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OSFA Conventions Through the Years

10 YEARS AGO (2011)

At the 117th convention, OSFA President Bert Norton had all the ambassadors from Midwest City and their families meet before the Mardi Gras themed banquet. “Bert gave a speech about what it meant to be in the Midwest City fire department and how much he appreciated all the work we did,” said convention chairman Jarett Metheny. “It was pretty moving.” And Bert, who picked “Fully Involved” as his convention theme, said: “Judging by the number of new people wanting to be appointed to committees, I think firefighters are going to 2011 OSFA President step up and get fully involved again.” Bert Norton

Also of note:

• Kathy Cross, granddaughter of Retired Ada Fire Chief Gene Smith, read her grandmother’s poem during the Memorial Service. Mrs. Ruth Smith wrote “A Fire Fighter’s Wife” 30-plus years ago and has donated the copyrighted poem to Oklahoma Firefighters Museum. • Retired Warr Acres Fire Chief Herb Bradshaw took over as OSFA Executive Director five months and nine days before convention.

25 YEARS AGO (1996)

For the second year, exclusive invitations to the Memorial Service were sent to spouses of firefighters who were widowed since last convention. And almost half of the names read during the Memorial were represented at the ceremony. Making it extra special were Warr Acres firefighters and the Honor Guard representing all of the host departments. Warr Acres firefighter Ken Koger knelt down in front of a wooden cross in full bunker gear while the names were read. 1996 OSFA President Herb Bradshaw, host of the convention, sang “Amazing Grace.” Herb Bradshaw

Also of note:

• Membership unanimously voted to form a special committee to study the establishment of a fund from voluntary contributions to be paid to surviving families in the event of the death of a member firefighter. The idea was hatched when OSFA Board members went to pay their respects for volunteer firefighter Brent Hatcher of Wayne and found that his family could not afford to buy him a suit to be buried in. • This year’s theme was “Just Another Day” and featured a drawing of the Fallen and Living Firefighters Memorial sculpture. Bradshaw hoped all the profit from convention would go to the Memorial fund.

50 YEARS AGO (1971)

According to Executive Director Andy Miller, this marked the first time in the modern history of the Oklahoma State Firefighters Association that the president was a volunteer firefighter. Miller even suggested to Nathan Stufflebean at the end of last year’s convention that the theme of the 77th event be “The Volunteer Fire Services.”

1971 OSFA President Nathan Stufflebean Miller also suggested that paid departments bring representatives from at least two volunteer cities to convention -- “even if you have to pay their expenses and get them to attend some way or other.” In comparing the final reports of the Credentials Committees from 1970 and ‘71, there were 30 more non delegates attending this convention.

Also of note:

• The day before convention, a storm rolled through Enid, toppling trees and causing other damage. Enid Police Chief Dale Moxley said that many of the firefighters attending convention offered assistance. “You don’t know what that means in a disaster time,” he said. “We do appreciate it.” • Representative Tom Rogers Jr. from Enid told the delegation that he wanted to be a fireman when he grew up. “In a way, I have achieved that goal,” he said. “The Legislature fights more brush fires every year than any other volunteer group I can think of. Sometimes we don’t go about it in a very intelligent way, however. Whoever heard of pouring oil and gas on a brush fire?”

75 YEARS AGO (1946)

Tulsa hosted the 51st Convention of the Oklahoma State Firemen’s Association, and guest speaker R.C. Adler, Former Tulsa Fire Chief, shared the following:

“In 1900 a bunch of us young fellows got together in a store and organized the volunteer fire department in Tulsa. We had a well down at First & Main with a pump on it and 300 feet of hose. At that time, they were paying the boys 50 cents a night for a drill night and $2 or $2.50 for a fire. We never had any fires. In fact, we never had any fires until we got a paid fire department — that started our fires.”

1946 OSFA President Also of note: George P. Askew • The Financial Report for 1946 included the purchase of four Series F War Bonds for the face value of $1,000 each. • The Police Quartet sang “Rock of Ages” at the Memorial Services held at First Baptist Church.

100 YEARS AGO (1921)

T. Alfred Flemming, Chairman of the Conservation Bureau of Fire Underwriters of New York, addressed the convention on the subject of “Fire Prevention.” After his dynamic speech, it was suggested that the Resolutions Committee prepare a letter to U.S. President Warren G. Harding asking that October 9 be set aside as National Fire Prevention Day. On Sept. 21, 1922, President Harding issued a proclamation designating October 9 as National Fire Prevention Day.

Also of note:

• At the opening session for the 27th Annual Convention, presided over by OSFA President M.O. Crouch of Shawnee, there were some 100 delegates present with an expected 400 to be the final tabulation. Trains were all being met by firemen to bring the delegates to the convention. • In the afternoon of the second day, the visitors were taken for an automobile ride, then to a ball game at Oklahoma Baptist University. Later, they attended a banquet and met at the convention hall to watch a boxing contest.

DR. ERICK “DOC E” REYNOLDS For ORFA 3rd Vice President

• Served as a volunteer firefighter several years in Oklahoma at 3 different FDs. My last stop was at Milfay, OK, where I served as a firefighter and fire chief. • Been involved with the OSFA & ORFA for over 15 years. Currently serving as a chairman on the Cornerstone Committee, specifically the Membership Committee. • Spent the last 20+ years involved in fire training across the State of Oklahoma, both in CareerTech and at Oklahoma State University Fire Service Training.

It is such a privilege to be a part of the fire service family, as we always have each other’s backs no matter where we are at. I have the honor of my immedi-

Marshall FD ate fire family being Logan County, though, and it is such a blessing to work with these men and women. There are 14 departments that serve Logan county: Cashion, Coyle, Crescent, Deer Creek, Guthrie, Langston, Marshall, Meridian, Mulhall, Oak Cliff, Orlando, Sooner, Twin Lakes and Woodcrest. Most departments also help serve the counties surrounding Logan County, as well, but we have truly become a close family in Logan County, working well as a whole. The men and women in Logan County truly pour their hearts into serving on our departments and county. Most departments are completely volunteer, with 20 Years with Logan County FDs only Deer Creek and Oak Cliff being combination and Guthrie being the only fully paid department in Logan In 1999, OSFA President Eric Harlow County. became a volunteer firefighter in Ripley What is so wonderful, though, in our family is it when he was 18 and a freshman at Okladoesn’t matter whether you are a paid firefighter or a homa State University. volunteer because we are just that a family. We spend In 2001, he became a part-time paid many hours training together at different departments firefighter at Oak Cliff Fire Protection and at classes brought to Logan County so that when District and quickly moved up the ranks the call comes in, we know each other’s equipment and to the position of Training Officer. how to work together. In 2002, Harlow accepted a full time It doesn’t matter what part of the county you are in Airport Firefighter position at Will Rogers -- North, East, South or West. We all train together and World Airport in Oklahoma City while work together as one. We spend time together not only still working at Oak Cliff FD. at calls and training, but we also attend many events In 2006, he left Oak Cliff to accept together in Logan County -- parades, Touch the Truck the Assistant Fire Chief position at and fundraisers at different departments, as well as neighboring Deer Creek Fire Protection other events across the state such as State Fire School, District. This developed into a full time the Memorial Service, OSFA Convention and the Vol- position within a few years. unteer Caucus. And in 2011, Harlow accepted the I have only been a member of the firefighter family Guthrie Fire Chief position where he’s since 2013, but I have watched the departments get been ever since. stronger and stronger with each year. “We have a great department full of Our fire chiefs implemented something we call very hard working men, providing fire, W.A.R Plan (Wildland Automatic Response) after the rescue and Advanced Life Support transbig fire in 2014 south/southeast of Guthrie. What this port EMS for a large portion of Logan has set in place is that on our high fire danger days, County.” our dispatch will automatically send two additional departments to calls to try and help prevent that from happening again. This is only possible because of how well the men and women work with each other and are willing to go assist our brothers and sisters in their time of need without a second thought on if we get along or not. To me, this shows great leadership from our chiefs leading by example and working through things and always willing to help out. Logan County has deployed a task force multiple times to other counties, and the chiefs all communicate through a Group Me app that helps coordinate who is going and what each one is taking in a short amount of time so we can gather and respond to assist other counties quickly. Recently, one of our county departments suffered a great tragedy when Twin Lakes FD caught fire. They lost everything. So many departments across the USA stepped up to help them rebuild with us, and we also made sure that our surrounding departments kept them covered while they rebuild. We are blessed that this year the OSFA Convention is coming to Logan County and is being hosted by the Guthrie Fire Department. Oklahoma FirefighterMay/June/July 2021 25

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