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From the Top with CEO Patrick Grace
Here at OEC we pride ourselves on many things: safety, reliability, affordability, being financially sound, to name a few. But one thing I personally love about OEC is the fact that we are local.
My own experiences in dealing with big-box companies have made me even more grateful to be part of a company that is not only housed in central Oklahoma, but its history is here, its people are here, its roots are here. When you call us, you're talking to a trained professional sitting in Norman who might live around the corner from you. When your lights go out, the people working to turn them back on might be your neighbors, or the parents of your kid's little league teammate. Our board of directors are stationed within their districts across our service area so we can be sure we're meeting the needs of all members.
From right here in Oklahoma.
We were created out of community to serve the community, and that support continues today. You might see OEC on a high school scoreboard, or sponsoring local fundraisers, or handing out goodies at your local fireworks show, or sending your kids to camp (hint: see page 8). We wholeheartedly believe that having a local presence is important — this was highlighted in October when we were able to mobilize very quickly to restore power to thousands of members.
I also believe that creating a locally owned and operated telecommunications company in OEC Fiber has benefited all who enjoy its services today. We all know how massive a lot of those companies are, and at the end of the day, I think people in general feel better about their dollars getting reinvested in infrastructure here, in community here, in jobs here.
OEC Fiber is the voice of our local members who needed our service. Sure, options are great to have, but some members didn't have any options. We were it. And we've been so very proud to bring them a service that allows them to thrive.
Oklahomans taking care of Oklahomans. It's something we don't take lightly and are proud to be part of.