1 minute read
From the Top with CEO Patrick Grace
As most of us are well aware, we are coming up on storm season here in Oklahoma — in fact, some of us have already experienced some storms. It's a good time to remember what happens if you happen to lose power.
First, safety is our top priority — the safety of the public and our workers. While we always work as quickly as we can to get power restored following a storm, we must always keep safety at the forefront of our minds.
OEC's board of trustees has placed high priority on preventative maintenance, system hardening, vegetation management and other practices that put us in the best position to withstand storms. Once storms hit, restoration happens at a controlled, safe pace.
Speaking of storm season, I have committed to updating my emergency bag in the case a dangerous storm is heading my way, and I highly recommend you do the same. In it I have water (be sure to check the expiration date if you keep bottled water stored from one season to the next), snacks, a battery-powered weather radio, flashlight, first aid kit, extra batteries and more. Don't forget supplies like medications and medical equipment, glasses and contact solution, infant formula, diapers, pet food, sleeping bags, a change of clothes and a fire extinguisher just to be on the safe side.
You can download a list of recommended supplies at ready.gov.
Whatever storm comes, you can be sure OEC and our crews are working safely to restore your power as quickly and efficiently as we can.