Oklahoma Electric Cooperative News April 24

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Volume 72, Issue 9 April 2024 CO-OP NEWS OKLAHOMA ELECTRIC PLUS >> 2024 Youth Tour winners selected >> OEC's annual tree giveaway: details inside! Saluting Lineworkers: Our Community's Essential Heroes For members of

Last month, OEC and OEC Fiber were awarded the Large Business of the Year by the Norman Chamber of Commerce. This accolade is a profound acknowledgment of our entire team's hard work and dedication. Each member of our workforce, from those in the field to our member service associates, has played a vital role in taking care of our members and subscribers.

It's rewarding to be recognized by our community, especially since the true essence of our excellence lies in being reliable to the point of being taken for granted. The lights go on, and unless there's an outage, it's not something you actively think about – but it's always there, thanks to our team's efforts.

Our board, embodying our core value of leadership, shares in this honor. However, I firmly believe that excellence springs from the collective action of all employees, doing their jobs in extraordinary ways.

What sets us apart is the significance of our work. In a profit-driven world, our cooperative perspective is about more than the bottom line; it's about genuinely serving our members and subscribers. That mission provides an edge, making our jobs rewarding and fostering a culture where financial success translates into tangible benefits for our members, like lower rates and better service.

Our 'people-first' philosophy extends internally, where we focus on creating an environment where employees feel valued and appreciated. This approach is fundamental to providing superior service. When our employees are engaged, passionate and feel cared for, they, in turn, take exceptional care of our members and subscribers.

Speaking of employee appreciation, Lineworker Appreciation Day is April 18. Let's take a moment to thank our lineworkers for their remarkable work in ensuring that our community has reliable access to electricity. They perform critical and hazardous work, especially during extreme weather or emergencies. Their dedication is essential to the comfort and convenience we enjoy every day. If you see a lineworker this month, show your appreciation. Learn more on page 6.

Our DNA is centered around serving others, and that includes taking care of our own team. By making the well-being and growth of our team a priority, we're able to create a culture where the work not only gets done but is done exceptionally well. We will continue to support and empower each other with the same spirit of service that defines us.

2 Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • April 2024
Oklahoma Electric Co-op News is published monthly by Oklahoma Electric Cooperative, 242 24th Ave. NW, Norman, OK 73069, (USPS-865-700). Subscription rates: $6.00 per year for non-members, 50¢ per year for members. Periodical postage paid at Norman, OK and other additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Please send form 3579 to: Oklahoma Electric Co-op News, PO Box 1208, Norman, OK 73070. Co-op News Editor JoMarie Ramsey jomarie.ramsey@okcoop.org Oklahoma Electric Cooperative 2520 Hemphill | PO Box 1208 Norman, OK, 73070 321-2024, FAX 405-217-6900 okcoop.org Chief Executive Officer ............................. Patrick Grace VP of Accounting .......................................... Sara Thomas VP of Employee Services ......................... Tracy Mowdy VP of Engineering ...................................... Thad Peterson VP of Member Engagement ...... Autumn McMahon VP of Operations................ Marty Hayes and Clint Mobley VP of Safety & Loss Control ........ ............ Ryan Spears President of OEC Fiber ................. David Goodspeed Executive Services Manager ........... Amanda Hardy EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP
OF TRUSTEES FROM the TOP CEO ADDRESS PATRICK GRACE Members who find their account number hidden within the text of this issue will be awarded $50. Call (405) 217-6712. District Shirley Idleman, President 5 District5Trustee@okcoop.org Danny Watters, Vice President 7 District7Trustee@okcoop.org Ronnie Grover, Sec./Treas. 4 District4Trustee@okcoop.org John Jensen, Asst. Sec./Treas. 6 District6Trustee@okcoop.org Mike Argo 1 District1Trustee@okcoop.org Danny Drake, Jr. 2 District2Trustee@okcoop.org Debbie Frazier 3 District3Trustee@okcoop.org Bob Usry 8 District8Trustee@okcoop.org Ronnie Tharp 9 District9Trustee@okcoop.org
3 okcoop.org OF THE MONTH Lengthen the life of your clothes dryer with regular cleaning. Clean the lint filter after every load, which improves air circulation and safety. Check the lint trap opening to ensure it’s clean. Use a vacuum to remove any lint that’s fallen inside the opening. If you use dryer sheets, check the lint filter for residue buildup. Remove any residue with hot water and a nylon brush or toothbrush. Over time, dryer sheets can leave a film on the filter, which can affect the performance of the motor. ENERGY EF F I CIENCY WHAT'S INSIDE? THE POWER BEYOND YOUR POWER Explore the vital role of lineworkers in our daily lives ENERGY-SAVING TREES OEC giving away 200 free trees this month BEST AND BRIGHTEST 2024 Youth Tour and Camp RYLA winners announced TABLE OF CONTENTS 05 06 08 10 ALSO INSIDE: 13 13 13 14 The Current Buzz podcast WFEC Generation Report Tasty Treats Classified Ads BEYOND THE SALE OEC Fiber's business team is redefining sales and engagement

OEC and OEC Fiber Awarded Large Business of the Year

OEC Board Trustees

John Jensen and Danny Watters Renew Director Gold Credential

OEC Districts 6 and 7 Board

Trustees John Jensen and Danny Watters recently renewed their Director Gold credential, which recognizes directors committed to continuing their education in the electric industry. Renewing this credential demonstrates the trustees' ongoing commitment to advancing their knowledge and performing their fiduciary duty to the best of their ability.

Congratulations, John and Danny!

Service and community impact: a testament to dedication and innovation

In an impressive testament to its commitment to community and excellence, Oklahoma Electric Cooperative (OEC), along with our subsidiary OEC Fiber, was awarded the esteemed "Large Business of the Year" by the Norman Chamber of Commerce. The accolade was presented during a ceremony at the Embassy Suites in Norman, Oklahoma, on Feb. 1, highlighting our impact on the communities we serve and our unwavering dedication to core values.

The award reflects the collective efforts of every team member at OEC and OEC Fiber, whose daily operations ensure reliable services and member satisfaction.

"This honor is a testament to our employees and board's unwavering dedication to being more than just service providers, but good and wonderful neighbors to our members and subscribers,” said OEC CEO Patrick Grace. “It's about connecting, empowering and enriching our communities in every action we take.”

David Goodspeed, President of OEC Fiber, remarked on the longterm significance of our work.

“At OEC and OEC Fiber, we're not just laying fiber optic cables or maintaining power lines; we're building lifelines that connect our members to the world,” Goodspeed said. “This award from the Norman Chamber is a gratifying acknowledgment of our efforts to connect and empower our community. It reaffirms our resolve to keep pushing forward, making sure no one is left behind in today's digital world."

The Norman Chamber of Commerce's recognition of OEC and OEC Fiber underlines the importance of our mission beyond the accolade itself. It reinforces the vital role of cooperatives in improving lives, whether through electrification or enhancing connectivity, ensuring that our legacy of service continues for future generations.

4 Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • April 2024


OEC giving away 200 trees in April

For the seventh year in a row, OEC is partnering with the Arbor Day Foundation to give free trees to memberconsumers.

"Members who take advantage of energy efficiency measures in the months leading up to summer can maximize their savings," said Daniel Lofland, energy efficiency solutions specialist. "We are proud to offer the Energy-Saving Trees program free of charge to our members."

Energy-Saving Trees is a researchbased, easy-to-use online mapping tool that takes the guesswork out of tree planting. By entering simple information about your home and yard, the tool calculates where to specifically and strategically plant trees for the greatest energy- and money-saving benefits.

Planting the right tree in the right place is key to maximizing the energysaving benefits that trees provide. When

planted properly, a single tree can save a homeowner up to 20% on energy costs. Members who are interested may begin claiming their one free tree on April 4 and must be able to pick it up in Norman on April 20 between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. Visit arborday.org/OEC to register and for more information. 8231345101




*A limited number of trees will be available. Limit one per membership. Must be able to pick up your tree at 480 24th Avenue NW in Norman on April 20 between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m.

5 okcoop.org


You’ve likely noticed OEC crews out and about, working on power lines and other electrical equipment in our community. It’s no secret that a lineworker’s job is tough––but it’s a job that’s essential and must be done, often in challenging conditions. This month, as we celebrate Lineworker Appreciation Day on April 18, I thought I’d share some interesting facts about electric lineworkers with you.

The work can be heavy, in more ways than one. Did you know the equipment and tools that a lineworker carries while climbing a utility pole can weigh up to 50 pounds? That’s the same as carrying six gallons of water. Speaking of utility poles, lineworkers are required to climb poles ranging anywhere from 30 to 120 feet tall. Needless to say, if you have a fear of heights, this likely isn’t the career path for you.

Lineworkers must be committed to their career––because it’s not just a job, it’s a lifestyle. The long hours and ever-present danger can truly take a toll. In fact, being a lineworker is listed in the top 10 most dangerous jobs in the U.S.

6 Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • April 2024


Lineworkers often work non-traditional hours, outdoors in difficult conditions. While the job does not require a college degree, it does require technical skills, years of training and hands-on learning. Did you know that to become a journeyman lineworker can take more than 8,000 hours of training (or about four years)? That’s because working with high-voltage equipment requires specialized skills, experience and an ongoing mental toughness. Shortcuts are not an option, and there is no room for error in this line of work.

Despite the many challenges, OEC’s lineworkers are committed to powering our local communities. During severe weather events that bring major power outages, lineworkers are among the first ones called. They must be ready to leave the comfort of their home and families unexpectedly, and they don’t return until the job is done, often days later. That’s why the lineworker’s family is also dedicated to service. They understand the importance of the job to the community.

Nationwide, there are approximately 120,000 electric lineworkers. Here in Central Oklahoma, OEC has lineworkers who are responsible for keeping power flowing 24/7, 365 days a year. To do this, they maintain 5,800 miles of power lines across seven counties and 2,200 square miles. In addition to the highly visible tasks lineworkers perform, their job today goes far beyond climbing utility poles to repair a wire or string fiber lines. Today’s lineworkers are information experts who can pinpoint power outages from miles away. Line crews now use laptops, tablets, drones and other technologies to map outages, survey damage and

job, but it is essential to our community's life. Without the exceptional dedication and commitment of these hardworking men and women, we simply would not have the reliable electricity or internet services that we need for everyday life.

So, the next time you see a lineworker, please thank them for the work they do to keep power and internet flowing, regardless of the time of day or weather conditions. After all, lineworkers are the power behind your power. Please join us as we recognize them on April 18, and follow “#ThankALineworker” on social media to see how others are recognizing lineworkers.

okcoop.org 7


OEC awarded allexpenses-paid trips to six extremely talented high school juniors during the 2024 Youth Tour Banquet held Feb. 22. Justin Baker and Zoie Dunkleberger from Moore High School, Zoë Delheimer from Blanchard High School and Taehyun Hwang from Southmoore High School won a seven-day trip to Washington, D.C. on Oklahoma’s Youth Tour. The other finalists — Belinda Garvie from Tuttle and Makenzie Stone from Blanchard — won trips to Camp RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards). Both trips will occur this summer.

All applicants were asked to design a communitybenefitting project, produce a short video promoting the project and write a professional letter to a leader of their choice about either their project or other public interest issues. Finalists created PowerPoint presentations and “pitched” their community projects in front of OEC trustees, senior staff, representatives from their schools, their families and three independent judges.

“We want to support and encourage the kind of human who lends their talents and efforts to improving life in their communities,” said Tory Tedder-Loffland, OEC education and outreach programs director. “All six of these finalists qualify as amazing humans who will do amazing things in life.”

The panel of judges included The Honorable Danny Sterling, who represents House District 27, April Doshier, executive director of Food & Shelter, Inc., and Lydia Bomboy, 2017 OEC Youth Tour winner and elementary teacher at OKC Public Schools.

“I am impressed by all the applicants and their passion

for service,” Tedder-Loffland said. “This contest emphasizes grassroots initiatives to affect positive change in their communities.”

As winners of the 2024 Youth Tour, Baker, Dunkleberger, Delheimer and Hwang will travel to the nation’s capital in June along with 70 of their peers from electric co-ops across the state. They will spend the week experiencing Washington, D.C.’s historic monuments and museums, meeting with Oklahoma’s Congressional delegation and making new, lifelong friends.

While at Camp RYLA, Garvie and Stone will learn improved techniques of leadership. Their enthusiasm and technique are brought back to their communities, where their positive influence impacts those around them. RYLA introduces a large number of young people and their families to the Rotary ideals of service each year. It helps bridge the communication gap between the generations and helps improve relationships among youth groups, families and the community.

“I am confident OEC will be very well represented both in Washington, D.C. and at Camp RYLA,” said OEC CEO Patrick Grace. “The board and I are happy to support programs that encourage our next generation of co-op members to dream big and become the community leaders we know they are capable of becoming.”

Oklahoma Electric Cooperative is Oklahoma’s largest member-owned electric cooperative, and OEC Fiber is the state’s largest wholly-owned broadband subsidiary. OEC provides electricity to over 62,000 accounts and broadband services to over 37,000 subscribers in seven central Oklahoma counties. The service area includes approximately 2,200 square miles with 5,600 miles of electric line and 3,900 miles of fiber line. To find out more about OEC, visit okcoop.org and OECFiber.com.

8 Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • April 2024
From left to right: OEC CEO Patrick Grace, Youth Tour winners Taehyun Hwang, Justin Baker, Zoie Dunkleberger, Zoe Delheimer and OEC Board President Shirley Idleman.
9 okcoop.org
From left to right: OEC Board Member Bob Usry, RYLA winners Makenzie Stone and Belinda Garvie, and Ellen Usry.

Beyond the Sale

OEC Fiber’s human-centered approach revolutionizes the way we think about sales and service

We've all had those uncomfortable encounters with salespeople who seem to listen only with the intent to sell, not to understand. Picture the insistent car salesman who can't grasp why a minivan isn't suitable for a bachelor or the persistent telemarketer who calls during dinner, oblivious to your polite declines. These experiences leave us wishing for a genuine connection, for someone to hear our needs rather than pitch their product. Breaking free from these all-toofamiliar frustrations, the OEC Fiber Business team is revolutionizing service by redefining the essence of salesmanship. 0413321801

“It’s about ensuring that a business is set up for success,” said OEC Fiber Senior Manager of Sales & Business Development Michelle Hohlier. “It’s not about us or getting a sale. It’s about providing the highest quality and service to our members and subscribers.”

Isaac Lewis, a key member of the OEC Fiber's Sales and Business Development team, approaches each interaction with a commitment to understanding and meeting the specific needs of his clients.

“I’m motivated by feeling good about what I do, not sales numbers,” Lewis said. “Our sales team takes pride in simplifying our subscribers'

lives rather than complicating them. We’re not selling you something you don’t need; we’re inquiring about what you need.”

During sales calls, members of the business sales team navigate the dual worlds of technology and business with the ease of someone who speaks both languages fluently.

“We speak with a variety of people, from business owners to IT professionals,” Lewis said. “Sales calls require striking a balance between speaking the language of tech without overwhelming and communicating clearly.”

It’s not about us or getting a sale. It’s about providing the highest quality and service to our members and subscribers.

Lewis's past role as a fitness instructor, particularly in group classes, sharpened his skill at making complex concepts understandable. He applies this same skill set to his role at OEC Fiber, approaching every business engagement with an eye for the unique communication needs of his clients.

"It's about clarity and relevance," Lewis said. "My goal is to ensure technical details enhance, rather than complicate, a business owner's vision."

The OEC Fiber team's commitment to superior service is evidenced in the hands-on approach during site visits. Lewis and Site Visit Coordinator Dan Pryor focus on the collaborative nature of the encounter, evaluating the compatibility of technical systems with OEC Fiber's network.

"These sessions are about aligning our capabilities with the client's vision and capacity," Lewis explains. “This level of personal engagement exemplifies OEC Fiber's mission to provide not just support, but guidance and understanding.”

OEC Fiber’s dedication is also manifested in the meticulous planning and execution of its installation and infrastructure management. OEC Fiber’s strategy for placing network conduits and taps ensures that the technical infrastructure performs optimally and integrates seamlessly into the physical and operational layout of the businesses they serve.

"I have worked in other similar companies, but the planning and execution we do for installations has been planned meticulously," Pryor said. "Our installations are designed to be as unobtrusive and effective as possible."

Other internet and fiber companies typically measure installation success based on two factors: the time spent on installation and the number of revisits required to fix issues from a drop, Pryor said.

“Install techs are often paid based

10 Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • April 2024
Story and photo by JoMarie Ramsey

on the number of jobs they complete, which means that the more time they spend at a location, the fewer jobs they can complete,” Pryor said. “This can create pressure to complete jobs as quickly as possible, leading to mistakes.”

Rather than focusing on speed or the number of jobs we can complete, we emphasize service, ensuring the work is done to a high standard, Pryor said. This approach encourages installers to take their time and pay close attention to the details rather than rushing through jobs to maximize their pay. By prioritizing quality over quantity, OEC Fiber can provide subscribers with reliable, long-lasting installations that meet or exceed their expectations.

This reveals a company culture that prioritizes exceeding member and subscriber expectations and responding to the changing tides of business needs. Lewis reflects on the industry's evolution and OEC Fiber's proactive steps to ensure their offerings are current and leadingedge.

"We're not just keeping up; we're pushing forward," Lewis said. “This dedication to service excellence drives OEC Fiber’s growing success in a fiercely competitive market.”

In every aspect of its operations, OEC Fiber views its subscribers as customers and collaborators in progress. They offer a level of service that anticipates needs and provides solutions designed to aid the growth and evolution of the businesses they partner with.

"Our clients are our partners, and their success is our success," Lewis said.

Isaac Lewis and the OEC Fiber Business team represent a vanguard in the fiber industry, heralding a shift from transactional interactions to relationships built on understanding and mutual benefit.

By placing an unwavering focus on service before sales, OEC Fiber is not just connecting businesses to the digital world but creating a blueprint for the future of member and subscriber service.

did you know you can CHANGE YOUR RATE?

Exploring our rate options could save you money this summer

Spring is here, and soon your electric bill will reflect it. Now is the time to take a closer look at not just how much electricity you use, but how you use it, so you can be on the rate that keeps more money in your pocket.


The EV rate is designed to benefit both EV owners and any household capable of moving their energy use to the evening and overnight hours. Offering an attractive 9¢ per kWh from 5 a.m. to 9 p.m. and an even lower 5¢ per kWh from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m., this rate plan is perfect for those looking to save by simply adjusting their electricity usage habits. Accompanied by a daily $1.50 service availability charge, the savings potential for those who can leverage these off-peak hours is substantial.


Switching to a rate that aligns with your consumption patterns and lifestyle is straightforward. Not sure which rate is best for you? Simply enter your account number at okcoop.org/ratecalc and we'll calculate it for you. Remember, rate changes are permitted once every 12 months, so it's essential to choose the one that offers the best savings potential for you.

Our rate experts are on hand to perform a personalized comparison of your energy usage, evaluating factors like your overall consumption, peak hours, and lifestyle to pinpoint the most cost-effective plan for you. By taking advantage of this service, you can significantly impact your annual savings.

Don't let the opportunity to optimize your energy expenses and save on your electric bill pass you by. Submit a rate comparison at okcoop.org/rate-comparison to discover just how much you can save with the EV rate or other available plans.

We're committed to helping you achieve greater savings on your electric bill—let us guide you to the best rate for your needs.

11 okcoop.org

Beyond the Cable With David Goodspeed

We founded OEC Fiber to provide the most reliable service while making it affordable and accessible. With storm season around the corner, our network’s reliability is more critical than ever.

Our lineworkers and technicians play a crucial role in ensuring reliability. They answer the call regardless of the weather, working tirelessly to restore service and repair damage at all hours so our members and subscribers remain connected.

Unfortunately, outages are an inevitable part of storm season. Our team treats every outage seriously, recognizing that prolonged service interruptions can limit people’s access to the essential services we provide.

We have taken reliability into account during adverse events throughout every aspect of our services, including TV. OEC Fiber TV does not depend on satellites that go down in severe weather. With a direct line to Channels 4, 5, 9 and 25, our network was built to keep broadcasting no matter what Oklahoma storms may bring.

OEC Fiber also works to keep electrical outages to a minimum and stops outages before they start. An innovative program called Adaptively Controlled Electric System (ACES) uses real-time communication between devices called reclosers to control power flow across the electric grid. By detecting interruptions and rerouting power, ACES keeps members and subscribers connected when they would otherwise be left in the dark.

ACES adds value to our fiber service without changing the cost to our members and subscribers. We have also added value services like ProtectIQ to monitor and block threats. Unlike other providers, we offer this added protection at no additional cost. Our steadfast dedication to quality and affordability sets us apart from other broadband service providers.

OEC Fiber is dedicated to adding unparalleled value to our members and subscribers without imposing additional costs and maintaining the highest reliability standards. We look forward to the opportunities ahead, knowing that our unwavering commitment to excellence will continue to set us apart.



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Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • April 2024
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Don't miss the latest podcast episodes:

Season 3, Episode 24: Streamlined Look: The Power of Electric and Fiber Together

Episode 23: We've Come a Long Way: How OEC Evolved the Past 38 Years with Marty Hayes




ƒ 8 medium bone-in, skin-on chicken thighs (2¼ pounds)

ƒ Kosher salt and black pepper

ƒ Good olive oil

ƒ 2 cups halved and thinly sliced yellow onion (2 onions)


ƒ 2 tablespoons dry white wine

ƒ 8 ounces crème fraîche

ƒ 1 tablespoon good Dijon mustard

ƒ 1 teaspoon whole-grain mustard

ƒ 1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley


Western Farmers Electric Cooperative (WFEC), OEC's wholesale generation and transmission power provider, has an impressive renewable portfolio that includes wind, hydro and solar. OEC's Solar Garden, located at Interstate 35 and Highway 77 in Norman, began producing power in February 2017, and Tuttle's 40-acre Solar Farm began operation in March 2017. As more solar facilities come online, expect to see it added to WFEC's generation report, increasing the already robust mix of renewable energy sources.

1. Place the chicken thighs on a cutting board, skin side up, and pat them dry with paper towels. Sprinkle the chicken with 1½ teaspoons salt and ¾ teaspoon pepper. Turn them over and sprinkle them with one more teaspoon of salt.

2. Heat 1 tablespoon olive oil in a large (11 to 12-inch) cast-iron skillet over medium heat. When the oil is hot, place the chicken in the pan in one layer, skin side down. Cook over medium heat for 15 minutes without moving, until the skin is golden brown. (If the skin gets too dark, turn the heat to medium low.) Turn the chicken pieces with tongs, add the onions to the pan, including under the chicken, and cook over medium heat for 15 minutes, stirring the onions occasionally, until the thighs are cooked to 155 to 160 degrees and the onions are browned. Transfer the chicken (not the onions) to a plate and allow to rest uncovered while you make the sauce. If the onions aren’t browned, cook them for another minute.

3. Add the wine, crème fraîche, Dijon mustard, whole-grain mustard, and 1 teaspoon salt to the skillet and stir over medium heat for one minute. Return the chicken, skin side up, and the juices to the skillet, sprinkle with parsley, and serve hot.

29% Renewables

Data collected from Western Farmers Electric Cooperative reflects generation during February 2024.

To view real-time generation output and environmental benefits of OEC's Solar Garden, visit link.okcoop.org/solar

Visit link.okcoop.org/solar-garden-tours to tour OEC's Solar Garden, located at Interstate 35 and Highway 77 in Norman.

via barefootcontessa.com
iTunes Spotify 13 okcoop.org




• ‘50 Chevy Pick up (Complete) original, Newer Wheels and Tires Newcastle, $2100. 417-0425.

• ‘93 XJS Jag convertible tan/white new leather seats, new wool carpet $10,00. 803-4046.

• TIRES (2) TOYO 225/45R17 94W (1) GOOD YEAR 225/45T; $20 each or $50 for all. 831-6625.

• ‘12 Cadillac cts it’s a very good car; It has a lot of new parts on it 195,000 miles, $6,995. 249-4868.

• ‘20 Lexus ES 350 Premium Package 46,000 miles $26,500. 213-9399.

• Blueox bumper hitch with sway bars used 3 times, sales for $800 new; will take $400 or best offer. 627-2863.

• ‘07 Harley Davidson 1200cc Sportster 14000 Miles Immaculate OU-Crimson/ Cream. 464-6106.

• ‘07 masda3 likely broke timing chain, no diagnosis done good body 185 mi great for teens fixer-up first car $225. 794-2672 or 623-6774.

• 94 f150 4x4 parts or all, running when parked wrecked driver side. 326-0665.

• ‘15 Honda Goldwing Motorcycle, black in color, has a very smooth ride, need to sell, has 51000 miles, asking $ 14K. 430-3015.


• Ferris Mower ZTR 1S 1500Z series 25hp Kawasaki 52” deck Only 561 hrs $3,000 super clean. 620-4665.

• Free Appliance & scrap metal removal A/C farm equip lawnmowers bikes hw heaters gym equip appliances all metal items. 863-7492.

• 100 6 Ft Tposts, good used straight $2 each. 388-5658.

• Horse Trailer for sale, 02 Sundowner, 2-horse, gooseneck, living quarter/tack, kept in barn, $10,000. 824-9294.

• One owner 1983 ford 1710 4 wheel drive tractor, 24hp diesel; including 5’ land pride finish mower, 2 box blades, auger w/2 drills, 2100 hours on tractor, $9,750. 823-7310.

• ‘13 - 2 horse bumper pull trailer, Stallion by Homesteader, model 214FB, clean and hardly used, asking $8,500. 301-509-9559 or 301-509-5058.


• Solid wood dining room table with built-in extension, includes 4 cushioned chairs; Photos available by request; $500. 627-6112.

• For Sale in Norman: Carved wooden screen; approx 6 ft x 6 ft, $300 cash. (580) 467-8767.


• Small square oat hay bale $7 native grass $8. 473-7395 or 229-6116.

• Hay 4 sale high quality bermuda grass round,square bales, call for pricing; Discounted rate when you buy more. 826-0120.

• Seasoned firewood Pecan and oak $110 per Rick delivery extra. 808-5568.

• Small square bermuda $12 a bale, NW of Pocasset. 459-6543.

• Oak pecan hickory green or seasoned all split round or mixed available @ classen and cedar lane norman ok. 820-0618.

• Small square Bermuda sprayed and fertilized $12 per bale Round bales of Bermuda. 459-6543.

• Small square bermuda grass horse hay in 21 bale bundles, sprayed and fertilized, located in East Norman. 850-1005.

SLATE SEPTIC SERVICE Tank pumping & installing • Dozer & backhoe dirt work All phone numbers are area code 405 unless otherwise noted 405.912.5021 CALL OKIE BEFORE YOU DIG AND AVOID PLANTING TREES UNDER POWER LINES Help keep our electric and internet infrastructure reliable for years to come! Call 8-1-1 before you dig and always look up before planting trees. Registered Representative/Securities & services offered through FBL Marketing Services, LLC+, 5400 University Ave., West Des Moines, IA 50266, 877/860-2904, Member SIPC. Farm Bureau Life Insurance Company+/West Des Moines, IA. Oklahoma Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Company/Oklahoma City, OK. +Affiliates AUTO • HOME • COMMERCIAL • LIFE FARM & RANCH • FINANCIAL Darrell J. David, Agent 405.329.1830 800 SW 134th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73170 CLASSIFIED ADS
All phone numbers are area code 405 unless otherwise noted

• Firewood For Sale; Seasoned Oak and Pecan- $100 per rick; Seasoned or Green Hickory$125 per rick. 834-6323.


• Havamalt puppies (Havanese x Maltese), small, non-shedding, hypo-allergenic, lovingly raised in our home, well socialized, and always current on vet care, we are Joyful Havamalts on Facebook, $1000-$1,200 Lexington, OK. 740-9218.

• Havamalt puppies (Havanese x Maltese), small, non-shedding, hypo-allergenic, lovingly raised in our home, well socialized, and always current on vet care, we are Joyful Havamalts on Facebook, $1000-$1,200 Lexington, OK. 740-9218.

• Sheepadoodle puppies, Akc parents, Service/show lines. 803-9894.

• Aussiedoodle puppies, Goldsby. 659-1402.

• Mini Aussie puppies, registered and vet checked, Goldsby. 401-4012.

• Live mealworms for chickens, beardies, sugar gliders, etc call or text. 566-7107.

• For Sale; 1 Black Brangus pair, 1 Red Brangus pair, 10 bred Heifers; 2 Black and 8 Charolais Red Cross also young Black bulls. 317-4092.

• Australian Shepherd puppies they should be 10 weeks, old puppy, shots, and wormed Lexington, OK. 474-3715.

• GOOD FARM DOG, Anatolian shepherd mix, 86lbs, up on vax, heartworm negative, good with children, needs room to run. 928-3245.

• Baby myotonic goats for sale $250 for does $200 billys parents on site all babies 100% myotonic. 830-1028.

• German Shepherd, Australian Shepherd, puppies they were born February 16; They will be ready to go mid March; loud color text for pictures, Please leave message if not answered. 474-5144.

• 2½ yr old QH sorrel phillie and 4½ yr old Dutch Harness gelding both green broke and need work, Blanchard. 892-9801.

• Angus, Hereford and Black Baldy Breed Bulls semen tested and trick tested; Replacement heifers 1yr old same breeds as above, call for pricing. 370-7386.

• Tame baby cockatiels & parakeets (various mutations/colors) & other species. 401-4887.

• Tame baby cockatiels & American budgies, various mutations, foods & toys. 401-4887.


• Masonry Work & Repair: brick, block, stone & repair, All size jobs: fireplaces, mailboxes, planters, tuck pointing, pavers, brick replacement due to erosion, 40yrs experience, competitive prices, Danny. 779-5362.

• Stump Grinding: competitive prices, shrubs & some tree removal, call Danny. 779-5362.

• ‘07 Stingray 180 ski boat; Volvo Penta engine; low hours; excellent condition; Trailer included; call for pictures, $10,000. 714-742-2188.

• Two Cemetery plots at Resthaven SW 104th Western Great locations right across from the pond under a big shade tree Grandpa always said in case he wants to go fishing! Will split the transfer fee with buyer $5,000 00 for both.570-6159.

• Two lots in Sunnylane Cemetery, SE 29th & Sunnylane; $4,000 each buyer will split transfer fee. 650-0535.

• Must sell, make offer; lamps, clocks, watches, coca cola glasses, food processors Must see to appreciate. 381-4196.

• Need some sourdough? Find us on Facebook at Simply Sourdough to get on our schedule! Full menu on our Facebook. 420-6805.

• Heavy Duty Tarps, 6x12$15, 10x20 - $20, 12x24 - $30. 620-5708.

• ‘17 Genuine Buddy170cc low miles good condition adult driven $2,000; ‘12 Genuine Buddy 125cc low miles adult driven good condition $1,500. 596-8692.

• ‘15 KZV Vision Camper 23’ with slide Queen Bed 14,500. 596-8692.

• Remington 30-06 model 760 pump -$1200 Not made anymore. 213-4336.

• COLT 223 Remington 62 grain FMJ Zinc Plated Ammunition, Have 50 boxes to sell, $17 per box or take all at $15 per box. 520-9480.

• Beef straight from the Farm, We raise them, you decide how much you want, 1/4s, 1/2s, Wholes, or custom, NW Norman. 850-6652 or 802-3327.

• Pecans shelled and vacuum sealed $8 cash per pound; Choctaw ok. 391-3319.

• Lawn crypts Resthaven Cemetary 104th & Western by lake sell for $7000 seller pay transfer fee. 990-4927.

• Custom Picture Framing: Hand Finished Mouldings, Matting, Gilding, Hand Carved & Painted Accents Art, Photos, Collectibles and more. 306 6995.

15 okcoop.org
EXTREME BRUSH HOGGING Tinhorns R Us 5.25% Taxes Manufacturers of Culvert Pipe (405) 381-4044 Fax: (405) 381-5181 Farm Pond Pipe, Elbows, Tees, Meter Cans, Arched pipe. We stock 12” through 120” diameter pipe in lengths of 16, 20, 24, 30 & 40 feet. We can make any size or length • Delivery is available TinhornsRus@gmail.com SAVE! Buy direct from the Manufacturers! J & J Livestock Commission Company For Selling or Buying Cattle at Oklahoma City National Stockyard in Oklahoma City Office (405) 602-5026 James Eaton (405) 685-1712 Jimmy Eaton (405) 682-6244 Mobile (405) 831-7692 CLASSIFIED ADS

• pasture-raised eggs, fed organic feed free of soy, corn, GMOs, and Seed-oil plus all the bugs they can catch $6/doz or $10 for 18. 274-0595.

• Ceramics; 2 kilns, pouring table, molds, assorted supplies, must take all, $1000 or best offer text only. 822-0200.

• Free range eggs, $4 a dozen, leave message. 760-0992.

• Sig Sauer P354 9mm, 2 clips, nib $625; HD flatbed trailer 4500# axes, side and rear ramps, brakes, lights, spare $2000; Glock model 27, 40 caliber auto, Gen 4, 3 clips $450. 620-5238.

• 54” Troy-built mower deck, blades & belt included, G, C, no mower, $100, 20x8,00-8 mower tire on rim,holds air G,C, $25. 682-0350.

• W: SKS Rifle or Metal Detector - Trade: Nice Marlin 39A Lever Action Rifle - V/Txt. 641-7582.

• Wurlitzer piano $600 obo, fish poles, garage tools, lawnmowing equip. 985-5139.

• Custom Picture Framing: Hand Finished Mouldings, Matting, Gilding, Hand-Carved & Painted Accents Art, Photos, Collectibles, and More Kermit. 306-6995.

• Free scrap metal removal Appliances farm equipment a/c mowers vehicles hot water heaters all metal items Norman Noble Lexington. 863-7492.


• ‘22 Prowler Travel Trailer, Model 280 RK, 34 Ft, purchased new in May 2023, $31,000. 292-7709.

• Stingray Motor Boat

• 18 ft - Volvo Penta 3 Liter; Excellent condition! Must see Great gas milage, Seats 7 comfortably, White with blue trim, Two biminis, storage cover, Inner tube and new life jackets, $10,000. 714-742-2188.


• For Sale, 15 acres, 1979 County Rd 1198 Tuttle, Ok $20k per acre. 448-0019 or 974-8406.

• Small custom built houses,1,2&3 bedroom starting at $69,500 00, top quality construction by a father and son team delivered to your land, limited availability, call Mel for details. 990-9235.

• Metro Brokers: Thinking of selling your home on an acreage? Contact a Metro Brokers acreage specialist; For more information, visit www,okrealtysolutions,com/ seller-services Or call or text Teri to get started today. 417-1849


• Want to buy vintage Schwinn Stingray bicycles and or parts from the 60’s-70’s. 760-5732.

• Want to buy vintage Barbie dolls and friends, clothes and accessories. 250-3394.

• Modern Metal Detector. 641-7582.

• Cash for comic books, toys, and collectables, 1970s to now, Star Wars, transformers, gi joe, marvel, DC, books, action figues, LEGO, call or text. 306-1462.

• 21 to 25 horsepower vertical shaft motor engine or parts mower. 392-4796.

• Ham Radio Gear - Radios, Amps, Antennas etc. 641-7582.

• Wanted Appliances, AC units, mowers, motors; Farm Implements, almost any Metal Scrap, no fencing please, Blanchard, Bridge Creek, area; Free Removal. 416-0127 or 306-6974.

• Wanted to Buy: Good Sterling 25cal Pistol (or equivalent), Good White’s Pulse Surf Metal Detector. 808-870-7500.

• In need of a reclining wheelchair in good condition;  Please call Chris to discuss price. 640-5595.

• Sand plums, pears, apples, prickly pear cactus fruit, also persimmons, black berries,various fruits, berries for jelly; Frost free upright freezer; Old jelly jars; 802-4227.


• Handyman for Hire: off-duty fireman, remodel, painting, flooring (tile, laminates, etc), sheetrock, roofing, siding, fences, decks, carports, room additions, windows & doors, custom made bookcases, shelving, cabinets, etc, General home repair; All types of construction 37yrs exp. 245-5502 or 381-2007.

16 Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • April 2024 Serving the metro since 1973 Construction and Repair Are YOU or someone you know looking for a career? Bob Usry & Sons, Inc. is hiring! Journeyman plumber position available. 1800 Industrial Blvd. Norman, OK 73069 364-1001 or khyde@bobusry.com
Be the first to receive your Co-op News each month. OKCOOP.ORG/ DIGITAL All phone numbers are area code 405 unless otherwise noted See if you qualify for a free home energy audit! Scan with your smartphone's camera or visit okcoop.org/HECP to learn more and complete the application REDUCE ENERGY COSTS AT HOME CLASSIFIED ADS

• American Blinds & Shutters:Off-duty fireman, window treatments for home or business. Free estimates. 2455502 or 381-2007.

• You dream it, and I can build it: Custom cedar swing sets, forts, playhouses, she sheds, backyard cottages with kitchen and bath, poolhouses, all types of furniture, bookcases, etc. Off duty fireman, 381-2007 or 245-5502.

• Construction & Fabrication: In shop or on site; welding, fabrication, Equipment building and repair; oilfield through New and existing construction, custom work; I’m also looking for used oilfield equipment, like pumps, generators, heat exchangers, air boosters, structural steel, derricks, sub structures, etc. 308-5742.

• Oilfield & Construction Equipment: Fabrication & machine shop equipment and machines, Diesel engines, Pump Drives, Transmissions, Pto’s, etc. 308-5742.


405 unless otherwise noted

• C&B Paint Co: 15yrs experience, insured, interior/ exterior painting, popcorn ceiling removal, custom textures & drywall repairs. Cnbpainting. com or call Cody for a reasonable yet fair price. 431-9601.

• Certified CNA: services to take care of your loved ones, 25 years of experience, have great references and will work in the Norman, Moore and South OKC area. 572-522-3141..

• Annie & Lloyd Tree & Landscape LLC: Certified arborist Tree trimming, planting, removal, landscaping. 314-3607.

• Jim’s Painting & Remodeling:interior & exterior wallpaper, popcorn ceiling removal, sheetrock repairs, texture, power washing, deck and fence staining, free estimates, quality work, 20yrs exp erience & insured. 366-0722.

• JL Painting: Commercial & residential sheetrock, wood repairs, custom texturing, interior/exterior, insured, free estimates. 314-0755.

• Sunshine Realty LLC: Rhonda Simmons Broker/Owner, Residential, Commercial, Foreclosures, Short Sales, Service buyers/sellers throughout Oklahoma, Active OK Licenses, call/text Rhonda (405) 808-0705, #142160 & #175498 or Cody Simmons, 405-203-2449, #183016, www. sunshinerealty.realtor

• Masonry Work & Repair: brick, block, stone & repair. All size jobs: fireplaces, mailboxes, planters, tuck pointing, pavers, brick replacement due to erosion. 40yrs experience, competitive prices. Danny, 779-5362.

• Miller Exterior Services: Would love to help you with your lawncare needs: Mowing, Edging, Weed Trimming, Tree Trimming, Stump Grinding, Wood Chipping and Fencing; Veteran owned companycompetitive prices -reliable service. 405-973-7080.

• Alfredo Medina III

Construction: All types of quality concrete work at an affordable price, no job too large or small; satisfaction guaranteed, free estimates, 405-664-9820.

• Bowman’s Welding Service: Fences, corrals, entryways, alleyways, ornamental fence, any type of welding, shop or portable. 360-8091 or 990-1084.

• Stump Grinding: competitive prices, shrubs & some tree removal, call Danny. 779-5362.

• Weld Up Steel Buildings: 30x30x12= 25,836.00, 40x50= 44,920.00, 40x100= 81428.00, Pricing includes concrete one walk dr, and garage dr, 872-0338.

• Bargain Barns: 18x21 stell carport = 1395.00, 12x31 rv cover = 2505.00, 24x31 steel garage = 7710.00, Delivery and installation included, call 872-0338.

• Portable buildings: 8x10 mini barn = 2410.00, 10x16 lofted barn = 4425.00, 12x28 garage = 8710.00, 872-0338.

• Tractor work: gravel drives, brushoging, tree work, dirt work, tilling, finish mowing. 808-8202

• Backhoe & tractor work : low rates ,free estimates, 405-409-4020

• Jimmie’s Sewing Machine

Repair: Blanchard, OK. 387-3313.

17 okcoop.org WANTED WINCHESTERS, COLT, BROWNING, and other Guns WE BUY GUNS (Fair Top Prices Paid) Rifles - Handguns - Shotguns We have over 2,000 New & Used Guns In Stock MUSTANG PAWN and GUN 376-3833 Tue-Sat 9-6 • 126 W Hwy 152 In Front of Water Tower CASH LOANS ON QUALITY GUNS WE MAKE CASH LOANS ON FIREARMS QUICK CASH LOANS ON MOST FIREARMS CONFIDENTIAL COURTEOUS SERVICE
phone numbers are area code
SERVING OEC MEMBERS WITH FAST, RELIABLE FIBER. OEC Fiber TV and Phone services also available! CHECK AVAILABILITY AND SIGN UP AT OECFiber.com LET US POWER YOUR SMART HOME Elevate your living experience with our ultimate smart home buyer's guide! oecfiber.com/buyers-guide/ CLASSIFIED ADS

• Stump Grinding: Norman area no job to big or small, call or text 405-410-5221.

• Argo Siding & Windows: Windows, doors, siding, patio rooms, carports, remodeling, room additions, tile, painting, roofing, we also do skirting and repair siding on mobile homes. 255-5553 or 329-0553, leave message.

• Insured All Lawn Services: Weed spraying, mowing packages, flower beds, Free quotes; Royal Aces Beyond Lawns, LLC. 541-5608.

• Clint’s lawn care: military veteran with years of experience in lawn care, mowing, edging, weed trimming and aeriation, service area includes Newcastle, Blanchard and Bridge Creek Call or text 405-229-1046 for free quotes 1 to 5 acres.

• Harrah 44 Tire: Now open! Located at SE 44th and Harrah Road in Harrah, We provide new & used tires, brakes, and oil changes. 907-9538.

• Journeyman Electrician: Let me help you with any of your electrical needs, no job to small: Tri-City area or Norman, live in Blanchard: text or call Drew. 806-282-4828.

• TRIPIX Photography: Weddings, Engagements, Family, Senior Portraits, Real Estate, Special Events @TRIPIX LLC / TRIPIXTC@gmail.com. 588-3985.

• Need Brush Hogging?: brush hogging at $50 an hour. 503-9276.

• Small Excavator: Small tree removal, trenches, stump removal. Call for free estimate. 761-3764.

• Clean Up & Haul Off: trash & debris from properties & building interiors; tree removal; Professional, neatly finished job; Insured; Have references; Jerry Richardson. 850-0577.

• XCEL Electrical Services: ST.LIC#048239 Bonded & Insured Residential Commerical & Industrial call Gerald Krivanek. 343-5352.

18 Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • April 2024 Building farm ponds & private lakes in OEC’s service area. “Wealth is not measured in dollars.” Farm Pond and Lake Construction Along with Fence Rows • Land Clearing Building Pads • Shearing Bulldozers & Trackhoes Call Bruce 580-641-1952 All phone numbers are area code 405 unless otherwise noted JIM'S PAINTING & REMODELING Insured, Free Estimates Painting • Fence & Deck Staining Texturing • Carpentry • Interior Exterior • Commercial Residential • Sheetrock 314-0755 / 366-0722 405-872-7222 *Equipment *Dirt *Gravel *Sand

All phone numbers are area code 405 unless otherwise noted

• Prime Septic: Septic Installation, Repairs and Pumping. 226-2930.

• TJ Property Solutions Real Estate Company: Helping Buyers, Sellers and Real Estate Investors; Looking to Buy or Sell real estate? Have investment properties you need managed? I can help; Call Tosha Fennell, REALTOR. 487-7183.

• Weld Up Steel Buildings: 30x40=$19,300; 40x60=$32,400; 40 x 100 = $51,000, price includes concrete & installation. 405-872-0338 or bargainbarnsusa.com.

• Bargains Barns:  18x21 steel carport=$1195; 12x31 RV cover=$2085; 20 x 21 garage=$4285; 24x31 garage=$6195, financing available. 405-872-0338 or

• Like fresh vegetables? Plant a garden: Have tractor, will plow. 387-4433.

• Electrical Work & Low Voltage Wiring: New Installs, Repairs, Cameras, Ceiling Fans, Speakers, TVs & More. No Job too Big or Small. Professional, Timely Work. Call Drew. 708.1420.

All phone numbers are area code 405 unless otherwise noted

• Brush hog: with 6’ brush hog $45 an hour with 3 hour minimum 20 years experience call W Swopes. 255-3440.

• Clean up & haul off: trash & debris from properties and building interiors. For a professional, neatly finished job, call Jerry Richardson, insured, references. 850-0577.

• Tractor work: gravel drives, brushoging, tree work, dirt work, tilling, finish mowing. 808-8202

• Agricultural fencing and welding by Running M Contracting: Lots, Corrals, perimeter, and cross fencing; we can make your operation much more efficient, don’t delay call today! call Dylan. 429-9768.

• CL Williams Excavating Services LLC: Water lines, sewer lines, septic systems, storm shelters, footings, driveways, trenching and more. DEQ certified, bonded and insured. Call for free estimate. 226-2930.

• Brush hogging: box blading, driveway work, etc, MIke Matthews. 397-2124.

• Seamless Guttering: Country Ridge Enterprises New installation or replacement, repairs, clean out and leaf guard. Local Norman company. Insured *Free Estimates* Call James. (405)623-2354.

• Jimmie’s Sewing Machine Repair: Blanchard, OK. 387-3313.

• Roll off dumpsters: We carry all sizes of roll off dumpsters. call today for a free quote 405-618-0080.

19 okcoop.org 19 www okcoop org

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