Inflammation is a hot topic these days We are only just beginning to understand all of the different ways that inflammation can impact our health, but we do know that it is linked to a variety of chronic conditions like heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s. While there is no one size fits all solution for reducing inflammation, many people are finding relief with cannabis. Here’s a look at how cannabis can help reduce inflammation.
The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a complex network of receptors and cannabinoids that regulates a variety of functions in the body, including pain, appetite, mood, and memory CBD and THC are two of the most well known cannabinoids, but there are actually more than 100 different cannabinoids found in cannabis
Cannabinoids interact with the ECS by binding to cannabinoid receptors, which are found throughout the body These interactions can lead to various physiological effects, including reduced inflammation In fact, studies have shown that cannabinoids like CBD and THC can help reduce inflammation by modulating the immune response
Not all cannabis strains are equally effective at reducing inflammation Some strains may be more effective for certain conditions than others For example, Indica strains are often recommended for people dealing with chronic pain or inflammation because they tend to be more relaxing and sedating Sativa strains, on the other hand, are often used for mental health conditions like anxiety and depression because they tend to be more uplifting and energizing.
If you’re not sure which strain is right for you, talk to your doctor or a budtender at your local dispensary They will be able to recommend a strain based on your specific needs
This strain is a medicinal marijuana user ' s dream come true. It has been awarded for its high CBD levels and low THC content, which makes it excellent as an anxiety treatment or insomnia aid in many cases where those are your symptoms! The ACDC sativa dominant genetic makeup means that this powerhouse will provide you with clear minds without any of the psychoactivity associated with other types/genetics found on dispensary shelves today
The ACDC cannabis strain is known for being very relaxing, with a CBD to THC ratio that's around 20:1 Users have reported feeling an uplift in mood and a greater sense of focus as well as lowered levels of inflammation due to this high potency strain!
ACDC is a strain that has been found to be helpful in many different ways Patients say it relieves their chronic pain, reduces stress and anxiety symptoms as well as combats depression or PTSD with its calming effects on mind body connection; ACD compound also helps cure nerve pains caused by inflammation problems like rheumatoid arthritis since this makes up for hormonal deficiency due the latter's associated activity of inflammatory cells which are responsible for attacking healthy tissues nearby where there shouldn't really exist any wounds at all
GSC has an exceptionally high THC content (capable of reaching 28%), against just 0.2% CBD or less. While newcomers can enjoy higher CBD strains like ACDC, Harlequin, and Cannatonic, we don’t recommend trying Girl Scout Cookies unless you are an experienced cannabis user Even experienced users are best served to begin with a small amount if they’ve never tried GSC before
Girl Scout Cookies, or GSC as th commonly known can produce content (capable of reaching 28%) 0 2% CBD or less making them a rather potent marijuana strains tha may want to avoid until exper cannabis use beforehand! Even fo have tried it before there's stil starting out small and taking tim unsure about how your body will re this type/highness level combinatio
The history of Charlotte's Web ma is quite interesting It was specific the Stanley Brothers in Colorado young epileptic girl named Charlo high CBD content of this strain makes it a favorite among med including those looking to manag of inflammation Additionally, suggest that they feel happier, mo and more focused after consuming strain
Charlotte's Web may be useful symptom frequency or intensity of medical conditions in which infl either a cause or a by product. An the minimal THC means there is no high
This strain will make your mood help combat inflammation T dominant hybrid has been carefull crossing Jack Herer and Orange Cru capture all of their positive uplifting also delivering a terpene p moderately energetic effects on bodies
The fresh orange flavor combine strain makes it perfect if depression giving way to low energy levels w due to its calming effect which h those feelings altogether.
Harlequin is a Sativa dominant delivers strong pain relief without feeling inebriated or sedated This great for inflammation and pain with inflammation It has an cannabinoid profile 9% CBD, 5 TH per concentrate unit (1/10th). Th effects are more clear headed th this list which makes it perfec suffering from chronic conditio arthritis
Inflammation is a complex process only just beginning to understand do know that it is linked to a varie conditions like heart disease, Alzheimer’s. While there is no one solution for reducing inflamma people are finding relief with Cannabis interacts with the endo system (ECS) to reduce inflam modulating the immune respon cannabis strains can be more or l at reducing inflammation depend cannabinoid profile If you’re intere cannabis to reduce inflammation, doctor or a budtender at your loca about which strain might be right fo y
It's spooky season yet again and here at Chronic we want all of our readers to be able to celebrate Halloween in the highest and most fun way possible (while being safe, of course). Whether you are waiting for the season all year long or it’s a surprise how fast it comes every year, Halloween is a time to enjoy yourself in whatever way you see fit.
For people like me, dressing up in a creepy costume and kicking back with my friends is the best option. Since most of my friends are in the cannabis community we celebrate most holidays and special events with smoke sessions. If you’re like us, here are 10 fun and Halloweeny ways to add cannabis to your spooky fun times.
Most people carve pumpkins and do the classic face or an outline of a scared cat but, you and your friends can carve pumpkins that stoners can really appreciate Carve in a weed leaf, a joint, a bong, anything that makes you feel like a Halloweed genius Something fun to do would be having a connecting design like a person smoking and blowing “O’s” across the pumpkins Whatever you try, if you get high beforehand, be careful using sharp objects!
If you were young and liked to watch infomercials for toys, you may remember a few different companies that allowed you to make candy that looked like slime, bugs, and snot Today, you can use gastronomy (it’s not as hard as it sounds) to make your own nasty looking infused edibles You can also try to make some that look like different drugs, when Breaking Bad was really popular people used to make “the blue stuff” out of melted sugar You can also roll some chocolate in matcha powder and make some cute little “nugs''!
I’m not sure about y’all, but I’ve seen about one thousand different types of drinking games come across my social media I hardly see any games for stoners We can switch it up and take a hit from a bong or pipe every time someone jumps or screams at a scary movie (Anyone is allowed to tap out, no peer pressuring your friends!) It can be really fun to see who causes most of the hits and who doesn’t cause any
There are so many different strains that you can buy and so many cool names. If you throw a BYOW (bring your own weed) party, each of you can bring one that is different and hopefully themed for Halloween Some options are Frankenberry, Witches Weed, Ghost OG, Ghost Train, Killer OG, Ecto Cooler, or Ogre Each of the bowls or blunts will be a different strain and comparing the smells and tastes can be really fun for a small get together
Do you remember Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark? Well, since most of us haven’t read them in so long it might be time to shut off the lights and tell them again Or, if any of your friends or yourself have seen or experienced any spooky encounters you can tell your own stories! Be sure to have something to smoke after to calm you all down, maybe not a Sativa since it can make you less relaxed
If you’re like me and need a palate cleanser after watching too many scary movies Typically, I put on something by Disney but with Halloweed as a theme, it’s fun to vibe out to movies that are made for stoners Some of the most popular of these movies are Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Friday, any Harold and Kumar movie, and This is the End If none of these are your style you can put on anything you like to watch while smoking
As we all know, stoners can get a little muchie after a couple of bowls For a fun party treat you can buy your favorite classic Trick or Treating candy If you’re going to get some for a party be sure to get both chocolate and sour candies to cater to everyone Honestly, though, I have never seen a bowl of Dum Dum’s go untouched at a party, so I’d get those
There are Haunted Houses available all over the country when Halloween comes around If you feel comfortable enough, you can smoke a little bit before visiting (or after if you feel too nervous to go while high) It’s always more fun to visit places like this with friends so huddle up together and explore the frightening halls! If you are located in Oklahoma, check out The Sanctuary or the Wicked Forest of Terror
For any party (cannabis themed or not) you can dress up as stoner characters or things You can dress as a literal weed leaf, blunt, or bong if that floats your boat But if you want to be a little more unique you can dress as Cheech, Chong, Shaggy from Scooby Doo, Jesse Pinkman, Towelie from South Park, and so many more!
If you’re into real ghost hunting, try checking out some podcasts! The Chronic Encounters team is the spooky part of our Chronic family They go on different ghost adventures all around the country As they are based in Oklahoma, they’ve almost exhausted the state of all its haunts Their podcast is a great way to feel spooky and full of Halloween fun
Remember when trying to have fun and mixing it with cannabis, it is important to be responsible. If you’re traveling, have a ride set up before you get too high to function. Driving high is a DUI just like drunk driving. We want you all to be safe and sound while having the time of your lives this Halloweed. So find yourself an Uber or a designated driver and get some safety because Thanksgiving is right around the corner!
AnewphaseofCalifornia’smarijuana legalizationbegins,asthestatepreparesto makeitillegalforacompanytofire,ornot hire,someonesimplyfortheiroff the clockmarijuanause
Californiaistheseventhstatetodoit butapotentially
pivotal one for the national attitude toward weed At theveryleastit’sanemboldeningstepforthemillions of California adults who report using marijuana At a cannabis store near San Diego it could mean a tax boom The elimination of job risk helps boost usage numbers "There were a lot of myths and stigma associated with cannabis and with having a cannabis storeinthecommunity Soitsnicetoseethatnoneof those myths came true and a lot of that stigma is starting to disappear, said David Dallal, a California cannabis store manager Cannabis industry insiders and even some law enforcement hope that destigmatizing weed will push more weed users to shop at legitimate dispensaries It could be a potentially life saving choice as fentanyl laced drugs flowoverthesouthernborder and end up on the black market
Butthestigmaaroundmarijuanaisstillachallengefor people like Dr David Berger, who’s trying to battle a new restriction in Florida that limits the amount of medicalmarijuanaapersoncangetinaday
"Some of my patients for instance, because of their medical needs, they might need to have more milligrams than what the state is allowing for said Berger Florida is allowing doctors to appeal the limit for those who need it But that takes time a potentially seriouswaitforuserswhoneedthedrug
"If a person is out of their medicine they could be out of their medicine for a good week or almost two and reallyhavenowayofaccessingit,"saidBerger It's a deep contrast to the new reality in California, wherelawmakershopemakingmarijuanairrelevantto employabilitywillsetanewstandardforthecountry
Colorado'smarijuanaindustryhasbeenon ayear longslide,butbusinessownershave highhopesthatColoradoSpringscanbuck thattrend.
Thesecond biggestcityinthestate ColoradoSprings has over 100 medical marijuana stores but its city councilbannedrecreationalsalesbeforetheybeganin Colorado in 2014 Now marijuana users and business owners alike are bullish on November 8 ballot measures that propose ending the ban and creating a 5 percent sales tax on recreational pot Per capita there are twice as many residents per store in the Springs as there are in Denver," says Aaron Bluse, co owner of Colorado dispensary chain Altitude Organic This could lead to the doubling or tripling of sales if you ' re in the right location" Initiatives 300 and 301 propose giving all operating Colorado Springs dispensaries the choice of adding or transitioning into recreational sales No addtional licenses would be issued, and licenses lost due to dormancy or revocation would not be replaced Recreational pot saleswouldcarrya5percentspecialsalestaxtofund mental health and public safety programs Anthony Carlson, campaign organizer for Your Choice Colorado Springs whichispushingthemeasures estimatesthat a local marijuana sales tax would raise about $15 million annually in Colorado Springs "So far the reception has been pretty good, and we re receiving good feedback We're pretty confident that we'll be happy on November 8," Carlson predicts Altitude OrganichasfourstoresinColoradoSpringsandastore in Dillon where recreational sales are allowed According to Bluse the differences in earning power between his MMJ stores in Colorado Springs and the Dillon dispensary, which sells both medical and recreational marijuana is stark A new law that went live this year both restricted a doctor's ability to recommend medical marijuana and limited the amount of concentrated THC that registered patients couldbuyperday whilefactorssuchasinflationanda steep decline in wholesale marijuana prices have also impactedthemarket
Source:https://www westword com/
TAMPA, Fla The Florida Department of Health recently issued an emergency ruling on medical marijuanatolimitamountsanddosage Somepatients worryaboutwhatthiscouldmeanforfutureusage “I started having what they refer to as grand mal cluster seizures in about 2012 ” said Jeffery Swoyer who uses medical cannabis The Mayo Clinic defines a grand mal seizure as a seizure with a loss of consciousness and violent muscle contractions I wouldhavethoseinclustersofuptofivetosevenata time,” said Swoyer He tells ABC Action News after he got his diagnosis, he was put on heavy doses of pharmaceutical drugs but they didn’t help That’s when he found a new doctor and turned to medical marijuana He said he notced improvements almost immediately My neurological distress was almost zero said Swoyer Over time with cannabis his seizureshavegottenprogressivelybetter
At this point we’ve gotten the medicines dialed in at such a level to where Im pushing towards three years seizure free,” said Swoyer That’s why the emergency ruling has him concerned “The state has put regulations and limts in terms of the amount of milligrams of THC that people can purchase overall They put limits on the number of milligrams for each different type of route of administration And they put in this rolling limitaton that a person can only get so many milligrams per 70 day period," said Dr David Berger, Certified Pediatrician at Wholistic Pediatrics & FamilyCare Accordingtotheruling apersoncan’tget more than 24,500 milligrams of THC in a 70 day period Smokeable marijuana supply is capped at 25 ounces over a 35 day period The new ruling also sets a limit on the amount of THC that can be in each product,restrictingthedailydosageofTHCindifferent administrationmethods
Source:https://www abcactionnews com/
Chris Alexander, executive director of the state’s Office of Cannabis Management said during a public forum that the agency won’t begin accepting new applications for recreational cannabis businesses until mid 2023, according to The (Syracuse) Post Standard Operators and industry hopefuls had been expecting the application window for cultivation, processing and other plant touching licenses to open this fall So the delay is a major setback for what’s expected to be one of the largest cannabis marketplaces in the United States Middle of next year youll see those applications open for cultivation, for processing,” Alexander said duringthepublicforum New York has begun accepting business license applications for only a small number of adult use retail permits To qualify for a conditional retail license, an applicant must demonstrate experience owning and operating a qualifying business Those applicationsmustbesubmitted bySept 26
Source: https://mjbizdaily.com//
California workers won’t have to worry about being fired, or not hired, for off-the-clock marijuana use.
Licensing for NY recreational marijuana suppliers delayed, official says ThefullrolloutofNew York’srecreational marijuanamarketwill likelybedelayedwell into2023. That’safar cryfromanexpected launchlaterthisyearor earlynextyear
I used to think feelings of paranoia were isolated to that one time (almost 30 years ago) while smoking a joint with friends when I thought there was a “pervert man” standing behind me The feeling didn’t seem too far from reality because there had been plenty of times in my 20s when unsolicited advances came my way. Luckily, the paranoia didn’t last long, as I soon realized that I was in a safe environment with no uninvited guests
It's no secret that society has become obsessed with creating safe environments With every porch camera and computer virus protection program installed, we feel more in control of the comings and goings of our property Although, could this lifestyle be contributing to a widespread paranoia that cannabis has nothing to do with it?
The reality is, we know people are watching, following, and trying to rob us That is why we don’t answer spam calls or open click bait emails It’s also the reason we act like detectives when receiving notifications on our phones that someone is approaching our front door
Are these “irrational suspicions?”
In the 1950s, one might consider the installation of security cameras all around a house as a sign of paranoia if the installation was done only after hearing about a break in at the local drugstore Yet today, that family would be considered proactive, not paranoid.
Even though paranoia might be a part of our daily lives, the fact remains some people experience feelings of paranoia after they consume a certain amount of THC
Can anyone else hear Ozzy singing?
Consuming cannabis is an adventure And consumers must be willing to sail the occasional rough sea before they reach the “X” that marks the sweet spot Since cannabis has traditionally been consumed among family and friends, newcomers generally rely on experienced consumers to help navigate the trip We’ve all seen the movie clips of an adult giving the young whipper snapper his first smoke or first drink That first time is almost always too much for the young person to handle.
“Paranoia describes an irrational suspicion of other people. You might believe people are watching you, following you, or trying to rob or harm you in some way.” (healthline com)
“All day long I think of things but nothing seems to satisfy” (from Paranoid, by Black Sabbath)
My recommendation would be to take it low and slow regardless of what works for someone else Low dosage and/or slow consumption Every person is encouraged to find their own way
I’m happy with consuming my tailored regimen of CBD oil and 2 5 mg gummy a couple of times a day It took over a year to find the right product and dose combinations but that’s why I love this adventure I could take dosage recommendations from everyone I know AND I’m pretty sure I would experience paranoia on a regular basis. There are individuals who can consume 100mg, 200mg, or even 1000 mg and report no adverse effects. With that said, keep in mind that not all milligrams of cannabis are created equally
I have had two bad experiences with cannabis My first was from a rookie mistake of not wearing gloves when I made my first batch of canna butter Yep, strained that butter with my bare hands What happened next? Well, I’d like to say that I was aware of my mistake at that moment, but things didn’t kick in until much later. In fact, it didn’t kick in until after I had whipped up a batch of brownies with my newly created butter and treated myself to the batter spoon I couldn’t believe how good the batter tasted! Not sure why I was surprised because all I did was modify the butter portion of my grandmother’s delicious brownie recipe
Before the brownies were done, I found myself clinging to the couch begging my husband to stop the boat from rocking One might say the feelings of paranoia came crashing in. My paranoia didn’t involve someone watching, following, or wanting to harm me, but my world was spinning and I had no previous experience to draw from that could help me understand that things were going to be okay with time
This might be a good time to encourage consumers to always have a trusted person with them when experimenting with the levels of cannabis consumption that works best for them Had my husband not been there, I’m not sure what I would have done and I’ll most likely never know because I plan to always have safeguards in place when I consume an untested amount. Sometimes all we need is hindsight to help us navigate a smoother trip, but for the sake of education, let’s say that I do consume too much THC, what would I do? I would take double my usual dosage of CBD oil since CBD has been noted to reduce the negative effects of THC and hope for the best (Disclaimer: don’t count on CBD bailing you out of a bad trip go low and slow)
Cannabis consumption is about making mistakes and learning from those mistakes. If we don’t learn from our mistakes, whose fault is that? It’s certainly not the dispensaries or the lawmakers. As a cannabis consumer, you may have unwillingly become a scientist, on a quest to find your best self Why not use your quest with cannabis as an opportunity to improve your overall mental, physical, and spiritual well being?
Dr Freeman, a Professor at the University of Oxford offered a statement about the results of a study done with individuals consuming cannabis and the many factors that relate to the measure of paranoia.
It seems much of modern technology is geared at reducing the paranoia we feel when we think we’ve left the garage door open while we are boarding the airplane, or when someone is messing with our mail. And we can do our part in reducing paranoia from cannabis consumption by learning to trust ourselves and our abilities to know when enough is enough Sending you love and light as you navigate cannabis with your higher self
"I think what it highlights is that if you have greater confidence in yourself, you improve your self-esteem, and if you try not to worry or ruminate about potential threats in the world... then the effects of the THC should hopefully be less capable of inducing paranoia.”
(Daniel Freeman, Ph D ; Webmd com)
On August 26, 2022, the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority (OMMA) license moratorium went into place pursuant to HB 3208. This means that the OMMA will not be accepting any new applications for dispensary, grower, or processer licenses This moratorium is only for new licenses and does not have an impact on renewals. HB 3208 is in effect between August 26, 2022, and August 1, 2024
During this moratorium, the only way in which you may acquire a license is by purchasing an existing license Once purchased you will proceed with a change of ownership request with the OMMA I will always recommend contacting a lawyer when contracting to purchase a license or business entity because there are several factors to consider when purchasing, the most important is having a clear understanding of what you are purchasing and limiting your liability
This may sound simple but purchasing a dispensary license does not inherently mean you are purchasing the entire company This distinction could be detrimental to your business If you are purchasing a business, you must ensure that all of the members are agreeable to selling or that a vote was taken prior to proceeding Starting off your business with a lawsuit is never ideal If you are just purchasing the license, not taking over the lease, not using their location, not inheriting any of their employees, etc. your contract will need to make that very clear. If you are purchasing the business entity, your contract will need to clearly define everything that comes with the purchase price For example, the license, the website, the business name (and all shares), the login information for all accounts and tracking software, any and all existing contracts you are assuming, etc
Second is the liability If you purchase a business license you need to be sure to do your due diligence and check the OMMA website and Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs to confirm that the license is active and in good standing You also need to be made aware of any recent inspections and the outcomes, lawsuits, demands, contracts in which payment is due, and outstanding debts and liabilities If there are any issues with the license, they become your responsibility after purchase The same is true when you purchase a business entity Disclosures are very important and can help save you time and money
Yields: 5 servings Approximately 30 minutes
2 3 Large Avocado
½ Tsp Garlic, Minced
1 Tbsp Lemon juice
¼ Tsp. Ground Black Pepper
1 C Sour Cream
½ C Mayo
½ Tbs Chili Powder
¾ tsp Ground Cumin
Good day, and welcome back to all my canna chefs, this is the month of ghouls, ghosts, and goblins It’s Halloween and it's time to get the scary and creepy decorations out and time to carve some pumpkins This is such a fun time of year, with costumes, scary decorations, and lots of good snacks! This year I wanted to do my 7 layer dip but with a little Halloween twist, instead of serving it in a bowl this year I will serve it on a platter and make it look like it’s coming out of a pumpkin's mouth A fun and festive way to serve a common holiday dip that will be sure to grab everyone ’ s attention I call it my Unholy Guacamole Dip and it’s this month's Halloween recipe, so grab a bag of your favorite herb, twist one up and let's get Cooking with a Buz!
½ tsp Sea Salt
½ tsp Ground Black Pepper
¼ tsp Ground Paprika
¼ tsp Garlic Powder
¼ tsp Onion Powder
1 2
1 can Bean Dip
¼ C Green Onions, Chopped
1 large Tomato, Diced
1 can Pitted Ripe Olives, Drained and Sliced
8oz Shredded Mixed Cheeses, taco blend
Kosher salt
2 packs Pita Bread, cut into triangles
1 mini Pumpkin, carved
First, on your serving platter put your carved mini pumpkin on one end and start the bean dip coming out the pumpkin's mouth and spread it on the platter, next we will make the guacamole In a small bowl take the avocados and mash them up, add the lemon juice and minced garlic, mix and add the black pepper, and season with salt to taste
Then spread the guacamole over the bean dip, and now time to move on to the sour cream dip In a clean bowl, add the mayo, sour cream, and seasonings and mix well Now spread the sour cream mixture over the guacamole, making sure to completely cover all the guacamole Now add the shredded cheese on top and put the diced tomatoes and sliced olives around the edges and sprinkle over the top with the chopped green onions
Cover and chill until ready to serve, now let's get the pita bread ready Preheat your oven to 375 degrees F and place your pita triangles on a baking tray and brush with the canna olive oil and sprinkle with Kosher salt
You can also season them with chili powder or garlic to make your pita chips taste pop you’ll want to bake in the oven for about 10 minutes or until golden brown Once the Pita chips are down it’s time to enjoy!
The hard working crew over at your favorite neighborhood dispensary, High Society, has been working tediously to continue to give Oklahoma patients options for real quality medicine We all know and love the Medicine Man gummy line Now available at High Society are two new gummies that are medically superior and of course, taste absolutely wonderful Good Night Formulations Good night grape is a 1:1:1 and focused on the cannabinoid CBN Great for nighttime ailments The Balance Formulation in Black Cherry is focused on CBG and a 1:1:1 also, a super effective cannabinoid and ration The knowledgeable and friendly staff at High Society Will be glad to answer any questions and help you find the right gummy or cannabis product for you. High Society goes above and beyond to bring the best medical options in the tastiest ways to patients with The Medicine Man gummy line Stop in today and try these amazing and not your average Gummies!
The good folks over at Natures Cure never disappoint when it comes to bringing the real fire This month we would like to highlight a new cross of theirs that is special in many ways to many people The Smoked Out strain is a cross between White Widow and RC 99 This strain is extra memorable because it was created and grown in honor and memory of Jacque Lucas, a business neighbor and friend Those were two of her favorite strains and we are sure Jacque would be more than pleased with this heavy hitter The Smoked Out strain is unique in profile and once again it packs a punch Available at Nature’s Cure, we highly recommended you stop by today as this one won’t last long on any shelf! Thank you to Nature’s Cure for always providing clean, quality medicine to Oklahoma patients
Our good friends over at Doc Ferguson have been working diligently and really knocked it out of the park with their new Okie Applesauce collab This batch, of the well known, of kind applesauce, is made from flowers cultivated by S & J Family. The London Pound Cake flower was perfect for the delightful dream that is now London Pound Cake Okie Applesauce Whether you’re a dabber or not, this concentrate will make you an instant fan Smooth and creamy, the aroma and flavor are terpenes packed with a vanilla dream and even a hint of grassy notes to make this Okie Applesauce one that you will not want to miss We want to thank Doc Ferguson and S & J Family for always providing Oklahoma patients with clean and consistent quality medicine Don’t miss this powerhouse collab, look for it at a dispensary near you!
The hardworking team over at Green Country Cannabis has grown a hard hitting terp packed exotic that you won’t want to miss! Fruit Punch is a cross between Northern Lights, Skunk, and Haze strains This hard hitting strain gives you that giggly, euphoric high and puts you in a dreamy state of mind The citrusy and herbal notes give this flower a smooth smoke and the buds show off thousands of gorgeous pink and purple trichomes Flavor and aroma are on point and mirror each other with a pungent kick The legendary lineage shows true to the strain This cross was right on the money, thank you to Green Country Cannabis for bringing the real fires to the patients of Oklahoma
MidWest Exotics has emerged on the scene with some amazing flowers, their unique strains have caught some attention Recently they did an old classic with a new twist The headband is a cross between staple strains OG Kush, Master Kush, and Sour Diesel All of these indica heavy hitters endow Headband with a high THC content, it has been measured at between 20% and an impressive 27% Some sources claim that Headband was developed by Colorado based breeders Reserva Privada who are also responsible for tasty strains like Kandy Kush and Strawberry Banana This one is a classic done right Don’t pass up this strain by MidWest Exotics, it lives up to their name for sure.
Buds Done Right has added a new flavor to their lineup Blueberry Muffin is the result of pairing the award winning Blueberry and Purple Panty Dropper These top strains are not only epic in their own right but have given rise to powerful offspring The Blueberry Muffin strain is a heavy Indica leaner and features a combination of sweet berry flavor and a euphoric, relaxing high In addition to its usually high THC levels, it boasts an average CBD level of 10% CBD’s presence may contribute to the effect on symptoms such as muscle tenseness, depression, and nausea. Cannabis enthusiasts also enjoy this strain because of its effects, it’s lineage and it’s a rare one to come across If you come across this new classic strain be sure to grab some quick, it sells very quickly Thank you to Buds Done Right for always putting out amazing, consistent meds!
Outdoor sun grown cannabis crops all over the Northern Hemisphere are preparing for harvesting in October Between 70% and 85% of outdoor cannabis, varieties are ready for harvest during the October cycle, despite some cultivars tending to flower earlier in September or later in November Thus the name CropTober
Outdoor cultivators will spend most of the late autumn cutting, drying, curing, and trimming their fresh harvest of buds after months of anticipation and tender loving care over their cannabis crops Soon after, a huge quantity of cannabis from outdoor farms appear on retail shelves everywhere, allowing patients to finally take advantage of the CropTober holiday
Cannabis buds can only be harvested for a certain period before the plant starts to lose its favorable qualities Farmers must cut all plants and prepare them for drying and trimming during this prime harvest time Cutting down hundreds of cannabis plants in a short period of time can be difficult. For craft farmers, this number may be smaller but is still a very intense process
Trimming is necessary after the plants have dried completely Some farmers keep the untrimmed buds for their usage as the leaves have been rumored to keep in the terpenes. Old school craft cannabis farms still use teams of human trimmers who put forth a lot of skilled and precise effort to get the buds ready for curing
CropTober is one of the busiest and most important times of the year for outdoor farms that only harvest once or twice a year.
With all this work put in by the farmers every year, I had to go check out the flower. Here are some of my favorites from Humboldt County, California and Tokelahoma
Our CropTober tour starts off in Humboldt in the heart of the Emerald Triangle We caught up with Nik Erickson of Full Moon Farms, an eco friendly, fully organic, full sun farm to ask him a few questions about this year ' s harvest The farm has always been involved in grassroots efforts and outreach programs such as compassionate care so we had to connect with them
“This has been a year of hurdles, but one bright spot for us has been pheno hunting the Wildberry Pie. We are in year 3 of narrowing down this cultivar to two very distinct profiles The lineage is our award-winning Northern Berry x Blueberry Muffin. We love to chase terpenes, not thc%s. We want you to enjoy the overall experience with all of its nuances This cultivar is a very early girl and finishes full term by Oct 1. The entire plant is a deep purplish red, from the stem to the flowers she is memorizing to look at She has an overwhelming fresh berry nose with underlying gas and spice notes” Nic shared
“The Blueberry Muffin typically tests under 20% THC, but we brought her on board for her unique terpene profile, while the Northern Berry typically is around 24%thc it skyrocketed to 32 6% for us this season The blend of these two strains offers a unique ride into the cerebral realms before gradually relenting to the sedative myrcene properties Full bodied and robust, the flavors will have you returning again and again. We have only grown her outdoors under the full summer sun, giving her a chance to mature slowly as nature intended We only use locally sourced inputs like fish emulsions, crab meal and kelp to help her reach her full potential. She has proven to be a top tier extractor's dream as well, and we look forward to expanding on this next season with both full melt bubble hash and fresh frozen rozen. Wildberry Pie will be in our stable for many years to come” said Nic
Photo credit: Stan Cantor and Sam Armamino Farm: Full Moon Farms Full Sun, Organic, Outdoor Humboldt County, California
Next on the list was Tom and Elizabeth from Full Sun Farms, who are seriously good people and their flower quality is top tier I was lucky enough to be able to go out, visit the farm and hang out on the porch trying a few flowers on a delightful harvest evening this year As we talked about the Cannabis Holistic Institute we spoke in depth about their flower and farming methods.
“Strawberry Strudel is always a favorite on the farm and it was grown again this year full term in the greenhouse. We grow all the plants out using organic methods, in a living soil environment. It was very fun, easy plant to grow. She gets big so will need a lot of support and extra trellising” Tom shared
When asked about the reason why this flower is the best he states "This one is definitely special with beautiful, frost covered, purple streaked flowers and a warm, strawberry pastry smell The magic about this flower is its euphoric, uplifting effects that progress into a nice, mild body high. Just an all around great smoke.”
“Strawberry Strudel means a lot to us and is a regular here. One of my really good friends made this amazing cross of Wedding Cake(SeedJunky) x Strawberry Lotus(Bodhi). She's definitely a keeper” said Tom
Photo credit: Tom Zink Farm: Full Sun Farms Outdoor, Full Sun, Regenerative Poteau, Oklahoma
Settled right in the magical Redwoods, Sunboldt is a staple for the locals. Sunboldt cannabis is “cultivated beside ancient redwoods belonging to Humboldt Redwoods State Park. The plants grow under the sun and without added water in Eel River flood plain deposits They harvest only when the resin is fully mature and achieve lasting flavor with longer drying and curing time” stated their website
When we spoke to Sunshine Cereceda, the farmer and founder she said that her favorite cultivar this year is Delfina “This is a Sunboldt Grown original cross because it yields quality resin. A great hash plant.” She said this one was easy to grow super gentle and the smell, taste and color make it so special “It smells of sandalwood and tastes of coriander. The smoke is like breathing in the forest floor It was developed as a hash plant that yields highquality resin” says Cereceda If you are looking for deep relaxation and euphoria, this might be the one for you to try Delfina is a cross of Purple Nepal with Rebel Moon which is also sometimes called NorCal Diesel.
Rounding off the tour back in Tokelahoma, we caught up with Kimmie the owner and farmer at Jackalope farms she mentioned that Gush Mint was her favorite cultivar this year by far She explains that “finding cultivars that can handle Oklahoma’s extreme weather, and pathogen pressure are really important for me as a greenhouse/outdoor grower” she grows in greenhouses that have layered logs, organic hay, compost, green material and topsoil/compost mix and practice no til, organic, bio diversity style growing “I feed with compost teas, top dressing and foliar feeds every so often. I use a biological IPM program as well, with no oil based sprays once in flower, and minimal spraying in general We do light deprivation and winter growing. Spring/summer harvests are all sun and in winter lights are used in veg then it is 100% sun in flower Having the cleanest medicine possible, no chemical inputs and sustainability are how we love to grow” Kimmie explained
"The smell of the cured bud is a beautiful mixture of gas, minty sweetness and a hint of vanilla. A very smooth smoke that won’t leave a bad taste in your mouth at all She tastes sweet and gassy, making the perfect mix, some candy flavor. She is really strong, but won't knock you out if you don’t want to be couch locked Creative energy flows when she hits and is perfect for a hike, walking the dog, yoga or a project. Very calming body feeling, pain relieving and mind calming" she shared with us
“Gush Mint is a top pick because she checks a lot of boxes for what I look for. Healthy genetics, strong resistance, vigorous growth, beautiful, dense buds, bag appeal, nose and an amazing smoke. Her lineage is Kush Mints x (Gushers x F1 Durb) with terpenes reminiscent of early legalization days" Kimmie said
Photo credit: Kimmie Mullen
Farm: Jackalope Farms
Full Sun, Outdoor, Organic, Living Soil Northeastern Oklahoma
everyone. I hope you get your hands on some of these sungrown flowers, make sure to ask for them in your local dispensary. Support craft farmers & as always educate before you medicated.
In Denver, Colorado there is a national landmark so haunted and historic that it’s perfect for a Halloweed adventure That place is Marijuana Mansion The mansion’s Event Director and Venue Manager, April Emma, was gracious enough to speak with us about the mansion and all of its history
The Chronic: When did you begin working here?
> I started working here in March of 2021 This is really my dream job, all my years of event experience and cannabis advocacy are encompassed into this position I’m thankful for the unique opportunity to do something I am so passionate about. It is very rewarding to help cultivate a safe space for people to come and celebrate cannabis in this magical mansion
The Chronic: Which event is the most popular to be held at the mansion?
> We host a wide variety of events here, including new product launches, parties, photoshoots, music videos, charity galas, drag shows and company holiday events However, Cannabis Industry Night events are the most popular by far These events bring the Colorado cannabis community together to network, educate, and celebrate the industry It is exciting to see connections being made here among such a diverse group of people who share a passion for cannabis
The Chronic: Do you believe it is haunted?
> Yes But it really depends on your definition of haunted There is definitely a strong presence, spirit, or ghost that seems to be in the mansion, but we don’t experience a ton of paranormal activity Some people seem more attuned to the presence of the spirit than others. The type of encounters varies from day to day and really depends on the person Sometimes the energy can be very overbearing for guests, while others are fascinated and want to interact with the spirit or ghost I spend a lot of time at the mansion, especially at night so I decided to give the ghost a nickname, Bobby I joke that he probably smoked weed because for the most part he is pretty chill
The Chronic: Have you had encounters? Tell me about them or a guest encounter that is well known?
> Sometimes I hear footsteps on the staircase, and above my office when I am alone here That was the most concrete encounter I’ve experienced so far and it definitely gave me goosebumps. We usually have music playing when the mansion is open for tours, but when the place is quiet it becomes instantly very creepy The staircase creeks so loud it startles people Dogs seem very sensitive to the ghost, are typically afraid of going upstairs, and growl at the ghost
The owner, Lisa Leder, has had more intense encounters; she believes there is a ghost trapped in the mansion
On two occasions she has felt a hand on her back that has pushed her down the stairs When the mansion was being renovated, the team would hear banging on one of the closet doors in the second floor Green Room, like someone was trying to get out Doors sometimes slam shut on their own
When she bought the house she had no idea it was haunted and later learned that it was when the ghost tour stopped with a group at the mansion She also found that the house was written about in a book called The Haunted Heart of Denver, by Kevin Pharris The basement is very creepy for sure Upon inspection Lisa found that behind a door there is a tunnel that connects the mansion to the carriage house behind the mansion (now the Green Dragon Dispensary) The tunnel is bricked off on both ends, so we have no idea what’s inside
Another well known encounter happened to Ellie Paisley, the artist that painted one of the rooms in the mansion One night she was painting late at night and she her footsteps coming up the wooden staircase, and then felt a cold breath on her neck, She was unaware that the building was haunted
> There seems to be a lot of interest in a cannabis ghost tour so we may offer this in the near future We’ve had a few groups from the paranormal field who want to come to do an investigation, thus far we haven’t allowed anyone to do so, Chronic Encounters are our exception. Talking with them, it felt like the right place, time, and team to investigate this a bit more
In October, we highlight the fact that the mansion is haunted and offer a haunted Halloween tour The house is transformed into a haunted mansion and a guide dressed in period costume gives a tour They accompany guests to some of the rooms to elaborate on the spooky tales and mysteries that have happened over the years The mansion is also featured on the Capitol Hill Ghost Tour that is hosted by Best Tours of Denver, which offers tours year around. The tour highlights the carvings on the front of the mansion that are very unusual as well as some spooky stories Over the front window of the mansion is a face carved in the stone that looks like the devil himself
The Chronic: Where are the ghosts in the mansion?
> The ghost can be found typically on the upper two floors of the mansion You can definitely sense the presence of the ghost when you get to the top of the grand staircase The most active rooms are the Vintage Pot Parlor, the Green Room closet and the 3rd floor hidden Speakeasy Almost every single person feels a dramatic shift the moment they step into the Speakeasy, it’s noticeably colder than the other rooms For many, the atmosphere can be intimidating so they don't stay in the room for long
The Victorian designed Vintage Pot Parlor room has a lot of unusual activity that can be considered more paranormal. Many of our neighbors have seen a ghostly woman peeking out of the window at night Lisa and I have seen photos and it really looks like a woman peering out of the window
The photos actually brought chills down my spine This room really intrigues people as it has a different atmosphere A lot of guests see orbs in their photos or their phones won’t cooperate while in the room Recently, we saw the typewriter typing on its own in the middle of the day That [shudders] yeah, I didn’t know what to think.
The Chronic: How would you explain this place to someone who has never heard of it?
The landmark building has now been restored and transformed into a venue that combines the elements of a museum, art exhibit, and event space It is a one of a kind exhibit that highlights the history and culture of cannabis through immersive experiences and bold art installations
Interested in Booking a Private Event?
Email: events@mjmansion.com
Instagram: @mjmansion
The Chronic Encounters team visited Marijuana Mansion only a few days after we spoke with April Emma As the first ever team to come and investigate the mansion, they were able to experience the most active haunt they had ever visited
The Chronic: Before we get too into the Marijuana Mansion investigation, how has the ghost hunting been going?
> It’s been a lot of fun We have grown a lot and gotten to go to a lot of really neat places Last year we mainly explored graveyards and old parks but this year we have been able to visit really neat historical buildings and that’s been a lot of fun.
The Chronic: Can you compare going to a historically haunted building to a graveyard?
> It’s completely different and it all depends on the personal perspective In a building, there are a lot of souls and memories going through that place In a graveyard, they are haunted in their own ways The buildings can feel much deeper when you can know about what resides there as it has so much history Knowing the history and the people who can still be there is the biggest difference. In a cemetery you don’t know full stories you have the headstone and the years but that is about it It also helps to go to these places together, with the different perspectives we can learn more
> Honestly, within the group, some of us feel that going to the historical building is scarier since we do know more about the hauntings there But a graveyard can be just as scary since we don’t know who the entities or energy might be and we are out in the open in the dark Both can be very scary
The Chronic: So tell me about the mansion, how was your experience there? What did you end up seeing?
> Well, we did get a few pictures with the same green orb floating in them That was in the speakeasy, where I think we all had the weirdest experiences Some of us were sitting at the table in the speakeasy and behind the two of us, there was a dark shadow Mind you this room was already dark, the shadow was visibly darker The drapes on the windows began to move and then a dark figure began to emerge from the hallway At this point we were getting very scared, one of us grabbed onto the other and asked to turn the light on Suddenly the room felt noticeably lighter, whatever was in there before had left The vibes in there were very scary
We moved to another room and once we had all settled we did see a white shadow pass by the door We figured there were spirits but never one that clear, never one that would make its presence known so quickly. In that same room, a lantern began to swing and stayed swinging for an abnormal amount of time, as did some beads There was no air passing through yet they still moved, even though everything else was still
Halloweed Part 2: The Chronic Encounters The Chronic: Which is more frightening?Also, one of our team members felt like someone was standing behind her there
As the night progressed, we had gone to sit on the staircase as a group because, throughout the night when we would make contact through the Estes method, we kept hearing the word ‘stairs’. So we did a lights out session on the stairs We gave the ghost permission, “If you’re with us, can you touch my hand?” April Emma was sitting right next to us and the presence did interact with the hand, it was suddenly cold April said at the same moment she felt a cold breeze pass by her. For the next few minutes, the cold of the hand changed into an almost icy hot feeling Holding hands with a ghost that night was pretty memorable
The Chronic: It’s interesting you say the stairs were a focal point because April Emma mentioned them as well
> It was persistent It would say, ‘stairs’ and ‘steps,’ actually, at one point it clearly said ‘I’m upstairs.’ It was alarming, it kept telling us where to go always leading back to the stairs When we were upstairs we did hear a lot of loud knocks as well It was very weird The presence also kept saying, ‘Bobby’ and ‘April’ as well We also kept hearing the Sinatra song that April plays for him It was scary but so cool. I really think the spirits there like April and Lisa since they are respectful of the building
It would really be fun to be able to investigate this more, maybe once a year to really get to know the spirits here.
The Chronic: Did you all go into the Victorian room?
> Yes, that room was super spooky There were some very weird experiences there. We were doing a cute sheet ghost photoshoot there and we got a really weird feeling It felt like we were no longer alone at that moment Then a breath of air passed my ear and we decided it was time to take the sheet off and leave the area
The room itself was just unsettling, it felt off We did look in the windows whenever we first got there and we didn’t see anything but people did say they had seen a woman in white in the window Unfortunately, we didn’t get to meet her
The Chronic: Overall, what was your impression of the Marijuana Mansion?
> This was by far the most active haunted area we have ever been to It makes us excited for what we might be able to come across in the future. We can’t wait to continue looking at haunts that aren’t in Oklahoma and we will be sure to be back in Colorado
If anyone is in the Denver area and wants to have a nice fun trip, we definitely recommend visiting Marijuana Mansion
Psilocybin is a naturally occurring psychedelic compound found in more than 200 species of mushrooms When ingested, psilocybin produces hallucinations and an altered state of consciousness For these reasons, shrooms have been used for centuries in religious and spiritual ceremonies In recent years, psilocybin has gained popularity as a recreational drug
The short answer is no, psilocybin is not addictive In fact, there is no evidence to suggest that psilocybin is physically or psychologically addictive However, like all drugs, psilocybin can be abused And when psilocybin is abused, it can lead to harmful consequences
While there is no evidence that psilocybin is addictive, there are some risks associated with the abuse of the drug These risks include:
Anxiety and paranoia
Difficulty concentrating and confusion
Disorganized thinking
Muscle weakness and tremors
If you or someone you know is struggling with psilocybin abuse, help is available There are a number of treatment options available, including therapy and 12 step programs
Guided Psilocybin Therapy Sessions are an emerging treatment for those suffering from depression, anxiety, and addiction The therapy uses the therapeutic benefits of psilocybin, a naturally occurring psychedelic compound found in certain mushrooms, to help people overcome their challenges During a session, patients are guided by a therapist to set intentions, explore their emotions, and connect with their higher selves The aim of the therapy is to help people find healing and inner peace While the therapy is still in its early stages, it has shown promising results for those who have tried it If you are struggling with your mental health, consider looking into guided psilocybin therapy sessions as a possible treatment option
A typical psilocybin therapy session lasts around 6 hours The therapist will start by asking you some questions about your current mental state and your reasons for seeking therapy They will then explain how psilocybin can help to treat conditions like depression and anxiety
During the session, you will be given a small dose of psilocybin and asked to lie down in a comfortable position You may experience some mild side effects, such as nausea and dizziness, but these should pass quickly For the next few hours, you will likely experience intense emotions and your perception of reality may be distorted
The therapist will be there to provide support and guidance, helping you to explore any difficult feelings that come up After the effects of the psilocybin have worn off, you will be asked to reflect on your experience and share any insights with the therapist Psilocybin therapy can be an emotionally challenging process, but it can also lead to profound insights and lasting changes in your life
WRITTEN BY: THERIN MILLER It's no secret that drugs can be addictive But what about psilocybin, the active ingredient in "magic mushrooms?" Can you get addicted to shrooms? Let's take a look at the science behind psilocybin addiction to find outEver been high on Halloween and wondered what horror films to watch stoned? Or maybe, while under the influence, you simply found yourself desiring a good spooky movie Whatever the case, you have come to the right place!
The scariest movies to watch high include everything from horror classics that do not get nearly enough appreciation (except perhaps among the stoner crowd) Obscure films like Brain Damage and House will please any high horror junkie There are also films so inherently disturbing or downright bizarre, you would almost have to be high to even come up with the ideas Did a sober person really create the world of Requiem for a Dream, for instance? I ask myself However, weed is great for watching a horror movie and gorging on snacks, but I do not need a joint before walking through a haunted house or taking an Ouija board to a graveyard HARD PASS I would much rather connect with cannabis and spooky season through my TV
Halloween has to be the number one holiday in terms of movies, with a heavyweight mix of horror, seasonal, and humor sensibilities And all that animation, nostalgia, and cheesiness gets even better with cannabis So, before the “pumpkin king” arrives, here are ten Halloween movies and horror flicks made even better by the plant
Diving into the worlds created by Tim Burton's films is fun for anyone using cannabis, and Nightmare Before Christmas has enough trippy animation to enjoy twice a year (at least) The beauty of the movie is that you can watch it both on Halloween and Christmas, and its songs, storyline and animation make for a great watch regardless of the nostalgia factor. Nightmare is a movie more than worthy of handing down to future generations but enjoy this one at least once this fall when the kids are in bed and the bong is out Try not to get "This is Halloween" stuck in your head after a bowl.
One by one, the youths fall victim to backwoods zombies, but there is another factor at play Two scientists are manipulating the ghoulish goings on, but even as the body count rises, there is yet more at work than meets the eye
The Shining is already creepy as heck I totally get that But imagine having your mind racing on Ghost Train Haze as you watch those twins in the hallway or that furry animal scene upstairs with the bear costume Add in the fact that the movie is based on a book inspired by the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, it has a documentary about its Stanley Kubrick weirdness and has a sequel coming out soon, and you have yourself a good old fashioned stoner rabbit hole to dive into
Get all the dabs ready for this one! In remote Antarctica, a group of American research scientists are disturbed at their base camp by a helicopter shooting at a sled dog When they take in the dog, it brutally attacks both human beings and canines in the camp and they discover that the beast can assume the shape of its victims A resourceful helicopter pilot and the camp doctor lead the camp crew in a desperate, gory battle against the vicious creature before it picks them all off, one by one
You cannot leave Halloween off any Halloween movie list. The latest try on Michael Myers in 2018 was a fun take on the franchise while keeping the original story's universe alive, and Rob Zombie's versions from the early 2000s are entertaining enough after a blunt But this is the granddaddy of all slasher flicks, and the killing scenes and accompanying music are the ultimate in nostalgia If you are having a horror movie marathon full of dabs and munchies, this is an obvious start
As one of the films that first piqued in the horror genre. It follows a group of people who wake up in a strangely lit up, cube shaped room. On each side of the room is a door leading to another identical room with different colored lighting. The strangers do not know how they got there, but they soon discover that many of the rooms contain killer traps like motion detecting knives.
This film is super fun to watch when you are high because of the deep concepts the characters discuss throughout the movie, particularly their theories of why the Cube exists and how they can escape There is also this sick whispery music that plays during a montage in the middle of the film, and it is incredible If you like smoking weed and discussing the universe with your pals, you will definitely love Cube
I love this film so much, and it is perfect for horror watching anytime It is complex enough if you want a movie that makes you think, or simply a film that makes you go wow, my perception of reality has just totally been altered! It is a homage to almost every horror classic ever made and totally makes your brain go into overtime! I’m in love with all the amazing creatures! I also think it is perfect that the stoner is the first one to really get what’s going on And that bong! Oh my Goodness!
Spoiler: when five college friends arrive at a remote forest cabin for a little vacation, little do they expect the horrors that await them
0A comically creepy masterpiece, ideal for the perfect high Halloween experience, Beetlejuice delivers the giggles and the scares in a most unique way The film’s creator, Tim Burton, is synonymous with Halloween as he is a master of concocting macabre and hilarious cinema After driving their car off a bridge, a married couple plunge to their death and become an entertaining pair of naive ghosts who must deal with the rambunctious entity of Beetlejuice Beetlejuice is the perfect Halloween night film to get those philosophical stoner conversations about death going
They say everyone has a doppelgänger, someone who looks like you What if they turned out to not be the nicest of people? The movie, Us, explores this idea Adelaide Wilson and her family visit the beachfront home she grew up in as a child Haunted by a traumatic experience from childhood, Adelaide becomes increasingly specific that something bad is going to happen if they stay in the house any longer Her deepest fears come true when four strangers in masks surround the home, forcing the Wilson family to fight for their lives When the masks are removed, the family is shocked and terrified to discover each attacker looks exactly like each of them This movie is trippy in all the right ways, making it one of the best horror movies to watch stoned
For most people, Halloween is a fun holiday full of laughs and fun scares For others, it is a much darker day This horror movie is comprised of four individual stories that often overlap and share characters, most notably a mysterious Halloween goer named Sam The plots are a young couple is divided by Halloween; a school principal lives out a secret life as a serial killer; a group of college girls attends a Halloween party, where the virgin among them hopes to meet the right guy for her; a group of kids plays a bad prank; an elderly hermit tries to ignore Halloween This is one of the best horror movies to watch when stoned, as the film masterfully captures the dark and spooky essence of Halloween Turn off the lights to make things extra fun
Out of all the titles on this list of the best horror movies to watch when stoned, Scream may just be the most suitable for your late night smoke sesh It is not nearly as silly as movies like Tucker and Dale vs. Evil, and it even has iconic scenes that are genuinely terrifying, but the film remains fun and captures exactly what it’s like to be a teenager You would be hard pressed to find a better movie to accompany a night of friends, horror movies, and lots of weed than a slasher title that showcases an extended sequence of friends watching horror movies and getting “burnt ”
Whether you are an edibles eater, flower fanatic, or concentrates connoisseur, we can all agree that few things in life are quite as satisfying as a weed Marijuana and movies go together like chocolate and caramel, as the perfect movie watched in the perfect setting can turn a regular night of smoking into a real party In the spirit of the upcoming Halloween and the tradition of getting as high as possible, put on the best horror movies to watch when stoned So, stock up on the best fall strains, order a pizza and smoke up It is time for stoned horror
Back on the hunt, and a spooky spectacular hunt for some of the best Cannabis flowers on the Oklahoma market it is! Wanting to feature a particularly stand out grow for this spooky October issue, there was no doubt who it should be Since day one of Oklahoma’s medical cannabis legalization, there has been a brand that has been seen, tried by many, and known by more that continues to impress today Okie Cultivator Gardens came in strong and has held its place as one of the top and demand Farms in the State
With the attention to detail of small craft grows, the carefully selected genetics they have near perfected, and a good neighbor reputation, Okie Cultivator Gardens has earned and strongly holds their place at the top of Oklahoma Cultivators The Gardens are made up of a local Native Oklahoman couple. This married couple embodies the terms family first, loyalty, and respect having “dated” since they were just 7th graders Now, the parents of three daughters, the pair runs this Garden full time and represents the new “American Cannabis Family” while keeping the traditional family and its values intact
Every strain the Garden cultivates is exceptional in quality The strain we wanted to feature is a crowd favorite, Kitchen Sink (Sunday Driver x GMO) By Cannarado Genetics
This gassy, potent Indica is a GMO cross for sure with its powerhouse effects and that signature spin on that GMO aroma and flavor. This is a strain every patient must try as the effects are so potent, that it can be used to treat pain, insomnia, and many other ailments The Cannabinoid entourage effect shows up in this cultivar The next round will be ready in early December, don’t miss this one!
Back to this awesome team, both are passionate and knowledgeable about Cannabis, you can find Robyn handling all sales personally, including that personal touch delivery While Justin runs his small team in the grow
We recently had the opportunity to ask the couple a few questions about Okie Cultivator Gardens
The Chronic: How long have you been using/growing cannabis?
Okie Cultivator Gardens: We have been medicating with cannabis since my adolescent years Not only have We always enjoyed smoking but consuming our minds with the knowledge of cannabis cultivation has been something We have both loved for over 20 years
The Chronic: How large is your team and who does it include?
Okie Cultivator Gardens: 4 years ago when 788 passed, it was just me and my wife As we have grown we have added people to the team My team currently consists of 6 people, 4 in the grow helping me & two dedicated to compliance & packaging
The Chronic: What all strains do you grow and what do you have upcoming as far as new strains?
Okie Cultivator Gardens: Some of the star strains we keep around are Kitchen Sink, Red Cake & Jealousy Some of our exclusive up and coming strains are Grape Guava Gig, Lemon Cherry Gelato & Zpumoni
The Chronic: What does the future hold for Your brand?
Okie Cultivator Gardens: We hope for success in product development, expansion, and continued dedication to the plant and patients by providing top quality medicine.
The Chronic: What is your company motto?
Okie Cultivator Gardens: Put Good In. Get Good out. (And another favorite) Proper preparation prevents poor performance
In addition, the duo tells us, You can consistently find our flower at The Dab & Go locations in OKC/Edmond The Divine Collection Dispensary & The Dankery Dispensary in Tulsa They always keep the freshest Okie flower available A few other select locations carry this sought after flower as well Be sure to follow them on IG to find out when and where to get your Okie flower @okiecultivatorgardens @okiecultivator
The Queen of the Okie Cultivator Dynasty wanted to add in something special for her King…
I just want to take a moment to remind you how proud I am of you. It has been an incredible journey to be by your side, even through the ups and downs, watching you make your once dream into a reality! Your love and passion for the plant are inspiring and you’ve taught me so much Who would have known two Oklahoma kids that fell in love when they were 14 would be cultivating dreams in our home all these years later I’m forever in your corner and rooting for you.
The family values that formed the foundation of this Garden are represented daily by this hard working team. Do not miss the upcoming highly anticipated drop of the power hitter, Kitchen Sink sometime in December. This one will not be around long We would like to thank Justin and Robyn Williamson for their time, for giving us a peek into Okie Cultivator Gardens, and for always producing clean, consistent, and quality medicine for the patients of Oklahoma
Operation discharge to civilian life Mission: Adapt and survive in your current environment
Not every wound is visible The embers of PTSD lie deep within, burning below the surface Some days are easier than others. But when the embers rise to the surface, they can become physically and mentally crippling. The mind is like a computer Its prime directive is to protect the human body by sending command signals A combat soldier trained to be at the ready, always on alert The mind is in fight or flight mode A soldier fights; he does not flee It takes Courage to be a combat soldier, willing to sacrifice their life for their country day after day for the price of freedom and justice Now the war is over, and it is time to come home
Decompress, and slide back into everyday civilian life Easier said than done. It is not as simple as opening a door and walking through it The environment is different, and the rules are different Many vets find this to be a challenging time Combat veterans have a significantly higher percentage of readjustment difficulty than those who did not experience combat Post 9/11 veterans had struggled more than Pre 9/11 veterans Civilian life is not as structured as compared to the military Depression is a common enemy of veterans Difficulty finding a job and assimilating into society. Difficulty with finances, health, and housing needs pushes these individuals beyond what is tolerable for them With nowhere to go, many are homeless and turn to alcohol and drug use
For many of them, this is where they fit in In the service, there was a brotherhood amongst soldiers There was a structure in daily routines and a path of daily direction In civilian life, there is no brotherhood like the military to fall back on There is assistance, but each person must stand for themselves and navigate the many avenues of life This can become overwhelming at times, and unbearable Escapism and numbing of pain and trauma are often the goals of these brave men and women There are currently over 100,000 veterans in state or federal prisons 60% of the veterans in prison are suffering from Post Traumatic Stress 69% of those released from prison will return Recidivism is high for veterans Prison provides structure, room and board, and health benefits, it is a structured system
Welcome Home Trial and tribulations of surviving in the urban jungle. Selena
A Woman’s military struggle with Post Traumatic Stress and Moral Injury. Treatment Options From Traditional to non traditional treatments for Post-Traumatic Stress
The Biden Administration and the VA reported on July 6, 2022, to commit to housing 38,000 homeless veterans If you know of a veteran at risk of homelessness or currently homeless, please help them connect with the Veteran’s Administration If we can help veterans find housing and address their physical and mental health needs, we are doing our part to assist these brave men and women
Traditional Medication can help with the symptoms It does not stop the pain of moral injury Medication combined with psychotherapy and other treatments has been shown to work well in reducing symptoms of PTSD. Treatment methods, including Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, are often prescribed therapy This treatment focuses on the events of trauma and incorporates eye movement
Non Traditional methods include Cannabis, Psilocybin, and psychedelic assisted psychotherapy. Cannabis users with PTSD have reported a significant decrease in the severity of their symptoms On September 21, 2021, the VFW reported the positive effects of smoking cannabis and the reduction of PTSD symptoms In addition, they found that cannabis users reported a decrease in symptoms and no longer met the PSTD diagnostic criteria than those who did not Many veterans have turned to cannabis for relief of chronic pain and to assist with their symptoms related to traumatic events Education is the key to using cannabis. Each strain has its profile and how it can benefit the human body
Psilocybin and Psychedelics may help with the treatment of PTSD In an ongoing study, psychedelic drugs and combined psychotherapy have shown remarkable results in decreasing the symptoms of PTSD Researchers have been studying MDMA (Ecstasy) for more than thirty years Researchers have been trying to obtain FDA approval to move this medication into the mainstream MDMA does not have the same effects as mushrooms or LSD Instead, MDMA increases dopamine and serotonin levels, creating a sense of calm and understanding minus the hallucinations The VA is now studying using psychedelic substances combined with psychotherapy to treat PTSD Today about five trials are being explored throughout the US The first trial began in 2021 in California, when researchers received approval from the DEA and the FDA Non Traditional methods are still controversial, but ongoing studies and results will change the narrative Please do not try these alternative solutions without guidance and support There is no magic pill to take away all the symptoms of PTSD; psychotherapy combined with medication should provide good results
Selena is a Hispanic woman who signed up to serve in the Army During her time in service, she experienced sexual trauma while serving She pushed aside her feelings and focused on her job The nights were the hardest for her One day while she was with other soldiers, a landmine went off. Dust and metal in a whirling tornado of flying shrapnel, her body was hit by shrapnel. Her face took the worst of it. When she woke up, she was in a hospital Her life started to spiral at that point The Military Sexual Trauma alone was enough for her to manage Now she felt disfigured Her body had failed to protect her from sexual abuse, and now she looked like someone else She had several cosmetic surgeries but was never satisfied with her appearance The VA did what it could to assist her During her time back in civilian life, she became pregnant and had a son The nightmares started, and then they got worse She turned to drugs and alcohol Her son was taken away from her due to lack of neglect Depression, anxiety, hypervigilance, and drug abuse took over her life She started to live on the street. She was vulnerable to anyone who knew she had a penny in her pocket prostituting herself when the money ran out not accepting any VA or Mental Health Support or even housing She was comfortable where she was One of the many veterans of the IRAQ and Afghanistan Wars who prefer to be homeless A choice
Summary: Understanding Post Traumatic Stress and its symptoms are essential. As a society, we have turned a blind eye to those suffering from mental health issues. We must wake up and step up to help these individuals as a nation. We need to assist them in finding the proper help so they can find relief and have the quality of life they deserve.
In part 3 of Soul Stealer, Doc Ray, a former Green Beret from the Vietnam War, will share how he found solace through cannabis and what he is doing today to support US veterans.
Dear Chronic Readers,
Germinating your marijuana seeds is an essential first step if you want to grow healthy plants that produce an abundance of buds. While it may seem like a daunting task at first, once you understand the basics of seed germination, you'll be well on your way to growing your own personal stash of weed. Read on to learn more about how to germinate your marijuana seeds the right way.
Marijuana seeds are notoriously difficult to germinate. However, with a little bit of patience and the right method, it is possible to get a high success rate. In this article, we will go over 7 steps on how to germinate your marijuana seeds. By following these simple steps, you will be well on your way to having a thriving crop of plants.
Dublin Yours truly,
Choose the right type of seed. The first step in germinating your marijuana seeds is to make sure you choose the right type of seed. There are two main types of marijuana seeds: regular and feminized. Regular seeds can produce either male or female plants, whereas feminized seeds will only produce female plants. For most home growers, feminized seeds are the way to go as they eliminate the risk of accidentally growing a male plant (which don't produce buds).
Soak your seeds overnight. Once you have chosen the right type of seed, it's time to soak them overnight. This helps soften the seed coat so that the embryo can more easily break through when it comes time to germinate. Just place your seeds in a cup or bowl filled with water and leave them in a dark place overnight.
Fill a pot with pre-moistened soil mix. The next day, fill a pot with pre-moistened soil mix. To do this, simply mix together equal parts perlite and vermiculite before adding enough water until the mix is evenly moistened throughout. Once you have your soil mix prepared, take a small spoon and make a hole that is big enough to fit your seed without touching the sides of the hole.
Place the seed in the hole and cover with soil mix. Gently place your soaked seed in the hole before covering it with additional moistened soil mix.
Be sure not to compact the soil too much as this can prevent air and water from getting through and reaching the seedling.
Mist the topsoil lightly and place it in a warm location. After planting your seed, mist the topsoil lightly with water before placing the pot in a warm location out of direct sunlight (between 70 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit—out of direct sunlight). You'll know it's time to water again when the topsoil begins to look dry .
Keep an eye on your seedling and continue following these steps until it has sprouted and reached a height of 2-3 inches. At this point, it can be transplanted into its permanent home. Depending on conditions such as temperature, humidity, airflow, etc., it can take anywhere from 3-14 days for your seedling to sprout. So be patient! The wait will be worth it when you finally see those tiny green leaves poking through the topsoil.
Growing weed at home can be challenging but also rewarding . By taking care during each step of cultivation - including choosing high quality feminized seeds, soaking them overnight, planting them properly, and giving them adequate light & warmth - you can increase your chances of success. With some patience & practice, anyone can enjoy home grown marijuana.
Tommy Chong: "Let’s get high and enjoy our existence."
Sometimesstonersfuckup likethispast Saturdayatthe420ExpoinNewJersey whenTommyChongwassupposedtobeon stageforaninterviewwiththisreporter, butalast minutesnafupreventedthat fromhappening
Fortunately, I had a 4:20 smoke session with Chongduringwhichhemadeabigreveal:
Cheech & Chong Are Never Going to Perform TheirLiveActAgainOnstage
I know they stopped doing their stand up shows when Covd 19 canceled everything in 2020 But I didn t know they have since turned down gigs Cheech & Chong first started performing together in Vancouver in the late '60s Why the big decision? Well first of all Chong is 84 and his partner Cheech Marin, is 76 At one of their last shows, Marin tripped onawirebackstage Herequiredakneereplacement "Plus we can't remember all our lines " Chong admitted Cheech can't remember 'Mexican Americans It s a song he performs as part of their act Chong seems content to attend shows like the oneattheNewJerseyConvention&ExpositionCenter inEdisononSept 16 18wherehesignedautiographs posed for photos and even smoked out with fans, all for a price But when it came time to hit the main stage, Chong learned his flight home to Los Angeles had been booked at the same time So no interview disappointing those who came to hear him speak Chong sent me the followng note the next day: "The Cannabis celebraton in Edison, NJ was a resounding success as far as I was concerned The venue was first class and so well run considering this was a Cannabis event! I was treated like a star by everyone but especially the event folks The next one will be even more successful and Im looking forward to becoming a fixture when it comes to attending and enjoying the New Jersey hospitality In other words: Let’sgethighandenjoyourexistence"
Source:www celebstoner com
KerryKatonarevealsherspiritualsideasshepraises the benefits of certain hallucinogenic experiences, and shares her plans to try ayahuasca next a psychoactive tea Megan Fox says took her to the 'depthsofhell'whenshetrieditlastyear Kerry Katona has recalled the 'amazing' experience shehadonmind bendingmagicmushroomsduringa family holiday The mum of five 42 says she and fiancé Ryan Mahoney enlisted someone to watch her kids during a getaway in Spain while they enjoyed a spiritual experience thanks to the hallucinogens and a team of professionals Kerry recalls herself and Ryan crying their eyes out after taking the mushrooms a Class A drug in the UK and seemingly blasts the British government for prohibiting legal use of the drug and preventing citizensfromachieving thatfreeconsciousmind The one time I m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! winner also describes herself as a "conspiracy theories person" and reveals her future plans to try ayahuasca a psychoactive tea that triggers hallucinations a spiritual experience Hollywood Megan Fox likened to being taken to the depths of hell' when she tried drank the tea last year "So we actually did mushrooms We were in Marbella with the children The kids went out for the day and we had two professionals come over They set it all up," Kerry explains Shaun Attwood’s True Crime podcast, accordingtotheDailyStar Shecontinues:"Icriedmy eyes out Ryan was crying his eyes out and it was just amazing I can’t explain it It’s amazing what us ashumansdon’trealisewhatwecandowithourown breath I believe the f***ing Government dont want ustohavethatfreeconscousmind Imaconspiracy theories person Throughout the chat, Kerry opens up about her previous well documented battle with narcotics, but claims the magic mushrooms and other similar drugs are different adding: "Im a massivespiritualperson Ibelieveinahigherpower I believeinvisualisation,manifestation" Source:www mirror co uk Photoby:StuartC Wilson/GettyImages
I'velikedweedfromthesecondIsmokedit underafreewayunderpass,whenIfound weedforthefirsttime
My friends and I tried it out and smoked it for a summer;itgaveustheworstheadache,andprobably didn'tevengethigh,butwethoughtmaybewewere, maybe that headache was what it felt like to be high IgrewupintheMidwest:Wedidn'treallyhave goodweedthere,itwashardtoget,itwasjustalotof ditch weed,” says actor, comedian, singer, screenwriter and producer Adam Devine, best known for his roles in “Workaholics “Adam Devine's House Party” and Pitch Perfect” As Adam got older he managed to get his hands on some better weed, but nothing too crazy That is, until he moved to California For a while weed remaned a party substance But as time went by Adam started to conceive cannabis differently “Now I smoke weed andIfeellikewhenIseeoldTVshows:thedadwould come home and he'd take off his shoes and pour himself a glass of scotch and then sit and watch TV That s my relationship to weed now, m basically a 50 s dad, but instead of taking my shoes off and watching‘LeaveIttoBeaver, Itakemyshoesoffand smokeajoint Thatsmycomedownattheendofthe night ” he discloses Adam also likes alcohol a lot lessthanheusedto Thisisnottosaywewon’tenjoy a cold beer or some good old scotch while watching the Super Bowl but hangovers are not his favorite thing The older you get the worse the hangovers are I recently entered into the age that I m getting these two day bangers” Not being a fan of alcohol anylonger,thecannabisbeverages(orsocialtonics) madebycelebrity favoritebrand Cann provedtobe an ideal option for Adam When he first came across them at a dispensary, he simply bought every flavor he could get his hands on, and tried them all Before his experience with Cann Adam found most cannabis beverages gross” But Cann was different “Weed is like a flavor that’s an acquired taste And you have to reacquire the whole damn thing if you ' re drinking it because it's not the best tasting drink if youreallycantastetheweed SowhenIfoundCann I justfellinlovewithitrightaway
Source:www benzinga com
'I don't think that was the last time,' the Green Bay Packers quarterback said of his experiencewithayahuasca
Aaron Rodgers is not finished with his ayahuasca journey The Green Bay Packers quarterback, 38, made an appearance on The Pat McAfee Show Tuesday where he addressed his team's psychedelic inspired end zone celebration at their Monday game aganst the Chicago Bears After Rodger's teammate Allen Lazard ran the ball in for a touchdown the wide receiver used his football as a stand inforapitcherandmimedpouringadrinkinto histeammates hands Theyfeignedtakingsips,then had intense, ayahuasca like reactions from trembling to falling to the ground Eagle eyed fans identified the connection between the celebratory moment and their quarterback s off season preferencefordoingayahuasca
The former Super Bowl champion addressed the celebration on the web based sports talk show afterward, saying he and Lazard had talked about doing a specific, memorable celebration with the teamandoncehesawwhattheywereuptoranover because he just wanted to get involved However, Rodgers also said he wanted to be sure he wasn t "sendingthewrongmessage"aboutayahuasca
You're not standing up drinking having this Jesus revival, slaying in the spirit It s not like that," he clarified "You don't have some immediate pass out intooblivion"
When McAfee referred to the substance as a drug, Rodgers stopped him, saying he found the word "manipulative" He said calling it a drug added to biases
"Ayahuasca is not a drug," Rodgers said "It has properties in it that have hallucinogenic abilities But it'snotadrug We'retalkingaboutplantshere
Source:https://www celebstoner com/ Photoby:CarmenMandato/GettyImages