3 minute read
What is Anandamide and why is it important?
To begin with, there are endocannabinoids, which are substances produced organically in the brain. Anandamide (AEA) is an endocannabinoid, commonly known as "the happiness” molecule. Your brain already produces a certain amount of anandamide but consuming more of certain foods and cannabis cultivars can help increase those levels in the body. These foods would include dark chocolate, cacao & black truffles, which are among my favorites of course.
Anandamide was the first endocannabinoid to be discovered. It participates in the body's endocannabinoid system by binding to cannabinoid receptors, the same receptors that the psychoactive compound THC in cannabis acts on. Anandamide is a neurotransmitter derived from arachidonic acid which is a long-chain essential fatty acid.
Anandamide activates the cannabinoid receptors in your brain cells. These particular receptors can boost your memory, potentially increase your motivation, help with both movement control and chronic stress. It functions as a messenger molecule and is involved in pain, depression, appetite, memory, and fertility. It serves as a regulator that maintains homeostasis, also known as balance, in the brain and body. Anandamide accomplishes this by assisting in the regulation of inflammation as well as neuron signaling. It can help reduce inflammation as well as support the immune system. This is the reason some believe increasing your anandamide intake can lead you to higher levels of blissful feelings.
This particular molecule has also been said to help your brain “detox” if you will, from bad memories and irrelevant information. This information is stored in the area of the brain known as the hippocampus. This is where the largest amount of anandamide is found. And because anandamide can contribute to regulating behavior, I can see the correlation.
The word anandamide is derived from the Sanskrit words ananda and amide, which signify "joy, bliss & enjoyment." So next time you are feeling blissful after enjoying the consumption of your organic cannabis chocolate, remember that anandamide and all its benefits were created for you to enjoy. Educate before you medicate.
Please remember that not all cannabis cultivars are alike. Choose organic, full sun-grown outdoors for your anandamide medicine. All information in this article is for educational purposes only. The information provided is derived from research gathered from external sources. Please check with your Cannabis Educated Primary Health Care Physician or Educated & Trained Cannabis Therapy Consultant before beginning any new diet or lifestyle change.

Written by Dr. Pepper Hernandez ND, Ph.D., CTC, CNHP in ECS & Naturopathic Medicine, Cannabis Therapy Consultant, The Founder and Education Director of the Cannabis Holistic Institute. To find out more about her Telemedicine Consultations, Educational Programs, YouTube videos, and other creative content, you can find her on the massive inter-webs on all platforms or at drpepperhernandez.com.