1 minute read

Take Action Now to Reduce Your Summer Cooling Costs

We know summer electric bills can be a struggle, but we have good news! Implementing a few simple, energy efficient habits can mean big savings this summer, and we want to help you save that hard-earned money. Join us throughout the month of May for our 30 Days of Savings and you will walk away with helpful tools to curb your energy use and find savings — you could also win a Nest thermostat or one of five Echo Dots!

Members who sign up for 30 Days of Savings will receive either a brief email or text each day for 30 days leading up to June 1 that will contain a low- to no-cost energy efficiency tip that's practical and simple to perform. Those who post how they implemented the energy-efficiency tip on Facebook or Instagram using #myOECsavings will be entered to win a Nest thermostat or one of five Echo Dots.

"We hope members who take part in 30 Days of Savings will discover that saving money on their electric bills is simpler than they might think," said Daniel Lofland, energy efficiency solutions specialist.

A few new habits — or changing some others — could bring big savings this summer."

Sign up at www.okcoop.org/30daysofsavings.

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