Okido issue 11 - Blood

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OKIDO magazine ages 2–7 ISSN 1753-3139 £3.50 Issue 11 2010

OKIDO, PO Box 51971, LONDON SW9 8UZ info@okido.co.uk http://www.okido.co.uk Published by: Okido Studio Editor: Sophie Dauvois (sophie@okido.co.uk) Creative Director: Rachel Ortas Art Director: Edmund Fung Creative production: Alex Barrow Sub-Editing, PR and Marketing: Gabby Dawnay (gabby@okido.co.uk) Contributors: Baldo, Alex Barrow, Gabby Dawnay, Christie Li, Beth Morrison, Mathilde Nivet, Paul Noble, Rachel Ortas, Sabrina Tabuchi, Soju Tanaka, and Kevin Tang. Thanks to: Stephan Silver for proofreading Thanks to the Wellcome Trust for its support OKIDO is printed on 100% recycled paper and using biodegradable vegetable ink by CALVERTS print co-operative.


Distributed in the UK by WWMD. Tel: 0121 788 3112 Check out our website for a list of stockists www.okido.co.uk Š Okido Studio 2010. All rights reserved and reproduction forbidden.

Did you know?

Mosquitoes are us and drink o insects that bite ur blood for fo od. Their bite leave s is very itchy! T a spot which hey sometime s spread diseas es too. There are som e hidden in the mosquitoes magazine. Go find them!

Hello OKIDO readers! Did you know that you are red inside? Colour in RED all the animals with blood in GREEN all the plants in GREY the other, non-living things

Story & Illustration by: Rachel Ortas

Wha-hoo! So much snow today! Messy Monster, Felix and Zoe are making a snowman. ‘I like you’, says Felix to the snowman ‘Oh yes, we like you very much’, says Zoe.

It will be so nice to have a snow friend...

‘Please, Messy Monster wake him up! Make him move’.

‘I know what a snowman needs to be alive.... just a little heart inside!’ says Messy Monster.

‘Wakey, wakey little snowman...’

‘Can you feel your heart beat?’ asks Messy Monster.

‘Hey! let’s play’, says Snowman.

‘Hooray! Hooray!’

‘Let’s have a gigantic snow ball fight!’ says Snowman. They were so happy to play, jump and feel their little hearts beat...

Our questions with

Story by: Dr. Sophie Illustration by: Alex Barrow

Zam had cut her knee whilst climbing a tree… What’s the red stuff?

That is blood. Hold still while I clean it away and put this plaster on you.

What’s blood? Okay, let me show you where the blood comes from with this projector.


Hold this page up to the light to see the inside of the body.


OUCH ! something bit me!

This is the blood system.

They are called BLOOD VESSELS…

…the blood travels around the body in them…

What Whatare arethe the red redand andblue blue lines? lines?

Can you see the HEART? It pumps the blood all around the body.

Let’s have a closer look at the blood…



RED BLOOD CELL We help heal wounds

We deliver food We warm up the body

We carry oxygen


Hey! I understand. The blood goes round and round the body like a delivery service or a train set.

The Zoom Blood Express

Head Station

swap waste for oxygen

Lung Station

pick up waste deliver oxygen deliver food

Follow the blood train and deliver oxygen and food all around the body

Arm Mu Station

I am ZOOM the blood delivery train!

Leg Muscle Station

Heart Central Station

Small Instestine Station

increase your speed

pick up food

uscle pick up waste deliver oxygen deliver food

Play with your own train set or follow the track on the page

pick up waste deliver oxygen deliver food

Let’s listen to the heart! Design & Illustration by: Kevin Tang

The first stethoscope was invented by a French doctor who was too shy to put his ear against a lady’s chest.

Let’s make a stethoscope with a cardboard tube. Paint some patterns on it.

He thought of making a tube by rolling up some sheets of paper and used that to listen to the heart of his beautiful patient. He heard the beating of the heart very clearly indeed! He had invented the stethoscope.

Place it over someones heart and listen to the heartbeat.

Try listening to someones heart after they’ve done some exercise.

Notice any difference?

Design and Illustration by: Soju Tanaka

Go Back!



Where did you go?




How To Play Choose and follow a blue line with your finger downwards . If you meet a red dot , turn onto a green line and follow the next blue line . If you meet an orange line , jump a blue line.


Help the Red Blood Cells to take Oxygen to the Organs!


Let’s play with Blood Cells!

Fold along the dotted line and the White Blood Cells will eat the germs!

Draw whatever you want him to eat inside his mouth and play!

Can you spot 5 differences between these two images?

This poor kid has fallen over. With a brown pencil, draw scabs on the injuries to help them heal.

Make a red plasticine ball. Fold the paper along the dotted lines on the left hand drawing to form a path. Move the ball back and forth between the lungs and heart. How many times can you keep the ball moving without it falling? If you find it too difficult, fold back the edges!

Illustration by: Mathilde Nivet

Seek. Locate.

Foxy is on a table covered with organs! Can you see him ?

Can you find these, too?

Story & Illustration by: Beth Morrison



Put all the ingredients together in a mixing bowl


3 cups of plain flour 1 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda 100g of butter chopped into bits 3/4 cup of brown sugar 1 egg 4 tablespoons of golden syrup 1 teaspoon of mixed spices 1 teaspoon of cinnamon 3

Dust the rolling pin and the table with flour. Roll the pastry to about the thickness of your little finger. Cut out the shapes with a knife or a pastry cutter


Mix until you have a good pastry ball

1 rolling pin 1 shape cutter


Place the cut out pastry on a baking tray and bake for 10 minutes in a preheated oven at 180ÂşC (Gas mark 4)


Decorate with icing, dry fruits and red jam...

THE VAMPIRE PIG Poem by: Gabby Dawnay Illustration by: Baldo

The vampire pig has fangs of white. He sleeps by day and hunts by night. While other pigs delight in mud, The vampire pig, he dreams of blood… Oh how we fear this little swine Who on your neck has cruel design! Oh what a wicked little beast Who longs upon your blood to feast… Like other pigs he’s plump and pink, But if he says he’d like a drink Run quickly past and loudly shout “Just take away your drooling snout!” “You may not be so very big, But what sharp fangs, you crafty pig!” Keep your distance, never stop – He’ll suck your blood - yes every drop.

Story & Illustration by: Christie Li

Did you have toys like this? Ask a parent, grandparent or someone older than you which toys they had when they were little. Which one was their favourite?

This month we visited the Museum of Childhood in London where we discovered lots of amazing toys from the past. Try to find them next time you visit the museum.

Now make your own museum. Choose your favourite toys and organise a little exhibition. Prepare the exhibition by drawing your favourite toys in the space below. Draw some exhibition tickets and invite people to visit!

e ts for th e k c i t eum wn mus r your guests! o r u o y r fo Make n pape o n o i t i exhib

Why does Dracula read OKIDO? He heard it has good circulation. WhatisDracula’sFavouritemode of transport? A Blood vessel. What is dracula’s Favourite soup? Scream of Tomato.

There are 8 m o s in this magazin quitoes e you find them . Did ?

Did you count?

SUBSCRIPTION A subscription costs £20 in the UK (£30 international) for the next 6 issues, including delivery. Okido is published every 3 months. Subscribe by Post: you can send your child’s name and address along with a cheque payable to Okido to: Okido, PO Box 51971, LONDON SW9 8UZ Subscribe Online: on : http://www.okido.co.uk/ where you can pay by CREDIT CARD or PAYPAL



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This issue of OKIDO is about blood circulation and the heart. Messy Monster, Felix and Zoe make a new friend. Zam’s knee is bleeding so Zim and Zoom explain what blood is and how it travels everywhere in the body...Yoga Monkey tries out some new sports, and Squirrel Boy feels his heart beating really fast after doing lots of exercise. Watch out for the naughty beast who has buzzed through the magazine biting lots of characters. Will Pop and Puff dicover who it is? And much, much more to play, cook and draw! Enjoy!

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