Welcome back for the third annual National American Speckle Park Show and Sale located at Cattlemen’s Congress!
It’s always great to see new and old faces at these events and this year is no different.
Every year, the Speckle Park breed is gaining more and more interest in the U.S., and we are happy to be able to put together another excellent group of cattle for them to see. There’s frozen genetics and live cattle in this offering that can fit into anybody’s herds and goals within. Take a long look here and don’t miss out!
We look forward to seeing you in January in Oklahoma City.
Cole Keyser
January 4 | 6:00 PM
ASPA Social, LaQuinta Inn & Suites
January 5 | 5:00 PM
3rd Annual ASPA Sale
January 6 | 8:00 AM
Speckle Park Junior Show, Open to Follow
Sale Location
Cattleman’s Congress Sale Arena 3001 General Pershing Blvd. Oklahoma City, OK 73107
Sale Day Phones
Cole Keyser 518-469-5099
Robert Harris 434-251-7088
Becky Miller 816-401-6427
Matt Sims 405-641-6081
American Speckle Park Board of Directors
Robert Harris, President 434-251-7088
Cole Keyser, Vice President 518-469-5099
Ronald Carty 609-280-4966
Brad Sonnentag 715-313-3640
Bill Hewat 479-871-0281
Tina Williams 580-821-4327
Ali Wright 605-254-2747
LaQuinta Inn & Suites, block ASPA 808 S Meridian Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73108 405-702-7720
Online Bidding
Sale Sponsor
American Speckle Park Association PO Box 260
Kearney, MO 64060 816-652-2220 americanspecklepark@gmail.com
Consigned by Polzin Cattle Speckle Park
PZC Beautiful Thing is exactly the high quality striking phenotype heifer calf that we expect her donor dam Red Maple Beautiful to produce. This young female will be a productive cow after she makes a young exhibitors dreams come true. Colton has been hard at work setting her up for her next young exhibitor.
Striking from every angle, check her out! First offering from MartinStar Kaboom 1K (2500 lb) multi year proven show winner. A perfect mating with the bulletproof Prairie Lily Family creating endless potential. Very attractive, correct and sound. Reserve Intermediate Heifer at the Royal Winter Fair
Consigned by Wilcox Livestock
Marie is a thick, stout made, feminine female. She will be the second daughter out of our Glamour cow to be sold in this national sale. She is the first offspring offered off the high selling RH 859F Kirby 209K bull.
Consigned by Blue Ridge Farms
BRF Sparta 02L is one that Blue Ridge Farms is truly excited about. This bred heifer is out of a solid cow, PWPK Havana Riveria. She is a deep bodied female that would make an excellent donor prospect. She’s good on the move with plenty of rib. This is one we are sure will leave a legacy in anyone’s herd. This bred heifer was pasture exposed in June 2024 to River Hill Bearded John Boy 123J and River Hill Fury Justice 116J.
Lignite 24L is a powerful young heifer that comes from arguably one of our best cows on the ranch. Watson Crusher Flame 24F has now produced two heifer calves for us that sit at the very top of our replacement pen. A heavy milking tidy udder cow with extremely good efficiency that looks after herself and stays in condition year around. This will be your opportunity to obtain some very productive and powerful genetics. Sired by Ravenworth Stetson 112G who has produced several champions and high ranking females for Watson Land and Livestock out of Ontario. Added bone and structure with feet, legs and capacity. We can go on all day but you can be confident that we are making the journey from Canada with our very best pair of bred heifers for advancement of the breed in the USA. Plain and simple this opportunity to buy live breeding stock of this calibre is no mistake. Bred to calve in late February. Service sire is Graham Creek Lambert 7L.
Consigned by Graham Creek Ranch
Graham Creek Lilli 16L is the result of embryos we purchased from INC Cattle Company. The combination of Star Bank Witches Brew 16W with Premier Logic L11 captures some of the most exciting, and proven genetics in the breed right now. Both individuals rendering a stack a mile long of success in the show ring as well as front pasture producing progeny. Lilli 16L is exactly what we strive for in our program and comes right off the top of our bred heifer pen. This is a young female to build a herd from or take an existing program to new heights. She is correct, feminine and we encourage you to come and set your eyes on her. Bred for an early March calf. Vet is confident she is carrying a heifer. Service sire Graham Creek Lambert 7L.
Consigned by Blue Ridge Farms
Blue Ridge Farms is excited to offer a bred heifer out of out the most gentle cow, PWPK Faded Denim 126H. In addition to her gentle disposition, BRF Lansing 01L has an attractive front end with a feminine head and neck. She is sure to make a great addition to anyone’s herd. This bred heifer was pasture exposed in June 2024 to River Hill Bearded John Boy 123J and River Hill Fury Justice 116J.
Consigned by Wilcox Livestock
Here’s a heifer right off the top of our program. Her dam is a top producer, delivering good calves year after year. She’s a functional cow with a good udder. 15M’s sire has surpassed our expectations with his first calf crop. He has added length and perfomance to his offspring while keeping low to moderate birthweights.
8 Lot 9
Consigned by Polzin Cattle Speckle Park
This young female is very cool made, and backed by some of the elite females in the Speckle Park breed. We expect this young female will continue to imporve as she matures. Colton has been hard at work setting her up for her next young exhibitor. Come check her out at the Polzin Cattle Stalls.
Consigned by MartinStar Farms
Never Miss Pedigree Here! A late choice for Cattlemen’s Congress sale, wait until you see how Mercedes develops after a few months in the show barn. Another outstanding Opportunity to purchase this proven mating. Fantastic combination for Performance and Style.
Consigned by Cross W Cattle
Marshall is a powerful embryo calf coming from a mating put together by Hay Creek Speckle Park. His sire is the popular JSF Unmarked 2D that has proven breed leading progeny all over the world. His maternal side is just as influential with lineage going back to the River Hill Cinder line of females. He is thick topped, deep bodied, easy moving and quiet as a mouse. He is ready to add pounds and functionality to his progeny. We had 3 calves from this parining hit the ground in 2024...all three will be on display in Oklahomha City. That’s how highly we think of this pedigree! Take a look at this opportunity to invest in top notch genetics to build your herd upon!
Consigned by Hay Creek Speckle Park
3 Grade 1 IVF Embryos qualified for USA and Canada. Upper Class is phenotypically flawless; wide topped, deep sided, docile, and structurally correct. He is a son of the legendary matriarch, Battalion Heartbreaker M1. Greenwood Havoc 3G is backed by a dynamite pedigree as well. She is long bodied, feminine, square made and one heck of a mother! This combination is the reason we had to get this Australian stud into the USA. Limited and rare opportunity to own this paring.
Consigned by Cross W Cattle
3 IVF sexed female embryo package. This is the first offering of embryos by the high selling female at the very first American Speckle Park Association sale. She was the Reserve Grand Champion Junior female at the inqugural Cattlemen’s Congress Speckle Park show. This broody cow is a mile long, has a hind quarter the size of Texas and is an easy fleshing meat making powerhouse. We believe this mating will produce versatile offspring with the ability to thrive in a show ring or in production. If you’re looking to add power, mass and fleshing ability to your herd look no further
UnderhillEureka3E Lot 15 Donor
Consigned by Heavenly Acres
Here’s your chance to tap into the most profitable cow at Heavenly Acres. Eureka 3E offers a unique pedigree, going back to the Ferrari cow at Underhill Specs which is one of their most profitable donor dams, follow this cow family and follow the money. She has offspring across the country working in various environments, and they’ve all had success doing so. We are offering one IVF flush through TransOva on this elite donor dam. She has averaged 10 frozen grade ones per flush, and there’s no cap or splits! Buyer will be responsible for all associated flush costs through TransOva. We will offer semen from our personal tank if the buyer chooses, otherwise, they will be responsible to provide it. Trucking will be covered by Heavenly Acres free of charge.
Coal Train garnered plenty of interest throughout the 2023 show season with cattlemen from all breeds left in awe after viewing him in the flesh. His list of accolades in 2023 was lengthy with him being crowned; PA EX Beef Summer Show Supreme Champion All Breeds Bull, Stockade Roundup Grand Champion Speckle Park Bull, Canadian Western Agribition Grand Champion Speckle Park Bull and a Top 10 Finalist and a Top 4 Finalist - All Breeds Supreme Show, 2023 Speckle Park Champion of the World.
Consigned by Greenwood Speckle Park
Kobra is a royally bred, breeding piece. Combining the 2020 Speckle Park Miss World female, Pathfinder Cora DLE 3C with Greenwood Headliner 71H who was crowned Grand Champion Speckle Park Bull and a ‘Top 4’ All Breeds Supreme Qualifier at Stockade Roundup in 2020. Kobra himself found success on the 2024 show road as he was the Grand Champion Speckle Park Bull at Stockade Roundup and Farmfair International. Kobra daughters are phenotypically flawless and structurally correct. His sons possess the sheer power, early maturity, extra shape, and added testicular development that we expected from him.
This This performance bred bull has an ass two axe handles wide, a top like an airport runway and more rib than a Louisiana BBQ. Beautiful extension and very smooth, Talladega’s high end frame score ensures he will mature into one of the biggest bulls in the breed. The time has come for a bull like 11J. Described as Rob Harasymchuk at INC Cattle Co as the best calf to ever come out of their program, I would not take those words lightly! US Qualified.
Consigned by Inc Cattle Co
CAJA Zeppelin 1B is one of the greatest sires of any breed. The unique and rare combination of performance, maternal traits and phenotype make him an invaluable genetic addition to the breed. His influence will be realized for decades to come. His progeny continues to place the breed in any comparison.
Consigned by Inc Cattle Co
Big-footed, long as an old man’s story and with impressive testicle development, INC Goliath 747G has so much to offer. Our Goliath calves are some of the best to come out of the INC program. 747G has a soft temperament and has plenty of hard muscle. He’s big, strides out beautifully and will work great on your dark cows. A proven herd sire that will benefit any program. Stored at Custom Genetics in Mitchell, SD.
Consigned by INC Cattle Co.
INC Assassin 777G is the epitome of style. This flashy herd sire has proven himself time and time again at INC. He’s beautifully made, smooth fronted, and has lots of rib. Heifer safe, Assassin is very sound in every facet of his structure. Add some flare to your herd! Semen is stored at Custom Genetics, Mitchell, SD.
Consigned by Inc Cattle Co
We could dare anyone to find a herd sire with more length, consistency or better leg and foot structure than Premier 101Y Logic L11. If you’re looking to improve testicle size or soften temperament, Logic is the hands down choice. This outstanding New Zealand bred bull has had such a positive influence on our program, we would be negligent not to share it with our American friends. Performance bred and built to produce great results. Stored at Hawkeye West in Billings, MT.
Keith Kissee was instrumental in introducing the Speckle Park breed in the United Sates and one of the visionaries behind the creation of the American Speckle Park Association. Keith’s sudden loss in 2022 was a shock to the community, however, the Speckle Park community will never forget him. The Keith Kissee Memorial Scholarship Fund was started at the first annual Speckle Park sale in Oklahoma City in 2023. Scholarship opportunities are available for all American juniors 21 years old and younger who share Keith’s passion for the breed and industry. This set of outstanding genetics will sell in conjunction with the Annual Sale January 5. All proceeds will go to the ASPA Junior Scholarship Fund.
River Hill Farm Speckle Park, Neilburg, SK has generously donated this lot of IVF embryos to the American Speckle Park Association. Proceeds will be used to breed improvement programs, junior programs and promotion of the breed.
DONATION EMBRYO LOT PROCEDURE: The final bid in each round will donate the amount of that bidder’s donation. Example: Round 1 - Final bid is $300 to John Doe. John’s dnoation is $300.00 Round 2 - Final bid is $250.00 to Tom Jones. Tom’s donation is $250.00. Round 3 - The embryo lot is re-auctioned on a downward scale until no further bids are received at the low of $10.00. Eatch $10.00 purchased (donated) represents one chance in the final draw. (Jonn Doe has 30 chances, Tom Jones has 25 chances and so on down the scale to the final $10 donation worth on chances each.) One ticket for every $10.00 bearing the contributor’s name will be put in the draw barrell. At the end of the sale, one ticket will be drawn with that person winning the lot.
‘Black Star’ offers a unique combination of being powerfully constructed and massive in her design, but ties it together in an eye appealing package with a feminine appearance. Black Star checks all the boxes we look for in a donor female with a high quality udder, tremendous feet and movement along with the proven ability to add value. sire who has added excitement and value.
Lots 4, 8
Blue Ridge Farms
Bill Hewat
Goshen, Arkansas
Lots 12, 14
Cross W Cattle
Colton & Ali Wright
Gering, NE
Lots 5, 7
Graham Creek Ranch
Mike, Lynda Minshull and Family 306-339-7848
Pierson, MB Canada
Lots 16, 17
Greenwood Speckle Park
Dalton Payne
Phone 780-808-6882
Lot 13
Hay Creek Speckle Park
Brynlee Sonnentag 715-313-3640
Lot 15
Heavenly Acres
Cole Keyser 518-469-5099
heavenlyacresswiss@gmail.com Esperance, NY
Lots 1, 11
MartinStar Farms
Greg, Julie, Jess & Mack Martin 519-826-8952
Rockwood, Ontario Canada
Lots 3, 6, 9
Wilcox Livestock
Anthony & Ariel Wilcox 204-750-1658
Treherne, MB Canada
Lots 19, 20, 21, 22, C INC Cattle Co
Rob & Janice Harasymchuk 306-260-6200
Saskatoon, SK Canada
Lots 2, 10, 18 Polzin Cattle Speckle Park
Colton & Chris Polzin 612-916-0105
Darwin, MN
Lots A, B Underhill SPECS
Jordon Underhill & Family 519-760-0892
us@underhillspecs.ca Elora, ON Canada
ASPA Fundraising Lot
River Hill Farm
Cory Ducherer 780-205-2478
Neilburg, SK Canada