okPORK PAGES Winter 2017

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okPORKPAGES official magazine of the Oklahoma Pork Council | www.okpork.org

Volume 21 | Issue 4 | Winter 2017

Passion for Research

okPORK helps graduate student acheive goals

Contents Winter 2017

3 | President Speaks 4 | Executive Review 6 | Viva Las Bacon! 2018 Pork Congress 8 | Impacting Agriculture 10 | okPORK Chop Shop 12 | A Vast Amount of Bacon 14 |Passion for Research 16 | It’s Golf Time! 18 | Learning to


18 | Holidays with Pork

okPORKPAGES Winter 2017 | Volume 21 | Issue 4 BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICERS President | Phil Oliphant, El Reno President Elect | Joe Popplewell, Stillwater Vice President | Robbie Woods, Enid Treasurer | Paris Robinson, Holdenville BOARD MEMBERS Dottie King, Calvin Keith Reiner, Enid Cathy Vaughan, Rosston Chris Wallis, Allen EX OFFICIO Dr. Scott Carter, Stillwater Brett Ramsey, Jones Rob Richard, Oklahoma City STAFF Executive Director Roy Lee Lindsey, Jr. | rllindsey@okpork.org Office Manager Christine Ayala-Sanchez | csanchez@okpork.org Director of Marketing and Promotions Nikki Snider | nsnider@okpork.org Communications Specialist Lindsay Henricks | ltasos@okpork.org Event and Outreach Specialist Lloyd Hawkins | lhawkins@okpork.org OKLAHOMA PORK COUNCIL 901 North Lincoln Blvd., Suite 380 Oklahoma City, OK 73104-3206 Phone 405.232.3781 • Fax 405.232.3862 Toll free in Okla. • 888.SAY.PORK WEBSITE | www.okpork.org

On the Cover Carson Cooper, OSU graduate student, does most of her research at the OSU Swine facility.

okPORK PAGES is the official publication of the Oklahoma Pork Council and is published four times per year in March, June, September and December by the Oklahoma Pork Council. Programs are made available to pork producers without regard to race, color, sex, religion or national origin. The Oklahoma Pork Council is an equal opportunity employer. All Pork Pages inquiries should be directed to the okPORK office or communications@okpork.org Writing and Design | Lindsay Henricks, Nikki Snider Editing | Christine Sanchez

Photo by Lindsay Henricks 2|

Stay Connected : search okpork


Thanks and Giving by Phil Oliphant


Fall is definitely upon us here in Oklahoma! Cool nights, crisp mornings and changes of color everywhere. As I sit in front of a fire, I can’t help but think about the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag Indians in 1621 preparing for a giant feast. They had both lost so much, but were still joining in on a successful harvest. It was definitely a time to be thankful! As a history buff, I often find myself studying the past experiences our fore fathers to reflect on the current situations going on in our world today. I ask myself, what would George Washington do? What would my grandfather do? What would my father do in these good and bad situations? There is so much value in the knowledge of people who have experienced decades of life! I encourage you to talk to a farmer in rural Oklahoma about solutions, remedies, failures and of course successes. I promise you’ll find it intriguing! As is talking to a retied veteran who has just as many stories to tell, some awful and some life changing. But one thing they all have in common is the ability to laugh at the worst moments in life and still be thankful! We all experience difficult and challenging times in our lives, we always have and always will. When relationships fail, when investments fall apart, when employees are frustrated, but is not the time to quit. It’s a time to be thankful. My wife helped me learn this lesson from one of her family traditions at Thanksgiving. She would have everyone sit down at the table and share five or more things they were thankful for. Today I use this tradition in all aspects of my

personal and professional lives. Everyday there are at least five things to be thankful for in each area of YOUR life! It is amazing how in the worse possible situation in my personal life such as my pig farming, my horse ranch, my children and even my career can change so quickly because I have become thankful for what I have in my life. It is just that simple! If it worked for the Pilgrims, I knew It could work for me! As I reflect on upon this year, I think of all the things the pork industry has to be thankful for: the freedom in this country which allows us to feed the world using our farming practices, to share and educate our knowledge of the swine industry and show just how passionate we are about pigs, and to produce an amazing product that the government allows us to do. I am thankful to be a part of this industry and to serve as your president at the Oklahoma Pork Council. I also want to wish everyone a happy and blessed Thanksgiving, a very Merry Christmas and of course the happiest of New Years! Cheers to a wonderful 2017! •



Being Thankful


by Roy Lee Lindsey

The holiday season is upon us and it’s a time of year I take stock of the things in my life that made me the person I am and I am thankful for. I’m thankful for a work ethic instilled in me by my parents and responsibilities around the family’s farm and our farm equipment dealership. From the time I was about 8 years old, I would go to work almost every morning before school with my dad. For 40 plus years, he owned and operated a farm equipment dealership in rural western Oklahoma. My responsibilities included sweeping the floor, taking out the trash, cleaning the bathrooms and whatever else needed to be done. Over time I moved into selling parts, lawn mowers, and eventually a combine or two. When I started selling parts, I had a little round “kick-stool” I would push up the counter and tell the customer “if you can find it in this parts book, I can get it out of the bin.” I worked summers at the dealership during wheat harvest when some weeks I might work more than 100 hours. Those days we opened at 7:30 a.m. and we worked until the combines quit cutting wheat at night. That meant 9:30 p.m. and others it was after midnight. When we weren’t working at the dealership, we were headed to our small farm to check the cows, check the wheat and alfalfa, or build a little fence. We spent time each day with our show calf projects. Virtually everything we did revolved in some way around the farm and the farming community. What I got from that experience was an appreciation for the commitment farmers had to their crops and livestock. I’ve tried to take that same commitment I saw in our farmers and ranchers to my job and responsibilities each day. My wife sometimes doesn’t appreciate why I take that phone call at 8:30 or 9 p.m. or why I’m working on Saturday or Sunday. It’s in my blood. My dad taught it to me at a young age. I simply don’t know any other way.


For the past 19 years, I’ve been blessed to have the opportunity to serve the members of the Oklahoma Pork Council as the executive director at okPORK. I see our members dedicate themselves to caring for their animals and the environment, working to protect food safety and the workers on the farms, and investing their communities. I see them working nights and weekends and through natural disasters. I see the parents whose children have grown up in and now are returning to the farm to take leadership roles in the family farm operations. I see people who work for companies that have given their hearts and souls to promote their employer and their industry within the local communities and across the state and nation. I’m inspired by the commitment of Oklahoma’s hog farmers to do what’s right every day. There has been a myriad of changes since I stood on that stool behind the parts counter some 40 years ago. Today’s farms are bigger. The herds are larger. The equipment costs a whole lot more. The number of farmers and ranchers is smaller. But one thing hasn’t changed – the commitment to put in the time and effort required to provide safe, abundant, affordable food for the rest of us to enjoy. For that, I’m truly thankful.•

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LasBacon 2018 Oklahoma Pork Congress

Friday, February 23, 2018

Tentative Agenda

Embassy Suites Hotel & Conference Center 2501 Conference Dr, Norman, OK 73069

9 a.m.


9:30 a.m.

NPB Update

10:15 a.m.

NPPC Update

11:15 a.m.

Dr. Janeen Johnson


Awards Luncheon

2:00 p.m.

okPORK Update from Roy Lee Lindsey, Executive Director

2:30 p.m.

Legislative Update, James McSpadden (and possible members of OK House & Senate)

3:30 p.m.

Annual Meeting

4:30 p.m.

Consumer Perceptions of Agriculture

6 p.m.

okPORKapalooza* ( This is a new event will require a ticket to enter. Think about a wide selection of pork dishes, free drinks, silent auction and an evening of fun and friendship.)


Auction Items Needed! Calling all those with a dab hand for shopping! okPORK plans to hold the annual silent auction during the 2017 Oklahoma Pork Congress. The auctions raise non-Checkoff funds for okPORK. The funds help us support legislators and fund activities that are outside the Pork Checkoff scope of work. The more money raised during the auctions – the more impact okPORK can have in our community! Donations are needed of all kinds! Some ideas of past donations are: • Hunting trips and supplies • OSU and OU memorabilia or tickets • Tickets to other local events • Restaurant gift cards • Home décor and crafts • Farm Supplies • Anything “pig” related • Jewelry In our continued effort to improve the auction, we would like to hear from YOU! We want to know what items you would be interested in purchasing. If you have items to donate or a suggestion of an item that would sell well, contact Roy Lee Lindsey, rllindsey@okpork.org or 405-232-3781. •

Important Notice! To attend the *Porkapaloosa portion of congress you must obtain a ticket to enter!

Tickets are $25 Purchase Online: www.okpork.org Purchase Via Phone: 405-232-3781 You will not want to miss this fun, casino themed night, full of prizes, food and much more!

Public Notice by Oklahoma Pork Council And the National Pork Board The election of pork producer delegate candidates for the 2019 National Pork Producers (Pork Act) Delegate Body will take place at 3:30 p.m. on Friday, February 23, 2018 in conjunction with the Oklahoma Pork Congress and Annual Meeting which will be held at the Embassy Suites Hotel & Conference Center in Norman, Okla. All Oklahoma pork producers are invited to attend. Any producer age 18 or older who is a resident of Oklahoma and has paid all assessments due may be considered as a

delegate candidate and/or participate in the election. All eligible producers are encouraged to bring with them a sales receipt proving that hogs were sold in their name and the checkoff deducted. Nominations will be accepted from the floor. For more information, contact the Oklahoma Pork Council. Telephone: 888-SAY-PORK (729-7675) or 405-232-3781. •

New okPORK Board Members Needed At the okPORK Annual Meeting, the membership of okPORK will elect four members to the okPORK Board of Directors. The west district seat that is open is held by Keith Reiner. Reiner is not eligible for reelection. The first open at-large seat is held by Joe Popplewell who is eligible for reelection. The second at-large seat is held by Sara Linneen who is not eligible for reelection. This will be a one year term only. The open east district seat is held by Chris Wallis and he is not eligible for reelection. The west district is composed of counties west of I-35 and

includes those counties which contain I-35. The east district includes all counties east of I-35. Any paid okPORK member in Oklahoma can run for and vote for the at-large board seat. If you are interested in running for the Board of Directors please submit a photo and bio to okPORK by February 1st. We will publish your bio for the Pork Congress participants to review before the election. We will also take nominations from the floor during the meeting and candidates will have the opportunity to address the okPORK membership prior to the election. • |7

Impacting by Jack Carson - ODAFF


s part of a continuing series of stories on Significant Women in Oklahoma Agriculture, the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food & Forestry and Oklahoma State University are recognizing and honoring the impact of countless women across all 77 counties of the state, from all aspects and areas of the agricultural industry. The honorees were nominated by their peers and selected by a committee of 14 industry professionals. This week Wathina Luthi of Gage, Okla. is featured this week as a Significant Woman in Oklahoma Agriculture. Growing up near Guymon on a family farm founded in the early 1900s, Wathina Luthi is a descendent of agricultural pioneers who first homesteaded Oklahoma. Today she is recognized as one of the pioneers of modern agriculture not only in her home state but nationally. And it all started with two pigs. She and her new husband, Chuck, went from Panhandle State University to Woodward where they wanted to pursue farming, ranching and raising pigs. Both her and her husband’s family had raised swine on their farms and they both enjoyed working with them. “I told him he needed to find something to keep me busy or I was going to get a job in town,” Luthi said. “We got two sows and that’s how we got our start.” In the beginning, the Luthi hog farm was no different from most hog farms from decades past. Pigs were bred and raised on the farm and then fed until they were ready to be sold to a pork processor. By the 1990s the two-sow operation had expanded to 125 head. “We ground our own rations, and implemented our own animal health programs and marketing,” Luthi said. “It was a good operation but when we had the chance to contract with Murphy Family Farms in the 1990s we thought it was a good opportunity for us and we took it.” As contract growers, the Luthi family now found themselves operating a 3,650 head sow farm that provided weaned feeder pigs to other contract growers. Husband Chuck took care of the “outside work” and Wathina raised the hogs.


“When people would ask Chuck about the pigs he would always tell them they weren’t his pigs,” she said. “He would say, ‘If you want to know anything about the pigs you’ll have to ask my wife.’” An accounting major in college, Wathina excelled at keeping records of not only the financial side but also the production methods and activities of the family farm. If the farm was going to be successful it had to be both economically and environmentally sustainable. “Hard work and keeping track of what worked well and what didn’t was a lot of it,” Luthi said. “Our goal was to be successful and sustainable for the next generation to take over.” One of the problems large livestock operations face is dealing with animal waste. The Luthi family found the solution was in processing the effluent from the hog farm in a way that reduced odors and created high quality fertilizer for pastures and crops. Their program was so successful that in 2004 the Luthi farm received one of four National Environmental Stewardship

Wathina Luthi Wins Oklahoma Women In Agriculture Award

Awards from the National Pork Board. The family also received the okPORK’s first environmental stewardship award. “We are very proud of these recognitions,” Luthi said. “But even more than that we were glad to be able to share our experiences with other people to promote and tell the farmer’s side of the agriculture story.” Her knowledge and ability to communicate with both farmers and consumers didn’t go unnoticed by the pork industry. Luthi was called to serve as a member of the National Pork Board and served two full terms. Today she remains on the board’s Swine Health Committee. She is currently a member of the National Agricultural Research, Extension, Education, and Economics (NAREEE) Advisory Board. “The Swine Health for the NPB committee is concerned with all aspects of swine health issues and helps direct industry

funding in a number of research and outreach programs,” she said. “It’s really very rewarding work.” In fact, Wathina Luthi says one of the most important jobs in agriculture today is telling the story of modern farmers and ranchers to an increasingly urban audience. “We have to become more transparent and show people our concerns for water quality, food safety and the welfare of our animals,” she said. “We continually look to improve the health care, nutrition and well-being of our animals because it’s the right thing to do and because it’s what we want to do. “Agriculture has changed because the demand for food is much different than it was a few generations ago,” Luthi said. “We have to communicate that story better.”•


How one graduate student is making a difference, with a little help.

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by Allison Burenheide


normal day for the average graduate student may consist of the usual routine of grading papers or sitting in on lectures, but Carson Cooper is not your average graduate student. Her usual day involves not only the tasks of teaching labs and lectures, but also ensuring her pigs are taken care and the Oklahoma State University (OSU) Swine Center is running smoothly. Growing up in small town Mooreland, Okla., Cooper’s love of the swine industry grew as she got her start at OSU. “I chose OSU for the atmosphere,” Cooper said. “You feel like people are invested in you, they want you to grow both personally and professionally.” As a freshman Cooper became involved in research at the OSU Swine Center and that opportunity led her to where she is today. “I was involved in the research my whole undergraduate career,” Cooper said. “And that led me to purse a master’s degree here in nutritional research under Dr. Carter.” Not only does Cooper work on her own research projects and assist Dr. Scott Carter in undergraduate classes like Swine Science, she also devotes most of her day to working at the OSU Swine Center. So what does a typical day look like for Cooper? “First thing in the morning I check the health of all my pigs, and currently I’m managing a nursery trial so I check to make sure they have feed and water available, and look for any major health concerns,” Cooper said. Later, Cooper heads back to campus to take care of grading papers, helping her undergraduate students, and working on her own studies. Then she heads back to the swine center to work with student workers to feed pens, and taking care of basic daily maintenance tasks. On top of caring for her pigs, students, and the swine center, Cooper also manages multiple research projects with fellow graduate students and Dr. Carter. Currently, Cooper is managing a trial focused on growth performance looking at average daily gain, average daily feed intake, and feed efficiency. “Sometimes we do different projects where we look at different immune responses in the blood to see if there’s any

effect from a feed or water additive that we’re using at that time. What’s unique about OSU’s swine nutrition graduate program is that we have a really small tight knit group,” Cooper said. The program is comprised of one major professor and has a smaller amount of graduate students compared to other universities. The students have the chance to work with and rely on each other to manage projects and take care of the pigs at the swine center. “It’s a great opportunity that we get to work a lot with each other,” Cooper said. “We get to learn from each other, and have a really good support system.” Graduate school doesn’t come without its hardships, one of those being the cost of furthering your education. Thankfully Cooper was awarded the Dr. Bill Luce scholarship and doesn’t have to worry about the extra stress of finances while working towards her dream of furthering her education. “It’s been a huge burden lifted off of me and I really appreciate the Oklahoma Pork Council and their willingness to give back to students,” Cooper said. After graduating with a Master of Science with a focus on swine nutrition, Cooper plans to stay involved in the swine industry. “I definitely want to be actively involved in the industry, and try to give back to the programs that have made an impact on me,” Cooper said. Although she’s not sure if it will be on the production side, or more towards the feed or nutritional aspect, Cooper will leave her mark both on the OSU Swine Program and the industry itself. •

“It’s been a huge burden lifted off of me and I really appreciate the Oklahoma Pork Council and their willingness to give back to students.”

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by Lindsay Henricks


klahoma State Fair may just be a place to enjoy the carnival, view livestock and spend time with family. But for the average food specialist, it is so much more. The okPORK Chop Shop is a stop for many of those food enthusiast, especially the pork loving ones. Last year the Hawgzilla was introduced and of course was a hit. The mammoth meal included a pork chop, pulled pork and a pork burger between two buns and sold for $15. This year it was just as big of a hit, but with a new perk, the ringing of the Hawgzilla bell when one was purchased. “The Hawgzilla was a even bigger hit than last year,” said Lloyd Hawkins, okPORK community outreach specialist. “Word of mouth from last year and the bell attracted people.” Other items on the menu included pulled pork sandwiches, pork chop sandwiches, pork chop on a stick and pork burgers. A new feature to the booth was picnic tables and sun umbrellas for fair goers to have a seat and enjoy their food. This also helped draw traffic to the Chop Shop because walking around the Oklahoma State Fair can be exhausting!

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Running the booth successfully would not be possible without the help of many great volunteers. A huge thank you goes out to everyone who gave their time to come to OKC and spend time in the sandwich booth during the long two weeks. “We love volunteering for the okPORK Chop Shop at the Oklahoma State Fair. The staff members are great and professional,” said Phil Oliphant, okPORK board president. “It is such a great opportunity for us to meet people and educate them about pork and answer their questions about the Oklahoma Pork Council.” okPORK enjoys the opportunity to interact with the public during the Oklahoma State Fair. They were able to host a radio remote from the shop and serve the public with great products, all in which made it another successful year. If you would like to learn more about okPORK and their involvement with the Oklahoma State Fair, feel free to vist our website at www.okpork.org or call the office at 405-232-3781. •


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A Vast photo & story by Nikki Snider

Thank you to our table sponsors:

McSpadden, Milner, Robinson National Pork Producers Council Republic National Distributing Dr. Rod Hall Farm Credit


igh above downtown Oklahoma City, the smell of bacon filled the room. As guests entered, they visited excitedly waiting to see what the night full of bacon and bourbon would bring. This was the scene at Vast Event Center on November 10 as okPORK’s latest Bacon & Bourbon Dinner began. Chef Kevin Lee and his capable staff creatively incorporated bacon into five amazing courses. Steve Stavinoha from Republic National Distributing expertly paired a bourbon with each of these courses. And this menu is the result of their collaboration. First Course: Tart & Smokey Green Tomato Bisque topped with Cream Fraiche, Microgreens, and Bacon Lardons. Paired with High West Double Rye. Second Course: Sour Dough Panzanella Salad Field Greens, Avocado, Grape Tomatoes, Cured Eggs, Bacon Vinaigrette. Paired with High West Campfire. Third Course: Grilled Jumbo Shrimp Honey Bourbon, Horseradish Glaze, with Bacon Grissini. Paired with High West Rendezvous Rye. Fourth Course: Bacon Wrapped Pork Shoulder Steak, Roasted Parsnip, Butternut Squash and Red Bean Succotash. Paired with High West Bouyre. Dessert: Bourbon Apple Streusel with Bacon Butterscotch and Bourbon Chantilly Cream. Paired with High West American Prairie Bourbon.

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“It’s become a staple with the wife and me,” said Randy McDowell. “We always look forward to okPORK’s annual Bacon & Bourbon Dinner at Vast. We discover new ways to enjoy the other white meat with some of the best folks I know on top of OKC. Truly a Pork Be Inspired event!” As you may know by now, the purpose of this event goes far beyond enjoying food and drink. okPORK began the Bacon & Bourbon dinner in 2011 to raise money for okPORK’s noncheckoff activities. The event typically earns $4,000 for okPORK to use in political activities and membership recruitment. “Bacon & Bourbon has become a primary part of our yearly fundraising efforts,” said Roy Lee Lindsey, okPORK Executive Director. “We have people that attend the event year after year and will call to find out if the event is scheduled.” One of those regular attenders is Joe Popplewell, okPORK President Elect who works for Seaboard Foods. He said this was another great event. “The Bacon & Bourbon is always a fun event,” Popplewell said. “I enjoy seeing everyone and this year the food was great. I enjoyed the pairings because the bourbons were really unique.” Plans are already underway for a Bacon & Bourbon in 2018, so be sure to stay tuned to all okPORK channels for more information. You don’t want to miss this top-notch event. •

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by Lindsay Henricks


nstead of a hot day in August like last year, the annual okPORK OPEN made its yearly appearance on a chilly day in late October. Oklahoma pork producers around the state of Oklahoma gathered together, stocking caps and all, at the John Conrad Golf Course in Midwest City, Okla., for a day of golf. Just like last year, the purpose of having the yearly tournament in the middle of the state was to attract producers from all over Oklahoma to come mingle, eat pork and of course play golf. “The okPORK OPEN is something we look forward to having every year,” said Lloyd Hawkins, okPORK community outreach specialist. “We switched the date to October to hopefully attract more producers and for the weather to not be as hot.” As the day drew closer, everyone was hoping it would be a cool fall day, perfect for playing golf. That morning dawned and instead of a sunny and 75 day, we got a windy 40-degree day.

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“I would have much rather had a cold day of golf than a hot one,” said Joe Popplewell, Seaboard Foods and okPORK Board Member. “The course was well managed and it was a great day!” Even though it was a bit cold during the tournament, a big perk was the staff at the John Conrad Course. Filling the drink coolers, helping with set up, helping tallying score cards and determining flights were just some of the tasks they helped with. “The staff was such a big help,” said Nikki Snider, okPORK director of marketing and promotions. “They made everything so easy and fault free for us.” The drink cart, driven by okPORK employees and Seaboard Foof Employees, made sure everyone stayed hydrated on this cold fall day. By lunchtime, the cold golfers were ready to rest their feet and enjoy some pork and hot chocolate. Here’s how the scores played out:

1st – PPS Trucking 2nd – T & W Tire 3rd – Kretchmar Distributing And the day of golf would not have been possible without the generous support of our sponsors: Mansion Farm – The King’s | 1st National Bank Kretchmar Distributing | McSpadden, Milner, Robinson McSpadden & Associates | National Pork Board DNA Swine Genetics | Robinson Family Farm LL Consulting & Roy Lee Lindsey | PIC | Blue & Gold Sausage Hog Slat Inc. | Phibro | Hudiburg Fleet Services | Ceva Pulse Needle Free Systems Inc. | Byford Auto Group Wheeler’s Meat Market | P & K Equipment | Liberal Kenworth Hanor | Seaboard Foods | The Maschhoffs | Win Win LLC Tyson | Minitube | T & W Tire | American Farmers & Ranchers 1st United | PPS Trucking • | 17

“Leaders must be close enough to relate to others, but far enough ahead to motivate them.” John C. Maxwell


he Pork Leadership Institute’s main goal is to help rising stars in the pork industry get far enough ahead that they can relate to their peers at home. One of these rising stars from Oklahoma, Dr. Sara Linneen, had the opportunity to be part of PLI in 2016 and 2017. “It was a great source of pride for me to be selected for PLI,” said Linneen about the 18-member group. “I went in with a desire to meet people outside of Oklahoma and see what their various roles in the industry are like. I also wanted to know more about the politics of agriculture policy.” According to its handbook, PLI, a joint effort of the National Pork Board and the National Pork Producers Council, was developed as a “comprehensive training curriculum designed to develop future leaders for the pork industry. Upon graduation, participants will understand the roles of the two organizations and will have developed the skills necessary to help lead an ever-changing pork industry and to tell the pork industry’s story from Main Street to the nation’s capital.” PLI events include media training, the World Pork Expo, visits with legislators, and an international trip. “It certainly broadened my horizons,” said Linneen. “I now have a more robust understanding of agriculture, especially the political side of what has to happen in DC and state legislatures. I realized how these activities impact what I do on a daily basis.” Linneen was a Senior Production Specialist and for The Pork

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Group, a division of Tyson foods, during her PLI experience. She recently joined Elanco Animal Health as a Technical Consultant (Swine) in Nutritional Health. A native of Tucson, Arizona, Linneen has degrees from University of Arizona, Kansas State University and Oklahoma State University. She served on the Oklahoma Pork Council board of directors in February 2016 until October 2017 and served one year as treasurer of the board. Linneen wasn’t able to attend PLI’s international trip to Mexico City, but she said that what she learned as part of all the other PLI classes was very valuable. “The media training is very useful, giving me skills that will help in both my career and as part of the swine industry,” Linneen said. To her fellow pork producers who might be interested in PLI, Linneen says: “Being a part of PLI was a fantastic experience because of the diverse exposure to the industry that you will not get every day in the industry. The skills and knowledge I was able to bring back to my job made it worth time commitment.” The next PLI class will kick off in September 2018. Stay tuned to okPORK publications so you’ll know when it’s time to apply to be part of this elite set of pork leaders. •

You Can Now Pay Your Memberhsip Online! www.okpork.org/membership Check membership type:  Producer  Producer $100

 Friend $100

901 N. Lincoln Blvd., Suite 380 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73104-3206 405-232-3781office 888-729-7675 toll free 405-232-3862 fax www.okpork.org

 Associate ($200)

COMPLETE AND RETURN THIS FORM TO OPC WITH YOUR MEMBERSHIP PAYMENT. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY! Membership Description Producer: Individuals, partnerships, corporations or firms that are actively engaged in the production of swine in Oklahoma. Friend: Extension educators, agriculture education instructors, local businessmen, others supporting OPC and Oklahoma’s pork industry. Associate: Feed companies, veterinary suppliers, pork product manufacturers, etc.

Name: Address: City, State & Zip: Phone:


E-mail: Spouse Name: Company/Farm Name:

County: ___________________________

District:  East  West  At Large (out of state) ___________________________________________________________________________________ Describe your operation:  Independent  Corporate  Contract  Show pig or purebred

Type of production:  Farrow only # of sows __________________  Farrow to feeder # of sows __________________  Farrow to finish # of sows __________________  Nursery only # of pigs ___________________  Finisher # of hogs __________________  Other (please describe)________________________

Payment Method  Cash

 Check (Payable to OPC)

Credit Card:  Visa

 MasterCard

 Discover

# ________________________ Expiration Date _____________ Signature ________________________ Address and Zip Code where credit card bill is mailed ___________________________________________

PAC Contributions The okPORK Political Action Committee (PAC) allows us to help with the election of friends of agriculture for state political office. The OPC will use your contribution to manage issues of benefit to the Oklahoma pork industry.

If you are making a PAC donation, please check all that apply & sign below!  Please commit ALL of my membership dues to okPORK’s Political Action Committee. (If you do not check here, your dues will stay in the OPC Membership fund.)  I would also like to contribute $ ________ to okPORK’s Political Action Committee. The contribution was freely and voluntarily given by me from my personal property. I have not directly or indirectly been compensated or reimbursed for the contribution.







FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date received __________

Cash ________

Update: Membership ________

Check # ________

Pork Pages ________

Amount received $________

E-Pork Partner ________

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prep: 20 mins • Cook: 45 min • servings: 8 3 pound bonless ham with netting removed 1 quart apple cider 1 yellow onion, thinly sliced 1 fennel bulb (9 oz.) with fronds removed, thinly sliced 2 ribs of celery, strings peeled, cut in half 1 orange, zested and juiced 3 sprigs fresh thyme (or 1/2 teaspoon dried) 1/3 cup molasses (not blackstrap)

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For the Ham: Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. In a large Dutch oven, add the cider, onion, fennel, celery, orange zest and juice, and thyme and bring to a boil over high heat. Add the ham, reduce the heat to low, and cover tightly. Simmer, occasionally turning the ham, for 30 minutes. Remove from the heat, uncover, and let stand for 10 minutes. Transfer ham to a plate. Strain cooking liquid through a wire sieve over a large bowl, reserving solids and liquid. In a large, wide saucepan, bring the liquid to a boil over high heat. Cook until reduced to about 1 1/2 cups, 40 to 45 minutes. Set the reduced liquid aside to use in the slaw. Transfer the poaching solids to a roasting pan and place the ham on top. Bake for 10 minutes. Brush with some of the molasses. Continue baking, brushing with more molasses every 10 minutes, until ham is glazed and a meat thermometer inserted in the center of the ham reads 145 degrees F. Let ham rest for 10 min. before slicing and serving.

prep: 20 mins • Cook: 45 min • servings: 8 8 pounds pork sausage 2 cups apple, unpeeded and chopped 3/4 onion, chopped 1/3 cup butter 1 teaspoon poultry seasoning 1/8 teaspoon pepper 6 cups cornbred, crumbled 1/4 cup fresh chopped parsley 1/2 cup chiken broth Heat oven to 350 degrees F. In a large skillet, cook sausage until brown. Remove sausage; drain and set aside. Drain fat from skillet. In the same skillet, cook apple and onion in hot butter until tender. Remove from heat. Stir in poultry seasoning and black pepper. In a large bowl, combine sausage, apple mixture, corn bread and parsley. Drizzle with enough chicken bread and parsley. Drizzle with enough chicken broth to moisten, tossing gently. Transfer to a greased 2-quart casserole. Cover and bake for 25 to 30 minutes or until heated through.

prep: 15 mins • Cook: 30 min • servings: 3 1 1/2 cups ham, diced* 8 oz. rigatoni or other pasta One 2 1/2 package white sauce or country gracy mix 2 cups swiss cheese, shredded 1 tablespoon dijon mustard one 10 oz. package frozen spinach, thawed and chopped 1/2teaspoon hot pepper sauce (optional) Cook rigatoni according to package directions; set aside. Prepare white sauce or country gravy mix; stir in ham, cheese, mustard, spinach and hot pepper sauce. Pour over pasta, toss gently to blend well. Pour into shallow 2-quart casserole; cover and bake in 350 degrees F. oven for 20 minutes. Uncover and bake 10 minutes more. Serves 3 to 4. Do-Ahead Tip: Prepare casserole; cover and refrigerate for up to 24 hours. Add 10 minutes to initial baking time. | 21

901 N. Lincoln Blvd., Suite 380 Oklahoma City, OK 73104-3206

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Bacon,Lettuce,Tomato Soup Prep: 10 min | Cook: 15 min | Serves: 4

Ingredients 8 slices of bacon, cooked One 28-oz. can crushed tomatoes One 14 1/2 - oz. can of chicken broth One 15 oz. can white beans (cannellini or nacy) 1 1/2 teaspoons Italian seasoning 2 teaspoons balsamic vinegar 1 cup leaf lettuce, shredded 1/4 cup fresh basil, sliced

Cooking Directions Coarsely crumble bacon & set aside. In 2-quart saucepan, stir together tomatoes, broth, beans and seasoning. Bring to a simmer; stir in vinegar. In small bowl, toss together lettuce & basil. Ladle soup into large soup plates or bowls; garnish each serving with crumbled bacon and lettuce & basil.

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