1 minute read

From the Top with CEO Patrick Grace

Electric rates can be complex and difficult to fully grasp with a lot of moving parts. We must factor in the cost of building new infrastructure and replacing old, maintaining the poles, wires, transformers and substations we currently have in place, paying highly-trained, knowledgeable employees, and ensuring our technology is safe from cyber attacks. And not to mention we must consider the cost of the electricity itself — the ever-changing fuel costs, transportation from the generation plant to your homes and so much more. From the engineering behind the electrical system’s design to the billing software and community safety programs, we must be sure to capture these costs in our rates.

Sounds easy, right?

Costs naturally increase every year, but our growth has been able to offset the need for a rate increase. Our service area includes areas near the OKC metro that are experiencing booming growth. Families are migrating toward suburban and rural areas where their dollar goes further. Because of this, we are able to continually assess our rate structure without implementing an increase while ensuring our members have options that benefit you and your cooperative.

Those who like simplicity have enjoyed our standard residential rate, while those who are more energy-conscious are able to take advantage of our flexible time-of-use rate. Those who charge an electric vehicle overnight or are able to switch their energy use to overnight hours have a rate that fits their needs, too.

I invite you to use the calculator at www.okcoop.org/ratecalc to determine which rate is best for your home and energy needs. Our goal is to save you money in the long run by being on the right rate.

Speaking of saving money, summertime is (almost) officially here, and as your trusted energy advisor for 84 years and counting, we’re here to ensure you don’t spend any more on your summer power bills than you have to. Check out our helpful energy efficiency stories and tips on pages 6 and 9, and learn more about our rates on page 4. Be sure to follow us on social media for all the energy-saving tips we’ll be sharing this summer.

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