Aswecelebratethisspecialdayoffreedomandindependence,we wanttosendyouourwarmestwishes.Mayyourdaybefilledwithjoy, laughter,andmemorablemomentswithyourlovedones Enjoythe fireworks,thedeliciousBBQs,andthepatrioticfestivities Cheerstothelandofthefreeandthehomeofthebrave!
AstheFourthofJuly approaches,many peoplearelookingfor uniquewaystoelevate theirfestivitiesand makethedayeven morememorable For cannabisenthusiasts, thispresentsan opportunitytoinfuse thespiritof independencewiththe joyofcannabis consumption.Whether you 'replanninga backyardbarbecue, attendingafireworks display,orsimply enjoyingarelaxingday off,incorporating cannabisintoyour
FourthofJuly celebrationcanaddan extralayeroffunand relaxation.Inthis article,we'llexploreten excitingwaystoinfuse cannabisintoyour holiday,frominfused snacksandbeverages tocannabis-friendly gamesandactivities
Getreadytoembrace thered,white,blue,and greenaswediveinto therealmofcannabisinfusedIndependence Daycelebrations!
Take your Fourth of July barbecue to the next level by incorporating cannabis-infused marinades or sauces that will add a delightful kick to your grilled meats and veggies
Imagine the flavors of a perfectly charred steak or succulent grilled vegetables enhanced with the subtle infusion of cannabis Whether you choose to infuse your homemade BBQ sauce or experiment with cannabis-infused marinades, the possibilities are endless. Not only will yourculinarycreationstantalizetaste buds, but they will also introduce a new dimension to your gathering
Elevate your culinary experience this Independence Day by infusing cannabis into your barbecue and delight your guests with an unforgettablefeastofflavors.
As you celebrate Independence Day, why not add a touch of cannabis to your refreshing beverages? Create cannabis-infused cocktails that will not only help you beat the summer heat but also provide a relaxing and enjoyable experience Infuse your favoritespiritswithcannabistinctures to elevate the flavors and effects
From classic cocktails like the Cannabis-Infused Margarita or Cannabis-InfusedMojitotoinnovative concoctionsofyourowncreation For those who prefer non-alcoholic options,cannabis-infusedsyrupscan be added to mocktails, offering a buzz-worthytwistwithoutthealcohol Unleash your creativity, experiment with flavors, and raise a glass to a memorable Fourth of July with cannabis-infused cocktails that are suretomakealastingimpressionon your taste buds and overall celebration. Cheers to a cannabisinfusedholiday!
TakeyourFourthofJulycelebrationto new heights with a "sparkler session" featuring your favorite cannabis strains Gather together with friends, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie and excitement, as you indulge in some cannabis consumption while carefully enjoying the mesmerizing display from your sparklers Ignite your senses with the combinedsparkleoffireworksandthe uplifting effects of cannabis With a joint in hand and a sparkler in the other, let the vibrant colors and euphoric sensations intertwine, creating a magical experience that ignites both the sky and your senses As the night unfolds, share laughs, stories, and the joy of celebrating freedom in all its forms. Embrace the enchantment of a sparkler session, where the illuminating magic of cannabis and fireworks blend into a symphonyofdelight
Take your Fourth of July gathering to a new level of enjoyment by incorporating cannabis-friendly games into your celebration Shake up the traditional party games and introduce a cannabis twist for added fun Set up a lively game of "Bong Pong,"whereyouandyourfriendscan engage in friendly competition, aiming ping pong balls into cups of water Make it even more interesting byassigningarulethatwhenacupis successfully made, the opposing teamtakesabongrip Forthosewho prefer outdoor activities, create a cannabis-infused version of classic games like cornhole or horseshoes. Infuse the atmosphere with laughter and friendly rivalry as you take turns tossing bags or horseshoes These cannabis-friendly games provide a unique opportunity to bond with friends, create unforgettable memories, and infuse your celebration with an extra dose of excitement Getreadytoelevateyour game and embrace a Fourth of July filled with camaraderie, competition, andcannabis-infuseddelight
Take the beloved classic s ' mores to a whole new level by incorporating cannabis-infused chocolate into the mix Asyougatheraroundthecampfire this Independence Day, indulge in this iconic treat with an added twist of relaxation.Replacetraditionalchocolate bars with cannabis-infused chocolate as the marshmallows melt and the chocolate oozes, you'll savor the combination of flavors while also experiencing the calming effects of cannabis Whether you ' re sharing stories with friends, enjoying the crackling fire, or simply basking in the starrynightsky,thesecannabis-infused s ' mores will elevate your Fourth of July experience with an extra dose of fun and relaxation So grab your graham crackers, load them with cannabisinfused goodness, and get ready to enjoy a truly elevated and memorable campfiretreatthisholiday
Unleash your creativity and embrace a day of cannabis-inspired arts and crafts activities this Independence Day. Dive into a world of imagination and self-expression as you embark onvariousprojects.Createcannabisinfusedcandles,infusingyourfavorite scentswiththecalmingpropertiesof cannabis Exploretie-dyeing,allowing vibrant colors to swirl together while youbaskintherelaxedstateinduced by cannabis You can even design cannabis-themed decorations, addingatouchofgreenandanodto your favorite plant to your festive surroundings Let your creative juices flow as you engage in these crafts, enjoying the enhanced focus, inspiration, and relaxation that cannabis can bring This Fourth of July, channel your inner artist, experiment with different materials and techniques, and immerse yourself in the joyful combination of cannabisandcreativity.
Indulge your sweet tooth this Independence Day by whipping up delicious cannabis-infused desserts thataresuretosatisfyyourcravings
Whether you ' re a seasoned baker or just starting out, creating cannabisinfused treats has never been easier You can try classic favorites like brownies, cookies, or cupcakes, adding a delightful twist with cannabis-infused ingredients
Remember to decarboxylate your cannabis beforehand to activate its potent effects By infusing your desserts with cannabis, you can elevate the flavor profile while also incorporating the desired effects of relaxation and euphoria So, get your apron on, gather the necessary ingredients, and prepare to impress your guests with delectable cannabis-infuseddessertsthisFourth ofJuly
Create a Bud Bar at your Fourth of Julycelebrationandofferyourguests a unique experience where they can sample different strains of cannabis. Thisinteractiveandengagingactivity will add a new level of excitement to your gathering Encourage your guests to participate by asking each of them to bring a strain of their choice, creating a cannabis "potluck" of sorts Provide a variety of smoking options,includingrollingpapers,blunt wraps, hemp wraps, pipes, bongs, and vaporizers, ensuring that everyone can enjoy their preferred method of consumption As your guests gather around the Bud Bar, theycansharetheirstrains,exchange stories,andexplorethediverseflavors and effects of different cannabis varieties.ThisBudBarconceptfosters asenseofcommunityanddiscovery, allowing everyone to expand their cannabisknowledgeandpreferences in a fun and social setting. So, set up your Bud Bar, let the cannabis connoisseurs gather, and embark on a journey of exploration and enjoymentthisFourthofJuly
Turn your Fourth of July celebration into a fun-filled Weed Olympics by organizing a series of friendly cannabis-themed games Engage and entertain your guests with activities that embrace the spirit of camaraderieandthejoyofcannabis consumption Create a thrilling scavenger hunt where participants can search for hidden cannabisthemedtreasures,addinganelement of excitement and adventure to the festivities Test your friends' joint rolling skills with a friendly competition,seeingwhocancraftthe perfect roll the fastest or create the most artistic joint Challenge their knowledge with cannabis trivia, quizzing them on strain names, cannabis history, and more. These WeedOlympicsactivitieswillnotonly entertain but also provide an opportunity for everyone to bond, laugh, and celebrate Independence Dayinauniqueandmemorableway So, gather your friends, prepare the games, and get ready for a day of friendly competition and cannabisinfused delight at your Weed Olympicscelebration
As the breatht viewing cannab spot, w backya enjoyth Pack a snacks cannab edibles explosi the eup let you dazzlin cannab awe-in sensory heighte you to momen back, beauty ofwon of July Also, d your su respon remem local la particip comfor consum elevate
Alzheimer’s disease affects morethansixmillionAmericans of all ages Across the world, there are close to fifty-six million people who are dealing with the problems Alzheimer’s can give Unfortunately, there have been very little scientific studies on how CBD and Alzheimer’s interact However, what little information we have hasgivenushopethatCBDcan help alleviate the symptoms of Alzheimer’sdisease
What is Alzheimer’s disease? Discovered in 1906, Alzheimer’s, the most commonly diagnosed version of dementia, “is a degenerativeconditioninwhich irregular masses and tangled fibers, known as amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles,respectively,alongwith neuron transmission problems, causechangesanddamageto thebrain,”reportsMedicalNews
The damage could result in difficulties with memory, language, reasoning, behavior, and basic physical processes as the disease progresses.
Patients may also experience anxiety, anger, and inability to function independently The causes of Alzheimer’s are not definitive, but can be traced back to things like “damage to nerve cell function, changes in amyloid proteins, age, family history of the condition, head injuries,cardiovasculardisease, infections, or environmental contaminants” It took a long time for scientists to develop any type of medication to alleviate symptoms as there is nocureforthisdiseaseyet
This is where studying CBD comes in, because some patientsdonotlikethewaythe classic treatments can make them feel Common symptoms from Alzheimer’s medication are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, allergic reactions, loss of appetite,headaches,confusion, dizziness, and falls CBD, or cannabidiol, is the nonpsychoactive ingredient in cannabis, meaning it will not get you high CBD has antiinflammatory properties and can aid in the reduction of anxiety and agitation in patients It is also non-habit forming, even though it is a treatment for pain The Kensington Sierra Madre team reports that CBD, “may potentiallyaidwithsleep.
CBD oil can help reduce inflammationinthebrain,andit isalsoaknownantioxidantthat protects cells” They have even conducted their own research.
“Our team works with expert consultants to explore the benefitsofCBDoilandCBDwith THC-A, a type of oil where the THC is kept cold to remove the hallucinogen effect of the cannabis
We have already noticed the benefits CBD treatment has helped residents with the most severe cases of dementia We’ve seen residents calm down as a result, as well as report less pain and an increase in appetite CBD treatments have allowed the team to reduce the amount of antipsychotic medication previously given to these residents. The use of CBD has allowed The Kensington Sierra Madre to care for even the toughest cases of dementia amongresidents.``
Another study was conducted by the National Library of Science Medicine on ‘Understanding the Modulatory Effects of Cannabidiol on Alzheimer’s Disease’ The conclusionofthestudyexplains thatthe,“studiesreviewedhere suggest that CBD can provide symptomatic relief or even arrest AD progression through anti-inflammatory, antioxidative, and neurogenic effects.
Moreover, CBD is a wellknown inverse agonist of cannabinoid receptors, the modulation of which is reported to be beneficial for preventingADpathology.
Further studies are warranted tooptimizeCBDtreatmentfor therapeutic dosage and timing Autophagy (a process by which a cell breaksdownanddestroysold, damaged, or abnormal proteins and other substances)isimpairedinAD and can be affected by combinations of THC and CBD;therefore,itisrationalto hypothesize that CBD may modulate impaired autophagy in Alzheimer’s disease”
CBD comes in three mains types: full-spectrum which containsallcompoundsinthe cannabis plant including a minuscule amount of THC, broad-spectrum which containsalmostalltheplants compounds(thismayormay nothaveTHC,dependsonthe brand), and CBD isolate whichisCBDinitspurestform withnoTHCatall
With some studies already proving that CBD does have the potential of helping patients with Alzheimer’s disease, if you know someone with the disease, here are some options for consumption:
CBDtincturesarealcoholbasedextractthattendstobe ratherbitter,somostbrandscontainflavorslikeberryor minttomaskit Tincturesarerareduetothebitterness towhichmany“tinctures”areactuallyoils CBDoilsarea blend of CBD extract and a carrier oil like coconut oil Sometimes they also contain other compounds like terpenes and flavors Both options can be taken sublingually or mixed with food and drink. But only oil canalsobeusedasatopicaltreatment
CBD edibles are just like any THC edibles They are all pre-measured and the doses do not vary too much Edibles can be anything from brownies, cookies, and candy to teas, coffees, and juices In any case, edibles will take about an hour to take effect So if you want somethingabitfaster,choosingasublingualmethodis thebetteroption
Unlike the tinctures and edibles, transdermal application is only on the skin Transdermal treatmentsareverysimilartonicotinepatches,the CBD soaks in through the skin directly into the bloodstream and takes effect slowly and steadily This is recommended for people who would rather not ingest CBD while still getting the benefits they need. Most people tend to use patches instead of creams or gels as they are mess free The only downsideisthepatchwilllikelynotgivetheusera fullbodyeffectandbemorecentralized
Alzheimer’s disease is extremely hard to deal with for both the patient and their friends and family According to the Alzheimer’s Association, “Alzheimer's is a progressive disease, where dementia symptoms gradually worsen over a numberofyears Initsearlystages,memorylossis mild, but with late-stage Alzheimer's, individuals lose the ability to carry on a conversation and respondtotheirenvironment Onaverage,aperson with Alzheimer's lives 4 to 8 years after diagnosis, but can live as long as 20 years, depending on other factors.” We can only hope that scientific research can move ahead enough to one day produce a cure. Until then, CBD may ease the symptomsassociatedwithAlzheimer’sdisease
North Carolina - Good news for residents of North Carolina can now grab their chance to apply for a medical cannabis patient card throughtheEasternBandofCherokee Indians' (EBCI) medical cannabis program
Nearly 200 tribal members have applied for medical cannabis since mid-April 2023. Now, the program is open to all North Carolina residents who are at least 21 years old and meet one of the 18 specified health conditions Don'tmissyourchanceto applyforamedicalcannabiscard
The Eastern Band and Tribal Code have established clear categories that determine a patient's eligibility for the cannabis program Patients can complete an application and take it to their healthcare provider to gathertheirhealthinformation,which can then be submitted to the cannabis control board for a patient card. This information was confirmed by David Wijewickrama, Chairman of theEBCICannabisControlBoard
New medical cards now come with advanced tracking technology that monitors a patient's crucial details andmonthlyusage
For better reading experience
g g g p cannabisconsumption
Ocean City and other municipalities have the power to impose regulations on cannabis use and consumption, regardless ofstatewidelegalization.Inkeepingwithits identity as a family-friendly resort, Ocean City is striving to maintain a smoke-free atmosphere
Starting July 1, 2023, adults over 21 in Marylandwillfinallybeabletolegallyenjoy recreational marijuana. This new law permits the possession and growing of cannabisforpersonaluse,butit'simportant to note that those under 21 still face penaltiesformarijuanapossessionanduse Maryland's marijuana laws are evolving, so stayintheknow
California-Cargoagentshavebeenaccusedofcollaborating to steal large quantities of marijuana from checked bags for yearsnow.Thetheftwassosignificantthatsomeparticipants reportedlyreceivedupto$10,000perweek In June 2021, the conspirators got a harsh lesson when two of them were robbedofmarijuana
at gunpoint at San Francisco International Airport The news of their scheme had spread Seventeen months later, another co-conspirator was caught by the FBI transporting 30 pounds of marijuana in the airport's parking garage, the criminal complaint states. Two men, Joel Lamont Dunn and Adrian Webb, accused of leading a criminal scheme to steal marijuana from checked bags at United Airlines, now face federal charges for conspiracy to distribute a controlled substance. According to the criminal complaint, the duo and other cargo agents allegedly seized large quantities of weed in 2020, filling bags as big as 20 gallons
Thetheft wasso significant thatsome participant sreportedly receivedup to$10,000 perweek.
byMarieScarciOKLAHOMA Medical marijuana producers are overproducing by 32 times the amount demanded by the market, according to a report from Cannabis Public Policy Consulting.Thereport,commissionedbythe Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority, surveyed over 1,300 cannabis consumers in the state and uncovered insights into the medicalmarijuanaindustry
TheMedicalMarijuanaAuthority(OMMA)has commissioned the report to gain deeper insights into the medical cannabis market's supplychainanddemandinOklahoma The report aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the industry's inner workings and help inform future regulations andpolicies
byBuzDeliereGreenville County Sheriff's Office has reported the apprehension of two individuals on Interstate85inSouthCarolina
TwoOklahomamenwerecaughtandtakeninto custodybydeputiesneartheWhiteHorseRoad exit on the interstate. The accompanying picture depicts a car that was stopped during theordeal Thearrestsweremadebasedonthe fact that both men were trafficking marijuana andhadafirearmwiththem
Law enforcement officials have reported 50 pounds of marijuana seized from inside the suspect'svehicle
Thenamesofthemenhavenotbeenreleased astheinvestigationcontinues
Thereportstates,"Themedicalmarijuanaprogramhas no less than 32 times more regulated marijuana necessarythanlicensedpatientdemand."
Yields:4-6 servings
Preparation& CookingTime: 25-30minutes
2zucchinis,slicedlengthwise 2yellowsquashes,slicedlengthwise 1largeredbellpepper,seededandcutintothickstrips
2tablespoonsfreshmixedherbs(suchasbasil,thyme, androsemary),finelychopped Saltandblackpeppertotaste
1st,preheatthegrilltomedium-highheat, theninasmallbowl,combinetheoliveoil, lemonjuice,mincedgarlic,choppedherbs, salt,andblackpepper Whiskwelltocreate theherb-infusedoliveoilmarinade
Now,placetheslicedzucchini,yellow squashes,redbellpepperstrips,redonion rounds,andcherrytomatoesinalarge mixingbowl Pourtheherb-infusedoliveoil marinadeoverthevegetablesandtoss gentlytocoatthemevenly
Arrangethemarinatedvegetablesonthe preheatedgrill,ensuringtheyhaveenough spacebetweenthemforevencookingand grillthevegetablesforabout4-5minutes perside,oruntiltheyaretenderandhave beautifulgrillmarks
Oncecooked,removethevegetablesfrom thegrillandtransferthemtoaserving platteranddrizzleanyremainingmarinade overthegrilledvegetablesforanextraburst offlavor
ServetheGrilledSummerVegetableMedley immediatelyasadelightfulsidedishto accom f i ill d enjoyit course
InfusedSpices:Considercombiningyourdecarbed flowerwithspicessuchas:cumin,chilipowder, garlicpowder,onionpowder,coriander,and paprikatocreateadeliciousinfusedtaco seasoningthatwilltakeTuesdaystothenextlevel.
Gooddaytoallmycanna chefs out there and welcome back Happy Independence Day, make sure to celebrate safely and responsibly this year Forthismonth’srecipe,I’m doing something that will embrace the vibrant flavors of summer, my delightful Grilled Summer Vegetable Medley. This recipe celebrates the bountiful harvest of seasonal vegetables, transforming them into a sensational side dish that perfectly complements with any meal The star of this dish is the herbinfused olive oil, which adds a fragrant and savory touch to the grilled vegetables As the sun shines down and the aroma of charred goodnessfillstheair,savor the essence of summer with each tender, smoky bite Whether you ' re hosting a backyard barbecue this Fourth of July or enjoying a relaxed family dinner, this Grilled Summer Vegetable Medleywillbringaburstof freshness and color to your table, making every gathering a memorable one Sogrababagofyour favoriteherb,twistoneup, and lets get Cooking with aBuz!
Itisnotuncommonformarijuanausersto consume other substances when under theinfluence However,whenmixingweed andmagicmushrooms,theoutcomecan potentially cause negative effects and symptoms It is important to know what thepossibleoutcomesarenowthatsome states have both legal weed and legal or decriminalized mushrooms aka psilocybin There are only five states where you can use mushrooms legally; Oregon, which has been fully decriminalized, and Washington, California, Colorado, Michigan, and Massachusetts, which have been decriminalizedincertainmunicipalities
Combining weed and mushrooms has beendonefordecades,butthereislittleto no definitive research on the subject In 2006,asreportedbyLeafly,astudy“looked into poly-substance use among university students found that of the 149 students surveyed, nearly 60% regularly coadministered cannabis and psilocybin” A more recent “Dear Stoner” column by Westwordasked,“Whathappenstopeople when they mix cannabis and magic mushrooms?” Their answer was pretty simple “Cannabisgenerallyescalatedthe effectsofpsychedelicsubstancessuchas psilocybin (magic mushrooms), LSD, DMT, ayahuascaandmescaline
However, the majority of participants said the benefits of mixing psychedelics andcannabisdroppedoffwiththemore weed they used, with their best experiences coming from limited consumption” So that means some people have obviously found that they enjoy the experience, so it is not guaranteedthattakingbothwillgiveyou bad side effects But, since it is a possibility,let’sgetintoit.Asweallknow, cannabis has its possible negative side effects, such as dry mouth, rapid heart rate,anxiety,andparanoia Eventhough they are not too common, they happen andcanbefrighteningontheirown
ith psilocybin, the positive effects are experiencing profound changes in internal and external reality and euphoria But the negative effects are both mental and physical. The negative mental effects are seeing moving or melting objects, distortions of people or objects, or even spiritual/philosophical ideas, experience an altered perception of their bodies and time, or feel a sense of fear As for physical, users can experience increased heart rate, twitching muscles, numbness in the face, vomiting and changes in body temperature Now imagine having to deal with both the negative side effects of cannabis and psilocybin at once, sounds terrible. That is what people commonly call a bad trip
Sometimes a bad trip can be managed at home, but there are some cases where medical intervention is needed Users might develop a fever, experience continuous vomiting, lose consciousness, or act in ways that may be harmful to themselves or others According to Sunlight Recovery, the psychological distress may look like someone continuously crying, destroying a room, or even seemingly unresponsive to external stimuli It is also important to know that some bad trips can last for hours at a time, depending on how much has been taken and how your body metabolizes the drug
Due to the potential of having a bad trip, that is why it is common practice to take mushrooms in a group where one person is sober and can help if anything bad were to happen This person is also there to make sure everyone drinks enough water and doesn’t accidentally trigger a bad trip by watching something scary on TV
Yes, according to some, it is totally possible to be having a totally fine mushroom experience and be triggered into a bad trip by fear, anger, or even bad memories Leafly reports that one's experience with mushrooms “can be affected by a person’s mindset and their social environment, often referred to as ‘set and setting.’ This also makes the effects of these drugs difficult to study in a controlled way
Michelle Janikian, author of Your Psilocybin Mushroom Companion, wrote about “What You Need to Know About Smoking Weed While Tripping” for Double Blind last year “The main concern,” she wrote, is the consumer’s ‘mental and spiritual well-being, because cannabis can have an unpredictably strong effect when mixed with psychedelics ’” Being in a good mental and spiritual state might be even more important than drinking enough water. If you’re in a bad headspace, ending up experiencing a bad trip is more likely If you do not feel 100% ready, you can always try to find an experienced professional or shaman to help guide you through the magic mushroom journey
So with all that information, if you are still interested in trying out magic mushrooms, here are a few preparations you need to make. Place yourself in a familiar environment, somewhere you feel comfortable that isn’t too noisy or crowded If it’s your first time, home is the best option It may not be the best idea to be out in nature, but if that’s your preferred spot, prepare your backpack properly with food, water, and safety provisions Lastly, as mentioned before, it is the best option to have some friends join you A party of two to four is best, according to casual mushroom users, and they must be people you actually like and enjoy being around You do not want to have bad vibes in the group! This includes the aforementioned babysitter to make sure everyone is okay
Don’t be afraid to try out magic mushrooms if you are interested Do your own research, and when trying for the first time, maybe don’t mix it with cannabis just to be safe rather than sorry Then if you do like the experience, you can try again later if you want to try mixing cannabis with it In the legal states, there are places where you can experience mushrooms as a medical supplement This is where you take a micro-dose and are monitored by specialists who can help with anything you may need during your experience Regardless of how you decide to try out magic mushrooms, the very most important thing to remember is to stay safe Only try new things if you want to and not if you are being pressured to do so Make good choices and stay safe out there!
In a world where sustainability and conscious consumption are becoming increasingly important, hemp clothing emerges as a game-changer in the fashion industry This versatileandeco-friendlyfabricoffersaplethoraofbenefits, not only for individuals but also for the planet From its minimalenvironmentalimpacttoitshealth-friendlyqualities, hempclothingpresentsacompellingcaseforthoseseeking agreenerandmoreresponsibleapproachtofashion Inthis article, we explore ten compelling reasons why embracing hempclothingisnotonlygoodforyoubutalsoforthewellbeing of our planet So let's take a look at some of the benefitsofaddinghempclothingtoyourwardrobe
Hemp clothing offers a unique blend of style, comfort, and healthbenefits,makingitapopularchoiceforeco-conscious individuals.Oneremarkableadvantageofhempfabricisits abilitytofilterUVrayseffectively Hempfibershaveinherent UV-blocking properties, providing a natural shield against harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun This feature is especiallycrucialasprolongedexposuretoUVrayscanlead to sunburns, premature aging, and an increased risk of skin cancer Bychoosinghempclothing,individualscanenjoythe addedprotectionandpeaceofmindknowingthattheirskin is shielded from the sun ' s harmful rays while still looking good
Hemp clothing goes beyond its eco-friendly nature by offeringuniquefeaturesthatcontributetopersonalcomfort and hygiene One notable advantage is hemp's ability to resist bacterial growth and prevent odors The natural properties of hemp fibers make them inhospitable to bacteria, reducing the risk of unpleasant smells caused by microbial activity This inherent resistance to bacterial growth allows hemp clothing to remain fresh and odor-free evenafterextendedwear Additionally,hempfabricexcelsin breathability, allowing air to circulate freely through its porous structure This exceptional breathability prevents moisture build-up, which can otherwise lead to the developmentofodor-causingbacteria
Hemp stands as a true powerhouse when it comes to durability and longevity in comparison to cotton With its incrediblestrength,hempfibersareapproximatelyfourtimes stronger than cotton fibers, making hemp clothing exceptionallyresistanttowearandtear
This strength ensures that hemp garments maintain their integrity even after numerous washes, without losing their shape or becoming weakened Unlike cotton, which may become weakened or damaged over time, hemp clothing remainsrobust,allowingittowithstandtherigorsofdailyuse andmaintainitsoriginalqualityforanextendedperiod.
When it comes to color retention, hemp surpasses many other fabrics, making it an excellent choice for vibrant and long-lasting clothing. Hemp fibers have a unique ability to retain color exceptionally well, even after repeated washing and exposure to sunlight. The naturally porous structure of hemp allows it to absorb dyes deeply, creating rich and vibrant hues that stay true over time. Unlike some synthetic fabrics that may fade or lose their color intensity, hemp clothing retains its original brilliance, providing a lasting visualappeal Additionally,thestronganddurablenatureof hemp fibers contributes to color retention, as the fabric resistsfadingandmaintainsitsvibrancyevenwithfrequent useandwashing
Hempfarmingpresentsastarkcontrasttotheenvironmental impact caused by cotton cultivation Unlike cotton, which depletes the soil of nutrients and requires significant amounts of water and pesticides, hemp offers a more sustainable and regenerative agricultural solution One remarkableaspectofhempfarmingisitsabilitytobegrown consecutively on the same land for over two decades without negatively impacting the soil. In fact, hemp cultivation can even improve soil health as it acts as a naturalweedsuppressoranditsdeeprootshelppreventsoil erosion Moreover, hemp's dense foliage creates a natural canopythatsuppressesweedgrowth,reducingtheneedfor herbicides This regenerative quality of hemp farming not only preserves the soil's nutrient content but also minimizes the need for chemical inputs, making it a more environmentally friendly and economically viable choice for farmers
Hempfarmingpresentsastarkcontrasttotheenvironmental impact caused by cotton cultivation Unlike cotton, which depletes the soil of nutrients and requires significant amounts of water and pesticides, hemp offers a more sustainable and regenerative agricultural solution One remarkableaspectofhempfarmingisitsabilitytobegrown consecutively on the same land for over two decades without negatively impacting the soil In fact, hemp cultivation can even improve soil health as it acts as a naturalweedsuppressoranditsdeeprootshelppreventsoil erosion Moreover, hemp's dense foliage creates a natural canopythatsuppressesweedgrowth,reducingtheneedfor herbicides. This regenerative quality of hemp farming not only preserves the soil's nutrient content but also minimizes the need for chemical inputs, making it a more environmentally friendly and economically viable choice for farmers.
Hemp stands out as a water-efficient alternative to traditional cotton farming, utilizing significantly less water throughoutitsgrowthandprocessingstages.
In comparison to regular cotton, hemp requires only a fraction of the water, approximately 1/20th, to thrive and reach maturity This reduced water footprint is attributed to hemp's natural resilience and adaptability to different climates Furthermore,thecultivationofhemptypicallyrelies on rainfall rather than extensive irrigation, conserving precious freshwater resources In addition to its water efficiency during cultivation, the processing of hemp fibers also demands less water compared to cotton This means thatchoosinghempproductshelpstoalleviatethestrainon water supplies, making it a sustainable choice for those seekingtominimizetheirecologicalimpact
Oneoftheremarkablequalitiesofhempclothingisitsunique ability to become softer and more comfortable with each wear.Initially,hempfabricmayhaveaslightlycoarseorstiff texture,butasitiswornandwashed,itundergoesanatural process of softening and becoming increasingly pleasant against the skin This is due to the breaking in of the hemp fibers,whichgraduallyloosenandrelaxwithuse,resultingin a smoother and more supple fabric The more you wear hemp clothing, the more it adapts to your body and becomes uniquely personalized, offering a level of comfort that only improves over time This characteristic makes hempgarmentsafavoriteamongthosewhoappreciatethe cozy,lived-infeelofwell-wornclothing
Hemp stands as a prime example of a renewable resource, knownforitsrapidgrowthandhighyield Thegrowthcycleof hemp is impressively short, maturing in as little as 120 days This means that hemp can be harvested up to three times eachyear,allowingformultipleproductivecycles Thisquick turnaround time contributes to the sustainability of hemp cultivation and its potential for meeting various industrial andtextileneeds Intermsoflandutilization,hempoutshines cotton by producing significantly more fiber. On the same amount of land, hemp can yield 200-250% more fiber compared to cotton. This efficiency highlights the resourcefulness of hemp farming, making it an environmentally-friendly choice for sustainable fiber production Byharnessingtherenewablepowerofhemp,we can reduce our reliance on non-renewable resources and pavethewayforamoresustainablefuture
Hempfabric'sversatilityknowsnobounds,makingitahighly adaptablematerialthatfindsapplicationinawiderangeof products From the everyday comfort of underwear to the elegant drapes adorning windows, and from sturdy laptop bagstostylishfurnitureupholstery,hempcanbeseamlessly incorporated into various items Its exceptional qualities make it an excellent choice as a mixing fabric, complementing other materials in blends to enhance their performance Hemp's durability, breathability, and natural resistance to mold and mildew make it an ideal candidate for combining with other fabrics to create innovative and functional textiles Whether it's blended with cotton, silk, or synthetic fibers, hemp adds strength, texture, and unique properties to the resulting fabric. This adaptability and compatibility of hemp fabric make it a go-to choice for designersandmanufacturersseekingsustainableandhighqualitymaterialsforadiverserangeofapplications
Hempclothingstandsoutasanenvironmentally-friendlychoicedue to its biodegradable nature Unlike synthetic fabrics that can take hundredsofyearstodecompose,hempfabricbreaksdownnaturally and relatively quickly, minimizing its impact on the environment When disposed of properly, hemp clothing can undergo decompositionandreturntotheearth,leavingbehindminimalwaste Thisbiodegradabilityensuresthathempgarmentsdonotcontribute to the ever-growing problem of textile waste and landfill accumulation By opting for hemp clothing, individuals can make a consciouschoicetosupportacirculareconomy,whereproductscan be recycled, reused, or returned to the earth without causing longterm harm. Embracing hemp's biodegradable properties is a step towards reducing our carbon footprint and fostering a more sustainableandregenerativeapproachtofashion.
Embracing hemp clothing offers a multitude of benefits for both individuals and the planet From its UV-filtering properties to its resistance to bacterial growth and odors, hemp clothing provides a healthierandmorecomfortableoptionforeco-consciousconsumers Its durability and color retention surpass that of cotton, while its regenerative farming practices help preserve soil health and conservewaterresources Additionally,hemp'srenewablenatureand versatilitymakeitasustainablechoiceforawiderangeofproducts Most importantly, hemp clothing's biodegradability ensures that it leaves a minimal ecological footprint, contributing to a circular economy and reducing textile waste By incorporating hemp garmentsintoourwardrobes,wenotonlyenhanceourpersonalstyle and well-being but also contribute to a greener, more sustainable future. So, let's go green with hemp clothing and make a positive impactonourlivesandtheplanetwecallhome
Asanexpertinthefield,Iwouldliketopresent you with valuable insights into Eucalyptol, a terpenerenownedforitsrespiratorybenefits Also known as Cineole, Eucalyptol is the primary terpene found in eucalyptus trees, characterized by its distinctive minty and cool-toned aroma While it occurs in only select cultivars of the cannabis plant, it typically constitutes a mere 006% of the terpeneprofileinstrains
During these challenging times of the pandemic,Ihavepersonallyexperiencedthe remarkable effects of Eucalyptol by utilizing food-grade Eucalyptus oil Inhaling it during the day and before bedtime has enhanced my breathing, enabling me to take deeper andmoresatisfyingbreaths.
Eucalyptol may already be familiar to some due to its utilization in cosmetics and medicine. In terms of its medical value, research has shown that Eucalyptol can alleviatephysicalpainandinhibitthegrowth of bacteria and fungi. Additionally, it exhibits anti-inflammatorypropertiesandhasshown promise in the field of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, although this research is still in its early stages When topically applied, Eucalyptol improves circulation and can be beneficial for peripheralneuropathy.
The National Center for Biotechnology Information and the U.S. National Library of Medicineindicatesthatpatientswithchronic diseases have benefited from treatments involving Eucalyptol aromatherapy in conjunction with medications Some of the chronic conditions where such treatments have been explored include cardiovascular diseases, chronic respiratory diseases, and neurologicaldiseases
Apart from cannabis, Eucalyptol can be found in various other plants within the botanicalkingdom.TheseincludeEucalyptus, Bayleaves,Camphorwood,Damiana,Ginger, Tea tree oil, Mugwort, Turmeric, and Rosemary.
When it comes to cannabis cultivars that contain higher levels of Eucalyptol, there are several strains worth mentioning. It's important to note that terpene profiles can vary even within the same strain, so actual Eucalyptol content can differbetweenindividualplantsandbatches However,thefollowingcultivarsare knowntohaveahigherlikelihoodofcontainingelevatedlevelsofEucalyptol:
SuperSilverHaze:SuperSilverHazeisaSativa-dominantstrainthatisoften recognizedforitsstrongcerebraleffects Ithasacomplexterpeneprofilethat includes Eucalyptol, which contributes to its unique aroma and potential respiratorybenefits
Headband:Headbandisahybridstrainknownforitscombinationofcerebral and physical effects It is recognized for its distinct "headband" sensation aroundtheforehead ThisstrainhasbeenreportedtohavenotableEucalyptol content.
Bubba Kush: Bubba Kush is an Indica-dominant strain renowned for its relaxingandsedatingproperties Whileitismorecommonlyassociatedwith terpenes like myrcene and caryophyllene, some phenotypes of Bubba Kush mayalsocontainhigherlevelsofEucalyptol
GirlScoutCookies:GirlScoutCookies,oftenabbreviatedasGSC,isapopular hybridstrainwithasweetandearthyflavorprofile.Whileitsprimaryterpenes aretypicallycaryophyllene,limonene,andhumulene,somevariationsofGSC mayexhibitnotablelevelsofEucalyptol
It's essential to remember that terpene profiles can vary depending on factors suchasgenetics,cultivationpractices,andenvironmentalconditions Therefore, it's advisable to consult with knowledgeable budtenders or obtain lab-tested productstoensurethespecificEucalyptolcontentinaparticularcannabisstrain orproduct.
All information in this article is for educational purposes only Please check with your Cannabis Educated Primary Health Care Physician or Cannabis Therapy Consultant before beginning any new diet or lifestyle change Dr Pepper Hernandez
Dr.PepperHernandez,ND Ph.D.isDualBoardCertified HolisticHealthProfessional.
MultipleAwardwinning NaturopathicNutritionist, CannabisTherapyConsultant &FounderandEducation DirectorofCannabisHolistic Institute.Tofindoutmore aboutherprivatepractice, educationalprograms,videos andotherofferingsyoucan findheronthemassive interwebs,socialplatformsor drpepperhernandez.com.
AswegearuptocelebrateIndependenceDay,there'sanopportunitytoenhanceyourJuly 4th festivities with the perfect cannabis strains. Just like fireworks illuminate the night sky, these strains can elevate your experience and add an extra spark to your celebrations. Hereare10idealcannabisstrainsthatwillensureanunforgettableandelevatedFourthof July Thesestrainsaresuretohelpyoucelebrateallmonthlongsotrythemthismonth!
KickingoffourlististheexplosiveCherry Bombstrain Thissativa-dominanthybrid combines sweet cherry flavors with a euphoric and uplifting high, perfect for keeping the energy high during outdoor activitiesandfireworksshows
Embrace the patriotic spirit with Uncle Sam OG, a potent indica-dominant strain Its earthy and piney aroma offers a sense of relaxation and tranquility, ideal for unwinding and enjoying the holidayfestivities
Widely celebrated for its balanced effects,BlueDreamisaSativa-dominant strainknownforitsdreamyeuphoriaand creative stimulation Its sweet berry flavors and energizing high make it a fantastic choice for socializing and engaginginoutdooractivities.
True to its name, Liberty Haze invokes a sense of freedom and bliss This sativadominant strain delivers a potent cerebral high, boosting focus and creativity.Itscitrusyandpepperyflavors will complement the outdoor ambiance ofJuly4thcelebrations.
Widely celebrated for its balanced effects,BlueDreamisaSativa-dominant strainknownforitsdreamyeuphoriaand creative stimulation. Its sweet berry flavors and energizing high make it a fantastic choice for socializing and engaginginoutdooractivities
Lemon Skunk is a zesty sativa-dominant strain that provides an invigorating and uplifting experience. With its citrusy aroma and tangy taste, it's a great choicefordaytimecelebrations,keeping you alert and engaged throughout the festivities
Get stuck in a state of bliss with Gorilla Glue#4,apotenthybridstrainthatleans slightly towards indica dominance Its pungent aroma and earthy flavors complement the heavy body relaxation andeuphoriaitdelivers,idealformelting awayanystressortension
Transport yourself to a tropical paradise with Pineapple Express, a sativadominant strain famous for its tropical fruit flavors and energetic high This strainwillkeepyourspiritshighandyour creativity flowing, perfect for celebrating underthesummersun
Known for its invigorating effects,SourDieselisasativ suretokeepyoubuzzingwi throughouttheday Itsdies and sour citrus flavors unforgettable experience th withsocializingandfirework
To end our list, we have Granddaddy Purple, a classic indica strain that induces a deep state of relaxation and tranquility Its grape and berry flavors, coupledwithitspotentbodyhigh,make it an ideal choice for unwinding and enjoying the vibrant colors of the fireworksshow.
ThisFourthofJuly,elevateyourcelebrationswiththeperfectcannabisstrainsthat will ignite your senses and enhance your experience. Whether you prefer an energetic sativa or a relaxing indica, there's a strain to match every mood and activity As you gather with loved ones and enjoy the fireworks, let these strains lightupyourIndependenceDaywithbliss,relaxation,andunforgettablemoments.
In today's fast-paced world, finding moments of relaxation and productivity can be a challenge For those who choose to partake in marijuana,theexperiencecanbeenhancedbyengaginginactivitiesthat promote self-care, creativity, and personal growth In this article, we will explore 10 productive and relaxing things to do when you ' re alone and elevated, offering a range of options to suit various interests and preferences
Meditation is an ancient practice that promotes relaxation and selfawareness Whencombinedwiththeeffectsofmarijuana,itcancreatea uniqueanddeeplyimmersiveexperience Findaquietspace,settleintoa comfortable position, and focus on your breath Allow the thoughts to come and go without judgment, embracing a state of deep relaxation andheightenedmindfulness
Marijuanahaslongbeenassociatedwithunlockingcreativity.Engagingin artisticactivitiessuchaspainting,drawing,orwritingcanbeanenriching experiencewhileelevated Letyourimaginationrunwild,experimentwith different mediums, and allow the creative process to unfold organically By immersing yourself in these activities, you may discover new talents andfindarenewedsenseofself-expression
Marijuanahaslongbeenassociatedwithunlockingcreativity Engagingin artisticactivitiessuchaspainting,drawing,orwritingcanbeanenriching experiencewhileelevated Letyourimaginationrunwild,experimentwith different mediums, and allow the creative process to unfold organically. By immersing yourself in these activities, you may discover new talents andfindarenewedsenseofself-expression.
Marijuana can enhance focus and deepen engagement, making it an idealcompanionforreading Choosebooksorarticlesthatalignwithyour interests and immerse yourself in their pages Whether, it's a thoughtprovoking novel, a captivating biography, or a mind-expanding nonfiction piece, the elevated state can help you delve into the depths of literatureandgainnewinsights
Cooking or baking while elevated can be a delightful experience that engages your senses and allows for culinary exploration. Embrace your innerchefandtryyourhandatcreatingdeliciousmelasorsnacks From experimenting with flavors to following recipes, this activity provides a wonderful opportunity to relax, indulge your taste buds, and share your creationswithothers
Marijuana has the power to intensify the listening experience, making music an incredibly enjoyable and immersive activity Explore different genres or styles of music that resonate with you and create a curated playlist to accompany your elevated state Allow the melodies to transport you, evoke emotions, and provide a therapeutic escape from thedemandsofeverydaylife
Connectingwithnaturecanbeaprofoundlygroundingandrejuvenating experience When elevated, take the opportunity to immerse yourself in the beauty of the natural world Engage in activities such as hiking, gardening or simply enjoying a peaceful walk. Breathe in the fresh air, observe the intricate details of plants and animals, and embrace the tranquilitythatnatureoffers.
Journalingwhileelevatedcanserveasapowerfultoolforself-reduction andpersonalgrowth Setasidetimetowritefreely,allowingyourthoughts and emotions to flow onto the pages Explore your inner landscape, express gratitude, set intentions, or contemplate life's deeper questions Through journaling, you can gain clarity, find solace, and uncover profoundinsightsaboutyourself
Elevatedstatescanprovidetheperfectopportunitytoindulgeinhobbies that bring you joy and fulfillment Whether it's playing a musical instrument, practicing photography or crafting handmade items, engaging in your favorite hobby while elevated can enhance the experience and allow for a deeper connection to your creative pursuits Immerse yourself in the activity that brings you happiness and let your elevatedstateofmindfuelyourpassion
Elevatedstatescanprovidetheperfectopportunitytoindulgeinhobbies that bring you joy and fulfillment Whether it's playing a musical instrument, practicing photography or crafting handmade items, engaging in your favorite hobby while elevated can enhance the experience and allow for a deeper connection to your creative pursuits. Immerse yourself in the activity that brings you happiness and let your elevatedstateofmindfuelyourpassion.
Self-careiscrucialforoverallwell-beingandmarijuanacanenhancethe relaxation and rejuvenation that comes with taking care of yourself. Consider activities such as taking a soothing bath, practicing skincare ritualsorindulginginacalmingaromatheraphysession Allowyourselfto fullyembracethesensoryexperienceandletgoofanystressortension
When used responsibly, marijuana can be a catalyst for relaxation, creativity, and personal growth By engaging in productive and relaxing activitieswhileelevated,youcanmakethemostofyouralonetimeand elevate your overall well-being From mindful meditation and creative pursuits to physical exercise and connecting with nature, there are numerous ways to enjoy the elevated state and find fulfillment Remembertoembracebalance,listentoyourbodyandmind,andenjoy thejourneyofself-discoverythataccompaniestheseexperiences So,the next time you find yourself alone and elevated, consider trying one of these10activitiesandletthemagicofmarijuanaenhanceyourmoments ofrelaxationandproductivity.
MaherandKhalifaSmoke &ShareStonedThoughts DuringHour-Long Discussion
Renownedcomedianand unapologeticcannabis enthusiastBillMaherwasted notimesparkingupa substantialbluntduringhis ClubRandompodcast,joined bynoneotherthanrapperWiz Khalifa
Maher'shourlonginterview showfeaturesadiverserange ofguestsdiscussingawide rangeoftopicsbutwithone exception,nopolitics.Filmedin Maher'sownhome,Maherand Khalifakickedofftheirpodcast inacasualandchillsetting, lounginginplushleatherchairs whileenjoyingsomesmoke andponderingimportant topicsinlife.
WithMaher'sthoughtprovokingquestionsand Khalifa'sengagingresponses, theconversationoffereda windowintothemindofa multi-talentedartistwho continuestopushboundaries andshapethecontemporary musiclandscape
WatchVideoYoucanchoosebetweentwo mouth-wateringflavors:white cheddarwithshellsandclassic cheddarwithelbowmacaroni
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