Oklahoma Electric Co-op News November 2021

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This time last year, an ice storm knocked out power to almost 20,000 members and destroyed poles in all seven counties we serve. The weather threw us a curveball again this October as severe weather took out 120 poles, forcing 10,616 members to be without power while repairs were made. Knowing October is the third highest month for tornadoes in Oklahoma, we were prepared for what came our way. The board of directors has been very proactive in its approach to preventing outages as they've prioritized system upgrades and other measures in the last six years — investing dollars and work into creating a more reliable system for the members we serve. This includes installing lightning arresters to protect our equipment from the damaging effects of lightning, as well as smart devices that allow us to more quickly and effectively control parts of our system from our office. Managing vegetation growth also plays a large part in preventing outages. We continue to see benefits from keeping our lines and rights-of-way clear from branches and other vegetation that could interfere with your power. Strengthening our infrastructure to have the capability to serve fiber-to-the-home helps play a role in preventing outages, too. A few short years ago, replacing 120 poles could’ve taken a week or longer. I’m proud of our crews and contractor crews who worked nonstop until all members’ power was restored less than 48 hours after the storms rolled through. It’s impressive to see our teams jump into action when an event like this occurs — from lineworkers and dispatchers to member services and more. Thanks to everyone who helped make this less impactful than it could’ve been. Speaking of impact, our thirteen linemen who traveled to Louisiana in August returned home safely. They spent time away from their families providing much-needed mutual aid to electric cooperative personnel near Baton Rouge, restoring power to their members. I appreciate their dedication to the cooperative mission and principles, as well as all of our employees who jump in wherever they're needed when the time comes.

Oklahoma Electric Cooperative 242 24th Ave NW | PO Box 1208 Norman, OK, 73070 321-2024, FAX 405-217-6900 http://www.okcoop.org


Ronnie Tharp, President District9Trustee@okcoop.org

Bob Usry, Vice President District8Trustee@okcoop.org

Shirley Idleman, Sec./Treas. District5Trustee@okcoop.org

Danny Watters, Asst. Sec./Treas. District7Trustee@okcoop.org

Mike Argo


Percy Moreu


Rusty Grissom


Ronnie Grover


John Jensen


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SENIOR MANAGEMENT Chief Executive Officer ............................. Patrick Grace Exec. VP and CFO ....................... Preston O’Brien, CPA VP of Engineering .................................... Thad Peterson VP of HR and Legal Services ................ Tracy Mowdy VP of Information Technology .. David Goodspeed VP of Metering ............................................... John Spencer VP of Operations ............................................ Marty Hayes

Oklahoma Electric Co-op News is published monthly by Oklahoma Electric Cooperative, 242 24th Ave. NW, Norman, OK 73069, (USPS-865-700). Subscription rates: $6.00 per year for non-members, 50¢ per year for members. Periodical postage paid at Norman, OK and other additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Please send form 3579 to: Oklahoma Electric Co-op News, PO Box 1208, Norman, OK 73070.

Co-op News Editor Brianna Wall, CCC brianna.wall@okcoop.org Members who find their account number hidden within the text of this issue will be awarded $500. Call 405-217-6708.

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