The ChronicMagazine. All Rights Reserved | 2022 See what we can do for you on page 72The ChronicMagazine ispublishedeverymonthanddistributesandisdistributed throughouttheUnitedStates Noarticles,Illustrations,photographs,orothermatterwithin maybereproducedwithoutwrittenpermission The ChronicMagazine. DIDYOUKNOWTHATWEALSO OFFERDIGITALSERVICES? The ChronicMagazine. Top Shelf News, Resource & Lifestyle Magazine CHIEF Operating OFFICER Therin Miller CREATIVE DIRECTOR Ayra Soriano eDITORIAL CONTRIBUTORS Melissa Hall Chynna Pearson Pepper Hernandez Tatiana Melendez Alesha Wilson Sarah Prater Jade Pebworth Buz Deliere Mc Dawn Hunter Dublin Graphic designer Terrisha Harris Sales & Account Executives Greg Hayes Therin Miller 3126 S Blvd, Box 252, Edmond, ok | OKLAHOMA 73013 PHONE: 405 310 0026 HAVE a STORy? theoklahomachronic@outlook com www Thechronicmagazine com The Chronic Magazine @thechronicmagazine The Chronic Network

Psychedelic therapy is, according to the National Library a emerging type of assisted therapy that is typically used as The original research that was done on this concept was conducted in the 1950s to its termination in the 1970s, when drugs MDMA, were classified as “drugs of abuse”
for “ treating illnesses such
of Medicine (NLM),
addiction, depression, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress disorder ”
like LSD, psilocybin, ayahuasca, mescaline, and
with no medical value TRUST ME! I'M A LAWYER. Jade Pebworth TERPY ASIAN LETTUCE WRAPS Cooking with a Buz Chef Buz Deliere WHY LEGALIZATION MATTERS? Chynna Jasmine Pearson GLOBAL CANNABIS NEWS by Mc Dawn WHAT'S ON THE SHELVES? by Melissa Hall CANNABIS FOR YOUR PMS Tatiana Melendez THE MONTHLY CANNABIS REVIEW WYLD GUMMIES | Melissa Hall THE SOUL STEALER | SOLDIER OF WAR written by McGee Veronica Castillo CANNABIS IN THE CARIBBEAN PSYCHEDELIC THERAPY Chynna Jasmine Pearson 3 STEPS HOW TO GRIND WEED PERFECTLY! Hunter Dublin 8 11 16 17 21 22 25 26 30 CANNABIS THE MOST DESTRUCTIVE PLANT IN THIS CENTURY 34 37 43 49 55 59 65 GANJA EXPOSÉ Blazin' Celebrity News 67


CBD is known as a powerful anti inflammatory, when applied topically The anti inflammatory properties can assist in the swelling of injuries or stiffness in muscles from overuse, as well as gently soothe some pain This would be ideal for habitual gym goers and athletes who tend to overwork themselves physically. There is another added benefit when adding in other cannabinoids to get the entourage effect, which some may suggest actually accelerates the healing process of sprains and minor strains
Interestingly enough, one analysis of CBD studies done to explore the anti inflammatory and healing properties of CBD found that CBD alone could promote bone healing SEPTEMBER 2022 8
The healing powers of cannabis are becoming more known and sought after, not just for relief but especially for a faster recovery. From habitual gym goers to professional athletes, what’s more, fascinating is how doctors are using it for wound and tissue healing, and other medical ailments The topical treatments are more well known, but there is growing interest and research that cannabis could help in healing and recovery on the inside of the body, like the walls of the intestinal tract

The healing powers of cannabis are not just topical, they may actually be helpful for the gastrointestinal tract as well One study found that CBD oil can be effective in reducing inflammation of the gut, which can provide relief from irritable bowel syndrome and other digestive disorders This would make sense, as many cannabinoid receptors are housed within the gastrointestinal tract The cannabinoid CBG is more well known to help specifically with gastrointestinal relief and digestive disorders, especially for Chron’s disease
SEPTEMBER 2022 thechronicmagazine.com9
Dr Vincent Maida of Toronto is pioneering research in topical cannabis based medicines for integumentary (skin) and wound management Dr Maida has been implementing cannabinoid topicals, which include terpenes and flavonoids to aid in the entourage effect on wounds and other skin disorders with amazing results Some wounds that were deemed “unhealable” for months have shown to close or be healed within 2 3 months with the powerful cannabis topicals he has been using on his patients.
What’s impressive is the newer research showing that cannabis with the addition of other cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids helps with rapid wound closure of venous leg ulcers
What’s impressive is the newer research showing that cannabis with the addition of other cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids helps with rapid wound closure of venous leg ulcers
Dr Vincent Maida of Toronto is pioneering research in topical cannabis based medicines for integumentary (skin) and wound management Dr Maida has been implementing cannabinoid topicals, which include terpenes and flavonoids to aid in the entourage effect on wounds and other skin disorders with amazing results Some wounds that were deemed “unhealable” for months have shown to close or be healed within 2 3 months with the powerful cannabis topicals he has been using on his patients
As used to cannabis as some are these days, cannabis legalization, acceptance, and therefore research is still in the beginning stages. But with so much promising research already, the future is looking very good for cannabis for relief and recovery for so many people

have been campaigning for the full ation of marijuana for decades It has not ed yet, and the majority of the states have ed marijuana medically or recreationally As time has passed, we have been able to benefits of legalization Let’s take a look at onomic benefits some of the states have periencing t states to have fully legalized marijuana Washington and California in 2012. Since hey have seen an incredible influx in e. Washington’s first month of legalization ed in $3 8 million in sales and about $1 n tax revenue The Washington State Liquor Board, in charge of the program, estimates ar marijuana tax revenue for the 2015 17 m will be $122,459,893; for the 2017 19 m it will be $336,898,396,” says the Tax tion This past year the Washington State er reported, “a total of $559 5 million in marijuana income and license fees in the ear 2021, including $4 1 million in cannabis fees.” do had a similar outcome as Washington with a huge influx of funds The Colorado Department of Revenue reported $67,594,323 in 2014, from February to December Jasmine Pearson
MATTERS by Chynna

” SEPTEMBER 2022 12
Another early legalization state was Arkansas in 2016, but they only have medical marijuana legalized Even though they are not fully legalized they still saw a lot of cash coming into their state. Fox in Little Rock Arkansas reported that as of January 1st of 2021, there has been “$50M in tax collections from the state’s medical marijuana industry as around $47M has been collected since the industry launched in 2019 Over half that amount of $47M was collected in just 2021 with $23M collected since Jan. 1, 2021.” Since then, in the first six months of 2022, they have collected $15 million in tax revenue Although this is not as much as recreational states, this is still quite a bit of new income for the state
As of this July of this year, Colorado has accumulated $198,276,879 The total revenue to date is $2,217,209,883.
The state has also seen population growth in recent years
Colorado has grown year by year in revenue collected, in fact, in 2021 it was a record year They tweeted, “n 2021, Colorado collected over $423 million in revenue from marijuana sales (compared to the previous record of over $387 million in 2020) Colorado also surpassed $2B in tax and fee revenue and $12B in marijuana sales to date ”
For recreational states, you have to account for visitors coming to purchase from states without any cannabis laws
One of the most recent states that have either medical or recreational legalization was Mississippi, they only have medical marijuana as of now but they had an incredible voter turnout to pass the bill Since Mississippi’s legalization of medical marijuana only this year, there is no full rundown of how much money has come into the state, however, the plans on how much taxes will be taken out from each sale, there will be a promising influx in funds to the state As of now, they plan on 7% coming from each sale, and “ 5% excise tax shall be applied to the sales price of a cultivation facility's first sale or transfer of cannabis flower or cannabis trim to a medical cannabis establishment,” according to the Mississippi Department of Revenue Patients could only apply for a medical marijuana card on July 1st, 2022 The Schedule 6 Foundation reported on July 21st that, “The Mississippi Department of Revenue has already received 111 applications for dispensaries, which it started accepting on July 1 of this year That’s more than in any other business category and has led to $4 4 million in collected application fees

If you’re reading this magazine, you probably feel that marijuana should be legalized and I agree with you For now, all we need to do is to hope for the best and to use our voices to amplify the need for legalization.
Paper Magazine reported in 2019 that
One of the issues with legalization is that there are tons of people who are still in prison for cannabis usage, many states don’t want to let all those incarcerated folks free as they provide money to the state As of 2022, nearly 40 states have medical or recreational marijuana and two thirds of the United States feel that marijuana should be federally legalized
SEPTEMBER 2022 thechronicmagazine.com13
“The entire legal marijuana industry in the U.S. was valued at $10.4 billion last year, and states have been raking in tax money.
While there are a number of factors that influenced the tax collection in California that is still a huge amount the state was able to produce It has been estimated that, if federally legalized, “a federal excise tax on cannabis could generate an additional $500 million annually for the federal government ” With how in debt the United States currently is, an extra $500 million or more each year wouldn’t hurt.
Colorado has seen a steady increase in state marijuana taxes year over year, reaping over $266 million in taxes in 2018. California, meanwhile, is anticipated to have collected around $471 million in taxes in the same time period, although this number falls significantly short of the original projection of $630 million.”
As more and more states begin to legalize medical or recreational marijuana we will more than likely end up forcing the federal government to do something if all 50 states and some territories have laws on the issue By the time I’m 60, I do not doubt that we will see the federal legalization of marijuana
It is estimated that if marijuana was federally legalized, we would see a huge increase in tax revenue come into each state, this has been proven by all the other states who have legalized marijuana in some form According to Forbes, while there will be a lot of money coming into the United States, there are a lot of issues that go into making marijuana federally legal Lewis Koski, a cannabis focused writer, explained, “ On one hand, the conflicted status of cannabis in America makes policymaking challenging for state and local governments, and oftentimes can put an undue burden on patients and consumers On the other hand, federal legalization could disrupt existing state frameworks and leave local and tribal concerns unresolved Until the federal government provides a clear stance on cannabis, the gap in policy will continue to complicate legalized state programs.”

TALLAHASSEE - As Florida medical marijuana companies continue to rake in cash, Gov. Ron DeSantis this week said cannabis operators need to pay more for the opportunity to do business in the state. The state "should charge these people more," DeSantis told reporters Tuesday "I mean, these are very valuable licenses," the governor said "I would charge them an arm and a leg I mean, everybody wants these licenses " It was unclear if DeSantis was referring to medical marijuana companies already operating in the state or businesses seeking to gain entry to Florida, which insiders say has the potential to be one of the nation's most robust cannabis markets
Inside the ‘wild, wild west’ of Virginia’s marijuana market THC infused pies, Tupperwares of bud: Businesses are making it work in the unregulated gray market itting on a party bus next to his son and a vacant stripper pole, Erik Jorgensen, 62, ran his thumb along a hand carved pipe and passed it to a woman sitting next to him “Trust me,” he said over blaring music “Every hit you get off this will blow yourmind ”
FLORIDA Florida Gov. DeSantis wants pot companies to pay more
A longtime woodworker, Jorgensen for years carved jewelry boxes and back scratchers He’d stopped smoking pot when his sons were born, to set a good example But now the Jorgensen kids are grown and married, and Virginia’s laws havechanged So on a muggy Friday evening in July, he bounced along the back roads of Chesapeake, Va , on his way to a “Cannaversary” event marking a year since Virginia became the first state in the South to legalize possession When the bus stopped, he carried his art down the stairs and into a wooded clearing where vendors lined tables with THC infused pies and Tupperware containers full of bud for sale and show “It’s like the wild, wild west,” Jorgensen said While having marijuana is legal in Virginia, recreational sales are not, leaving people eager to smoke with few legal options to get their hands on bud and entrepreneurs eager to operate within the law increasingly weary ofworkingintheshadows
While DeSantis wants to extract more money from the businesses, the governor helped steer big bucks their way as one of his first legislative pushes after taking office in January 2019 DeSantis urged lawmakers to repeal a prohibition against smokable marijuana, which the Republican controlled Legislature had outlawed after voters in 2016 passed a constitutional amendment broadly legalizing medical marijuana
NEW YORK “I think it’s naïve to think that everything is going to go exactly as planned,” ALBANY, N.Y. — If you or a loved one have a pot conviction, you could have a new employment opportunity. New York will give you first dibs to sell marijuana, legally.
“We think that leaning into folks who are not only justice involved, but have that business experience means that we’re going to find a bunch of applicants who have gone through some significant challenges to still open and operate successful businesses,” Office of Cannabis Management executive director Chris Alexander said in an interview “We just took a different approach ” Most states have let medical dispensaries be the first to roll out recreational products, which has largely let big fish get bigger And places like Illinois and Detroit created lotteries or restrictions to promote diverse ownership in their adult use weed sectors only to see them mired in legal challenges and legislative fixes for years So, New York one of the nation’s largest cannabis markets went further New Yorkers with past cannabis related convictions and business experience will get the first chance at Conditional Adult Use Retail Dispensary licenses Source:
Source: https://www washingtonpost com/
For budding cannabis businesses around the state, navigating Virginia’s gray area has required creativity and a brash willingness to push boundaries while they watched lawmakers spar this year over how to best establish the framework for a legal market
Thatmeanspop upevents, growingclasses,clothing productsandcreating memorablebrandswith eccentriclogosthat customersarealready familiarwithoncethere’sa legalroutetosales “We’vesucceededin determiningwhatthewordis foracannabiscompanyin Virginia,”saidLiamPerkins, ownerofCCCEvents,the Cannaversaryhost,“when they’renotreallysupposed tohavecannabiscompanies inVirginia ” Thetensionover howtooperatealegal marketforasubstanceonce reviledasagatewaydrugto heroinisnotnew Adecade afterColoradoand Washingtonbecamethefirst tolegalizerecreational marijuana,debatesoverhow todevelopandregulate sellingsomethingthat’s readilyavailableinthe shadowspersist SEPTEMBER 2022 16

Women and men use the term "PMS ing" a lot, but what does it even mean? Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) refers to the emotional and physical symptoms women experience before they begin their menstrual period after ovulation.
As a woman who works in the cannabis industry, I get the privilege of speaking with many women about their cannabis questions and concerns One question I get quite a bit is wrapped in skepticism: "Does cannabis work like medicine?" My answer is always yes!
Typically, symptoms of PMS go away several days after you start your period once your hormone levels begin to rise again
While some women will go through their menstrual cycle experiencing only mild symptoms or none at all, others will have severe symptoms that interfere with school, work, and other everyday activities I guarantee you they do not have time for it.
Herbs were our first form of medicine for a reason these plants possess a collection of compounds that work with our bodies' natural systems Specifically, the endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a network of receptors found within the central and peripheral nervous systems As noted by the Italian researcher Vincenzo Di Marzo, it relays messages that affect how we relax, eat, sleep, forget, and protect.
SEPTEMBER 2022 thechronicmagazine.com17
For those who suffer from period cramps and other premenstrual symptoms, this is a considerable number and it can feel like a whole lot more PMS can cause much more than pain for women it can drain them both physically and emotionally, which can be hard to cope with If you are a woman, you know the agony of period cramps; you probably also know about the accompanying headaches and mood swings While some women can get away with eating a chocolate bar and slapping on a heating pad for relief, others need something a bit stronger Your body will tell ya
Herbs were not only our earliest form of medicine, dating way back to 3000 BC, but also the most prominent until the early 20th century The cannabis plant is one of the oldest, most effective, and least understood herbs Herbal medicine only began to take a backseat in the early 20th century, when scientists began to extract and chemically reproduce the properties of these herbs (which evolved into what we know today as the pharmaceutical industry)
Our endocannabinoid system, a group of cannabinoid receptors located around the peripheral and central nervous system and brain, plays an essential role in female fertility, from the development of the embryo as well as the end of fertility Women today will, on average, experience around 450 "periods" or menstrual cycles during their life
Most researchers believe PMS occurs just days after you ovulate due to progesterone and estrogen levels starting to fall drastically if you are not pregnant
So, what is the alternative to over the counter medications such as Tylenol or Advil?
Introducing medical marijuana! Medical marijuana is a popular choice these days to treat PMS It is not only a powerful painkiller, but research also shows the prominent psychoactive cannabinoid in medical cannabis for PMS, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), works as a muscle relaxant Cannabis's chemical compounds release cannabinoid receptors to engage with your brain's natural endocannabinoids.

In addition, the signaling of the endocannabinoid system is also disrupted during menopause A theory states that some of the side effects experienced by women during this time are caused by this Estrogen levels are also associated with endocannabinoid levels, both of which are at their peak during ovulation, although this does not happen with menopausal and postmenopausal females Studies also show that anorexic or severely underweight women who experience premature menopause are also low in endocannabinoid levels
Here are five examples of PMS: Type A for Anxiety Type C for Cravings SEPTEMBER 2022 18
Later in life, during menopause, the endocannabinoid system in a woman ' s body goes through significant changes Menopause also leads to an increased risk for osteoporosis, which studies suggest is related to changes in how the endocannabinoids work in the skeletal system For example, a 2011 study showed that in the osteoclasts, or the cells responsible for bone resorption in premenopausal women with osteoporosis, the CB 2 receptors caused too much activity in the osteoclasts, which caused bones to be resorbed too fast
Avoid excess sodium and
Therefore, increasing endocannabinoid levels or activating cannabinoid receptors through cannabis use can help delay menopause in some women.
In this type, you may experience cravings, typically for sweets or chocolate As a result, you may have a drastic, even uncontrollable, appetite increase Type D for Depression Type C for Cravings If you have breast tenderness, swollen ankles and fingers, weight gain, and bloating, you are likely experiencing water retention, which comes with this type of PMS Stress, high serotonin, and impaired lymphatic flow can cause these issues alcohol
Mood swings Hypersensitivity Tension Irritability Frequent crying Fatigue Headaches Irritability Moodiness Forgetfulness Insomnia Clumsiness Depression Withdrawal Confusion

Here are some tips when mother nature visits you once a month: Ladies, do not forget in the world of plant based medicine, two positives do not equal a negative; they equal extra awesome. First, by adding more levels of terpenes through other herbs, vegetation, or spices, the effects you feel can be activated quickly and extended for longer. For example, if you mix your linalool dominant cannabis with herbal blends that contain lavender, the extra hit of terpenes from the lavender amplifies those relaxing elements. Adding this to your self care routine during this time of the month will help tremendously, and you can tell your menstrual pain to take a hike with some green bud.
The Office on Women's Health division of the U S Department of Health & Human Services reports: Women in their third decade are more likely, on average, to experience PMS Also, more than 90 percent of women have PMS symptoms, such as moodiness, headaches, and bloating
According to research, nearly eighty five percent of women in the U.S. experience PMS in their childbearing years Around five percent of these women experience severe, disabling PMS symptoms Any woman of childbearing age can experience PMS, but it's more common in women who are between the ages of 20 and 40 years old
Pain Head Lower back Joints Abdomen
For cramps, I recommend beta caryophyllene or pinene terpene dominant strains
For fatigue, I recommend pinene or limonene dominant strains For moodiness, I recommend linalool and limonene heavy strains

California, Governor Gavin Newsom, is hesitant to sign a bill that would allow safe drug consumption sites The pilot programs would be in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Los Angeles Country, and Oakland. The Centers would provide a safe place environment for those who illicit drugs This program would provide a safe place with trained personnel onsite The staff would be able to assist if a drug overdose occurred or can provide treatment resources Why? Did the governor not sign this bill when he normally would? Politics. If President Biden drops out, Governor Gavin Newsom may run for president Minnesota, Cannabis activists push for Voter Education to elect a pro cannabis senate South Dakota’s Governor pushes to stop voter approved cannabis legalization campaign ads
Arkansas, The Arkansas Supreme Court has requested to overrule the state officials’ state officials’ decision not to put recreational cannabis on the ballot. Update: The Supreme Court orders the state of Arkansas to put the legalization of cannabis measure on the ballot. There were over 193,000 signatures supporting the measure
Washington D.C., Cannabis advocates push for President Biden to do more after Brittany Griner was sentenced to nine years in a Russian prison for possessing a vape cartridge Washington, D C , Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D NY), has stated that there has been a productive movement in the senate that passed legislation to streamline research for cannabis
Oklahoma puts a two year hold on any new dispensary licenses, medical marijuana growers, and processing The state government is overloaded and needs time to ensure proper procedures and policies are in place
byMcDawn CertfedCannabisTherapy Consultant&StudentAdvisorat TheCannabisHolisticInstitute ByJamesy0627144 DervedfromBankMap WordsvgandBlankMap World6 Subdvisonssvg CCBY SA40 https://commonswikmediaorg/w/ndexphp?curd=71821752 Key:Blue:Legalized;Green:MedicalOnly;Grey:Illegal
Curleaf purchases a 55% ownership in a German cannabis company for twenty million Canada destroys over 93,000 pounds of cannabis last year due to exceeding the needs of its consumer Germany, Luxembourg, Netherlands, and Malta met in July to discuss cannabis. This is the first multilateral meeting toward cannabis legalization The goal is to work together and develop an outline of the challenges, needs of the public, potential health risks, cannabis, and delivery methods While each of these countries has been working on cannabis reform, only Malta is the only country of the four to enact legalization Australia is showing staunch support for legalized cannabis Australia decriminalized cannabis in 2020. The country’s citizens have shown to be more accepting of cannabis than of tobacco
Cannabis Around the World
SEPTEMBER 2022 thechronicmagazine.com21
September US Cannabis News THE LATEST UPDATES

2019 (JAN. TO DEC.) 2020 (JAN TO DEC ) 2021 (JAN TO NOV ) November - $6,252,699
An operating agreement lays out the rules of your company and will define how changes within your company are handled The operating agreement can be changed in the future but having a set of rules between the members of the business at the outset is crucial
Within your operating agreement, you should think about what would happen if you or your business partner dies, gets married, or simply doesn’t want to do the business anymore All of these events could result in a lawsuit between you and your business partner if there is not a clearly defined plan in the operating agreement! Although it is not required by law, having a separate bank account for business can also help from comingling LLCs are extremely awesome if you don’t comingle your assets. The largest perk of an LLC is that you, as an individual member, are afforded limited liability while operating your business That means you aren’t personally on the hook for the debts or liability of your company For example, you as an individual own a home or a car, when your company gets sued, you don’t want someone to be able to take those things away from you because they are yours, not your company But, if you comingle your assets, like your money, you can lose that limited liability protection and your creditor can pierce the veil and take your stuff Which is bad Taxation of an LLC Consult your CPA at this point because the tax consequences can be different for each person Your LLC can be taxed like a partnership, which flows through to the individual members, or like a corporation There are benefits to both but a CPA can advise you on the best option for you and your business partners
2022 ( JAN. TO JULY) ........................ $33,116,018 $43,137,498 Oklahoma Marijuana Legalization Initiative May Be Blocked From November Ballot LIMITEDLIABILITYCOMPANIES (375,924inAugust2021) (2,121inAugust2021) FOR QUESTIONS OR MORE INFORMATION EMAIL JADE@BICLEGAL COM S o u r c e : h t t p s : / / w w w . f o r b e s . c o m / LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANIES “The count has to be certified by the court and we have to have a ten day publication period in the newspaper,”Tilleytoldreporters “Unfortunately,thatwillallbecompletedjustafewdaysafterAugust26 ” In June Oklahoma Election Board Secretary
The OSML initiative, known as State Question 820, would legalize marijuana for use by adults and create a system to regulate and tax commercial cannabis cultivation andsales
On Monday, the Oklahoma secretary of state’s office certified that117,257signatures,exceedingtheminimumthresholdby more than 20,000 signatures The certification will next be reviewedbytheOklahomaSupremeCourttodetermineifthe verification process meets state requirements The court review is followed by a 10 day period for opponents to file challenges to the signature verification after which the governor can formally call for the question to be added to the ballot But this week, OSML campaign director Michelle Tilley said that a delay in counting the signatures may mean final verification may come after an August 26 deadline set bystateelectionofficials Paul Ziriax a letter to Gov Kevin Stitt that the
Adults21andolderwouldbepermittedtopossess and purchase up to one ounce of marijuana and grow up to six mature and six immature cannabis plants at home On July 5, OSML announced it had submitted petitions for the initiative containing more than 164,000 signatures, far more thanthenearly95,000signaturestoqualifyfortheballot
To get started, hire a lawyer and pick a cool name for your business, then your lawyer will file for your Articles of Organization on the Oklahoma Secretary of State This is actually all that is required by law in Oklahoma. But I always suggest you have an operating agreement to help run your business smoothly and limit your liability
statutory deadline to certify the ballot question for the November general election is August 29 However, he addedthattheelectionboardactuallyneededthegovernor’sproclamationbyAugust26 SEPTEMBER 2022 22
Growers AsofAugust9th,thereare7,346growerswithinourstate Wehave1,438licensedprocessorsinthestate Dispensaries Wecurrentlyhave2,335dispensarylicenseswiththisgreatstate Transport Wenowhave120TransportationLicenses Laboratory Wehave26licensedlabs Waste Disposal Wehave9licensedwastedisposalfaclities Processors Active Licenses: 383,363 Patients & 1,784 Caregivers SQ788 TAX STATE&LOCAL SALES TAX 2019 (JAN. TO DEC.) ..................... $24,156,269 2020 (JAN TO DEC ) .................... $56,245,888 2021 (JAN. TO DEC.) ..................... $66,173,758 ..................... $30,594,902 ..................... $71,593,772 ..................... $83,265,745 Licensing Report ADULTS 21 AND OLDER WOULD BE PERMITTED TO POSSESS AND PURCHASE UP TO ONE OUNCE OF MARIJUANA BREAKINGNEWS!
Business structure is super important for a lot of reasons and there are several options, but we are going to focus on limited liability companies (LLC) here Limited liability companies provide limited liability for all of the members in the business Which is by far the largest perk in my opinion Further, you get to choose your taxation structure and there are minimal requirements to get an LLC started and maintained
A proposed voter initiative to legalize recreational marijuana in Oklahoma may be blocked from the general election ballot despite receiving enough petition signatures to qualify for the November election, representatives of the legalizationcampaignrevealedthisweek Stateofficialssaid on Monday that the group Oklahomans for Sensible Marijuana Laws (OSML) had collected enough signatures to qualify for the November election, but the certification may have come too late for the proposal to be included on the ballot

Yields: 5 servings
Approximately 30 minutes
SEPTEMBER 2022 thechronicmagazine.com25
Terpy Asian Lettuce
Good day and welcome back to all my canna chefs out there, I hope everyone is having the best day, week, and month lol I know I'm loving the cooler temps and the chance to get some golfing in without the heat exhaustion Whether you go out golfing or you like to have friends over for food and drinks September is a great month to enjoy the outdoors With the beautiful September weather, I like to eat my Terpy Asian Lettuce Wraps, light and packed full of flavor and made the Chef Buz way you know they’ll be the perfect way to relax Eat a couple and lay in the hammock and watch the clouds pass you by So grab a bag of your favorite herb, twist one up and let’s get Cooking with a Buz!
@medibles ok
1. 2. 3. 4 5 medium Chicken breasts, small diced (about 1 ½ pound) 2 Cups Shiitake mushroom, small diced ½ Red pepper, small diced ½ Green pepper, small diced 2 Scallions, chopped 8 Oz Can sliced Water chestnuts, drained ½ large head lettuce, core removed and quartered 3 cloves garlic, minced 1 Tsp Ginger root, chopped fine Zest from 1 orange 2 Tbsp. Canna Peanut oil 3 Tbsp Hoisin sauce Salt and Black pepper to taste
First preheat a large wok on high or a skillet if you don’t have a wok, add your oil to the hot wok. Add the chicken and stir fry for a couple of minutes then add the mushrooms and cook for a minute then toss in the garlic, ginger, and orange zest and stir fry for another minute. Now add the water chestnuts, scallions, and red and green peppers, and cook for another minute before adding the hoisin sauce and tossing the mixture until it’s evenly coated. Now just transfer the Asian chicken mixture to a serving dish and serve with the lettuce wedges. Spoon as much of the Asian chicken mixture as you like into a lettuce wedge and roll it up and eat. A great, light snack for everyone to enjoy.


The hard working crew at High Society recently opened a Deli Style Dab Bar The Bar is stocked with waxes, sugars, badders, and much more. Patients will be able to choose how much concentrate they would like to buy, whether a small amount to try a flavor or a lot of their favorite flavor Several strains are available to choose from and as always you can count on High Society to uphold a higher standard of quality and consistency with the concentrates offered at the new Dab Bar Stop by High Society today and check out this awesome addition to their already amazing selection and shop You will not be disappointed
High Society
Nature's Cure MAC 1 STRAIN
The hard working folks at Nature’s Cure Dispensary and grow have been busy this year Opening another storefront in Edmond and getting they grow ready to put their flower on their shelves Well, they have been successful and we are sure like what we see Quality, Consistency, and amazing prices make Nature’s Cure flowers fly off their shelves We want to highlight their MAC 1, this Capulator Cut classic may be grown by many but the team at Nature’s Cure did a stellar job with the hard hitting Indica strain The aroma and flavor will leave any patient happy Throw in the extraordinary effects and see why this strain is an instant crowd favorite Stop by Nature’s Cure at any of their locations and check out their generous daily deals and don’t forget to grab some of their impressive MAC 1 Tell them The Chronic sent you!
If you ' re like most patients, you may have some aches and pains that just don’t seem to go away. Well, we have found the solution for almost any type of pain It’s made with full spectrum Cannabis Oil that is CO2 extracted and cold filtered This amazing cream instantly takes away those bothersome aches and pains Best Day Ever are the innovative minds behind the miracle cream, as some call it The cream is a perfect consistency and isn’t too thick or too sticky as some creams tend to be Also when used over time a layer of cannabinoids builds up under your skin, making it last longer and giving the patient the ability to use less and less We are so impressed with this pain cream by Best Day Ever Be sure to grab this product when you see it on a shelf, we imagine it will go fast. Thank you to Best Day Ever for providing patients with effective, quality products
PURCHASE: Marvin's Garden 3120 W Britton Rd Suite B, OKC, OK
Calling all Dab Lovers! Your friendly neighborhood dispensary High Society has something new that all patients will love, especially the Dab fans
Best Day Ever
SEPTEMBER 2022 thechronicmagazine.com27

Green Country Cannabis
Our hardworking friends over at Buds Done Right, continue to do just exactly that Introducing a new cultivar to their Fall Players, we think this one is a keeper The Goo cannabis strain is a strain whose name describes almost perfectly what you can expect from its high. It is well known for its strong initial effect, as well as its persistent lethargy that sets in after only a few minutes As a cross between the much loved Blueberry Strain and an unknown Hindu Kush strain, Goo brings with it all the best features that any Indica lover will instantly love The aroma and flavor mimic each other The Blueberry flavor pops for sure, It’s a lot more distinct and tasty than artificial blueberries, though Instead, it smells more like blueberry juice, the kind that bursts free when you crush blueberries in your hands It is vibrant, fresh, and just a little bit sour, but with plenty of sweetness to balance it out This Goo Done Right is a must try, Thank you to Buds Done Right for always bringing the real fire. Don’t miss this one!
MidWest Exotics brings a colorful option to its lineup with the Rainbow cannabis strain It is a well balanced but sometimes slightly indica dominant hybrid. It’s created by crossing the Dancehall and Blueberry Strain and it lives up to its name for its multiple colors and refreshing aroma With such high THC levels, Rainbow is an excellent strain for novice smokers that might be looking to try something with more of a psychoactive punch The high hits with a wave of euphoria and glee initially, followed by head to toe relaxation The Rainbow cannabis strain uplifts the spirits, relaxes the body and mind, and creates a sense of euphoria The Indica influence does, however, often induce a mild body melt accompanied by positive cerebral effects. Wonderful growth by MidWest Exotics, don’t miss this newbie to the field!
The Haze Berry strain is a heavy Sativa leaner and features a combination of sweet berry flavor and a euphoric, energizing high In addition to its usually high THC levels, it boasts an average CBD level of 10% CBD’s presence may contribute to Haze Berry’s effect on symptoms such as muscle tenseness, depression, and nausea Cannabis enthusiasts also enjoy this strain because of its effects, it’s lineage and it’s a rare one to come across If you come across this classic strain be sure to grab some quick, it sells very quickly Thank you to Country Green Country Cannabis for always putting out amazing, consistent meds!
Buds Done Right
MidWest Exotics
Green Country Cannabis has added a new classic to their lineup Haze Berry is the result of pairing the award winning Blueberry and Super Silver Haze These top strains are not only epic in their own right but have given rise to powerful offspring

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T H E W O R L D O F C A N N A B I N O I D S H E A L T H & W E L L N E S S
A group of researchers completed a few experiments, according to a new study that was just published in the scholarly Journal Nature Medicine Mice were used in these tests at three different life stages: two months, twelve months (mature), and eighteen months (old age) These researchers support the fact that THC activates the endocannabinoid system. This biochemical route runs through the central and peripheral nervous systems of mice (and other animals, including humans) that get less active with age The study is based on the hypothesis that cognitive aging and decline are linked to the brain's endocannabinoid system The functioning of this system slows down as we age, and the amount of naturally occurring endocannabinoids produced by our brains steadily decreases. It's unclear what this slowdown will do to things, but there’s enough evidence from animal models to suggest that it’s tied to memory loss and decreased learning ability
Writtenby Dr.PepperHernandez
Can Cannabis Aging?
Scientists are examining cannabis in recent research that is being published daily. Wouldn't it be fantastic to learn that cannabis can help brain activity and youthfulness? Not that cannabis' potent therapeutic abilities weren't sufficient on their own, but could it also demonstrate the ability to actually slow down the aging process? Please understand that I am only assembling a theory. But I think I've identified a few leads after doing the right amount of research Because I love cannabis and am a neurogeek, I believe it is only appropriate to ask The findings of a current experiment are encouraging and the finding should support cannabis research going forward
ND,Ph.D.,CTC,CNHP Naturopath Nutritionist CannabisTherapyConsultant BoardCertifiedHHP Jackalope Farms Kimmie Mullen Organic, Living Soil, Full Sun SEPTEMBER 2022 30

There isn't much research on how cannabis affects telomeres and aging in the brain right now, but it won't be long. I fully believe researchers and academics will be able to discover the connection between the two
And if this is not enough to make you choose whole plant cannabis daily, one of the study's authors, professor Andreas Zimmer, stated that as people age, the amount of naturally occurring cannabinoids in their brains decreases Zimmer continued, "When the activity of the cannabinoid system falls, we detect rapid aging in the brain ” Lead researcher Andras Bilkei Gorzo from Germany's University of Bonn said, "IF WE CAN REGENERATE THE BRAIN, EVERYONE GETS FIVE TO 10 ADDITIONAL YEARS WITHOUT NEEDING EXTRA CARE, THEN THAT IS MORE THAN WE COULD HAVE DREAMED.”
So here is my question: what contributes to the aging of the body? Do you know what telomeres are? Well, the recent research has really captured my attention The relatively recent discovery of telomeres fundamentally altered how scientists investigate aging and longevity. In fact, the researchers who discovered telomeres won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2009 By altering the cellular response to stress and growth stimulation based on prior cell divisions and DNA damage, telomeres play a crucial role in cell destiny and aging To prevent the activation of DNA repair mechanisms, each chromosome end must have at least a few hundred nucleotides of telomere repeats As the average telomere length declines, the likelihood of the latter rises The germline cells, which normally express high quantities of telomerase, set and maintain the average telomere length
Worldhealth net We live in a fantastic period, and it is even more amazing that all the cannabis research is coming into focus
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Considering this area of study, neuroscience is gaining ground For those of us who are aging, which is everyone, the future is bright. To ascertain how cannabis affects the aging process of the brain, researchers from the University of Bonn collaborated with scholars from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Scientists discovered that cannabis slows down the aging process in mice's brains

Jackalope Farms Kimmie Mullen Organic, Living Soil, Full Sun SEPTEMBER 2022 32

In recent years, there has been a boom in the illegal cultivation of cannabis on both federal and private land in the United States This illicit activity is often carried out by organized crime groups who take advantage of the fact that marijuana is still federally illegal These grow operations are often located in remote areas, making them difficult to detect and disrupt
by Therin Miller
The Black Market Effects
The report by the World Economic Forum (WEF) states we need urgent action on how best to handle this global problem if want to avoid possible irreversible consequences like severe disruption or change caused because humans have been impacting natural systems relentlessly over decades now with little regard whatsoever for its long term impact Both legal and illegal markets are contributing to the deterioration of the environment as cannabis starts to gain mainstream acceptance.
Indoor cannabis cultivation is energy consuming, mainly due to heating and lighting. This process consumes large amounts of electricity that contribute towards greenhouse gas emissions in our environment
Illegal marijuana farms are poisoning Oklahoma's land with pesticides. Even legal weed has a carbon footprint, which is in the amount of greenhouse gases it produces
In addition, they often use sophisticated irrigation systems and pesticides, which can contaminate nearby water sources. Not only is this illegal activity harmful to the environment, but it also poses a serious threat to public safety Illegally cultivated cannabis is often of poor quality and black market growers will use banned insecticides and other chemicals to ward off pests Using these banned substances has negative environmental consequences for nearby wildlife and water supplies

Cannabis cultivation can also lead to deforestation, as growers clear land to make way for their crops This deforestation can have a significant impact on local wildlife, as it destroys their habitat and leaves them vulnerable to predators
Black Market's Attack on Wildlife
In a recent study by Colorado State University (CSU) research team, they found that marijuana facilities produce a shocking amount of emissions which can be dangerous to humans
The study coming out of CSU "investigated these common practices of growing cannabis indoors not only in Colorado but around the U S to understand the greenhouse gas emissions ” according to the lead author Hailey Summers The researchers found that greenhouse emissions varied widely across the U S but took baseline reading across the country and then made a direct correlation between higher and lower emissions. States that have legal marijuana facilities tend to have higher emissions and in some states like Colorado, the research shows that emissions can even vary from city to city The significant contributing factor to higher emissions is the facilities is their HVAC systems which contribute up to "230 percent difference in a facility's emissions
Legal Cultivation Effects
Because cannabis plants are particularly thirsty, streams are often diverted in many areas to water these illicit grows. By diverting these streams these grows are not only affecting the aquatic life within the stream but they are also contaminating the fish living within them with poisonous chemicals In some cases, these fish are eaten by other wildlife affecting them, or like in northern California, those fish are then caught later downstream for human consumption
Because marijuana plants need all this attention the second and third order effects of the legal indoor grow facility is that it has a very large carbon footprint because they require more equipment like large air conditioning units and hundreds of lights and this is where it starts to get dirty
PHOTO: Earth satellite image of illegal marijuana grows that are occupying federal
The environmental impact of cannabis cultivation can be significant, especially when done illegally Illegally grown cannabis can use toxicants like Bromethalin and carbofuran, which can be harmful to wildlife and are banned by the Environmental Protection Agency These toxicants can remain in an ecosystem for a long period of time, causing long term damage Wildlife ecologist Greta Wengert of the Integral Ecology Research Center (IERC) tells NPR, [carbofuran] "It is incredibly toxic A quarter teaspoon could kill a 600 pound black bear So obviously just a tiny amount can kill a human It remains in an ecosystem for a long period of time "
With the legalization of cannabis in multiple states either recreationally or medically the legal cannabis boom has people sparking up as easy as ordering a beer with your next meal. Legal cannabis markets regardless of medical or recreational are causing some significant issues in the environment as well Cannabis is a very needy plant and if you ' ve never toured a cannabis cultivation facility the plants require an extreme amount of lighting and water, and to be in temperature controlled rooms which all promote growth. In today's cannabis market most people prefer indoor flowers over outdoor flowers because the plant has not only been in a controlled environment which allows for less room for mess ups and because the indoor grown flower is typically a higher yield of cannabis with bigger buds and higher THC content

Lowering emissions matter because in states like Colorado and cannabis cultivation facilities are putting out just as much emissions and pollution as coal and waste management Legalization could also be used to make cannabis green again. Legalizing cannabis and making the plant more accessible on the legal market will reduce the amount of illegal grows It is important to note that the black market isn't going anywhere and will still be around in a legal market but it will be less enticing for those that use cannabis to purchase from the black market due to the accessibility This point was researched and proven in states like Oregon and Washington where they saw a significant decrease in illegal grows and less deforestation and overall contamination from the black market grows
The environmental impact of marijuana cultivation is an important issue to consider While it's clear that there are some benefits to legalization, we need to make sure that the negative effects are minimized. As more states legalize weed, it will be important for policymakers and growers, and all those in the cannabis industry to think about ways to reduce the carbon footprint of cannabis production
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What do you think should happen?
Make Cannabis Green Again
When it comes to making cannabis a cleaner crop to grow both legal and illegal it's a multi pronged approach that can not only reduce the amount of illegal grows but also lower the carbon footprint that licensed grows produce Legal marijuana grow facilities can reduce their carbon footprint by investing in clean energy equipment and optimizing the facility's heating, ventilation and air conditing (HVAC) systems.
Greenhouse and outdoor grows also significantly reduce greenhouse emissions by "42 percent and 96 percent" Outdoor/greenhouse grows have their own problems like land development, chemicals, and water diversion Switching over entirely is not a solution for many licensed grows and therefore a combination of indoor and outdoor could be used to reduce the footprint.


Wellness Retreats: A wellness retreat without assistance from natural medicines are typically described as a “guided, intention driven, a multi day program with a set or semi-set schedule, and hosted by one or more facilitators
An additional study from a different group was done on psilocybin, their “findings showed that psilocybin assisted psychotherapy lowered anxiety and improved mood, without clinically significant adverse effects ”
Spiritual plant based medicine retreats are typically referring to the use of ayahuasca but be sure to check on the website and reviews One of the top places when searching for an assisted retreat is a place called APOTHEOSIS APOTHEOSIS describes itself as “A spiritual psychedelic retreat that brings together students of life from all over the world to catalyze breakthroughs and accelerate growth A carefully curated series of peak experiences designed to show you what is truly possible as a human being. A one of a kind transformational event integrating plant medicine with myriad other philosophical and spiritual practices It is one of the first retreats in the world to incorporate a truly diverse array of spiritual, shamanic, and philosophical modalities to create a uniquely enlightening oasis.” The APOTHEOSIS team created this retreat in 2018 and has since helped people from over 30 countries, so it isn’t just in the US where people want to visit natural medicine assisted retreats
There have also been studies on MDMA assisted therapy for the treatment of “social anxiety in adults with autism, although findings have yet to be published ”
Spiritual Retreats: A spiritual retreat does not have to be assisted by any type of medicine, and those typically focus on being a safe space where you can experience complete renewal and gain a high level of self knowledge For those who believe in God or in any other higher power, it’s also the perfect setting for a profound meeting with it,” according to Tripaneer However when you add in an assistive drug, you might want to Google additional words like “plant based medicine” to your search inquiry
NLM explains that the recent 2014 studies in Switzerland were conducted for anxiety treatment They used LSD assisted therapy and had twelve participants, of those people nine, showed to have " a sustained therapeutic benefit with no acute or chronic drug related severe adverse events, and there were no adverse effects lasting more than one day after an LSD assisted session "
The original research that was done on this concept was conducted in the 1950s to its termination in the 1970s, when drugs like LSD, psilocybin, ayahuasca, mescaline, and MDMA, were classified as “drugs of abuse” with no medical value But, there have been recent clinical studies that have shown positive results.
If you’re into learning about mental health and the marijuana industry, there is a chance you may have heard of psychedelic therapy While this type of therapy does not use marijuana at all, they are typically mentioned in the same circles Psychedelic therapy is, according to the National Library of Medicine (NLM), a re emerging type of assisted therapy that is typically used for “ treating illnesses such as addiction, depression, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress disorder ”
As for addiction treatment, a study in New Mexico was done on participants dealing with alcoholism. They used psilocybin assisted therapy and “among the participants who completed the study, the self reported mean percent drinking days and percent heavy drinking days were reduced by more than half of what had been reported at baseline.6 Acute adverse effects such as nausea and mild headaches were reported by some participants, but no clinically significant or lasting harms resulted from the administration of psilocybin ” The study was also done as participants dealing with nicotine abuse, they also saw a drop in usage in the majority of participants
We are slowly getting back into studying these drugs even though many people still feel that there could be no medical benefits If you are into trying out a psychedelic therapy session there are a few different types you can choose from There may be a place near you who are doing sessions, depending on the state you live in In some areas, this practice may still be illegal or frowned upon
Treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder was done with MDMA assisted therapy Of the group of 20 participants, “83% of participants showed a reduction in symptom severity of more than 30% ” Some of them even showed sustained reductions in their symptoms three and a half years later. “In 2015, researchers in Vancouver began a similar pilot study of MDMA assisted psychotherapy for patients with PTSD, the first clinical study involving psychedelic drugs in Canada in more than 40 years ”
by Chynna Jasmine Pearson

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Jamaica and Mexico have tons of psilocybin based retreats If I were to go out and try these I would make a vacation of it since a vacation is already healing and might as well add some medicine to it
Psilocybin Retreats: If you search this you don’t need to refine the search at all A psilocybin retreat is an area where you are given doses of psilocybin and given therapy in order to have a true and full healing experience. A place called MycoMeditations was the first retreat to pop up and they are highly rated and well known by many different new publications, The Washington Post, VICE, CNBC, Thrillist, and The Sunday Times. Their retreat can include, depending on the tier you choose, “three psilocybin (magic mushroom) sessions over the course of seven nights, daily group and one on one therapy (approx 15 hours by the end of your retreat), licensed therapists, psychiatrists, and nurses, and follow up therapeutic group integration sessions ” They treat depressive symptoms, psychological well being, and social connectedness, all areas of the mind that have been seen in research to actually work better with psilocybin treatments.
The program may include learning and lifestyle workshops such as meditation and healthy eating, as well as fitness activities such as yoga, nature walks, and hiking,” according to Loding Magazine These retreat searches also need to be refined in the same way as a spiritual retreat. A few plant based wellness retreats that are available to participate in are Behold Retreats, Soltara Healing Center, Synthesis, Niwe Rao Xobo, and Rythmia Each of these retreats is stationed all over the world from Costa Rica to Amsterdam to Hong Kong. They also use treatments based on ayahuasca, psilocybin, or the San Pedro cactus which contains mescaline (SanPedro cactus is also called Huachuma and is typically considered a more sustainable version of peyote.)
Over the new course of study on psychedelics, there has become a new large following of people who swear by this type of therapy. There are even people who took these drugs recreationally that can attest to the psychedelics changing their feelings or state of mind on certain things While I am weary of psychedelics myself, I know a few people personally that would do this in a heartbeat as they already felt more in tune with themselves and the universe after trying some “magic mushrooms ” See for yourself and make sure to do these things safely

Photo: NEWS
Pedro Mejias is said to be the first free black man to set foot in the island; he was a conquistador that joined forces with Juan Ponce de Leon, and fought under the Spaniards to take over the island He married a Taino woman chief: Yuisa (sometimes documented as Yuiza; the town of Loiza is named after her), and this began the African and Taino bloodline In July of 1898, 16,000 U S troops invaded the island to “liberate the people” from Spanish colonial rule In October of that same year, the American flag was raised formalizing U.S control of the former spanish colony (Puerto Rico is the world’s oldest colony).
Boriken (Land of the Great Lords), the name Taino’s gave the island we now know as Puerto Rico Taino’s are the original people of the island, descendants of Arawak, who were the indigenous people of the Caribbean and Florida Before colonizers invaded the Caribbean in the 14th century, Taino’s were the principal inhabitants of most of Cuba, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Haiti, and Puerto Rico
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History and historians say that enslaved Africans were taken over to Puerto Rico, when the island started producing cattle, tobacco, sugar cane, and coffee At the time, owned by the Crown, importation of West Africans began.

Spanish Taino War, 1511 29 Mec One, Pinterest
Travel Noire Your Guide to Loiza, Puerto Rico | https://travelnoire com/ SEPTEMBER 2022 44
The Perez bloodline in my family, which is my maternal bloodline, is Taino We are here, growing every year
>Travel Puerto Rico
The island of Puerto Rico (no passport needed for U S citizens because Puerto Rico is a U S territory) is east of Florida, ti, and the Dominican Republic Dominican Republic share an uerto Rico is in between the n Republic and the Virgin which are partly territory of the art territory of the Crown), and he islands of Culebra and this means these islands are erritory) This is similar to d her keys d has over 300 miles of s, 111 miles of them from east to is surrounded by the Atlantic d the Caribbean Sea (San Juan antic side, Ponce on the n Sea side) Puerto Rico is an island with oceans, rivers, mountains, rainforests, and waterfalls The reason Boriken became Puerto Rico (rich port) is because coloziners found that there were gold mines all around the island, like gold found in rivers This was until colonizers depleted them. There is so much to see and explore on the island! Most people visiting for the first few times visit and stay in the capital and largest city on the island: San Juan, which is home to the Isla Verde strip This is the nightclubs, restaurants, bars, and hotels on the ocean strip that is extremely popular, and for great reason; it’s marvelous! Old San Juan, is about 15 min away by car and is home to the beautiful: Castillo San Felipe del Morro (San Felipe del Morro Castle) This area is a great place to catch a vibe, a salsa dance, a bite, and amazing scenic views Walking around the cobblestone streets of Old San Juan is something like a romantic experience.
The vast majority of Puerto Ricans are Taino and African. Taino population was greatly impacted when European colonizers infected them with diseases that never existed on the island before their arrival in the late 1400’s Some say Taino’s are extinct, but that's not true; extinction started but Taino’s are not extinct Most Puerto Ricans, even those being born today, have Taino in their bloodline

credit: Dr C’s POV MunicipiodeCaguas
The mountain region, known as central island, is majestic I visited Caguas and driving around the upper mountains is always healing. Nature, producing food and herbs like: recao (cilantro family), guineo (green bananas) platanos (plantains), papaya, breadfruit, mint, and pineapple (just to name a few), can be found all over this region
Visiting this area means you’ll hear the coqui (frog) singing at night, and the birds singing to greet you with the sunrise It’s quiet and seems like a world away, but it’s only an hour or so from San Juan when headed to the Atlantic, and an hour or so from Ponce when headed to the Caribbean Sea. For one of the world's longest zipline rides, Central island is for you. Toro Verde National Nature Adventure Park is home to his zipline
Photo by: Vee Ponce, the largest city on the Caribbean Sea side of the island, and the second largest city on the island Ponce was Spain’s capital of the southern region (Spain controlled PR before the U S) La Guancha Peseo Tablado is a nice area to visit, along the Caribbean Sea The boardwalk has incredible views of mountains Off the ocean a little, visitors lls, museums, and lots of Puerto Rican
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Medical cannabis patient’s can purchase edibles, oills, and topicals Being approved to purchase cannabis flower requires an additional process and fee, that results in obtaining a Puerto Rico medical cannabis Cannabis
Puerto Rico allows guests traveling from other parts of the United States, to use their medical cannabis cards to shop in cannabis dispensaries on the island The condition(s) have to be on the list of conditions approved by state/territory Safe Access Now says: “Puerto Rico extends reciprocity to medical cannabis patients with unexpired medical cannabis recommendations and medical cannabis ID cards from U.S. states for up to 30 days as long as those states maintain a database that allows verification of patient status and make such information available to Puerto Rican authorities and dispensaries. Puerto Rico does not impose a residency requirement for qualifying patients, meaning that non resident patients may obtain a Puerto Rican medical cannabis card by visiting an authorized healthcare provider, completing the application process and paying $25.”
Photo by: Vee
Culture|https://www SEPTEMBER 2022 46
Photoby:Vee >Cannabis 101 for Those Visiting Puerto Rico

>Isla Del Encanto, Gracias Por Todo edit: Dr C’s POV credit: Dr. C’s POV credit: Dr C’s POV credit: Dr. C’s POV
Puerto Rico always sends me off full of light, love, and gratitude The experience is always majestic, but this time, I have the memory of this gorgeous island that my roots link to, being my first and official coverage of cannabis in the caribbean. Perfect alignment
I recommend a trip to la isla del encanto (island of enchantment) to experience one of the most gorgeous places in North America, maybe even the world When you visit, I recommend a menu that will allow you to order: mofongo, platanos maduros, arroz con gandules, and pasteles
>Sneak Peek into Cannabis Cultivation in Puerto Rico
Before arriving to the island, I connected with Simon Hawk through my travel partners, and he connected me with Zach Waldman, one of the owners at Consolidated C R , LLC; a medical cannabis cultivation company in San Juan. Zach, is the lead cultivator, and owns/manages the company with Mike Abrams, James Grenier, and Viantinna Campana
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In a 5,000 sq ft cultivation space (the company is licensed for up to 10,000 sq ft), Zach and his team are growing 11 genetics with raging terpenes! The plants are gorgeous, dense, happy, and smelling like the best produce section in the nation Genetics grown by Consolidated C R , LLC are on the top shelves of dispensaries around the island This was first caribbean based cannabis cultivation and it was a nice learning experience You can ask about their products in local dispensaries, and soon, shop in their dispensary Consolidated C R LLC is opening, La Budega (a cannabis dispensary) this year
Boriken, I’ll see you again, pronto!
Huge thank you to my village of support My journey and experience was made possible by: Bud and Breakfast, Simon Hawk, Coqui Del Mar Gay Guesthouse, Consolidated C R , LLC, and the Love Plug Each sponsored/supported my travel journey to the island, my stays on the island, introductions to people in cannabis on the island, cannabis tours on the island, and getting around the island

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Wyld: Our team is now over 800 strong and includes kitchens, packaging, and inventory in every market, self distribution teams in almost every market, as well as corporate headquarters in the Pacific Northwest
The Chronic: What all products do you make and what do you have upcoming as far as new products?
The Chronic: How large is your team and who does it include?
Wyld: Wyld has 10 products in our current 100mg per container lineup: Raspberry (Sativa enhanced), Huckleberry (Hybrid enhanced), Marionberry (Indica enhanced), Pomegranate 1:1 THC:CBD + Hybrid enhanced, Pear 1:1 THC:CBG + Hybrid enhanced, Elderberry THC:CBN + Indica enhanced, Sour Apple (Sativa enhanced), and Sour Cherry (Indica enhanced) Strawberry 20:1 CBD:THC + Hybrid enhanced, Peach 2:1 CBD:THC + Hybrid enhanced are coming soon! For our High Dose lineup: Wyld produces Raspberry (Sativa enhanced) and Marionberry (Indica enhanced) as 1000mg per container products. Our team of food scientists are constantly working on new products. We have some exciting things coming this year!
The Chronic: How long have you been using/processing/making your cannabis products?
By Melissa Hall, M Ed ack on the hunt, and September is here again What a wonderful Fall preview September provides, from pumpkin everything popping up everywhere to the foliage starting to peak through with all its magical colors as it turns Fall is a great time of year to take a step back and really enjoy the scenery. I recently came across a product that actually gives back to the environment. New to Oklahoma, but not to the Cannabis market, Wyld gummies, made with real fruit are in many other Cannabis legal states.
I must say these little squares of super fruit flavor are truly delightful and one of the best gummies I have ever tasted They are made with all natural fruit and botanical terpenes What really sets these apart besides the awesome flavor and superb effects, is the way they categorize their products by experience and intended effects Wyld is Teaching Patients how to find out what Cannabis products and dosage work best for them We recently got to ask the team at Wyld a few questions, as they start their Canna journey in Oklahoma
Wyld: Wyld was started in 2016 by three friends making gummies on a two burner stove in Bend, Oregon Since then we’ve expanded into 7 states and Canada with more states on the horizon this year!
B SEPTEMBER 2022 thechronicmagazine.com51

The Chronic: What is your company motto?
Wyld: Expanding into new states, introducing new products, and launching new products and brands!
The Chronic: What sets your products apart from all the others on the market?
Wyld: Wyld gummies are created with real fruit ingredients inspired by the Pacific Northwest Every product is created to our high standards to ensure a consistent, repeatable experience every time
Remember how we said that Wyld gummies gives back to the environment?
“ We view climate neutrality as walking through the door to start the work, not the work itself. We must do more, we will do more. We believe in giving back to the Earth what we have taken, and aim to minimize the impact of production on the environment through science-aligned emission reduction strategies.”
Wyld: Real Fruit. Real Flavor. Real Quality.
The Chronic: What does the future hold for Wyld Gummies?
Well, they are the first Cannabis brand to be Climate Neutral Certified Climate Neutral is a nonprofit committed to solving climate change by making carbon neutrality simple and accessible by way of the Climate Neutral Certified label
Wyld Sustainability Team states on their website, which is packed full of information about everything the brand does and plans on doing to keep sustainability with this fundamental quest for long term change through environmentally friendly practices

The Chronic would like to wish Wyld the best while bringing their product and lifestyle to Oklahoma Thanks for providing quality and consistency for patients all over the country Wyld gummies launched recently and exclusively at Project Releaf in Oklahoma City Stop in and grab some Wyld gummies and find out what the buzz is all about We believe no Gummy lover or Gummy non lover will be disappointed with these little squares of fresh fruit happiness with a conscience Don’t forget to stop by Project Releaf or any fine dispensary that carries Wyld products to get a taste. Also, follow them on IG @wyldcanna. Always Remember to Medicate Responsibly and Stay Lit Oklahoma. SEPTEMBER 2022 thechronicmagazine.com53

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PTSD & Moral Injury
Soldiers of War - 1
The Soul Stealer
Why does the US get involved in foreign wars? The "Just War Theory" lays out rules of ethical engagement and loss of life War must be the last resort Before a war can start (in theory), it must be approved by a legitimate authority like the President of the United States War is only to correct a wrong that has occurred. There must also be a reasonable chance of righting the wrong so peace will be restored to the region.
The amount of force should not exceed what is necessary to right the wrong War should not harm Innocent civilians and non combatants In Vietnam, combat soldiers cleared out villages which may have resulted in innocent civilian deaths Easily explained as casualties of war As if that one simple statement, "casualties of war" makes it all right.
PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and combat soldiers are no strangers People who have served on the front lines from World 1 through the Afghanistan wars have experienced the traumas of war Our country teaches us to respect others and follow our land's laws A soldier follows orders, even if the order goes against their moral fiber, the soldier obeys For some, it took a toll on their mental and physical health Moral Injury, a symptom of PTSD was never more pronounced than during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars There were no clear battle lines You could not tell a combatant from a civilian There was street fighting with civilians all around Landmines were another issue Soldiers were dying, wounded, or maimed WW1 or WW2 where there were apparent reasons for those wars Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan have always been questionable Did we need to be there?
The effects of war on our veteran's mental health
The Soul Stealer
Soul Stealer
PTSD became a diagnosis in 1980 Prior to that, it was known as combat fatigue Observation 30,000 veterans have committed suicide since post 9/11 by Mc Dawn, Board Certified Cannabis Therapy Consultant
September 15, 2010, Operation Dragon Strike, Zhari District, Kandahar province, Afghanistan Operation Dragon focused on reclaiming the southern province of Kandahar, the birthplace of the Taliban or as known to the troops, "The Heart of Darkness " A coalition movement of troops conducted a series of attacks by coordinating troop movements through the area The main unit leading the operation was the 101st Airborne Division Marching through fields of cannabis, poppy fields, and villages engaging Taliban fighters in kill or capture operations against insurgent fighters 34 American soldiers died; many more are suffering from the after effects of war.

PTSD Fear Flashback Memory Loss Startles easy Anger Anxiety Depression Insomnia Nightmares Self Medicating
A Veteran’s Story
The VA published an article that outlined the number of veterans estimated to be suffering from PTSD. https://www ptsd va gov/understand/common/co mmon veterans asp
Moral Injury
AS REPORTED BY THE VA Vietnam 15% It is estimated that 30 out of 100 Vietnam Veterans have had PTSD in their lifetime Gulf War 12% 12 out of every 100 report having PTSD Operation Iraqi Freedom 20% The rate of PTSD increased during the Iraq wars 20 out of 100 reports having PTSD Enduring Freedom 20% Reports of PTSD have been increasing in this group 20 out of 100 By 1980, the America Psychiatric Association added PTSD to its manual of disorders PTSD is a result of the traumatic event(s) and stressors. Listed below are some of the symptoms experienced by those who suffer from PTSD and Moral Injury
In 2010 close to 300,000 soldiers had served more than 3 5 tours of duty in combat in Afghanistan The cause and effect this has on a soldier’s psyche increase the chances of PTSD The continued assault of traumatic events can only hurt the mind Combat Soldiers are more likely to suffer from PTSD Men have a higher rate of PTSD than women
Veterans with Reported PTSD
Soul Stealer Part 1
Moral Injury often goes undiagnosed as a symptom of PTSD. Like PTSD, MI can appear later in life or even last a lifetime Since September 11, 30,000 service personnel and veterans have died by suicide Four times the number of deaths by suicide before September 11 How could this be happening to our soldiers? One known cause is multiple tours of duty
It is estimated that 500,000 veterans have suffered because of serving in wartime There are more men than women in service, so it is completely understandable why the rate of men suffering from PTSD is higher than that of women What is interesting is that most women report MST (Military Sexual Trauma) Twenty three out of one hundred women have reported sexual assault while serving in the military Fifty five women out of one hundred have reported sexual harassment, while 38% of the men serving have reported sexual harassment Our men and women are put in impossible positions and must make difficult choices while engaged with the enemy Some of those choices that were morally out of bounds are etched in the back of the veteran’s mind and buried deep As a country and a community, we need to WAKE UP and realize how much these men and women need our help! Part 2Living with
Bill had served two tours in Afghanistan Upon re entry to society after serving his country, Bill struggled He reached out to the VA, looking for help and assistance He was appointed a VA fiduciary to assist with his service pay Beyond someone managing his money and paying his bills, he was still struggling internally Bill was American born and of Russian ancestry. Like the Quakers, he was a part of the Molokans (dairy eaters), a spiritual Christian sect The atrocities he felt he had committed prevented him from going home His community would shun him if it ever came out what he did overseas He was guilt ridden, paranoid, erratic, and hypersexual; he was scared and alone The VA did not have a support system in place to help. There was no titrated re entry into society The VA failed to support this veteran and many others suffering from mental health issues He lived a few more years before he took his life
>Join us next month for Soul Stealer –
Isolation Grief Regret Shame Sorrow
What about the struggle of our veterans whose moral compass is spinning to make sense of everything they have been through? How does one justify moral injustices? How long does it take? So many lives were lost or ruined, and families were broken apart by the acts of war Men and women who came home were different, struggling to survive, unsure how to resume a normal life after serving The effects of PTSD were present in soldiers from the Vietnam war through the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

The effects of taking mushrooms can last 3 to 6 hours. They may stay in your system for 24 hours or longer, depending on how much you take and various other factors such as body composition, whether you ate before, and consumption method If you eat raw shrooms, you will start to feel some psychedelic effects within 30 minutes However, this process can be accelerated by making a tea or soaking them in lemon juice In either of these cases, the psychedelic effects will set in within 10 to 15 minutes How intense and how long the high lasts will depend on the individual factors mentioned above
DrugTest:HowLongShroomsWill TheyStayInYourSystem?
Let's take a deeper dive into how long shroom trips last, how long do shrooms stay in your system, and how much shrooms should you take.
How Long Do Shroom Trips Last? This is a question that many people have, as psychedelics can be unpredictable The answer to this question, unfortunately, is that it varies from person to person and trip to trip Some people may only experience mild effects that wear off after a few hours, while others may have trips that last for days on end There are many factors that contribute to how long your magic mushroom trip will last, such as the dosage taken, the person ' s physiology and psychology, and the environment in which the mushrooms are consumed
The average length of a shroom trip is around 3 to 6 hours long However, this can vary depending on your dose, tolerance, and frame of mind Generally, you will start to peak around an hour to an hour and a half after taking the shrooms
Shroom trips usually last around 6 hours The trip will start to dissipate after the peak, and you can expect to be back to normal after about 6 hours
SEPTEMBER 2022 thechronicmagazine.com59
The effects of shrooms usually last for less than 24 hours for most people, although traces of the drug may be detectable in urine tests for up to a week in some cases Hair follicle test which is a more specialized tests can detect shrooms up to 90 days However, drug tests almost never detect magic mushroom, so you don't need to worry
WhatToExpectBeforeTaking MagicMushrooms.

The best way to measure shrooms for your psychedelic experience is to use a scale
Low Dose: The effects of psilocybin can be felt anywhere from 0 5 to 1 5 grams of dried mushrooms, so it's important to start small if you ' re new to tripping Research shows that bad trips are far more likely to occur at high doses, so it's best to work your way up gradually Most people feel the effects of shrooms within 30 Mins after ingestion Most people who are looking to help with mental health conditions stay in the lower doses or micro dose daily
Although the effect might have worn off, you might still feel lightheaded, tired, or overly sensitive to stimuli This is why it’s important to take the mushrooms on a day where you know you’ll be free to rest after the experience is through Don’t take the mushrooms in the morning if you know you’ll have responsibilities in the afternoon. We recommend you find a time when you can take the rest of the day off to integrate the experience Also, make sure you can have at least 8 hours of sleep the night after the experience, in order to fully recover If you have any responsibilities or commitments the day after taking shrooms, it’s best to not take them at all This is because you might still feel the after effects of the mushrooms, which can include lightheadedness and fatigue If you do take shrooms, make sure you have a solid 8 hours of sleep lined up so that your body can fully recover.
The concentration of active ingredients in magic mushrooms can vary, leading to different strengths This means that measuring a dose of mushrooms is not an exact science However, some guidelines can be followed, based on suggested amounts of dried Psilocybe Cubensis aka magic mushrooms. If you ' re using fresh mushrooms, multiply our numbers by 10, to compensate for the water weight. If you ' re using another species of psilocybin producing mushrooms, you should take these indications with a pinch of salt
The concentration of active ingredients in magic mushrooms can vary, leading to different strengths This means that measuring a dose of mushrooms is not an exact science
Moderate Dose: On a moderate dose you can expect to feel the psychedelic effects with 1.5 to 3 grams of shrooms. This amount should be enough for most people to have a pleasant trip and really get something from their shroom journey
High Dose: A high dose would be considered between 3 5 grams This is an area that should only be explored by experienced users Make sure to know your ground and have had a number of positive experiences in magic mushrooms before taking more than 3 grams In any case, 5 grams should be the final frontier for anyone without years of experience in psychedelic introspection
Eating psychedelic mushrooms specifically eating dried mushrooms can cause some nausea if you take it on an empty stomach. Because of this many people prefer to make shroom tea which is way easier on the stomach
HowManyMagic MushroomsShouldITake?
The effects of magic mushrooms depend on the individual Factors like body weight, metabolism, and tolerance all play a role in how a person reacts to psilocybin. The strength of the dose is also a factor A low dose may produce anxiety and paranoia, while a high dose could lead to a bad trip
So, how long do shrooms last? The trip usually lasts around six hours, but the experience can stay with you for a few days How long do shrooms stay in your system? It depends on how often you take them, but they can be detected in urine up to two weeks after ingestion And finally, how much shrooms should you take? That really depends on your tolerance and what kind of trip you’re hoping for. Start small and work your way up if you’re new to mushrooms!
SEPTEMBER 2022 thechronicmagazine.com61


Afroman's House, Find Virtually Nothing to Charge Him With AfromanwasinChicagowhenhefoundout OhiopolicehadenteredhishouseinAdams CountyonAugust21at8:47pm
"Theytooksomeroaches,avapepenandajar of CBD," the rapper tells TMZ "I think they thought I had hundreds and thousands of pounds, or something like that They didn't have to run up my driveway with all kinds of assault weapons I would've just gladly given that to them I don't know what's behind destroying all my property" Neighbors told him police came with guns drawn He showed adooronthefloorandamessybedroom
LOS ANGELES Rapper Snoop Dogg poked fun at the president with a picture he posted on Instagram of a weed strain called "Sleepy Joe OG "
Source:https://www celebstoner com/
On May 19, Minnesota Timberwolves forward Taurean Prince was busted in Arlington, Texas and charged with possession of marijuana, possession of a controlled substance and unlawful carrying of a weapon after a traffic stop for an expired registration.
"Allinmybedroommessedupmybedspread " Afroman(neeJosephForeman)commentedat IG "Where is the guns? Where is the dope? What if you don’t find anything? Are you going to make my bed back hang my suits bacc up? Putmydoorbacconthehinges?Doesanybody haveBenCrump‘sphonenumber?"
Dia n TaureanPrince S g
Skipforwardmorethanthreemonthsto August26 Princewasabouttoboarda planeatMiamiInternationalAirportwhen "hisnamecameupshowingthatthere wasawarrantandtheytookhiminto custody,”accordingtohisattorneyKent Schaffer "Theonlyreasonweknewwasbecausehe wasgoingoutofthecountryforvacation " Headdedthatthepentestedfor“1/100th ofanounceofTHC,whichisprobablythe smallestamountyoucanhave ”
The Prince of Pot: NBA Veteran Nabbed in Miami on Texas Weed Warrant Snoop Dogg pokes fun at Biden with ‘Sleepy Joe OG’ weed strain
AccordingtoCinemaBlend,DianeKeaton isrankedtheNo 6"greatestmovie pothead"ofalltime.That'sbecauseshe playedastonerin1977'sAnnieHall After sheandAlvy(WoodyAllen)havesex, Annielightsupajoint KeatonwontheAcademyAwardforher BestActressperformanceinAnnieHall In2014,Ellewrote:"It'shightime[Keaton} getsherdueasaStonerBabeicon " TokinWomanreports:"Keatonalsosmokes potonfilm(inabathtub)in1982'sShoot theMoon In2005,sheappearedasthe cancer strickenmatriarchofTheFamily Stone,inwhichshetakes'special' medicinalbrownies" Inherlatestmovie,Mack&Rita,Mack (Keaton,whois76)takesmushrooms, whichpromptedthefollowingquestion fromVariety'sMarcMalkin:"Whenwasthe lasttimeyoudidshrooms?" Keaton:"No,thankyou!Thatwasnever somethingthatIengagedinatall.Imissed outonthat Iwouldpreferjusttohavea glassofwinewithiceinit.Idon’twantto gothere Ilikeiceandthat’sfun,butno, that’snotfun That’sscary Idon’twantto dothat."
Thephotopostedearlierthisweekofthe "premiumcannabis"packageshowsa pictureofPresidentJoeBidendrawnina similarartisticstyletotheiconicObama postercreatedbyartistShepardFairey Themusician’spostquicklywentviral
Police said Prince had a vape pen, a jar containing cannabis flower and two guns in the vehicle It took several months for the authorities to deterimine that there was THC in the cartridge (CBD is legal in Texas)
Diane Keaton Says She 'Missed Out' on Mushrooms in the '60s and '70s
amassingmorethan621,000likesasof July14 "WHEREAMI???"thepackagereads SnoopDogg,whoserealnameisCalvin BroadusJr ,hasalwaysbeenawell knowncriticofUnitedStatespresidents includingDonaldTrump SnoopDogghas alsobeenactiveincampaigningforthe LosAngelesmayoralrace InMay,theartistendorsedrealestate developerRickCaruso FOX11'sElexMichaelsonreportedrapper SnoopDoggcalledCarusothe"realdeal" inthebillionaire'spushtoleadthecityof LosAngeles SnoopDoggalsopointedoutthefactthat CarusohadbeenactiveintheL A communityfordecades SnoopDoggisn't alwayslinkedtopolitics,butformany whofollowpopculture,thehip hop icon'slegacyisoftensynonymouswith SouthernCalifornia FOXLAcontributedtothisstory Source: https://www metrotimes com/ SEPTEMBER 2022 thechronicmagazine.com65
AFROMAN Ohio Police Raid
That line became TMZ's headline: "Cops WreckedMyHomeinRaid forNothing INeed Ben Crump!!!" Crump is the attorney who's handled many high profile cases involiving Black Americans Afroman likes to rap about weed and has a line of Afroman Hemp flower He's from Palmdale California and recently relocatedtoOhio thesamestatewhereDave Chappellelives
In 2015 Afroman was charged with assaulting a woman who'd wandered on stage while he was performing He pleaded guilty, paid a fine andattendedanger managementclasses
Source:https://www celebstoner com/
For the second time in several months, an NBA player has been arrested for marijuana in the Lone Star State

HOW TO GRIND WEED SEPTEMBER 2022 thechronicmagazine.com67

Ifyou'relookingfora smoothersmoking experience,oraneasier timerollingjointsand blunts,thenyoushould considerinvestingina weedgrinder.Agood grinderwillhelptobreak yourweeddownintofiner pieces,whichresultsin smoothersmoke. Grindersalsomakeit easiertorolljointsand blunts,asthefinely groundweedislesslikely tofallapart.Finally, manygrinderscomewith akiefcatcher,which allowsyoutocollectthe kiefthatfallsoffthe weedasit'sbeingground. byHunterDublin HOW TO GRIND WEED PERFECTLY: THE STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE Do you love smoking weed? Are you looking for a waytogrindyourweedperfectlyeverytime?Ifso, then you have come to the right place! Here is a step-by-step guide on how to grind your weed perfectly using different methods with and withoutagrinder.Wewillalsodiscussthebenefits of grinding your weed and why it is important. So, whether you are a beginner or an experienced smoker,readonfortipsonhowtogrindweedlike apro! WHY SHOULD I USE A WEED GRINDER IN THE FIRST PLACE?

HOW TO GRIND WEED PERFECTLY: THE STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE STEP 1: PROPERLY LOADING YOUR HERB INTO YOUR GRINDER Thefirststepingrindingyourweedperfectlyistoproperlyloaditintoyourherb grinder.Breakthelargernugsintomanageablepiecesandtrytoevenlydistribute themamongtheteethofthegrinder.Besuretokeepthecentralportionofthe grinderclearofanybud.Thiswillhelpensurethatthemechanismworksproperly. STEP 2: HOW TO GRIND WEED PERFECTLY Togrindweedperfectly,startbyclosingthegrinder'slidsothatthemagnetic centerfitsinplace.Then,givethegrinderafewtwiststobreakupthebuds.The numberofrotationsyouneedtodowilldependonthequalityofyourgrinderand howwellyoupreppedthenugs,butyoucanstartoutwithabout8–10twists. STEP 3: ACCESSING THE GROUND UP FLOWER Youcanaccessthecompartmentofa3-chambergrinderthatholdsyourground resultbygrippingitsbaseandusingonehandtoremovebothtopcovers.Once you ’vegottenintowherethechamberislocatedforstoringtheground-upherb, enjoyyouhaveittoenjoyhoweverdesired! SEPTEMBER 2022 thechronicmagazine.com69

Simple,right?Just3easystepstogetyourmarijuanasupplierin stepwiththetimes.Nowyoucanaccessa4thbonusstagethat allowsforevenfinergrindingandcollectionofkieffromeach chamber-perfectiftherearesmallerscreensorindividualpots withinanoffendingdevice!Thebestpartisusingthekiefonyour jointsaswell;it'slikegettingtwobonusesoutofonepurchase. BonusBonusRound!Round! BonusRound! WITHOUTAGRINDER? WITHOUTAGRINDER? DON'T HAVE A ScantheQRCod toShoptheBest Grindersonthe Market HOW TO CLEAN A STICKY WEED GRINDER HOW TO GRIND WEED PERFECTLY: THE STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOUR KIEF CATCHER HOW TO GRIND CANNABIS WITH SCISSORS AND A SHOT GLASS The process of grinding your weed perfectly can be easily done by followingthesesimplesteps: 1.Placethebudsinashotglass. 2. Cut into the cannabis buds with scissorsuntilyoureachthedesired ThePROconsistency.TIP:bestway to grind weed is to notover-cutit.Thebudsneedtobe big enough to allow for a proper light, and small enough to deliver an efficient burn. Do not cut the buds until they are super fine, this causesclogging. Cleaningyourweed grinderisanimportant partoftheprocess thatwillkeepitintopworking condition Ifyoudon'tcleanout yourgrinders,someflowersmay sticktoitsteethandmake cleaningmoredifficultwithtime. Grindersaremadefrom aluminumoralloyorare magneticsothey'resleek lookingtooandaretheeasiest toclean.Justsoakthemwhich onlytakesminutesusingwarm water&dishsoapbeforewiping downanycreviceswherebud couldaccumulate.Youcantake onelaststepbytakingacotton swabintoeachoftheteethto loosenandhelpcleanaswell.

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EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT CANNABIS: EFFECTS, BENEFITS & MORE! T H E C H R O N I C M A G A Z I N E B E S T S E L L E R Girl Scout Cookies Durban Poison Mimosa Zkittlez Sour Diesel White Widow Trainwreck Jack Herer OG Kush Gelato Purple Haze Wedding Cake Granddaddy Purple Super Lemon Haze GMO Banana Kush Grape Pie Chemdawg Purple Punch Cherry Diesel Do-Si-Dos Runtz Mendo Breath MAC Kush Mints How many strains on our list have you smoked?

LIMITED TIME PRINT We only printed 100 of these make sure to order yours before its to late. SCANTHEQRCODE!