Oklahoma Electric Co-op News December 2022

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PLUS >> Keep your home running efficiently and your bills low this holiday season >>Shop local for the holidays OEC: Creating a Culture of Safety For members of

Over the years, the OEC News has remained our best way to communicate and connect with our member-owners. While the foundations of this publication, like classifieds, recipes and member stories, have remained a constant, longtime readers of the OEC News will have noticed some changes.

We tweak and improve the OEC News every month. If you enjoyed this publication in the past eight years, it is in large part due to our editor and creative director, Brianna Wall. December marks Brianna's 100th issue as editor of the OEC News! It also marks her last as she has accepted an internal promotion and will lead our entire member communications efforts moving forward. Rest assured, you are in good hands with our new editor, JoMarie Ramsey, and Brianna at the helm.

This publication represents part of OEC's effort to communicate and celebrate the cooperative difference. While many of the themes and stories changed over the last eight years, the mission has remained the same: communicate to our member-owners the value of being a member of OEC…and do it in a clear, informative, entertaining and professional way.

Brianna's work in this area has been outstanding, but do not just take my word for it. The OEC News and Brianna have been recognized across the state and nation as a leader in cooperative communication, earning over 45 awards and recognitions under Brianna's leadership! My hope is that you, the reader, have noticed and appreciated the great work. After all, we work for you, our members.

I want to thank her personally for the work she does in editing and cleaning up this column every month. She somehow makes my column come across as smooth, professional and even interesting. Let me assure you that is a tall task!

Please join me in thanking Brianna for serving you for the past 100 issues by dropping her a quick note of appreciation. Her email is listed just below this column for one last time, just as it has been for the past 100 months.

Oklahoma Electric Cooperative


Ronnie Tharp, President 9


Shirley Idleman, Vice President


Danny Watters, Sec./Treas.


242 24th Ave NW | PO Box 1208 Norman, OK, 73070

321-2024, FAX 405-217-6900 http://www.okcoop.org District

Ronnie Grover, Asst. Sec./Treas. 4


Mike Argo


Percy Moreu


Debbie Frazier


Bob Usry,


John Jensen


Oklahoma Electric Co-op News is published monthly by Oklahoma Electric Cooperative, 242 24th Ave. NW, Norman, OK 73069, (USPS-865-700). Subscription rates: $6.00 per year for non-members, 50¢ per year for members. Periodical postage paid at Norman, OK and other additional mailing offices.

POSTMASTER: Please send form 3579 to: Oklahoma Electric Co-op News, PO Box 1208, Norman, OK 73070.

Co-op News Editor

Brianna Wall, CCC brianna.wall@okcoop.org

2 Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • December 2022
Chief Executive Officer ............................. Patrick Grace VP of Accounting .......................................... Sara Thomas VP of Employee Services ......................... Tracy Mowdy VP of Engineering ...................................... Thad Peterson VP of Member Engagement ...... Autumn McMahon VP of Metering ............................................... John Spencer VP of Operations ............................................. Marty Hayes President of OEC Fiber ................. David Goodspeed Manager of Loss Control ........................ Ryan Spears Executive Services Manager ........... Amanda Hardy
Members who find their account number hidden within the text of this issue will be awarded $350.
Call 405-217-6708.
air vents
air vents
vent extender,
can be
redirect air flow
ENERGY EF F I CIENCY WHAT'S INSIDE? SHOP LOCAL FOR THE HOLIDAYS OEC Fiber-connected businesses are ready for your holiday business. SAFETY ABOVE ALL ELSE OEC employees create a culture of safety. EFFICIENT HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS Power your home and save on bills. OEC YEARBOOK Merry Christmas and happy holidays from all of us at OEC and OEC Fiber. TABLE OF CONTENTS 04 06 07 09 ALSO INSIDE: 08 13 13 14 ORU Report WFEC Generation Report Tasty Treats Classified Ads
force your heating system to work harder than necessary and increase pressure in the ductwork, which can cause
to form. Make sure all
from furniture, drapes or other
to ensure sufficient circulation throughout
home. If necessary, purchase a
placed over a vent to
from underneath furniture.

Efficient Home

Five ways to fight the winter chill and save energy

We all have our favorite season. Some people love crisp, cool weather and bundling up under a favorite blanket, while others prefer the warm temperatures summer brings and all fun outdoor activities that go with it.

But there’s one thing we can all agree on: high winter bills are never fun. Oklahoma Electric Cooperative is here to help you find ways to manage your home energy use and keep winter bills in check.

Here are five tips to help increase your home’s energy efficiency this winter:

1. Mind the thermostat. This is one of the easiest ways

to manage your home energy use. We recommend setting your thermostat to 68 degrees (or lower) when you’re home. When you’re sleeping or away for an extended period of time, try setting it between 58 and 62 degrees; there’s no need to heat your home when you’re away or sleeping and less active.

2. Button up your home. The Department of Energy estimates that air leaks account for 24% to 40% of the energy used for heating and cooling a home. Caulking and weather stripping around windows and doors is another simple, cost-effective way to increase comfort and save energy. If you can feel drafts

4 Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • December 2022

for the

while standing near a window or door, it likely needs to be sealed.

3. Use window coverings wisely. Open blinds, drapes or other window coverings during the day to allow natural sunlight in to warm your home. Close them at night to keep the cold, drafty air out. If you feel cold air around windows, consider hanging curtains or drapes in a thicker material; heavier window coverings can make a significant difference in blocking cold outdoor air.

4. Consider your approach to appliance use. When combined, appliances and electronics account for a significant chunk of our home energy use, so assess how efficiently you’re using them. For example, if you’re running

the dishwasher or clothes washer, only wash full loads. Look for electronic devices that consume energy even when they’re not in use, like phone chargers or game consoles. Every little bit helps, so unplug them to save energy.

5. Think outside the box. If you’re still feeling chilly at home, think of other ways to warm up––beyond dialing up the thermostat. Add layers of clothing, wear thick socks and bundle up under blankets. You can even add layers to your home! If you have hard-surface flooring, consider purchasing an area rug to block cold air that leaks in through the floor. 5304302100

5 www.okcoop.org


“Safety” is a universal word that is mentioned often and used loosely. Communities, large and small, and companies across all industries are committed to safety. Sports leagues, Sports leagues, at every level, tout their safety protocols, but when it really counts, steps to keep the public, workers, athletes and loved ones safe are often ignored in the interest of expediency or convenience.

However, safety is a serious issue, especially regarding electrical safety. For Oklahoma Electric Cooperative, it’s the number one priority. This is not empty talk. Over time, OEC has created a culture of safety by putting our employees’ safety and that of the community above all else. At its essence, OEC’s mission is to provide safe, affordable and reliable electricity to its member-owners. To do this requires ongoing focus, dedication and vigilance.

We established and follow safety protocols based on leading national safety practices for the utility industry. We require our lineworkers to wear specialized equipment when working next to or with power lines. There are specific protocols that our lineworkers follow when dealing with energized power lines. Our safety team has regular meetings to discuss upcoming projects from a safety perspective. They

monitor and track near-misses of accidents in order to understand them, share “lessons learned” and improve in the future.

Consequently, accidents can happen, which is why our linemen complete safety training monthly, including pole-top rescue training. Pole-top training simulates an electrical contact injury and the lineman becoming unconscious at the top of a pole. Each lineman must climb the pole using spikes attached to their boots and a safety harness secured to the pole. Once they reach the dummy, they tie a rope around it and lower it safely to the ground. 3620401004

“Each lineman is required to do training like this annually, as well as an inspection of their equipment to ensure its reliability,” said Ryan Spears, Manager of Loss Control. “Getting our linemen home safely at the end of the day is our number one priority, and that’s why we approach these trainings seriously and with dedication.”

Most importantly, we encourage all of our crews to speak up and hold each other accountable for safety. By cultivating a culture of openness and transparency, we promote problem-solving with regard to safety rather than defaulting to a blame game. We examine the information and data gleaned from near-misses and accident reports to

discern patterns and use safety metrics to improve in those areas where we have fallen short. As appropriate, we brief contractors on our safety protocols and set expectations for their engagement.


Because we live and work in the community we serve, we care about our neighbors. OEC conducts electrical safety demonstrations in schools and for community events with our Live Line presentation.

According to the Electrical Safety Foundation, each year, thousands of people in the United States are critically injured and electrocuted due to electrical fires, accidents and electrocution in their homes. Many of these accidents are preventable.

Here are some tips to help keep yourself and those around you safe: Don’t attempt electrical DIY projects or overload your outlets. Contact OEC for additional electrical safety tips. If you would like us to provide a safety demonstration at your school or community event, please contact Daniel Lofland at daniel.lofland@okcoop.org. Be mindful when it comes to electrical safety. Pause and take the extra time to plug into safety.

6 Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • December 2022
OEC strives for a culture of safety for its workers

SHOP LOCAL for the holidays

Support local, OEC Fiber-connected businesses this season

What would you say if we told you it was possible to find the perfect holiday gift and support your local community this holiday season? The solution is simple. Shop local.

Shopping online retailers has become the norm for many of us over the last few years, mostly because it’s quick, convenient and lets you shop in your favorite pair of footy pajamas. As easy as it can be for some of us, shopping online hurts the places we live more than we might think.

Oklahoma funds its communities through local sales

218 W Main St

Purcell, OK

It is your one-stop shop for signs, apparel and other printing services. Each piece is custom-made to fit your needs. Don’t worry about who you’ll be dealing with. Every customer deals directly with the owner to ensure the best possible experience.

Visit www.sheehysigns.com to see their work and learn how to place an order today.

2201 W Main St

Norman, OK

The place “Where Oklahoma Gets Engaged!” offers custom designs and ready-made items to ensure customers have what they need for that special moment. They are devoted to providing an exceptional experience for all who visit their store.

Shop savings of 20-50% off with other events throughout the holiday season. Visit www.mitchells-jewelry. com to learn more.

tax. Nearly 33% of state and local income comes from sales tax. By shopping local, you are helping fund things like education and road repairs.

OEC Fiber is proud to partner with a variety of local businesses to help them better serve their customers and engage in their communities. Here is a small spattering of local businesses to consider supporting this year when you’re looking for something special to put under the tree this holiday season.

1805 S Morgan Rd

Oklahoma City, OK

A small boutique specializing in women’s apparel, accessories, and home décor, this one-of-akind shop truly is the heart of the community. Customer service is a priority here. They take the time to get to know you to help you find what you need.

Use discount code OEC10 online at www.okierootscc.com or mention it in-store for 10% off!

757 NW 32nd Pl Newcastle, OK

This local favorite offers high-quality premium cuts of beef, pork and poultry, along with specialty cheeses and in-house-made sausage. Their friendly service and welcoming atmosphere make finding what you need a delightful experience.

Follow Butcher’s Block Meat Market on Facebook to see special offers on hams, turkeys and prime rib roasts this holiday season.

7 www.okcoop.org
Merry Christmas & happy holidays from all of us at OEC. Our offices will be closed Dec. 23 and 26 and Jan. 2 so our employees can enjoy the holidays with their families. Please call (405) 321-2024 or use your MyOEC mobile app to report a power outage or safety hazard. OEC Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors Beckie Turner, President Vickie Gray, Vice President Pat Ragsdale, Sec/Treasurer Alan Davenport, Past President Betty Allen Vivian Gibson Susan Kersey Travis Scott Lisa Todd Next Application Deadline okcoop.org/ORU Submit Application okcoop.org/ORU OEC Foundation, Inc. Financial Statement Beginning Balance 10/12/22 ........................................ $282,665.53 Deposits & Interest ........................... $23,820.40 Checks issued ...................................... -$2,351 Approved, not paid .......................... -$16,258.81 End balance 11/10/22 ..................... $287,876.12 Financial Statement by: Amanda Dierking 8 Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • December 2022 Statement of Ownership, Management, and Circulation (All Periodicals Publications Except Requester Publications) 1.Publication Title 2.Publication Number 3.Filing Date 4.Issue Frequency 5. Number of Issues Published Annually 6.Annual Subscription Price 7.Complete Mailing Address of Known Office of Publication (Not printer) (Street, city, county, state, and ZIP+4 ®) Contact Person Telephone (Include area code)  8. Complete Mailing Address of Headquarters or General Business Office of Publisher (Not printer) 9. 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Merry Christmas! BOARD OF TRUSTEES MANAGERS OEC EMPLOYEES JOE TARP 30 years | Mgr of OH & Fleet PAT BROWN 28 years | Billing Coordinator JEFF DANIELS 28 years | District Lineman WAYLON MCCLELLAN 28 years | Chief Meter Technician AMY MCELHANY 27 years | Mgr of Member Svc DAVID ELLIS 25 years | Lead Logistics, Transf tech CLIFFORD MADDEN 26 years | District Lineman SHANE DOMINEY 25 years | Service Technician FRANK SHEPHERD 25 years | Lead Field Design JANET MAGINNIS 23 years | HR Administrator CLIFFORD CHASTAIN 23 years | Mgr Vegetation Mgmt VICTOR MCCRARY 23 years | Mgr of Automation JIMMIE TURNPAUGH 23 years | Journeyman Meter Tech JOE BARTRAM 22 years | Chief Meter Tech RYAN BLACKBURN 22 years | Mgr of Logistics KIRK GLESS 22 years | Journeyman Meter Tech WES WHITE 21 years | Mgr of Field Design RANDY WHITE 22 years | Journeyman Meter Tech CHERYL ALLEN 20 years | Lead AMI Coordinator CHRISTA SPEARS 20 years | Work Order Coord. JENNI SMITH 20 years | Mgr of Enterprise apps CASEY COCHNAUER 20 years | Mgr Outside Plant Const. DAVID MOORE 19 years | Vegetation Mgmt Foreman AMANDA DIERKING 19 years | Mgr of Accounting PATRICK GRACE 22 years | CEO JOHN SPENCER 42 years | VP of Metering MARTY HAYES 37 years | VP of Operations THAD PETERSON 26 years | VP of Engineering RYAN SPEARS 21 years | Mgr of Loss Control SARA THOMAS 20 years | Vp of Accounting TRACY MOWDY 14 years | VP of HR & Legal Svcs AMANDA HARDY 13 years | Executive Svcs. Mgr. AUTUMN MCMAHON 7 years | Vp of Member Engagement DAVID GOODSPEED 5 years | VP of Technology Svcs MIKE ARGO 16 years | district 1 PERCY MOREU 11 years | district 2 DEBBIE FRAZIER < 1 year | district 3 RONNIE GROVER 23 years | district 4 SHIRLEY IDLEMAN 6 years | district 5 JOHN JENSEN 25 years | district 6 DANNY WATTERS 6 years | district 7 BOB USRY 18 years | district 8 RONNIE THARP 7 years | district 9 9 www.okcoop.org
NATE HEFT 19 years | Journeyman Lineman JOE TORRES 19 years | Sr. Mgr Outside Plant & Const STEPHANIE CANIDA 18 years | Mgr Engineering Svcs MATT MONTGOMERY 19 years | Procurement Coord. BRANDY MILLER 18 years | Lead AMI Coordinator JOE ANDERSON 18 years | Lead Field Design LORI HULSE 18 years | Control Room Supervisor CLINT MOBLEY 17 years | Mgr Underground Const DEREK LOOPER 16 years | IT Systems Engineer KARI MANNING 17 years | Sr. Billing Analyst TRAVIS BEVERLY 16 years | District Lineman HEATHER HERREN 16 years | HR Specialist RYAN FRAZIER 15 years | Journeyman Lineman JAMES JEFFRIES 16 years | District Lineman SOMMER NELSON 14 years | Accounting Specialist TORY TEDDER-LOFFLAND 15 years | Educ & Outreach Prog. Dir. CHRIS SLAUGHTER 15 years | Field Design Tech JEANIE LEE 15 years | Sr. Member Svc. Associate JAKE CALVERT 15 years | District Lineman JEREMY BURSON 14 years | Lead Field Design BRIANNA WALL 14 years | Mgr of Marketing & Memb Relations BOBBY HERRING 14 years | Mgr of Maintenance DANIEL LOFLAND 14 years | Energy Efficiency Solutions BRAD HUNTER 14 years | District Lineman BRAD SCOTT 13 years | District Lineman TIM FERREE 13 years | Key Accounts Specialist ANDY BILLS 13 years | Journeyman Lineman TRAVIS BARTON 13 years | Journeyman Lineman CHAD MORROW 12 years | HR Generalist CHRIS CROSLIN 11 years | Journeyman Lineman MATT CALDWELL 11 years | Journeyman Lineman NICK SHUMAKER 10 years | Mgr. System Engineering LIZA GARCIA-CUELLAR 9 years | Sr. Billing Analyst WILLIAM GREEN 9 years | Mgr It Services BUDDY BYRD 9 years | Fleet Coordinator TRAVIS DANLEY 8 years | Journeyman Veg. Mgmt. NATE HULSE 8 years | Journeyman Lineman JUSTIN GOSS 8 years | Control Room Operator SHAWN MCELHINEY 8 years | FIeld Design Tech CHYLA HALL 8 years | Sr. Member Svc. Assoc. CANDACE SCHMIDLKOFER 8 years | Control Room Operator SHAIN BROWN 8 years | Vegetation Coord. ERIN MCKNIGHT 8 years | Copywriter TIM GILBERT 7 years | Journeyman Lineman CESAR ALVAREZ 7 years | Electrical Engineer KYLE WINES 7 years | Sr. Auto Mechanic KEELA CLARK 7 years | Control Room Operator BRENT GLOVER 7 years | Journeyman Lineman 10 Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • December 2022
MAEGAN BOHON 7 years | Supervisor of Member Svc. TEDDY WHITEHEAD 6 years | Field Design Tech KENNY BRUEHL 6 years | Field Design Tech CHELLE AIKEN 6 years | Member Service Assoc. BRIAN BACK 6 years | Lead Logistics/Transf. Tech TANNER TINDELL 6 years | Journeyman Lineman JARED VOEGELI 6 years | Journeyman Veg. Mgmt DUSTIN KIRK 6 years | Field Design Tech KOLTON HOWRY 6 years | Field Design Tech JONAH MCCORKLE 6 years | Journeyman Lineman MIKEY HOOPER 5 years | Network Technician II LAFREDA STOWE 5 years | Part-time Member Svc. Clerk BRYCE SCHMIDT 5 years | Logistics Tech JACOB MCFARLANE 5 years | Journeyman Lineman CONNOR KEITH 5 years | Journeyman Lineman BLAINE GARRIOTT 5 years | Control Room Operator MICHAEL TOMAS 4 years | Sr. Mgr Technology Svcs JEREMY KILPATRICK 4 years | Fiber Optic Tech Supervisor SHIRLEY STAPLETON 4 years | Member Service Assoc SCOTT ROMO 4 years | Journeyman Lineman NATHAN FOSTER 4 years | Journeyman Lineman NICK MOYER 4 years | Network Technician III DEREK LUMM 4 years | Apprentice Lineman TANNER NELSON 4 years | Apprentice Lineman KAYLA WADE 4 years | Sr Mgr Fiber Mktg & Subscriber support MICHELLE HOHLIER 4 years | Mgr Sales & Business Devel. ASHLEY SCHLICHER 4 years | Sr. Engineering Assoc. BLAKE SIZELOVE 4 years | Logistics Tech GAYLA BRANCO 4 years | Member Svc. Training Spec. RICKY YOUNG 4 years | Apprentice Lineman QUINCY CARTER 4 years | Fiber Optic Technician DANIEL PRYOR 4 years | Site Visit Coordinator BJ HARRISON 4 years | Fiber Optic Technician BRAD PAGE 4 years | Loss Control Coord JOSH KEEN 3 years | District Lineman CHRIS LEE 3 years | Auto Mechanic TRENTON MCVICKER 3 years | Fiber Ops. Coordinator JASON MILLER 3 years | Loss Control Coord KYLE SILVERS 3 years | Technical Support Rep ALLEN RAYL 3 years | Lead Tech Support Rep RYAN TROWBRIDGE 3 years | Apprentice Lineman CHRIS SABATINO 3 years | Network Technician II JEREMY SHIVES 3 years | Fiber Optic Technician TREVOR LITTLE 3 years | Apprentice Lineman BROOKLYN WHITE 2 years | Fiber Marketing Coord JORDAN WAYNE 2 years | Software Developer BEN COOPER 2 years | Apprentice Lineman TIFFANY CARTER 2 years | Member Service Assoc 11 www.okcoop.org
ISAAC LEWIS 2 years | Sales & Business Developer BRANDON SHERWOOD 2 years | Apprentice Lineman SALVADOR FLORES 2 years | Apprentice Vegetation Mgmt CHRIS MONTGOMERY 2 years | Apprentice Lineman LINDY WINE 2 years | Member Service Assoc SOMMER BARNETT 2 years | Business Sales Tech. JEREMY ALLEN 2 years | Fiber Optic Technician MARLIE KARR 2 years | Member Service Assoc COREY LEWIS 2 years | Fiber Optic Technician CODY PITTS 2 years | Fiber Optic Technician JAMIE WADE 2 years | Business Dev Coord JORDAN SPOR 2 years | IT Technician I ANIQ ZOHA 2 years | Technical Support Rep SHANA GAMMILL 2 years | Member Service Assoc JARRED MANNING 2 years | Member Service Assoc MORGAN EDERER 2 year | GIS ANALYST II JOSHUA HALEY 1 year | Appren. Logistics Tech TONY RAMIREZ 1 year | Journeyman Lineman CARLY BAURENSCHMITT 1 year | Member Svc Associate ROSA BARRINGER 1 year | Member Svc Associate HUNTER FOSTER 1 year | Digital Marketing Assoc JOMARIE RAMSEY 1 year | Editor & Media Specialist BAILEY BATTERSHELL 1 year | Member Svc Associate KAIN JACKSON 1 year | Technical Support Rep TERRI FULLER 1 year | Part-Time Member Svc. NIKKI WALDROP 1 year | Data Analyst ALEX BEARD 1 year | Fiber Optic Tech ROBERT JONES 1 year | Fiber Optic Tech KYLE CALDWELL 1 year | Sales & Business Dev. BILLY TOWLER 1 year | Appren. Logistics tech BRANDI STORM 1 year | Technical Support Rep. REBECCA HILL 1 year | Technical Support Rep LANDIS TAYLOR 1 year | GIS Analyst I JULIA PEZANT 1 year | Fiber Intern STACY CARGAL 1 year | Accounting Analyst CHAD ELLIS 1 year | Fiber constr & Repair Tech ZACH NEWELL 1 year | Fiber constr & Repair Tech GEORGE PHILLIPS 1 year | Fiber constr & Repair Tech KYLE HOKETT 1 year | Fiber optic tech LINDA AMMONS 1 year | Subscriber Support Rep MELISSA ALVAREZ <1 year | Mbr Service Associate SARAH MARSHMENT <1 year | Associate Attorney MARY SMITLEY <1 year | Mbr Service Associate DAKOTA VASQUEZ <1 year | Subscriber Support Rep CHRIS SCHILLING <1 year | App Support Analyst CODY MOONEYHAM <1 year | Business Sales Tech JACOB HOLINSWORTH <1 year | It Technician I BURNS THORNTON 1 year | Video Marketing Specialist 12 Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • December 2022


a medium pot. Add the mushrooms. Cook undisturbed for 5 minutes or until golden. Add the thyme, and a pinch each of salt and pepper. Cook 4-5 minutes, until fragrant. Remove the mushrooms from the skillet. 3. To the skillet, add the reaming 6 tablespoons butter, the garlic, basil, oregano, and cook 30 seconds or until fragrant. Whisk in the flour and cook for about 1 minute. Add the wine, then the milk. Bring to a boil and stir for 1 minute. Remove from heat and stir in 1/2 cup mozzarella cheese and 1/2 cup of parmesan cheese. Stir until the cheese is fully melted and the sauce is smooth. Set the cheese sauce aside.

4. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil over high heat and boil the pasta until al dente according to package directions.

5. In a bowl combine the ricotta, provolone, and spinach.

6. Spread 1/3 of the cheese sauce in the bottom of the prepared baking dish. Working with one pasta shell at a time, spoon 1 tablespoon of the ricotta mix into each shell, placing the filled shell into the baking dish as you go. Sprinkle over 1/2 cup mozzarella, pour the remaining cheese sauce over top. Top with a 1/4 cup of parmesan and then the mushrooms. Cover and bake 25 minutes or until the top has bubbled up. Remove the foil and bake another 15-20 minutes. Recipe from halfbakedharvest.com

and transmission power
renewable portfolio that includes wind, hydro and solar.
producing power
and Tuttle's 40-acre Solar
operation in March 2017. As more solar facilities come online, expect to see it added to WFEC's generation report, increasing the already robust mix of renewable energy sources. 27% Renewables Data collected from Western Farmers Electric Cooperative reflects generation during October 2022. To view real-time generation output and environmental benefits of OEC's Solar Garden, visit www.okcoop.org/solar. Visit www.okcoop.org/solar-gardentours to tour OEC's Solar Garden, located at Interstate 35 and Highway 77 in Norman. KENNEN HORTON <1 year| Part-Time Logistics Laborer MADDI BURGETT <1 year| Part-Time Busineess Deve. Assc EMILY BARRON <1 year| Culture & Engagement Sp JOE THEDFORD <1 year| Part-Time Logistics Laborer EDDIE MUNOZ-CHAVEZ <1 year| Groundman Intern LORI GOURLEY <1 year| Applications Administrator JOSH STOUT <1 year| Subscriber Support Rep CAYLA HAMBY <1 year| Subscriber Support Rep SHAYLA HUFF <1 year| Assit Cntrl Room Op ASHLEY EVANS <1 year| Key Accounts Associate RONNIE LANDRITH <1 year| Fiber Optic Technician JB MCKENZIE <1 year| Fiber Optic Technician
LANDRITH <1 year| Fiber Optic Technician CREAMY MUSHROOM STUFFED SHELLS Ingredients ƒ 1 stick (8 tablespoons) salted butter ƒ 3 cups shiitake or cremini mushrooms, sliced ƒ 2 teaspoons dried thyme ƒ 2 cloves garlic, chopped ƒ 2 teaspoons dried basil ƒ 2 teaspoons dried oregano ƒ kosher salt and black pepper ƒ 1/4 cup all-purpose flour ƒ 2 cups milk ƒ 2 cups dry white wine or chicken broth ƒ 1 cup shredded mozzarella ƒ 3/4 cup grated parmesan cheese ƒ 1 lb jumbo pasta shells ƒ 2 cups whole milk ricotta cheese ƒ 2 cups shredded provolone ƒ 2 (10 oz packages) frozen spinach. thawed and drained Directions 1. Preheat the oven to 350° F. Grease a 9×13 inch pan. 2. Melt 2 tablespoons butter in
Electric Cooperative (WFEC), OEC's
provider, has an impressive
Garden, located at
Highway 77 in Norman, began
in February 2017,
Farm began
13 www.okcoop.org




• Mercedes Benz E430 2001

Good engine/transmission Black w/skyroof, 185,347 miles, dependable, $ 5000. 544-7139.

• WANTED: a dependable vehicle for my grandson, clean title, old car, gently driven and not so many miles. 833-5829

• Attn Truckers 40ft heavy duty insulated trailer cover, good condition with tie down loops designed for cold weather $75 Gaylord. 777-3506.

• 207 F150 Ford wrecked, has good engine transmission and rear end, front end and tires also good, interior good, $2,500. 485-2242.

• Tires for sale, 1 new Goodyear wrangler p225/75r15 on jeep rim $75, 1 BF Goodrich belted TA P285/70b14 on chrome rim $50, 4 Courgert Mastercraft 33x2,50 r15LT good condition $200, 4 BF Goodrich TA mud terrain LT 255/75r17 good condition $150, 4 Cooper Discover MIP LT285/75r16 mounted on offroad aluminum eagle alloy wheels great condition $550. 831-6852.


• McCormick M tractor; drag type rotary cutter; 16’ stock trailer; 4 LT 275/65R20 tires; cast iron tub; pedestal sink. 845-4477.

• 500 gallon propane tank, 12% full, wet line, used it up to 3 years ago, regulator , $1200. 464-8770

• Tractor repair 40 years exp, Slaughterville. 365-7572.

• I buy tractors running or not. 365-7572.

• A-Farmall tractor w/5ft Woods belly mower $2,995, Walker commercial diesel mower w/ bagger $5,995. 850-0577.

• 22 hp yanmar diesel tractor with 5’ box blade and 5’ southeastern estate mower original owner have papers, runs well. 659-1344.

• 6 ft land pride finish mower $950, 50 in cub cadet zero turn mower $1200, 4 ft brush hog $600, and LG washer without agitator 5 cu ft stainless steel $700. 609-7449 or 224-6328.

• 54” Husqvarna ztr, 24hp Kohler Courage w/3706 hrs, does not leak or burn oil, mower needs left hydrostat. 664-7706.


• GE Advantium 120 Above the Stove/Cooktop Oven/ Microwave, new condition; several Lawn Boy mower bags, some like new; canning jars; pictures; leave message. 833-8960.

14 Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • December 2022
SLATE SEPTIC SERVICE Tank pumping & installing • Dozer & backhoe dirt work 35 years experience 872-9390 All phone numbers are area code 405 unless otherwise noted

• Marcy recumbent exercise bike $175 00, power lift recliner, small, $125 00, new condition. 650-4427.

• LG front load washer and dryer with risers $150; 5 good bicycles different styles $25 each. 831-9239

• Queen bed (headboard, frame, mattress and box spring), 2 night stands, triple dresser with mirror Includes comforter, decorative pillows, curtains, sheets. $250.00 total. 360-4777.

• King size headboard/footboard black $200, full size headboard/ footboard brown $150, black large armoire $50, trundle twin bed brown $250. 919-6442

• ‘60 Hammond M3 Spinet Organ, version of B3, new capacitors, PR40 cabinet large speakers, good condition $650; Ash dining room suite, 6 chairs $500. 652-3658.

• 5-piece wicker furniture set, only used indoors, $500, 4 antique wooden chairs, app 100 years old, $50 each, can text pics. 650-9489.

• Custom wood growth charts, handcrafted, wood burned, fourteen stain options, pine $75, oak $85, name customization available, makes a great baby shower gift. 550-5943.

• Lake toys: inflatable kayak tubes and island, mowers, washers, dryers, toys, clothes, shoes, and mobile home needing hauled. 353-7974.


• Pecan firewood 110 per rick. 808-5568.

• Free cedar mulch from ground up cedar trees, I’ll load for you. 590-9673.

• Someone to cut oak firewood on my farm near Blanchard, 2 Rick’s for you 1 for me. 627-6624.

• Oak firewood: green $80, seasoned $100, Pecan and hickory $120, Delivery price depending on location, Lexington. 496-4301.


• Six head of Angus cattle for sale, 3 cows, approximately 6-7 years old, two-year-old heifer, two year old bull, and 3 month old bull calf $7,000. 268-4146.

• 3 girls 1 boy morkies with akc registered mom and dad, vet checked and vaccinated raised inside with family only. 609-9976.

• 2 female Nigerian dwarf goats, $300 for the mother daughter pair, will not split. 823-7310.

• Polled Hereford bulls, approximately two years old, vet tested and ready to service, located East of Lexington. 823-9051.

• 5 yr old registered Angus bull $2500 OBO. 209-9203.

• Shih-tzu puppies, teddybears and Pug puppies all are microchip, health guarantee, current vaccinations, potty trained raised in loving Christian home. 918-839-6420.

• AKC Pug Puppies, vet checked and vaccinated, raised inside with family. 642-4983.


• Tritton IXC - Reverse Osmosis System - includes water softener, used about 3 months in 2020. 413-4339.

• Springfield Hellcat 9mm, 10shot, 2 clips, new in box $575, Dewalt Mitre 12” Saw w/ stand $300, Whirlpool Beverage Center, lighted inside, adjustable temperature, 34” tall $400. 620-5238.

• New,predator shooting rest $20, great Christmas gift,also 3 rear lawn mower tires on white rims,vgc $30 each,2 b&d workmates $25 each. 684-0350.

• Gold companion scooter,like new$600. 463-0693.

• Stevens Bolt Action 410 $175 00H&R Target 22 $200. 641-7582.

• For Sale: 245/50R20 tires; McCulloch MAC15 chainsaw for parts; Billy Goat 5,0 Leaf Vac: Wanted: frost free upright freezer; prickly pear cactus fruit; persimmons. 802-4227.

• Schwinn 170 upright exercise bike, 25 resistance levels, 29 workout programs, LCD display, fan, heart rate sensors, more; $300. 386-2454.

• Invacare electric wheelchair: New batteries, charger, needs foot pegs, headrest, has tilt, could attach as driver seat, 750 dollars. 274-9407.

• Stoeger Uplander 20 Gauge Double Barrel, $550; Colt Challenger 22 Automatic Pistol, $725; Winchester 1866 38 Special Custom Lever Action Rifle; $1750; Remington Wingmaster 20 Gauge, $625; 1873 Smoke Wagon 45 Long Colt, $700. 640-5650.

• Masonry Work & Repair: brick, block, stone & repair, all size jobs: fireplaces, mailboxes, planters, tuck pointing, pavers, brick replacement due to erosion, 40yrs experience, competitive prices. 779-5362.

• Pecans, vacuum sealed $8 per pound. 391-3319.

15 www.okcoop.org
All phone numbers are area code 405 unless otherwise noted
EXTREME BRUSH HOGGING Tinhorns R Us 5.25% Taxes Manufacturers of Culvert Pipe (405) 381-4044 Fax: (405) 381-5181 Farm Pond Pipe, Elbows, Tees, Meter Cans, Arched pipe. We stock 12” through 120” diameter pipe in lengths of 16, 20, 24, 30 & 40 feet. We can make any size or length • Delivery is available TinhornsRus@gmail.com SAVE! Buy direct from the Manufacturers! J & J Livestock Commission Company For Selling or Buying Cattle at Oklahoma City National Stockyard in Oklahoma City Office (405) 602-5026 James Eaton (405) 685-1712 Jimmy Eaton (405) 682-6244 Mobile (405) 831-7692

• Toro 52” Titan HD1500 Series ZTR riding mower OUTSTANDING condition

Garage-kept with thorough annual maintenance Only 87 1 hours: Commercial V-Twin 24 5 HP engine, 52” cutting deck, cup holder, storage space, roll bar, great high-back suspension seat with armrests, mulch kit installed (comes with discharge shield as well), cover; Approximately $500 in tax savings. 401-4887.

• free fill dirt and top soil, take at least 1,000 cubic yards up to 10,000 cubic yards, tuttle amber area. 830-3369.

• 2 Cemetery lots, Sunnylane Cemetery, Del City, Garden of Scriptures, both for $4295, title transfer fee included. 229-0833.

• Winchester x150 50 caliber black powder came fluted SS barrel, Nikon Buckmaster 3x9 camo scope, $500. 324-9521.

• Weatherby Vanguard SS 308 caliber Nikon Buckmaster 3x9 scope, $900. 324-9521.

• Stump Grinding: competitive prices, shrubs & some tree removal, call Danny. 779-5362.

• Big wagon wheel for decoration: Interested person can text or call for picture & price. 229-4236.

• I buy cars. 932-9052.

• Vintage receivers and Technics turntables, cleaned and tested, serviced, cleaned, and the dust covers restored, receivers from 35 wpc to 110 wpc and belt, direct drive, quartz lock, semi and full automatic turntables. 401-9104.

• 3 plots in sec 2 lot 35 Frederick Memorial Cemetery, Frederick Ok for sale asking $450 each. 364-1915.

• 4 Cemetery spaces side by side, Resurrection Memorial, Oklahoma City, Section 4 Block 16 Lot 10, $6,250. 745-6012 or 650-7045.

• High End Sony Stereo Receiver, Bowers & Wilkens speakers in great condition, Velodyne subwoofer needs repair, all cables & manuals for all, for sale, call for pictures. 488-4310.

• Goodyear 235/45R-18 and 245/50R20 tires good tread, McCulloch MAC15 chainsaw for parts. 802-4227.

• Vintage receivers and Technics turntables cleaned serviced tested, dust covers restored, receivers from $70 to $140 turntables from $150 to $400, all ready to plug and play, turntables are belt drive, direct drive, quartz lock direct drive, semi and full automatic operation. 401-9104.

• Two new heavy winter military parkas one size 44 and one extralarge, $90 each, really warm paid $225. 366-6166.

• 2 burial lots in The Garden of Angels at Sunset Memorial on Indian Hills Rd, beautiful pond and land, $8000 for both. 208-2498.

• Kawasaki Cub Cadet Commercial stand-up mower with velke cart, 36” cut, $500. 985-5139.

• 2 cemetery plots for sale ray/ geyer cemetery one plot $700 both $1200 at walker & clear pond road. 202-9270.

• 2 stacked lawn crypts, Resthaven, Garden of Memories, Sect 16B, $4,500. 692-9885.

• Heavy black garden/plant pots 15 gal $2, 10 gal $1, 50 5 gal $1, 1 gal 50 cents reduce price if buy quantity. 366-6166.


• ‘94 Safari Sahara, $30K OBO, great condition, 33 5’, only 17,749 miles, ONAN generator, diesel pusher, 75 gallon propane tank, pictures available on request. 550-1943.

• ‘13 Clayton Mobile Home for sale, located in Norman, OK, 3bd/2ba fully furnished with upscale furniture, double carport, large shed, pristine condition, great area close to all conveniences, asking $54,000. 403-5993.


• For Lease 5 bay building, Hwy152 in Mustang. 642-6662.

• Tiny Houses/ Small housesCustom Built; Top Quality Construction; 50 year maintenance free exterior; vaulted ceilings; custom built solid oak cabinets; ceramic tile floors throughout; closed cell spray on foam insulation on walls and ceilings; lots of thermal windows, all built by a father and son construction team serving Oklahoma for over fifty years; one, two, and three bed room plans available for a fraction of the price of conventional builders ; Limited availability. 990-9235.


• I want to buy a dependable vehicle (car or pickup) for my grandson, clean title, maybe a grandma car that has been gently driven and not so many miles that it’s at the end of it life. Call or text 833-5829

16 Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • December 2022 Serving the metro since 1973 Construction and Repair Are YOU or someone you know looking for a career? Bob Usry & Sons, Inc. is hiring! Journeyman plumber position available. 1800 Industrial Blvd. Norman, OK 73069 364-1001 or khyde@bobusry.com Storage SolutionS CaSh or rent-to-own 405-872-7433 www.betterbarns.net 20’ and 40’ Containers Storage Sheds Steel Garage/Shop We Have CULVERTS, Too! Solutions as unique as your storage needs Better Barns Ask About FREE DELIVERY of buildings and containers
Be the first to receive your Co-op News each month. WWW.OKCOOP. ORG/DIGITAL All phone numbers are area code 405 unless otherwise noted

All phone numbers are area code 405 unless otherwise noted

• Want to buy: round hay bales 1020, with delivery if possible, leave msg if no answer. 527-8364.

• ISO older mini horse or small older horse to keep my senior horse company must be handled and calm. 627-8702.

• WANTED: Used box trailer. 3601211 or vsx6@att.net.

• Looking for a freezer, pressure canner, Camp Chef stove, and dehydrator. 485-4340.

• Oilfield & Construction equipment; fabrication & machine shop equipment; Diesel engines & transmissions. 308-5742.

• Want to buy vintage Barbie, friends, clothes and accessories. 250-3394.

• Looking for someone who sharpens kitchen knives. 550-7107.

• Looking for canning jars, pressure canner, upright freezer, propane burner, cast iron Dutch oven, and dehydrator. 485-4340.

• Frost-free upright freezer, prickly pear cactus fruit, persimmons. 802-4227.

• Want to buy or trade something for a stump grinder. 213-3604.

• Looking for upright freezer, canning jars, Camp Chef propane burner, dehydrator, pressure canner, & Berkey Water filtration, please call before 7 pm. 485-4340.

• Lever Action 22 Rifle. 641-7582.

• Amateur (Ham) Radio Gear - Radios-Amps-Antennas. 641-7582.

• Free Appliance Removal and Scrap Metal Removal A/C lawnmowers electronics appliances farm equipment. 863-7492.


• Handyman for Hire: off-duty fireman, remodel, painting, flooring (tile, laminates, etc), sheetrock, roofing, siding, fences, decks, carports, room additions, windows & doors, custom made bookcases, shelving, cabinets, etc. General home repair. All types of construction,37yrs exp. 245-5502 or 381-2007.

• American Blinds & Shutters: Off-duty fireman, window treatments for home or business. Free estimates. 245-5502 or 381-2007.

• You dream it, and I can build it: Custom cedar swing sets, forts, playhouses, she sheds, backyard cottages with kitchen and bath, poolhouses, all types of furniture, bookcases, etc. Off duty fireman, 381-2007 or 245-5502.

• Concrete Work: call Rick 405205-6836, 30 Years’ Experience no job too big or too small.

• Construction & Fabrication: In shop or on site; welding, fabrication, Equipment building and repair, Oilfield through New & Existing construction, custom work. 308-5742.

• Oilfield & Construction Equipment: fabrication & machine ship equipment; Diesel engines & transmission. 308-5742.

• C&B Paint Co: 15yrs experience, insured, interior/ exterior painting, popcorn ceiling removal, custom textures & drywall repairs. Cnbpainting. com or call Cody for a reasonable yet fair price. 431-9601.

• Clean Up & Haul Off: trash & debris from properties & building interiors; land clearing, tree removal; professional, neatly finished job Insured. 850-0577.

• Riding lawn mower service/ repair: Norman area, text 405-650-8674.

• Stump Grinding: competitive prices, shrubs & some tree removal, call Danny. 779-5362.

• Annie & Lloyd Tree & Landscape LLC: Certified arborist Tree trimming, planting, removal, landscaping. 314-3607.

(Fair Top Prices Paid) Rifles - Handguns - Shotguns We have over 2,000 New & Used Guns In Stock MUSTANG PAWN and GUN 376-3833 Tue-Sat 9-6 • 126 W Hwy 152

“The PiPe Man” 405-207-0101 We build: Cattleguards H-Posts Corner Posts Triangle Pipe Racks Call for sizes & prices • We Deliver We Now Have Culverts STrucTural PiPe SaleS All sizes custom-cut pipe Perfect for: Corrals Barns Fences 17 www.okcoop.org WANTED
Front of Water Tower
BRAVO! Roofing & Construction Veteran Owned Lic# 80002314 Allen & Ann Brock 405.208.2498

• Jim’s Painting & Remodeling:interior & exterior wallpaper, popcorn ceiling removal, sheetrock repairs, texture, power washing, deck and fence staining, free estimates, quality work, 20yrs exp erience & insured. 366-0722.

• JL Painting: Commercial & residential sheetrock, wood repairs, custom texturing, interior/exterior, insured, free estimates. 314-0755.

• Land clearing and mulching: call Chad Bias (405) 249-2030.

• Stump Grinding: Norman area no job to big or small, call or text 405-410-5221.

• Masonry Work & Repair: brick, block, stone & repair. All size jobs: fireplaces, mailboxes, planters, tuck pointing, pavers, brick replacement due to erosion. 40yrs experience, competitive prices. Danny, 779-5362.

• Portable buildings: 8x10 mini barn = 2410.00, 10x16 lofted barn = 4425.00, 12x28 garage = 8710.00, 872-0338.

• Tractor work: gravel drives, brushoging, tree work, dirt work, tilling, finish mowing. 808-8202

• Jimmie’s Sewing Machine Repair: Blanchard, OK. 387-3313.

• Sunshine Realty LLC: Rhonda Simmons Broker/Owner, Residential, Commercial, Foreclosures, Short Sales, Service buyers/sellers throughout Oklahoma, Active OK Licenses, call/text Rhonda (405) 808-0705, #142160 & #175498, Cody Simmons, 405203-2449, #183016, or LeAnn Wilson, 405- 203-5303, #200253 www.sunshinerealty.realtor

• Bowman’s Welding Service: Fences, corrals, entryways, alleyways, ornamental fence, any type of welding, shop or portable. 360-8091 or 990-1084.

• Weld Up Steel Buildings: 30x30x12= 25,836.00, 40x50= 44,920.00, 40x100= 81428.00, Pricing includes concrete one walk dr, and garage dr, 872-0338.

• Miller Exterior Services: Would love to help you with your lawncare needs: Mowing, Edging, Weed Trimming, Tree Trimming, Stump Grinding, Wood Chipping and Fencing; Veteran owned companycompetitive prices -reliable service. 405-973-7080.

18 Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • December 2022 Building farm ponds & private lakes in OEC’s service area. “Wealth is not measured in dollars.” Farm Pond and Lake Construction Along with Fence Rows • Land Clearing Building Pads • Shearing Bulldozers & Trackhoes Call Bruce 580-641-1952 LOOKING FOR THE PERFECT GIFT? REDEEM ONLY AT LUMBER 2 HOME & RANCH IN OKC. VALID ONLY WITH THIS ORIGINAL COUPON CUT-OUT OFFER GOOD THOUGH DECEMBER 31st, 2022. LIMIT ONE ITEM PER COUPON $5 .00 OFF ANY CASE® BRANDED KNIFE 7200 S. SOONER RD. OKC 7200 S. SOONER RD. OKC COME SEE US TODAY! COME SEE US TODAY! (405) 741 4400 (405) 741 4400 PRICES GOOD THRU 12/31/22 PRICES GOOD THRU 12/31/22 All phone numbers are area code 405 unless otherwise noted
HANDYMAN FOR HIRE Off-duty fireman, remodel, painting, flooring (tile, laminates, etc), sheetrock, roofing, siding, fences, decks, carports, room additions, windows & doors, custom made bookcases, shelving, cabinets, etc. General home repair, All types of construction, 39 yrs experience. 405-245-5502 or 405-381-2007


• Alfredo Medina III

Construction: All types of quality concrete work at an affordable price, no job too large or small; satisfaction guaranteed, free estimates, 405-664-9820.

• Weld Up Steel Buildings: 30x40=$19,300; 40x60=$32,400; 40 x 100 = $51,000, price includes concrete & installation. 405-872-0338 or bargainbarnsusa.com.

• Bargain Barns: 18x21 stell carport = 1395.00, 12x31 rv cover = 2505.00, 24x31 steel garage = 7710.00, Delivery and installation included, call 872-0338.

• Bargains Barns:  18x21 steel carport=$1195; 12x31 RV cover=$2085; 20 x 21 garage=$4285; 24x31 garage=$6195, financing available. 405-872-0338 or

All phone numbers are area code 405 unless otherwise noted

• Award winning Decks, Pergolas, Outdoor fire places: firepits / kitchens, landscape design and installation, cedar fence, pavers, we are the Patio experts. 405-834-3411.

• Clean up & haul off: trash & debris from properties and building interiors. For a professional, neatly finished job, call Jerry Richardson, insured, references. 850-0577.

• “The Piddler”: Need anything done around your house or property, call “The Piddler” Chet Adams. 248-0495.

• CL Williams Excavating Services LLC: Water lines, sewer lines, septic systems, storm shelters, footings, driveways, trenching and more. DEQ certified, bonded and insured. Call for free estimate. 226-2930.

• Tractor work: gravel drives, brushoging, tree work, dirt work, tilling, finish mowing. 808-8202

• Construction & fabrication: In shop or on site; welding, fabrication, equipment building and repair. Oil field through New & Existing construction. All aspects. 405-308-5742.

• Woodcraft: In shop Furniture Repair and/or Refinishing, Custom Wood Projects, Cabinetry, Book Shelves etc: Call Russ (405)887-5870.

• Brush hogging: box blading, driveway work, etc, MIke Matthews. 397-2124.

• Construction & Fabrication: In shop or on site; welding, fabrication, equipment building and repair. Oil field through new & existing construction. Industrial - Residential. All aspects. 405-308-5742.

• Seamless Guttering: Country Ridge Enterprises New installation or replacement, repairs, clean out and leaf guard. Local Norman company. Insured *Free Estimates* Call James. (405)623-2354.

• Jimmie’s Sewing Machine Repair: Blanchard, OK. 387-3313.

• Roll off dumpsters: We carry all sizes of roll off dumpsters. call today for a free quote 405-618-0080.

PAINTING & REMODELING Insured, Free Estimates Painting • Fence & Deck Staining Texturing • Carpentry • Interior Exterior • Commercial Residential • Sheetrock 314-0755 / 366-0722
7 2 0 0 S . S O O N E R R D . O K C ( 4 0 5 ) 7 4 1 - 4 4 0 0 7 2 0 0 S . S O O N E R R D . O K C ( 4 0 5 ) 7 4 1 - 4 4 0 0 PREPARE WITH PRE-EMERGENT HERBICIDE CHICK DAYS COMING SOON! $99 99 2.5 GAL. PIN-DEE TM CONCENTRATE DO YOU WANT A GREENER LAWN? DO YOU WANT A GREENER LAWN? PRICES GOOD THRU 2/28/21 PRICES GOOD THRU 2/28/21 PREPARE WITH PRE-EMERGENT HERBICIDE 15 GAL. 1 GPM SPOT SPRAYER $59 77 25 GAL. 2.2 GPM 7’ BOOM & 25’ HOSE TOW SPRAYER $276 99 1.25 GAL. PIN-DEE TM CONCENTRATE $49 99 15’ HOSE Strong enough to withstand OKC storms Built on-site using American-made steel (405) 757-0330 All phone numbers are area code 405 unless otherwise noted INTERNET | TV | PHONE www.OECFiber.com WE’VE GOT YOU COVERED. 405-872-7222 *Equipment *Dirt *Gravel *Sand

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