The Chronic Magazine - March 2024

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Women's History Month

The Feminine Side of Cannabis Culture

TheGreenest StrainstoCelebrate 10 ST.PATRICK’S DAY STRAINS
Cannabis in the Spring Kitchen Fresh Recipes! Fresh Recipes!
ExploringtheRole ofCannabisin HolisticMedicine Understanding Cannabinoids,Terpenes, andOrganicSun-Grown Cultivars


Chronic The

May your luck be as green as your herb, and may the pot o' gold at the end of your rainbow be filled with the finest strains.

Happy St. Patrick's Day, fellow stoners!

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CONTENTS CANNABIS&SUSTAINABILITY THECHRONICMAGAZINE MARCH2024 18 The cannabis industry is rapidly evolving, with innovations that not only aim to improve efficiency and yield but also to address the critical issue of sustainability As the industry grows, so does its environmental footprint, prompting cultivators and manufacturers toseekgreensolutionsinproduction HappySt.Patrick’s Day!Thistimeof year,it’stimetogo green,inclothes, beer,food,and cannabis Sure, moststrainsare alreadygreen,but somejustfitthe seasonmorethan others Ifyou’re havinganallgreen partyforSt Paddy’s Day,herearesome strainstopickto keepthegreen, luckyspiritalive! 13 25 CANNABIS&ALLERGIES COOKINGWITHABUZ! Afreshtakeoncomfort:Cannabis-Infused SpringPeaRisotto FROMLOCALROOTS TONATIONALHEIGHTS CANNASCIENCE CONCENTRATEDNEWS CANNABIS GROWER’SGUIDE TheFeminineSideofCannabisCulture MayorFacesChargesinIllegalCannabis OperationinMinnesota FRESHRECIPE’S THEGREENESTSTRAINS ADAPTATIONSTRATEGIES Cannabisandthechangingclimate 10St Patrick’sDayStrains AHolisitcApproachtotheRespitorySystem WOMEN’SHISTORYMONTH 05 09 11 13 18 23 25 29 31 CANNABIS& SUSTAINABILITY GreenSolutionsinProduction 35 07 RelieforTrigger? Cannabisinthespringkitchen HigherAccounting Preparingfortheoutdoorseason EXPLORINGTHEROLEOF CANNABISINHOLISTIC MEDICINE 39 GANJAEXPOSÉ Blazin'CelebrityNews 41

TheFeminineSideofCannabisCulture WOMEN'S HISTORY MONTH

Women have been active in cannabis culture since the earliest days, before commercialization andnow.However,thisisnottosay that women have not faced many obstacles in the industry due to theirgender.Cannabishasalways been a highly male-dominated industry. Even on television, stoners and hippies were more than likely portrayed as men. Today, we are seeing a less gendered gap in representation in mediaandinthebusinesssectors.

In 2019, cannabis was growing at an insane pace,andwomenwerebeinglessincludedthan in2015 Injustfouryears,accordingtoTheGreen Entrepreneur, women’s space in the cannabis industry declined by nearly 20% In 2015, women held36%ofthecannabisspace,butin2019,they only held 17% However, women-owned businesses tend to make about three times as much money as male-owned businesses in the cannabisspace,andtheindustrystillfavoredthe latter. Dr. Chanda Macias, owner and CEO of Women Grow, an organization focused on advocatingandeducatingwomenaspiringtobe cannabis entrepreneurs, considers, “the glass ceiling is pretty thick in the cannabis industry for women” That thick glass ceiling is exactly why she works so hard with Women Grow Luckily, it seems that the percentage of women owned businessesissteadilygrowingasof2024

This is likely due, in part, to organizations like Women Grow Women Grow “was created to connect, educate, empower and inspire the next generation of cannabis leaders” Other organizationstohelpwomenincannabisinclude WomenEmployedinCannabis(WEIC),Supernova Women,andtheWomeninCannabisAssociation

WEIC focuses on providing community and mentoringbyhostingeventsandusingmediato assist women working in cannabis businesses. Supernova Women is a slightly different company, they are a “nonprofit organization foundedin2015byBlackandBrownwomenthat works to empower Black and Brown people to become self-sufficient shareholders in the cannabis and natural plant medicine space through education, advocacy, and network building

Whilethisisnotonlyfocusedonwomen,thewomenrunningtheorganization are making a huge and important impact Last but not least, the Women in CannabisAssociationhasavisionof“fosteringadiverseandequitableindustry, empoweringwomenthrougheducation,advocacy,andcommunitysupport We strive to cultivate an environment of growth and innovation, where every woman 'scontributionisvalued,andtheirpotentialisfullyrealized.”Eachofthese groupshasdonegreatworkforwomenwithinthecannabisindustry

MARCH 2024 05

These industries are not only for assisting women to get into front side businesses, but also backside, which would have to do with testing and consumer safety One woman that stands out among the rest in cannabis testing is Rowshan Reordan In 2011, Reordan opened the first woman-owned, and nearly all-women run, cannabis analytical testing laboratory in the United States, called Oregon'sGreenLeafLabLLC.Herjourneybeganafterlosingaclose friend to HIV, and wondering whether or not they had clean, tested cannabis to rely on Two years after opening Green Leaf Lab, she joinedasubcommitteeforOregon’sHouseBill3460,advocatingfor thesafetestingofmedicalandrecreationalcannabis Shelaterwent on to address the Oregon Legislature outlining multiple product safety and public health recommendations to better regulate cannabis business practices Since then, Reordan has gone on to openasecondfacilityinCalifornia.

But why are women so drawn to the cannabis industry? One example would be how much it helps with pain surrounding biologically feminine issues like menstrual cycles and menopause According to Harvard Medical School, more and more women are turning to cannabis and CBD to assist with these pains Their study foundthatinagroupofover300women,“79%endorsedcannabisto alleviate menopause-related symptoms. Of those, 67% said cannabis helps with sleep disturbance, while 46% reported it helps improve mood and anxiety” Although there has been no research into the long term effects of using cannabis as pain management, weallknowsomeonewhousescannabisforpainandwouldswear byit

Another example, can be just like men, women love cannabis Not only for pain management, but for relaxation, energy, arousal, and fun Unfortunately,inarecentstudyfromTheHarrisPollonbehalfof cannabis retailer MedMen Enterprises found that nearly 40% of women, over the age of 21, use cannabis and most tend to hide it from their friends, family, children, or coworkers While this is understandable, no one should feel ashamed of using cannabis, especiallyforpain.Thestudyalsofoundthat

“oneinthreewomenwhouse cannabisspendmorethan $100atthedispensaryina typicalmonth;with35%of purchaserspreferringto shopwithafemale budtender.Womenalso preferediblesastheir methodofconsumption (57%),followedby flower/pre-rolls(43%), andvapes(39%).”

Lastly, it has been hypothesized that women may actually benefit morefromcannabisthanmen Soundscrazy,butitmaybelinkedto estrogen levels It has been proved before that women and men react differently to cannabis According to Psychology Today, “the behavioralandneurobiologicaleffectsofcannabisinfemaleshave different magnitudes depending on their level of sex hormones Additionally, females may be more sensitive to the pain-relieving andeuphoriceffectsofcannabisthanmales.”Thismayleadyouto assumethatestrogenbindstotheendocannabinoidreceptorsbutit does not However, it unquestionably interacts with how cannabinoids, both exogenous and endogenous, influence brain function” Overall, the study proves that estrogen and cannabis go handinhandtomakewomen’seuphoriaandpainreliefstronger

Itjustgoestoshowthatwomenarehighlyactivewithinthecannabis industry,front-sideandback.Hopefully,astheyearsgoby,women will have more and more influence. A feminine touch never hurt anyone!HaveawonderfulWomen’sHistoryMonth,everyone,anda specialthankyoutoallthewomenwhoworkonthismagazine We couldn’tdoitwithouty’all! MARCH 2024 06

Concentrated N E W S

MayorFacesChargesin IllegalCannabisOperation

Minnesota-Inarecentdevelopmentthat underscores the complexities surrounding cannabis legislation and enforcement, the mayor of Winnebago, Minnesota,alongwithhisson,hasbeen takenintocustodyfortheirinvolvement inanunauthorizedcannabiscultivation enterprise This incident sheds light on the broader issues of regulating the cannabis industry and the challenges law enforcement agencies face in ensuringcompliancewithexistinglaws

The operation, described by authorities ascommercial-grade,involvedmultiple greenhouses dedicated to the cultivation of cannabis The arrest of such high-profile figures within a small community highlights the ongoing struggle between the burgeoning cannabis industry and the regulatory frameworkdesignedtogovernit

The cultivation of cannabis, while legal for medical and recreational purposes inseveralstates,remainsacontentious issue, with strict regulations governing its growth, distribution, and consumption The case in Winnebago representsasignificantbreachofthese regulations, drawing attention to the need for more robust oversight and enforcementmechanisms

Read thefull story:


Ohio'sShiftinLawEnforcement: TransitioningPoliceDogsAmidCannabis Legalization

With Ohio's recent legalization of adult-use cannabis, nearly 300 drug-detection dogs across the state are facing early retirement These dogs, once pivotal in narcotics detection, are now deemed unsuitable due to their training to detect cannabis a substance no longer criminalized Law enforcement agencies, including the Ohio State Highway Patrol, are in the process of replacing these K-9s with dogs that are not trained to alert on cannabis The move comes as a response to the potential legal challenges their alerts could now provoke, with some departments planning a swift transitiontoavoidsuchissues

This development follows Ohio's decision to legalize marijuana, a move that has inadvertently impacted the composition of the state's police K-9 units As Rep Sean Brennanpointedout,retrainingthesedogsto ignore marijuana is not feasible, compromising the validity of their drug detectionalertsinlegalscenarios

TheJensens,who soughtaretail licensein Pasadenain2019 andweredenied, havenotpublicly commentedon theirmotivations fortheselawsuits, whichhavebeen characterizedby someasattempts tosecure licensingthrough legalmeans.

LegalBattlesOverCannabisSocialEquityInitiatives:The ControversySurroundingaCaliforniaCouple's NationwideChallengesandItsProfoundImpact

APasadena,California-basedcouplehasbecomenotably involvedinlegalchallengesacrossseveralU.S.states, questioningtheconstitutionalityofcannabissocialequity initiativesaimedatrectifyinginjusticesfromthewaron drugs.Theseinitiativesarepartofthelegalframeworksin stateslikeNewYork,California,Washington,andMaryland, aimingtoprioritizelocalresidentsintheissuanceofcannabis businesslicenses.

The grim discovery was made last Tuesday following adistresscallto911,wherea Spanish-speaking individual reported being shot Sergeant Michael Warrick, from the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Office, detailedthisinformationina pressbriefing

AccordingtoSgt Warrick,the victims appeared to have been fatally shot. Four of the deceased were found partially incinerated, while anotherwaslocatedinsidea Chevrolet Trailblazer The sixth body was uncovered in the vicinity the subsequent day

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MARCH 2024 07

In the ever-evolving landscape of health and wellness, cannabis has emergedasamultifacetedplant,celebratedforitstherapeuticbenefits in managing pain, anxiety, and chronic conditions Yet, as its use becomes more widespread, questions arise about its impact on allergies Does cannabis offer relief, or can it trigger allergic reactions? Thisarticledelvesintothecurrentunderstandingofcannabisinrelation toallergies,offeringinsightsforthosenavigatingitsuse


Allergiesaretheimmunesystem'sexaggeratedresponsetosubstances it perceives as harmful, leading to symptoms that range from mild (sneezing,itching)tosevere(anaphylaxis) Commonallergensinclude pollen,dust,food,and,forsome,componentsofcannabis


Cannabis contains a plethora of compounds, including cannabinoids like THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol), terpenes, and pollen These compounds interact with the body's endocannabinoid system,influencingmood,pain,andimmuneresponses.

ReliefforSome:ACloserLookat Anti-InflammatoryBenefits

Cannabis's potential to serve as an anti-inflammatory agent, particularlythroughCBD,holdssignificantpromiseforallergysufferers

CBD's interaction with the body's endocannabinoid system plays a crucial role in modulating immune responses, making it a topic of interestforresearchersandthoseaffectedbyallergicconditionsalike

Mechanisms of Action: CBD exerts its effects by interacting with cannabinoidreceptors(CB1andCB2)foundthroughoutthebody These receptors are part of the endocannabinoid system, which helps regulate inflammation and immune response By activating these receptors,CBDcanhelpreducetheproductionofcytokines,whichare proteinsinvolvedininitiatingandsustaininginflammation

Evidence and Applications: Studies have begun to illuminate CBD's potential benefits in managing conditions exacerbated by inflammation,suchasallergicasthma,eczema,andcontactdermatitis Forinstance,astudypublishedintheJournalofDermatologicalScience suggested that CBD could help reduce the inflammation and itch associated with eczema and psoriasis Another research highlighted CBD's role in reducing airway inflammation in allergic asthma, suggestingitspotentialasasupplementarytreatment

User Considerations: While the anti-inflammatory properties of cannabis, particularly CBD, are promising, users should approach with caution QualityandpurityofCBDproductscanvary,makingitessential tochooseproductsfromreputablesources Additionally,theinteraction of CBD with other medications should be considered, underlining the importance of consulting healthcare professionals before starting any newtreatmentregimen

MARCH 2024 09

ATriggerforOthers:Understanding theAllergenicPotential

While cannabis offers relief to some, it poses allergenic risks to others Theplant'spollen,alongwithhandlingandconsumptionmethods,can contributetoallergicreactions,highlightingtheneedforawarenessand precaution

Sources of Allergens: Cannabis pollen is a primary concern for those with plant pollen allergies, capable of triggering symptoms similar to those caused by other pollen types Additionally, the smoke from burning cannabis can irritate the respiratory system, exacerbating conditions like allergic rhinitis and asthma The process of handling cannabis, especially for those involved in cultivation and processing, canalsoleadtoskincontactallergies

Symptoms and Reactions: Individuals allergic to cannabis may experience a range of symptoms, including skin rashes (contact dermatitis),eyeirritation(conjunctivitis),sneezing,coughing,andinrare cases, more severe reactions such as anaphylaxis The severity of symptoms can vary based on the method of exposure and individual sensitivity

PreventiveMeasuresandManagement:Forthoseatriskofcannabisrelatedallergies,avoidingexposureisthebestpreventivemeasure.This may involve selecting alternative consumption methods (eg, edibles over smoking) or opting for products with lower allergenic potential. In cases where exposure leads to an allergic reaction, over-the-counter antihistaminesandtopicalcorticosteroidscanprovidesymptomrelief. However,severereactionsrequireimmediatemedicalattention

NavigatingCannabisUsewith Allergies

Forthoseconsideringcannabisasaremedyforallergiesorconcerned aboutpotentialallergicreactions,acautiousapproachisadvised:

Consult Healthcare Providers: Before integrating cannabis into your wellnessroutine,especiallyifyouhaveahistoryofallergies,consult with a healthcare professional They can offer guidance based on yourhealthhistoryandcurrentmedications

Opt for Low-Allergenic Forms: If prone to allergies, consider using cannabisproductsthatarelesslikelytoprovokeareaction,suchas ediblesoroils,ratherthansmokingorvaping

Start Small: Begin with low doses to monitor your body's response andidentifyanyadversereactions

Be Aware of Cross-Reactivity: Some individuals allergic to certain plants and foods might experience cross-reactivity with cannabis Thisphenomenonoccurswhenproteinsincannabisresemblethose inotherallergens,promptinganallergicresponse


As research into cannabis and its effects on health continues to grow, so too will our understanding of its relationship with allergies Both anecdotal experiences and scientific studies are crucial in shaping guidelinesforsafeconsumption Formany,cannabisoffersapromising alternative to traditional allergy treatments, yet it's essential to tread carefully,acknowledgingitspotentialasbotharemedyandatrigger In conclusion, the interplay between cannabis and allergies embodies the complexity of the human body's interaction with natural compounds By fostering an informed dialogue between patients, healthcareproviders,andresearchers,thejourneytowardsharnessing cannabis's therapeutic potential, while minimizing its risks, becomes a collaborativeanddynamicendeavor Forthosenavigatingthewatersof cannabis use, awareness and education are key to finding relief and avoidingdiscomfort MARCH 2024 10

by the numbers



In a significant crackdown on illicit cannabis cultivation,theOklahomaBureauofNarcotics (OBN) recently dismantled a large-scale marijuana grow operation in Asher, Oklahoma. This operation was part of the bureau's comprehensive efforts to combat the black market for marijuana within the state.

The operation unfolded on February 20 when the OBN's specialized Marijuana Enforcement Teams (MET) executed a search warrant at thepremisesofHarmonyGrowInc,locatedin Asher The search was the culmination of investigative efforts aimed at identifying and shutting down unauthorized cannabis cultivationoperations

Investigationsleadinguptotheraidrevealed thatHarmonyGrowInc hadallegedlysecured its cultivation registration through deceptive means, employing what is known as a "straw owner " to obfuscate the true ownership and operations of the facility This practice is a common tactic used in illicit operations to evade legal scrutiny and regulatory compliance

During the raid, OBN agents discovered and confiscated an astonishing quantity of cannabis plants, with the count exceeding 42,000 Additionally,theyseizedmorethan300poundsof processed marijuana ready for distribution The sheervolumeofcannabisrecoveredunderscores the operation's scale and its potential impact on theillegalmarijuanamarket

While the investigation is ongoing, authorities anticipatethatarrestsandformalchargeswillbe forthcoming as they work to dismantle the network associated with this operation The successoftheraidwasbolsteredbycollaborative efforts with local law enforcement agencies, including the Pottawatomie County Sheriff's Department and the District 23 Drug Task Force, highlighting the importance of interagency cooperationinaddressingdrug-relatedcrimes

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MARCH 2024 11

AFreshTakeonComfort: Cannabis-InfusedSpring PeaRisotto

Yield:Thisrecipemakesabout 4servings

PrepandCookingtime:willtake about35-40minutes



2tablespoonsofcannabis-infusedbutter (adjustpotencyaccordingtopreference)


1smallonion,finelychopped 2clovesofgarlic,minced 1cupofArboriorice





1/4cupoffreshlygratedParmesancheese, plusmoreforgarnish

2tablespoonsoffreshmint,chopped Saltandfreshlygroundblackpepper,totaste


Inasaucepan,keepthevegetablebrothwarm overlowheat,andtheninalargepan,heatthe cannabis-infusedbutterandoliveoilover mediumheat Addtheonionandgarlic,sautéing untilsoftandtranslucent,about5minutes Now, stirintheArboriorice,coatingitwellwiththe butterandoilmixture Cookuntiltheedges becomeslightlytranslucent,about2minutes. Pourinthewhitewine,stirringcontinuously,until thewinehasmostlyevaporated Next,you’lladd thewarmbrothoneladleatatime,stirring frequently Waituntilthebrothismostly absorbedbeforeaddingthenextladle

Continueuntilthericeisaldenteandcreamy, thiswilltakeabout18-20minutes.Now,juststirin thepeas,lemonzest,andlemonjuiceandcook foranadditional3minutes Removefromheat, andstirintheParmesancheeseandfreshmint andseasonwithsaltandpeppertotaste Serve warm,garnishedwithextraParmesanandafew mintleaves

Gooddayandwelcomebackto all my aspiring canna chefs out there,asthesnowmeltsandthe firstgreenshootsofspringpush throughthesoil,ourpalatesalso begin to crave the fresh, vibrant flavors that mirror the world's awakening. Yet, the chilly evenings of March still call for comfort food, dishes that warm thesoulasmuchastheydelight the taste buds Enter the Cannabis-Infused Spring Pea Risotto, a dish that perfectly bridges the gap between the hearty meals of winter and the light,freshdishesofspring

This risotto is a celebration of contrasts,thecreamy,indulgent texture against the bright pops of pea and mint; the warmth of the cannabis infusion against thecoolzestoflemon.It'sadish designed to bring comfort and joy, to be shared among friends or savored solo on a quiet, reflectiveevening

Crafting the perfect cannabisinfused butter is an art in itself, one that allows for personalization and creativity. The key is to start with quality cannabis, decarboxylating it to activatetheTHC,theninfusingit into butter over low heat The potency can be adjusted to suit individual preferences, making eachdishauniqueexperience.

As we gather around the table this March, let this risotto serve not just as a meal, but as a reminder of the beauty of balance It's a testament to the idea that food can be both nourishing and delightful, comforting and exhilarating. So, let's embrace the changing of the seasons with open hearts and adventurous palates, welcoming spring with each creamy, cannabis-kissed bite So grab a bag of your favorite herb, twist one up and let’s get CookingwithaBuz!

Cannachef BuzDeliere| chefbuz
MARCH 2024 13
Chronic The



altering the very fabric of agriculture, the cannabis industry finds itself at a pivotal crossroads As global temperatures rise, precipitation patterns shift, and extreme weather events become more frequent, cannabis cultivators are faced with unprecedented challenges However, with every challenge comes an opportunity for innovation. In this article, we explore the adaptive strategies that are setting the stage for a resilient and sustainable future in cannabiscultivation


Climate change affects cannabis cultivation in several ways Increasedtemperaturescanstress plants, alter their growth cycles, and reduce yields Changes in precipitation patterns can lead to water shortages or excessive moisture,eachcarryingitsownset ofchallenges.Furthermore,therise inextremeweatherevents,suchas hurricanes, floods, and droughts, can devastate crops and disrupt supplychains



Efficient water use is becoming increasingly critical Techniques suchasdripirrigationandtheuse of water-retentive soil additives can significantly reduce water waste. Collecting and storing rainwater is another strategy that not only conserves water but also reducesdependenceonmunicipal water supplies, which may be strainedduringdroughtconditions


To combat rising temperatures, cultivatorsareturningtocontrolled environment agriculture (CEA) methods, including greenhouses and indoor growing operations equipped with advanced HVAC systems These setups allow for precise control over temperature, humidity, and light, ensuring optimal growing conditions yearround


Investinginresearchtodevelopstrains that are more resilient to climate change is another forward-thinking strategy Breeding plants that can withstandhighertemperatures,require lesswater,orareresistanttonewpests and diseases can help safeguard yields against the impacts of climate change


The cannabis industry is also embracing sustainable cultivation practices to reduce its environmental footprint This includes the use of renewable energy sources to power growing operations, adopting organic farming methods to enhance soil healthandbiodiversity,andminimizing the use of plastics and other nonbiodegradablematerialsinpackaging.


For the cannabis industry to successfully navigate the challenges posed by climate change, supportive policies and continued innovation are essential This includes funding for research into climate-resilient strains andcultivationmethods,incentivesfor sustainable practices, and regulations that ensure the responsible use of naturalresources

Theartofgrowingcannabisisthe delicatebalanceofscienceandsoul,where eachplanttellsitsownstory.Tocultivateis toconnect,tounderstandnotjustthesoil andthelight,buttheessenceoflifeitself In eachseedliesajourney,atestamentto patience,care,andtheprofoundharmony betweennatureandnurturer Letyour gardenbeasanctuarywhereeveryleaf andbudflourishes,atestamenttothe symbioticdanceofgrowth Remember,the bestfertilizeristheshadowofthegardener, nurturingwithintentionandrespectforthe earth'smostancientherb


As the cannabis industry adapts to the changing climate, it has the potential to lead by example in sustainableagriculture Byinvestinginwater-efficient technologies, embracing renewable energy, and pioneeringgeneticresearch,cannabiscultivatorscan ensure the resilience of their crops and the sustainability of their practices. Moreover, by advocating for policies that support environmental stewardship, the industry can contribute to broader effortstocombatclimatechange

In the face of these challenges, the cannabis industry'sresponseisatestamenttohumaningenuity and resilience Through adaptation and innovation, theindustryisnotonlysecuringitsownfuturebutalso contributing to the global fight against climate change Aswemoveforward,thelessonslearnedand technologies developed by cannabis cultivators will undoubtedly have applications beyond their fields, offering insights and solutions for the broader agriculturalsector

MARCH 2024 15 MARCH 2024 16






10St.Patrick’s DayStrains

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! This time of year, it’s time to go green, in clothes, beer, food, and cannabis. Sure, most strainsarealreadygreen,butsomejust fittheseasonmorethanothers.Ifyou’re havinganallgreenpartyforSt.Paddy’s Day, here are some strains to pick to keep the green, lucky spirit alive! Also, becarefuloutthere,smokeresponsibly, and wear green so you don’t get pinched.

Yes,thisstrainnamemightsoundratherintimidating,butdon’t worry.It’sjustastrongsativastrain.GreenCrack(alsoknownas GreenCrushandMangoCrack)wascreatedbycrossingSkunk #1 and an unknown indica strain Most people who favor this strainenjoyitsenergizingeffects.Leaflyreportsthat,“fewstrains comparetoGreenCrack’ssharpenergyandfocusasitinduces an invigorating mental buzz that keeps you going throughout theday.”Ifyouchoosethisstrain,I’drecommendusingitinthe morning,itwouldbegreatforawakeandbake



Feelings:Giggly,Energetic,Focused StrainFlavors:Menthol,Diesel,Pine


If you want to be talking to yourself like Willem Dafoe in Spiderman,thisisthestrainforyou!Justkidding,thisstrainwon’t have you developing a second evil personality, but it will have youfeelingfullofenergy GreenGoblinisasiblingofGreenCrack, both were created by using Skunk #1, but Green Goblin’s other strain was Northern Lights Some versions of the strain also use SourDiesel IfyouwanttotryoutGreenGoblin,bepreparedfora musky, skunk smell that will leave you happy, dreamy, and sometimescreative!

MARCH 2024 17 MARCH 2024 18






SMASH!! If you’re looking for a strain to keep you awake, feel creative, and prepared for a long day, She Hulk is your girl She Hulk is a sativa strain that smells like creamy citrus and earthymusk SheHulkwascreatedbycrossingBruceBanner #3 with an unknown strain, making a lesser known but well loved strain. People who have used this strain reported getting into giggle fits for hours with their buddies Sounds goodforaparty!Andyoucanwatchthenewshowwhileyou smokeit.






WhilegreenmightbethefirstcoloryouthinkofforSt Paddy’s Day, gold is probably second. Acapulco Gold is one of the rareststrainsoutthere Somepeoplehavecalledthisstrainthe 5 star restaurant of cannabis If you want to find some real AcapulcoGold,justknowthatitcomesfromtheregionaround Acapulco, Mexico, so it might be a bit on the pricey side But, hey, you’re paying for gold! They say that when you break down the cannabis the smell of burnt toffee fills the room, soundsdelicious!Ifyou’reabletofindsome,consideryourself luckyandsavoreveryhit






Lookingforanupbeatfeelingthatcomeswithsomecouchlock? Green Kush is the strain for you Green Kush is a slightly indica dominant strain that is actually one of Green Crack’s children (and Green Goblin’s nephew) Green Kush is a cross between GreenCrackandPurpleKush Ifthissoundslikeagoodstrainfor you, be prepared for some sticky fingers and a lovely flowery scent Peoplewhohaveusedthisstrainsaythatitmakesthem feeleuphoricrightupuntiltheygetagreatnight'ssleep






Just like the yummy salad, this Green Goddess will have you feeling fresh and ready for the day. Green Goddess is another strain in the Green Crack family, his sister actually Green GoddessisacrossbetweenSkunk#1andSweetLeafIndica This strain is known for causing feelings of euphoria and arousal, which makes sense considering it smells of roses and red grapefruit SomeusershavesaidthatGreenGoddessistheirgo to strain for listening to music at home and in concerts. Others havesaidthattheyusethisstraintofightoffthestressesoflife

MARCH 2024 19






The greenest of all greens, emerald Emerald OG is a classic strainthatcomesoutofCalifornia Itwascreatedbycrossing Fire OG and Emerald Diesel resulting in a strong hybrid Although it's strong, it has a very light flowery smell with pungentcitrusandmelonflavors Thisstrainiswhatyouwould want to use to end the night It is known to create deeply relaxingeffectsandgiveusersagreatnight'ssleep,whilefixing aheadacheifyouhadone




StrainFlavors:Sweet,Treefruit,Tropical THC23%|CBD0%

Just like the cereal, this strain is magically delicious and goes greatwithmarshmallows LuckyCharms(alsoknownasLCor Bodhi’s Charms) is a middle of the road hybrid strain created by breeder Bodhi Seeds. It is a cross between The White and Appalachia When you see this strain, it will be covered in sugary,sparklyresinandsmelllikesweet,tropicalfruits Ifthis soundslikeastrainforyou,bepreparedtofeelfocused,happy, andreadytotakeontheday






At the end of the rainbow, I hope that the pot of gold is full of golden cannabis The Pot of Gold strain or Pot O Gold, depending on your preference, is a 2nd prize at the 2003 CannabisCup Whilethatwasover20yearsago,thestrainstill holds up strong against the new more popular strains Pot of Goldisasticky,ickystrainthatissaidtobedifficulttobreakup byhand,butonceyoudo,you’reinforagoodtime Peoplewho usedPotofGoldreportedfeelingamajorcaseofthemunchies, feeling uplifted, and getting a great night sleep with a full tummyaftersmoking Ifyouwantanightlikethat,grabsomeof thisstrainandsmellsomefruity,muskychunkynugs






AlthoughSt Paddy’sDayismainlywhengreenrainbowshave always been associated with it Rainbow Runtz is an indica strain that will leave you relaxed and ready to start a new hobby.RainbowRuntzisadoublecrossofZkittlezandDoSiDos. Mostuserssayyoucanusethisstrainatanytimeofdayand have a good time But, this strain is known to be extremely potent. It could leave you in a couch coma if you’re not too careful Ifthatsoundslikesomethingyou’dreallyenjoy,graba cold drink and pick up some Rainbow Runtz for a solid stoned outnight. MARCH 2024 20
MARCH 2024 21
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From Local Roots to National Heights Higher Accounting Services

Higher Accounting is not your average accounting firm With a specialization in serving cannabis businesses, they have carved out a unique niche in the financial world Over a decade of experience in regulated industries, they have now expanded their services to cater to cannabis businesses nationwide Within an industrythat'sstillfindingitsregulatoryfootingthisiswhereHigher Accounting steps up, not just as a numbers cruncher, but as a strategicpartnernavigatingtheuniquefinancialchallengesofthis evergrowingandevolvingfield

When it comes to the cannabis industry, financial management canbeamazeofregulationsandcomplexities,thisiswhereHigher Accountingshines.Byhyperfocusingoncannabisbusinesses,they have developed a deep understanding of the specific needs and challenges facing this newly chartered financial sector. Their expertise allows them to provide tailored financial solutions that helpcannabisbusinessesthrive.

Oneoftheirkeystrengthsistheircontinualcommitmenttostaying aheadofthecurve Theirteamisconstantlymonitoringchangesin regulationsandindustrytrendstoensurethattheirclientsarewellinformed and prepared for whatever comes their way This proactive approach sets Higher Accounting apart and gives their clients peace of mind knowing that their financial matters are in good hands With regulations shifting and varying from state to state, staying on top of the latest requirements is a monumental task From licensing fees to inventory tracking, compliance is a maze that their accountants skillfully maneuver They ensure that financialpracticeshelpmeetthestrictstandardssetbygoverning bodies, helping businesses avoid costly fines and legal entanglements

Inadditiontotheirindustryknowledge,theypridethemselvesona more personalized approach to traditional client services. They understandthateverycannabisbusinessisunique,withitsownset of challenges and opportunities. By taking the time to understand eachclient'sspecificneedsandgoals,HigherAccountingisableto offercustomizedsolutionsthatdrivegrowthandsuccess.

Higher Accounting's nationwide reach means that cannabis businesses from coast to coast can benefit from their expertise Whetherabusinessisjuststartingoutorlookingtoscaleup,they have the resources to offer support every step of the way They offer a comprehensive suite of services designed to meet the needsofcannabisbusinessesateverystageoftheirjourney

Bottom line, Higher Accounting is more than just an accounting firm – they are a strategic partner for the success of cannabis businesses With their proactive approach and personalized service,HigherAccountingisreadytotakeyourbusinessfinances andgrowtonewheights

MARCH 2024 23

AHolisitcApproachto theRespitorySystem

The respiratory system is like your body's air conditioning and filtration system It starts with the nose and mouth, where air is taken in, then moves down the throat, through the trachea, and into the lungs Inside the lungs, oxygen is absorbed, and carbondioxideisreleasedwhenyoubreatheout.

Cannabiscontainsdifferentcompounds,likeTHCand CBD,aswellasterpenes,whichgiveititsuniquesmell. Some studies suggest that CBD, in particular, might help with inflammation, which could be useful for conditions like asthma or COPD. THC might also help by opening up the airways Smoking cannabis can irritateyourlungsandleadtocoughing Somakesure yougolowandslowifyouareinterestedinbeginning thesmokingjourney Protip:Alwaysuseorganic,sungrownflowergrowninregenerativesoil,nochemicals

Different types of cannabis, known as cultivars or strains, can have different effects on your lungs For instance,strainswithmoreCBDandlessTHCmightbe gentler on your respiratory system Plus, certain terpenes in cannabis, like pinene, camphor, and eucalyptolcouldhelpopenupyourairways

Cannabiscultivarsthatare knownfortheirhighlevelsof pinene,camphor,and eucalyptol:

JackHerer:ThislegendarySativa-dominanthybrid is renowned for its uplifting effects and distinctive pinescent,attributedtoitshighlevelsofpinene.It may also contain notable amounts of camphor and eucalyptol, contributing to its refreshing aromaandpotentialrespiratorybenefits

OG Kush: A classic Indica-dominant hybrid, OG Kushischerishedforitspotenteffectsandearthy, pine-like aroma, primarily due to its high pinene content It may also contain camphor and eucalyptol, adding to its potential respiratorysupportingproperties

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Blue Dream: This popular hybrid strain is prized for its balanced effects and sweet, fruity aroma with hints of pine, courtesy of its significant pinene content It may also contain tracesofcamphorandeucalyptol,contributingtoitspotential respiratorybenefits

Trainwreck: Known for its intense euphoria and spicy, piney aroma, Trainwreck often boasts high levels of pinene, which gives it its characteristic scent It may also contain camphor and eucalyptol, adding to its potential respiratory-supporting properties

BubbaKush:Apotentindicastrainwithasweet,earthyaroma tinged with notes of pine, Bubba Kush typically contains notable levels of pinene It may also contain camphor and eucalyptol,contributingtoitspotentialrespiratorybenefits

Beyond cannabis, some other herbs and supplements can support your lung health Eucalyptus, for example, has compoundsthatcanclearcongestionandreduceinflammation Ginger is another great option with anti-inflammatory properties that can help ease coughing And don't forget about vitamin C and zinc, which can potentially boost your immune system and helpyoufightrespiratoryinfections.

As a holistic health practitioner, I always recommend looking at the big picture regarding your health. That means considering yourlifestyle,diet,andoverallwell-being,alongwithanyherbsor supplementsyoumightbetaking It'salwaysagoodideatotalk to a naturopathic healthcare professional before making any changes

Keep in mind that the terpene profiles of cannabis cultivars can varybasedonfactorssuchasgrowingconditions,genetics,and harvesting methods It's essential to source cannabis from reputable sources and consider lab-tested products to ensure consistency and quality Additionally, individual experiences with cannabis can vary, so it's advisable to start with low doses and consultwithaHolisticCannabisTherapyConsultant,especiallyif youhaverespiratoryconditionsoraretakingmedications

Allinformationinthisarticleisforeducational purposesonly.Theinformationprovidedisderived fromresearchgatheredfromexternalsources Please checkwithyourCannabisEducatedPrimaryHealth CarePhysicianorEducated&TrainedCannabis TherapyConsultantbeforebeginninganynewdietor lifestylechange

ECS&NaturopathicMedicine,CannabisTherapy Consultant,TheFounderandEducationDirectorofthe CannabisHolisticInstitute Tofindoutmoreabouther TelemedicineConsultations,EducationalPrograms, YouTubevideos,andothercreativecontent,youcan findheronthemassiveinter-websonallplatformsor atdrpepperhernandezcom

Goforth,GoCannabis MARCH 2024 26

Cannabis Growers' Guide


Asthefrostofwintermeltsawayandthefirstsigns of spring emerge, cannabis cultivators begin to turn their thoughts towards the outdoor growing season Preparing for this season is a pivotal moment for both seasoned growers and novices alike,asthedecisionsmadenowcansignificantly impactthequalityandquantityoftheharvestlater in the year. This guide aims to provide essential insights and tips for cannabis growers looking to maximizetheiroutdoorcrop'spotential.


Thefirststepinpreparingfortheoutdoorseasonis understanding the specific climate of your area Cannabis plants thrive in a variety of conditions, but they are particularly sensitive to extreme weather. Knowing the last expected frost date is crucial to avoid planting too early and risking the young plants being killed by a cold snap. Additionally, consider the length of your growing season and select strains that will reach maturity withinthattimeframe


Selecting the right strain is critical for outdoor cultivation Indica strains, for example, are known fortheirhardinessandcanbetterwithstandcooler temperatures, making them suitable for northern climates Sativa strains, on the other hand, prefer longer, warmer seasons There are also autoflowering strains that are less dependent on light cycles to flower, making them an excellent choice forgrowersinregionswithunpredictablesunlight


Healthy soil is the foundation of a successful cannabis garden In the weeks leading up to planting, take the time to enrich your soil with compost, manure, and other organic matter This will increase its nutrient content and improve its texture,ensuringthatwaterdrainseffectivelywhile retaining enough moisture to keep the plants hydrated Testingyoursoil'spHisalsoadvisable,as cannabisplantsflourishinslightlyacidicconditions (pH60-70)


In regions with shorter growing seasons, starting seeds indoors can give your plants a head start Seeds should be germinated indoors under controlled conditions 4-6 weeks before the last frost date Once the seedlings have developed their first set of true leaves and the outdoor temperature is consistently above freezing, they can be gradually acclimatized to outdoor conditions before being transplanted into the garden.


Preventing pests and diseases is easier than treating them Implementing a crop rotation plan and using natural predators can help manage pest populations Regular inspection of plants for signs of disease and pests is crucial for early detection and management Organic pesticides andfungicidescanbeeffective,buttheyshouldbe usedsparinglyandasalastresort

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Cannabis plants require consistent watering,especiallyduringthehotterparts ofthesummer However,overwateringcan leadtorootrotandotherissues,soensure your soil has good drainage Nutrient needsvarythroughoutthegrowingseason, with plants requiring more nitrogen during vegetative growth and more phosphorus and potassium during flowering Organic fertilizers can provide a slow-release source of nutrients, minimizing the risk of over-fertilization



Preparing for the outdoor cannabis growingseasonrequiresablendofcareful planning, attention to detail, and a deep understanding of the plants' needs By selecting the right strains, preparing the soilproperly,managingpestsanddiseases proactively, and providing the plants with the right nutrients and water, growers can look forward to a bountiful harvest Remember, the time and effort invested in preparation are directly reflected in the quality and quantity of the cannabis produced Here's to a successful outdoor season!

Whether you ' re a veteran grower or just starting,thejourneyofcultivatingcannabis isarewardingone,filledwithlearningand discovery Embrace the process, and may yourgardensflourish. MARCH 2024 30

Chef Buz Deliere’s


Asthefrostofwintermeltsaway,revealingthebuddingpromisesofspring,ourkitchenstootransitionfromthehearty,warmingdishesofcolder monthstothevibrant,freshflavorsthatcomewiththenewseason Thisspring,let'sinfuseourculinarycreationswithaningredientthatadds notjustflavorbutalsoanupliftingspirittoourdishes:cannabis.Knownforitsversatilityanduniqueproperties,cannabiscancomplementthe springbountywithatouchofcreativityandcare

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Springheraldsatimeofrenewalandrejuvenation,notjust fornaturebutforourpalatesaswell Astheearthawakens from its winter slumber, it gifts us with an abundance of fresh,vibrantproducethatbegstobeenjoyedinitsprime And what better way to elevate these natural flavors than by pairing them with the nuanced, aromatic qualities of cannabis? Incorporating cannabis into your springtime cooking isn't just about adding a unique twist to your meals; it's about embracing the season ' s essence and enhancingthesensoryexperienceofdining


The foundation of any great dish is the quality of its ingredients Springoffersabountyoffreshproduce:tender greens, sweet peas, crisp asparagus, juicy strawberries, and so much more To make the most of these seasonal delights,prioritizesourcingfromyourlocalfarmers'market Here, you'll find fruits and vegetables at their peak freshness, grown with care and without the heavy use of chemicals often found in mass-produced items These ingredientsnotonlytastebetter,buttheyalsoretainhigher nutritional values, making your cannabis-infused dishes bothmoredeliciousandhealthier

PairingwithHigh-Quality Cannabis

Just as with your produce, the cannabis you choose to incorporate into your cooking should be of the highest quality Different cannabis strains offer a spectrum of flavorsandeffects,fromearthyandsoothingtocitrusyand uplifting Selectstrainsthatcomplementthenaturalflavors of your spring ingredients For instance, a strain with lemony terpenes can beautifully enhance a dish with spring greens and herbs, while a more herbal, pinescented strain might pair well with root vegetables or mushrooms


Terpenesarearomaticcompoundsfoundincannabisand many other plants, responsible for their fragrance and flavor Byunderstandingterpenes,youcanmasterfullypair cannabis strains with your ingredients in much the same way a sommelier pairs wine with food For a dish with berriesandfruits,lookforstrainswithlimoneneormyrcene, which offer sweet and fruity notes For savory dishes, consider strains rich in caryophyllene or pinene, which providespiceandpinenotes


Infusingcannabisintoyourcookingisanartthatrequiresa balance of flavor, potency, and creativity The most commonmethodsofinfusionarethroughfatslikebutteror oil,whichcanthenbeusedinavarietyofrecipes However, springcuisineoftenleanstowardslighterfarewhereheavy fatsmaynotbesuitable Consideralternativemethodslike cannabis-infused vinegars or simple syrups, which can addadelightfultouchtosalads,dressings,andrefreshing springbeverages


Spring is the perfect time to explore the concept of whole plant utilization Beyondjustthebuds,cannabisleaves(especiallythe young,tenderones)canbeanutritiousandflavorfuladditionto your dishes These can be used raw in salads, blended into smoothies,orgentlysautéedasagreen Thisapproachnotonly maximizestheuseofyourcannabisplantbutalsoalignswiththe springspiritofrenewalandmakingthemostofnature'sofferings

Bringing cannabis into your spring kitchen is about more than just culinary experimentation; it's a celebration of the season ' s freshbountyandthemyriadofflavorsandexperiencescannabis can bring to your table. By choosing quality ingredients, thoughtfullypairingthemwithcomplementarycannabisstrains, and exploring creative infusion methods, you can create dishes that truly embody the freshness and renewal of spring As you embark on this culinary journey, let the vibrant essence of the seasonguideyourpaletteandinspireyourcreations

Decarboxylation:Unlocking Cannabis'Potential

Before we dive into the recipes, it's essential to understand the process of decarboxylation This crucial step involves gently heating your cannabis to activate the THC, CBD, and other cannabinoids,transformingthemfromtheiracidicformsintothe compoundsourbodiescanmorereadilyabsorb Asimplewayto decarboxylateyourcannabisistospreadyourgroundbudsona bakingsheetandbakeat245°Ffor30-40minutes Oncecooled, your cannabis is ready to be incorporated into oils, butters, or directlyintoyourdishes MARCH 2024 32


Start your day with a twist on a classic favorite Mash ripe avocadoswithlemonjuice,salt,andpepper Stirinateaspoonof cannabis-infused olive oil for every two avocados used Spread generously on toasted slices of sourdough bread, and top with radish slices, microgreens, and a sprinkle of hemp seeds for an extranutritionalboost


Make the most of spring's first strawberries with this refreshing salad. Mix fresh strawberry slices with tender young cannabis leaves(ensuretheyarefromaplantthathasbeengrownwithout harmful pesticides and is safe for raw consumption), baby spinach, and thinly sliced cucumber Dress with a vinaigrette madefromcannabis-infusedoliveoil,balsamicvinegar,atouch of honey, and mustard Top with crumbled goat cheese and toastedalmondsforadelightfulcrunch.


Celebrate the flavors of spring with this creamy risotto Start by sautéing chopped onions in cannabis-infused butter until translucent Add Arborio rice, stirring until the grains are wellcoated and slightly toasted Gradually add vegetable stock, stirring continuously until the rice is creamy and al dente. Add blanchedasparaguspiecesandthezestofonelemonforaburst offreshness.FinishwithagenerousgratingofParmesancheese andatablespoonofcannabis-infusedoliveoilforanextralayer offlavor.


As with any cannabis consumption, start low and go slow, especiallyifyou'renewtocannabis-infusedcooking Theeffects of edibles can be more potent and longer-lasting than other consumption methods, so it's crucial to dose carefully and responsibly Always label your cannabis-infused creations and keepthemoutofreachofchildrenandpets


Incorporating cannabis into your spring kitchen is not just about adding a buzz to your dishes; it's about embracing the plant's versatility and the depth of flavors it can bring to your cooking This spring, let your culinary creativity bloom alongside the season ' s freshest produce, and enjoy the delightful fusion of flavorsthatcannabis-infuseddishesoffer

Remember, the essence of spring cooking is lightness and simplicity Let the natural flavors of your ingredients shine, complementedbytheuniquetouchofcannabis.Happycooking, and here's to a spring filled with joy, renewal, and deliciously greencuisine.

MARCH 2024 33

Thecannabisindustryis rapidlyevolving,with innovationsthatnotonlyaim toimproveefficiencyand yieldbutalsotoaddressthe criticalissueofsustainability. Astheindustrygrows,sodoes itsenvironmentalfootprint, promptingcultivatorsand manufacturerstoseekgreen solutionsinproduction.Inthis exploration,wedelveintothe sustainablepracticesthatare shapingthefutureofcannabis cultivation,highlightinghow theseeffortsarenotonlygood fortheplanetbutalso beneficialforbusinessesand consumersalike.


GreenSolutionsinProduction andSustainability byTherinMiller


One of the most significant steps towards sustainability in cannabis production is the shift towards renewable energy sources Solar and wind energy are becoming increasingly popular among cultivators looking to reduce their carbon footprint By harnessing the powerofthesunandwind,cannabis facilities can operate more sustainably,loweringenergycostsin the long run and reducing reliance onfossilfuels Thistransitionnotonly supports environmental conservation but also aligns with consumer values, as many are willing to support brands that demonstrate a commitment to sustainability


Waterisapreciousresource,andits conservation is crucial in cannabis cultivation Innovative irrigation systems such as drip irrigation and recirculating aquaponics are being employed to minimize water usage. Thesesystemsdeliverwaterdirectly to the roots of the plants in controlled amounts, significantly reducing waste Additionally, capturing rainwater for use in irrigation further enhances sustainability efforts, ensuring that everydropisutilizedefficiently


The move towards organic cultivation practices is gaining momentum within the cannabis industry By eschewing synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, cultivators can prevent soil degradation and protect local waterways from contamination. The use of natural pestmanagementtechniques,such as introducing beneficial insects and practicing crop rotation, maintains the ecological balance and promotes healthier crops Organic cultivation not only results in a cleaner product but also builds healthierecosystems


Sustainability extends beyond cultivation practices to include how cannabisproductsarepackagedand distributed The industry is moving awayfromsingle-useplasticsinfavor of biodegradable and recyclable materials Packaging made from hemp-based products, for instance, offers an eco-friendly alternative that reduces waste and the carbon footprintofcannabisgoods Moreover, innovative packaging designs that minimize material use without compromising product integrity are becomingmoreprevalent.


Technology plays a pivotal role in advancing sustainability in the cannabis industry From precision agriculture tools that optimize resourceusetoblockchaintechnology that ensures traceability and transparency, innovations are making it easier for businesses to adopt sustainable practices Data analytics and AI can predict optimal planting andharvestingtimes,reducingenergy and water use, while IoT devices monitor environmental conditions, ensuring that resources are used efficiently


The cannabis industry's journey towardssustainabilityisnotjustabout compliance or marketing; it's about takingresponsibilityfortheplanetand future generations By adopting green solutions in production, the industry canmitigateitsenvironmentalimpact while fostering a positive image that resonates with consumers. As these sustainable practices become more integrated into the fabric of cannabis cultivation and production, they pave the way for a greener, more sustainablefuture Thecommitmentto sustainability within the cannabis industry serves as a model for other sectors,demonstratingthateconomic growth and environmental stewardshipcangohandinhand

MARCH 2024 35 MARCH 2024 36

ExploringtheRole ofCannabisin HolisticMedicine

UnderstandingCannabinoids,Terpenes, andOrganicSun-GrownCultivars

Inrecentyears,therehasbeenaresurgenceofinterestin holistic medicine, an approach that considers the whole person mind, body, and spirit in the quest for optimal health and wellness Within this framework, cannabis, once stigmatized, is emerging as a versatile botanical with significant therapeutic potential In this article, we delve into the intricate interplay between cannabinoids, terpenes,andthevariousbodysystems,highlightingthe importanceoforganicsun-growncannabisinpromoting holistichealth

UnderstandingCannabinoids andTerpenes:

Cannabinoidsarechemicalcompoundsfoundwithinthe cannabis plant, with two well-known examples being tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) These cannabinoids interact with the body's endocannabinoid system (ECS), which plays a crucial roleinregulatingvariousphysiologicalprocessessuchas mood, pain sensation, appetite, and memory CBD, for instance,iscelebratedforitspotentialtoalleviateanxiety and inflammation without inducing the psychoactive effectsassociatedwithTHC Terpenes,ontheotherhand, are aromatic compounds responsible for the distinctive flavors and scents of different cannabis strains Beyond their sensory appeal, terpenes also exert therapeutic effects For instance, myrcene, commonly found in cannabis, exhibits sedative properties, while limonene may uplift mood and promote stress relief The synergistic interaction between cannabinoids and terpenes, known as the entourage effect, enhances the therapeuticefficacyofcannabisproducts.

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Holistic medicine emphasizes the interconnectedness of variousbodilysystemsandseekstoaddresstherootcausesof illnessratherthanmerelytreatingsymptoms.Cannabis,withits diverse array of cannabinoids and terpenes, aligns perfectly with this approach by offering multifaceted benefits across differentbodysystems


The ECS, comprising cannabinoid receptors scattered throughout the brain and spinal cord, modulates neurotransmitter release and neuronal activity Cannabinoids like CBD have shown promise in mitigating neurological disorders such as epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson's disease by exerting neuroprotective and anti-inflammatoryeffects


CBD'simmunomodulatorypropertiesmakeitavaluableally in bolstering immune function By regulating cytokine production and promoting a balanced inflammatory response, CBD may help manage autoimmune conditions likerheumatoidarthritisandinflammatoryboweldisease.


Cannabis has long been used to alleviate gastrointestinal discomfort, with THC and CBD both demonstrating antiemetic and appetite-stimulating effects Moreover, certain terpenes such as beta-caryophyllene possess gastroprotective properties, making them potentially beneficial in the treatment of conditions like irritable bowel syndrome(IBS)andCrohn'sdisease


While smoking cannabis may pose risks to respiratory health,alternativedeliverymethodssuchasvaporizationor sublingualtincturesminimizesuchconcerns Cannabinoids like THC have bronchodilatory properties that may provide relief to individuals with asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonarydisease(COPD).

TheImportanceofOrganic SungrownCannabis:

Organic sun-grown cannabis, cultivated in natural sunlight without synthetic pesticides or fertilizers, offers distinct advantagesfromaholisticperspective Byharnessingthepower of photosynthesis, organic plants produce an abundance of phytonutrients, including cannabinoids and terpenes, while minimizing environmental impact Furthermore, organic cultivation practices promote soil health and biodiversity, preservingtheintegrityoftheecosystem

As our understanding of cannabis continues to evolve, it is clear thatthisbotanicalholdstremendouspromiseasacornerstoneof holistic medicine By leveraging the synergistic effects of cannabinoids and terpenes, cannabis offers a multifaceted approach to wellness that addresses the intricate interplay of mind,body,andspirit.Embracingorganicsun-growncultivarsnot only enhances the nutritional value of cannabis but also aligns withprinciplesofsustainabilityandenvironmentalstewardship.As wenavigatethepathtowardholistichealth,cannabisstandsasa potentallyinourjourneytowholeness.

All information in this article is for educational purposes only. The information provided is derived from research gathered from external sources. Please check with your Cannabis Educated Primary Health Care Physician or Educated & Trained Cannabis Therapy Consultant before beginninganynewdietorlifestylechange.

Written by Dr. Pepper Hernandez ND, Ph.D., CTC, CNHP in ECS & Naturopathic Medicine, Cannabis Therapy Consultant, The Founder and Education Director of the Cannabis Holistic Institute To find out more about her Telemedicine Consultations, Educational Programs, YouTube videos, and other creative content, you can find her on the massive inter-webs on all platforms or at drpepperhernandezcom

Goforth,GoCannabis... MARCH 2024 40


DebatewithVideoof SmokingAround Grandchildren

Renownedforhisunabashed affectionforcannabis,Snoop Dogghasrecentlysparked significantconversationby showcasingthisaspectofhis lifestyleinfrontofhis grandchildren.Whileit'snot unusualtoseeSnoopenjoyinga blunt,eyebrowswereraisedwhen hechosetodosowithhisyoung granddaughterspresent,igniting discussionsonthe appropriatenessofsuchactions

OnFebruary21,avideosurfaced onInstagramshowingSnoop Dogginarecordingstudio, casuallysmokingablunt However,thepresenceofhistwo granddaughtersinthesame roomledtoaflurryofcritical comments Thisincident,first highlightedbyHipHopDX,raised questionsabouttheboundaries ofcannabisconsumptionaround minors Theincidenthas reigniteddebatesonwhetherit's suitableforparentsor grandparentstoindulgein smokingactivitiesintheproximity ofchildren.Criticsinthevideo's commentsectionlambasted Snoopforexposinghisinfant grandchildrentocannabissmoke, sparkingabroaderdiscussionon parentingandtheuseof cannabis

Commentersexpressedarangeofreactions,from outrightdisapprovaltocomparisonswithtobaccouse,suggesting thatsmokingcannabismightbeconsideredlessharmfulthan othersubstancesinsomequarters.Despitethecontroversy,some defendedthenotion,arguingforamorenuancedviewof cannabisaroundchildren.

The first variety is a medium roast from Ethiopia, celebrated for its complexflavorsofpeach,sweettea, and orange, embodying the quintessentialtasteEthiopiancoffee is renowned for The second variety offers a Mexican dark roast, enriched with the essence of dark chocolate, cashew, and baking spices, reminiscent of traditional Mexicanhotchocolate

Uniqueintheircreation,thesecoffee selections are not enhanced with cannabis Cometeer takes pride in its innovative approach to coffee production, offering capsules that dissolve effortlessly in both hot and cold water, promising a premium, barista-level coffee experience withinmoments.

Michael Mohr shared insights in a press statement, highlighting the shared vision of Houseplant and Cometeerinenrichinglifestylesand creating lasting memories through theirproducts.

Heemphasizedthe roleofcoffeeasa complementaryofferingto cannabis,aimedat enhancingdailyritualsand experiencesfortheir clientele.Thepartnership withCometeerwaslauded foritscommitmentto qualityandinnovationinthe coffeedomain.

SCAN QR CODE Readfullstory HouseplantPartners withCometeerto LaunchInnovative Non-InfusedCoffeeLine SCAN QR CODE Readthefullstory: TheChronicMagazineisthenumberonesourceforMarijuanaNews,Resources,andLifestyle. Getthelatestscoopon allthingscannabisfrom TheChronicMagazineyourgo-tosourcefor up-todatemarijuana news,helpfulresources andanexcitinglifestyle
MARCH 2024 41 MARCH 2024 42

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