CO-OP NEWS OKLAHOMA ELECTRIC Volume 71, Issue 3 September 2022 >>PLUSAlook back at this summer's Youth Tour in Washington, D.C. >>Debbie Frazier joins OEC Board of Trustees Annual Meeting & Member Appreciation Night returns For members of John
Jensen 6
2 Bob Usry, Vice President
OEC Fiber has taken tremendous leaps as well, growing from 1,400 miles of fiber line across our seven-county service area in 2019 to close to 3,300 miles of line today. We had about 2,500 subscribers in 2019 and have grown at record speeds to now serve reliable, affordable, high-speed internet to over 30,000 subscribers. We are proud to say all OEC members now have access to high-speed broadband thanks to the efforts of OEC’s entire team and Board of Trustees. On the subject of OEC’s Board of Trustees, I am happy to announce the appointment of Debbie Frazier as the District 3 trustee. The board voted to appoint Debbie at the July board meeting, and I invite you to learn more about her on page seven.
A November 2020 ice storm, Winter Storm Uri in 2021 and extremely hot summers are all historic events that have contributed to this increase.
Oklahoma Electric Co-op News is published monthly by Oklahoma Electric Cooperative, 242 24th Ave. NW, Norman, OK 73069, (USPS-865-700). Subscription rates: $6.00 per year for non-members, 50¢ per year for members. Periodical postage paid at Norman, OK and other additional mailing offices.
POSTMASTER: Please send form 3579 to: Oklahoma Electric Co-op News, PO Box 1208, Norman, OK 73070.
5 Shirley Idleman, Sec./Treas. Mike
Chief Executive Officer ............................. Patrick Grace VP of Accounting .......................................... Sara Thomas VP of Employee Services ......................... Tracy Mowdy VP of Engineering ...................................... Thad Peterson VP of Finance .................................................. Brady Scheer VP of Member Engagement ...... Autumn McMahon VP of Metering ............................................... John Spencer VP of Operations ............................................. Marty Hayes President of OEC Fiber ................. David Goodspeed Manager of Loss Control ........................ Ryan Spears Executive Services Manager ........... Amanda Hardy MANAGEMENT BOARD OF TRUSTEES FROM the TOP CEO ADDRESS GRACEPATRICK Members who find their account number hidden within the text of this issue will be awarded $200. Call 405-217-6708.
Co-op News Editor Brianna Wall, brianna.wall@okcoop.orgCCC
Percy Moreu
9 Debbie Frazier Ronnie Grover Danny Watters, Asst. Sec./Treas.
On Aug. 5, we held our first Annual Meeting since 2019, and it made me think of the leaps we’ve taken as a cooperative in those three years. Obviously, our broadband project has exploded onto the scene as OEC Fiber became viable for more and more members, but our electric membership has experienced significant growth as well. This growth specifically is what will sustain OEC for another 85 years. Since 2019, our membership has grown 8.8%, a steady 3% per year, which is strong growth for a co-op of our size and proximity to a metro area. We now serve 47,780 members, up from 43,920 in 2019. New commercial growth has been remarkable and has contributed to an increase of 20% in electricity consumption compared to 2019. This increase in demand and usage for OEC is not necessarily unique to us, as the Southwest Power Pool has experienced increased demand for power across their 14-state service area over the last three years.
Oklahoma Electric Cooperative 242 24th Ave NW | PO Box 1208 Norman, OK, 73070 321-2024, FAX http://www.okcoop.org405-217-6900District Ronnie Tharp, President
Thank you to those who attended our Annual Meeting, and have a safe start to your fall season.
Argo 1

OF THE MONTH Our faucets and appliances use a lot of hot water. You can lower your water heating costs by using less hot water in your home. Water heating accounts for a large portion of home energy bills. To save energy (and money!) used for water heating, repair any leaky faucets, install low-flow fixtures and insulate accessible hot water lines. When it’s time to purchase a new washing machine or dishwasher, look for models that are ENERGY STAR®-certified. ENERGY E F FICIENCY WHAT'S INSIDE? EV RATES OEC's EV rate is not just for EV owners. DEDICATED TO YOU Debbie Frazier joins the OEC Board of Trustees ANNUAL MEETING REVIEW Thank you for another successful Annual Meeting. MEET US AT THE HILL Four area students traveled to Washington, D.C. for a trip of a lifetime. TABLE OF CONTENTS 10080704 ALSO INSIDE: 1413136 Operation Round Up Grants WFEC Generation Report Tasty Treats Classified Ads

4 Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • September 2022

OEC gave away over 40 gifts this year thanks to our generous vendors and business partners — that’s in addition to the $20 credit every member received for registering at the Annual Meeting. One lucky member won the $1,000 grand prize and three members pursuing post-secondary education received a $1,000 Luck-of-the-Draw scholarship.
Members from all nine board districts made their way to the Lloyd Noble Center for the Annual Meeting and Member Appreciation Night. Kicked off by fan-favorite Jim Garling and followed by the award-winning husband and wife gospel group The Imaginaries, members enjoyed all of the entertainment.
The 1,700-plus members and their guests — a total of almost 4,000 people — who attended this year’s Annual Meeting Aug. 5 enjoyed an evening of great entertainment, family fun and lots of prizes.
One boy and one girl walked away with bicycle vouchers and one teen won a Samsung tablet. As always, the Kids’ Zone will be back next year to provide a place of entertainment for kids and young families.
If you attended the Annual Meeting this year, thank you for coming out. We hope you had an enjoyable evening. If you could not attend, we hope to see you next year.
The Kids’ Zone featured Sponji the clown and his wife, Bobbin, making balloon animals for kids of all ages, and the Washington High School cheer squad provided face-painting for the kids. The photo booth is always a hit as well.

Dale K Graham Veterans Foundation, Meals on Wheels
"I think in today's world, we think big companies just make big money for themselves, but we are a member-owned organization, and we're just paying it forward," said ORU
OEC Foundation board grants $62,000 to local organizations, families
"We serve disabled military veterans and their families by sharing our collective knowledge and experience to guide them through the Veterans Affairs claims process," said Christian Monk, Director of Development at Dale K Graham Veterans Foundation. "We also aid low-income veterans by providing vouchers for medical assessments, temporary assistance with rent, utilities, transportation and food. OEC's support of our mission means the world to us."
Norman, Transition House, United Way of Norman and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul South Central District Council received $10,000 each. The board also awarded grants to two other organizations. The Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma received $6,000 for their kid's backpack program, and the Newcastle Police Department received $4,000 to equip patrol cars with essential tools.
President Beckie Turner. "It is an astronomical reward to know that everything we take in, we're going to give back."
Individuals also received assistance with eye care and purchasing hearing aids.
"Our grants help larger organizations expand their reach to help more people who are struggling," Turner said. "It's wonderful to see how far just a few dollars given every month can go."
The Foundation board is responsible for carefully reviewing and selecting organizations and projects that will have the most impact, and OEC is proud to support such worthwhile initiatives.
In addition to providing essential services, these organizations build community cohesion and support networks. As a result, the impact of ORU's grants goes far beyond the immediate recipients. By supporting these organizations, ORU is helping to create stronger communities and making a difference.
Over the last 26 years, ORU has awarded more than $5 million in grants to various local nonprofit organizations. These organizations provide vital services to their communities, including meals, clothes, Christmas gifts and more.
Approximately 80 percent of our members choose to round up their monthly bills, with the change going towards the OEC Foundation board to disburse. On average, this amounts to $6 per year per member, which helps support various causes and programs.
6 Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • September 2022 OEC Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors Beckie Turner, President Vickie Gray, Vice President Pat Ragsdale, Sec/Treasurer Alan Davenport, Past President Betty Allen Vivian Gibson SusanTravisKerseyScottLisaTodd NextDeadlineApplication September 19 Submit Application OEC Foundation, Inc. Financial Statement Beginning Balance 7/13/22 ........................................ $347,386.91 Deposits & Interest ........................... $3,363.54 Checks issued ...................................... -$60,350 Approved, not paid .......................... -$16,763.81 End balance 8/16/22 ..................... $293,636.64 Financial Statement by: Amanda Dierking A GIFT In August, the OEC Foundation approved $62,000 in grants to local organizations and families. Grants are made possible thanks to thousands of members who choose to round up their electric bills to the nearest dollar each month. Their generous donations go towards Operation Round Up (ORU), a program that provides funds for worthy causes throughout our service area.

"I have lived in either Lexington or Noble for all but a few years of my life, this is my home," she said. "I am connected to this community through the relationships I formed living here and being active in the community. I look forward to being a valuable member of the OEC family for many years."
District 4 Trustee Ronnie Grover and District 6 Trustee John Jensen recently renewed their Director Gold Credential.
Per OEC's by-laws, trustees serve three-year terms, with a different group eligible for election each year. OEC notified all members in the June Co-op News of the upcoming filing period for a spot on OEC's board representing Districts 3 (Noble, Slaughterville and Lexington), 5 (Norman and Noble) and 7 (Tuttle and BridgeOEC'sCreek).Board of Trustees is tasked with becoming educated, knowledgeable experts in the electric industry. Eight of nine trustees hold certifications and distinctions marking them as professionals in the field, qualifying them to make decisions in their constituents' best interests and ensure the co-op succeeds in its mission while remaining transparent to the members who own it.
District 5 Trustee Shirley Idleman completed her Board Leadership Certificate.
To learn more about OEC's board of trustees, visit
Debbie Frazier of Lexington joined OEC’s Board of Trustees in August following the resignation of former District 3 Trustee Rusty Grissom, who served on OEC’s board for over 20 years. At the July meeting of the Board of Trustees, they voted to appoint Frazier as District 3 representative, and to reappoint Shirley Idleman and Danny Watters as Districts 5 and 7 representatives, respectively. Each trustee began three-year terms in August following two uncontested elections and one contested election that did not meet quorum attendance. The three trustees — also OEC members — proudly serve their respective districts across OEC's service area.
Frazier, an accountant by trade, and her family's roots run deep in Lexington, where the Frazier farm has been in the family since 1902.
Debbie Frazier joins OEC Board of Trustees; Idleman, Watters reappointed
The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association provides educational and certification programming for co-op board of trustees members. Those serving in this capacity must be knowledgeable experts in the electric industry.

The price kilowatt-hourper(kWh) drops significantly between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m., the prime EV charging time for those with at-home charging capabilities. Residential members who experience high consumption overnight could reap the benefits as well.[2011123101]
OEC’s electric vehicle rate not just for EV owners
"This residential rate focuses on the time of day electricity is consumed and is most beneficial to those with electric vehicles or large appliances that are programmed to operate overnight," said Energy Efficiency Solutions Specialist and EV expert Daniel Lofland. "While we call it the ‘EV rate’ it's also ideal for those willing to divert energy consumption to evening and overnight hours."
In 2020, OEC's board of trustees added a new rate to OEC's catalog of rate options, initially for members who own an electric vehicle (EV). This rate is beneficial for all who tend to consume a lot of power during the overnight hours.
"We are able to offer lower overnight kWh rates because power is produced at a lower cost during those hours,” Lofland said. “Temperatures are cooler and air conditioners are working less, which allows the grid to recover from the strains of a hot summer afternoon. Plus, overnight electricity is generated mostly by wind power — a relatively
FERREE 8 Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • September 2022,HVAC,(i.e.shiftgenerationinexpensiveresource.”Membersabletohighenergyuseclothesdryer,electriccaretc.)totheof9p.m.to5willexperiencemostsavings.ReadaboutthisrateandtoitbyvisitingThoselookingtoallofourratemayvisitwww. Residential members may switch rates once in a 12-month period via the above link or by calling our Member Service team at 405-321-2024. While we call it the ‘EV rate’ it’s also ideal for those willing to divert
9 NATIONAL DRIVE ELECTRIC WEEK OEC has a suite of resources to help members decide if an electric vehicle (EV) is right for them. At, you will find information on rebates for in-home chargers, a specially curated electric rate to benefit those taking the EV leap, helpful charging resources and videos that have recorded our journey with our very own EV. We've done the research for you! Simply visit or contact Energy Efficiency Solutions Specialist and EV afficionado Daniel Lofland at daniel. if you have any questions. SEPT. 23 - OCT. 2

Four area teens recently returned from an unforgettable trip to Washington D.C. known as Youth Tour. The all-expenses paid, seven-day trek through America's capital inspires hard-working students who earn themselves this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.Morethan 58 students, supported by 20 of Oklahoma's electric co-ops, traveled to the capital to see the awe-inspiring monuments up close and personal in June. OEC's Youth Tour delegation included Karter Caves from Amber-Pocasset High School and Brianna Lemaster, Collin Nguyen, and RyanQuinn Szymanski from Westmoore High School. The students were awarded the trip after successfully completing a presentation and application process in March.
Tory Tedder-Loffland, OEC's Education and Outreach Programs Director, joined the group as a chaperone after she was selected via an application process to serve with other co-op employees.
10 Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • September 2022
"Every year, this contest attracts the most ambitious and determined students in our territory," said OEC CEO Patrick Grace of the Youth Tour winners. "We have the best and the brightest young leaders in Oklahoma, and I was honored to have them represent us this year." In the capital, students toured historic sites and monuments, attended an interactive question-andanswer session with Oklahoma's Congressional delegation and made life-long friends while learning about what it means to be a youth advocate in their
MEET US AT THE HILL community. Students also attended Youth Day with over 1,500 other Youth Tour winners from around the country.
"To see growth happen to every single kid is beautiful," Tedder-Lofland said. "It's not just that they're making buddies. It's the transformation they go through when we ask them to think about their impact on the world as they walk in view of our country'sAmonghistory."apacked schedule, students visited Arlington National Cemetery, the Pentagon 9/11 memorial, a tour of Smithsonian museums, and a spur-of-the-moment trip to Medieval Times, a family dinner theater featuring staged medieval-style games, sword-fighting and jousting.
U.S. Congressman Markwayne Mullin continued his tradition of giving the Oklahoma Youth Tour winners spend unforgettable week in Washington, D.C.
"Every time I think back on the trip, there are a thousand different memories I could name as some of the best times of my life," Szymanski said. "Medieval Times was super fun, and we all enjoyed rooting for our knight and seeing other Youth Tour groupsOklahomathere."

formed during this week often endure into college and beyond."Istill speak to most of the people I met, and I learned a lot from other participants and the people we met," Szymanski said. "This experience helped me grow in many ways. I learned to lead and serve others by creating community and Congratulationsrelationships."toOEC'sfour well-deserved 2022 Youth Tour winners. More information will be announced this fall for those interested in entering the 2023 Youth Tour contest. Stay updated at youth/#tour and by following @OklaElec on Facebook.
In addition to personal growth, the relationships
The young leaders came home with a newfound sense of purpose and appreciation. In addition to their development, they gained newfound friendships.
"You can look at pictures of monuments, buildings and paintings, but it's not until you're physically witnessing these things that your soul understands," Tedder-Loffland said. "The impact that has is monumental, and that is what Youth Tour gives these kids."
Congressman Mullin guided the group through areas little known to the public, like back staircases where crosses were carved into the structures.[5113100700]
Youth Tour group a private after-hours tour of the Capitol.

12 Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • September 2022 Sign up for the Auto Pay Program (with a bank account OR credit card), schedule payments, find a payment kiosk near you, see if you're eligible for a payment extension, and more from the MyOEC mobile app. SEE ALL YOUR OPTIONS UNDER 'BILL & PAY' Scan with mobiledownloadsmartphoneyourtotheMyOECapp YOURRIGHTOPTIONSPAYMENTMYOEC'SEXPLOREFROMPHONE

GENERATIONWFECREPORT Western Farmers Electric Cooperative (WFEC), OEC's wholesale generation and transmission power provider, has an impressive renewable portfolio that includes wind, hydro and solar. OEC's Solar Garden, located at Interstate 35 and Highway 77 in Norman, began producing power in February 2017, and Tuttle's 40-acre Solar Farm began operation in March 2017. As more solar facilities come online, expect to see it added to WFEC's generation report, increasing the already robust mix of renewable energy sources. 40% Renewables Data collected from Western Farmers Electric Cooperative reflects generation during June 2022. To view real-time generation output and environmental benefits of OEC's Solar Garden, visit Visit to tour OEC's Solar Garden, located at Interstate 35 and Highway 77 in Norman. 13 THE CURRENT BUZZ A podcast powered by Don't miss the latest podcast Seasonepisodes:3,Episode 5: ACES: How OEC Restores Your Power in (less than) a Blink Episode 6: Small Town USA and OEC iTunesSpotify PROSCIUTTO AND PARMESAN PINWHEELS Ingredients 1 package frozen puff pastry sheets, thawed 5 ounces prosciutto, thinly sliced 5 ounces parmesan cheese 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard Directions Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray a baking sheet with nonstick oil. Roll the thawed pastry out onto a flat surface. Spread Dijon mustard to taste on the pastry sheets. Cover pastry with a layer of prosciutto, then cheese. Roll the sheets, beginning at the long side. Cut into 1 inch thick sections. Arrange the sections on the prepared baking sheet. Bake 10 - 12 minutes. Recipe from allrecipes.comTASTY TREATS

• 7’ 2 shaft brush hog; 10 wheel 3 point hay rake; n h 256 and i h hay rakes; j d 2010 tractor and front loader, needs repair. 391-3688.
• ‘01 Mitsubishi 4WD for parts. 872-0434.
• 36 foot gooseneck hay trailer, carries 7 bales and dumps individually, call Glenn. 574-2426.
• ’05 John Deere L110 Lawn Tractor, exc cond, garage kept, regular maintenance done, Kohler engine, 17.5 hp single cylinder, 198 hrs, Mid-Mount 42” twin blade deck, hydrostatic, $1,100. 206-4775.
• ‘10 Chevy Cobalt LS, 101415 miles, ABS, 2 years new trans, tinted windows, clean title, some hail damage, trunk lid repair ugly, $4800. 597-2155.
• 6 ft land pride finish mower $950, 50 in cub cadet zero turn mower $1200, 4 ft brush hog $600, and LG washer without agitator 5 cu ft stainless steel $700. 609-7449 or 224-6328.
• 5 foot King Kutter finish mower, completely rebuilt, new hard tires, blades, belt, bearings, u-joint, $975, cash only, Lexington. 580-478-6771.
• I buy tractors running or not. 365-7572.
• ‘02 Ford F-250 Super Duty, short bed, 2wd, gooseneck plate, new tires, one owner, very well maintained, 81,000 miles, $5,000, serious inquiries only. 456-0898 or 274-2989.
SLATE SEPTIC SERVICE Tank pumping & installing • Dozer & backhoe dirt work 35 years experience 872-9390 All phone numbers are area code 405 unless otherwise noted
• ‘06 Honda Odyssey, 2nd owner, 68,800mi, owned for 6 weeks, excellent condition, no accidents, need a pick up to tow Airstream, $28,000. 872-5353. FARM & EQUIPMENT
• John Deere LT166 with 46 inch cut, 16 HP, V Twin engine, new seat, runs good, $400. 618-0531.
• ‘80 John Deere tractor with front loader and box blade, new 31 horse Yanmar diesel engine, $6800. 833-2019.
• Tractor repair 40 years exp, Slaughterville. 365-7572.
• Hobart 10,000KW welder with 166hrs, OX & ACC large bottles (owned) torch, toolbox and chop saw all on trailer. 831-2387.
• 430 Case Gasoline Tractor with frontend loader, Comes with a Brush hog and forklift attachment, Good old tractor I just don’t need it any more. 229-8892.
• ‘97 Daihatsu Mini-truck 4x4 hunting-farm-street, low mileage, light bar, spare tire, receiver hitch, new batt, rebuilt engine, and electronic distributor. 892-3312.

HAY & FIREWOOD • Small square straw $5 a bale. 459-6543.
• Mowers for sale: Yazoo Kees commercial zero turn 42” $2200, John Deere X320 $2000, Craftsman 42” Tractor $700, and others, text. 650-8674.
• 1940 vintage bedroom set includes double bed, dresser and chest of drawers, asking $450 obo; vintage buffet $100 obo. 364-1915. CLASSIFIED ADSAll phone numbers are area code 405 unless otherwise noted
• Organic fed farm fresh eggs from happy free range chickens, $4-5/ dozen, choose your egg size- call Janet. 570-4232.
• Stump Grinding: competitive prices, shrubs & some tree removal, call Danny. 779-5362.
• 2 cemetery lots Sunnylane Cemetery Del City, Garden of Scriptures, $2000 ea, plus title transfer $295 total of $4295; call Don. 246-6259.
• Metal 4-drawer legal size filing cabinets $25 each, leave msg, Norman. 627-6721.
• Power lift and recline chair, Golden brand, will lift 375 lbs, barely used paid $1400 3 months ago, asking $800. 777-9572.
• 5 Tinted Storm Windows: 44½ wide, 60 inches tall, $125 for all. 872-5353.”
• ‘15 toro timecutter sw5000 o-turn mower, 50”, 24 1/2 hp, new suspension seat, blades, sprindles & deck belt under 300 hours, no meter, well maintained $2300. 684-0350.
• For lease or Sale Black Bull and cows. 520-1604.
• Masonry Work & Repair: brick, block, stone & repair, all size jobs: fireplaces, mailboxes, planters, tuck pointing, pavers, brick replacement due to erosion, 40yrs experience, competitive prices, Danny. 779-5362.
• I have a New Shark AI robot vacmop pro, NIB, $100, leave msg. 406-1671.
• Free cedar mulch from ground up cedar trees, I’ll load for you. 590-9673. LIVESTOCK & PETS
• 3 year old Hereford steer good butcher prospect, $1000. 329-4562.
• Texas Heeler Puppies, Goldsby. 401-4012.
• Shower transfer bench/seat, reversible back, $20, 4 antique wooden chairs (1 rocker) $50 each, call/text, pics available. 650-9489.
• Ruger P94, 9 mm, 1911 frame, excellent condition, $575. 831-6852.
• Remington 870 Wingmaster, 20ga, 28 inch ribbed barrel, full choke, excellent condition, $675, call or text Jim. 640-5650.
• Canning jars 93 pints mostly new; 12 quarts new. 527-3631.
• Yardmax push mower 21inch, 7position cutting height, 170cc, good condition,, run good $125, cash text, Norman area. 281-352-4238.
• Havamalt Puppies (Havanese/ Maltese), raised in our home, hypo-allergenic, non-shedding, well socialized, $800-$1,500, Lexington, OK, Joyful Havamalts on Facebook. 740-9218.
• 5 pc wicker furniture set, ec, used indoors, bought new in 1976, $500, pics available, call/ text. 650-9489.
EXTREMEHOGGINGBRUSH Tinhorns R Us Taxes5.25% Manufacturers of Culvert Pipe (405) 381-4044 Fax: (405) 381-5181 Farm Pond Pipe, Elbows, Tees, Meter Cans, Arched pipe. We stock 12” through 120” diameter pipe in lengths of 16, 20, 24, 30 & 40 feet. We can make any size or length • Delivery is TinhornsRus@gmail.comavailable Manufacturers!BuySAVE!directfromthe J & J Livestock Commission Company For Selling or Buying Cattle at Oklahoma City National Stockyard in Oklahoma City Office (405) 602-5026 James Eaton (405) 685-1712 Jimmy Eaton (405) 682-6244 Mobile (405) 831-7692
• Art Deco burl wood and brass, two piece china cabinet, made in Germany, Late 1950’s era, $300 OBO. 423-0948.
• Baby Browning 25 Auto, Belguim1962, Like New, 3+boxes ammo, $625, Stoeger 20ga double $575 Call or text Jim. 640-5650.
• AKC Pug Puppies, vet checked and vaccinated, raised inside with family. 642-4983. MISCELLANEOUS
• Colt SAA 45, 5 1/2 BBL, Sambar Stag Grips, Blue and Color Case, 3rd Generation, Original Box, Custom tuned by Longhunter Amarillo Tx, $3,000, Call or text Jim. 640-5650.
• Custom wood growth charts, handcrafted, wood burned, fourteen stain options, pine $75, oak $85, name customization available, makes a great baby shower gift. 550-5943.
• Samsung Refrigerator, stainless steel, like new condition, top & lower ice make, $950, call Toby for details. 206-7329.
• GE Advantium 120 Above the Cooktop Oven, in excellent condition; several Lawn Boy push mower bags, some like new; canning jars; leave message. 833-8960.
• Push mower, $125, good condition, leave msg. 360-4977.
• Registered collie, also 2 female Nigerian Dwarf goats. 823-7310.

• Appliances, AC units, Mowers, Computers, Farm Implements, almost any Metal Scrap Blanchard, Bridge Creek, New Castle area, free removal. 4160127 or 306-6974.
• Ham Radio Gear, Radios, Amps, Antennas, etc, leave voice mail or text. 641-7582.
• Looking to buy toys from 70s to now, Star Wars, GI Joe, transformers, also looking to buy comic collections large or small, Eric. 306-1462.
• Oilfield & Construction equipment; fabrication & machine shop equipment; Diesel engines & transmissions. 308-5742.
• Would like to purchase a stone grinder, will pay cash. 213-3604.
• Amateur (Ham) Radio GearRadios-Amps-Antennas. V or Text 641-7582.
BUSINESS Be the first to receive your Co-op News each month. WWW.OKCOOP.ORG/DIGITAL All phone numbers are area code 405 unless otherwise noted
• For Lease 5 bay building, Hwy152 in Mustang. 642-6662.
• Looking for upright freezer, canning jars, Camp Chef propane burner, dehydrator, pressure canner, & Berkey Water filtration, please call before 7 pm. 485-4340.
• Scrap Metal, appliances, mowers, farm related, air conditioners, free removal, call/text, Norman, Noble, Lexington. 863-7492.
• Lever Action 22 Rifle. V/Txt 641-7582.
• Peaches wanted, also sand plums, pears, apples, prickly pear cactus fruit, persimmons, grapes, berries for jelly; For Sale: Goodyear 235/45R-18 tires with good tread. 802-4227.
16 Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • September 2022 CLASSIFIED ADS Serving the metro since 1973 Construction and Repair Are YOU or someone you know looking for a career? Bob Usry & Sons, Inc. is hiring! Journeyman plumber position available. 1800 Industrial Blvd. Norman, OK 73069 364-1001 or Storage SolutionS CaSh or rent-to-own 405-872-7433 20’ and 40’ Containers Storage Sheds Steel Garage/Shop We Have CULVERTS, Too! Solutions as unique as your storage needs Better Barns Ask About FREE DELIVERY of buildings and containers • Oilfield pipe; pump jack rod; stuffing boxes; 12 brush hogs; 5,6,7, foot 200 and up. 391-3688. • 2 cemetery plots at Resthaven Memory Gardens in OKC, in Holy Family section, $4,500 for both, transfer fee included. 430-0976. • I buy cars. 932-9052. • Vintage receivers and Technics turntables, cleaned and tested, serviced, cleaned, and the dust covers restored, receivers from 35 wpc to 110 wpc and belt, direct drive, quartz lock, semi and full automatic turntables. 401-9104. • High End Sony Stereo Receiver, Bowers & Wilkens speakers in great condition, Velodyne subwoofer needs repair, all cables & manuals for all, for sale, call for pictures. 488-4310. • Vintage receivers and Technics turntables cleaned serviced tested, dust covers restored, receivers from $70 to $140 turntables from $150 to $400, all ready to plug and play, turntables are belt drive, direct drive, quartz lock direct drive, semi and full automatic operation. 401-9104. MOBILE HOMES, RVS & BOATS • ‘87 Ford RV for parts, new air conditioner and generator. 872-0434 • ‘99 Aluminum Skeeter Bass Boat, built in 18 gallon tank, all gauges work, live well, Menkota with sonar with a 40hp yamaha motor stainless steel prop, $8,000 OBO. 651-2537. REAL ESTATE • Thinking of selling your home on an acreage? Contact a Metro Brokers acreage specialist, www.,callortext417-1849getstartedtoday.
• For Sale by owner, House & 10Ac, rural Blanchard, 2500+ sq ft, 16x32 in ground pool, deck, pole barn built off boxcar. 485-2847.
• 4bed 2ba 2car gar, fireplace, aprox 2300sqft, 3acre mol, new appliances, SE Norman, all bed walk-in closets, walk-in pantry, garden spot, fruit trees. 366-6166.

• Sunshine Realty LLC: Rhonda Simmons Broker/Owner, Residential, Commercial, Foreclosures, Short Sales, Service buyers/sellers throughout Oklahoma, Active OK Licenses, call/text Rhonda (405) 808-0705, #142160 & #175498, Cody Simmons, 405203-2449, #183016, or LeAnn Wilson, 405- 203-5303,
“The PiPe Man” 405-207-0101 We TriangleCornerH-PostsCattleguardsbuild:PostsPipe Racks Call for sizes & prices • We Deliver We Now Have Culverts STrucTural PiPe SaleS All custom-cutsizespipe PerfectCorralsfor:BarnsFences CLASSIFIED ADS BROWNINGWINCHESTERSWANTED,COLT, , and other Guns WE BUY GUNS (Fair Top Prices Paid) Rifles - Handguns - Shotguns We have over 2,000 New & Used Guns In Stock MUSTANG PAWN and 376-3833GUN Tue-Sat 9-6 • 126 W Hwy 152 InofFrontWaterTower CASH LOANS ON QUALITY GUNS FIREARMSONLOANSCASHMAKEWE FIREARMSMOSTONLOANSCASHQUICKCONFIDENTIAL COURTEOUS SERVICE All phone numbers are area code 405 unless otherwise noted • Handyman for Hire:off-duty fireman, remodel, painting, flooring (tile, laminates, etc), sheetrock, roofing, siding, fences, decks, carports, room additions, windows & doors, custom made bookcases, shelving, cabinets, etc General home repair, All types of construction, 39 yrs exp. 2455502 or 381-2007. • American Blinds & Shutters: Off-duty fireman, window treatments for home or business, free estimates. 245-5502 or 381-2007. • C&B Paint Co: 15yrs experience, insured, interior/ exterior painting, popcorn ceiling removal, custom textures & drywall repairs, Cnbpainting. com or call Cody for a reasonable yet fair price. 431-9601. • Jim’s Painting & Remodeling:interior & exterior wallpaper, popcorn ceiling removal, sheetrock repairs, texture, power washing, deck and fence staining, free estimates, quality work, 20yrs exp erience & insured. 366-0722. • JL Painting: Commercial & residential sheetrock, wood repairs, custom texturing, interior/exterior, insured, free estimates. 314-0755.
• Argo Siding & Windows: Windows, doors, siding, patio rooms, carports, remodeling, room additions, tile, painting, roofing, we also do skirting and repair siding on mobile homes. 255-5553 or 329-0553, leave message.
• Power washing: residential, Sidewalks, driveways, brick, etc. call/text Riley 580-565-0459
• Miller Exterior Services: Would love to help you with your lawncare needs: Mowing, Edging, Weed Trimming, Tree Trimming, Stump Grinding, Wood Chipping and Fencing; Veteran owned companycompetitive prices -reliable service. 405-973-7080.
• Masonry Work & Repair: brick, block, stone & repair, All size jobs: fireplaces, mailboxes, planters, tuck pointing, pavers, brick replacement due to erosion, 40yrs experience, competitive prices. Danny, 779-5362.
• Bowman’s Welding Service: Fences, corrals, entryways, alleyways, ornamental fence, any type of welding, shop or portable. 360-8091 or 990-1084.
• Alfredo Medina III Construction: All types of quality concrete work at an affordable price, no job too large or small; satisfaction guaranteed, free estimates, 405-664-9820.
• Stump Grinding: competitive prices, shrubs & some tree removal, call Danny. 779-5362.
• Ground Zero Land Clearing: Forestry mulching, brush clearing, demolition, and dirt work, Call now for a free estimate. 405-822-0056.
• Riding lawn mower service/ repair: Norman area. text 650-8674.
THE CURRENT BUZZ A podcast powered by iTunesSpotify

pavers, we are
18 Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • September 2022 CLASSIFIED ADS Building farm ponds & private lakes in OEC’s service area. “Wealth is not measured in dollars.” Farm Pond and Lake Construction Along with Fence Rows • Land Clearing Building Pads • Shearing Bulldozers &580-641-1952CallTrackhoesBruce $ 99PB-2520 149 STANDARD DUTY POWER BLOWER 170 mph PRICES GOOD THRU 9/30/22 LOOKING FOR THE BEST AVAILABLE $ 99 BONE9GALLONAR/CHAINOIL PRICES GOOD THRU 9/30/22 $ 99CS-310 199 STANDARD DUTY CHAINSAW 16” BAR CONSUMER WARRANTY! BET BETLSOMETHINGTER?OOKINGFORTER?SOMETHING All phone numbers are area code 405 unless otherwise noted • Weld Up Steel Buildings: 30x30x12= 25,836, 40x50= 44,920, 40x100= 81428, pricing includes concrete one walk dr, and garage dr. 872-0338. • Bargain Barns: 18x21 stell carport = 1395, 12x31 rv cover = 2505, 24x31 steel garage = 7710, Delivery and installation included. 872-0338. • Portable buildings: 8x10 mini barn = 2410, 10x16 lofted barn = 4425, 12x28 garage = 8710. 872-0338.
design and installation,
• Jimmie’s Sewing Machine Repair: Blanchard, OK. 387-3313.
• winning Outdoor fire places: firepits landscape cedar fence, the Construction In Oil field through All aspects. 308-5742.
• Tractor Work: brush hogging, disking, tilling, plowing and box blade work, also zero turn mowing if needed, call for pricing. 306-4728.
• CL Williams Excavating Services LLC: Water lines, sewer lines, septic systems, storm shelters, footings, driveways, trenching and more, DEQ certified, bonded and insured. Call for free estimate. 226-2930.
shop or on site; welding, fabrication, equipment building and repair,
• “The Piddler”: Need anything done around your house or property, call “The Piddler” Chet Adams. 248-0495.
• Backhoe & tractor work : low rates ,free estimates. 409-4020
• Land clearing and mulching: call Chad Bias (405) 249-2030.
• Woodcraft: In shop Furniture Repair and/or Refinishing, Custom Wood Projects, Cabinetry, Book Shelves etc. Call Russ (405)887-5870.
Decks, Pergolas,
Patio experts. 405-834-3411. •
& fabrication:
New & Existing construction,
/ kitchens,
• Tractor work: gravel drives, brushoging, tree work, dirt work, tilling, finish mowing. 808-8202

 CLASSIFIED ADS JIM'S DEER FEED & PLOT SEEDDEERDEER CLASSIFIED ADSAll phone numbers are area code 405 unless otherwise noted PAINTING REMODELING& Insured, Free Estimates Painting • Fence & Deck Staining Texturing • Carpentry • Interior Exterior • ResidentialCommercial•Sheetrock 314-0755 / 366-0722 •• 7 2 0 0 S . S O O N E R R D . O K C ( 4 0 5 ) 7 4 1 - 4 4 0 0 7 2 0 0 S . S O O N E R R D . O K C ( 4 0 5 ) 7 4 1 - 4 4 0 0 PREPARE WITH PRE-EMERGENT HERBICIDE CHICK DAYS COMING SOON!$99 99 2.5 CONCENTRATEPIN-DEEGAL.TM DO YOU WANT A GREENER LAWN?DO YOU WANT A GREENER LAWN? PRICES GOOD THRU 2/28/21PRICES GOOD THRU 2/28/21 PREPARE WITH PRE-EMERGENT HERBICIDE 15 GAL. 1 GPM SPOT SPRAYER $59 77 25 GAL. 2.2 GPM 7’ BOOM & 25’ HOSE SPRAYERTOW $276 99 1.25 CONCENTRATEPIN-DEEGAL.TM $49 99 15’ HOSE Strong enough to withstand OKC storms Built on-site using American-made steel (405) 757-0330 All phone numbers are area code 405 unless otherwise noted Local. Reliable. 100% Fiber. Learn more at *Equipment405-872-7222*Dirt*Gravel *Sand Applications for Youth Tour 2023 opening soon. Read more on the back page.

Youth Tour 2023 OEC will soon begin taking applications for Youth Tour 2023. Don't miss out! Important dates: Youth Tour.............June 16 – 22, 2023 Contest opens.......Sept. 15, 2022 Deadline...............Jan. 27, 2022 Workshop:............Sat., Feb. 11, 2023 Banquet................Thurs., Mar. 9, 2023 To learn more about Youth Tour and the application process, use yoursmartphone's camera toscan this code or