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Tried, Tested and True
IMMYLabs thankful for reliability and rapid OEC Fiber speeds
As COVID-19 began to spread more and more rapidly through the U.S., more specifically, the state of Oklahoma, IMMY, Inc. realized that they had the expertise, machinery, and manpower to help with the testing shortage.
They quickly formed IMMYLabs and developed a sign-up software and drive-thru system for testing that allowed them to swab over 100 people each hour. Realizing the popularity of this service, they quickly opened more swabbing locations around the metro area that could also collect samples from over 100 patients within just one hour.
News of their efficient and accurate testing spread very quickly, and their testing services became more popular than they ever could have imagined. Thousands of samples were pouring in on a daily basis. So many sign-ups and out-going results were being processed on their in-house server that they began to see complete crashes of their entire site.
No one could sign up for a test and no one could access results until their server could catch up. Their IT department quickly diagnosed this as an internet speed issue. Then, along came OEC Fiber to save the day. OEC Fiber installed lines, set up their system and got them fully online with unbelievably fast upload and download speeds in a matter of a week or two.
According to IMMYLabs, this has been a lifesaver (literally) when it comes to being able to continuously offer a reliable and efficient testing service. Their system has seen zero crashes since switching to OEC Fiber. This includes the week before Thanksgiving where the U.S. saw its highest demand for testing to date. In that week alone, IMMYLabs tested and reported results to over 32,000 patients.
Not a single crash of their system occurred.
Dr. Sean Bauman, President and CEO of IMMY and IMMYLabs, recently remarked “OEC Fiber freaking rocks! The only problem I have is that I don’t have it at my house.”
Just like in science, medicine and now fiber connection reliability, the results speak for themselves.