Al Bostick, a free performance by the Sugar Free All Stars, and all of it ties back to the classroom, so it’s fun and a learning experience.”

Program partnerships

Oklahoma State Parks director Kris Marek said she is excited about partnering with OETA for the event’s third year. “By working together, we achieve our goal to educate families about our natural resources and encourage youth to get

Roman Nose State Park | Photo Rebekah Workman / Oklahoma Tourism / Provided 32

a p r i l 6 , 2 0 1 6 | O kg a z e t t e . c o m

Explore the Outdoors 10 a.m.-2 p.m. April 16, 23, 30 and May 7 Oklahoma State Parks 405-848-8501 Free (registration required)

outside and discover the state parks and the benefits of being outdoors,” Marek said. The project is supported in part by a grant from the State Department of Education. Schiedel said Explore the Outdoors’ future might be in jeopardy because of the state’s sizable budget shortfall. “We may need to find private funding to keep this fantastic program going next year,” he said. But for this year, all is well. The first event is April 16 at Roman Nose State Park, 3236 S. Highway 8A, in Watonga. Next up is April 23 at Sequoyah State Park in Hulbert, followed by April 30 at Robbers Cave State Park in Wilburton. The final installation of Explore the Outdoors is May 7 at Lake Murray State Park in Ardmore. Each event runs 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Lunch is provided, and Schiedel mans the grill to cook hotdogs for everyone. Hundreds of people have attended past events, and hundreds are expected at each park this year, organizers said. Explore the Outdoors events registration is free, but required. Find information, a schedule of events and park directions at “We have costumed characters from popular PBS shows, and when the Sugar Free All Stars play, kids get up and dance,” Schiedel said. “It’s a really great day, and it is a part of OETA’s educational services department.”

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calendar These events are recommended by Oklahoma Gazette editorial staff members. For full calendar listings, go to

BOOKS Poetry Reading, poetry reading by Nationally acclaimed poet Marie Howe, 8 p.m., April 6. Meinders School of Business, NW 27th St & McKinley Ave., 405-208-5351, WED Andrew Porwancher Book Signing, author signs The Devil Himself: A Tale of Honor, Insanity, and the Birth of Modern America, 6:30 p.m., April 7. Full Circle Bookstore, 1900 Northwest Expressway, 405-8422900, THU David W. Levy Book Signing, author signs The University of Oklahoma: A History, Volume II: 1917-1950, 2-4 p.m., April 9. Barnes & Noble, Norman, 540 Ed Noble Parkway, Norman, 405-579-8800, SAT

FILM Bill, (UK, 2015, dir. Richard Bracewell) a comedic, fictional tale of how Bill became William Shakespeare; Monty Python-esque farce stars Mathew Baynton as William Shakespeare along with husband and wife duo — Damian Lewis as swashbuckling Sir Richard Hawkins and Helen McCrory as Queen Elizabeth, 7 p.m., April 7. AMC Quail Springs Mall 24, 2501 W. Memorial Road, 405-755-2406, THU My Golden Days, (US, 2015, dir. Arnaud Desplechin) is a cerebral, lushly romantic meditation on the formative and destructive power of first love; the film offers glimpses of Paul’s difficult relationship with his depressive parents and an eye-opening trip to the USSR, before detailing his romance with brazen, self-possessed Esther, 5:30 & 8 p.m., April 8-9; 5:30 p.m., April 10. Oklahoma City Museum of Art, 415 Couch Drive, 405-236-3100, okcmoa. com. FRI West Side Story, (US, 1961, dir. Jerome Robbins) the tale of a turf war between rival teenage gangs in Manhattan and the two

Earth Model at Martin Park Nature Center What better way to know the world than to make one for yourself? Park visitors ages 6 and up can build a model planet layer by layer, learning about the Earth’s topography and eco-regions along the way. Event times are 2 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. April 16 at Martin Park Nature Center, 5000 W. Memorial Road. Registration is $8. Visit or call 405-297-1429. April 16 Photo

lovers who cross battle lines, 7 p.m., April 12. Harkins Theatre, 150 E. Reno Ave., 405-231-4747, TUE

HAPPENINGS Politrivia!, an exciting trivia night in conjunction with the exhibits Sign of the Times: The Great American Political Poster 1844-2012 and Edmond People, Edmond Politics; arrive early to scout out the competition and peruse the exhibits for tantalizing tidbits to give your team the edge while enjoying wine and light snacks, 7-9 p.m., April 7. Edmond Historical Society & Museum, 431 S. Boulevard, Edmond, 405-340-0078, THU Community Tree Planting, beautify Will Rogers Gardens while learning how to plant and care for trees during the Community Tree Planting in celebration of National Arbor Month; learn tips and techniques for tree planting success along with how to properly prune and water a new backyard tree, 11 a.m., April 8. Will Rogers Garden Center, 3400 NW 36th St., 405-943-0827. FRI Southwest Street Rod Nationals, Oklahoma’s largest gathering of pre-1986 automobiles

and street rods featuring over 1,900 specialty automobiles from all over the southwest and other areas of the US and Canada; a weekend of activities including auto exhibits and shows, a street rod parade, swap meet, arts and crafts, children’s games and much more, April 8-10. Oklahoma State Fair Park, 3221 Great Plains Walk, 405-948-6700, okstatefair. com. FRI -SUN Blowing a Vessel, learn how to blow a functional or abstract vessel in glass; tumblers and bowls are the main focus, as students learn more gathering techniques and how to shape a bubble for the desired piece, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., April 9. Oklahoma City Museum of Art, 415 Couch Drive, 405-236-3100, okcmoa. com. SAT Pambe Ghana Fest, third annual fundraising event featuring music, drumming, dancing, international foods, fair-trade shopping and the opportunity to support an Oklahomalaunched school in Ghana, 6-9 p.m., April 9. St. Paul’s Cathedral, 127 NW Seventh St., 405-235-3436, SAT Living the Night Life Snooze, come learn how nocturnal animals use their senses to mingle at night; enjoy an upclose animal encounter, guided night hike, snack and light breakfast, 7 p.m.-9 a.m., April 9-10. Oklahoma City Zoo, 2000 Remington Pl., 405-242-3344, SAT-SUN

FOOD Champagne Tasting, taste a variety of champagnes from around the world along with heavy hors d’ouvres, 6-8 p.m., April 6. Oklahoma City Museum of Art, 415 Couch Drive, 405236-3100, WED

On the Lawn Hooray! It’s spring! That means Western Avenue’s monthly family-friendly event returns to the lawn north of Whole Foods Market in all its glory. On the Lawn features yard games, live music by Spaghetti Eddie! and gourmet grilled cheese by Whole Foods Market and Food For All. Katiebug’s Shaved Ice and Hot Chocolate ( pictured), The Saucee Sicilian, Klemm’s Smoke Haus and Anthem Brewing Company food trucks will serve delicious eats. The celebration is 5-8 p.m. Thursday at 6233 N. Western Ave. Thursday Photo Gazette / File 34

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Art After 5, enjoy the Oklahoma City skyline along with live music, friends and cocktails on top of OKCMOA, 5-11 p.m., April 7. Oklahoma City Museum of Art, 415 Couch Drive, 405-236-3100, THU The ABC’s of What You Eat: Grape Tomatoes, learn the facts about grape tomatoes including nutritional benefits, how to select, store and serve them; prepare and enjoy healthy and delicious Greek salad kebobs, 9:30 a.m., April 12. Buy For Less, 3501 Northwest Expressway, 405-946-6342, buyforlessok. com. TUE

ANTI-AGING SERvICES Beats & Bites, outdoor food truck and live entertainment event; live music by local Red Dirt artists The Justin Fox Band and Southern Company, 6 p.m., April 9. Riverwind Casino, 1544 State Highway 9, Norman, 405-3226000, SAT Fondue Fairytale, bring your little princess to The Melting Pot for a three-course meal fit for royalty, featuring cheese fondue, an entree and chocolate fondue; join other little princesses and have the chance to pose with a real-life fairy princess, 11:30 a.m.-4 p.m., April 10. The Melting Pot, 4 E. Sheridan Ave., 405-235-1000, SUN

MICRODERMABRASION $30 First Treatment $200 Package of 5 MICRODERMABRASION ADD-ONS $10 Glycolic Peel $20 Jessner’s Peel


starting at $30 JUVEDERM • RADIESSE

BOTOX Always $10 Per Unit

Schelly’s Aesthetics

Schelly Hill, R.N.

Shoppes at Northpark, 12028 May Ave. 405-751-8930 Open Mon-sat Gift Certificates Available

Sacred Arts of Tibet Tour April 10-16, 2016 Norman INterfAIth GAtherING & WelCome Sunday, Apr 10, 2:00pm First American United Methodist Church

tIbetAN moNAStIC lIfe: SlIdeShoW q&A monday, Apr 11, 7:00pm Sam Noble Museum of Natural History

leCture SerIeS Apr 13-15, 7:00pm

St. John’s Episcopal Church

Sand Mandala Creation April 12-16 St. John’s Episcopal Church

Sponsored by Norman Cultural Connection, Inc.

For event details find us on Facebook or visit: For additional info contact Marial Martyn: (405) 201-9991

Hot Times! Into a Warming World Is it getting hot in here? That wasn’t just a rhetorical question for New York Times reporter Justin Gillis. He has covered global warming and environmental science for the paper since 2010 and was awarded the John B. Oakes Award for Distinguished Environmental Journalism from Columbia University in 2011. His keynote speech on climate change is 2 p.m. Thursday in Pegasus Theater in the Liberal Arts Building at the University of Central Oklahoma, 100 N. University Drive, in Edmond. The event is free and open to the public. Visit or call 405-974-3504. Thursday Photo University of Central Oklahoma / Provided






Bringing Books to Life, storytime based off nature MY and the season; includes small craft; ages 2-5, 10 a.m.-11 a.m., April 6. Crystal Bridge Tropical Conservatory, 301 W. Reno Ave., 405-297-3995, CY WED CMY

Drop-In Art: Spring Garden Painting, join guest artists each Saturday as they interact with families to K create extraordinary works of art inspired by the museum’s collection, exhibitions and special occasions, 1-4 p.m., April 9. Oklahoma City Museum of Art, 415 Couch Drive, 405-236-3100, SAT Draw a Feathered Friend, workshop lets children explore the basics of art technique while encouraging creative expression; check out birds in the conservatory, create a beautiful bird drawing to take home and gain the confidence and skill for future doodling, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m., April 9. Myriad Botanical Gardens, 301 W. Reno Ave., 405-445-7080, SAT Sugar Free Allstars, celebrate the release of its fourth family music album, 4 p.m., April 10. Oklahoma City Museum of Art, 415 Couch Drive, 405-236-3100, SUN Sonic Free Family Day, enjoy free admission and a host of hands-on art projects and in-gallery experiences throughout museum, noon-5 p.m., April 10. Oklahoma City Museum of Art, 415 Couch Drive, 405-236-3100, SUN Wacky Washington, visit the Our City, Our Collection: Building the Museum’s Lasting Legacy special exhibition and learn more about our country’s first president; afterward, families can create funky George Washington collages, ages 15-36 months, 10-10:45 a.m.; ages 3-5, 11 a.m.-noon, April 12. Oklahoma City Museum of Art, 415 Couch Drive, 405-236-3100, TUE

continued on page 36

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calendar Bonnie & Clyde, production of the Broadway musical hit; at the height of the Great Depression, Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow went from two smalltown nobodies in west Texas to America’s most renowned folk heroes and the Texas law enforcement’s worst nightmare, 8 p.m., April 8-9, 2 p.m., April 10. Sooner Theatre, 101 E. Main St., Norman, 405-321-9600, FRI -SUN

6th Annual Spayghetti & No Balls Dinner Do you love Pomeranians? Do you also love spaghetti? Then you will go crazy for the 6th Annual Spayghetti & No Balls Dinner at Oklahoma City Boat Club, 9101 W. Lake Hefner Drive. The event features a silent auction and benefits All 4 One Rescue, a nonprofit animal rescue shelter for Pomeranians, senior breeds and cats. Tickets are $10. To purchase tickets, email Visit Saturday Photo

continued from page 35 Art Adventures, children experience the world of art through stories and projects in this event series; this week’s story is The Pot That Juan Built by Nancy Andrews-Goebel with illustrations by David Diaz, 10:30 a.m., April 12. Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art, 555 Elm Ave., Norman, 405-325-3272, fjjma. TUE Be the Dinosaur, exhibit features video game stations that require each player to decide — do they want to be an herbivore or a carnivore? The decision leads them on a virtual adventure for survival, deciding to eat the wrong plant or turning the wrong corner could spell the

end of the game, which is set in an immersive recreation of the Cretaceous period. Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History, 2401 Chautauqua Ave., Norman, 405-325-4712, snomnh. WED -WED

PERFORMING ARTS Toruk: The First Flight, Cirque du Soleil touring show inspired by James Cameron’s record-breaking movie Avatar; a live experience that envisions a world beyond imagination set thousands of years before the events depicted in the film, 7:30 p.m., April 6-8; 4 & 7:30 p.m., April 9; 1:30 p.m., April 10. Chesapeake Energy Arena, 100 W. Reno Ave., 405-602-8700, WED -SUN Louis Johnson, stand-up comedy show, 8 p.m., April 6-7; 8 & 10:30 p.m., April 8-9. Loony Bin Comedy Club, 8503 N. Rockwell Ave., 405-239-4242, WED -SAT

Try Spokies for Free Celebrate planet Earth all month with Spokies. Oklahoma City residents and visitors can try out the bike share program for no charge. Promo code Earthday2016 registers people for a free April membership. Spokies has eight solar-powered kiosk loc at i on s t h r ou g h ou t Bricktown, Deep Deuce and Midtown. Users must submit a valid credit card and pay a $2 usage fee for each extra half hour for rides lasting over 30 minutes. Visit spokiesokc. com. Wednesday-Tuesday, ongoing Photo Gazette / File


A Night in Neverland, black-tie event benefits Oklahoma City Ballet; enjoy champagne upon arrival and then be whisked away to Neverland for dinner, live and silent auctions and an exclusive performance by the Oklahoma City Ballet from its upcoming performance of Peter Pan, 6:30 p.m., April 9. Chevy Bricktown Events Center, 429 E. California Ave., 405-236-4143. SAT Comedy’s Best Kept Secret, see what happens when three nationally touring comedians embark on a road trip from Los Angeles to New York City and perform 25 shows in 28 days, all to raise money for the Humane Society, Civic Center Music Hall, 201 N. Walker Ave., 405-2972264, SAT

ACTIVE Drop-In Yoga, yoga class in the museum’s galleries, 5:45-6:45 p.m., April 7. Oklahoma City Museum of Art, 415 Couch Drive, 405-236-3100, okcmoa. com. THU Redbud Classic 2016, 34th annual 10k and 5k race, 7 a.m., April 9. Waterford Complex Building, 6201 Waterford Blvd. SAT

OKC Energy vs. Saint Louis FC, professional soccer game, 7 p.m., April 9. Taft Stadium, 2901 NW 23rd St. SAT American Heart Association Central Oklahoma Heart Walk, 5k & 1k walk; family-friendly event with activities including a health fair, vendor expo, live entertainment and youth activities, 8 a.m., April 9. Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark, 2 S. Mickey Mantle Drive, 405-218-1000.

OKC Thunder vs LA Lakers, NBA basketball game, 8:30 p.m., April 11. Chesapeake Energy Arena, 100 W. Reno Ave., 405-602-8700, MON

VISUAL ARTS 2nd Friday Norman Art Walk, any Normanite will tell you this monthly event is a can’t-miss; it offers snacks, wine, live music and local vendors, Art Walk is the best Norman has to offer, 6-9 p.m., April 8. Downtown Norman, 122 E. Main St., Norman. Edmond People, Edmond Politics, showcases a variety of political memorabilia and historic photographs illustrating the many ways Edmondites participated in local, state and national politics; political brochures, elections guides and even a “Bellmon Belles” dress with matching jacket compliment the many wonderful posters on view in the Sign of the Times exhibit. Edmond Historical Society & Museum, 431 S. Boulevard, Edmond, 405340-0078, Featured Artists, Linda Guenther, Trip’n with Linda; Jan Hellwege, Unforgettable, Adoptable Dogs; and Verna Fuller, Birds and Birds’ Nests; a love of history, farms and critters is the inspiration for Guenther’s thoughtful photographs; Hellwege’s compassion for lost and abandoned dogs is obvious in her expressive dog portraits as she raises awareness of the pet over-population in our state and Fuller’s poetic bird nests come alive with dancing lines that unite her work. Contemporary Art Gallery, 2928 Paseo St., 405-601-7474, Flora and Felines, a cat’s-eye view into Oklahoma artist O. Gail Poole’s unique vision; this exhibit collects some of Poole’s most engaging work, whimsical depictions of cats in nature that blend into their surroundings. Crystal Bridge Tropical Conservatory, 301 W. Reno Ave., 405-297-3995, myriadgardens. com.


The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) (Revised), all 37 plays in 97 minutes; three madcap men in tights weave their wicked way through each of Shakespeare’s comedies, histories and tragedies in one wild ride that leaves you breathless and helpless with laughter, 8 p.m., April 7-9. Shakespeare on Paseo, 2920 Paseo St., 405-235-3700, THU -SAT Night, Mother, winner of the Pulitzer Prize and the Susan Smith Blackburn Prize; this eloquent, enthralling and ultimately shattering play explores the final hour in the life of a young woman who has decided that life is no longer worth living, 7:30 p.m., April 8; 1:30 & 7:30 p.m., April 9; 1:30 p.m., April 10. Civic Center Music Hall, 201 N. Walker Ave., 405-297-2264, FRI -SUN Paul O’Dette, rock guitaristturned-champion of Renaissance and Baroque music, best known for his virtuosic performances on solo lute and has been featured on more than 140 recordings, winning two Grammys and numerous international awards, 8 p.m., April 8. Oklahoma City University, 2501 N. Blackwelder Ave., 405-2085000, FRI

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Forgotten, Isaac Harper preserves what people once called their homes and shows the legacy that is left behind by these families. Artspace at Untitled, 1 NE Third St., 405-815-9995, FRI NGE Women Artists of Oklahoma, annual group show, featuring works from 19 FRINGE artists. Graphite Gallery, 1751 NW 16th St., 405-919-0578, Honeybadgers, Blair Thurman’s works emphasize his broad range of media with neon being one of his main materials; the exhibit is inspired by the design on a favorite t-shirt and is reminiscent of totem poles first created by indigenous people of the Pacific Northwest Coast of North America. Oklahoma City Museum of Art, 415 Couch Drive, 405-236-3100, okcmoa. com.

Legacy: George Bogart and Students, works by Oklahoma artist and educator George Bogart alongside works by several artists who were once Bogart’s students; primary medium is painting but the show also includes prints and sculptures. JRB Art at The Elms, 2810 N. Walker Ave., 405-528-6336, Making Memories, an event designed for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia and their caregivers or loved ones, 10:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m., April 11. Oklahoma City Museum of Art, 415 Couch Drive, 405-2363100, MON Myriad Gardens Sketch Crawl, artist/illustrator Debby Kaspari guides sketching enthusiasts on a drawing jaunt through Myriad Botanical Gardens, stopping at special “sketch-op” spots to capture views of the conservatory’s indoor rainforest, outdoor landscape and architecture, 1-4 p.m., April 9. Myriad Botanical Gardens, 301 W. Reno Ave., 405-445-7080, oklahomacitybotanicalgardens. com/events. SAT

Square Theatre / Provided

Natural Impressions-Evolved, by Oklahoma City artist Stacey Dianne Miller, who creates mixed-media artwork with a primary focus on printmaking. The Depot, 200 S. Jones Ave., Norman, 405-307-9320,

Spring 2016 Show, featuring works in oil, acrylic, watercolor and mixed media; handmade jewelry and ceramic sculptures will also be featured. The Studio Gallery, 2642 W. Britton Road, 405-752-2642,

NEXT COURSE! A taste of the epic life that awaits, solo show of whimsical artwork by OSU alum Shel Wagner; meant as both a celebration and inspiration for new graduates, or for anyone looking ahead to a fresh chapter. Stillwater Multi Arts Center, 1001 S. Duck St., 405747-8084,

Spring Selections, a sampling of new works from gallery artists, Kasum Contemporary Fine Arts, 1706 NW 16th St., 405-604-6602, THU

Philip Van Keuren: Murmurations, although each work stands on its own the entire body of images is considered one work of art. Artspace at Untitled, 1 NE Third St., 405-8159995,

As You Like It “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players,” and Oklahoma City University (OCU) School of Theatre performs the play that brought Shakespeare’s famous line into the world. Comedy As You Like It follows heroine Rosalind on her cross-dressing adventure as Ganymede into the Forest of Arden after her banishment from court, but OCU’s production takes place in the Bronx and a mythical Appalachian forest in the late 1970s. The curtain rises 8 p.m. Thursday-Saturday and 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday in Burg Theatre in Kirkpatrick Fine Arts Center on the OCU campus, 2501 N. Blackwelder Ave. Tickets are $12. Call 405-208-5227 or visit tickets. Thursday-Sunday Photo Stephen Wrentmore / Provided

Clybourne Park Oklahoma theatergoers can now take in Bruce Norris’ comedy-drama Clybourne Park. The production won the 2011 Pulitzer Prize for Drama, the 2011 Laurence Olivier Award for Best New Play and the 2012 Tony Award for Best Play. Clybourne Park runs through April 23 at Carpenter Square Theatre, 806 W. Main St. Tickets are $15-$20. Show times are 7:30 p.m. Thursday, 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday. The production runs through April 23. Visit carpentersquare. com or call 405-232-6500. T hursday - S unday, ongoing Photo Carpenter

Photography Exhibit, photographer Ron Brandon. 50 Penn Place Gallery, 1900 Northwest Expressway, Suite 113-R, 405848-5567, 50pennplacegallery. com. Posed & Composed: Portraits of Women from the Permanent, exhibition of 12 portraits by 11 American artists covers the period from just before World War I through the early 1980s; the paintings are not arranged chronologically, but according to commonalities in pose, gesture, color, composition and subject matter. Oklahoma City Museum of Art, 415 Couch Drive, 405-236-3100, Red Clay Faction, student ceramics exhibition. The Lightwell Gallery, 520 Parrington Oval, Rm. 202, Norman, 405-3252691,

Ted West Exhibit, Oklahoma City photographer’s collages draw on free associations and creative accidents to create unusual stories. IAO Gallery, 706 W. Sheridan Ave., 405-2326060,

Calendar submissions must be received by Oklahoma Gazette no later than noon on Wednesday seven days before the desired publication date. Late submissions will not be included in the listings. Submissions run as space allows, although we strive to make the listings as inclusive as possible. Fax your listings to 528-4600 or e-mail them to listings@ Sorry, but phone submissions cannot be accepted.

cov e r


Rock city

Gazette Music Awards returns with its Class of 2016. By Gazette staff

Breathe easy, music fans. The first batch of Woody Award winners since 2012 is now ready to celebrate. Reader votes were tallied and revealed one unsurprising truth: The fans got it right. Behind every ranking band or artist is a core of dedicated support, and maybe a few proud mamas. Equally as exciting as the return of Gazette Music Awards is our live awards show, which occurs in conjunction with the Academy of Contemporary Music at the University of Central Oklahoma’s Metro Music Fest, 8 p.m. Friday at The Plow, 29 E. Reno Ave. There are few more appropriate events or venues in which we should hand out our trophies. This year’s

presenting sponsor is Firelake Arena. This year, we also recognize two amazing local musicians for their talents and achievements: Rising Star honoree Parker Millsap and Lifetime Achievement honoree Tyson Meade. If you can’t wait until Friday’s event downtown, well, lucky you. You’re also holding our special

Gazette Music Awards at Metro Music Fest 8 p.m. Friday The Plow 29 E. Reno Ave. 405-570-2330

winners section in your hands. Now that Woody Awards are back, only one dream is left unfulfilled: a giant collaborative family album with all the winners! How incredible would a John Moreland/ Jabee track sound? Can we get Helen Kelter Skelter and Lincka to team up? Hey, it never hurts to ask. Congratulations to Gazette Music Awards Class of 2016.

our roundup of

winners and honorees begins on page 38


Best Acoustic

Best Punk

Best Other Genre

Best Americana / Folk

Best R&B

Best Underage Band

Best Rap / Hip-Hop

Best Singer-Songwriter

Best Electronic / DJ

Best Red Dirt / Rockabilly

Best Record Store

Best Live Music Venue (Large)

Best Jazz

Best Rock

Best Music Gear Store

Lifetime Achievement

• John Moreland • Kyle Dillingham & Horseshoe Road

Best Country • Kaitlin Butts • Blev

• Elizabeth Speegle Band

Best Latin • Lincka

Best Metal • Left to Die

• Helen Kelter Skelter • Shortt Dogg • Jabee

• Red Dirt Rangers • Kirra

Best Cover

• My So Called Band

Best Overall • Jabee

• Horse Thief (folk rock) • LoneMoon

• John Moreland

• Guestroom Records • Rawson Music

Best Place to Dance

• Groovy’s

Best Place for Karaoke

Best Music Festival in Oklahoma • Rocklahoma

Best Live Music Venue (Small)

• 51st Street Speakeasy

• Diamond Ballroom

• Tyson Meade

Rising Star

• Parker Millsap

• Blue Note Lounge

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Lincka | Photo Madison Rae Photos / Provided

Elizabeth Speegle Band | Photo George Adams / Provided

John Moreland | Photo Joshua Black Wilkins / Provided

Kyle Dillingham & Horseshoe Road | Photo provided

cov e r

continued from page 38

Best Acoustic John Moreland

Earlier this year, Oklahoma Gazette said Tulsa musician John Moreland’s 2015 release, High on Tulsa Heat, “plays in spots like a modern-day musical version of True Grit” and called Moreland “the personification of the state’s ideal sound and soul.” Through the years, his punk influences and Southern Baptist upbringing conspired to inform his poetic sensibilities with heartstring pullers like “Nobody Gives a Damn About Songs Anymore.” Earlier this year, San Jose Mercury News called him “one of the most anticipated acts at SXSW.” He has also earned praise from Rolling Stone, The Wall Street Journal, American Songwriter and MSNBC host Rachel Maddow. Worth mentioning: Dusty Rose, Kyle Dillingham

Best Americana / Folk Kyle Dillingham & Horseshoe Road

Kyle Dillingham has played with country icon Roy Clark and took the stage at Nashville’s well-storied Grand Ole Opry 38

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Kaitlin Butts | Photo provided

— and that was before he even finished high school. The violin virtuoso blends gospel, bluegrass, gyspy jazz, Western swing and more into an energetic, emotive, authentically Oklahoma genre that’s distinctly his own. In 2012-’13, the U.S. State Department selected Kyle Dillingham and his band, Horseshoe Road, to represent American music on a monthlong tour through Russia, South Korea and Taiwan. “Ken Burns and I travel all over the United States. After hearing your performance, we turned to each other and agreed that we had witnessed something amazing,” PBS president Paula Kruger said after witnessing Dillingham perform. Worth mentioning: Parker Millsap, John Fullbright

Best Country Kaitlin Butts

Kaitlin Butts’ straightforward songwriting, guitar playing and vocal twang evoke the prowess of classic female honkytonkers like Loretta Lynn. Her sophomore album, Same Hell, Different Devil, released in 2015, was recorded at Red Dirt icon Mike McClure’s Boohatch Studio and mixed and mastered by Joe Hardy (ZZ Top, Steve Earle). It features a roster of guest musicians, including Grammy-winning Lloyd

Maines. Her music is rebellious, and the young songwriter shows no fear in her songs about heartbreak, jealousy, love, drinking and having fun. Worth mentioning: Turnpike Troubadours, Jason Young Band

Best Electronic / DJ Blev

Courtney Blevins, known musically as Blev, is often identified as the backing sound behind rapper Josh Sallee. The two are longtime friends, and their chemistry is apparent and potent. Since jumping into the music game, he has developed a reputation as one of Oklahoma City’s best DJs and producers, even outside of his collaborative work. The Pairadime Music signee is no stranger to voice sampling, a technique that often fleshes out even his more synthetic beats. Expect to see Blev on even bigger stages in the near future. Worth mentioning: Warcopter, LoneMoon

Best Jazz

Elizabeth Speegle Band

Lyricist Elizabeth Speegle infuses meaning into every word. The songstress is the smoky, tender vocal force behind the jazzfusion Elizabeth Speegle Band. The six-

Blev | Photo provided

piece also draws influences from elements of pop and blues. Its EP, Condo on the Moon, released earlier this year, is a recommended listen. Versatility is the band’s M.O. It is equally at home in a recording studio, at a big festival or amplifying ambiance inside a local lounge. A strong fan backing has grown around the band’s substantive sound. Fans also love its strong covers of Steely Dan, Melody Gardot and others. Worth mentioning: Justin Young, Jacob Fred Jazz Odyssey

Best Latin Lincka

Lincka’s Latin-flavored pop sound is a relatively new and welcome addition to the local music scene. Her No Shoes EP, released in October, offers an alternative pop sound with a blend of ear-pleasing steel drums and bilingual lyrics. Three strong tracks are enough to hook new fans and keep them wanting more. We recommend you also check out her appearance on “Sunburn Jams” by Rat Fink, who produced her EP. Lincka is working to book concerts and festivals as a grassroots way of spreading her sound. Her clear talent should help speed up the process. Worth mentioning: Edgar Cruz, brujoroots

Left to Die | Photo provided

Helen Kelter Skelter | Photo Shelby Stong / Provided

Shortt Dogg | Photo provided

Jabee | Photo Garett Fisbeck / File

Best Metal

Best R&B

If a band is as good as the company it keeps, Left to Die is in a prime position. The band of brothers started with Jeremy and Jason Waller in 2009 and added friends along the way to form one of the city’s more highoctane metal acts. Left to Die has shared stages with and opened for rock acts such as Mötley Crüe, Hinder, Nothing More and The Cult. The group is working on releasing new music and booking gigs in and around the state. Worth mentioning: Soul Torrent, A Dying Art

Shortt Dogg has been a soulful, rhythmic mainstay in the region for years. The eight-piece’s sound incorporates funk, soul, R&B and jazz, and its excellent catalogue includes hits reaching back to the ’60s. The group of expertly talented and experienced musicians is led by bandleader Johann Kimbro. It also features male and female vocalists, horns, a five-piece rhythm section and a blast of energy. Don’t head out to a Shortt Dogg show expecting to sit and casually take in the music. You will end up on your feet, dancing along with everyone else. Worth mentioning: Meant2B, Cooki Turner

Left to Die

Best Punk

Helen Kelter Skelter

Oklahoma City’s punk and rock scenes have flourished in recent years, and perhaps no band has gained more distinction and name recognition faster than Helen Kelter Skelter. This five-member group released its eponymous 2015 album on music legend Tyson Meade’s Shaking Shanghai label. Helen Kelter Skelter creates a multifaceted sound that combines punk drums with psychedelic guitar riffs and haunting vocals, an immersive experience that translates as well live as it does through headphones. Catch the act in concert April 22 at Norman Music Fest. Worth mentioning: Cosmostanza, Red City Radio

Shortt Dogg

Best Rap / Hip-Hop Jabee

Counter to conventional wisdom, the local hip-hop scene has become one of the city’s more dense and competitive fields. Jabee is undoubtedly one of its most distinguished acts. The rapper won an Emmy in 2014 for his work on a promotional spot for Science Museum Oklahoma, but it’s his work in the recording studio that has firmly planted him among the city’s best. His last full-length album, Everything Was Beautiful and Nothing Hurt, featured production from Run the Jewels’ El-P and contributing vocals from rapper Murs and Horse Thief’s Cameron Neal. Worth mentioning: Josh Sallee, Trash TV continued on page 40

music listings Meant 2B (323) 445-1131

Kirra Meant 2B represents a new style, talent and attitude in the R&B genre. Having dazzled fans nationwide, they recently inked a major distribution deal with Empire Distribution. Their single “No Ring” is available now on iTunes.

KIRRA is a hard rock band based out of OKC. “Straight Up and Raw” describes their new CD Run Away. Jesse Williamson (vocals), Dax Page (lead guitar), Ryne McNeill (bass) and Zach Stafford (drums). Currently touring with “Saving Abel” across the U.S.

Shortt Dogg

Soul Torrent

(405) 627-0847

(405) 250-7597

For more than a decade this award winning show & dance band has provided the best in live professional entertainment to thousands of fans. Whether your sights are set on the 60s or the new millennium, Shortt Dogg’s high energy dance music, smooth jazz or souful R&B delivers.

Soul Torrent is a hard rocking band with catchy hooks, driving anthems, and memorable melodies that are great for anyone who likes it loud! Our music is available on iTunes, Google and many others.

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Red Dirt Rangers | Photo provided

Jabee | Photo Gazette / File

My So Called Band | Photo provided

overproduction in music. Its last release, 2015’s Run Away, was a testament to that view. The act is in the middle of a tour that brings it through dozens of cities in the Midwest and along the East Coast before a June 18 date at The KATT’s LTS Live Summer Festival in Oklahoma City. Worth mentioning: Zoot Suit, Midas 13




Best Cover

My So Called Band

Kirra | Photo Freddy Salazar / Provided

cov e r

continued from page 39

Best Red Dirt / Rockabilly Red Dirt Rangers

This longtime music act helped define the Red Dirt genre, known for its eclectic fusion of folk, Southern rock, outlaw country, alt-country, blues, bluegrass and folk. John Cooper, Brad Piccolo and Ben Han started making music together in Stillwater in the late 1980s and still perform live across the state. Catch Red Dirt Rangers live at Heard on Hurd 8 p.m. April 16 in Edmond. Worth mentioning: Kent Fauss, Stoney LaRue

Best Rock Kirra

Guitarist Daxton Page founded Kirra as a hard rock act in a city that doesn’t always go in that direction. Its reception, however, has been strong. Kirra influences include Chevelle, Tool and Five Finger Death Punch, but it really just strives to put out pure, raw rock ’n’ roll. The band despises 40

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Put on your crop tops, Keds, slap bracelets and overalls. It’s always time to relive the glory days of the ’90s with My So Called Band. It has six years under its neon fanny pack and includes members of multiple noncover acts. Its repertoire spans Snoop Dogg to The Cranberries and the act plays shows across the Oklahoma City metro, Tulsa and Stillwater, so it’s no surprise readers chose it as Gazette Music Awards’ Best Cover band. Worth mentioning: Evolution Underground, Uncle Freddy

Best Overall Jabee

Jabee is on the verge of something big. The artist returned to the states from a European tour in late 2015 and wasted no time getting back to work on his next album. Black Future drops in June and should be the rapper’s biggest release yet. The track list promises appearances by endlessly talented underground emcee Brother Ali and Public Enemy’s Chuck D, one of the most meaningful feature grabs in Oklahoma City’s hip-hop history. In a just handful of years, the already-prominent local act has built up one of the best resumes in local music. Worth mentioning: Kirra, Kyle Dillingham & Horseshoe Road



Horse Thief | Photo provided

John Moreland | Photo Joey Kneiser / Provided

LoneMoon | Photo provided

Guestroom Records | Photo Gazette / File

Best Other Genre

Best Singer-Songwriter

Oklahomans are famous for taking people in and making them feel at home, and we have done exactly that with Denton, Texas, transplant Horse Thief. The folk rock act moved to OKC to attend the University of Central Oklahoma’s Academy of Contemporary Music (ACM@ UCO). It released its EP, Grow Deep, Grow Wild, in 2013 and its full-length debut, Fear in Bliss, in 2014 to glowing reviews. The five-piece has gained steady critical acclaim in recent years and has earned its spot as one of the state’s best acts. Worth mentioning: Junebug Spade (indie stoner pop), Shortt Dogg (funk, R&B, hip-hop, smooth jazz)

John Moreland was only capping off an already-roof-shattering year when he graced Stephen Colbert’s The Late Show stage on Feb. 1. The Oklahoman did his home state proud, delivering a beautifully bare-bones performance for his biggest audience yet. His honest words and voice have given him a place on the national stage and made him a figurehead for state storytelling. The singer-songwriter set the bar high for a follow-up to High on Tulsa Heat, but fans are more than hopeful in his ability to follow through — they’re confident. Worth mentioning: Samantha Crain, Kyle Dillingham

Horse Thief (folk rock)

John Moreland

Best Underage Band

Best Record Store

His soothing electronic sounds rise bright and steady like the Earth’s lunar pal. LoneMoon, whose birth name is Shem Johnson, is a young producer who has consistently worked on his craft since he began writing music in 2008. He is talented and prolific and released his third album, whereisluna, early this year. We also recommend listening to the producer’s remix of Drake’s hit single “Hotline Bling.” If LoneMoon continues to take full advantage of his early start and find ways to stand out in an everpopulated electronic scene, there will be few places music can’t take him. Worth mentioning: Part-Time Savants, The Void In Me

3701 N. Western Ave. 125 E. Main St., Norman What makes a good record store? It has to be completely unpredictable. When searching for your next vinyl or used CD, you want to stumble upon the unexpected and leave with music you want to listen to. With a huge selection of CDs and LPs, Guestroom Records has that something you didn’t even know you wanted. Say you feel like Jay Reatard, Madonna, The Who, Public Enemy, Broncho, JD McPherson, The Sugarhill Gang or even Ritchie Valens. It has it, or it will help you find it. Worth mentioning: Charlie’s Jazz-Rhythm & Blues Records, 5114 Classen Circle; Trolley Stop Record Shop, 1807 N. Classen Blvd.



Guestroom Records

continued on page 42

405-273-1637 • FIRELAKEARENA.COM 18145 OLD RANGELINE RD • SHAWNEE, OK @FIRELAKEARENA FIRELAKE.ARENA O kg a z e t t e . c o m | a p r i l 6 , 2 0 1 6



Rawson Music | Photo Garett Fisbeck

Parker Millsap | Ph

Groovy’s | Photo Gazette / File

cov e r

continued from page 41

Best Music Gear Store

Rawson Music

7812 S. Western Ave. There is noting more helpful to a musician than quality equipment. In Oklahoma City, the best comes from Rawson Music, a well-known retailer among musicians since 1963. Rawson Music staff can help find the perfect keyboard, guitar, drum, amp or ukulele. If you already have equipment and gear, then Rawson Music is the place for instrument repairs and music lessons. When Gazette readers have music needs, they visit Rawson Music. Worth mentioning: OKC Music and Sound, 7423 N. May Ave.; Norman Music Center, 317 W. Gray St., Norman.

1909 S douglaS blvd MWC 405-741-9494 7745 S Walker (I-240 & Walker) • 405-631-0783 20 nW 9th • 405-270-0516 5929 n May • 405-843-8777 14020 n May • 405-418-8477 7640 nW expreSSWay • 405-603-8116

MuStang loCatIon openIng Soon! 42

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Best Place to Dance Groovy’s

5705 Mosteller Drive A Friday night at Groovy’s is like the experience Swedish band ABBA painted in its hit “Dancing Queen”: “You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life.” In fact, the DJs are known for spinning that hit a time or two. Groovy’s is the place to shake your groove thing or head-

Blue Note Lounge |

nod for hours. It plays well-known dance songs from the 1980s and 1990s, and each night is a party. Worth mentioning: Russell’s, 3233 Northwest Expressway; The Copa, 2200 NW 40th St.

Best Place for Karaoke Blue Note Lounge

2408 N. Robinson Ave. You can dance like nobody’s watching, but know this: If you get on stage at Blue Note Lounge, there will be an audience. The venue opened in 1961 and has long been home to top-notch live music and excellent libations. Even though it’s a great place to hear up-and-coming acts, it’s also a favorite place for karaoke fans to belt out “Africa” by Toto or mumble along to “Loser” by Beck. If you can’t carry a tune, Blue Note is still a great place to get a beer and play some pool, too. Worth mentioning: Cookie’s, 2304 N. Western Ave.; Henry Hudson’s Pub, several metro locations

Best Music Festival in Oklahoma Rocklahoma

This three-day music and camping festival launched a decade ago in grassy pastures a short pickup drive north of Tulsa.

er Millsap | Photo Laura Partain / Provided

ote Lounge | Photo Gazette / File

Tyson Meade | Photo Garett Fisbeck

Rocklahoma | Photo Oliver Rath / SME Germany / Provided

Attendance at last year’s hard rock event topped 60,000, organizers said. What started as a retro hair-metal novelty has grown into a mecca for metal fans from around the world. Rocklahoma is like nothing else. Fans return each year and set up camps resembling mini-villages, many with stocked bars, swimming pools, swamp coolers and even stripper poles. Its 2016 lineup includes Scorpions, Disturbed, Rob Zombie, Megadeth, Five Finger Death Punch and dozens more May 27-29 at the Catch the Fever Festival Grounds in Pryor. Worth mentioning: Norman Music Festival, Backwoods Music Festival

Best Live Music Venue (Small)

51st Street Speakeasy

1114 NW 51st St. Comedy? Check. Trivia? Check. A bar with a great selection of beers and booze? Check. This old house can do just about anything, but music lovers know 51st Street Speakeasy as one of the best live music venues in the city. The stage might seem small, but it’s mighty. When the crowds pack in and the sound bounces off the wooden floors, it’s like a powder keg waiting to explode. You might not remember everything about the show you saw at The Speak, but you’ll never forget it’s the

place to go for a night of fun. Worth mentioning: Blue Note Lounge, 2408 N. Robinson Ave.; Thunder Alley Grill & Sports Lounge, 2127 SW 74th St.

Best Live Music Venue (Large) Diamond Ballroom

8001 S. Eastern Ave. It gets loud. There are lots of reasons to see a show at Diamond Ballroom, a storied venue that has packed them in since 1964, but the best reason is that bands tend to relax and get real on that stage. Big and small acts alike have room to roam without getting too far from their throngs of fans. As the owners say on the website, “A concert is not just a live rendition of a recorded album; it is the chance to get ever closer to the music and artists that make our spirits soar.” And that’s what makes high-energy Diamond the best large venue for live music in OKC. Worth mentioning: The Zoo Amphitheatre, 2101 NE 50th St.; Chesapeake Energy Arena, 100 W. Reno Ave.

Lifetime Achievement Tyson Meade

Few musicians, locally born or otherwise, have sunk their fingers as thoroughly through alternative rock as Tyson Meade.

51st Street Speakeasy | Photo Garett Fisbeck

Diamond Ballroom | Photo Gazette / File

His past work includes the alt-rock tablesetting sound of Defenestration. He fronted Chainsaw Kittens, a band with a legacy heralded with what have become almost folkloric what-ifs. When he released his comeback solo album, Tomorrow in Progress, in 2014, two things became obvious. One, Meade is still a top-notch musician and artist. Two, there are few people as well-liked and respected across local music. Meade’s prints can be found on acts ranging from Helen Kelter Skelter to kindie rock act Sugar Free Allstars. See our related story about Gazette Music Awards Lifetime Achievement honoree Tyson Meade on P. 44.

Rising Star

Parker Millsap

Play Parker Millsap’s new album, The Very Last Day, and it becomes obvious why the Purcell singer-songwriter is receiving this award. His status as a star on the rise is a little counterintuitive because his music is rooted in a different time. Make no mistake though; Millsap’s talent transcends eras. He sings with passion. The 23-year-old continues to build on the national reputation he first earned following his self-titled release in 2014. With Millsap, the future of Americana storytelling in the state is both bright and unlimited.

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f e at u r e

Frenetic fortitude Consummate artist, compelling storyteller and generous spirit Tyson Meade is this year’s recipient of Gazette Music Awards’ Lifetime Achievement honor. By Christine Eddington

Tyson Meade is not a tortured, taciturn artist. He’s the antithesis, a charming, smiling, happily creative soul. On this particular day, he blazes into the coffee shop a few minutes late, a flurry of apologies. He’s concerned about being an inconvenience, but he never is. He’s gracious and courteous and an engaging conversationalist.

Prolific creator



APR. 29 | 2016 FIRELAKE




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Wearing an Andy Warhol T-shirt under a blazer with jeans and driving moccasins, he could almost pass for a hipster dad headed to his middle school carpool in a snappy little silver BMW. But those moccasins are the giveaway. They are covered with bright paint spatters, evidence of the longtime musician’s most recent avocation. “When I paint, I’m inspired by Jackson Pollock, but my style is much more aggressive. I run at the canvas, throwing paint. I injure myself,” he said as he rolled up a pant leg and showed a fresh welt. “It’s kind of like primal scream therapy with paint.” These days, Meade is a prolific visual artist, and commissions roll in faster than he can produce paintings to fill them. His management team is in preliminary discussions about a potential art show at Six01 Studio, a Los Angeles think tank/ art gallery owned by a group of his admirers (who also happen to be music and movie producers). “I like to paint large, like 8 feet by 9 feet,” he said. “[Painting is] new enough to me that I can’t manage the process like I can with writing songs, so it’s at once both frustrating and liberating. I start layering in one section and build and add until I know I’ve got it.” The Six01 Studio show is tentatively set for this fall, and if it happens, he hopes to feature 20 of his works. “I’ve got to start stopping taking commissions,” he said. “I keep saying this is my last one; no, this is my last one.”

Tyson Meade relaxes in his Oklahoma City home. | Photo Garett Fisbeck

Full circle

The other thing about Meade is that he is widely considered a godfather of alternative rock. His bands Defenestration and, later, Chainsaw Kittens were among the first to create a compelling, hybridized sound that borrowed from everything that came before it. As a musician, Meade influenced a generation of acts including The Flaming Lips, The Smashing Pumpkins and Nirvana. Pumpkins frontman Billy Corgan was a Kittens fan, and Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain was shaped by Defenestration. For all of these reasons and more, Meade was recently told that he will receive this year’s Gazette Music Awards Lifetime Achievement award. In his typical, charming, self-effacing fashion, he expressed both humility and humor. “I’m just really happy to get an award,” he said. “I was so excited [to hear I won something] that I didn’t even ask specifically what it was for or why I was getting it. I just thought, ‘Wow! That’s great!’ and said yes.” Born in Bartlesville, Meade is the youngest of five children. His parents didn’t plan to have more children, and Meade described his conception as a happy accident. And in a way, the surprising but cheery happenstance that surrounded his entry into the world also propelled him through several conPhotos provided

tinents and multiple careers. He eventually landed back in his home state and lives in a modest, paint-splattered bungalow in Oklahoma City. For a while, he worked for a major ad agency in New York City. He hated the job and quit. His most seemingly incongruous incarnation was as the headmaster of a boarding school in China, which he said he absolutely loved. He worked there three years before making a move to Saudi Arabia, where he taught English. A “slightly scary” situation there ultimately helped catapult him back home and back into music. He also started painting, which he said both exercises and exorcises his mind. “I’d thought — for whatever reason — that music wasn’t something I could do forever and that I’d have to do something else when I got too old to play music in a band,” Meade said. “When I was little, I wanted to work as a headmaster at a boarding school on the East Coast, and that’s what I did, only it was the real East Coast, as in China.” The other catalyst that propelled him (thankfully) back into music was one of his students in China who goes by the moniker Haffigy. “When I was headmaster of the school, I had a student who would come into my office and ask me lots of questions in English,” he said. “I thought he just wanted to practice his English, but one of the teachers told me that he was also an accomplished violin player. I asked him to play for me, so one day, he brought his violin and played. It was magical. “I had stopped doing art at that time. My heart knew I was just marking time until my head got past the idea that I had to give it up and have a career. I wrote a

Tyson Meade performs at 2015 Norman Music Festival. He also reunited Chainsaw Kittens for a one-off show to help launch the event in 2008. | Photo Jennifer Chancellor / File

Oklahoma proud

our home because Oklahoma was looked

Oklahoma musician and Oklahoma City

upon as being uncool. The whole time, we

resident Tyson Meade is Gazette Music

knew different because the people here

Awards’ 2016 Lifetime Achievement

are some of the best people anywhere,

honoree. (Read more about the awards

and that’s coming from someone who’s

on P.37.) He sent Oklahoma Gazette a

lived all over the world. I am incredibly

statement of gratitude:

proud of my Oklahoma heritage. “By the time Chainsaw Kittens (my sec-

“Of course, I’m thrilled, flabbergasted and

ond real band) came along, we got tons of

immensely touched to receive this award.

attention all of the time by the Oklahoma

People who know me know that I have

media, specifically Oklahoma Gazette.

somewhat marched to my own drummer

Through the years, the Gazette has fol-

since my first real band, Defenestration,

lowed and championed me as the driving

emerged at our first show in Norman in

force of the Kittens and as a solo artist.

1982 at Sooner BBQ. The quirky pop band

music, writing or whichever form I am

generous) our instruments playing with

using to communicate, I’m trying to,

a handful of hardcore punk bands that

in some small way, express something

could barely play their instruments. Some

inside myself that I often don’t even

years later, and with dogged determina-

understand, and I have to paint it, write it

tion, that ragtag group of guys — give or

or sing it to work through it. What I love

take a few members — made a seven-

about Oklahoma, my fans and Oklahoma

song record in 10 hours. It went on to top

Gazette is no one has ever put me in a box

college music charts on the East and West

or expected me to be linear and everyone

coasts. At age 22-23, I had arrived, or at

has embraced all of these artistic avenues

least I was at the door to the cool kids’

I use. When I went off to China to run a

party. ‘Really, what does this have to do

boarding school and let my art incubate

with the award? And really, what does this

inside my soul, everyone accepted this as

have to do with anything?’

something natural for me.

125 e. MAiN st. Norman, OK 73069 (405)701-5974

“So now that I am getting a lifetime

some sort of hometown love being thrown

achievement award for being nothing

at us, which made living on no money and

more than who I am, I am truly thrilled

playing for no people in other states and

flabbergasted and touched because at

breaking down in Ohio for three weeks

the end of the day, not many people get

with no money manageable. As time went

an award for being nothing more than

on, the hometown love grew instead of

themselves. Thank you, Gazette.”

dissipated. People outside Oklahoma

Oklahoma City, OK 73118 (405) 601-3859

“As an artist, be it painting, doing

that could barely play (and that’s being

“Well, at that time, we always had

3701 N. WesterN Ave.

Tyson Meade

were shocked that we claimed the state as

song for my student to play, and little by little, I came back to it.” Meade is working on a new album, Robbing the Nuclear Family, which he plans to finish mixing this month in Los Angeles and release this fall on vinyl and iTunes. He said the project isn’t meant to be political in a Pete Seeger sort of way — “I don’t want to be that guy,” he said — but it is a statement about the dastard-

ly ways the far-right wing has usurped the right to define what a family is and who should or should not be allowed to marry and have one. “It’s just my worldview,” he said. “It’s a view I’ve developed from living all over the world. I’m not trying to be overtly political; I’m just speaking from my personal experiences.”

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John Mayall

June 21st 8pm acm @ uco Performance laB 329 East shEridan avE

Limited ReseRved seating avaiLabLe more info aT OKCsOundstage.COm


Dan Deacon | Photo Carpark Records / Provided

Gary Morris presents a Mentor’s Workshop Tuesday, april 19, 2016 aT 4pm aT The rodeo opry in The downTown sTockyards followed by a concerT aT 7pm feaTuring an abbreviaTed concerT and Q&a session by nicnos. presenTed by:

TickeT sales go Towards supporTing underfunded music educaTion programs in oklahoma.

TickeTs on sale now find ouT more info aT or email 46

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Eclectic celebration

ACM@UCO’s Metro Music Fest returns for its free, annual event Friday in Bricktown. By Jezy J. Gray

As musical pairings go, Dan Deacon and academy and providing a unique festival Parker Millsap aren’t exactly the most harexperience for its students and the general monious. Deacon makes jarring electropublic, the event is designed to help fortify acoustic art-pop with a stubborn insistence Oklahoma City as a destination for topon fun — his 2007 breakthrough Spiderman shelf national acts and fertile ground for of the Rings is a good entry point into his aspiring local talent. Co-headliner Parker Millsap sits someuniquely adventurous catalog — while Millsap, a rising Okie troubadour, is building where between these local and national a considerable reputation with his bluesy angles. Raised in Purcell, the Americana foot-stompers about love and loss in the musician is about as homegrown as it gets. He is steadily becoming a household name Heartland. On Friday, though, the two share a as he garners attention from big-time namarquee in Bricktown during the seventh tional outlets like NPR and The Guardian. Metro Music Fest, a daylong outdoor concert Millsap also was honored with the 2016 Rising Star award in this year’s Gazette series hosted by the Academy of Contemporary Music at the University of Music Awards. Central Oklahoma (ACM@UCO). Other local acts like Tallows are putting For Metro Music Fest in the legwork to get themselves in similar organizers and promoters, such unexpected positions, and most see ACM@UCO Metro combinations are an esMetro Music Fest as a big Music Fest sential part of the event. net positive for live music “We really value diin Oklahoma City. Noon-2 a.m. Friday-Saturday “I think ACM@UCO versity in music,” said Liz Bricktown Johnson, ACM@UCO really does a great job director of public relagrowing the event each Free tions and marketing. year,” said Tallows frontNote: Find the full lineup, “We especially want our man Josh Hogsett. “It’s venues and more in the students to make contact our first year to play, and official Metro Music Fest with as many genres as we think it will be a great guide in this issue. possible. It made a lot of kickoff to festival sense for us to bring toseason.” gether two very different headliners because Metro Music Fest begins noon Friday. we wanted to let people know there’s someMillsap performs on the AT&T Main Stage thing here for everybody.” on the southwest corner of Reno and Other scheduled acts include Stillwater Oklahoma avenues at 9:15 p.m. and Deacon indie rock stalwart Colourmusic and metro performs at 10:45 p.m. The event is free and open to the public. locals such as Tallows, Josh Sallee, Sex Snobs, Mike Hosty, Camille Harp and 2016 Editor’s note: The Gazette Music Gazette Music Award winner Helen Kelter Awards presentation is 8 p.m. Friday on Skelter. Most of the lineup’s 60 performing The Plow outdoor stage at Metro Music acts feature musicians associated with or Fest. Read more about it in our story on enrolled in ACM@UCO. P.37. Beyond drawing attention to the


David Ramirez | Photo Greg Giannukos / Provided

Western renaissance

WestFest announces its 2016 event headliner and seeks local performers for the Sept. 3 street party and festival. By Jennifer Chancellor

Western Avenue Association’s WestFest Odyssey, Bowlsey, Annie Oakley, Tallows, free street party and festival returns for Gum, Jarvix, LoneMoon, Deerpeople and its second year noon-10 p.m. Sept. 3 along over a dozen other music acts. More than the shopping and dining corridor. 120 artists applied, and 19 were selected, Taylor said. The event runs along Western Avenue between VZD’s Restaurant & Bar on NW 41st Street and Will Rogers Theatre on Family-friendly festival NW 43rd Street. Admission is free. This year’s event promises fun activities This year, WestFest adds a second and specials from Western Avenue retailoutdoor stage, said Rachael Taylor, ers and restaurants, along with food trucks, a youth-friendly play area and Western Avenue Association executive outdoor beer stations from Anthem director and WestFest chairwoman. What was an indoor acoustic stage last year Brewing Company. Taylor estimated 5,000-7,000 guests moves outside to better accommodate crowds and performers. filled the Western Avenue corridor for This year’s headliner is Austin, Texas, last year’s festival. Organizers expect folk-Americana troubadour David 10,000-15,000 visitors this year. Ramirez. He has logged more than Attendees also will notice the benefits 260,000 miles as a solo touring artist in of recent district updates such as wider the truest sense of the word. Until residewalks, pedestrian-friendly thoroughcently, he toured and performed alone. fares and slower speed limits (25 mph). With last year’s release of his 10-track Western Avenue will be closed between 41st and 43rd streets during the event. album Fables, however, he put together a full-time band to round out his songwritOrganizers launched WestFest in 2015 ing and baritone vocals. He also has after receiving feedback from district opened for singer-songwriter and regulars and fans that overwhelmingly Americana acts such as Joe Pug, Shakey supported the idea of a districtwide street Graves, Noah Gundersen and Gregory party and music festival. Alan Isakov. “There are no major Taylor said WestFest sporting events or festiis seeking music acts to vals that weekend, and it’s fill out its roster with an Labor Day weekend,” WestFest open call for local bands Taylor said. “That means until May 1. Applications we also expect bigger Noon-10 p.m. Sept. 3 are free and available at crowds and more fun.” Western Avenue Learn more about mubetween NW 41st If last year’s inaugural sician, volunteer and and 43rd streets lineup is any indication, sponsorship genre selection is wideties and find festival Free updates at westfestok. open. The 2015 roster included Jacob Fred Jazz com. O kg a z e t t e . c o m | a p r i l 6 , 2 0 1 6



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f e at u r e



Horse play

Broncho uses a sensual single to launch its new album cycle. By Ben Luschen | Photo Pooneh Ghana / Provided

Broncho invites the world into its latest fantasy, and it’s a spicy one. The Norman rock act fronted by Ryan Lindsey turned state and national heads recently when its latest single, “Fantasy Boys,” was released in conjunction with an announcement that a new album, Double Vanity, drops May 27. With lines like “I want to eat you up,” Lindsey’s lyrics are as titillating as they’ve ever been. Yet it’s more sexy than sexual, and it’s sweet. This is the type of song some might have attempted to slow dance to with a prom date. Lindsey delved more into his band’s new single and the direction it took on the forthcoming project during a recent Oklahoma Gazette interview. Double Vanity follows the 2014 release Just Enough Hip to Be Woman. The project, backed by songs like “Class Historian” and “It’s On,” helped elevate Broncho within the national music scene. The act’s music has been used in the soundtrack for Movie 43 and on the HBO series Girls. The increase in celebrity has not shifted Lindsey’s focus. He said he’s pleased with the feedback he has heard for “Fantasy Boys.” “All my friends seem to like it, so that makes me feel good,” he said. “Fantasy Boys” nods heavily toward ’80s aesthetics. Heck, Molly Ringwald would probably really like this song.

Lindsey said that flavor reflects the slowjam era he grew up in. More now than ever, he said he has noticed that influence popping up as he writes songs. “I’m definitely in that period ... where I’m going back to stuff I really loved as a kid,” he said. “The last record started moving that way, and this record, I think, is even more so.” Lindsey said Broncho chose to release “Fantasy Boys” first because it best represents the type of statement the band makes on Double Vanity. “The whole record’s not like that song, but it’s a good change from the last record,” he said. “I think it’s a good introduction to what’s on the next record.”

Even keel

At this point in his life, Lindsey just wants to chill. He had song concepts written at a slower pace, and he kept wanting to make them even slower. Lindsey realized he has come to appreciate more relaxed party settings and

wants to create music that makes sense in those environments. He admitted to having a bit of a split personality and feels as comfortable resting against a wall on the outskirts of a gathering as he does being the focal point of a large party. “I can be super social, and I can also be into taking things down a notch,” he said. “I think through our records, both personalities have come out.” Double Vanity is a musical evolution from Broncho’s last effort, Lindsey said. The band is always looking for ways to take on music from new angles. “I always had a general idea in my head of every record progressing and being able to get away with more and doing something different,” he said. “That was always the plan; to not put out the same record.” While the act seeks new sonic territory, Lindsey said it’s not something he ever wants to force. The music should grow naturally while Broncho moves toward its future. “Who knows? Maybe the next move will be not to progress,” he said. “Maybe that’s the next thing.”

New chapter

There undoubtedly will be more eyes and ears focused on the band when it releases Double Vanity. Broncho still enjoys the commercial attention and success of Just Enough Hip to Be Woman. Lindsey said he

I can be super social, and I can also take things down a notch.

hasn’t stopped to think much about that increased exposure, but he does like the idea of larger audiences. As an artist, he wants as many people as possible to be exposed to his work. Many critics are calling for Double Vanity to be a more refined product. The fear seems to be that the band might not have the versatility to offer more than a strong single, though the decidedly more down-tempo “Fantasy Boys” is an early indicator of the act’s stylistic range. The follow-up is not something for Lindsey or his bandmates to stress about, regardless of outside pressures or perceptions. The material for the new album quickly came together in September. Broncho took a month off from touring to further develop some of its pre-existing concepts. Lindsey’s original idea was for a fast turnaround following Just Enough Hip, but momentum for the album crescendoed toward the end of its tour cycle. The band moved ahead with its follow-up project anyway. “We went ahead and did a new record because I wanted it to come out pretty quick,” Lindsey said. “That was the main thing. I just wanted to get something out before this summer.” Broncho begins its U.S. tour for Double Vanity in late May. The band had plans to open May 3 for Cage the Elephant and Portugal. The Man at Chesapeake Energy Arena, but that tour stop was canceled by the headliners. Hear “Fantasy Boys” at soundcloud. com/bronchoband.

Ryan Lindsey

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Shawn James and The Shapeshifters

Power play

Shawn James and The Shapeshifters deliver swampy blues with extra punch. By Ben Luschen | Photo Shawn James / Provided

Editor’s note: Oklahoma Gazette is featuring one performer a week in the lead-up to Norman Music Fest.





a p r i l 6 , 2 0 1 6 | O kg a z e t t e . c o m

Sonic intersection

Long hair and beards are not the only things that make The Shapeshifters stick out. The band fits a country-folk aesthetic Frontman Shawn James warns not to overbut projects an attitude and gruffness that look the importance of beard oil when trying removes it from the cookie-cutter mold of contemporary Americana. to grow out a face full of fluff. If any band “Everybody in the band now kind of has performing at Norman Music Festival knows a thing or two about facial hair, it’s their background in more heavy rock and the bearded men of Shawn James and The metal music,” James said. James said it was never his intention to Shapeshifters, a Fayetteville, Arkansas, band that plays swampy blues and folk with create any kind of metal act. Instead, his aim a rock-hard edge. was to create more Banjo player Baker melodic rock ’n’ roll. Still, the members’ McKinney, with his beard exceeding a foot Norman Music Festival hardcore backgrounds in length, is an unreoften push them into April 21-23 lenting proponent of edgier territory, a tenE. Main Street, downtown Norman dency they have come the magic, to embrace. ing oil, James said. Free They forgot to bring The tattooed musiany on their last tour, cians look like they so McKinney had oil mailed to a venue they could pass as a Slayer tribute act, but there’s were booked to play. plenty of soul behind The Shapeshifters’ “Aside from that, my best [beard-growsound. Part of that comes from James’ coming] advice is just not to give a fuck,” James manding voice. said. James was raised in Chicago and grew The burly band sometimes intimidates up singing gospel in church. In high school, he fronted rock and punk acts. He joined a strangers, but those who can look beyond the facial hair will find a jolly spirit. The fourmetal band in college and developed a piece is ultimately out to have a good time. screaming-yet-polished vocal style. “As soon as people come up to us or overAll the sonic roads he has traveled intersect with The Shapeshifters. hear our conversations, they just start laughing at us,” James said. “Really, we’re just a “I just like that we’re bringing a different bunch of normal dudes who poke fun at each vibe to the mixture of genres we’re doing,” he said. other and just joke and are silly all the time.” James moved to Fayetteville in 2012. At All those influences contribute to the that time, he focused on his solo act, a onepassion James and his bandmates feel man-band folk gig. While in his new city, for their music. Their goal is for that James said he met McKinney and the other passion to come across in every live performance. Records are great, but James musicians who would later make up The Shapeshifters’ core. wants to leave an impression that can “It happened naturally, to be quite only be made firsthand. “A lot of bands I see, their music is great, honest,” James said. “I just moved here and and I go and see them live and it just seems met a bunch of awesome people that were into the music. Opportunities kept coming, like they’re not even excited to be playing so we decided to make it more of a full-time their music,” he said. “They’re just kind of touring thing.” standing there or whatever. With us, we’re all over the place. We have whiplash by the end of the set.”


Still smiling

Barry Manilow brings his One Last Time farewell tour through Oklahoma City April 14. By Mark Beutler | Photo Varela Media / Provided

One of the first times Barry Manilow performed in Oklahoma City was as music director for an early Bette Midler tour. A few years later, he was out on his own, headlining a sold-out concert arena. Now, the 72-year-old superstar returns to OKC on his farewell tour, One Last Time, 7:30 p.m. April 14 at Chesapeake Energy Arena, 100 W. Reno Ave. “I first came to Oklahoma City as a headliner in 1975. It was one of the first arena dates I played,” Manilow said during a recent phone interview from his Palm Springs home. “I remember Oklahoma City well. I remember the hotel, the room, the lobby and the arena. Fans there have always been on my side, and they’ve been there for me all these years. I couldn’t be more grateful.” Manilow is one of the best-loved entertainers of a generation. His breakthrough song “Mandy” topped charts early in 1975, becoming the first in a string of hits and multiplatinum albums. In 1978 alone, five of his albums topped charts simultaneously. Today, his worldwide record sales exceed 80 million. He is one of the most popular adult contemporary artists of all time, with more than 50 Top 40 hits. “This tour doesn’t mean I’m retiring; I don’t even know what that word is,” Manilow told Oklahoma Gazette. “I just have to get off the road. … It’s been a great experience every night over these last 45 years. I can tell you that every night is exciting, but it’s the road that finally got me. So this is the last tour.”

Last Time

The One Last Time tour began early last year and has hit every major American city. “Fanilows,” as Manilow fans have come to be known, will experience a unique show.

“I’ve never quite done a show like this,” Manilow said. “I am doing all of the songs that made it onto the radio. On every tour, I was always promoting an album or I had a 1940s Big Band medley or some special material. But since this is the last time I know I will be visiting these cities, I decided to do all the radio records.” For example, he said he hasn’t performed “Read ’Em and Weep” since that record came out in 1981. It has also been a long time since audiences heard “Somewhere Down the Road” or “Ships.” “So I am doing all of them,” he said. Recreating those songs is a feat in and of itself. He said he relearned many of the tunes, and he is one of the lucky entertainers who can fill an entire show with music audiences recognize.

I’ve never quite done a show like this. Barry Manilow

He launches each show on this tour with “It’s a Miracle” and ends with “Copacabana,” he said. “In the middle, it’s every song that ever made it onto the radio,” Manilow said. “This is the first time I have ever done anything like this.”

Dream project

His most recent album, My Dream Duets, was released in 2014. It features Manilow and the vocals of some of his favorite per-

Barry Manilow with Dave Koz 7:30 p.m. April 14 Chesapeake Energy Arena 100 W. Reno Ave. 405-602-8700 $19.75-$169.75

formers, including Whitney Houston, Sammy Davis Jr., Mama Cass, Louis Armstrong and John Denver, among others. He features one duet from the album on his farewell tour. “This album is a miracle,” he said. “It really is a technical marvel. Technology has evolved so far that we were able to remove the old orchestras and just leave me with the voices.” That allowed him to do new arrangements, too. “I could put Andy Williams’ ‘Moon River’ in a different key or put a new ending on a Dusty Springfield track,” he said. “And to hear Judy Garland’s voice in my headset like she was standing right next to me, it was really a very emotional and special experience.”

‘Becoming emotional’

Manilow said he tries not to think about the moment he will step off the stage for the last time. “Each night, as we get closer to the final show, these songs that usually are not very emotional to me are becoming emotional,” he said. “Something as simple and fun as ‘Can’t Smile Without You’ is now starting to mean something totally different. … But I’m having a great old time on this tour, and I want to tell all my fans, especially those in Oklahoma City, how truly grateful I am for their support through these many years.”

Barry Manilow

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live music SOUND CHECK These events are recommended by Oklahoma Gazette editorial staff members. For full calendar listings, go to


★ 423 NOrTh MaiN sT.

TICKETS & INfO: caiNsballrOOM.cOM

WEDNESDAY 4.6 August Burns Red/Between the Buried and Me, Diamond Ballroom. ROCK Cave Singers, Opolis, Norman. INDIE

Grant Wells, Skirvin Hilton Hotel. PIANO Maurice Johnson, R&J Lounge and Supper Club. JAZZ SeepeopleS, The Deli, Norman. VARIOUS

The Central Jazz Reading Band, UCO Jazz Lab, Edmond.

Unearth Unearth brings its 18-year heavy metal run into Oklahoma City 6 p.m. Friday at 89th Street Collective, 8911 N. Western Ave. The Massachusetts band cites Pantera, Swedish death metal and ’90s metalcore as its influences. Its discography is cherished in the underground. Cleveland, Ohio’s Ringworm and Minnesota’s Reflections are also performing. Tickets are $18. Visit friday Photo Bobby Bates / Provided

Benefit Jam, Bourbon Street Bar. ROCK


Michael Kleid, Fuze Buffet & Bar. VARIOUS

Edgar Cruz, Skirvin Hilton Hotel. ACOUSTIC


Rachel Brasher and Aaron Tomasko, The Depot, Norman.

Justin Echols, The Depot, Norman. JAZZ

Ross Clayton Band, Sliders.

Keith Anderson, Grady’s 66 Pub, Yukon. COUNTRY

The Friends No BS Jam, Friends Restaurant & Club.

Aaron Newman, Flint. SINGER/SONGWRITER

Brent Saulsbury/Will Galbraith/Wayne Duncan, Friends Restaurant & Club. ROCK

Corey Wilmoth/Janice Coffy/ Ed & Karen Petite, Sauced on Paseo. VARIOUS Dave Thomason Band, Grady’s 66 Pub, Yukon. COVER David Morris, Skirvin Hilton Hotel. PIANO Dellacoma, Downtown Lounge. ROCK

Derek Harris, Ember Modern American Tavern. ACOUSTIC Fred Eaglesmith, The Blue Door. COUNTRY Jade Castle, Hillbilly’s. SINGER/SONGWRITER

Matt Stansberry & The Romance, Chevy Bricktown Events



Stoney LaRue, Denny Crump Rodeo Arena, El Reno. COUNTRY Street Kings, Bourbon Street Bar. ROCK The Shut Ups/Caught Stealing/ Citadel, Blue Note Lounge. ROCK Tyler Lee, S&B’s Burger Joint, Midtown. ROCK

Chase Haberland, Full Circle Bookstore. ACOUSTIC CJ Simmons, Remington Park. COUNTRY

Daniel Jordan, Fuze Buffet & Bar. ACOUSTIC

DJ Jason Daniel, Russell’s, Tower Hotel. VARIOUS DJ Ryan Drake, 51st Street Speakeasy.




Chuck Whetstone, Skirvin Hilton Hotel. PIANO Fundamental, UCO Jazz Lab, Edmond. JAZZ

WEDNESDAY 4.13 Grant Wells, Skirvin Hilton Hotel. PIANO

Grant Stevens, Skirvin Hilton Hotel. PIANO

Maurice Johnson, R&J Lounge and Supper Club. JAZZ

Melody Pond/Zac Copeland, Hillbilly’s. FOLK

The Friends No BS Jam, Friends Restaurant & Club.

Midas 13, Okie Tonk Cafe. ROCK

Banana Seat/Kristen Stehr, Riverwind Casino, Norman.

Rodney Jones/Wes Fowler/ Olivia Little, Rodeo Opry. COUNTRY

Christian Pearson/Gary Johnson, Skirvin Hilton Hotel.

Ross Clayton Band, Sliders.

CJ Simmons, Remington Park. COUNTRY

Softaware/Kite Flying Robot/ Brother Gruesome, Blue Note Lounge. ROCK

Dirty Joke Band, Grady’s 66 Pub, Yukon. ROCK

Strangetowne, Wormy Dog Saloon. COUNTRY

DJ Six, Russell’s, Tower Hotel. VARIOUS

The Rocket Summer, 89th Street Collective. ROCK

John Carnuccio, Full Circle Bookstore. FOLK

Tish Hinojosa, The Blue Door.



Uncle Freddy, Oklahoma City Limits. ROCK

a p r i l 6 , 2 0 1 6 | O kg a z e t t e . c o m


Jonathan Richman with Tommy Larkins/OBN III’s, Opolis, Norman. ROCK

Miss Brown to You, UCO Jazz Lab, Edmond. JAZZ



Dupree Brothers, Bourbon Street Bar. BLUES

Amarillo Junction, Oklahoma City Limits. COUNTRY


Scott Lowber/Will Galbraith/ Rick Toops, Friends Restaurant & Club. COVER

Killswitch Engage/Memphis May Fire/36 Crazyfists, Diamond Ballroom. ROCK

The Central Jazz Jam, UCO Jazz Lab, Edmond. JAZZ

Tyler Lee, S&B’s Burger Joint NW OKC. ROCK


Aaron Newman Band, TapWerks Ale House & Cafe. FOLK

Derek Harris, S&B’s Burger Joint, Midwest City. ROCK


Tyler Lee/Open Jam, Oklahoma City Limits.


Center. ROCK

Tsu Shi Ma Mi Re/We Are The Asteroid, Opolis, Norman.

Michael Kleid, Flint. VARIOUS

Entombed AD/Exmortus, 89th Street Collective. ROCK

The Garage Band Jam, Jazmo’z Bourbon St. Cafe.



Kyle Dillingham & Horseshoe Road, St. John the Baptist Catholic Church. ACOUSTIC



Calendar submissions must be received by Oklahoma Gazette no later than noon on Wednesday seven days before the desired publication date. Late submissions will not be included in the listings. Submissions run as space allows, although we strive to make the listings as inclusive as possible. Fax your listings to 405-5284600 or e-mail them to listings@okgazette. com. Sorry, but phone submissions cannot be accepted.

puzzles New York Times Magazine Crossword Puzzle Pitch Imperfect


By Patrick Blindauer | Edited by Will Shortz | 0403


ACROSS 1 Comment after a bull’s-eye 9 Distress 16 When Hamlet says “Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio” 20 Sponsor of classic radio’s Little Orphan Annie 21 Lindbergh, e.g. 22 Japanese noodle 23 Warren Buffett’s rule about hugging? 26 Toymaker Rubik 27 Cone head? 28 Actor Stephen 29 Like some prose 30 You are, in español 33 Math ordinal 35 Tiger Stadium sch. 38 Skyscraping 39 Encouraging words from slug enthusiasts? 45 Word said with right or rise 46 Nothing: Fr. 47 Grp. that gets the lead out? 48 Bust supporter 51 Fifth-to-last word in the Lord’s Prayer 53 “Sharp” fashion 56 Creature on the Australian coat of arms 57 Mozart’s “____ kleine Nachtmusik” 58 Tiny powerhouse 59 Rap’s Dr. ____ 60 Hayek of Frida 62 Longtime soap actress Hall 64 Shout to one about to be knighted? 69 One side of a quad, say 71 Milo of stage and screen 72 Voice from a phone 73 Take a clothing slogan too seriously? 78 Like Loyola and Xavier universities 82 Clobbers 83 Fish eggs 84 1 + 2, in Germany 86 Prefix with -scope 87 Investment sometimes pronounced as a name 88 Risky 92 Surmise 93 Video-game playing, e.g. 96 ____ Day (Hawaiian holiday)


97 SEAL Team 6 mission 99 Chinese calendar animal 100 Tulle, to brides? 104 Carriage 105 Dundee turndown 106 Messenger of biochemistry 107 French film director Clair 108 Gray matter? 110 Have in view 112 ____-d’Oise (French department) 115 American Greed channel 118 “After all that hard work, I’ll order some cake”? 124 Latin word on the back of a dollar bill 125 Compact 126 People holding things up 127 Bellyache 128 Antarctic waters 129 “Perfecto!” DOWN 1 Terminal in a computer network 2 Composer Novello 3 Cylindrical pasta 4 The matador’s foe 5 Peter and Francis: Abbr. 6 Peg solitaire puzzle brand 7 Burden 8 Member of Generation Z 9 Looney Tunes devil, for short 10 Possible reply to “Where are you?” 11 Confirmation, e.g. 12 Thanks, in Hawaii 13 Juillet et août 14 Ibsen’s homeland: Abbr. 15 Hit the ground running? 16 Indian retreats 17 Hook, line and sinker 18 Game for little sluggers 19 Fan part 24 Huge spans 25 Little darling 31 “Climb ____ Mountain” 32 Sicilian six 34 Long race, in brief 36 Top-notch 37 Like most trivia, in the real world 39 Carried on 40 Kemper of The Office 41 Try 42 Stoned 43 Derisive cry

















33 41

45 51













110 119



Accounts receivable Sue Auld 99



Receptionist/calendar Arden Biard, Coordinator Advertising Director Christy Duane,

115 122








Fill in the grid so that every row, column and 3-by-3 box contains numbers 1 through 9. Grid n°715the diabolic

8 5

1 6 6 4

9 2 6 5 6 8 7 2 4 6 4 9 5 1

EDITOR-in-chief Jennifer Palmer Chancellor

101 “Speed” star 102 ____ bean 103 Make secret 104 Where to Invade Next filmmaker 108 Letters of invitation? 109 1914 battle site 111 Desires 113 Comparable (to) 114 Golf’s Champagne Tony 116 City and province of southern Italy 117 Anatomical sac 119 Composer of the Windows 95 start-up sound 120 Some offensive linemen: Abbr. 121 “____ sport!” 122 New York engineering sch. 123 ____ Aviv

74 1-5 on a cellphone screen 75 Precision 76 iRobot vacuum 77 Cape Cod town 79 Cut ties with, in a way 80 Best 81 Law-school class 85 Whom “I saw” on a seesaw, in a tongue twister 88 Peter Pan rival 89 Ring master 90 Play 91 One-named hitmaker of the 1950s-’60s 92 Word with two apostrophes 94 Leading 95 Pasta whose name is Italian for “feathers” 98 Sale tag abbr.

5 1 2 5 9








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Puzzle No. 0327, which appeared in the March 30 issue.


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New York Times Crossword Puzzle answers B S C H O O L

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44 Mormons, for short 49 What a bandoleer holds 50 Party with pu-pu platters 52 Cotton candy additive 54 Mummy in The Mummy 55 Saverin who co-founded Facebook 58 Musical lead-in to -smith 60 Like some losers 61 Up 63 Rogers, Orbison and Yamaguchi 65 Magazine edition: Abbr. 66 “Hey, I want to listen here!” 67 Roman gods 68 Country whose name is one letter different from a mountain 70 Gheorghe ____, former 7’7” N.B.A. player 73 “Ooh, dat hurt!”


























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free will astrology Homework: Comment on Bertrand Russell’s statement, “The universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.”

By Rob Brezny

questions on this year’s final exam are virtually identical to last year’s final exam — and yet every one of the answers has changed. Enjoy the riddle.

French artist Henri Matisse (1869-1954) is regarded as one of the greats, in the same league as Picasso and Kandinsky. Even in his eighties, he was still creating marvels that one critic said seemed “to come from the springtime of the world.” As unique as his work was, he was happy to acknowledge the fact that he thrived on the influence of other artists. And yet he also treasured the primal power of his innocence. He trusted his childlike wonder. “You study, you learn, but you guard the original naiveté,” he said. “It has to be within you, as desire for drink is within the drunkard or love is within the lover.” These are good, sweet thoughts for you to keep in mind right now, Aries.

CANCER (June 21-July 22) Your personal oracle for the coming weeks is a fable from 2600 years ago. It was originally written by the Greek storyteller Aesop, and later translated by Joseph Jacobs. As the tale begins, a dog has discovered a hunk of raw meat lying on the ground. He’s clenching his treasure in his mouth as he scurries home to enjoy it in peace. On the way, he trots along a wooden plank that crosses a rapidly-flowing stream. Gazing down, he sees his reflection in the water below. What? He imagines it’s another dog with another slab of meat. He tries to snatch away this bonus treat, but in doing so, drops his own meat. It falls into the stream and is whisked away. The moral of the fable: “Beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow.”

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

ARIES (March 21-April 19)

Taurus-born Kurt Gödel (1906-1978) was among history’s greatest logicians. His mastery of rational thought enabled him to exert a major influence on scientific thinking in the 20th century. Yet he also had an irrational fear of being poisoned, which made him avoid food unless his wife cooked it. One of the morals of his story is that reason and delusion may get all mixed up in the same location. Sound analysis and crazy superstition can get so tangled they’re hard to unravel. The coming week will be an excellent time to meditate on how this phenomenon might be at work in you. You now have an extraordinary power to figure out which is which, and then take steps to banish the crazy, superstitious, fearful stuff.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)

For a time, pioneer physicist Albert Einstein served as a professor at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, NJ. On one occasion, a student complained to him, “The questions on this year’s exam are the same as last year’s.” Einstein agreed that they were, then added, “but this year all the answers are different.” I’m seeing a similar situation in your life, Gemini. For you, too, the

“I never get lost because I don’t know where I am going,” said the Japanese poet known as Ikkyu. I stop short of endorsing this perspective for full-time, long-term use, but I think it suits you fine for right now. According to my astrological projections, you can gather the exact lessons you need simply by wandering around playfully, driven by cheerful curiosity about the sparkly sights — and not too concerned with what they mean. P.S. Don’t worry if the map you’re consulting doesn’t seem to match the territory you’re exploring.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

“If literally every action a human can perform was an Olympic sport,” asked its users, “which events would you win medals in?” A man named Hajimotto said his champion-level skill was daydreaming. “I can zone out and fantasize for hours at a time,” he testified. “This is helpful when I am waiting in line.” You Virgos are not typically Olympic-class daydreamers, but I encourage you to increase your skills in the coming weeks. It’ll be a favorable time for your imagination to run wild and free. How exuberantly can you fantasize? Find out!

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

In his book Strange Medicine, Nathan Belofsky tells us about unusual healing practices of the past. In ancient Egypt, for example, the solution for a toothache was to have a dead mouse shoved down one’s throat. If someone had cataracts, the physician might dribble hot broken glass into their eyes. I think these strategies qualify as being antidotes that were worse than the conditions they were supposed to treat. I caution you against getting sucked into “cures” like those in the coming days. The near future will be a favorable time for you to seek healing, but you must be very discerning as you evaluate the healing agents.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

In his poem “The Snowmass Cycle,” Stephen Dunn declares that everyone “should experience the double fire, of what he wants and shouldn’t have.” I foresee a rich opportunity coming up for you to do just that, Scorpio. And yes, I do regard it as rich, even marvelous, despite the fact that it may initially evoke some intense poignance. Be glad for this crisp revelation about a strong longing whose fulfillment would be no damn good for you!

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

“When I look at my life I realize that the mistakes I have made, the things I really regret, were not errors of judgment but failures of feeling.” Writer Jeanette Winterson said that, and I’m passing it on to you at the exact moment you need to hear it. Right now, you are brave enough and strong enough to deal with the possibility that maybe you’re not doing all you can to cultivate maximum emotional intelligence. You are primed to take action and make big changes if you discover that you’re not feeling as much as you can about the important things in your life.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Psychotherapist Jennifer Welwood says that sadness is often at the root of anger. Feelings of loss and disappointment and heartache are the more primary emotions, and rage is a reflexive response to them. But sadness often makes us feel vulnerable, while rage gives



us at least the illusion of being strong, and so most of us prefer the latter. But Welwood suggests that tuning in to the sadness almost always leads to a more expansive understanding of your predicament; and it often provides the opportunity for a more profound self-transformation. I invite you to apply these meditations to your own life, Capricorn. The time is right.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

“The causes of human actions are usually immeasurably more complex and varied than our subsequent explanations of them.” Fyodor Dostoyevsky said that in his novel The Idiot, and now I’m passing it on to you just in the nick of time. In the coming weeks, it’s especially important for you to not oversimplify your assessments of what motivates people — both those you respect and those you don’t fully trust. For your own sake, you can’t afford to naively assume either the best or the worst about anyone. If you hope to further your own agendas, your nuanced empathy must be turned up all the way.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

“Believing love is work is certainly better than believing it’s effortless, ceaseless bliss,” says author Eric LeMay. That’s advice I hope you’ll keep close at hand in the coming weeks, Pisces. The time will be right for you to exert tremendous effort in behalf of everything you love dearly — to sweat and struggle and strain as you create higher, deeper versions of your most essential relationships. Please remember this, though: The hard labor you engage in should be fueled by your ingenuity and your creative imagination. Play and experiment and enjoy yourself as you sweat and struggle and strain!

Go to to check out Rob Brezsny’s expanded weekly audio horoscopes /daily text message horoscopes. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 1-877-873-4888 or 1-900-950-7700.


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EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing

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The all-new BMW 7 Series


Experience uncompromised luxury and cutting-edge technology, with 13 innovations found in no other luxury vehicle. And with its ligther Carbon Core frame and 445-horespower * engine, this BMW delivers exactly the kind of performance you’d expect from the Ultimate Driving Machine.® *445 horsepower based on the 750i xDrive Sedan.

2016 740i Sedan | $979/month*

2016 528i Sedan | $499/month*

2016 320i Sedan | $320/month*

2016 640i Gran Coupe | $869/month*

2016 X5 xDrive35i | $629/month*

2016 Z4 sDrive28i | $499/month*

14145 North Broadway Extension Edmond, OK 73013 | 866.925.9885

Imports 2016 740i Sedan, 36-month lease, $5500 down, MSRP $87,895, Standard Terms 2016 320i Sedan, 36-month lease, $2750 down, MSRP $34,145, Standard Terms 2016 X5 xDrive35i, 36-month lease, $3500 down, MSRP $57, 995, Standard Terms


2016 528i Sedan, 36-month lease, $3500 down, MSRP $51,195, Standard Terms 2016 640i Gran Coupe, 36-month lease, $4500 down, MSRP $80,495, Standard Terms 2016 Z4 sDrive28i, 36-month lease, $3000 down, MSRP $50,695, Standard Terms

Web: Email: Standard terms & Tag, Tax. 1st Payment, Aquisition fee, processing fee WAC *See dealership for details — offers subject to change without prior notice. *March prices are subject to change.

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