Oklahoma Electric Co-op News November 2018

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OKLAHOMA ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE Your trusted energy advisor

Volume 67, Issue 5

November 2018


Oklahoma Electric

Two OEC linemen help bring electricity to rural Guatemala PAGE 8 Photo courtesy of Studio 1441 in Houston, Texas

Board of Trustees Percy Moreu, President District2Trustee@okcoop.org

District 2

Mike Argo, Vice President


Rusty Grissom, Sec. Treasurer


Ronnie Tharp, Asst. Sec. Treas.


Ronnie Grover


Shirley Idleman


John Jensen


Danny Watters


Bob Usry


District1Trustee@okcoop.org District3Trustee@okcoop.org District9Trustee@okcoop.org District4Trustee@okcoop.org District5Trustee@okcoop.org District6Trustee@okcoop.org District7Trustee@okcoop.org District8Trustee@okcoop.org

Oklahoma Electric Cooperative 242 24th Ave NW | PO Box 1208 Norman, OK, 73070 321-2024, FAX 405-217-6900 http://www.okcoop.org

Senior Management Co-op Manager...............................Patrick Grace Chief Financial Officer.........Preston O’Brien, CPA VP of Engineering...........................Thad Peterson VP of Operations...............................Marty Hayes VP of Administration...........................Jonna Buck VP of HR and Legal Services............Tracy Mowdy VP of Metering................................John Spencer Mgr of Fiber & Broadband.........David Goodspeed Oklahoma Electric Co-op News is published monthly by Oklahoma Electric Cooperative, 242 24th Ave. NW, Norman, OK 73069, (USPS865-700). Subscription rates: $6.00 per year for non-members, 50¢ per year for members. Periodical postage paid at Norman, OK and other additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Please send form 3579 to: Oklahoma Electric Co-op News, PO Box 1208, Norman, OK 73070.

“Co-op News” Editor Brianna Wall

Hidden Account Numbers Worth $50 Each month, OEC will pay $50 to the two co-op members who locate their hidden account numbers inside the Co-op News that month. The hidden account numbers will be placed at random within the text of each issue and not on the mailing label. The amounts will simultaneously increase in $50 increments until one or both account numbers are located by their respective owners or until the maximum of $500 is reached. 1. One of the hidden account numbers must be your own. 2. You must advise OEC by phone, mail or in person at the co-op’s office by the 15th of the month. If you find your account number call the Member Relations department at 217-6708.

FROM the

TOP Patrick Grace, CEO

You might remember reading last month that our Operation Round Up® (ORU) program surpassed the $5 million mark in disbursements. It only took 25 years to do, but each of those $5 million have had significant impact across our seven-county service area. Back in 1993, when the idea of ORU was introduced at OEC, former co-op leaders Max Meek, Charles Barton and Harold Heiple decided it would be more successful if it was an opt-out program, rather than opt-in — an unpopular but revolutionary decision at the time. I bet they couldn’t foresee the impact it would have 25 years later. Thanks to their bold decision, the program is a success, one that many nonprofits across our service area have come to depend upon. The OEC Foundation board volunteers their time to review applications and makes the tough decisions when it comes to grants. Vivian Gibson is one of the founding members and continues to serve on the board today — what a remarkable commitment for the last 25 years. Thank you to all nine board members, who are appointed by OEC’s board of trustees, for representing each of OEC’s districts so well. The thing I love about it is it’s not a significant contribution from one or two people that makes it work. It takes everyone to make that large of an impact, and we continue to be grateful for all the members who still choose to round up their bills today. It's those few extra cents each month that add up and allow nonprofits to be funded and individuals and families to have what they need to lead successful lives. The board has come a long way in recent years, creating partnerships with organizations that will extend the impact of your generous dollars. They recently partnered with the Mobile Smiles Unit to bring free dental work to those who need it the most. They continue their decades-long funding of Meals on Wheels of Norman, as well as area Special Olympics teams, veterans and senior centers, and more. Again, thank you for participating by donating a few cents each month to help us make a difference in the lives of our neighbors and friends.

contents 4

OEC Foundation board grants over $32,000 to those in need


2019 Youth Tour contest open to local high school juniors


It's a go: Stage two for OEC Fiber approved, pricing released


Help us go green: Sign up to receive your Co-op News in your inbox

4 5 12 14

Operation Round Up Report



Tasty Treats Classified Ads


Stage two of OEC Fiber approved, pricing released




Two OEC linemen help electrify rural Guatemalan village

WFEC Generation Report







Heading out of town for the holidays? Remember to unplug electronics that draw a phantom energy load. Some gadgets, like TVs, gaming consoles, chargers and DVD players use energy when plugged into an outlet––even when they’re not in use.

Source: energy.gov



OEC Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors Betty Allen • Leroy Bayliff Alan Davenport • Ronnie Fulks Vivian Gibson • Vickie Gray Carla Kimberling • Beckie Turner Joyce Wallace, president Harlen Fipps, ex-officio

Next Meeting November 28 Applications Due November 12 Applications available at www.okcoop.org/ORU OEC Foundation, Inc. Financial Statement Beginning Balance 9/21/18 ............................... $175,282.48 October deposit .................. $20,335.14 Interest ...................................... $144.29 Donations.................................$981.79 Checks issued ................... -$18,060.03 Approved, not paid ............. -$20,147.50 Ending balance 10/22/18 .... $158,536.17 Financial Statement by: Amanda Dierking


OEC Foundation board grants $32,700 to local organizations, families


he OEC Foundation, Inc. board of directors reviewed applications submitted by individuals and organizations for the Operation Round Up® (ORU) program on Sept. 27. A total of $32,754 was approved for disbursement to 10 organizations and families. The Assistance League of Norman received $10,000 to provide $20 shoe vouchers to 500 children through its program, Operation School Bell (OSB). OSB works to dress 1,700 Norman students each year in new, clean and weather appropriate clothing. “Teachers report that students who are provided the clothing they need, especially a pair of shoes that fit properly, have a 78 percent positive change in the classroom and are more confident,” said Rose Marie Sondergeld, Assistance League grants chairperson. “It is important to us to transform the lives of children and their families by providing school and weather appropriate clothes and shoes and in turn, encouraging consistent school attendance and learning,” she said. The Blanchard Special Olympics team received $1,500 to cover travel expenses to state and area level competitions while the Special Olympics of Oklahoma received $1,000 to put on the Winter Games. [1130402405] Six individuals were granted much needed dental care, vision care and household items for an apartment set-up. ORU is made possible by the thousands of OEC members who choose to round up their electric bills to the nearest dollar each month. Applications — individual and organizational — are available at www.okcoop.org/ORU. Applications submitted by Monday, Nov. 12, will be reviewed at the next meeting, scheduled for Nov. 28. Contact Education and Outreach Coordinator Tory Tedder-Loffland at ORU@okcoop.org with questions about the OEC Foundation, the ORU program or the application process.

Congratulations to Roberta Colbert from Yukon! She found her account number hidden in the October issue of the Co-op News! The winning amount is reset to $50 and will grow $50 each month the winners do not locate their account numbers. See the bottom of page 2 for more contest information, and happy hunting!

Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • November 2018


Board Trustee Ronnie Tharp earns Director Gold Credential





WIND: 24% HYDRO: 6% SOLAR: 2% NATURAL GAS: 35% COAL: 33%


EC's board of trustees — all nine members — proudly serves OEC's 43,000 members on a regular basis. In order to do so responsibly, they must be educated about the electric industry and the cooperative business model. Achieving the Director Gold Credential means the recipient has undergone a series of courses and training programs — both very sizeable time commitments — so they can take part in ensuring the co-op is run effectively and to the members' best interests. Ronnie Tharp from Pocasset — OEC district 9 — is the latest board trustee to earn the Director Gold Credential. "I consider it an honor to be able to serve my fellow OEC members in this capacity," Tharp said. "It is a great deal of learning about every facet of the co-op, from the poles and wires to creating a feasible budget to fund those poles and wires while still ensuring our members get the best service at the best rates possible." Tharp joins six other board members who have achieved the Director Gold Credential, while the two newest members continue their training to reach it in the coming years. OEC takes pride in having a very well educated and fiscally knowledgeable board of trustees that insist on being transparent about co-op business. "Board members must be well-versed in both the electric industry and the cooperative business model so they can make fiscally sound decisions," said CEO Patrick Grace. "This often requires a significant time commitment from each trustee to keep a firm grasp on an ever-evolving industry. It's why one of the seven cooperative principles is Education, Training and Information. A high priority must be placed on obtaining knowledge needed to serve all of our members at the highest level."

Western Farmers Electric Cooperative (WFEC), OEC's wholesale generation and transmission power provider, has an impressive renewable portfolio that includes wind, hydro and — recently added — solar. OEC's Solar Garden, located at Interstate 35 and Highway 77 in Norman, began producing power in February 2017, and Tuttle's 40-acre Solar Farm began operation in March 2017. As more solar facilities come online, expect to see it added to WFEC's generation report, increasing the already robust mix of renewable energy sources.

Data collected from Western Farmers Electric Cooperative reflects generation during August 2018.

To view real-time generation output and environmental benefits of OEC's Solar Garden, visit www.okcoop.org/solar. Visit www.okcoop.org/solar-garden-tours to tour OEC's Solar Garden, located at Interstate 35 and Highway 77 in Norman. www.okcoop.org



Applications now being accepted for 2018 Youth Tour contest Perhaps OEC’s best-known and most anticipated youth program, the Youth Tour contest is now open for applications. OEC annually sponsors four delegates — all juniors from high schools within its service territory — on the week-long, all-expenses-paid educational trip to Washington, D.C. Students travel with the Oklahoma delegation (70+ students) to our nation’s capital where they tour historic sites and national landmarks, meet Oklahoma’s congressional delegation and more. Youth Tour has earned a reputation as “a trip of a lifetime” by former participants. Youth Tour will be held June 14-20, 2019.


The Youth Tour competition process is designed to reflect the realities of our society and its preference for dynamic, personal interactions. In today's professional world, employers and thought leaders want to see presenters who make a connection with the audience while communicating a message.


Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • November 2018

In addition to the four finalists chosen to attend Youth Tour, another four will be chosen to attend RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) at Goddard Youth Camp. More information will be available soon.


Cooperatives are a type of business created to satisfy the unmet needs of its members. Apply the cooperative business model to a need—local or national. Finalists will convince the audience through the presentation to join their co-op Applicants must submit a 750–1,000 word essay or speech by Sunday, Feb. 9 at 11:59 p.m. Applicants must be juniors in high school. Contest judges are interested in the applicant's ability to communicate a clear and convincing message. Inspire them to join your cooperative cause. Visit www.okcoop.org/ YouthTour for specific rules and guidelines. Eight finalists will be chosen and will be required to

www.okcoop.org/YouthTour Deadline to enter: Feb. 3, 2019, 11:59 p.m. tory@okcoop.org /OECYouth

attend both a skills development workshop (March 9, 2019) and the Youth Tour banquet (March 28, 2019).


Visit www.okcoop.org/YouthTour for a helpful downloadable study guide and for more information. Applicants may submit the online application form and supporting documents as soon as the form becomes available on Nov. 1. All entries must be submitted no later than Sunday, Feb. 9 at 11:59 p.m. Follow OEC Youth on Facebook for reminders and past Youth Tour experiences. Contact Tory Tedder-Loffland, education and outreach coordinator, tory@okcoop.org or 217-6726, if you have any questions.

Get Charged! is part of OEC's youth development initiative, L.E.A.R.N.: Leading, Educating, Advancing and Rewarding the Next generation. L.E.A.R.N. encompasses the catalog of youth programs OEC offers to students, teachers and schools in our service area. www.okcoop.org


Janaway, Scott help bring electricity to rural Guatemala For the first time, the lights are on at Pie de Cerro and Tierra Blanca Salinas in rural Guatemala. Oklahoma’s electric cooperatives – in partnership with Colorado’s electric cooperatives and the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association’s philanthropic arm, NRECA International – brought electricity to two remote villages for the first time near the Mexican border in the region of Ixcan, Guatemala. Fifteen volunteer linemen, including OEC’s Brad Scott and Derec Janaway, spent three weeks at the project site building powerlines and wiring 100 homes, two elementary schools, two health centers and five churches. The project consisted of 130 poles in approximately 4.34 miles of primary line, 3.86 miles of secondary line and four 25 kVa transformers were installed by the linemen. Each home received four lightbulbs, four light switches and four electrical outlets. The volunteers were assisted by a local municipal electric utility, Empresa Rural Municipal de Electricidad (EMRE) based in Playa Grande. EMRE will maintain the powerlines and distribute power to the remote area. [6606301003] The locals live in extreme poverty conditions without running water, plumbing and food refrigeration. The villagers depend on farming operations for economic sustainment; they produce corn, beans, cardamom seeds, cocoa and some vegetables. “We are proud of Derec and Brad for selflessly giving their time to help our neighbors in Central America,” said Patrick Grace, OEC CEO. “This is a powerful way to display one of the cooperatives’ core principles, ‘Concern for Community,’ at home and across the borders. I'm also proud that our board supports projects such as this.”


Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • November 2018


A young child is excited to help OEC Lineman Derec Janaway as he strings wire from one pole to another while bringing electricity to the Guatemalan village.

OEC District Lineman Brad Scott works hard alongside other linemen to bring electricity to a rural Guatemalan village. All photos from Guatemala courtesy of Studio 1441 in Houston, Texas

Electric cooperatives have a long-standing tradition of bringing lights where there are none. Eighty-one years ago, OEC brought power to rural central Oklahoma, a trend that continued across the country. Given its origins, electric co-ops are willing and well positioned to help other areas that do not have access to electric power. “Bringing electricity to remote areas in developing countries takes electric cooperatives back to their roots,” says Chris Meyers, general manager of the Oklahoma Association of Electric Cooperatives. “It reinforces our commitment to improve the quality of life for local communities at home and abroad. Access to electricity will bring economic empowerment, better access to health care and education and enhanced safety for these villagers. It’s a life-changing gift.” Oklahoma’s electric cooperatives have established a 501(c)3 not-for-profit, The Oklahoma Energy Trails Foundation, to support this cause. All contributions are taxdeductible. This is the third project sponsored by Oklahoma’s electric cooperatives.

Continued on page 12 >> www.okcoop.org



OEC board of trustees approves stage two of OEC Fiber Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • November 2018

As OEC Fiber moves full steam ahead, OEC’s board of trustees recently approved stage two of the OEC Fiber plan. With the approval of stage two, we are ready to continue the build-out of our network into neighborhoods throughout our service territory. “OEC’s board of trustees — and everyone, really — is excited about this project and continues to support it so we can get high-speed internet to our members as quickly and safely as possible,” said CEO Patrick Grace. PACKAGES AND PRICING In case you haven’t yet heard, OEC Fiber recently published pricing for home and business packages. “It is extremely important to us that our pricing is fair and transparent – what you see is what you get,” said David Goodspeed, president of OEC Fiber. “These aren’t promotional or introductory rates. In fact, we are so confident in our services and our pricing that we won’t even require contracts for residential services. We have been promising you some of the best rates in the business and we stand behind that.”

TERMS AND MISCELLANEOUS FEES: • $100 installation fee* • No contract required for residential services • No equipment charges or monthly rental fees for standard equipment • Bundle internet and phone packages to save $10/month! *$100 installation fee subject to change after first round of installs are complete in your area. Sign up during the initial offering of OEC Fiber in your neighborhood to make sure you’re able to snag this introductory installation price.

While pictured here are residential services, additional services and business options are available at www.OECFiber.com. Make sure to stay in the loop as we continue to take high-speed fiber where no one else will by signing up for updates at www.OECFiber.com/ updates. As always, our update subscribers will be the first to know when we hit major milestones. We plan to publish more big announcements in the coming weeks, so make sure you’re in the loop and signed up for updates today! For more information about our plans and included features, visit www.OECFiber.com and find OEC Fiber on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (@OECFiber). www.okcoop.org



Two OEC linemen help electrify rural Guatemala, continued


The first project took place in 2016 in the country of Bolivia with the electrification of two villages; the second project electrified a small village in rural Guatemala, near the border with Belize, and this year’s project brought first-time access to electricity to two villages. Collectively, Oklahoma’s electric cooperatives have made possible 536 first-time electric connections in five villages in Central America and South America.


2/3 cup evaporated milk 2 1/2 cups white sugar 3/4 cup canned pumpkin 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1 cup white chocolate chips 7 ounces marshmallow creme 2 tablespoons butter, room temperature 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Line a 9x9 inch pan with aluminum foil. Butter the foil or spray with cooking spray and set aside. In a 3-quart saucepan, heat milk and sugar over medium heat. Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon. Mix in pumpkin puree and cinnamon; bring back to a boil. Cook, stirring constantly, for 18 minutes. Remove saucepan from the heat. Allow to cool slightly, 2 to 3 minutes. Pour white chocolate chips in a large bowl. Pour fudge mixture over white chocolate chips. Let stand 5 minutes to allow white chocolate to soften; stir until smooth. Mix in marshmallow creme, butter, and vanilla until butter is melted and mixture is smooth. Pour into prepared pan. Cool, remove from pan, and cut into squares. Store in a cool, dry place. Recipe and photo courtesy of Cathy at AllRecipes.com


Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • November 2018

Help us go green by receiving your Co-op News in your email inbox


n a continued effort to be good stewards of our members' dollars — and due to always-increasing postage costs — we ask that you consider receiving your Co-op News magazine in your email inbox rather than your mailbox. "Each paper copy of this magazine we send costs approximately $4.44 per member per year to print and apply postage," said Brianna Wall, editorial and events coordinator. "That might not seem like a lot, but multiply that by our 40,000 members who still receive a paper copy, the total cost is over $175,000." Electronically communicating is a much more inexpensive way to get the news you need. Join the 3,000 members already receiving their Co-op News in their inbox by visiting www.okcoop.org/digital and completing the form. You can also return the post card you will find enclosed with an upcoming billing statement.





Note: OEC does not endorse or guarantee any of the products or services in these ads.


• •

• ‘82 Honda Goldwing interstate, 1 owner, low mileage, must sell, make offer, Glen. 872-3615. • Classic 1990 Ford Ranger XLT PU, 105,167 miles, good cond, bed liner, tool box, running boards, bug reflector, $4,500 OBO. 401-7781. • RKI commercial grade across bed & side tool boxes, very good cond, best offer. 387-4793. • Looking for an old pick-up in good shape must run and drive, 1956 or older. 830-5883. • `98 Chevy 1 ton truck parts, cab, rear end, std transmission, etc, $250. 527-1612 or 905-9764.

5.25% Taxes



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Farm Pond Pipe, Elbows, Tees, Meter Cans, Arched pipe. We stock 12” through 120” diameter pipe in lengths of 16, 20, 24, 30 & 40 feet. We can make any size or length • Delivery is available



‘95 Fleetwood Cadillac, Brougham 5.7, 350 V8, 93,845 miles, garage kept, $4800. 414-0680. • ‘58 Chevy Impala, two door hardtop, 348 cu in, Tri power; also, old anvil. 642-7946. • ‘09 black Ford F150 SuperCab FX4 4D 61/2' bed; $12,500. 412-2493. • ‘02 Honda VTX1800R, black, 39k mi, leather saddlebags, Mustang seat, windshield, highway bars, passenger backrest, extremely well maint, $3,500, call after 4 pm. 527-7831.

Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • November 2018



Tinhorns R Us


AUTOS, PARTS & ACCESSORIES ‘74 Sovelhead Harley Davidson, good cond, $5,000 obo; ‘05 Buell XB12R Firebolt, good cond, $5000 obo. 414-0876. Looking for GM truck interior and body parts for 1973-1980 pickups. 227-6772. Ricky Stapleton Autos: Having trouble selling your vehicle? We can help! Call or stop by. 405-615-2777. ‘81 Yamaha XS-1000 special Restoration started not completed has parts bike, tagged and running, 98% complete, $3,200 invested must sell make offer, Glen. 872-3615.



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• Massey Ferguson model 30 Perkins diesel, needs rear tire, hood and grill great shape, runs great exc rebuilder or fix fuel leak and tire, $1,800. 623-8121. • '07 Ford Tauras, 120K mi-needs minimal repair (battery, tires, back windshield); '66 Autocar oilfield truck, needs some repair; '84 & '73 Mack trucks, needs repair. 590-3394. • ’81 Blue Bird International gas/ auto trans hunting/activities bus, great for hunters, boy scouts, etc, 15 passenger and back-end shelving, medium length bus, also has some added equipment, $3,000, leave message. 381-3500. FARM & EQUIPMENT • Wanted tractors dead or alive, any kind any size, quick response. 641-7728 or 352-4816. • Shipping containers: Great Secure Storage - 40' and 20' shipping containers, RTO available. 405-783-4370. • Disc $250, Box Blade $400, Chipper Shredder $1200, Will throw in plow with purchase. 919-1848. • Favorite Incubator, Leahy Mfg Co Redwood used for ostrich and emus, kept inside. 556-0963.


All phone numbers are area code 405 unless otherwise noted • John Deere 2025R, 16 hours, 62” belly mower, 3pt hitch, ‘16 model, 3 cyl diesel, 24 horse, hydrostatic, grill guard, $15,000, call or text. 623-1460. • Ford 4000 tractor w/front end loader, 2400 hours, good rubber and runs well, new brakes and recently tuned, $5,000, call John. 514-8413. • ‘46 Farmall H Tractor restored runs great, $3,500. 352-4326. • Deer/feed corn, direct from the farm/ don't pay high feed store prices,10¢ per pound. 919-2510. • Ford 4000 tractor w/front end loader, 2400 hrs, good rubber and runs well, new brakes and recently tuned, $5,000, call John. 514-8413. • 100 gallon propane bottle $100 OBO. 264-7005. • 20ft flatbed trlr, wood floor, 2 5/16” hitch w/ball, mobilehome axles (tandem), $900, Tuttle area, leave message. 381-3500. FURNITURE & APPLIANCES • White Porcelain Fabrique au Canada Pellet Stove, $850. 919-1848. • Beautiful dining room table set, 6 Chairs (2 Captain), 18 in leaf, matching China cabinet, $650 cash only. 317-8006.

• ‘36 WedgeWood Gas Range, 4 burner, griddle, 36", exc cond, $500. 485-3539. • Refrigerator side by side, water and ice in the door, color white, good condition, call for more info. 808-2818. • BabyLock Destiny sewing/ embroidery machine, includes hoops, scanner, accessory box full of feet, hard side case, $8,000 OBO. 641-7143. • Exc cond vintage Duncan Phy drop leaf and 4 chairs $375; 2 bar stools like new, 25in high, $15 each. 408-9048. • Rustic wood furniture, call or text for price and pics. 2740596 or 329-6703. HAY & FIREWOOD • Rd bales lovegrass, $40/bale, NW of Pocasset. 459-6543 or 574-5571. • 4'X6' net wrapped rolls of mixed grass with grass burrs, Noble area, $25. 990-9974. • Wanted: someone to cut oak firewood, SW of Blanchard, you cut 3 ricks you 2. 627-6624. • 5x4 Round Bales, Bermuda Grass Hay, Sprayed and Fertilized. 570-4550. • Goldsby Okla seasoned or green firewood $65 per rick on site more if delivered. 940-367-3061.

• Small square premium Bermuda Horse quality hay in 21 bale bundles, loaded on your trailer, sprayed and fertilized, heavy bales. 850-1005. • Firewood seasoned and stacked, 3 ricks ready, you load, Tuttle. 640-4651. LIVESTOCK & PETS • Structural pipe: H-posts, single posts, corner posts, cattle guards, sucker rods, will custom build, delivery available. 207-0101. • Registered Myotonic "Fainting" Goats, doelings and wethers still available, registered Doelings, $350 each, wethers are $150 each. 580-747-5701. • 2 ret TB's/10 yr geld and 7 yr mare, gentle, healthy, good behavior, successful racing, trail riders. 779-3377 or 255-5114. • Black Angus Bull, 5 years old, approx 1500 pds, nice, $1,500; 20 month Hereford Beef Master Bull $900. 381-3189. • Purebred La Mancha Bucks at Stud, Keno-Farms and Little Orchard bloodlines, call for pricing and pedigrees, lv msg. 899-6151. • Young black bulls for Lease or Sale. 520-1604. • 2 female Great Pyrenees/Lab mixes, free to good home. 387-4793.


Tank pumping & installing • Dozer & backhoe dirt work ®

• ASCA reg working Australian Shep pups, exc pedigree, well socialized, parents health tested, raised in our home, vet exam incl, Lexington, OK, $350-$800, www.nineveh-ranch.com. 740-9218. • Mini Aussie puppies, Farm raised, Red Merle’s, Blue Merle’s, and Tricolor’s, Available 10/15/18, Goldsby. 401-4012. • Mountain Cur Puppies, ready to go 11/01, exc hunting or stock dogs. 527-5105. • Free to good home, 2 kittens, 6mos old, litter box trained, inside cats, non-smokers please, born 4/1/18, 1male, 1female, loveable and playful. 598-8427. • Chicks, pullets & roosters, $4-10 ea, Polish, Sultans, Cochins all ages, Slaughterville. 872-8870. MISCELLANEOUS • Cement mixer, old and ugly but works fine, $25. 573-0388. • Masonry Work & Repair: brick, block, stone & repair, All size jobs: fireplaces, mailboxes, planters, tuck pointing, pavers, brick replacement due to erosion, 40yrs experience, competitive prices, call Danny. 329-2230 or 779-5362. • Stump Grinding: competitive prices, shrubs & some tree removal, call Danny. 779-5362 or 329-2230.

OKLAHOMA FARM BUREAU insURAncE We’re OK, so you’re okay.




Office: 1311 N. Porter Avenue Norman, OK 73071

Bus: (405) 329-1830

Office: 800 SW 134th St Oklahoma City, 73170

(405) 329-1830 www.okcoop.org



• Structural pipe: H-posts, single posts, corner posts, cattle guards, sucker rods, will custom build, delivery available. 207-0101. • 54" glass for tabletop, $50; 6pc TKO drum set, $200 firm; Area rug, 11'4"x14', pd $1,000, will take $400; New Brinkman grill, 1 burner to the side, used 3 times, $60; 2 bar stools, like new, padded seats, high quality, $40 ea. 918-424-7900 • DEATH BY STUPIDITY, mystery suspense thriller, available now on Smashwords and Amazon in eBook and paperback. • 8hp Troybilt roto tiller, new eng & tires. 386-4330 or 306-9566. • 4 cemetery plots in Lake Pointe Garden, Resthaven Memory Gardens, OKC, Section 15E, Lot 234, spaces 1-4, $4,000 ea (negotiable), leave msg. 659-5959. • American Mahogany 2in & 2½ in thick 6ft-16ft live edge extremely rot/insect resistant $12 per inch thick per foot. 3813345 or 620-4436.

Storage SolutionS

All phone numbers are area code 405 unless otherwise noted

• Fabric Cutter, Accuquilt Go, Ready, Set, Go Set, brand new in box, $350. 392-3163. • One cemetery plot, Sunset Memorial Park, East Indian Hills Rd, Norman, Garden of Gethsemane, asking $4,000 obo, plots selling for $5000. 250-3554. • Parker crossbow(Thunderhawk), scope, carry case, 10 bolts and pull rope, $450 OBO, no checks, must see, used 3 times. 414-3330 or 414-5387. • Free swim spa fully repiped, has new control panel, you pick up. 364-1568. • Cleanest, lowest mileage, Harley Electra Glide in the area, 1993, 90th Anniversary edition, ready to ride, call for details, $5500. 392-5092. • 2 plots Resthaven Memory Gardens, 500 SW 104th, OKC, Garden of Prophets Spaces 3 and 4 Lot 681 Section 28, cost each if purchased from Resthaven $3700, sell for $3000 each or best reasonable offer. 387-5828.

• Horizon Model E5 Elliptical, good condition, monitor works $125. 779-8247. • 2 cemetery plots, Sunset Memorial Cemetery, Norman, Garden of Resurrection, lot 283, spaces c & d, please leave message. 573-2991. • Whirlpool bathtub 42"x60", Ivory acrylic, all trim and hardware included, $150 Norman. 329-2937. • ‘07 Suzuki Eiger 400 4 wheeler, 4wd, Nice, $1,950. 381-3029. • Motorcycle luggage; floor mats for Nissan Pathfinder. 831-3766. • One cemetery lot, Fairview Cemetery in Tuttle, $750. 245-8935. • 2 or 4 Resthaven cemetery lots, $1200 each. 360-1553. • Heavy Duty Tarps 6x12-$10, 12x25-$20. 620-5708. • Ruger 10/22 takedown Davidsons exclusive #11125 3 25 round magazines and 3 10round, $500, can text pics. 922-3729. • Glock 17 $400 call after 4pm. 527-7831.

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405-872-7433 www.betterbarns.net

Ask About FREE DELIVERY of buildings and containers 16

• Multiple power tools: Planer, table saw, compound miter saw, band saw, pressure washer, multiple hand tools, some never used. 837-0702. • Weslo Cadence treadmill, excellent condition, $100. 387-9674. • Old Pendleton blanket, made in England, $35; Pendleton pow wow dance shawl, $90; Trailer dolly $30. 217-4215. • MEC 650 shot shell reloader, 12 gauge, resizer, lead shot, power pistons, primers, lot's of stuff $250 firm, call for details ask for Danny. 590-2451. • 2 bronze 36 inch storm doors, $30 each. 381-9488. • Snaps for clothing 11 dozen large silver metal, 10 dozen small silver metal, 100 dozen Pearl snaps, $7 dozen. 535-0935. • New, Vision grills, Kamado 8pc grilling & Smoking accessory set $75; new, toro timecutter cargo carrier & mounting kit, $50. 684-0350.

Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • November 2018

Winter Specials

Serving the metro since 1973 Construction and Repair

Are YOU or someone you know looking for a career? Bob Usry & Sons, Inc. is hiring! Journeyman plumber position available.

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All phone numbers are area code 405 unless otherwise noted

• Paddle boat, Orange/white, Good usable condition, $450; Wood burning stove, cabinet design w/elec fan, controlled air stove to regulate burning rate, $250, leave message. 381-3500. • Beekeeping equipment and supplies, good condition, hive parts, supers, tools, accessories, uncapping tub and clothing. 394-2351. • Sig sauer P365 9mm $450; Ruger super blackhawk 44 Magnum $575 cash. 249-5405. MOBILE HOMES, RVS & BOATS • '83 Champion Piedmont 14x70 Mobile Home, needs some work but livable, make offer. 550-5587. • ‘14 Class C Motorhome, Forester 2861, 8,200 miles, like new, outside kitchen, frig, TV, grill, sink, and shower, auto leveling jacks, air levelers, side cameras, V10 Ford, $104K new, sell for $65,000. 381-2898. • ‘16 PUMA travel trailer, 24 ft long, new condition $18,500. 206-7329 or 872-3546.

• 15ft aliner solidwall fold-down anly 1200# $11,650; Nissan xterra 20,000mi $21,750 Tuttle. 550-0387. • Stratos 19 ft Fish & Ski Boat, Evin Motor, Total Refurb, Exc Cond, $6,500, trades considered. 535-5866. REAL ESTATE • Want to sell your acreage property? Contact Metro Brokers Acreage Specialist, www.OkRealtySolutions.com, call or text to get started today. 417-1849. • Structural pipe: H-posts, single posts, corner posts, cattle guards, sucker rods, will custom build, delivery available. 207-0101. • 20-74 acres, 2 ponds, 2 pastures, fenced, frontage on Duffy Rd, well, septic and electric, ready to build on or move MH on, Google address 12751 E Duffy Rd, 73051, can help with financial assistance. 830-5177.

STrucTural PiPe SaleS We build:

Cattleguards H-Posts Corner Posts Triangle Pipe Racks

• FSBO 2½ acres in Bridge Creek SD, Willow Lake Estates, perfect piece of property to build your family home on, asking $35,000 OBO, only serious inquires. 206-9754. NOTICES & ANNOUNCEMENTS • Bluegrass Concert/Jam; Bass Workshop (5-6 pm) / Open jamming (5-9:15 pm) / Pre-show (6:15 pm) / Bluegrass Concert (6:30 pm); Nov 10, three bands on stage with jamming rooms; 3925 SE 29, Del City; Greater Oklahoma Bluegrass Music Society (nonprofit org); $8; GOBMS members, $5; Group rates available. 317-2618 or 226-9191. • The UMW of Norman Goodrich United Methodist Church are having the 20th Annual Angel’s Unlimited Craft Sale and Bazaar Nov 2, 10am-4pm and Nov 3, 9am-3pm at 200 West Hayes, Norman, come enjoy homemade and comm booth items, our not to be missed Chicken Salad lunch plates and more.

WANTED • Looking to buy calico critters or Sylvanian family toys, complete sets or partial sets or pieces are wanted. 227-6772. • Looking to buy mineral and Royalty interest in Oklahoma, call/ text. 570-0844 or 347-1907. • Lawnmowers, running or not. 882-6206. • Old anvil, any size. 642-7946. • Ham Radio Gear, Shortwave, Morse Code, Antennas etc. 641-7582. • Looking for a 3 legged robin tower for a cb radio please call Billy. 872-8786. • Looking for GM trucks or truck parts for 1973-1987 pickups. 227-6772 • A used 8 foot water trough that doesn't have to hold water. 321-0095. BUSINESS • Computer & Phone Lines: Off-duty fireman. Installation, repair, trouble shooting, etc. 245-5502 or 381-2007.

Perfect for:

Corrals Barns Fences

All sizes custom-cut pipe

“The PiPe Man” 405-207-0101 We Now Have Culverts Call for sizes & prices • We Deliver www.okcoop.org



• Handyman for Hire:off-duty fireman, remodel, painting, flooring (tile, laminates, etc), sheetrock, roofing, siding, fences, decks, carports, room additions, windows & doors, custom made bookcases, shelving, cabinets, etc. General home repair. All types of construction, 37yrs exp. 245-5502 or 381-2007. • American Blinds & Shutters: Off-duty fireman, window treatments for home or business. Free estimates. 245-5502 or 381-2007. • C&B Paint Co: 15yrs experience, insured, interior/ exterior painting, popcorn ceiling removal, custom textures & drywall repairs. Cnbpainting. com or call Cody for a reasonable yet fair price. 496-5265. • Jim’s Painting & Remodeling:interior & exterior wallpaper, popcorn ceiling removal, sheetrock repairs, texture, power washing, deck and fence staining, free estimates, quality work, 20yrs experience & insured. 366-0722.

All phone numbers are area code 405 unless otherwise noted

• JL Painting: Commercial & residential sheetrock, wood repairs, custom texturing, interior/exterior, insured, free estimates. 314-0755. • Sunshine Realty LLC: Rhonda Simmons Broker Owner, Residential, Commercial, Homes on Acreage, Acreage, Foreclosures, Short Sales, Service buyers/sellers in most areas of Oklahoma, active licenses #142160 & #175498, call or text 808-0705. www.sunshinerealty. realtor. • Concrete: No job too small 268-3444 • Brushog, boxblade: tilling, dirt and gravel work, driveways, tree removal, yard cleanup, fences Kevin 872-9576 or 365-6875 • House Cleaning and Organizing: Errand Assistance, free estimates, bonded, 835-9850. • Masonry Work & Repair: brick, block, stone & repair. All size jobs: fireplaces, mailboxes, planters, tuck pointing, pavers, brick replacement due to erosion. 40yrs experience, competitive prices. Danny, 3292230 or 779-5362.

• Woodcraft: Furniture repair, Restoration, Custom wood projects, Fair prices. Russ. 887-5870. • Custom cabinets: for new construction or remodel, choice of wood, raised panel doors, roll out shelves, free estimate, references available. 527-6025 or 550-6403. • Stump Grinding: competitive prices, shrubs & some tree removal, call Danny. 779-5362 or 329-2230. • Siding & Windows: Call Hurst Siding & Windows for free estimate. 364-0098 or email Ron@hurstsiding.com. • CL Williams Excavating Services LLC: Water lines, sewer lines, septic systems, storm shelters, footings, driveways, trenching and more. DEQ certified, bonded and insured. Call for free estimate. 226-2930. • CnD Welding Services:metal buildings, carports, loaf sheds, pipe entry, horse stalls, fencing of all types, call for estimate. 226-2930.

• “The Piddler”: Need anything done around your house or property, call “The Piddler” Chet Adams. 248-0495. • Argo Siding & Windows: Windows, doors, siding, patio rooms, carports, remodeling, room additions, tile, painting, roofing, we also do skirting and repair siding on mobile homes. 255-5553 or 329-0553, leave message. • Bowman's Welding Service: Fences, corrals, entryways, alleyways, ornamental fence, any type of welding, shop or portable. 360-8091 or 990-1084. • Weld Up Steel Buildings: 30x40 = $16,300; 40x50=$25,900; 40x60=$29,300. Price includes concrete & installation. 8720338 or bargainbarnsusa.com. • Bargain Barns: 18x21 steel carport=$1195; 18x31 RV cover= $2185; 20x21 Garage= $4515; 24x31 Garage= $6705 Financing available. 872-0338.

Building farm ponds & private lakes in OEC’s service area.

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Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • November 2018

Insured, Free Estimates

Painting • Fence & Deck Staining Texturing • Carpentry • Interior Exterior • Commercial Residential • Sheetrock

314-0755 / 366-0722

All phone numbers are area code 405 unless otherwise noted

• Portable buildings: 12x20 Lofted Barn $3830 or $177.31 per mo. 8x10 Mini Barn $1465 or $67.82 per mo. 10x20 Cottage Barn $2840 or $131.48 per mo. Call 405-872-0338 or bargainbarnsusa.com. • Professional organizing: Kitchen, closets, garage, regular cleaning, references, free estimates. 835-9850. • Shipping Containers: Great Secure Storage - 40' and 20' shipping containers. RTO available. 405-783-4370. • Outdoor services: dirt & gravel work, driveways, brushog, tilling, boxblade, yard cleanup, tree removal, fences built or repaired Kevin 365-6875 or 872-9576. • Storage Buildings: 12x16 barn with loft, $3620; 8x12 economy shed, $1625; Many sizes, styles, delivery, payments available. www.betterbarns.net, 405-783-4370. • Secure Feed Storage: Water, Weather and Rodent Resistant 40' and 20' shipping containers. We deliver. 405-783-4370.

• Rent To Own Storage: Custom Sheds as low as $71/month for rent to own. Get attractive custom storage you can afford with no credit check. www. betterbarns.net, 405-783-4370 • Structural pipe: H-posts, single posts, corner posts, cattle guards, sucker rods, will custom build, delivery available. 207-0101. • Tractor work, brush hogging, box blade. 365-7572. • I buy tractors running or not. 365-7572. • Tractor repair 40 years exp, Slaughterville. 365-7572. • CNA home health: 14 yrs experience, references, home or hospital, Norman area only, $15/ hr. 410-7532.


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REWARD: $2,000

J & J Livestock Commission Company For Selling or Buying Cattle at Oklahoma City National Stockyard in Oklahoma City Office (405) 602-5026 James Eaton (405) 685-1712 Jimmy Eaton (405) 682-6244 Mobile (405) 831-7692

$2,000 reward for information leading to the return of a travel trailer and the arrest and conviction of those involved.

2010 Keystone Sprinter 297RET travel trailer with wheelchair lift and wheelchair roll-in shower, OK Tag 540-FTG, VIN# 4YDT29720A1531873. Stolen Sept. 12 between 10 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. near Lake Thunderbird and Little Axe. The outside of the trailer was very dirty and needed a power wash, the spare tire cover was shredding/falling off.

Please call 405-655-2510 or 405-872-7175 with any information. www.okcoop.org




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