Oklahoma Electric Co-op News June 2018

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OKLAHOMA ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE Your trusted energy advisor

Volume 66, Issue 12

June 2018


Oklahoma Electric

Meet the team bringing OEC Fiber to life PAGE 8

Board of Trustees John Jensen, President District6Trustee@okcoop.org

District 6

Ronnie Grover, Vice President


Mike Argo, Sec. Treasurer


District4Trustee@okcoop.org District1Trustee@okcoop.org

Rusty Grissom, Asst. Sec. Treasurer 3 District3Trustee@okcoop.org

Percy Moreu


Shirley Idleman


Danny Watters


Bob Usry


Ronnie Tharp


District2Trustee@okcoop.org District5Trustee@okcoop.org District7Trustee@okcoop.org District8Trustee@okcoop.org District9Trustee@okcoop.org

Oklahoma Electric Cooperative 242 24th Ave NW | PO Box 1208 Norman, OK, 73070 321-2024, FAX 405-217-6900 http://www.okcoop.org

Senior Management Co-op Manager...............................Patrick Grace Chief Financial Officer.........Preston O’Brien, CPA VP of Engineering...........................Thad Peterson VP of Operations...............................Marty Hayes VP of Administration...........................Jonna Buck VP of HR and Legal Services............Tracy Mowdy VP of Metering................................John Spencer Mgr of Fiber & Broadband.........David Goodspeed Oklahoma Electric Co-op News is published monthly by Oklahoma Electric Cooperative, 242 24th Ave. NW, Norman, OK 73069, (USPS865-700). Subscription rates: $6.00 per year for non-members, 50¢ per year for members. Periodical postage paid at Norman, OK and other additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Please send form 3579 to: Oklahoma Electric Co-op News, PO Box 1208, Norman, OK 73070.

“Co-op News” Editor Brianna Wall

Hidden Account Numbers Worth $400 Each month, OEC will pay $50 to the two co-op members who locate their hidden account numbers inside the Co-op News that month. The hidden account numbers will be placed at random within the text of each issue and not on the mailing label. The amounts will simultaneously increase in $50 increments until one or both account numbers are located by their respective owners or until the maximum of $500 is reached. 1. One of the hidden account numbers must be your own. 2. You must advise OEC by phone, mail or in person at the co-op’s office by the 15th of the month. If you find your account number call the Member Relations department at 217-6708.

FROM the

TOP Patrick Grace, CEO

Concern for Community: It's a guiding principle for all cooperatives and one we take to heart here at OEC. Our mission to increase our members' quality of life is a driving force for our community involvement. Our employees have big hearts and are always willing to step up and help whenever and wherever needed. Special Olympics is a great example — read more from those who volunteered at this year's Summer Games on page 6. Two of our employees recently created an entire T-ball league in the rural communities of Amber and Pocasset. They spent countless hours prepping fields and doing the work to attract teams and scores of people to their community. They saw a need and stepped up to fill it. Those are the kinds of people bringing you electric (and soon, internet) service on a daily basis. The OEC board in February approved a policy that allows employees to take time off for volunteer work in the communities in which we live and serve. Being present and lending a helping hand is a priority for everyone at OEC. Another great example of Concern for Community is the OEC Foundation, an independent board of community members who volunteer to disburse funds collected from the Operation Round Up® (ORU) program. Created in 1993 to help fill the needs of those across our seven-county service area, the OEC Foundation has donated nearly $5 million to organizations and families here in central Oklahoma. ORU has become part of life for the organizations it has supported the past 25 years and is a tremendous program with unmeasured community impact. The organization wouldn't exist if it weren't for the priority placed upon Concern for Community. I am proud to work for a company that not only encourages community support but provides opportunities to do just that. Be looking for us in your communities and let us know if you have an opportunity to serve that we could help fulfill.

contents 4

OEC Foundation grants over $48,000 to local organizations, families


Beware of scammers targeting utility consumers



Meet the team taking high-speed internet where no one else will

4 5 12 14

Operation Round Up Report



Tasty Treats Classified Ads


Employees volunteer at Special Olympics Summer Games




OEC linemen help restore power in northwest Oklahoma following wildfires

WFEC Generation Report




OEC employees help make Special Olympics Summer Games a success




Here’s a cool tip for your fridge! Cover liquids and wrap foods stored in your refrigerator. Uncovered foods release moisture, causing the compressor to work harder.

Source: energy.gov



OEC Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors Betty Allen • Leroy Bayliff Alan Davenport • Harlen Fipps Ronnie Fulks • Vivian Gibson Vickie Gray • Carla Kimberling Beckie Turner • Joyce Wallace

Next Meeting June 21 Applications Due June 4 Applications available at www.okcoop.org/ORU OEC Foundation, Inc. Financial Statement Beginning Balance 4/20/18 ............................... $186,892.60 May deposit .......................... $20,208.81 Interest ...................................... $158.15 Checks issued .................... -$50,068.96 Approved, not paid ............. -$20,830.65 Ending balance 5/23/18 ... $137,757.08 Financial Statement by: Amanda Dierking


OEC Foundation board grants over $48,000 to local organizations, families


he OEC Foundation, Inc. board of directors met May 1 and distributed over $48,000 to local nonprofit organizations and families in OEC's seven-county service area via Operation Round Up® (ORU). Bridges of Norman, Dale K. Graham Veterans Foundation and Norman Lions Club received the largest grants — valued at $10,000 each. The board also granted $7,500 to the Make-A-Wish Foundation to grant wishes for terminally ill children, and $3,500 to the National Weather Museum and Science Center for audio/video enhancements for its traveling weather museum. The Newcastle Police Department received $3,000 for body cameras, and the Newcastle Special Olympics team received $1,500 for equipment needed to compete in the Special Olympics. Six families received assistance with a variety of needs, including dentures, eye exams, glasses, a new water heater and fence repair. The next meeting is scheduled for June 21, applications are due June 4 and can be found at www.okcoop.org/ORU.

New features coming soon to SmartHub! Please be sure your email address and phone number are correct in OEC's SmartHub mobile app.

Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • June 2018


Thieves target electric consumers in latest scams



OEC has contracted vegetation management work to Riggs Tree Service in addition to Asplundh. You might see crews clearing vegetation in your area.

WIND: 37% HYDRO: 11% SOLAR: 1% NATURAL GAS: 42% COAL: 9%


hieves are at it again. Or, perhaps, they never stopped. They're constantly looking for ways to scam utility customers out of money. OEC member service associates reported an increased number of calls throughout the past month from members who were told via phone call that, if they did not purchase a pre-loaded money card, their electricity would be turned off. "First, we will never turn off power over the weekend or call and demand payment immediately over the phone," said Amy McElhany, manager of member services. "We will also never ask you to purchase a card from a convenient store to pay us." Regularly billed members receive at least two notices via mail or email prior to service interruption for non payment. Prepaid members choose to be notified by email, text message or phone call. Scammers may also approach you using other methods. Here are some tips to keep you from becoming a victim: • Take your time. A legitimate business or government agency will not push you into making an immediate decision or payment. Scam artists capitalize on the fear of “missing out,” or when making fake threats, they pressure you into a quick decision. • Be cautious about certain methods of payment. Wiring money is equivalent to sending cash—and it’s often untraceable. Likewise, revealing that a scammer’s check is bad can take weeks. Make purchases with a credit card that allows you to dispute fraudulent charges. Members who receive questionable calls should call OEC at 405-321-2024 to verify their account status.

Western Farmers Electric Cooperative (WFEC), OEC's wholesale generation and transmission power provider, has an impressive renewable portfolio that includes wind, hydro and — recently added — solar. OEC's Solar Garden, located at Interstate 35 and Highway 77 in Norman, began producing power in February 2017, and Tuttle's 40-acre Solar Farm began operation in March 2017. As more solar facilities come online, expect to see it added to WFEC's generation report, increasing the already robust mix of renewable energy sources.

Data collected from Western Farmers Electric Cooperative reflects generation during March 2018.

To view real-time generation output and environmental benefits of OEC's Solar Garden, visit www.okcoop.org/solar. Visit www.okcoop.org/solar-garden-tours to tour OEC's Solar Garden, located at Interstate 35 and Highway 77 in Norman. www.okcoop.org


OEC's Aaron Criswell congratulates an athlete as she crosses the finish line

Co-op volunteers help make Special Olympics memorable for thousands of athletes 6

Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • June 2018



Volunteers from 18 Oklahoma electric co-ops came together in Stillwater May 16-18 to assist with the Special Olympics Summer Games. Five employees, one board trustee and one OEC Foundation, Inc. board member represented OEC among the 101 co-op volunteers in Stillwater. Chief Meter Technician Joe Bartram, Apprentice Vegetation Management Aaron Criswell, Journeyman Power Lineman Chris Croslin, Member Services Associate Chyla Hall and Chief Financial Officer Preston O'Brien, along with district 5 trustee Danny Watters and OEC Foundation, Inc. (Operation Round UpÂŽ) board member Harlen Fipps joined over 100 other co-op employees from across the state. The co-op employees, family members and former Youth Tour participants assisted with track and field events. More than 5,000 athletes from across the state participated in the Summer Games. During the three-day event, athletes competed in track and field, bocce, bowling, golf, horseshoes, powerlifting, basketball and softball. "It was very inspiring and motivating to see the level of sheer determination and effort the athletes put into every event," said O'Brien. "No matter if an athlete came in first or last place, each athlete was filled with so much joy and even gave hugs and highfives to the volunteers as they crossed the finish line. I personally felt so blessed to have had that opportunity and it is something I will never forget." [5330200407] In addition to OEC's volunteers, the OEC Foundation, Inc. via the Operation Round Up program donates funds to area Special Olympics teams each year. That funding is made possible by members who round up their monthly electric bills to the nearest dollar. Read more about this program each month on page 4. Thank you to everyone who donated time, energy or dollars OEC employee volunteers at Special Olympics Summer Games, from left to right: Preston O'Brien, Joe Bartram, Chyla Hall, to make the Special Chris Croslin and Aaron Criswell Olympics a success. www.okcoop.org


Powered by Oklahoma Electric Cooperative

Meet the team taking high-speed internet where no one else will David Goodspeed | President David comes to OEC & OEC Fiber with over 13 years of retail experience and 10 years in the information technology (IT) field at the University of Oklahoma, recently serving as an assistant vice president in the IT department. David previously worked at Apple Computers

as a regional manager in its higher education area covering 13 states. David truly thinks outside the box and challenges his team to find creative ways to deliver exceptional experiences that OEC members have come to expect.

Joe Torres | Manager of Outside Plant & Construction A 15-year veteran of OEC, Joe has been certified through a four-year apprentice program recognized and approved from the Department of Labor allowing him to obtain his journeyman certification in power line distribution. Also, during Joe’s tenure, he has been involved in

every aspect of utility distribution from actual construction to management for OEC. A proud resident of Lexington, Joe and his wife Cari have three children: Lexie, Jaxon and Layla. He likes to spend his free time hunting, fishing and coaching his kids' sports teams.

Michael Tomas | Network Operations Manager A former telecommunications senior executive, Michael has over 22 years of telecommunications and service provider experience. He has built and delivered internet services and telecommunications service to communities around Oklahoma. He helped

build a CLEC (a type of telecommunications provider company) in Oklahoma and built and then maintained a data center for a telecommunications company for over 18 years. Michael spends his free time with his wife, Lisa, and their son, Joseph.

Jeremy Kilpatrick | Fiber Optic Technician Jeremy brings 13 years of experience in information technology to the OEC Fiber team. He has experience with outside plant management as well as fiber optic technology. In his role as the fiber optic technician, Jeremy will oversee home installations,


Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • June 2018

maintenance, testing and trouble shooting. A former Marine, he is an avid dog-lover and has two of his own, a boxer and a Rottweiler mix with blue eyes.

Nick Moyer | Network Technician As a recent graduate of the University of Oklahoma, Nick brings a fresh perspective to the OEC Fiber team. He has experience with data cable, phone, wireless and network switch systems. His role as Network Technician is to make

sure the data flowing through the fiber is precise, quick and uninterrupted. Good luck finding Nick during his free time, he’s usually out backpacking and rock climbing!​

Kayla Brandt | Social Marketing Content Manager Kayla comes to OEC Fiber from the Norman Chamber of Commerce where she served as vice president of communications and events. Originally from the Dallas area, Kayla has proudly called Norman home for over 11 years. While Norman may be home base, she loves to

travel and vows to visit at least one new country each year with her boyfriend, James. When she isn’t working or traveling, she spends time at home in Norman with James and their two dogs, Murphy and Milly.

Michelle Hohlier | Sales & Marketing Business Developer Coming from the Norman Chamber of Commerce, Michelle has a background in recruiting and retaining memberships and sponsorship sales. Michelle focuses on business development and sales and will continue to build relationships

within the business community across OEC's service area. Michelle is from Michigan and has been a resident of Norman for 11 years. She enjoys exploring the outdoors in Norman and throughout the region with her 3-year-old son, Brecken.

Jeff Fincannon | Project Manager Jeff brings a wealth of experience to the OEC Fiber team. He has not only executed over 100 fiber-to-the-home projects, but has been in the field since 1980. Employed by Conexon, a company partnering with electric co-ops to bring broadband to rural

areas, his charge is to oversee project deadlines, scheduling, materials and ensure that each project is completed on time. He enjoys spending time with his wife Tammy, his daughter Erica and his grandchildren Harper and Jordan. He also loves to fish and golf.

Shawn Whitehurst | Project Manager Shawn brings 18 years of experience in the cable service industry. He has done and seen everything from installation, service, construction and more. Also employed by Conexon, Shawn is tasked with the ride-out design for our construction crews.

When he is not running fiber, he enjoys spending time with his wife, Kristin, and his children, Shawna and Cory. An avid fisherman, he is always on the look-out for a great spot to catch crappie.




Notice to file candidacy for OEC Board of Trustees The members of Oklahoma Electric Cooperative Districts 1, 6 and 9 are hereby notified that pursuant to Article 3, Section 3.07 of the bylaws of Oklahoma Electric Cooperative, as amended, any member desiring to run for the office of Trustee from the district of his/her residence must file a written Notice of Candidacy on a form provided by the cooperative on June 5, 6 or 7, 2018, inside the cooperative headquarters at the office of the manager, 2520 Hemphill Drive, Norman, Okla., between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on one of those days. Only members filing Notice of Candidacy and Intention to Stand for Election during the time period stated above shall be eligible for election at his/her District Meeting. Persons desiring to file for office of Trustee must obtain forms at the cooperative

headquarters, 2520 Hemphill Drive, Norman, Okla. No nominations from the floor can be accepted at the District Meetings. The bylaws provide written Notice of Candidacy must be filed inside the headquarters of the cooperative with the manager or his designee, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. during the three (3)-day filing period, which officially closes at 5 p.m. on Thursday, June 7, 2018. Candidacy information for members interested in serving on the Board of Trustees can be obtained by calling Patrick Grace at 405-321-2024. May 23, 2018 Mike Argo, Secretary, Oklahoma Electric Cooperative Board of Trustees

District Meeting Locations District 1

Tuesday, July 17, 2018 Randall University 3701 S I-35 Service Rd Moore, OK 73160

District 6

Monday, July 16, 2018, 7 p.m. First Baptist Church 100 S Main Washington, OK 73093

District 9

Thursday, July 19, 2018 Amber-Pocasset High School Cafeteria 401 E Main St Amber, OK 004

81st Annual Meeting & Member Appreciation Night It's that time again — time for the Annual Meeting and Member Appreciation Night! The south ramp of the Lloyd Noble Center is back open following a two-year construction project, and a barbecue dinner will once again be served. As usual, we have some great entertainers lined up for you and a host of prizes ready to give away. Please note doors will not open until 4:30 p.m. and dinner will be served until 7 p.m. Members must be present to claim prizes during the drawing following the business meeting. Mark your calendars for Aug. 10 and look for more information coming soon! 10

Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • June 2018



OEC crews help sister co-op restore power following wildfires


hen an electric co-op is in need, an army of other co-ops stand ready to provide any support needed. OEC has been on both the giving and receiving end and in April sent a six-man crew to help restore power after ravenous wildfires destroyed thousands of acres in northwest Oklahoma. At its peak, Northwestern Electric Cooperative (NWEC), headquartered in Woodward, experienced loss of power to 1,800 meters — 15 percent of its entire system. Over 800 poles were lost due to the fires. OEC linemen Chris Croslin, Tim Ferree, Nathan Foster, Chris Slaughter and Clint Yeary joined almost 50 additional linemen from eight other co-ops across Oklahoma in the restoration efforts, which included re-constructing the 800 lost poles. [1733414901] After seven days, exhausted crews restored all power and were able to return home. NWEC has experienced an unfortunate number of natural disasters over the past 13 months. OEC sent crews in April 2017 to help restore power following a late-season ice storm and blizzard, then again a few months later following a damaging tornado. Here's to hoping NWEC — and all co-ops — are in for a very uneventful spring and summer.

Photo taken by OEC lineman Chris Croslin





OEC Foundation, Inc. board member Leroy Bayliff of Tuttle accepts the Champion Business Award from Special Olympics Oklahoma in appreciation of and dedication to Tuttle Special Olympics. OEC and the OEC Foundation are longtime supporters of all area Special Olympics teams, encouraging employees to volunteer at the Summer Games each year and giving much-needed grants to local teams.


1/2 cup basil, packed 1 small clove garlic 1 tablespoon pine nuts, toasted 2 tablespoons parmesan, grated

2 tablespoons olive oil 1 tablespoon lemon juice (~1/4 lemon) salt and pepper to taste 1 pound shrimp, peeled and deviened

Pulse the basil, garlic, pine nuts, parmesan, oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper in a food processor or blender until smooth. Marinate the shrimp in the pesto for at least 20 minutes, up to overnight, in the fridge. Skewer the shrimp and grill over medium-high heat until cooked, about 2-3 minutes per side. Recipe and image courtesy of Kevin Lynch at ClosetCooking.com


Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • June 2018

Keep the time in mind when using electricity


ummer is here, and that means OEC's on-peak rates are in effect Monday through Friday, 3-7 p.m. until Aug. 31 (excluding July 4). While electricity costs more to produce during those hot afternoons, you can actually save money during the summer by making a few minor adjustments to your household's energy use routine. • Postpone the use of major appliances — like dishwashers, kitchen appliances and clothes dryers — until after 7 p.m. • Invest in a programmable thermostat and pre-cool your home. • Make sure your water heater is set to the lowest point (around 120º), and consider installing a water heater wrap to help seal in the heat. • West-facing windows attract extra heat during the summer. Cover them with curtains or drapes containing thermal linings or barriers. • Closing blinds during the day will help keep the summer heat out of your home. • Use ceiling fans only when you're in the room. They will cause the air to feel cooler, but if no one is in the room to feel it, it is wasted electricity. • Replace or clean air filters. It only takes a minute and savings could add up. • Entertainment center electronics consume power even when they're turned off. Plug them into a power strip and turn it off during the day.

RESIDENTIAL SUMMER RATES Bills mailed in July, August and September

On Peak (June, July & August usage, M-F, 3-7 p.m.): 25.6688¢ per kWh


Off Peak (all other kWhs): June bills: 11.5252¢ per kWh; July-Sept. bills: 10.2688¢ per kWh *All bills include an 83¢ per day Service Availability Charge.




Note: OEC does not endorse or guarantee any of the products or services in these ads.


• ‘04 Honda Civic lx, runs good, good mpg, 220k miles, cruise control, stereo, $2000 cash obo. 532-6875. • ‘09 Road King Classic removable windshield, backrest and lug rack, exc cond, road ready, 16k miles, call for pics, $10k. 243-2770. • ‘03 GMC Yukon XL, leather heated seats, adjustable pedal, sunroof, power folding mirrors, 4WD, 2key driver memory, 3rd row seating, VHS and monitor, $4000 obo. 664-4721. • Wanted early Ford Mustang to fix up, conf, hatch ok. 366-6166.

• ‘11 3/4 ton Chevy Silverado Crew Cab, great shape. 317-8006. • ‘74 Sovelhead Harley Davidson, good cond, $5,000 obo; ‘05 Buell XB12R Firebolt, good cond, $5000 obo. 414-0876. • Looking for GM truck interior and body parts for 1973-1980 pickups. 227-6772. • ‘97 Ford 1/2 ton ext cab 3 door good small v8 engine, 175,000 miles, 2 new tires, camper shell, 1 owner, $4,500 obo, call/text. 640-0805.

Farm & Equipment

• ‘89 Model 24ft gooseneck stock trailer, $3500. 288-6393.

5.25% Taxes



Buy direct from the Manufacturers! Manufacturers of Culvert Pipe

Fax: (405) 381-5181

Farm Pond Pipe, Elbows, Tees, Meter Cans, Arched pipe. We stock 12” through 120” diameter pipe in lengths of 16, 20, 24, 30 & 40 feet. We can make any size or length • Delivery is available



Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • June 2018



Tinhorns R Us

(405) 381-4044

• Wanted tractors dead or alive, any kind any size, quick response. 641-7728 or 352-4816. • Shipping containers: Great Secure Storage - 40’ and 20’ shipping containers, RTO available. 405-783-4370. • Used cattle panels, $10 ea; 2 pipe gates 8’ & 10’ with cattle panel inserts $20 ea. 255-5114. • Heavy duty Troy Bilt tiller w/ metal fuel tank, furrow plow, snow plow, wheel chains, tiller alone new at Northern Tool for $2,199, asking $550 obo. 573-0388.


Autos, Parts & Accessories



(Fair Top Prices Paid) Rifles - Handguns - Shotguns We have over 2,000 New & Used Guns In Stock In Front MUSTANG PAWN and GUN of Water Tower


Tue-Sat 9-6 • 126 W Hwy 152


• Mohawk Chief 10 commercial heavy duty 10’ 3pt brush hog. 517-3366. • 10’ commercial heavy duty 3pt brushhog, Mohawk Chief 10, protected 3 gearbox system, comm grade steel, front & rear chain guards, exc cond, very low hours, asking $6,500 obo. 517-3366. • ‘74 Yanmar 1500 2 wheel drive w/brush hog, low hours, great shape, asking $3200. 651-5038. • Gravely tractor 6.6HP MDL L w/30” rotary mower, rotary plow, Gravely cultivator, riding sulky; separate Gravely tractor, 6.6HP MDL LI w/30”rotary mower & riding sulky; separate rotary cultivator. 321-0633. • 32’ gooseneck trailer, tandem axle, dual tires, $3,500. 642-7946. • Alum stock trailer 20’ box, 2 gates, show calf ready, blocking shout mount, like new, $11,950. 990-9974. • Poulan Pro 25cc 210mph leaf blower, used 3 tms, $75. 527-8639. • Antique from 50’s John Deer cycle mower with arm remodeled in workable condition. 485-3871.


All phone numbers are area code 405 unless otherwise noted • 1947 Model C Allis Chalmers, narrow front w/Artsway belly mower, runs good, asking $1500. 831-9855. • Cedar Panels: 22 8’x8’, ½ price; Welder, Ranger 8; Torch set w/ owned bottles, air compressor, tool box, all mounted on nice 6x10 2whl trailer, $3200 Jerry. 850-0577. • Troy Bilt Horse Rototiller. 321-7843. • WW 2Horse Bumper Pull trlr like new, $4250; 16ft flatbed gooseneck trlr w/pipe rails $1500; Allen Range Saddle Barrel Racer exc cond, $1500. 429-0170. • Cub Cadet, 50”, 22HP ZT Mower $400, 6 hrs, use on spring-tune-up, do not use anymore. 535-0935.

Furniture & Appliances

• Beautiful dining room table set, 6 Chairs (2 Captain) located in Calumet, $650 cash only. 317-8006. • Adjusta-Maic Electric Bed, hand control for raising/ lowering head and foot, twin, X-Long, mattress pad and 2 sheet sets included, $225. 514-1876. • Beautiful dining room table set 6 chairs (2 captain), 1 leaf includes china closet, $650 cash only. 317-8006.

• 4 antique wall clocks $45 each obo; Antique dresser with mirror $150, please leave msg. 535-2188.

Hay & Firewood

• Seasoned and green firewood $75/rick, delivery price dep on location. 365-5534. • Free firewood near downtown Noble, fallen trees or tree trunks only, bring truck, chainsaw, and help. 899-4033. • Small square premium bermuda horse hay in 21 bale bundles, loaded on your trailer, sprayed and fertilized, heavy bales. 850-1005.

Livestock & Pets

• Structural pipe: H-posts, single posts, corner posts, cattle guards, sucker rods, will custom build, delivery available. 207-0101. • American Blackbelly lambs, call for current prices, Tuttle; Hatching eggs-Silver lace/ Orpington. 640-4651. • 5 Young Bulls, 8-15 mths old; 2 Angus/Sim & 3- Red Angus. 834-6323. • 2-yr-old Draper (hairless) ram, 1 of a twin, has sired twins, very gentle, need new bloodline, $125, Tuttle. 574-5678.

• Nigerian pigmy goats for sale $50 to $60 each, we have adults and babies. 779-3124. • Homers in all colors and ages, need to sell and cut down, only $3 each, won’t last long at that price, Norman. 474-4261. • Livestock Guardian Dogs, protect your goats, sheep, chickens, others from predators, guaranteed to work, 4 months to 1 year old. 229-0066. • AKC German Shepherd Puppies, born 4/24, 5M & 4F, all black/tan, great pedigree, parents on premises in Mustang, $800 text or call. 517-2583. • Mini Aussie puppies black tri. 899-7618. • Mini horses, some with foals, EZ entry carts, mini halters, very reasonable. 850-0847. • 2 hereford cross bred bulls, 1 six month $700, 1 eighteen month $900. 329-4562. • Koi fish and goldfish, some w/fan tails, various sizes and colors available, bargain prices, also liners, pump, filter available. 391-3319. • American Blackbelly lambs $125, healthy, shots, wormed, gentle; Hatching eggs $5, silver lace orphington, buff orphington. 640-4651.


Tank pumping & installing • Dozer & backhoe dirt work ®

• Five 3-yr-old female Great Pyrenees/Lab Cross $50, 1-yrold Male Rottweiler Mix $65, Two 2-yr-old Stud Colts $150. 387-4793.


• Masonry Work & Repair: brick, block, stone & repair, All size jobs: fireplaces, mailboxes, planters, tuck pointing, pavers, brick replacement due to erosion, 40yrs experience, competitive prices, Danny. 329-2230 or 779-5362. • Stump Grinding: competitive prices, shrubs & some tree removal, call Danny. 779-5362 or 329-2230. • Structural pipe: H-posts, single posts, corner posts, cattle guards, sucker rods, will custom build, delivery available. 207-0101. • Jenn Air gas oven , never used, white, $600 OBO (originally $2,000), call Tom. 312-3266. • 4 Cemetery lots Resthaven, Garden of Nativity, Sec 20 lot 988, spaces 1-4, worth 15k, will take any reasonable offer. 4887864 or 392-4336. • 1/2carat diamond ring, solitary, 14karat white gold band, size 5, $1,000 firm; ’03 Ford Taurus, good cond, 129k miles, AC, sage green, 4dr, good tires, $3,000. 410-7532.

OKLAHOMA FARM BUREAU insURAncE We’re OK, so you’re okay.




Office: 1311 N. Porter Avenue Norman, OK 73071

Bus: (405) 329-1830

Office: 800 SW 134th St Oklahoma City, 73170

(405) 329-1830 www.okcoop.org


CLASSIFIED ADS • 2 Cemetery plots, Sunset Memorial Park, Garden of Good Shepherd, Lot 222, Spaces A & B, over 45% savings, valued at 13K, asking 7K for both–6K savings. 613-4758. • A complete piano tuning tools, $1,000. 321-4980. • ‘Mahogany Piano by Knight from London, England, studio model piano. 306-9566. • Security bars for door & windows, S $20, M $25, L $30, door $50, call for individual dimensions. 370-5642. • Private investor buying silver dollars, will pay cash. 627-3920. • 1 BERSA Thunder 380, 1 Ruger P95DC 9MM w/case & extra clip, Vintage Marshall Cabs, Fender Amps, Various Music Gear. 833-6769. • 54” glass for tabletop, $50; 6pc TKO drum set, $200 firm; Area rug, 11’4”x14’, pd $1,000, will take $400; New Brinkman grill, 1 burner to the side, used 3 times, $60; 2 bar stools, like new, padded seats, high quality, $40 ea. 918-424-7900

Storage SolutionS

All phone numbers are area code 405 unless otherwise noted • Death by Stupidity, written by an Oklahoma author, is available now on Smashwords and Amazon in eBook and paperback, mystery/suspense/ thriller. • Animal traps & equip, #1 ½ coil spring, #1 ½ and #2 long spring, #4 newhouse trap long spring, stretchers wooden, metal, dog knot stakes; 8hp Troybilt roto tiller, new eng & tires. 386-4330. • Sheet metal, 4-rib sheet iron, white, 36”W, 17-24 ft L, ask for Don, $1.25/ft cash only. 642-7160. • 2” diameter black plastic oilfield pipe, 2 diff lengths—1 141½ ft L w/slight blade damage at 93½ ft point (leak their under pressure); 1 57 ft length w/slight scrape at 37½ ft point (should not leak under pressure). 321-0633. • Walther pk380, $250; glock19 gen4 9mm, $520 cash. 249-5405. • 4 cemetery plots in Lake Pointe Garden, Resthaven Memory Gardens, OKC, Section 15E, Lot 234, spaces 1-4, $4,000 ea (negotiable), leave msg. 659-5959.

• MOJack EZ Lawn Tractor Stand $65, use 6 tms; 7” Tile Wet Saw THD 550 WorkForce $65; Better Hms BBQ gas 5 brns, s steel 2 tanks, $125. 527-8639. • Weslo cadence treadmill great condition, $175; Craftsman rototiller, $100; Ryobi trimmer with 4 attachments, $100. 387-9674. • Efficiency apartment at Paradise Airport 20770 280th St, Washington, OK Furnished washer and dryer $400/mo. 250-2719. • ‘66 Autocar oilfield truck; Eaton Fuller transmission # RTL014610A; 1 flatbed w/gin poles; 1 flatbed w/I-beam & trolley mntd 8’ tall; 4x8 HD trlr w/centrifugal pump p/b 45 hp elec mtr; Mercruiser I/O lower unit. 308-5742. • Pipe 20ft 2 3/8th, 33ft 41/2ft,11ft 2 1/2 square tubing $50 for all; 12 milk crates, $2.50 or $10 all; Toolbox for PU, like new, $50; shotgun shells 35 or 40bx+ 150 rounds 30 Cal, military, $325 for all. 650-5471. • Electric Jazzy scooter, $300; Lift to carry scooter on car, $400, both in good condition. 387-4456.

Serving Norman & the surrounding area since 1891 Non Profit, Perpetual Care Storage Sheds

Solutions as unique as your storage needs

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“Freedom to choose upright &/or flat marker memorials.”

20’ and 40’ Containers

Better Barns We Have CULVERTS, Too!

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Ask About FREE DELIVERY of buildings and containers 16

• Rollaway bed in excellent condition, 3/4 bed size, $50. 387-9674. • Leupold FireDot Scope, Mark AR MOD 1, 1.5-4X20, $400. 642-9814. • Cargo carrier & mounting kit, fits a toro timecutter mower; Weight machine, $50. 684-0350. • Vtech handset answering system with dual caller ID/call waiting, $60. 321-3863. • Three .22 rifles, all older but good shape, package deal. 641-7582. • Craftsman riding mower, new never started, $1,200; 3 Craftsman gas weed and brush wackers, $75 ea; 1 Craftsman electric hedge trimmer $50, all new and still in boxes. 392-4605. • 15 Troy-Bilt 42” riding lawnmower with new blades, B&S 15.5hp, garage kept, $450 firm. 360-5656. • 2 Large Metal Cable Spools $100 each; Structural Pipe; Sucker Rods Also Buying Silver Dollars for Collector. 627-3920. • Reese Hitch 5th wheel complete, $100; glock 19 gen4 $450 cash. 249-5405.

Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • June 2018

Winter Specials

Serving the metro since 1973 Construction and Repair

Are YOU or someone you know looking for a career? Bob Usry & Sons, Inc. is hiring! Journeyman plumber position available.

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All phone numbers are area code 405 unless otherwise noted

Mobile Homes, RVs & Boats • ‘01 Keystone Laredo RV, Series M-27 RLD, 5th wheel hitch included, refrigerator does not work, $7,500, call/text. 488-7548. • ‘08 Yamaha WaveRunner® FX HO less than 125 hours, tag good till June 2019 & trailer has 1-yr-old tires, asking $5,200. 392-2880. • 15’ APOLLO fiberglass bass boat, 1971 w/40HP Johnson Electramatic Super Sea-horse 1962 & R28 Mercury thruster trolling motor; Separate 40HP Johnson electric Sea-horse. 321-0633. • ’03 Sportsman 5th wheel trlr, 28½ ft, 3 slide-outs, shown by appt only, $10,000. 321-0633 or 376-2834. • ‘04 Chevrolet, GM Chasses, Generator, 24’ Trail Lite MH, 24,000 miles, almost new set of tires, everything works, asking $17,000. 831-1336. • 33Ft 4 season travel trailer 2017lux trailer with 3 sides by Forest River. 834-0574. • 15ft Aliner solid wall folddown, only 1200#, $11,650; Nissan Xterra 20,000 mi, $21,750, Tuttle. 550-0387.

• ‘07 SeaDoo Challenger Jet Boat, in Norman, $12,000 OBO, Pat. 823-0644. • ‘80 Yellow Pinw Window Sashes, 10 of various sizes, $5 ea. 312-1243. • 93 Chaparrel 180SL LTD 17 ½’ boat with Yamaha inboard 6.5 motor, exc cond & runs great, $4200, skis included; Senator rototiller with newer 6.5 HP gas motor $150 firm. 924-3223.

Real Estate

• Want to sell your acreage property? Contact Metro Brokers Acreage Specialist, www.OkRealtySolutions.com, call or text to get started today. 417-1849. • Structural pipe: H-posts, single posts, corner posts, cattle guards, sucker rods, will custom build, delivery available. 207-0101. • 120 acres, hay fields, pastures and woods, 3 bed brick home, barn, fenced, live creek, paved roads, 5 miles south of Lake Thunderbird, $480,000. 623-4685.

STrucTural PiPe SaleS We build:

Cattleguards H-Posts Corner Posts Triangle Pipe Racks

• 5 acres, wooded, hickory, blackjack, cedar trees, fenced, 6½ miles from Little River State Park, Thunderbird Lake, $30,000. 693-0824. • Chickasha, 205 acres vacant land for your dream home, fishing ponds and fenced for livestock, $861,000, call Metro Brokers. 417-1849. • Ready to escape the city? Beautiful home with basement on 40 acres, pipe fencing, pond and private drive, south of Anadarko, email williamska72@yahoo. com. • Newalla 3½ acres vacant wooded land, build your home or place a mobile, no well or septic, 17857 Blueridge Road East, $24,800. 417-1849. • Ready to escape the city? Build your dream home on 2.85 acres in Wolf Creek Est in Purcell, Washington Schools. 990-1380. • 57 acres SE OKC good pasture land off Dobbs Rd and SE 104th $210k, owner finance w/ $21K down 5 year balloon, call Alan. 918-2939.

• Dbl wide on 10 acres located Macomb, OK, fixer upper, has new AC unit $85K $8500 down payment $966 pm includes tax/ insurance, call Alan. 818-2939. • SE OKC 2 ½ to 5 acre lots starting at $20K to $32K land ONLY w/10% down Owner Finance, Septic and well for $13,500 addt, Alan. 818-2939. • 10ac $85,000 w/mobile that TLS w/well and electric 180th/ Franklin owner will carry, Chance. 517-0094. • 10 acres in east Lexington with over 2100 sf, 3 story home, $99,900, Pat w/CB. 823-0644.

Notices & Announcements

• Bluegrass Concert/Jam; Bass Workshop (5-6 pm) / Open jamming (5-9:15 pm) / Preshow (6:15 pm) / Bluegrass Concert (6:30 pm); June 9 & June 30, three bands on stage with jamming rooms; 3925 SE 29, Del City; Greater Oklahoma Bluegrass Music Society (nonprofit org); $8; GOBMS members, $5; Group rates available. 317-2618 or 226-9191.

Perfect for:

Corrals Barns Fences

All sizes custom-cut pipe

“The PiPe Man” 405-207-0101 We Now Have Culverts Call for sizes & prices • We Deliver www.okcoop.org


CLASSIFIED ADS • OEC will hold a sealed-bid auction on the 2nd Tuesday of each month to dispose of unused items (vehicles will be included in WFEC’s annual fall auction; more info available next year). Call 217-6840 the day before for item listing. • Noble High School Reunion June 8-9, Noble High School, golf, entertainment featuring Gathan Graham, Concert Pianist, contact Joyce Miller Carle, joyce.carle@sbcglobal. net. 872-5157.


• Looking to buy calico critters or Sylvanian family toys, complete sets or partial sets or pieces are wanted. 227-6772. • Ham radio gear, shortwave, Morse code, antennas, etc,; .22 lever action, call/text. 641-7582. • Clean up, haul off and bobcat work around newer homes, rent homes & apartment complex, insured, truck, trailer and bobcat, call Rick. 205-6836. • Cars trucks SUVs wanted, running or not, with or without title. 537-9788. • I Buy Junk Cars. 306-6927.

All phone numbers are area code 405 unless otherwise noted • Lever Action or Bolt Action .22 Rifle. 641-7582. • Looking to buy comic books in bulk or one at a time, call/text Eric. 306-1462. • Water Trough 8 foot or larger to use for hay feeder ring, call Tom. 321-0095. • Looking to buy mineral and Royalty interest in Oklahoma, call/ text. 570-0844 or 347-1907. • Lg white oak black walnut trees to cut, Lexington Purcell area, free black walnut pen blanks craft wood for sale. 820-0618. • Sand Plums, Will trade jelly, go Shares, Buy; Also peaches, persimmon, possum grapes, other fruits desired, Rose Rocks; Oil & gas royalties, mineral rights. 802-4227. • Reasonably priced engineer to evaluate add-on room for possible structure rebuild. 366-6166. • Want to buy Silver Spangled Hamburg chicks or chickens or hatching eggs. 392-3940 or 317-9771.

• Buying wild sand plums, also will trade jelly for permission to pick pears, apples, prickly pear, other fruit, Rose Rocks; O&G royalties, mineral rights. 802-4227. • Lawnmowers, running or not. 882-6206.


• Handyman for Hire:off-duty fireman, remodel, painting, flooring (tile, laminates, etc), sheetrock, roofing, siding, fences, decks, carports, room additions, windows & doors, custom made bookcases, shelving, cabinets, etc. General home repair. All types of construction, 37yrs exp. 2455502 or 381-2007. • Computer & Phone Lines: Off-duty fireman. Installation, repair, trouble shooting, etc. 245-5502 or 381-2007. • American Blinds & Shutters: Off-duty fireman, window treatments for home or business. Free estimates. 2455502 or 381-2007.

• C&B Paint Co: 15yrs experience, insured, interior/ exterior painting, popcorn ceiling removal, custom textures & drywall repairs. Cnbpainting.com or call Cody for a reasonable yet fair price. 496-5265. • Jim’s Painting & Remodeling: interior & exterior wallpaper, popcorn ceiling removal, sheetrock repairs, texture, power washing, free estimates, quality work, 20yrs experience & insured. 366-0722. • JL Painting: Commercial & residential sheetrock, wood repairs, custom texturing, interior/exterior, insured, free estimates. 314-0755. • Lake Texoma Fishing Guide: Papa Bob’s Guide Service in Kingston, Robert Kennedy. 580263-8647 or papabobsfishing@ gmail.com • Masonry Work & Repair: brick, block, stone & repair. All size jobs: fireplaces, mailboxes, planters, tuck pointing, pavers, brick replacement due to erosion. 40yrs experience, competitive prices. Danny, 3292230 or 779-5362.

Building farm ponds & private lakes in OEC’s service area.

“Wealth is not measured in dollars.”

Farm Pond and Lake Construction Along with Fence Rows • Land Clearing Building Pads • Shearing

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Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • June 2018

Insured, Free Estimates

Painting • Staining • Texturing Carpentry • Interior • Exterior Commercial • Residential • Sheetrock

314-0755 / 366-0722


All phone numbers are area code 405 unless otherwise noted • Woodcraft: Furniture repair, Restoration, Custom wood projects, Fair prices. Russ. 887-5870. • Custom cabinets: for new construction or remodel, choice of wood, raised panel doors, roll out shelves, free estimate, references available. 527-6025 or 550-6403. • Stump Grinding: competitive prices, shrubs & some tree removal, call Danny. 779-5362 or 329-2230. • Siding & Windows: Call Hurst Siding & Windows for free estimate. 364-0098 or email Ron@hurstsiding.com. • Garden plowing: Tree pruning, Don, leave message. 387-4433. • Bowman’s Welding Service: Fences, corrals, entryways, alleyways, ornamental fence, any type of welding, shop or portable. 360-8091 or 990-1084. • “The Piddler”: Need anything done around your house or property, call “The Piddler” Chet Adams. 248-0495.

• Argo Siding & Windows: Make your home ready for summer; Windows, doors, siding, patio rooms, carports, remodeling, room additions, tile, painting, roofing, we also do skirting and repair siding on mobile homes. 255-5553 or 329-0553, leave message. • Weld Up Steel Buildings: 30x40 = $16,300; 40x50=$25,100; 40x60=$29,300. Price includes concrete & installation. 8720338 or bargainbarnsusa.com. • Bargain Barns: 18x21 steel carport=$995; 12x31 RV cover= $1,705; 20x21 garage=$3,456; 24x31 garage =$5,405. Financing available. 872-0338. • Portable buildings: 12x20 lofted barn 3650.00 or 147.20 per mo. 8x10 mini barn 1395.00 or 55.80 per mo. 10x20 cottage Barn 2705.00 or 108.20 per month. Call 405-872-0338 or bargainbarnsusa.com • Tractor Work: Driveways, brushhog, boxblade, tree removal, tilling, privacy fences. Kevin, 365-6875 or 872-9576. • 405 Concrete Services: 395-8362.

• Ricky Stapleton Autos: Having trouble selling your vehicle? We can help! Call or stop by, 615-2777, • Sewing Machine Repair: Blanchard, OK. 227-0874 or 387-3313. • Shipping Containers: Great Secure Storage - 40’ and 20’ shipping containers. RTO available. 405-783-4370. • Outdoor services: dirt & gravel work, driveways, brushog, tilling, boxblade, yard cleanup, tree removal, fences built or repaired Kevin 365-6875 or 872-9576. • Storage Buildings: 12x16 barn with loft, $3620; 8x12 economy shed, $1625; Many sizes, styles, delivery, payments available. www.betterbarns.net, 405-783-4370. • Secure Feed Storage: Water, Weather and Rodent Resistant 40’ and 20’ shipping containers. We deliver. 405-783-4370. • Tractor work: Brush hogging, mowing, tilling, gravel drives, dirt work, tree work. 808-8202.

• Rent To Own Storage: Custom Sheds as low as $71/month for rent to own. Get attractive custom storage you can afford with no credit check. www. betterbarns.net, 405-783-4370 • Meyer Masonry: BRICK, BLOCK, ROCK, 35yrs exp, free estimates. Keith, 527-4934. • Structural pipe: H-posts, single posts, corner posts, cattle guards, sucker rods, will custom build, delivery available. 207-0101. • Bryant Building Co: Complete remodeling service, add-ons, new windows, roofing. 5507301 or 872-3342. • Tractor work: brush hogging, box blade. 365-7572. • I buy tractors running or not. 365-7572. • Tractor repair: 40 years exp, Slaughterville. 365-7572. • Robert’s Remodeling & Home Repairs: 395-8362.

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Pergola Supreme Inc. Bill Herron, Sr.

405-664-1913 • billyherron@pldi.net www.okcoop.org



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