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Blackburns' Army of 'Angels' Helps Find Cure for Cystic Fibrosis

By Brianna Wall | Editor & Creative Director

Ryan and Amy Blackburn received some unexpected news following the birth of their third daughter, Emery, almost seven years ago. Doctors later confirmed she had Cystic Fibrosis (CF), and the Blackburns’ new mission in life began to take shape.

“Since our daughter was diagnosed with CF in 2012, we have made it our mission to support the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF) and its quest to find a cure for this disease,” said Ryan, OEC's manager of logistics.

Ryan and Amy immediately got to work on planning the next steps and finding ways they could get involved and help Emery live a long and happy life.

“When Emery was diagnosed, we all wanted to do whatever we could to help,” said Amy. “We got in touch with the local CFF chapter, and they told us about the Great Strides Walk. That first year we had 35 people who came, and we all started fundraising.” Six years later, Emery’s Angels has grown to an army of over 80 people.

People just want to help, they want to be part of it,” said Amy. “They want to be one of Emery’s Angels.”

CF, a progressive, genetic disease that causes persistent lung infections and limits the ability to breathe over time, affects more than 30,000 people in the United States and 70,000 worldwide. Emery’s daily regimen includes daily breathing treatments, sinus rinses and a box full of pills with breakfast. She has endured five sinus surgeries and several hospitalizations for pneumonia.

Fundraising efforts like the Great Strides Walk have led to historic breakthrough treatments and specialized care for kids like Emery.

Emery’s Angels have helped the Blackburns raise over $200,000 in six years as a result of T-shirt sales, trap shoots, homemade item sales and multiple other fundraisers. As a result they received the Breath of Life Award at a CFF gala last September in Oklahoma City. The Breath of Life Award ispresented annually to an organization or individual who has provided exceptional support in the fight against CF.

If you’d like to donate to the CFF through Emery’s Angels in support of their quest for a cure, visit the Facebook page at www. facebook.com/cfEmerysAngels. Fundraising and T-shirt sales to support the 2019 Great Strides Walk will begin in April. “We’re doing everything we can to make it better for, not just Emery, but everyone who is diagnosed with CF,” said Amy “I want to be able to say we did everything we could to help.”

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