Oklahoma Electric Co-op News November 2022

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CO-OP NEWS OKLAHOMA ELECTRIC Volume 71, Issue 5 November 2022 PLUS >> Two OEC Linemen Help Power a Rural Guatemalan Village >>We're Moving! Learn More Inside OEC Extends Helping Hand to Local Communities For members of

As an electric co-op, OEC is uniquely positioned to be a champion of the communities we serve. It is a task we do not take lightly. We continue to sharpen our skills and knowledge so we can not only fulfill our mission to provide safe and reliable electricity to you, our members, but so we can extend our help to the communities here at home and far away.

Last month, we welcomed back two of our linemen from an Energy Trails trip to Guatemala. Brad Hunter and Matthew Caldwell joined a group of linemen from Oklahoma and Colorado to build electricity to a rural Guatemalan village for the very first time. I encourage you to read their story on pages 4 and 5 and be inspired by their passion for their work.

Speaking of linemen, seven of our linemen graduated from Northern Lineman College and were awarded their Journeyman Linemen certificates last month. Some of them have waited two years to accept their certificates live in person. This certification program is a testament to our commitment to developing our employees internally. Being a Journeyman Lineman is a big deal and a long, intensive commitment to becoming an expert in their field.

The expertise to replace a pole in the middle of the night during an outage is a skill that translates into our ability to help build our community. We took part in United Way of Norman's Day of Caring to satisfy the unmet needs and aspirations of the members we serve. You can read more about our volunteer efforts on pages 6 and 7.

An additional branch of our commitment to the communities we serve is the OEC Foundation’s Operation Round Up program. It supports many of the nonprofit agencies across our service area as a way to expand our reach throughout all seven counties in our system. You can read about how Operation Round Up is making a difference each month on page 10 and at www.okcoop.org/ORU.

Giving back to our community is essential to what we do at OEC. Through programs like Energy Trails and Operation Round Up, we can make a real difference in the lives of those who live and work in our communities.


OK, 73070


Oklahoma Electric Co-op News is published monthly by Oklahoma Electric Cooperative, 242 24th Ave. NW, Norman, OK 73069, (USPS-865-700). Subscription rates: $6.00 per year for non-members, 50¢ per year for members. Periodical postage paid at Norman, OK and other additional mailing offices.

POSTMASTER: Please send form 3579 to: Oklahoma Electric Co-op News, PO Box 1208, Norman, OK 73070.

Co-op News Editor

Brianna Wall, CCC brianna.wall@okcoop.org

Electric Cooperative 242 24th Ave NW | PO Box 1208 Norman,
321-2024, FAX
http://www.okcoop.org District Ronnie Tharp, President 9 District9Trustee@okcoop.org Shirley Idleman, Vice President 5 District5Trustee@okcoop.org Danny Watters, Sec./Treas. 7 District7Trustee@okcoop.org Ronnie Grover, Asst. Sec./Treas. 4 District4Trustee@okcoop.org Mike Argo 1 District1Trustee@okcoop.org Percy Moreu 2 District2Trustee@okcoop.org Debbie Frazier 3 District3Trustee@okcoop.org Bob Usry, 8 District8Trustee@okcoop.org John Jensen 6 District6Trustee@okcoop.org Chief Executive Officer ............................. Patrick Grace VP of Accounting .......................................... Sara Thomas VP of Employee Services ......................... Tracy Mowdy VP of Engineering ...................................... Thad Peterson VP of Member Engagement ...... Autumn McMahon VP of Metering ............................................... John Spencer VP of Operations ............................................. Marty Hayes President of OEC Fiber ................. David Goodspeed Manager of Loss Control ........................ Ryan Spears Executive Services Manager ........... Amanda Hardy MANAGEMENT BOARD OF TRUSTEES FROM the TOP CEO ADDRESS PATRICK GRACE Members who find their account number hidden within the text of this issue will be awarded $300. Call 405-217-6708.
OF THE MONTH Is your home heating system ready for the winter chill? One of the easiest ways to keep your system running efficiently is to regularly replace filters. If your central air system has a furnace filter, it should be replaced about every 90 days. If your home is heated through warm-air registers, baseboard heaters or radiators, remember to clean regularly to boost efficiency. ENERGY EF F I CIENCY WHAT'S INSIDE? TIME TO SHINE OEC opens 2023 Youth Tour applications. THE POWER OF SERVICE OEC employees volunteer to complete local community projects. LIGHTING A NEW PATH OEC linemen help power rural Guatemalan village. JOINING THE RANKS Seven OEC linemen earn Journeyman Linemen certificates. TABLE OF CONTENTS 04 06 09 11 ALSO INSIDE: 12 13 13 14 Keeping Your Networks Safe WFEC Generation Report Tasty Treats Classified Ads

Lighting a New Path

Oklahoma Electric Cooperative Linemen Bring First-time Electricity to Guatemalan Village

For the first time, the lights are on in La Montanita de la Virgen, Guatemala. Oklahoma’s electric cooperatives – in partnership with Colorado’s electric cooperatives and the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association’s philanthropic arm, NRECA International – brought first-time electricity to the isolated village in the region of Jalapa, east of Guatemala City.

Sixteen volunteer linemen, including Brad Hunter and Matthew Caldwell with OEC, spent three weeks at the project site building powerlines and wiring 84 structures, including one elementary school and two churches. The project consisted of 77 poles in approximately 5.5 miles of line and six transformers installed by the linemen. Each home received four lightbulbs, two light switches and two electrical outlets.

The local partner for this project is the Empresa Eléctrica Municipal de San Pedro Pinula, a municipal utility, now responsible for the maintance of the newly built infrastructure. The predominant fuel source in Guatemala is hydro generation.

The locals live in extreme poverty conditions without running water, plumbing and food refrigeration. The villagers depend on farming operations for economic sustainment; they produce corn, beans, rice, coffee, potatoes, pepper, tomatoes and onions.

Hunter said he was positively impacted by this mission and came home with a changed outlook on life.

“This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and it truly humbled me,” Hunter said. “It was a privilege to use the linework trade to make a positive difference in the lives of the people of La Montanita. Their simplicity, joy and friendship were truly a gift.”

The staff and board of directors at OEC supported Hunter and Caldwell’s participation in the project.

“We are proud of Brad and Matt for selflessly giving of their time for an extended period of time to help our neighbors in Central America,” said Patrick Grace, OEC CEO. “This is a powerful way to display one of the cooperatives’ core principles, ‘Concern for Community,’ at home and across the borders.”

Electric cooperatives have a longstanding tradition of bringing lights

4 Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • November 2022

where there are none. More than eighty years ago, cooperatives brought power to rural America and its countryside; given its origins, electric co-ops are willing and well positioned to help other areas that do not have access to electric power.

“Bringing electricity to remote areas in developing countries takes electric cooperatives back to their

roots,” said Chris Meyers, general manager of the Oklahoma Association of Electric Cooperatives. “It reinforces our commitment to improve the quality of life for local communities at home and abroad. Access to electricity will bring economic empowerment, better access to health care and education and enhanced safety for these villagers. It’s a life-changing gift.”

Collectively, Oklahoma’s electric cooperatives have made possible nearly 700 first-time electric connections in seven villages in Central America and South America.

Oklahoma’s electric cooperatives have established a 501(c)3 not-forprofit, The Oklahoma Energy Trails Foundation, to support this cause; five projects have been sponsored since 2016. 7602100115

All contributions to the Foundation are tax-deductible. Learn more at: oaec.coop/co-op-difference/energytrails/

"It was a privilege to use the linework trade to make a positive difference in the lives of the people of La Montanita. Their simplicity, joy and friendship were truly a gift.”

The Power

of Service

Oklahoma Electric Cooperative and OEC Fiber Employees Volunteer to Complete Much Needed Community Projects

Twenty OEC and OEC Fiber employees teamed up with Cleveland County Master Gardeners during United Way of Norman’s (UWN) Day of Caring (DOC). The annual service event brings together hundreds of volunteers from businesses in Cleveland County to perform much-needed projects for nonprofit organizations.

“I enjoy seeing so many members of our community come together to help out our often-struggling nonprofits complete projects they might not be able to perform due to budget restraints, staffing and the necessary time commitment,” said OEC Education and Outreach Programs Director Tory Tedder-Loffland, who also served on the DOC planning committee.

OEC’s volunteer group spent time repairing and staining benches and pergolas throughout the Master Gardeners’ grounds. The team also removed old raised garden beds and completed yard work around the property. It was a busy day filled with rewarding work for a deserving organization.

“It is especially rewarding to see the business community come together to make a lasting impact beyond just donating money,” said OEC Fiber social marketing associate Hunter Foster. “I love seeing everyone serve

these nonprofits and our community as a whole.”

The mission of Cleveland County Master Gardeners, the organization with which OEC and OEC Fiber employees were paired, is very simple.

“Oklahoma Master Gardeners are a vital part of Oklahoma State University

Extension’s ability to provide consumers with up-to-date, researchbased information on gardening and plant care. Master Gardeners has also become a popular volunteer activity that gives its participants a sense of community spirit, accomplishment and intellectual stimulation.”

6 Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • November 2022


OEC and OEC Fiber joined the communitywide Touch A Truck event at the Cleveland County Fairgrounds in September, benefitting the Pioneer Library System Foundation. The event has showcased

large trucks and emergency vehicles for decades, allowing children to get an up-close look — even hopping in the bucket of OEC's bucket truck. Touch A Truck is a family favorite event that has

taken place for nearly two decades. The event promotes play-based learning to help children learn and grow. Children can get an up-close look at vehicles they might typically see from afar.

David Goodspeed

Journal Record Power 2022 IT Expert

The Journal Record honored OEC Fiber President David Goodspeed as a Power List Information Technology Leader. The success of OEC Fiber is due in no small part to his leadership.

As president, he pioneers the company vision and oversees cybersecurity efforts. He ensures OEC’s cybersecurity is second to none and the delivery of a reliable and safe network is intact.

Congratulations, Mr. Goodspeed!
8 Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • November 2022


High School Juniors Eligible For “Trip of a Lifetime” to Washington, D.C.

Perhaps OEC’s best-known and most anticipated youth program, Youth Tour offers high school juniors a week-long, all-expensespaid educational trip to Washington, D.C. in June. Four deserving students travel with the Oklahoma delegation (70+ students) to our nation’s capital where they tour historic sites and national landmarks, meet Oklahoma’s congressional

delegation and more. Youth Tour has earned a reputation as “a trip of a lifetime” among former participants. 4703300502

This year’s trip is scheduled for June 16-22, 2023, but interested applicants should keep reading or visit www.okcoop.org/YouthTour for the full list of contest requirements.


at 405-217-6726








ASSIGNMENT: Imagine you are granted $500 to create a

How would


Oklahoma Youth Tour allows students to see the government working up close. During our day on Capitol Hill, we walk the halls of Congress, visit with members of the Oklahoma federal delegation, and tour the U.S. Capitol. Being an informed and active constituent is an important

ASSIGNMENT: Write a professional letter to an elected official about an issue important to you. This could be the issue surrounding your community project or an unrelated issue.

*Find examples of elected officials and ways to contact them at www.okcoop.org/YouthTour

are businesses created by like-minded people to address a common unmet need. Cooperatives come in all shapes and sizes, but they all hold to the seven Cooperative Principles and core values of selfhelp, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity, and solidarity. This is what makes the cooperative difference.
project benefitting your community.
you utilize the funds? Create a project proposal outlining your project using the sample template as a basis.
event, fundraiser, or community initiative will only succeed if people know and care about it.
Create a promotional video for your community project*. (Max: 2 min/2 MB)
tips for creating your video at www.okcoop.org/ YouthTour
civic duty.
Education and Outreach Programs Director Tory Tedder-Loffland
Scan here to learn more and apply!

Making a Difference

OEC Foundation Board Grants $55,000 to Local Organizations, Families

October, the OEC

generous donations go

(ORU), a program that

throughout our service area.

"As always, its incredbly


people in our community," said

President Beckie Turner. "It is an astronomical

know that everything we take in, we're going to

Fostering Futures, formally the

Assistance League Norman, and the

Army of

Cleveland County received $10,000 each. The board also awarded grants to several other organizations. The American Red Cross of Central and Southwest Oklahoma received $7,500 for local disaster aid, Mission Norman received $5,000 for their residents, Blanchard Special Olympics received $2,000 for team supplies, and the Amber Fire Department received $4,000 for personal protection equipment and other tools.

"These are all incredbile causes we are proud to support here at OEC," said OEC Education and Outreach Programs Director Tory Tedder-Loffland. Individuals also received assistance with eye care, purchasing hearing aids and dentures, and help with groceries.

Approximately 80 percent of our members choose to round up their monthly bills, with the change going towards the OEC Foundation board to disburse. On average, this amounts to $6 per year per member, which helps support various causes and programs.

The Foundation board is responsible for carefully reviewing and selecting organizations and projects that will have the most impact, and OEC is proud to support such worthwhile initiatives.

"Our grants help larger organizations expand their reach to help more people who are struggling," Turner said. "It's wonderful to see how far just a few dollars given every month can go."

Over the last 26 years, ORU has awarded more than $5 million in grants to various local nonprofit organizations. These organizations provide vital services to their communities, including meals, clothes, Christmas gifts and more.

In addition to providing essential services, these organizations build community cohesion and support networks. As a result, the impact of ORU's grants goes far beyond the immediate recipients. By supporting these organizations, ORU is helping to create stronger communities and making a difference.

OEC Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors Beckie Turner, President Vickie Gray, Vice President Pat Ragsdale, Sec/Treasurer Alan Davenport, Past President Betty Allen Vivian Gibson Susan Kersey Travis Scott Lisa Todd Next Application Deadline November 14 Submit Application www.okcoop.org/ORU OEC Foundation, Inc. Financial Statement Beginning Balance 9/19/22 ........................................ $333,546.55 Deposits & Interest ........................... $146,98 Checks issued ...................................... -$51,028 Approved, not paid .......................... -$17,197.81 End balance 10/12/22 ..................... $265,467.72 Financial Statement by: Amanda Dierking In
Foundation approved $55,000 in grants to local organizations and families. Grants are made possible thanks to thousands of members who choose to round up their electric bills to the nearest dollar each month. Their
towards Operation Round Up
provides funds for worthy causes
rewarding to give these
reward to
give back."
Citizens Advisory Board,
10 Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • November 2022

OEC Linemen Earn Journeyman Certificates

OEC linemen Nathan Foster, Connor Keith, Tanner Tidwell, Scott Romo, Brent Glover, Jacob McFarlane and Jonah McCorkle earned their Journeyman Power Lineman certificates alongside dozens of other co-op linemen from across the state after years of classroom work and on-the-job training.

“The dedication these men have for their work and their commitment to safety means more reliable service for our members,” said Ryan Spears, manager of loss control and former maintence lineman. “I know firsthand the effort and knowledge it takes to achieve this certification and am very proud of all seven of these men.”

In addition to completing apprecenticeships under tenured OEC journeyman linemen, each lineman completed a four-year program that consisted of classroom hours, testing and on-the-job training. They join many other linemen with the journeyman distinction at OEC.

on reaching journeyman status!

New location for payments, OEC Fiber equipment return

Beginning Oct. 31, OEC’s main payment site at 242 24th Avenue NW in Norman will be closed due to construction. Those making cash or check payments, or dropping off OEC Fiber equipment may visit our temporary location at 2520 Hemphill Drive.

This project is expected to take about two years to complete.

Alternative payment methods include:

Box 1208, Norman, OK,

MyOEC mobile app • Credit cards and e-checks • Scan the QR code to download PaySite kiosks • Cash, checks, card payments • Located conveniently throughout our service area Pay by mail • Mail checks and money orders to: P.O.
73070 Scan here to download the MyOEC mobile app JOINING the RANKS

Be Our Guest

The holidays are prime time for visits from family and friends and sharing Wi-Fi passwords, but think twice before handing over your password. Setting up alternative access points, such as guest networks or passwords, help keep your network secure and your information safe.

Every device connected to your Wi-Fi, from cell phones to computers, is a potential gateway to your information. Hackers can use them to spread malware and establish unauthorized access to your network from a remote location, giving them access to passwords, bank records and other personal information you want to protect.

Setting up alternative access points for your guests helps prevent these security risks. It severs the direct connection between their device and yours while giving them access to your Wi-Fi. It does not limit what they can do online. It's just adding cybersecurity to provide you with peace of mind during the chaos of the holiday season.

The best part? It doesn't take a technical guru to set up a guest network. OEC Fiber makes it as easy as a tap on a screen. Our app walks you through the process in a few simple steps and gives you the power to turn your guest access on and off whenever you want.

Are you having a hard time setting it up? Find step-bystep instructions at www.oecfiber.com/access.

A holiday gathering filling a home with loved ones is a beautiful sight. Keeping your Wi-Fi secure is equally as magical. Set up a guest network or password this holiday season to keep your season bright and your network secure, so the only thing you have to worry about is what to put on your holiday menu.

"Every device connected to your Wi-Fi, from cell phones to computers, is a potential gateway to your information."
Keeping your Wi-Fi secure over the holidays
12 Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • November 2022


Western Farmers Electric




OEC's wholesale generation and transmission power provider, has an impressive renewable portfolio that includes wind, hydro and solar. OEC's Solar Garden, located at Interstate 35 and Highway 77 in Norman, began producing power in February 2017, and Tuttle's 40-acre Solar Farm began operation
March 2017.
more solar facilities come online, expect to see it added to WFEC's generation report, increasing the already robust mix of renewable energy sources. 29% Renewables Data collected from Western Farmers Electric Cooperative reflects generation during July 2022. To view real-time generation output and environmental benefits of OEC's Solar Garden, visit www.okcoop.org/solar. Visit www.okcoop.org/solar-gardentours to tour OEC's Solar Garden, located at Interstate 35 and Highway 77 in Norman. 13www.okcoop.org THE CURRENT BUZZ A podcast powered by Don't miss the latest podcast episodes: Season 3, Episode 7: Democratic Member Control Episode 8: Member and Subscriber Appreciation Week iTunesSpotify CREAMY GNOCCHI SOUP Ingredients ƒ 4 slices thick cut bacon, chopped ƒ 1 tablespoon fresh chopped rosemary ƒ 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil ƒ 1 yellow onion, chopped ƒ 6 carrots, chopped ƒ 4 celery stalks, chopped ƒ 2-4 cloves garlic, minced or grated ƒ 2 tablespoons fresh thyme leaves ƒ 1 tablespoon dried basil (or 1 teaspoon dried) ƒ 1-2 teaspoons fennel seeds use to your taste ƒ 1 pinch crushed red pepper flakes ƒ kosher salt and black pepper ƒ 2 tablespoons salted butter ƒ 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour ƒ 4-6 cups low sodium vegetable broth ƒ 4-6 cups roughly chopped kale ƒ 1 1/2 cups heavy cream, or whole milk ƒ 1 cup grated parmesan or asiago cheese ƒ 1 pound fresh potato gnocchi Directions Cook the bacon in a large dutch oven over medium heat until crisp, about 5 minutes. During the last minute of cooking, add rosemary. Remove bacon. If there's excess bacon grease, drain off all but 1 tablespoon. Add olive oil and onion and cook until golden. Add carrots, celery, garlic, thyme, basil, fennel, crushed red pepper and a pinch each of salt and pepper. Cook another 5 minutes, until fragrant. Stir in butter and flour, cook 1 minute. Add 4 cups broth. Simmer over medium heat for 20 minutes, until the carrots are tender. About 10 minutes before serving, stir in kale, cream/milk, 1/2 parmesan and gnocchi. If the soup is too thick, add additional broth. Serve the soup topped with the rosemary bacon and parm. Recipe from halfbakedharvest.com TASTY TREATS


• ‘06 Honda Odyssey, 2nd owner, 68,800mi, owned for 6 weeks, excellent condition, no accidents, need a pick up to tow Airstream, $28,000. 872-5353.

• 1991 BMW 325i convertible, 107k miles, white with tan interior, excellent condition $17,500. 823-7310.

• For sale, 207 F150 Ford wrecked, has good engine transmission and rear end, front end and tires also good, interior good, $2,500. 485-2242.

• Tires for sale, 1 new Goodyear wrangler p225/75r15 on jeep rim $75, 1 BF Goodrich belted TA P285/70b14 on chrome rim $50, 4 Courgert Mastercraft 33x2,50 r15LT good condition $200, 4 BF Goodrich TA mud terrain LT 255/75r17 good condition $150, 4 Cooper Discover MIP LT285/75r16 mounted on offroad aluminum eagle alloy wheels great condition $550. 831-6852.


• Tractor repair 40 years exp, Slaughterville. 365-7572.

• I buy tractors running or not. 365-7572.

• 1 Haston 3900 side delivery hay rake, New Holland parts rake both 350, Commercial blk impact socket set. 370-7386.

• 7’ 2 shaft brush hog; 10 wheel 3 point hay rake; n h 256 and i h hay rakes; j d 2010 tractor and front loader, needs repair. 391-3688.

• ‘60 Int Harvester Lowboy Tractor, rebuilt motor, belly mower, plow, disc, harrow, blade, ideal for small farm, $1300. 412-7610.

• 2015 toro timecutter sw5000 o-turn mower,50”,24 1/2 hp, new suspension seat,sprindles ,blades,belt,under 300hrs,well maintained, $2000. 684-0350

• Hydraulic hay spike for pickup with gooseneck ball $700. 391-3688.

• A-Farmall tractor w/5ft Woods belly mower $2,995, Walker commercial diesel mower w/ bagger $5,995. 850-0577.

• 22 hp yanmar diesel tractor with 5’ box blade and 5’ southeastern estate mower original owner have papers, runs well. 659-1344.

• 6 ft land pride finish mower $950, 50 in cub cadet zero turn mower $1200, 4 ft brush hog $600, and LG washer without agitator 5 cu ft stainless steel $700. 609-7449 or 224-6328.

SLATE SEPTIC SERVICE Tank pumping & installing • Dozer & backhoe dirt work 35 years experience 872-9390 All phone numbers are area code 405 unless otherwise noted

• 54” Husqvarna ztr, 24hp Kohler Courage w/3706 hrs, does not leak or burn oil, mower needs left hydrostat. 664-7706.


• 5 Tinted Storm Windows: 44½ wide, 60 inches tall, $125 for all. 872-5353.

• ‘60 Hammond M3 Spinet Organ, version of B3, new capacitors, PR40 cabinet large speakers, good condition $650; Ash dining room suite, 6 chairs $500. 652-3658.

• 5-piece wicker furniture set, only used indoors, $500, 4 antique wooden chairs, app 100 years old, $50 each, can text pics. 650-9489.

• Custom wood growth charts, handcrafted, wood burned, fourteen stain options, pine $75, oak $85, name customization available, makes a great baby shower gift. 550-5943.

• Lake toys: inflatable kayak tubes and island, mowers, washers, dryers, toys, clothes, shoes, and mobile home needing hauled. 353-7974.


• Free cedar mulch from ground up cedar trees, I’ll load for you. 590-9673.

• Small square bales of Bermuda hay, kept in barn $5 per bale, cash only, no checks, you load. 387-3364.

• Someone to cut oak firewood on my farm near Blanchard, 2 Rick’s for you 1 for me. 627-6624.

• Oak firewood: green $80, seasoned $100, Pecan and hickory $120, Delivery price depending on location, Lexington. 496-4301.


• Pole Hereford, white face baldy, Angus brangus semen tested virgin bulls $1500 each. 370-7386.

• Organic fed farm fresh eggs from happy free range chickens, $4-5/ dozen, choose your egg size- call Janet. 570-4232.

• Female Shih Tzu 7 mos registered, spayed, chipd, hypo-allergenic, non-shedding socialized vet checked & vaxxed I pd $1250 make offer, Blanchard. 250-6699.

• 3 male kittens, 10 weeks, indoor homes only. 761-0672.

• Angus mix cattle, 6 bred black cows, 1 black 18 month bull, 10 bull and heifer calves, 4 to 8 months. 391-3688.

• 3 girls 1 boy morkies with akc registered mom and dad, vet checked and vaccinated raised inside with family only. 609-9976.

• Polled Hereford bulls, approximately two years old, vet tested and ready to service, located East of Lexington. 823-9051.

• 2 female Nigerian dwarf goats, $300 for the mother daughter pair, will not split. 823-7310.

• 5 yr old registered Angus bull $2500 OBO. 209-9203.

• Shih-tzu puppies, teddybears and Pug puppies all are microchip, health guarantee, current vaccinations, potty trained raised in loving Christian home. 839-6420.

• AKC Pug Puppies, vet checked and vaccinated, raised inside with family. 642-4983.

• AKC German Shepard puppies, 4 boys 2 girls, vet checked, 8 weeks. 397-9423.


• I buy cars. 932-9052.

• Pecans, vacuum sealed $8 per pound. 391-3319.

• Masonry Work & Repair: brick, block, stone & repair, all size jobs: fireplaces, mailboxes, planters, tuck pointing, pavers, brick replacement due to erosion, 40yrs experience, competitive prices, Danny. 779-5362.

• Stump Grinding: competitive prices, shrubs & some tree removal, call Danny. 779-5362.

• 4 Cemetery lots, side by side, Resthaven, Garden of South Chapel, Sect 12, Lot 173, $10,000. 227-1782.

• ‘09 HD Roadking FLHRC, 48k, garage kept, runs great, classic harley look, no scratches, excellent condition, $9000. 823-8370.

• Ammunition for 380, 9MM, 44mag, 32MM, 40cal, 338 ultramag, 45 LongColt, 243, (retail prices) 12ga automatic shotgun $500, Browning A-5 12GA, $1000. 274-8420.

• 2 stacked lawn crypts, Resthaven, Garden of Memories, Sect 16B, $4,500. 692-9885.

• 3 plots in sec 2 lot 35 Frederick Memorial Cemetery, Frederick Ok for sale asking $450 each. 364-1915.

15www.okcoop.org CLASSIFIED ADSAll phone numbers are area code 405 unless otherwise noted
EXTREME BRUSH HOGGING Tinhorns R Us 5.25% Taxes Manufacturers of Culvert Pipe (405) 381-4044 Fax: (405) 381-5181 Farm Pond Pipe, Elbows, Tees, Meter Cans, Arched pipe. We stock 12” through 120” diameter pipe in lengths of 16, 20, 24, 30 & 40 feet. We can make any size or length • Delivery is available TinhornsRus@gmail.com SAVE! Buy direct from the Manufacturers! J & J Livestock Commission Company For Selling or Buying Cattle at Oklahoma City National Stockyard in Oklahoma City Office (405) 602-5026 James Eaton (405) 685-1712 Jimmy Eaton (405) 682-6244 Mobile (405) 831-7692

• Fox Creek black leather motorcycle chaps, size long, 34” to 38” waist, waist some adjustment, $100, excellent condition; Fox Creek black leather motorcycle vest, size large, $300 new, will sell for $10,0 00. 550-2862.

• Motorcycle black leather backpack attaches to motorcycle back rest, like new, $50. 550-2862.

• Oilfield pipe; pump jack rod; stuffing boxes; 12 brush hogs; 5,6,7, foot 200 and up. 391-3688.

• 2 cemetery plots at Resthaven Memory Gardens in OKC, in Holy Family section, $4,500 for both, transfer fee included. 430-0976.

• Bariatric home mobility items; Electric Lift; Electric Sit-To-Stand Lift; Custom bariatric electric wheelchair, w/ tilt & recline made for tall/large person, heavy duty tires for outside use, will sell all for $2000 or separately, All need batteries. 615-3884.

• Nikon Prostaff 2,5x10x42 Matte BDC rifle scope new in the box $250. 478-5004.

• GE Advantium 120 Above the Cooktop Oven, in excellent condition; several Lawn Boy push mower bags, some like new; canning jars; leave message. 833-8960.

• Western tack; 12” Dewalt Mitre saw w/stand $350; Hyper Tough 20v cordless 3 tool kit, Cordless drill, Impact Driver, Reciprocating saw, new $75; 20” Dodge Ram Limited Wheels, new $1,000. 620-5238.

• 257AI New build on a 700 RemAction, Ceracoat, Bell and Carlson aluminum inlay stock dark gray New Nikon BDC scope Dies and brass. 479-5004.

• GE Advantium 120 Above the Cooktop Oven, like new; several Lawn Boy push mower bags, some like new; canning jars; silverware; leave message. 833-8960.

• Toro 0 turn sw5000 GC $2,300, 3 tires on rims,20x8-8 $40 each, Sony/sport am/fm Walkman #spf-hm55 like new $40. 684-0350.

• Big wagon wheel for decoration, Interested person can text or call for picture & price. 229-4236.

• Kawasaki Cub Cadet Commercial stand-up mower with velke cart, 36” cut, $500. 985-5139.

• 2 burial lots in The Garden of Angels at Sunset Memorial on Indian Hills Rd, beautiful pond and land, $8000 for both. 208-2498.

• Vintage receivers and Technics turntables, cleaned and tested, serviced, cleaned, and the dust covers restored, receivers from 35 wpc to 110 wpc and belt, direct drive, quartz lock, semi and full automatic turntables. 401-9104.

• 4 Cemetery spaces side by side, Resurrection Memorial, Oklahoma City, Section 4 Block 16 Lot 10, $6,250. 745-6012 or 650-7045.

• High End Sony Stereo Receiver, Bowers & Wilkens speakers in great condition, Velodyne subwoofer needs repair, all cables & manuals for all, for sale, call for pictures. 488-4310.

• Goodyear 235/45R-18 and 245/50R20 tires good tread, McCulloch MAC15 chainsaw for parts. 802-4227.

• Vintage receivers and Technics turntables cleaned serviced tested, dust covers restored, receivers from $70 to $140 turntables from $150 to $400, all ready to plug and play, turntables are belt drive, direct drive, quartz lock direct drive, semi and full automatic operation. 401-9104.

• Two new heavy winter military parkas one size 44 and one extralarge, $90 each, really warm paid $225. 366-6166.

• 2 cemetery plots for sale ray/ geyer cemetery one plot $700 both $1200 at walker & clear pond road. 202-9270.

• Heavy black garden/plant pots 15 gal $2, 10 gal $1, 50 5 gal $1, 1 gal 50 cents reduce price if buy quantity. 366-6166.


• ‘11 Forest River 28’ RV low mileage, 2 slides gas engine, selling due to health. 250-4418 or 574-0062.

• ‘04 33 foot 5-wheel travel trailer, very good condition, Keystone Challenger with two slide outs, stays in enclosed building when not in use $13,750. 834-8769.

• ‘18 Forest River Vibe Lt 287QBS, 2 BR, sleeps 10, Dual AC, Infrared Fireplace, Lg Indoor & Outoor Kitchen, Underbelly Heaters, Generator Rack, 3000 miles. 660-525-7482.

• ‘13 Clayton Mobile Home for sale, located in Norman, OK, 3bd/2ba fully furnished with upscale furniture, double carport, large shed, pristine condition, great area close to all conveniences, asking $54,000. 403-5993.

Usry & Sons,

Journeyman plumber position available.

1800 Industrial Blvd. Norman, OK 73069

16 Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • November 2022 CLASSIFIED ADS Serving the metro since 1973 Construction and Repair Are YOU or someone you know looking for a career? Bob
Inc. is hiring!
364-1001 or khyde@bobusry.com Storage SolutionS CaSh or rent-to-own 405-872-7433 www.betterbarns.net 20’ and 40’ Containers Storage Sheds Steel Garage/Shop We Have CULVERTS, Too! Solutions as unique as your storage needs Better Barns Ask About FREE DELIVERY of buildings and containers
Be the first to receive your Co-op News each month. WWW.OKCOOP. ORG/DIGITAL All phone numbers are area code 405 unless otherwise noted

Club of

• Lever Action 22 Rifle. 641-7582.

• Ham Radio Gear, Radios, Amps, Antennas, etc, leave voice mail or text. 641-7582.


524 Frisco


• For Lease 5

building, Hwy152 in Mustang. 642-6662.

Sale by owner, House & 10Ac, rural Blanchard, 2500+ sq ft, 16x32 in ground pool, deck, pole barn built off boxcar. 485-2847.


• Oilfield & Construction equipment; fabrication & machine shop equipment; Diesel engines & transmissions. 308-5742.

• Looking for someone who sharpens kitchen knives. 550-7107.

• Looking for canning jars, pressure canner, upright freezer, propane burner, cast iron Dutch oven, and dehydrator. Call 485-4340.

• Frost-free upright freezer, prickly pear cactus fruit, persimmons. 802-4227.

• Want to buy or trade something for a stump grinder. 213-3604.

• Looking to buy toys from 70s to now, Star Wars, GI Joe, transformers, also looking to buy comic collections large or small, Eric. 306-1462.

• Looking for upright freezer, canning jars, Camp Chef propane burner, dehydrator, pressure canner, & Berkey Water filtration, please call before 7 pm. 485-4340.

• Amateur (Ham) Radio Gear Radios-Amps-Antennas. 641-7582.

• Free Appliance Removal and Scrap Metal Removal A/C lawnmowers electronics appliances farm equipment. 863-7492.


• Handyman for Hire: off-duty fireman, remodel, painting, flooring (tile, laminates, etc), sheetrock, roofing, siding, fences, decks, carports, room additions, windows & doors, custom made bookcases, shelving, cabinets, etc General home repair, All types of construction, 39 yrs exp. 2455502 or 381-2007.

• American Blinds & Shutters: Off-duty fireman, window treatments for home or business, free estimates. 245-5502 or 381-2007.

• You dream it, and I can build it: Custom cedar swing sets, forts, playhouses, she sheds, backyard cottages with kitchen and bath, poolhouses, all types of furniture, bookcases, etc. Off duty fireman, 381-2007 or 245-5502.

• Construction & Fabrication: In shop or on site; welding, fabrication, Equipment building and repair, Oilfield through New & Existing construction, custom work, All aspects. 308-5742.

• Riding lawn mower service/ repair: Norman area, text 405-650-8674.

• Oilfield & Construction Equipment: fabrication & machine ship equipment; Diesel engines & transmission. 308-5742.

• C&B Paint Co: 15yrs experience, insured, interior/ exterior painting, popcorn ceiling removal, custom textures & drywall repairs. Cnbpainting. com or call Cody for a reasonable yet fair price. 431-9601.

• Annie & Lloyd Tree & Landscape LLC: Certified arborist Tree trimming, planting, removal, landscaping. 314-3607.

• Jim’s Painting & Remodeling: interior & exterior wallpaper, popcorn ceiling removal, sheetrock repairs, texture, power washing, deck and fence staining, free estimates, quality work, 20yrs exp erience & insured. 366-0722.

• Backhoe & tractor work : low rates ,free estimates, 405-409-4020

“The PiPe Man” 405-207-0101 We build: Cattleguards H-Posts Corner Posts Triangle Pipe Racks Call for sizes & prices • We Deliver We Now Have Culverts STrucTural PiPe SaleS All sizes custom-cut pipe Perfect for: Corrals Barns Fences 17www.okcoop.org CLASSIFIED ADS WANTED WINCHESTERS, COLT, BROWNING, and other Guns WE BUY GUNS (Fair Top Prices Paid) Rifles - Handguns - Shotguns We have over 2,000 New & Used Guns In Stock MUSTANG PAWN and GUN 376-3833 Tue-Sat 9-6 • 126 W Hwy 152 In Front of Water Tower CASH LOANS ON QUALITY GUNS WE MAKE CASH LOANS ON FIREARMS QUICK CASH LOANS ON MOST FIREARMSCONFIDENTIAL COURTEOUS SERVICE All phone numbers are area code 405 unless otherwise noted NOTICES & ANNOUNCEMENTS • Lions
Mustang invites everyone to come out and fish for FREE; Keep
you catch, the pond is located at
Rd about one half mile north of highway 152.
BRAVO! Roofing & Construction Veteran Owned Lic# 80002314 Allen & Ann Brock 405.208.2498

• Clean Up & Haul Off: trash & debris from properties & building interiors; land clearing, tree removal; professional, neatly finished job Insured. 850-0577.

• Stump Grinding: competitive prices, shrubs & some tree removal, call Danny. 779-5362.

• JL Painting: Commercial & residential sheetrock, wood repairs, custom texturing, interior/exterior, insured, free estimates. 314-0755.

• Jimmie’s Sewing Machine Repair: Blanchard, OK. 387-3313.

• Stump Grinding: Norman area no job to big or small, call or text 405-410-5221.

• Masonry Work & Repair: brick, block, stone & repair. All size jobs: fireplaces, mailboxes, planters, tuck pointing, pavers, brick replacement due to erosion. 40yrs experience, competitive prices. Danny, 779-5362.

• Land clearing and mulching: call Chad Bias (405) 249-2030.

• Sunshine Realty LLC: Rhonda Simmons Broker/Owner, Residential, Commercial, Foreclosures, Short Sales, Service buyers/sellers throughout Oklahoma, Active OK Licenses, call/text Rhonda (405) 808-0705, #142160 & #175498, Cody Simmons, 405203-2449, #183016, or LeAnn Wilson, 203-5303, #200253 www.sunshinerealty.realtor.

• Portable buildings: 8x10 mini barn = 2410.00, 10x16 lofted barn = 4425.00, 12x28 garage = 8710.00, 872-0338.

• Miller Exterior Services: Would love to help you with your lawncare needs: Mowing, Edging, Weed Trimming, Tree Trimming, Stump Grinding, Wood Chipping and Fencing; Veteran owned companycompetitive prices -reliable service. 973-7080.

• Alfredo Medina III Construction: All types of quality concrete work at an affordable price, no job too large or small; satisfaction guaranteed, free estimates, 664-9820.

18 Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • November 2022 CLASSIFIED ADS Building farm ponds & private lakes in OEC’s service area. “Wealth is not measured in dollars.” Farm Pond and Lake Construction Along with Fence Rows • Land Clearing Building Pads • Shearing Bulldozers & Trackhoes Call Bruce 580-641-1952 AVAIL ABLE NOW!AVAIL ABLE NOW! STARTING AT ONLY $179 99 10K, 20K, OR 30K BTU PRICES GOOD THRU 11/30/22PRICES GOOD THRU 11/30/22 $179 99 STARTING AT ONLY PROPANE NATURAL GAS ORPROPANE NATURAL GAS 10K 20K 30K BTU, , OR OR 10K BTU10K BTU All phone numbers are area code 405 unless otherwise noted
HANDYMAN FOR HIRE Off-duty fireman, remodel, painting, flooring (tile, laminates, etc), sheetrock, roofing, siding, fences, decks, carports, room additions, windows & doors, custom made bookcases, shelving, cabinets, etc. General home repair, All types of construction, 39 yrs experience. 405-245-5502 or 405-381-2007

• Bowman’s Welding Service: Fences, corrals, entryways, alleyways, ornamental fence, any type of welding, shop or portable. 360-8091 or 990-1084.

• Weld Up Steel Buildings: 30x40=$19,300; 40x60=$32,400; 40 x 100 = $51,000, price includes concrete & installation. 405-872-0338 or bargainbarnsusa.com.

• Weld Up Steel Buildings: 30x30x12= 25,836.00, 40x50= 44,920.00, 40x100= 81428.00, Pricing includes concrete one walk dr, and garage dr, 872-0338.

• Bargains Barns:  18x21 steel carport=$1195; 12x31 RV cover=$2085; 20 x 21 garage=$4285; 24x31 garage=$6195, financing available. 405-872-0338 or

• Bargain Barns: 18x21 stell carport = 1395.00, 12x31 rv cover = 2505.00, 24x31 steel garage = 7710.00, Delivery and installation included, call 872-0338.

• Clean up & haul off: trash & debris from properties and building interiors. For a professional, neatly finished job, call Jerry Richardson, insured, references. 850-0577.

• Construction & fabrication: In shop or on site; welding, fabrication, equipment building and repair. Oil field through New & Existing construction. All aspects. 308-5742.

• CL Williams Excavating Services LLC: Water lines, sewer lines, septic systems, storm shelters, footings, driveways, trenching and more. DEQ certified, bonded and insured. Call for free estimate. 226-2930.

• Woodcraft: In shop Furniture Repair and/or Refinishing, Custom Wood Projects, Cabinetry, Book Shelves etc: Call Russ 887-5870.

• Tractor work: gravel drives, brushoging, tree work, dirt work, tilling, finish mowing. 808-8202

• Award winning Decks, Pergolas, Outdoor fire places: firepits / kitchens, landscape design and installation, cedar fence, pavers, we are the Patio experts. 834-3411.

• Tractor work: gravel drives, brushoging, tree work, dirt work, tilling, finish mowing. 808-8202

• Seamless Guttering: Country Ridge Enterprises New installation or replacement, repairs, clean out and leaf guard. Local Norman company. Insured *Free Estimates* Call James. (405)623-2354.

• Brush hogging: box blading, driveway work, etc, MIke Matthews. 397-2124.

• “The Piddler”: Need anything done around your house or property, call “The Piddler” Chet Adams. 248-0495.

• Construction & Fabrication: In shop or on site; welding, fabrication, equipment building and repair. Oil field through new & existing construction. Industrial - Residential. All aspects. 308-5742.

• Jimmie’s Sewing Machine Repair: Blanchard, OK. 387-3313.

• Roll off dumpsters: We carry all sizes of roll off dumpsters. call today for a free quote 405-618-0080.

19www.okcoop.org CLASSIFIED ADS JIM'S 19www.okcoop.org CLASSIFIED ADSAll phone numbers are area code 405 unless otherwise noted PAINTING & REMODELING Insured, Free Estimates Painting • Fence & Deck Staining Texturing • Carpentry • Interior Exterior • Commercial Residential • Sheetrock 314-0755 / 366-0722
7 2 0 0 S . S O O N E R R D . O K C ( 4 0 5 ) 7 4 1 - 4 4 0 0 7 2 0 0 S . S O O N E R R D . O K C ( 4 0 5 ) 7 4 1 - 4 4 0 0 PREPARE WITH PRE-EMERGENT HERBICIDE CHICK DAYS COMING SOON!$99 99 2.5 GAL. PIN-DEE TM CONCENTRATE DO YOU WANT A GREENER LAWN?DO YOU WANT A GREENER LAWN? PRICES GOOD THRU 2/28/21PRICES GOOD THRU 2/28/21 PREPARE WITH PRE-EMERGENT HERBICIDE 15 GAL. 1 GPM SPOT SPRAYER $59 77 25 GAL. 2.2 GPM 7’ BOOM & 25’ HOSE TOW SPRAYER $276 99 1.25 GAL. PIN-DEE TM CONCENTRATE $49 99 15’ HOSE Strong enough to withstand OKC storms Built on-site using American-made steel (405) 757-0330 All phone numbers are area code 405 unless otherwise noted INTERNET | TV | PHONE www.OECFiber.com WE’VE GOT YOU COVERED. 405-872-7222 *Equipment *Dirt *Gravel *Sand

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