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Educational Advisory
Hello Ladies! Convention is coming up and we would love to have you join us for the OSFA Women’s Auxiliary activities! What a wonderful spring we have had after a very challenging winter! School is quickly coming to a close and the temperatures are warming. And with that, convention is right around the corner! How wonderful it would be to have some new faces join us for all the fun activities that are planned. Please keep in mind that although we would love for you to join the Oklahoma State Firefighters Women’s Auxiliary (OSFWA), you do not have to be a member to participate at convention.
We have meetings Thursday, Friday, and Saturday morning where we get together and discuss the agenda, the fundraising, where our funds will be spent and a few other business PRESIDENT matters. Michele Cole The meetings are not lengthy, momachel@aol.com and it is a fun time of catching
VICE PRESIDENT Ashley Corbett up with the friends from last year and getting to know the ashleyc814@att.net new faces that have just joined us. SECRETARY/TREASURER Friday is “Red, White, & Blue Kendra Engle Day” so remember to dress in kedamo10@yahoo.com patriotic colors for the meeting and luncheon. Tickets for the
JR BD MEMBER ladies luncheon will be available
Courtney Thompson at the OSFWA registration table. courtneythompson524 @gmail.com Friday night before the ban quet, the OSFWA has a silent -
PAST PRESIDENT auction and 50/50 fundraiser Susan Walker and we would greatly appreciate sw233821@gmail.com donated items to be auctioned. Remember to bring three (3) door prizes for the meetings and you can drop them off at registration when you purchase your ladies luncheon ticket! It has been an honor to serve as your Junior Board Member this past year. I am so thankful for the opportunity to be a part of the board and a member of the state auxiliary. The wisdom that has been shared from those who have served before me has been enlightening and invaluable. I look forward to seeing each of you at convention June 9-12 in Guthrie! If there’s one constant I know, it’s that everything changes. I think that’s one of the lessons we’ve all learned and dealt with this past year. Sometimes we’re part of the change and sometimes we deal with the outcome of the change. Sometimes it’s for the better, and sometimes it’s not. After all the changes you as the fire service have had to adapt to, and us as office workers and event coordinators have had to work around, it will be nice to get back to our “Plan A” again! Check out our new website, and we hope to see you at our upcoming events. As always, if there’s anything we can help you out with, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
May is finally here. Storm season is in full swing, and the effects of the “pandemic” are still lingering. Although the restrictions caused the Educational Advisory Committee to change many aspects of State Fire School, the
El Reno FD committee was able to put an impressive school together. I want to commend everyone involved in the planning process for thinking outside the box and finding a way to meet as many training needs as we can. The event has also been shortened to 3 days (May 13-15). If you have attended State Fire School in the past, it will be more spread out than before. Tulsa will be the main site, with other sites hosting some classes. Four fire departments have stepped up to the plate in a big way to help ensure the fire school is as good as it can be, given the circumstances. Tulsa FD, Broken Arrow FD, Owasso FD and Sand Springs FD have all opened up areas for classes. They have been actively working with the committee to ensure a safe and effective environment for training. Sponsors and vendors have been vital, and because of them, we are able to facilitate this training. There will also be evening events during State Fire School. Join us for the welcome event on Thursday night where we will gather for cold drinks and see some products and services available through vendors. Jason Hoevelmann will also give a keynote address. On Friday night, the Tulsa FOOLS bash will be at Fassler Hall in downtown Tulsa. You will not want to miss this one! I hope this update finds you well, and I hope you will be able to attend a class or an event at this year’s State Fire School.
Trisha Chain: OSFA Staff Report
OSFA Event Attendance Totals 125 at Volunteer Caucus
The bunker gear exchange was very popular and appreciated
121 at Legislative Reception
63 were legislators
Help support your Oklahoma Firefighters Museum Expansion and Oklahoma Fallen and Living Firefighters Memorial
Money received from the purchase of each tag goes directly to financing upkeep on the Oklahoma Fallen and Living Firefighters Memorial and Oklahoma Firefighters Museum.
Oklahoma Firefighter tags cost $40 a year (on top of regular tag fees) and $20 goes directly to the Museum/Memorial. Tags can be purchased from local tag agents any time during the year -- not just with your regular plate.
And they can be customized to 6 letters as approved by the Tax Commission.
Forms for Oklahoma Firefighter tags can be downloaded from www.osfa.info.