The Chronic Magazine - April 2024

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SevenEARTH FRIENDLY STRAINS WWW.THECHRONICMAGAZINE.COM EARTH DAY AND CANNABIS Planting the Seeds for a Greener Future The Industry Goes Green Cannabisand RenewableEnergy Eco-Friendly Cannabis Accessories A Buyer’s Guide

Embracetheleafthatbringsuspeace.Wecelebratenotjusta plant,butacultureofgrowth,healing,andunity.

420 happy happy


Onthisday,let'scelebratetheculture,thecommunity, andthecannabisplantthatbringsusalltogether. Whetheryou'reenjoyingthedaysurroundedbyfriends, indulginginyourfavoritestrains,orsimplytakinga momenttoreflectontheprogresswe'vemadetowards cannabisacceptanceandunderstanding,remember thatyou'repartofavibrant,diverse,andever-growing community.Here'stohealth,happiness,andhighspirits. Mayyour420befilledwithpeacefulvibesandgreat times.


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CONTENTS ORGANIC&EARTHFRIENDLYINGREDIENTS THECHRONICMAGAZINE APRIL2024 17 Organic cannabis ingredients are cultivated without the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or fertilizers, making them a cleaner, safer choice for consumers But the benefits don’t stop there. Organic farming practices also play a crucial role in preserving our environment by reducing pollution and conserving waterandsoilquality Asweapproach EarthDay,a deeperlookinto cannabis’srole revealsa narrativeripewith potentialfor fosteringa greenerfuture. Thisstorybegins notwithaleaf,but withaseed a seedofchange, growth,andgreen possibilities. 23 25 THEULTIMATE420 EVENTGUIDE 10CelebrationsAcrosstheNation SEVENEARTH FRIENDLYSTRAINS CONCENTRATEDNEWS ResearchIndicatesNaturalMushroomExtract MayOfferSuperiorTherapeuticBenefitsOver Lab-MadePsilocybin COOKINGWITHABUZ LemonHazeLavenderBlissCake EARTHDAY&CANNABIS PlantingtheSeedsforaGreenerFuture THEINDUSTRY GOESGREEN CannabisandRenewalEnergy TheOriginsofCannabis’BiggestDay 420HISTORY ABUYER’SGUIDE Eco-friendlyCannabisAccessories CANNABISEDIBLES OrganicandEarthFriendlyIngredients CANNASCIENCE ExploringtheHolisticBenefitsofCannabisfor DigestiveHealth GANJAEXPOSÉ Blazin'CelebrityNews 05 07 09 16 17 19 23 25 29 35 41



It’shereagain,everyone!CannabisChristmasis here!April20th,a.k.a420,creptuponusagain, andwecouldn’tbemoreexcited.420isthe#1 holidayforanycannabisconsumer,evenifyou don’thavepartyplans.Thedispensariesare boundtohavesomegooddealsoneverything fromflowertorollingpaperstotopicalcreams Somanypeopleknowofandcelebrate420,but notmanyknowitsorigins.Let’sgetintoit!

420, for as long as I can remember, was just a jokeytermtoreferencecannabis Peopleusedto write in on their lockers in high school to show theywerecool,butnowascannabishasbecome more and more legal across the country, that’s probablylesscommon

One of the more recognized, and kind of silly, moments in 420 history takes place in 2009, accordingtoHistory,theofficialsattheUniversity of Colorado at Boulder and the University of CaliforniaatSantaCruz,“attemptedtopushback onthegrowingpopularityofthefestivitiesamong theirstudents”Theseschoolswerepracticallyon their knees begging for the students to at least chilloutalittleonthecelebrationbut,justlikeany kids,theirdislikeoftheholidayonlymadeitmore fun to celebrate. It’s extremely likely that more schools have had the same issues with their students' pursuits and 420 In fact, if the pandemic wasn’t going on in 2020, the entire month of April may have been celebrated by collegestudents

Some say that the reason people use 420 in reference to cannabis is due to a 2003 bill in California called SB420 when the California Legislature codified the medical marijuana law. Allegedly,thisnumberwasjustacoincidence,but mostpeoplethinkitwasonpurpose Nobodyhas confessed to doing it, however, it was likely a member of California State Assembly Member MarkLeno’soffice

Themostassumedcorrectstoryontheoriginsof420datesallthewaybackto California in 1971 At San Rafael High School with a group of five teenage boys, Steve Capper, Dave Reddix, Jeffrey Noel, Larry Schwartz, and Mark Gravich, who called themselves the “Waldos” According to History, “the Waldos learned of a Coast Guard member who had planted a cannabis plant and could no longer tendtothecrop Providedwithatreasuremap(somesaybytheplant’sowner himself) supposedly leading to the abandoned product, the group would meet at the Louis Pasteur statue outside their high school at least once a week to conduct a search Their meeting time? 4:20 pm, after each of their respective sports practices The Waldos would pile into a car, smoke some pot and scour thenearbyPointReyesForestfortheelusive,freeherb.”Thegroupneverdidfind the hidden cannabis treasure, but they did begin the code of 420 that would sweeptheschoolandthenation orallweknow,thecannabistreasureisstillout there

Even if this was the origin, how is it possible for a couple high schoolers to influencethenationlikethis?Wecanattributethistotheoneandonly,Grateful Dead Yep, the real band! One of the Waldos’ fathers, Gravich, worked with and actually managed the Dead’s real estate Another’s older brother, Reddix, was goodfriendswithGratefulDeadbassistPhilLesh Duetotheseconnections,they allwereabletohangoutbackstageataplacecalledWinterlandand,ofcourse, theywerealwaysusingthetermtheyhadinvented Itwasn’tlonguntil420had spreadthroughnotonlytheband,butallthe“Deadheads”(theplayfulnamefor fansoftheGratefulDead)aswell.

Afterthe420crazehadbecomecommonamongtheDeadheads,areporterfor HighTimes,StevenBloom,heardthephraseforthefirsttimeduring“Christmas week at a Grateful Dead concert in Oakland, California, in 1990 Bloom was wandering through the congregation of hippies that would gather before Dead concerts,andoneofthemhandedhimaflierthatsaid,“Wearegoingtomeetat 4:20on4/20for420-inginMarinCountyattheBolinasRidgesunsetspotonMt Tamalpais”BloomfoundtheoldflierandsentittoHuffingtonPostasproof The flier told the history of 420, referencing the Waldos of San Rafael Once “High Times” latched on to the story, the magazine helped launch the word globally,” reportedHistory

APRIL 2024 05

The group even has the most legitimate proof that they are the true origins of 420 “Kept safely tucked away in a vault in a San Francisco bank is their original 420 tie-dyed flag, a newspaper clipping where one of the members discusses wanting to just say “420” for his high school graduation speech andpostmarkedlettersbetween the group filled with 420 references” The Waldos should be one of the more well known groups in the cannabis world The real group are grown up now, and some of them are considering making a documentaryabouttheirhistory with420 Noideaifitwillcometo fruition,butjustknowingmostof them are still in touch is amazing

Unfortunately, they just aren’t well known in cannabis culture There is a strain named Waldo bred in the Netherlands by Apothecary Genetics, so it’s probably not named after the Waldos The Waldo cannabis strain, according to Leafly, “tends to be a Sativa dominant hybrid. The long-lasting high is generally more cerebral, with enough Indica kick to ease tension. These energetic effects may not make Waldo a good choice for night time or those treating anxiety” It’s a great choiceforsocialgatheringstoo!

Ultimately, this 420 we should recognize the impact of the Waldos Without them, the numbercodeforcannabiscould have been way less cool. If you’re going to be celebrating 420 this year, take an edible or lightupajointfortheWaldos A group of super cool 70s high schoolerswhohadnoideathey would lead to one of the most celebrated cannabis holidays in theworld

Did You Know?

Somebelievethat 4:20PMwasthetime BobMarleywould oftenstartsmoking cannabis.While there'snoconcrete evidencetosupport thisclaim,itaddsto themystique surroundingthe number APRIL 2024 06

Concentrated N E W S

CannabisPotencyLevelsDecline FollowingNewTestingRegulations

California-Inthesixmonthsfollowingthe adoptionofnewregulatorystandardsin California, the average THC content in cannabis flower has seen a notable decrease This trend aligns with the state'srecentimplementationofstricter guidelinesforcannabispotencytesting, asreportedbySFGate,aBayAreanews outlet Thenewfindings,whichreflecta 7% decrease in THC potency over the past quarter, are based on data from over 90,000 test results provided by Headset, a cannabis market data analysiscompany.

Previously, the cannabis industry in California has placed a premium on productsexhibitinghigherTHClevels,as these are often more sought after by consumers However, the observed reduction in THC potency from an average of 307% in December to approximately 28.5% by March suggestsasignificantshiftfollowingthe enactment of new testing protocols These changes were instituted by the California Department of Cannabis Control (DCC) and came into effect in January, as a response to concerns over inflated THC potency figures and the practice of "lab shopping" for favorabletestoutcomes

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GovernorNoemSignsLandmarkBills ImpactingMedicalCannabisBusinesses andHempProducts

SOUTH DAKOTA - This week, South Dakota

Governor Kristi Noem, a member of the Republican Party, enacted two significant pieces of legislation targeting the cannabis industry within the state These new laws, focusing on medical cannabis operations and the regulation of hemp-derived products, mark a pivotal moment in South Dakota'sapproachtocannabisregulation.

GovernorNoem,onMonday,ratifiedapivotal bill that effectively repeals restrictions previously preventing law enforcement and variousgovernmentbodiesfromconducting searches,seizures,prosecutions,orimposing disciplinary measures on businesses within thestate'smedicalcannabissector

This legislation, which garnered substantial support in the legislative process, passing the Senate with a vote of 26-7 in January and the House with a vote of 59-10 the following month, is set to be implemented startingJuly1

Thestudyhighlights "theconceptofthe entourageeffect," wherethe therapeuticimpact ofpsilocybinmaybe amplifiedbyother psychoactiveand non-psychoactive compoundsfoundin mushrooms.This contrastswithmost clinicalresearch focusedonpure psilocybin,which lacksthese additional compounds

Recentfindingsrevealthatextractsfromnatural mushroomscouldpossessenhancedtherapeutic qualitiescomparedtolab-synthesizedpsilocybin,offering hopeformoreeffectivetreatmentsofseveremental healthissuessuchasdepression,PTSD,and schizophrenia.

This groundbreaking study, led by a cross-disciplinary team from the Hadassah Medical Center's BrainLabs Center for Psychedelic Research at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, delves into the distinct effects of natural versus syntheticpsilocybin,thekey psychoactive ingredient in psychedelicmushrooms

Bernard Lerer, professor of psychiatry and director at the Hadassah BrainLabs Center, expressed his team's dedication to unlocking the therapeutic potentials of psychedelics for stubborn psychiatric conditions

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ExtractMayOfferSuperiorTherapeutic BenefitsOverLab-MadePsilocybin
APRIL 2024 07

The Ultimate 420 Event Guide

10 Celebrations Across the Nation

Here's your ultimate guide to the top 10 420 celebrations that are more than just a puff of smoke:

Dank Golf Tournaments and Multi-Day Weed Festivals HempFest

Acrossthenation,enthusiastsblend theloveofcannabiswiththegreat outdoorsandfestivity,offeringan innovativetwisttotraditional celebrations

In a world where the green wave of cannabis legalization continues to sweepacrosstheglobe,thereexistsa vibrant tapestry of events that celebrate not just the plant itself, but the culture, community, and advancements it has fostered. From the sun-kissed beaches of California to the bustling streets of New York City,thecannabiscommunitycomes alive in April to honor its cherished herbinamyriadofways.

Knownasabeaconofadvocacyand unity,HempFestdrawscrowdswithits spiriteddefenseofcannabis, envelopingattendeesinasenseof communityandsharedpurpose

National Cannabis Festival

Washington,DC,becomesamelting potofmusicalvibes,educational endeavors,andashowcaseof cannabisculture,reflectingthe progressandpotentialofthecannabis movement

Toronto Festival

CrossingintoCanada,theToronto Festivalilluminatestheevolving cannabisscenewithaneclecticmixof seminars,music,andimmersive experiences,markingitsplaceonthe internationalcannabisstage

APRIL 2024 09


Hippie Hill in San Francisco

Alegendarygatheringthatcaptures thehistoricalessenceof420,HippieHill invitesamassiveturnouteachyearto celebratefreedom,peace,and cannabisinasettingthat’sasiconicas itisliberating

Live Music, Stand-up Comedy, Hands-on Workshops

Acrossvariousvenues,theseevents offerablendofentertainmentand learning,cateringtothosewhoseek bothenjoymentandenlightenmentin theircannabisjourney.

420 Festivals in Various Cities

Localcommunitiesshinebyhosting festivalsthatfeatureeverythingfrom livemusicandgourmetfoodto cannabis-centricproducts,offeringa sliceofthecannabiscelebrationcloser tohome

AspartoftheNationalCannab Festival,thiseventaddsarelax invigoratingdimensionwithac likeyogaandsoundhealing,proving thatcannabisgatheringscanalso nurturethemindandbody

APRIL 2024 11
Coffee Club Networking Event in DC

Glass House Fest in Los Angeles

Whereart,music,andcannabis converge,theGlassHouseFeststands outasavibrantfestivalthat encapsulatesthecreativityand innovationattheheartofthecannabis culture.

Unity Day in New York City

Focusedonthesocialandlegalstrides madeincannabis,UnityDayisa testamenttotheongoingfightfor legalizationandacceptance,featuring panels,music,andopportunitiesfor communityengagement.

Theseeventsencapsulatethespiritofthecannabiscommunity:onethatvaluesjoy, education,advocacy,andtheunifyingpowerofaplantthathaslongbeen misunderstood Asthegreenwavecontinuestogrow,thesecelebrationsserveas milestonesofprogress,momentsofconnection,andreasonsforhopeinthecontinued journeytowardsacceptanceandunderstanding.

Thisguideisnotjustalistofplacestobe;it'sajourneythroughtheheartofthecannabis culture,aculturethatcelebratesnotonlytheplantbuttheimmensepotentialitholdsfor healing,creativity,andcommunity.So,whetheryou'reaseasonedcannabisconnoisseur orsimplycannabis-curious,theseeventsofferauniqueglimpseintothediverse,vibrant, andever-evolvingworldofcannabisculture.

Embrace the green, ignite the scene, and let the moments roll in on clouds of green.
Imagessourcedfromvarious420festivalsviaGoogle. APRIL 2024 12

by the numbers



The market for fibers derived from hemp is witnessing a significant surge, with forecasts predicting a vibrant expansion According to the latest updates and forecasts from The Business Research Company (TBRC), a globally recognized market research and consulting organization, the outlook for the hempfibersectorisexceptionallybright

On March 8, TBRC released its "Hemp Fiber Global Market Report 2024," offering an indepthanalysisandinsightsintotheindustry's dynamics The report predicts the market's value to soar to $5038 billion by 2028, propelledbyanimpressivecompoundannual growthrateof350%

Thisanticipatedgrowthisattributedprimarily totheincreasingacceptanceandlegalization of industrial hemp cultivation, with the AsiaPacific region expected to emerge as the leading market for hemp fiber Key industry participants highlighted in the report include Shenyang Beijiang, BaFa Holding BV, Plains Industrial Hemp Processing Ltd, Industrial Hemp Manufacturing LLC, and Hemp Oil CanadaInc.

Hempfiber,asdetailedinthereport,standsoutas a durable member of the natural fibers family, sourcedfromthestemsofthehempplant,which belongstothecannabisfamily.Throughaprocess known as retting, these fibers are meticulously extracted from the bark and spun into a continuousthread,pavingthewayforthecreation oftextiles

Furthermore, the report delineates the primary categories and uses of hemp fiber, emphasizing long (bast) fibers and short (core) fibers These fibers find application in a diverse range of products,includingfood,beverages,personalcare items, textiles, pharmaceuticals, and more The global market segmentation encompasses various types, sources, applications, and geographical regions Additionally, the report delves into the burgeoning utilization of industrial hemp across various sectors For instance, architects are increasingly adopting hemp as a sustainable alternative to conventional building materials, leading to innovations such as hempcrete. Thiscarbon-negativematerial,made from the woody core of hemp stalks combined with a lime-based binder and water, offers a robustandflexiblesolutionforconstructionneeds.

APRIL 2024 13

LemonHazeLavender BlissCake:ACannabis CulinaryCreation

Yield:Thisrecipemakesabout 8servings.

PreparationTime: 20minutes











2tablespoonsdriedlavenderflowers,finely ground







1tablespooncannabis-infusedcoconutoil, melted Lavenderflowersforgarnish


First,preheatyourovento350°F,thengreaseandflouran 8-inchroundcakepan Nowgrabamixingbowlandsift togethertheflour,bakingpowder,andsalt,thenstirinthe groundlavenderandlemonzest

Inaseparatebowl,beatthecannabis-infusedbutterand sugaruntillightandfluffy,justafewminutes,andthenadd theeggs,oneatatime,beatingwellaftereachone.Now thisistheimportantpart,alternatelyaddthedryingredients andmilktothebuttermixture,startingandendingwiththe dryingredients Nowstirinlemonjuiceuntilthebatteris smooth Pourthebatterintothepreparedcakepanand bakefor25-30minutes,oruntilatoothpickinsertedintothe centercomesoutclean Allowthecaketocoolinthepanfor 10-15minutes,thentransfertoawireracktocool completely.

Fortheglaze,whisktogetherpowderedsugar,lemonjuice, andcannabis-infusedcoconutoiluntilsmooth Drizzleover thecooledcakeandgarnishwithlavenderflowers

Servethiselegantcakeasacenterpiecetoyour420 celebrations,combiningthejoyofcannabiswiththerefined flavorsoflavenderandlemon.


Linaloolisthemostabundant terpenefoundinlavenderand hasanti-inflammatory propertiesaswellaspotential benefitsforreducinganxiety anddepressionlevels

April’s 420 celebrations bring together cannabis enthusiasts from all walks of life In honor of this cherished tradition, we propose a unique culinary creation that marries the herbal notes of cannabis with the delicate flavors of lavender and the bright punch of lemon This Cannabis-Infused Lavender and LemonCakeisnotyourordinary dessert It’s a testament to the versatility of cannabis in the culinary world, offering a sophisticated twist on celebratory baking. So grab a bag of your favorite herb, twist one up, and let’s get Cooking withaBuz!

DIDYOUKNOW?Onelemoncan offerabouthalfofyour recommendeddailyvalueof vitaminC,whichcontributesto immunesystemdefenseand mayhelpthebodyfight infection Lemonsalsocontain citrusflavonoids.

SafeConsumptionTips:Remember,whenitcomestocannabis-infusededibles,startlowandgoslow Allowtimefortheeffectstomanifestbeforeconsumingadditionalservings Thisensuresapleasantandsafeexperienceforall

BuzDeliere| chefbuz APRIL 2024 16



Amid the verdant whispers of Earth’s flora, a singular plant stands at the crossroads of controversy and conservation Cannabis, long ensnaredindebatesoverlegalityand morality,emergesasanunlikelyhero in the quest for environmental sustainability As we approach Earth Day, a deeper look into cannabis’s role reveals a narrative ripe with potential for fostering a greener future This story begins not with a leaf, but with a seed a seed of change, growth, and green possibilities


Cannabiscultivation,initstraditional form, has been criticized for its environmentalimpact rangingfrom excessive water usage to land degradation However, the dawn of regulatedmarketshasusheredinan eraofsustainablefarmingpractices Byadoptingwater-efficientirrigation, organic cultivation methods, and renewable energy sources, the cannabis industry is rewriting its ecological narrative The challenge now lies in scaling these practices, making them the standard rather thantheexception


Beyond cultivation, cannabis possesses intrinsic properties beneficial to the environment. Hemp, a variety of the cannabis plant, is a prolific carbon sequester Its rapid growth rate and dense biomass can absorb carbon dioxide at an impressive rate, offering a natural solution to the looming threat of climate change As industries seek sustainable materials, hemp emerges as a prime candidate for everything from construction materialstobioplastics,reducingour relianceonfossilfuelsandmitigating carbonemissions


Cannabiscultivation,whenmanaged responsibly, can support biodiversity Hemp crops, for example, provide habitat for a variety of species, from pollinatorstobirds Theplant'sability to grow in varied climates and soils also makes it a valuable ally in restoring degraded lands and supporting ecosystem recovery By integrating cannabis cultivation into agriculturalsystems,wecanpromote a more diverse and resilient natural world


The legalization and acceptance of cannabis bring forth an economic " green rush" This burgeoning industry not only generates significant revenue and creates jobs but also offers an opportunity to fund conservation efforts. Tax revenues from cannabis sales could support environmental programs, renewable energy projects, andwildlifeprotectioninitiatives,linking economic growth with environmental stewardship


Dreamsarelike seeds;plant themcarefully, waterthemwith purpose,and watchthem growbeyond yourhighest highs.

AsEarthDayremindsusofourcollectiveresponsibilitytotheplanet,the cannabis industry stands at a unique intersection of opportunity and obligation.Bychampioningsustainabilityincultivation,leveraginghemp forcarbonsequestration,promotingbiodiversity,andaligningeconomic interestswithenvironmentalgoals,cannabiscancontributesignificantly toagreenerfuture.Thejourneyofcannabis,fromastigmatizedplantto anenvironmentalally,reflectsabroadershiftinhowweviewandvalue the natural world—a shift towards sustainability, respect, and interconnectedness.

As we continue to navigate the complexities of environmental conservation,letcannabisserveasareminderofthegreenpotentialthat liesinunity,innovation,andthecouragetochange.Plantingtheseedsfor a greener future begins with embracing the full spectrum of nature’s offerings and recognizing that every plant, including cannabis, plays a pivotalroleinthetapestryoflifeonEarth.

APRIL 2024 17 APRIL 2024 06


Earth Day is coming up, and it’s important to recognize and celebrate responsibly Without our big blue planet, we wouldn’t have our little green plant Before we start the Earth Day strains list, let’s mention some cannabis organizations that have a strong focus on eco-friendliness and sustainability. Cannabis can have a big impact on the environment if left unchecked, it is called “weed” for a reason.Thatmeansit'sveryimportant for cannabis brands to recognize their potentialimpactanddowhattheycan to remedy that. Unfortunately, there are many cannabis companies who arenotawareofhowmassproduction ofcannabiscannegativelyimpactthe environment Growing cannabis requires more water than you might expect.Ifyouwanttofocusyourfuture cannabis purchases on companies who are eco-friendly, that’s great! These companies focus on how they canbesustainableandprotectMother Earth See if any of your local dispensaries have any of these companies: Raw Garden, Papa & Barkley, Aster Farms, Stone Road, Pax, Space Coyote, Glass House Farms, or Beboe One of the more common brands on this list is Pax, they are well knownfortheirvapepens,andalltheir packaging is biodegradable With all thatcovered,ifyou’relookingforsome Earth Day cannabis, check these earthy-flavoredstrainsout:



Feelings:Energetic,Talkative,Giggly StrainFlavors:Earthy,Flowery,Sage


Just like the Hobbits from Lord of the Rings, sometimes in order to connect to nature you need a good smoke The Shire is a hybrid weed strain created by crossing Durban Poison and Silver Haze, two very common and popular strains. This 19% THC strain is known for its lemony and earthy flavors Those who have used The Shire say it’s greatforbeginningyourmorning,itcanwakeyouupand keepyourelaxedallatonce Ifthissoundslikeastrainfor you,besuretochannelyourinnerTolkienfananduseitin the presence of nature(By the way, Gandalf would probablylikethisstraintoo)






This strain is also called "High Rise," "Grandmaster Kush," and "Purple SoCal Master Kush” It is a strong Indica that wascreatedbycrossingtwolandracestrains,thatmeans its parent plants were some of the original strains before crossing strains became so common The plant itself produces an “earthy, citrus smell with a hint of incense, which is often described as a vintage flavor,” reported Leafly.Somehavecalledthisstrainvintageduetoitsflavor aswell,itisaclassicearth-basedhash Ifyou’reinterested intryingthisstrain,bepreparedforsomecrazymunchies andagoodnap






realGirlScoutsarestrongchampionsofconservation d sustainability, they even have a Conservation ampionspatch!AsfortheGirlScoutCookiesstrain,itis y popular and can be found across the nation This ainisanIndicadominanthybridcreatedfromOGKush d F1 Durban, from California breeder Jigga Leafly orted that GSC is “known for producing euphoric ects, followed up by waves of full-body relaxation One ofGSCwillleaveyoufeelinghappy,hungry,andstresse”This19%THChasapungentsmell,verystrongnotes earthy,spicymint Trythisstrainwhilegoingonahike,it makeyoufeelreadyforthenextleg!

APRIL 2024 19






This strain is one of the more classic strains, some say it’s one of the originals Afgani #1 is a strong Indica that most people use in small doses, as it’s so intense. It has a strong earthy smell with notes of spice and smoke, some say you can feel the spice in your nose when you take a whiff. It is more common for Afghani #1 to be used in medical cannabis areas rather than recreational, but that doesn’t meanitisn’tgoodforrecreationalsmokers Thosewhouseit sayitiseuphoricandrelieveslotsofstress.Ifyouchooseto try this strain, be prepared to feel happy and sleepy It soundsperfecttoendthenighton.






If you’re into a sweet, earthy, chocolatey Indica, look no further BubbaKush,aka"BK,""Bubba,"and"BubbaOGKush," is a strain with ever growing popularity in the United States. This strain is well known for its tranquilizing effects, most userscanreportthatafterusingthisstrain,theysleepharder and longer than usual According to Leafly, “Bubba’s stocky plant stature and bulky bud structure suggest Afghani descent, but its genetic origins aren’t certain The breeder whom this strain was named after states that Bubba Kush emerged just after 1996” If you haven’t tried this strain, I highly recommend it It’s perfect for any sleep issues you maybeexperiencing






This strain is another that can trace its roots back to the original landrace strains Hindu Kush is a pure Indica, with sandalwood and earthy flavors. It is known for making its users calm and relaxed It is also a great help for medical patients who need help with pain, nausea, and stress disorders Thosewhousethisstrainhavesaidthatwhileitis an Indica, it isn’t as immediately heavy as some strains. It’s balancedandsmooth,whilestillhittingashardasaproper Indica should If you’re into trying this strain, as Hindu Kush was named after a mountain range, try going out to the mountainsforatoke Itcanbegreattosmokeinnature






As themed strains go, this is the perfect one to celebrate EarthDaywith EarthOGisacombinationofSourDieseland GhostOG,bothwellknownfortheirstimulationeffects.Earth OG,obviously,hasapleasantearthyscentwithsomelemony undertones. This strain can be extremely enjoyable for both partiesandbeingalone Leaflysaysthestraingivesitsusers, “an introspective, creative buzz while still giving users a talkative, curious vibe as well” For medical patients, this is goodforappetitelossandnausea Ifyou’reinterestedinthis strain, be sure to recognize that if not for the Earth, we wouldn’thaveourbeautifulgreen,purple,andorangeplants APRIL 2024 20
APRIL 2024 21
DownloadtheChronicMagazineapptoday! One App, Many Uses! APRIL 2024 22

The Industry Goes Green Cannabis and Renewable Energy

In an era where the echo of sustainability resonates louder than ever, the cannabis industry is not just riding the green wave; it's leading it As one of the fastest-growing sectors, cannabis cultivation and production have traditionally been energy-intensive processes However, a transformative shift is underway The marriage of cannabis and renewable energy is not just a trend; it's a revolution that promises a greener,moresustainablefuturefortheindustry Here'show the cannabis sector is embracing renewable energy to poweritsoperations:


Cultivating cannabis, especially indoors, requires significant amounts of energy for lighting, climate control, and ventilation. Recognizing the environmental impact, forwardthinking companies are now investing in renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power. This transition not only reduces the carbon footprint but also aligns with the ethos of many consumers and businesses withintheindustrywhoprioritizeenvironmentalsustainability


Solarenergy,withitsdecliningcostandincreasedefficiency, has become a popular choice for cannabis growers Solar panels now adorn the rooftops of many cultivation facilities, converting sunlight into clean electricity This renewable powersourcesupportstheindustry'sgrowthwhileminimizing itsimpactontheplanet


Beyondsolar,thecannabisindustryexploresotherrenewable resources. Wind farms and hydroelectric power offer viable, eco-friendly alternatives that can supply large-scale operations. In regions where these resources are abundant, they provide a continuous, reliable energy supply, further emphasizingtheindustry'scommitmenttosustainability.


Theshifttowardsrenewableenergyinthecannabissectoris not just an operational change; it's a movement that influences regulations, investor decisions, and consumer preferences As more companies adopt green practices, it setsaprecedent,encouragingotherstofollowsuit Thisripple effect can lead to broader acceptance and integration of renewable energy across industries, amplifying the environmentalbenefits


Transitioning to renewable energy is not without its challenges

Initial setup costs, regulatory hurdles, and the need for technological advancements are significant barriers However, the long-term environmental and economicbenefits reducedenergycosts,minimizedcarbon footprint, and alignment with global sustainability goals presentcompellingreasonsfortheindustrytopersevere.


The cannabis industry's embrace of renewable energy is a testament to its resilience and innovation. By prioritizing sustainability, the sector not only ensures its own future but alsocontributestotheglobaleffortagainstclimatechange Astheindustrycontinuestoevolve,itsgreeninitiativesserve as a blueprint for how businesses can grow responsibly, proving that it's possible to reach new highs while keeping theEarthinmind

APRIL 2024 23 APRIL 2024 24

Exploringthe HolisticBenefitsof Cannabisfor DigestiveHealth

In the realm of holistic health, the intricate connection between the mind, body, and spirit underscores the importance of nurturing every aspect of our well-being Within this holistic framework, cannabis emerges as a multifaceted ally, offering potential benefits for digestive health thatextendbeyondmeresymptommanagement

Let's delve into how cannabinoids, terpenes, vitamins, and other herbs interact to promote harmonywithinthedigestivesystem


Traditionally revered for its therapeutic properties, cannabis has captured the attention of holistic practitionersseekingnaturalremediesforarange of ailments Central to its healing potential are cannabinoids, the chemical compounds found withintheplant,eachwithitsuniqueeffectsonthe body


Among the myriad cannabinoids, THC and CBD standoutfortheirprofoundinfluenceondigestive function THC, known for its psychoactive effects, alsopossessesantiemeticproperties,offeringrelief fromnauseaandvomiting anessentialaspectof holistic wellness, as digestive discomfort can disruptouroverallequilibrium

CBD, on the other hand, embodies the epitome of balance, with its anti-inflammatory and analgesic propertiesprovidingsolacetothosegrapplingwith gastrointestinal distress From soothing inflammation associated with Crohn's disease to alleviating the visceral pain of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), CBD embodies the holistic principle of treating the root cause of imbalance ratherthanmerelyaddressingsymptoms

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Allinformationinthisarticleisforeducationalpurposesonly. Theinformationprovidedisderivedfromresearchgathered fromexternalsources PleasecheckwithyourCannabis EducatedPrimaryHealthCarePhysicianorEducated&Trained CannabisTherapyConsultantbeforebeginninganynewdiet orlifestylechange

WrittenbyDr PepperHernandezND,PhD,CTC,CNHPinECS& NaturopathicMedicine,CannabisTherapyConsultant,The FounderandEducationDirectoroftheCannabisHolistic Institute TofindoutmoreaboutherTelemedicine Consultations,EducationalPrograms,YouTubevideos,and othercreativecontent,youcanfindheronthemassiveinterwebsonallplatformsoratdrpepperhernandezcom



Complementing the therapeutic repertoire of cannabinoids are terpenes, aromatic compoundsabundantincannabisandvarious other plants Myrcene, with its sedative qualities, embraces the digestive system in a gentleembrace,easingtensionandpromoting relaxation a testament to the holistic approach of addressing both physical and emotionalaspectsofwell-being

Limonene, with its citrusy aroma, lends a refreshing touch to digestive health, imbuing anti-inflammatory properties that soothe gastric distress and alleviate symptoms of reflux and ulcers Meanwhile, pinene, reminiscent of pine forests, exudes its bronchodilator effects, fostering a sense of opennessandvitalitywithinthedigestivetract


Embracing a holistic approach to digestive health extends beyond cannabis, encompassing a spectrum of vitamins and herbs that synergize to support the body's innatehealingmechanisms VitaminD,revered for its role in immune function, emerges as a crucial ally in the battle against inflammatory bowel diseases, highlighting the interconnectednessofbodilysystems

Probiotics, revered as the guardians of gut health, cultivate a thriving ecosystem within the digestive tract, fostering symbiotic harmony between beneficial bacteria and the host a testament to the holistic principle of nurturinginternalbalance.

Turmeric, with its golden hue and potent antiinflammatoryproperties,emergesasabeacon of hope for those navigating the tumultuous waters of gastrointestinal distress Curcumin, the active compound within turmeric, harnesses nature's healing prowess, offering respitetoindividualsgrapplingwithconditions likeinflammatoryboweldiseaseandgastritis

In the tapestry of holistic health, cannabis intertwines with an array of natural remedies, offering a holistic approach to digestive wellness that transcends the boundaries of conventional medicine From cannabinoids and terpenes to vitamins and herbs, each elementcontributestoasymphonyofhealing, fostering balance and harmony within the intricateecosystemofthedigestivesystem.As we embark on this journey toward wholeness, let us embrace the synergistic dance of nature's bounty, honoring the interconnectednessofmind,body,andspiritin ourquestforoptimalwell-being APRIL 2024 26


Organic and Earth-friendly Ingredients


In the vast world of cannabis consumption, edibles stand out as a favored choice for their ease of use, discretion, and variety. As the market for cannabis edibles grows, so does the discernment of its consumers, particularly regarding the ingredients used in these delectable treats. The trend toward organic and earth-friendly ingredients in cannabis edibles is not just a matter of preference but a consciouschoiceforhealthandtheenvironment.

Organic cannabis ingredients are cultivated without theuseofsyntheticpesticides,herbicides,orfertilizers, making them a cleaner, safer choice for consumers. But the benefits don’t stop there. Organic f practices also play a crucial role in preservi environment by reducing pollution and con water and soil quality. Meanwhile, earthingredients those sourced and produced t sustainable methods ensure that the produc cannabisediblescontributespositivelytothep health.

Thisshifttowardorganicandsustainableprac the cannabis industry reflects a broader mov toward health consciousness and environ responsibility among consumers People increasinglyseekingproductsthatnotonlyme needsbutalsoalignwiththeirvalues Inthisart will explore the benefits of organic and earth-friendly ingredients in cannabis edibles, how to choose th right products and the future of sustainability in ediblesmarket

Aswelookintotheworldoforganicandearth-frien cannabis edibles, we invite readers to consider just the flavor and effects of their favorite treats theimpacttheirchoiceshaveontheirhealthand health of our planet It's a journey towards m responsible consumption, where every bite is a s towardsustainability

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The Benefits of Organic IngredientsCannabis

The conversation around organic products has extended into nearlyeverycorneroftheconsumermarket,andcannabisisno exception As enthusiasts seek cleaner and more sustainable options, the demand for organic cannabis ingredients in edibles has surged Here's why choosing organic matters, both for personalhealthandtheenvironment

Health Benefits

Organiccannabisisgrownwithouttheuseofsyntheticpesticides and fertilizers, offering a purer form of the plant. This cultivation method reduces the consumer ' s exposure to potentially harmful chemicals, leading to a cleaner consumption experience. Many usersreportthatorganiccannabisproductsofferamorenatural taste and potentially enhanced effects, given the absence of chemical residues that could interfere with the plant's cannabinoidprofile.

Moreover, organic farming practices ensure that the soil and surrounding ecosystems are preserved, leading to healthier plants Thisholisticapproachtocultivationoftenresultsinhigher quality cannabis that is not only better for the user but also for theenvironment

Environmental Advantages

Organic farming practices offer significant environmental benefits over conventional methods By avoiding synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, organic cultivation helps prevent water contamination and soil degradation, two major concerns in agricultural sustainability Organic cannabis farms often employ crop rotation, natural pest control, and composting, practices thatmaintainsoilhealthandbiodiversity

Additionally, organic farming tends to use less energy and produce fewer carbon emissions than conventional farming, contributing to the fight against climate change. By supporting organic cannabis products, consumers directly contribute to reducing the environmental footprint associated with cannabis cultivation

Supporting Sustainable Agriculture

Choosingorganiccannabisediblesisalsoavoteforsustainable agriculture Organic farmers often engage in practices that supporttheecosystem,suchasplantingcovercropsthatenrich thesoilandusingwater-efficientirrigationsystems Theseefforts notonlyimprovethequalityofthecannabisbutalsoensurethe long-termviabilityoftheland

In essence, the benefits of organic cannabis ingredients extend farbeyondtheindividualconsumer Byoptingfororganicedibles, individuals support farming practices that are healthier for the planet and contribute to a sustainable future for cannabis cultivation. It's a choice that reflects a broader commitment to environmentalstewardshipandpersonalhealth

Exploring Earth-friendly Ingredients in Edibles

Beyondjustthecannabisitself,theotheringredientsincannabis edibles play a crucial role in their impact on health and the environment Earth-friendly ingredients are those that are sustainably sourced, produced, and packaged, minimizing harm totheplanetwhilemaximizingnutritionalbenefits Here'sacloser lookattheseingredientsandwhytheymatter

Sustainable Sourcing

Sustainable sourcing ensures that ingredients come from farms andproducerspracticingresponsibleagricultureandproduction methods This includes the use of renewable resources, conservation of water, and the protection of biodiversity Ingredients like organic cocoa, sugar, and fruit flavorings in edibles can be sourced from farms that prioritize the well-being oftheirworkersandtheenvironment,addinganadditionallayer ofethicalconsumptiontoyouredibles

Minimizing Carbon Footprint

Earth-friendly ingredients often have a lower carbon footprint comparedtotheirconventionalcounterparts Thisisduetomore efficient use of energy, less reliance on synthetic inputs, and shorter transportation distances if sourced locally By choosing edibles made with these ingredients, consumers can directly contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated withfoodproduction.

Health Benefits

Ingredients that are grown and processed sustainably are also generally healthier. They are less likely to contain harmful chemicals,pesticides,oradditives,makingthemacleanerchoice for your body. Additionally, these ingredients often come from whole foods, which provide essential nutrients and benefits for wellnessandhealth

Supporting Local Economies

Many earth-friendly edibles prioritize ingredients that are locally sourced, supporting local farmers and economies This not only reduces transportation emissions but also ensures fresher ingredients and supports the local agricultural community By opting for these products, consumers can enjoy high-quality edibles while contributing to the sustainability of their local communities APRIL 2024 30

Packaging Considerations

The sustainability of cannabis edibles also extends to their packaging Earth-friendly edibles often come in biodegradable, recyclable, or reusable packaging, further reducing their environmental impact This approach to packaging reflects a comprehensive view of sustainability, considering the product's lifecyclefromcultivationtoconsumption

Thechoiceofingredientsincannabisediblesgoesbeyondtaste andeffect;itreflectsacommitmenttohealth,sustainability,and ethical consumption By exploring and choosing edibles with earth-friendly ingredients, consumers can enjoy delicious treats thataregoodforthemandgoodfortheplanet

How to Choose the RightOrganic and Earth-friendly Cannabis Edibles

Navigatingthemarketforcannabisediblescanbeoverwhelming, especially with the growing number of options touting organic and sustainable credentials Knowing how to distinguish genuinelyeco-friendlyandorganicproductsfromthosethatare notcanmakeallthedifferenceinmakingchoicesthatalignwith yourvaluesofhealthandsustainability Herearesomepractical tips for choosing the right organic and earth-friendly cannabis edibles

Understanding Labels and Certifications

The first step in choosing organic and earth-friendly cannabis ediblesistounderstandwhatlabelsandcertificationsmean.Look forproductsthatarecertifiedorganic,whichguaranteesthatthe cannabis used meets strict production and processing standards Additionally, certifications like Fair Trade indicate ethicalsourcingpractices,whilelabelssuchasNon-GMOProject Verifiedensuretheabsenceofgeneticallymodifiedorganisms

Investigate the Source

Takethetimetoresearchwhereandhowthecannabisandother ingredients in your edibles are sourced. Many reputable brands are transparent about their sourcing and production methods, oftensharingthisinformationontheirpackagingorwebsites.Opt forbrandsthatprioritizelocal,sustainable,andorganicsourcing, as this reflects a commitment to quality and environmental stewardship

Ask Questions

Don’thesitatetoaskproducersandsellersquestionsabouttheir products. Inquire about the farming practices used, whether pesticidesareemployed,andhowtheyensurethesustainability of their ingredients. A reputable brand will be transparent and willing to share this information, providing peace of mind about thechoicesyouaremaking.

Check for Sustainable Packaging

Packagingisanoftenoverlookedaspectofsustainability Lookfor ediblespackagedinmaterialsthatarerecyclable,compostable, or made from post-consumer recycled content. Sustainable packaging not only reduces waste but also indicates a brand’s overallcommitmenttoenvironmentalresponsibility.

Read Reviews and Seek Recommendations

Finally,leveragethepowerofcommunitybyreadingreviewsand seeking recommendations from trusted sources Experiences sharedbyotherconsumerscanprovidevaluableinsightsintothe quality and authenticity of organic and earth-friendly cannabis edibles.Onlineforums,socialmedia,anddedicatedsustainability platformsaregreatplacestostart

By following these guidelines, consumers can make informed choices that align with their values of health, sustainability, and ethical consumption Choosing the right organic and earthfriendly cannabis edibles contributes to a healthier body, a cleanerenvironment,andamoresustainableworld

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The Future of Cannabis Edibles: Sustainability and Innovation

The cannabis industry stands at a pivotal intersection of innovation and sustainability, with cannabis edibles leading the way Asconsumersbecomemoreenvironmentallyconsciousand demand higher standards for health and sustainability, the marketforcannabisediblesisevolving Here'saglimpseintothe future of cannabis edibles, where sustainability and innovation converge to create products that are not only better for consumersbutalsofortheplanet

Embracing Sustainable Practices

Thefutureofcannabisediblesliesintheadoptionofsustainable farming and production practices This includes the use of organiccultivationmethodsthatforegosyntheticpesticidesand fertilizers, water conservation techniques, and energy-efficient processing methods As these practices become more widespread,theypavethewayforaneweraofcannabisedibles thatareproducedinharmonywiththeenvironment

Innovations in Ingredients and Packaging

Innovation is key to the future of eco-friendly cannabis edibles This includes the development of new, sustainable ingredients thatofferhealthbenefitsandenhancetheconsumerexperience Additionally, advancements in packaging technology are expected to reduce waste and improve the sustainability of cannabis products Biodegradable and compostable packaging options are set to become the norm, significantly reducing the environmental impact of cannabis edibles. The driving force behindtheshifttowardsmoresustainablecannabisediblesisthe consumer. As awareness of environmental issues grows, consumersareincreasinglyseekingproductsthatalignwiththeir values. This demand encourages producers to innovate and adopt more sustainable practices, creating a positive feedback loopthatpropelstheindustryforward.

Regulation and Standardization

The future will also likely see more stringent regulations and standardizationaroundtheproductionandlabelingofcannabis edibles These regulations will help ensure that products marketed as organic or eco-friendly meet specific standards, providingconsumerswithtrustandtransparencyintheirchoices As the cannabis industry continues to grow, the importance of sustainability cannot be overstated The future of cannabis edibles is not just about innovation for the sake of novelty; it's about creating products that contribute to the well-being of consumersandtheplanet Bychoosingsustainable,organic,and eco-friendlyedibles,consumersplayacrucialroleinshapingan industrythatvalueshealth,sustainability,andethicalpractices

Thejourneytowardssustainablecannabisediblesisanongoing process, driven by innovation, consumer demand, and a shared responsibilityforourplanet.Aswelooktothefuture,it'sclearthat the choices we make today will shape the sustainability of the cannabisindustryforgenerationstocome. APRIL 2024 32

A Buyer's Guide

Eco-Friendly Cannabis Accessories

In recent years, the cannabis industry has seen a remarkable shift towards sustainability and environmental responsibility As the industry grows, so does the consumer ' s awareness of the environmentalimpactoftheirchoices,includingthe accessories they use for cannabis consumption.

The emergence of eco-friendly cannabis accessories is a response to this growing demand forsustainableoptionsthatalignwiththevaluesof conservationandresponsibleuse.

Eco-friendly cannabis accessories range from biodegradable rolling papers to hemp-based grinders and solar-powered vaporizers. These products not only minimize harm to the environment but also offer a cleaner, healthier experience for the user By choosing eco-friendly accessories, consumers are taking a step towards reducing the ecological footprint of their cannabis use This trend towards eco-conscious consumption is not just about making greener choices; it's about supporting a movement that prioritizes the well-being of our planet and its inhabitants

The importance of eco-friendly cannabis accessories goes beyond just sustainability. It represents a shift in the culture of cannabis consumption towards more ethical practices. Consumers are now looking for products that not only meet their needs but also align with their values This shift has encouraged manufacturers and brands to innovate and create products that are not only environmentally friendly but also of highqualityanddurability.

In this article we'll explore the reasons behind the riseofeco-friendlycannabisaccessories,thetypes of products available, and how to identify and choosegenuineeco-friendlyoptions Ourgoalisto provide you with all the information you need to make informed, sustainable choices in your cannabisconsumption Whetheryou'reaseasoned consumer or new to the scene, this guide will help you navigate the world of eco-friendly cannabis accessorieswitheaseandconfidence


The shift towards eco-friendly cannabis accessories isn't just a trend; it's a necessary move towards sustainability and environmental responsibility Conventional cannabis accessories, from plastic grinders to synthetic rolling papers, contribute significantly to environmentaldegradation Ascannabisconsumptionbecomesmoremainstream,the potentialenvironmentalimpactoftheseaccessoriesbecomesanincreasinglypressing concern Traditionalcannabisaccessoriesoftenrelyonmaterialsthatareharmfultothe environment Plastic grinders, for example, not only take hundreds of years to decomposebutalsoshedmicroplasticsthatcancontaminatesoilandwater Synthetic rolling papers and filters, on the other hand, introduce toxins and non-biodegradable materialsintotheenvironment,posingathreattowildlifeandecosystems


Choosingeco-friendlycannabisaccessoriescomeswithamultitudeofbenefits Firstly,it significantly reduces your environmental footprint. Biodegradable, hemp-based, and reusable products decrease waste and pollution, making cannabis consumption more sustainable. Secondly, eco-friendly options tend to be healthier. Products made from natural materials reduce the risk of inhaling or ingesting harmful substances Lastly, supportingeco-friendlybrandsandproductscontributestoalargermovementtowards ethicalconsumerism,encouragingmorecompaniestoadoptsustainablepractices


Eco-friendly cannabis accessories often use materials like hemp, which is a highly sustainable crop. Hemp requires less water and no pesticides to grow, and it absorbs CO2 from the atmosphere, making it a carbon-negative raw material By choosing accessories made from hemp or other sustainable materials, consumers support agriculturalpracticesthatarebeneficialfortheplanet

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Eco-friendly accessories typically avoid the use of toxic materials and chemicals This means that consumers are less exposed to potential toxins, making their cannabis consumptionexperiencesaferandhealthier.Forinstance,organicrollingpapersarefree fromchlorineandotherbleachingagents,reducingtheriskofrespiratoryissues


By opting for eco-friendly cannabis accessories, consumers support businesses that prioritizesustainabilityandethicalpractices Thisdemandencouragesmorecompanies toconsidertheenvironmentalimpactoftheirproductsandtoadoptgreenerpractices.It also fosters innovation in the industry, as companies seek to develop new and environmentallyfriendlyproducts.

Choosingeco-friendlycannabisaccessoriesisanessentialstepforanyenvironmentally conscious consumer It not only minimizes the ecological footprint of cannabis consumption but also supports the health of the user and promotes ethical business practices within the industry As we move towards a more sustainable future, making eco-conscious choices in every aspect of our lives, including cannabis consumption, becomesincreasinglyimportant


In the quest for more sustainable lifestyles, cannabis enthusiasts are turning towards eco-friendly accessories that not only enhance their experience but also align with their environmental values The market today offers a plethora of options designed to minimize ecological footprints while ensuring a clean, pure consumption experience. Here are some of the most popular types of eco-friendly cannabis accessoriesthatcombinefunctionalitywithsustainability

01 Biodegradable Rolling Papers and Filters

Astapleformany,rollingpapersandfiltershaveseenagreen transformation Today, you can find options made from unbleached, organic hemp, rice, or bamboo These materials are not only sustainable but also provide a cleaner smoking experience Additionally, biodegradable filters help reduce waste,ensuringthatyoursmokinghabitsdon’tleavealasting impactontheplanet

02 Hemp-based Products

Hemp is a highly versatile and sustainable crop, making it an excellentmaterialforavarietyofcannabisaccessories Hemp grinders, storage bags, and even hemp plastic are becoming more common These products are durable, biodegradable, andhaveaminimalenvironmentalimpactcomparedtotheir conventionalcounterparts. APRIL 2024 36

03 Solar-powered Vaporizers

Innovation in the cannabis accessory market has led to the developmentofsolar-poweredvaporizers Thesedevicesoffer a sustainable way to enjoy cannabis without the need for batteries or electricity By harnessing the power of the sun, these vaporizers provide a clean, efficient, and eco-friendly waytoconsumecannabis,reducingrelianceonfossilfuelsand disposablebatteries

05 Bamboo Rolling Trays

Bambooisanothersustainablematerialthat'smakingitsway into cannabis accessories. Bamboo rolling trays are lightweight, durable, and sustainable, offering an environmentally friendly alternative to plastic trays. Bamboo grows quickly, absorbs carbon dioxide, and can be harvested withoutharmingtheecosystem,makingitanidealmaterialfor eco-consciousconsumers

04 Glass and Metal Options

For those looking for durability and sustainability, glass and metal cannabis accessories are a fantastic choice Glass bongs, pipes, and storage containers can last a lifetime with proper care, reducing the need for frequent replacements Metal grinders and stash boxes are also durable and often recyclable,makingthemaneco-friendlyalternativetoplastic

These eco-friendly options not only allow consumers to enjoy cannabisinamoresustainablemannerbutalsocontributeto alargermovementtowardsenvironmentalresponsibilityinthe cannabis industry. By choosing eco-friendly cannabis accessories,consumerssupportsustainablepractices,reduce their environmental impact, and enjoy a cleaner, healthier cannabisexperience

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As the demand for eco-friendly cannabis accessories grows, so does the market's supply of these products However, not all products labeled "eco-friendly" truly minimize environmental impact It's crucial for consumers to discern genuinely sustainable products from those that are merely marketed as such Here are some tips on identifying authentic eco-friendly cannabis accessories


Certifications can be a reliable indicator of a product's environmental credentials Look for certifications like the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) for hemp products or the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification for paper goods These certifications ensure that products are produced according to stringentenvironmental,social,andeconomicstandards


Knowledgeabouteco-friendlymaterialscanguideyourpurchasing decisions Hemp, bamboo, glass, and metal are among the most sustainableoptionsforcannabisaccessories Productsmadefrom these materials are often more durable and have a lesser environmental footprint than their plastic counterparts Be wary of productsthatclaimtobeeco-friendlybutaremadefrommaterials that don't biodegrade or that require significant resources to produce


Greenwashing is a marketing strategy where companies falsely claim their products are environmentally friendly To avoidgreenwashing,scrutinizeproductlabelsandmarketing materials for vague or misleading terms like "eco-conscious" without specific details Genuine eco-friendly products will have clear information about their materials, production processes,andcertifications


Researching a company ' s ethics and practices can also provide insights into the sustainability of their products Companies genuinely committed to sustainability will often share detailed information about their manufacturing processes, source materials, and environmental impact on their websites Support for environmental causes and transparentbusinesspracticescanalsoindicateacompany's dedicationtogenuineeco-friendliness


Finally, look for user reviews and recommendations from trustedsources Reviewscanprovidereal-lifeinsightsintothe product'squalityandsustainabilityclaims Recommendations fromreputableeco-friendlyblogsorwebsitescanalsoguide youtogenuineeco-friendlycannabisaccessories

By applying these tips, consumers can make informed decisionsandsupportproductsandcompaniesthataretruly committed to sustainability This careful consideration not only ensures that your cannabis accessories align with your environmental values but also promotes a more sustainable cannabisindustry


As we journey through the diverse landscape of cannabis accessories,theshifttowardseco-friendlyoptionsstandsout as a pivotal movement towards sustainability By choosing accessoriesmadefromsustainablematerials,consumersnot onlycontributetothereductionofenvironmentalimpactbut also embrace a healthier lifestyle, free from the toxins and pollutantsassociatedwithconventionalproducts

The rise of eco-friendly cannabis accessories is a testament totheevolvingconsciousnessofconsumerswhoprioritizenot just the quality of their experience but also the health of the planet. From biodegradable rolling papers to hemp-based products, solar-powered vaporizers, and durable glass and metal options, the market is rich with choices that align with eco-consciousvalues

As consumers, our purchasing decisions have the power to drivechange.Byoptingforeco-friendlycannabisaccessories, we support ethical businesses, foster innovation in sustainability, and make a stand for the environment It's a choicethatreflectsabroadercommitmenttoeco-conscious living,signalingarespectfortheearththatnurturesus

The journey towards sustainability is ongoing, and the cannabis industry's embrace of eco-friendly practices is a bright spot in this journey As we continue to explore and innovate, let's remember that every choice we make, no matterhowsmall,contributestoalargerimpact Bychoosing eco-friendly cannabis accessories, we ' re not just enjoying a cleaner,greenercannabisexperience;we'realsocontributing toasustainablefutureforall APRIL 2024 38
Chronic The

FederalAuthoritiesSearch Sean“Diddy”Combs' PropertiesAmidHuman TraffickingInquiry

Federalofficialsconducted searchesattwopropertiesowned bySean“Diddy”Combsin connectionwithahuman traffickinginvestigation The operationunfoldedonMonday, markingachallengingperiodfor Combs,afigurepreviously celebratedforhisinfluential contributionstohip-hopandhis achievementsasaBlack entrepreneur

Teamsfromvariousfederal agenciesexecutedraidson Combs'residencesinLosAngeles andMiamiaspartofaninquiry spearheadedbytheSouthern DistrictofNewYorkinto accusationsofhumantrafficking OfficersfromHomelandSecurity, operatingoutofmultiple locations,participatedalongside otherenforcementbodies.

AspokespersonforHomeland SecurityInvestigations(HSI)in NewYorkconfirmedtheexecution oflawenforcementactionsas partofacontinuinginvestigation, withsupportfromHSILosAngeles, HSIMiami,andlocallaw enforcementpartners,promising moredetailsastheybecome available

Combshaspubliclyrefutedtheallegations,statingon socialmedia,“Enoughisenough.Sickeningallegationshavebeen madeagainstmebyindividualslookingforaquickpayday Let mebeabsolutelyclear:Ididnotdoanyoftheawfulthingsbeing alleged.Iwillfightformyname,myfamily,andforthetruth.”

SCAN QR CODE Readfullstory TheChronicMagazineisthenumberonesourceforMarijuanaNews,Resources,andLifestyle. Getthelatestscoopon allthingscannabisfrom TheChronicMagazineyourgo-tosourcefor up-todatemarijuana news,helpfulresources andanexcitinglifestyle APRIL 2024 41 PHOTOBYJORDANSTRAUSS/INVISION/AP,FILE MARCH 2024 42

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